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Faraz Butte

Vulnerabilities Profile: Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, Turkey

Isolation: Zeytinburnu has poor traffic flow and is only served by one three-land
highway. There a few primary roads, which are often backed-up with traffic, however
most roads are crowded tertiary roads. This puts the people at risk of being cut off
from search, rescue, and aid efforts.

Low Socioeconomic level Zeytinburnu was one of the first informal settlements in
Istanbul. It is located just outside the ancient city walls and provides easy access to
nearby industrial areas. The district is still largely working class with very low
income. Recent gentrification has led to the development of some housing
complexes and luxury apartment buildings, however the majority of people still
working class.

Low Education level the majority of migrants to Zeytinburnu came from inner
Anatolia and lacked formal education. While the younger generation has higher
university completion rates, many still only complete high school and most over 35
do not have formal higher education.

Social isolation: Though the Turkish population has strong social connections (which
are crucial to survival today due to a poor economy and low incomes), there are
many migrants from Central Asia and Syria who face social isolation and
discrimination due to cultural and linguistic differences.

Social Tensions: Migrants from Central Asia and Syria have been blamed for taking
jobs, lowering wages, and raising rent prices. Many people are angry at the
government for letting so many asylum seekers in, and this has created tension in
society. Were a natural disaster or economic crisis to occur, there is a high chance of
social unrest due to poor economic conditions and social tensions.

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