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Mrs Morgan's Year 11 Maths Class Newsletter January 2017

Welcome to the second newsletter for Mrs Morgan's Revision

Year 11 Maths Class. This provides an update on what We will be issuing packs of practice exam papers this

your son has been learning in mathematics at Glyn. If term. Please encourage your son to do these papers at

you have any questions or concerns then don't hesitate home. Your son can access additional revision

to contact me by email resources here:
He can also use MyMaths, MathsWatch, revision
Pre-Public Exams
workbooks and revision cards.
PPE results were handed out in assembly on
Wednesday. Maths papers were returned in the lesson
Lever Arch Files
on Thursday. Boys may take these papers home to go
We are using folders rather than exercise books in class
through them in detail and make corrections.
this year - some of these folders are getting rather full
so it would be great if your son could move the
Congratulations to all students who met or exceeded
contents of his folder to a lever arch file.
their target grade (be it their personal target or the
school's target). Huge congratulations to the eight boys
Papers Society
who achieved a Grade 8 - this is an outstanding result.
After half-term I will be running a drop-in GCSE exam
The modal grade for this class was a Grade 6
paper session after school every Thursday in M4. I will
(equivalent to a B) - I'd like to see this increase to a
provide exam papers and biscuits. Your son can drop in
Grade 7 in the March PPEs. Every student will need to
for up to an hour and complete exam papers with
work hard to make that happen.
friends, asking me for help if and when he needs it.
Doing a high volume of practice exam papers has a
significant impact on GCSE maths outcomes. Last year
In the second half of last term we focused on
the boys who regularly attended my Thursday Papers
probability, volume and trigonometry. Over the next six
Society performed brilliantly in their summer exams, so
weeks we will be looking at some new topics including
please encourage your son to attend.
iteration and histograms. I hope to finish the GCSE
syllabus by Easter.
+ Parents' Puzzle +

What's Next...

I look forward to seeing you at Parents Evening on 2nd


The next set of PPEs start on 13th March. It is

important that all students use half-term to prepare for

these exams - the more work they do now, the better
their grade will be this summer.

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