2017 Member Letter

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Dear Members,

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the committee to thank my predecessor Debbie
ODea who has decided to step down from her role of Chairman and as a member of the
committee. Debbie has overseen a turnaround of the club utilising her vast knowledge and
contacts within the showing world. I do not think anyone except the committee members knew the
amount of work and time Debbie gave freely for the good of the club and its members. I would also
like to thank Michael, Faye and Rowena for the work and help they have given to the club whilst
serving on the committee.
With Debbie stepping down, it leaves a rather large pair of shoes to be filled and this the club
intend to do this year with new committee members. This being said we are still a small committee
and intend to ensure that your expectations of the show day experience will continue.
Over the last few seasons it has on occasions been a struggle to ensure the show ground is ready
for the show day experience you have come to expect and putting away at the end of the day. It
has only been possible by some members and non-members giving their time to help us. The
subject has been discussed at committee level for at least a couple of years and we have very
reluctantly decided to reintroduce a Duty Day this coming season. Please be aware that the
decision has been discussed in great depth at the last three committee meetings and the decision
has been made very reluctantly. It is intended that it will be one Duty Day per summer season
not 2 or 3 as other riding clubs have in place.
With regard to the show ground we are at present looking into the options of rearranging the layout
and bringing the Show Jumping ring into a more prominent and accessible position. Several
options are being looked at and once a decision has been made we will communicate this to you.
There are several subjects being discussed to enhance the forthcoming show season at Antrobus
Riding Club and these will be communicated to you once we are in a position to do so.
Once again, this year there are sponsorship opportunities at the club. If you wish to participate in
the sponsorship programme, please contact Abbey Brooks who can let you have details and
answer any questions.
Antrobus Riding Club 2017 Committee:

Sue Richards President

Ben Sargeant Chairman
Chris McGinlay Vice Chairman
Clare Robinson Club Secretary, BRC Liaison & Teams Organiser
Simon Graveney Treasurer
Abbey Brooks Sponsorship Coordinator & Child Protection Officer
Lisa Turner Social Media & Child Protection Officer
Ellie Cranston Dressage Coordinator
Katie Newport Membership Secretary
Kelly Roberts Work Party, Judge and Steward Coordinator
Tracey Hargraves Training Coordinator

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