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ARES: An Anti-jamming REinforcement System

for 802.11 Networks

Konstantinos Pelechrinis Ioannis Broustis

Dept. of CS&E Dept. of CS&E
UC Riverside UC Riverside
Srikanth V. Christos Gkantsidis
Krishnamurthy Microsoft Research
CS&E, UC Riverside Cambridge, UK

Dense, unmanaged 802.11 deployments tempt saboteurs into IEEE 802.11, Rate Control, Power Control, Jamming
launching jamming attacks by injecting malicious interfer-
ence. Nowadays, jammers can be portable devices that
transmit intermittently at low power in order to conserve 1. INTRODUCTION
energy. In this paper, we rst conduct extensive experi- The widespread proliferation of 802.11 wireless networks
ments on an indoor 802.11 network to assess the ability of makes them an attractive target for saboteurs with jam-
two physical layer functions, rate adaptation and power con- ming devices [1, 2, 3, 4]; this makes the defense against such
trol, in mitigating jamming. In the presence of a jammer we attacks very critical. A jammer transmits electromagnetic
nd that: (a) the use of popular rate adaptation algorithms energy to hinder legitimate communications on the wireless
can signicantly degrade network performance and, (b) ap- medium. A jamming attack can cause the following eects
propriate tuning of the carrier sensing threshold allows a in an 802.11 network: (a) Due to carrier sensing, co-channel
transmitter to send packets even when being jammed and transmitters defer their packet transmissions for prolonged
enables a receiver capture the desired signal. Based on our periods. (b) The jamming signal collides with legitimate
ndings, we build ARES, an Anti-jamming REinforcement packets at receivers. Frequency hopping techniques have
System, which tunes the parameters of rate adaptation and been previously proposed for avoiding jammers [5] [6]. Such
power control to improve the performance in the presence schemes however, are not eective in scenarios with wide-
of jammers. ARES ensures that operations under benign band jammers [7, 8]. Furthermore, given that 802.11 oper-
conditions are unaected. To demonstrate the eectiveness ates on relatively few frequency channels, multiple jamming
and generality of ARES, we evaluate it in three wireless devices operating on dierent channels can signicantly hurt
testbeds: (a) an 802.11n WLAN with MIMO nodes, (b) an performance in spite of using frequency hopping [9].
802.11a/g mesh network with mobile jammers and (c) an In this paper, we ask the question: How can legacy 802.11
802.11a WLAN with TCP trac. We observe that ARES devices alleviate the eects of a jammer that resides on the
improves the network throughput across all testbeds by up same channel used by a legitimate communicating pair, in
to 150%. real time? We address this challenge by developing ARES1 ,
a novel measurement driven system, which detects the pres-
Categories and Subject Descriptors ence of jammers and invokes rate adaptation and power
control strategies to alleviate jamming eects. Clearly, not
C.2.0 [General]: Security and Protection; C.2.3 [Computer
much can be done to mitigate jammers with unlimited re-
Communication Networks]: Network Operations
sources in terms of transmission power and spectrum e-
ciency. Note however that in a plurality of cases the jamming
General Terms device can be resource constrained, with capabilities similar
Design,Experimentation,Measurement,Performance,Security to that of the legitimate device2 . Portable, battery-operated
jammers are typically congured to transmit intermittently
This work was done partially with support from the US
Army Research Oce under the Multi-University Research and sometimes at low power, in order to conserve energy and
Initiative (MURI) grants W911NF-07-1-0318 and the NSF harm the network for extended periods of time. In addition,
NeTS:WN / Cyber trust grant 0721941. misconguration of legitimate devices can transform them
to resource-constrained jammers [3]. In such cases, ARES
can eectively ght against the malicious entity, as we dis-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for cuss later. Our contributions are the following:
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies 1
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to ARES [pron.
aris] was the god of war in Greek mythol-
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific ogy; we choose the name as a symbol of the combat with
permission and/or a fee. jammers.
CoNEXT09, December 14, 2009, Rome, Italy. We implement a jamming utility on a commodity 802.11
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-636-6/09/12 ...$10.00. NIC as described in more detail in Section 3.

1. Understanding the impact of jammers in an 802.11 formance benets in all the three networks; throughput im-
network with rate/power control. First, we perform provements of up to 150% are observed.
an in-depth measurement-based experimental study on our
indoor testbed, to quantify the impact of jamming when
employing rate and/or power control. To the best of our
knowledge, there are no such studies to date. With rate In this section, rst we briey describe the operations of a
control, a transmitter can increase or lower its transmission jammer and its attack capabilities. Next, we discuss relevant
rate depending on the observed packet delivery ratio (PDR) previous studies.
at the receiver. With power control, nodes may increase Types of Jamming Attacks. Jammers can be distin-
their transmission powers and/or clear channel assessment guished in terms of their attack strategy; a detailed discus-
(CCA) thresholds [10] in order to increase the probability of sion can be found in [14].
successful packet reception. The design of ARES is driven Non-stop jamming: Constant jammers continuously emit
by two key experimental observations: electromagnetic energy on a channel. Nowadays, constant
i) Rate adaptation can be counter-productive: In the jammers are commercially available and easy to obtain [1, 7].
presence of a jammer that is active intermittently (and sleeps While constant jammers emit non-decipherable messages,
in between), the use of rate adaptation is not always bene- deceptive jammers transmit seemingly legitimate back-to-
cial. We conduct experiments with three popular rate adap- back dummy data packets. Hence, they can mislead other
tation algorithms: SampleRate [11], Onoe [12] and AMRR nodes and monitoring systems into believing that legitimate
(Adaptive Multi Rate Retry) [13]. With every scheme, we trac is being sent.
observe that the use of rate adaptation may work in favor Intermittent Jamming: As the name suggests, these
of the jammer. This is because, rate adaptation wastes a jammers are active intermittently; the primary goal is to
large portion of a jammers sleeping time in order to gradu- conserve battery life. A random jammer typically alternates
ally converge to the best rate. We analytically determine between uniformly-distributed jamming and sleeping peri-
when xed rate operations may be preferable to the use of ods; it jams for Tj seconds and then it sleeps for Ts seconds.
rate adaptation. A reactive jammer starts emitting energy only if it detects
ii) Tuning the carrier sense threshold is benecial: trac on the medium. This makes the jammer dicult to
We collect throughput measurements with many dierent detect. However, implementing reactive jammers can be a
transmission powers and CCA thresholds. We nd that: challenge.
(a) In the presence of a jammer, legitimate transmissions Attackers are motivated into using a random jammer be-
with maximum power could lead to signicant benets, only cause putting the jammer to sleep intermittently can in-
when operating at low data rates. (b) Increasing the CCA crease its lifetime and decrease the probability of detection
threshold can allow a transmitter that is being jammed to [14]. Furthermore, it is the most generalized representation
send packets and in addition, facilitate the capture of pack- of a jammer; appropriately choosing the sleep times could
ets in the presence of jamming interference; together, these turn the jammer into a constant jammer or (with high prob-
eects can signicantly reduce the throughput degradation. ability) a reactive jammer. Moreover, reactive jammers are
2. Designing ARES, a novel anti-jamming system. not easily available since they are harder to implement and
The above observations drive the design of ARES. ARES pri- require special expertise on the part of the attacker.
marily consists of two modules. The rate control module Related work. Most previous studies employ frequency
chooses between xed-rate assignment and rate adaptation, hopping to avoid jammers. Frequency hopping, however,
based on channel conditions and the jammer characteristics. cannot alleviate the inuence of a wide-band jammer [7, 8],
The primary objective of this module is to eectively utilize which can eectively jam all the available channels. In ad-
the periods when a jammer is asleep. The power control dition, recent studies have shown that a few cleverly co-
module adjusts the CCA threshold to facilitate the trans- ordinated, narrow-band jammers can practically block the
mission and the reception (capture) of legitimate packets entire spectrum [9]. Thus, ARES does not rely on frequency
during jamming. Care is taken to avoid starvation of nodes hopping. For a set of related studies based on frequency
due to the creation of asymmetric links [10]. This module is hopping, please see [5], [6], [15].
used to facilitate successful communications while the jam- Xu et al. [14] develop ecient mechanisms for jammer
mer is active. Although rate and power control have been detection at the PHY layer (for all the 4 types of jam-
proposed as interference alleviation techniques, their behav- mers). However, they do not propose any jamming miti-
ior has not been studied in jamming environments. To our gation mechanisms. In [16], the same authors suggest that
knowledge, our work is the rst to conduct such a study. competition strategies, where transceivers adjust their trans-
3. Implementing and experimentally validating ARES. mission powers and/or use error correction codes, might al-
We implement and evaluate the modules of ARES on real leviate jamming eects. However, they neither propose an
hardware, thereby making ARES one of the few anti-jamming anti-jamming protocol nor perform evaluations to validate
system implementations for 802.11 networks. ARES relies their suggestions. Lin and Noubir [17] present an analyti-
on the existence of an accurate jamming detection mod- cal evaluation of the use of cryptographic interleavers with
ule. It is beyond the scope of our work to design a new dierent coding mechanisms to improve the robustness of
detection scheme, and thus we incorporate a mechanism pro- wireless LANs. In [18], the authors show that in the ab-
posed previously in [14]. To demonstrate the eectiveness sence of error-correction codes (as with 802.11) the jammer
and generality of our system, we apply it on three dier- can conserve battery power by destroying only a portion of
ent experimental networks: an 802.11n WLAN with MIMO a legitimate packet. Noubir [19] also proposes the use of
enabled nodes, an 802.11a/g mesh network with mobile jam- a combination of directional antennae and node-mobility in
mers, and a static 802.11a WLAN with uplink TCP trac. order to alleviate jammers. ARES can easily be used in con-
Our measurements demonstrate that ARES provides per- junction with directional antennae or with error correction

3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP order to alleviate jamming eects. We perform experiments
In this section, we describe our wireless testbed and ex- on both single-hop and multi-hop congurations.
perimental methodology.
Testbed Description: Our testbed consists of 37 Soekris
4.1 Rate Adaptation in Jamming Environments
net4826 nodes [20], which mount a Debian Linux distribu- Rate adaptation algorithms are utilized to select an ap-
tion with kernel v2.6, over NFS. Thirty of these nodes are propriate transmission rate as per the current channel con-
each equipped with two miniPCI 802.11a/g WiFi cards, an ditions. As interference levels increase, lower data rates are
EMP-8602 6G with Atheros chipset and an Intel-2915. The dynamically chosen. Since legitimate nodes consider jam-
other 7 nodes are equipped with one EMP-8602 6G and one mers as interferers, rate adaptation will reduce the trans-
RT2860 card that supports MIMO-based (802.11n) commu- mission rate on legitimate links while jammers are active.
nications. We use the MadWi driver [21] for the EMP-8602 Hence, one could potentially argue that rate control on le-
6G cards. We have modied the Linux client driver [22] of gitimate links increases reliability by reducing rate and thus,
the RT2860 to enable STBC (Space Time Block Coding) can provide throughput benets in jamming environments.
support. We use a proprietary version of the ipw2200 AP To examine the validity of this argument, we experiment
(access point) and client driver/rmware of the Intel-2915 with three dierent, popular rate adaptation algorithms,
card. With this version we are able to tune the CCA thresh- SampleRate [11], AMRR [13] and Onoe [12]. These algo-
old parameter. rithms are already implemented on the MadWi driver that
Experimental Settings and Methodology: We ex- we use. For simplicity, we rst consider a balanced random
periment with dierent rate adaptation algorithms in the jammer, which selects the sleep duration from a uniform dis-
presence of random jammers. We also perform experiments tribution U [1, 8] and the jamming duration from U [1, 5] (in
with various transmission powers of jammers and powers/CCA seconds).
thresholds of legitimate nodes. Our measurements encom- Details on the experimental process: We perform ex-
pass an exhaustive set of wireless links, routes of dierent periments with both single-hop and multi-hop congura-
lengths, as well as static and mobile jammers. We exam- tions. In each experiment, we rst load the particular rate-
ine both SISO and MIMO links. We experiment with three control Linux-kernel module (SampleRate, AMRR or Onoe)
modes of operation: 802.11a/g/n (unless otherwise stated on the wireless cards of legitimate nodes. We initiate data
throughout this paper, our observations are consistent for trac between the nodes and activate the jammer after a
all three modes of operation). The experiments are per- random time. We collect throughput measurements on each
formed late at night in order to isolate the impact of the data link once every 500 msec. We use the following termi-
jammers by avoiding interference from co-located WLANs. nology:
By default, all devices (legitimate nodes and jammers) set 1) Fixed transmission rate Rf : This is the nominal trans-
their transmission powers to 18 dBm. mission rate congured on the wireless card.
Implementing a random jammer: Our implementa- 2) Saturated rate Rs : It is the rate achieved when Rf is
tion of a jammer is based on a specic conguration (CCA chosen to be the rate on the wireless card. In order to com-
= 0 dBm) and a user space utility that sends broadcast pute Rs , for a given Rf , we consider links where the packet
packets as fast as possible. By setting the CCA thresh- delivery ratio (PDR) is 100 % for the particular setting of
old to such a high value, we force the device to ignore all Rf ; we then measure the rate achieved in practice. We no-
legitimate 802.11 signals even after carrier sensing; packets tice that for lower values of Rf , the specied rate is actually
arrive at the jammers circuitry with powers less than 0 dBm achieved on such links. However, for higher values of Rf (as
(even if the distances between the jammer and the legitimate an example Rf = 54 Mbps), the achieved data rate is much
transceivers are very small). We implement a random jam- lower; this has been observed in other work e.g. [24]. Table
mer but by setting the sleep time to zero, it can function as 1 contains a mapping, derived from measurements on our
a constant jammer. We use a set of 4 nodes as jammers on testbed, between Rf and Rs .
our testbed; these are equipped with Intel-2915 cards which 3) Application data rate Ra : This is the rate at which the
allow CCA tuning. application generates data.
Trac characteristics: We utilize the iperf measure-
ment tool to generate UDP data trac among legitimate Rf 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
nodes; the packet size is 1500 bytes. The duration of each Rs 6 9 12 18 24 26 27 27
experiment is 1 hour. For each experiment, we rst enable
iperf trac between legitimate nodes, and subsequently, we Table 1: The saturated-throughput matrix in Mbps.
activate the jammer(s). We consider both mesh and WLAN
connectivity. We experiment with dierent jammer distri- It is dicult (if not impossible) to a priori determine the
butions, namely: (a) frequent jammers, which are active al- best xed rate on a link. Given this, we set:
most all of the time, (b) rare jammers, which spend most of Rf = {min Rf : Rf Ra },
their time sleeping, and (c) balanced jammers that have sim- which is the maximum rate that is required by the applica-
ilar average jamming and sleeping times. We have disabled tion (we discuss the implications of this choice later). Our
RTS/CTS message exchange throughout our experiments (a key observations are summarized below:
common design decision in practice [23]).
Rate adaptation algorithms perform poorly on
high-quality links due to the long times that
4. DERIVING SYSTEM GUIDELINES they incur for converging to the appropriate
In this section, we describe our experiments towards un- high rate.
derstanding the behavioral trends of power and rate adap-
tation techniques, in the presence of jammer(s). Our goal is On lossless links, the xed rate Rf is better,
to determine if there are properties that can be exploited in while rate adaptation is benecial on lossy links.

We defer dening what constitute lossless or lossy links to 2. The application data rate, Ra .
later; conceptually, we consider lossless links to be those
links that can achieve higher long-term throughput using a 3. The performance metric on the considered legitimate
xed transmission rate Rf , rather than by applying rate link, i.e., PDR, link throughput, etc.
adaptation. 4. The rate adaptation scheme that is employed, i.e., Onoe,
4.1.1 Single-hop Configurations SampleRate, etc. The key scheme-specic factor is the
transition time from a lower rate to the next higher
Our experiments with one-hop connectivity involve 80 sets
rate, under conducive conditions.
of sender-receiver pairs and one jammer per pair. We impose
that a jammer interferes with one link at a time and that 5. The eectiveness of the jammer F , measured by the
the legitimate data links do not interfere with each other. achievable throughput while the jammer is on. The
Thus, we perform 20 dierent sets of experiments, with 4 lower the throughput, the more eective the jammer.
isolated data links and 4 jammers in each experiment.
Rate adaptation consumes a signicant part of the Let us suppose that the expected sleeping duration of the
jammers sleep time, to converge to the appropriate jammer during a cycle, is given by E[ts ] and the expected
rate: As soon as the jammer goes to sleep, the link quality period for which it is active, by E[tj ]. The expected duration
improves and thus, the rate control algorithm starts increas- of a cycle is then E[ts ]+E[tj ]. As an example, if the jammer
ing the rate progressively. However, since the purpose of a picks its sleeping period from a uniform distribution U [a, b]
jamming attack is to corrupt as many transmissions as pos- and its jamming period from U [c, d], E[ts ] and E[tj ] are
sible, the jammer will typically not sleep for a long time. In equal to b+a 2
and d+c2
, respectively. For simplicity let us
such a case, the sleep duration of the jammer will not be assume that the link-quality metric employed3 is the PDR.
enough for the rate control to reach the highest rate possi- With application data rate Ra and xed transmission rate
ble. To illustrate this we choose two links on our testbed, Rf , the throughput achieved during a jammers cycle is:
one that can support 12 Mbps and the other that can sup-
port 54 Mbps. Figure 1 depicts the results. We observe E[ts ] E[tj ]
Tf ixed = P DRf Rs + F, (1)
that (a) irrespective of whether SampleRate or a xed rate E[ts ] + E[tj ] E[ts ] + E[tj ]
strategy is used, during jamming the throughput drops to where P DRf is the PDR of the link at rate Rf . Recall that
values close to zero since the jammer blocks the medium for the rate achieved in practice with a specied rate Rf is Rs .
the sender, and (b) the throughput achieved with SampleR- To compute the throughput with rate adaptation, we pro-
ate is quite low, and much lower than if we x the rate to ceed as follows. Let us assume that x(F, Rs ) corresponds to
the constant value of 12 Mbps. Note that we have observed the convergence time of the rate adaptation algorithm (spe-
the same behavior with AMRR and Onoe. cic to the chosen algorithm). We consider the following
Fixed rate assignment outperforms rate adapta- two cases.
tion on lossless links: As alluded to above, in order to 1) x(F, Rs ) < E[ts ]. This case holds when the jammers
nd the best rate on a link after a period where there is no sleep duration is sucient (on average) for the rate control
throughput due to a jammer, the rate adaptation mecha- algorithm to converge to the best rate Rs . In this scenario,
nisms gradually increase the rate, invoking transmissions at the achievable throughput is:
all the lower rates interim, until the best rate is reached. X
For links that can inherently support high rates, this pro- [E[ts ] x(Rs )]Rs + y(Ri )Ri + E[tj ] F
cess might consume the sleep period of the jammer (as sug- Ri
gested by the results in Figure 1). If the best rate for a link Tadapt = ,
E[ts ] + E[tj ]
was known a priori, at the instance that the jammer goes to
sleep, transmissions may be invoked at that rate. This would where Ri S, S being the set of all intermediate rates from
utilize the sleep period of the jammer more eectively. As F to Rs . y(Ri ) is the time that the rate control algorithm
observed in Figure 2, the throughputs achieved with xed spends at the corresponding rate Ri . The values of y(Ri ) are
rate assignment are much higher than those achieved with specic to the implementation of the rate control algorithm.
rate adaptation on such links. Note that x(F, Rs ) can be easily computed from y(Ri ) by
Determining the right transmission rate policy: adding all the individual durations for the rates belonging
to the set S.
Implications of setting Rf = {min Rf : Rf Ra }:
2) x(F, Rs ) E[ts ]. In this scenario, the average sleep
Since the application does not require the link to sustain a
time of the jammer is insucient for the rate control algo-
higher rate, the highest throughput for that application rate
rithm to converge to the desired rate. When the jammer
is reached either with this choice of Rf or with some rate
wakes up, the rate will again drop due to increased interfer-
that is lower than Ra . If the rate adaptation algorithm con-
ence. Here, the throughput that can be achieved during a
verges to a rate that results in a throughput that is higher
jammers cycle is:
than with the chosen Rf , then the adaptive rate strategy " #
should be used. If instead, during the jammers sleep pe- Xn Xn

riod, the rate adaptation technique is unable to converge to y(Ri )Ri+ E[ts ] y(Ri ) Rn+1 + E[tj ]F
such a rate, the xed rate strategy is better. Tadapt =
i=1 i=1
Analytically determining the right rate: In order to deter- E[ts ] + E[tj ]
mine whether it is better to use a xed or an adaptive-rate
approach for a given link, we perform an analysis based on X
where n = max{k : y(Ri ) E[ts ] }.
the following parameters:
1. The distribution of the jammers active and sleep pe- 3
Our analysis can be modied to adopt any other link-
riods (we call this the jammers distribution). quality metric.

35 25
14 Fixed rate 12Mbps Fixed rate 54Mbps Fixed Rate
Sample rate 12Mbps Sample rate 54Mbps Sample Rate

Average Throughput (Mbps)

12 20 ONOE
Throughput (Mbps)

Throughput (Mbps)
6 10

4 10
2 5

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
Time (sec) Time (sec) Rate(Mbps)

Figure 1: Rate adaptation algorithms may not nd the best Figure 2: Fixed rates outperform rate
rate during the sleep period of the jammer. We show cases for adaptation for high-quality links, under
Ra = 12 Mbps (left) and Ra = 54 Mbps (right). random jamming. (Ra = Rf )

Based on the above analysis, we dene a link to be lossy, Rf Measured P DRfT H Analytical P DRfT H
when Tf ixed Tadapt ; the links on which Tf ixed > Tadapt 6 0.82 0.83
are classied as lossless links. Clearly for lossy links it 9 0.52 0.55
is better to use the rate adaptation algorithm. The anal- 12 0.40 0.41
ysis can be used to compute P DRfT H , a threshold value 18 0.26 0.27
of P DRf below which, a rate adaptation strategy performs 24 0.19 0.21
better than the xed rate approach. In particular, by setting 36 0.19 0.20
Tf ixed = Tadapt and solving this equation, one can compute 48 0.17 0.185
P DRfT H . Based on this, a decision can be made on whether 54 0.15 0.185
to enable rate adaptation or use xed-rate assignment. If
the observed PDR is larger than the computed threshold, Table 2: P DRf thresholds
xed rate should be used; otherwise, rate adaptation should
be used. rate adaptation has more time to converge and therefore of-
Validation of our analysis: In order to validate our ten succeeds in achieving the highest rate possible; one ob-
analysis, we measure P DRfT H on 80 dierent links in the serves the opposite eect when we have a frequent jammer.
presence of a balanced jammer. We then compare them The results are plotted in Figures 5 and 6.
against the P DRfT H values computed with our analysis.
- Sleep time (sec) Jamming time (sec)
Note here that the analysis itself depends on measured val-
ues of certain quantities (such as the jammer distribution Balanced U[1,8] U[1,5]
and the function y(Ri )). In this experiment, we consider the Rare U[1,5] U[1,2]
SampleRate algorithm, and measure the values of x(F, Rs ) Frequent U[1,2] U[1,15]
and y(Ri ). The jammers sleep time follows U [0, 4] and the
jamming time follows U [1, 6]. Figure 3 plots the values of Table 3: The jamming distributions that we use in
function y for dierent values of Rf . our experiments.
In Table 2, we compare the theoretically computed PDR
thresholds with the ones measured on our testbed, for var- 4.1.2 Random Jamming in Multi-hop Topologies
ious values of Rf . We observe that the P DRf thresholds Next, we examine the impact of a random jammer on the
computed with our analysis are very similar to the ones mea- end-to-end throughput of a multi-hop path. We experiment
sured on our testbed. There are slight discrepancies since with 15 dierent routes on our testbed. We x static routes
our analysis is based on using measured average values which of various lengths (from 2 to 4 links per route) utilizing the
may change to some extent over time. We wish to stress that route Unix tool in order to modify the routing tables of
while we verify our analysis assuming that the jammer is ac- nodes. We place a jammer such that it aects one or more
tive and idle for uniformly distributed periods of time, our links. Along each route, links that are not aected by the
analysis depends only on expected values and is therefore jammer consistently use a rate adaptation algorithm. On
valid for other jammer distributions. Finally, Figure 4 shows the links that are subject to jamming, our analysis dictates
the advantage of using a xed rate approach over SampleR- the decision on whether to use xed or adaptive rate assign-
ate for various PDR values and with Rf = 54 Mbps. We ment. We measure the end-to-end throughput on the route.
observe that SampleRate provides higher throughput only We show our results for routes on which, in the absence of
for very low PDR values. a jammer, end-to-end throughput of 6 and 12 Mbps was ob-
Next, we consider two extreme cases of jamming: frequent served. From Figure 7 we see that the behavior with rate
and rare jammers (see section 3). The distributions that we adaptation on multi-hop routes, in the presence of a random
use in our experiments for these jammers are shown in Table jammer, is the same as that on a single-hop link. In partic-
3. Note that by choosing the jammers sleeping and jamming ular, with low data rates, a suciently high PDR has to be
time from distributions like that of the frequent jammer, we sustained over the route, in order for a xed rate approach
essentially construct a constant jammer. With frequent jam- to perform better than rate adaptation. On the other hand,
mers, the dierence in the performance between xed rate when routes support high data rates, xing the rate on the
assignment and rate adaptation is larger, while for a rare individual links (that are aected by the jammer) as per our
jammer it is smaller. This is because with rare jamming, analytical framework, provides higher benets.

15 30

Average Throughput (Mbps)

Fixed Rate

Throughput gain (Mbps)

30 6Mbps
9Mbps 25 Sample Rate
25 12Mbps 10
18Mbps 20
20 24Mbps

36Mbps 15
15 48Mbps
54Mbps 10
10 0
-5 0
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
PDR Rate(Mbps)

Figure 4: Throughput gain of Figure 5: The performance

Figure 3: Measured conver- xed rate Vs. SampleRate, with rare jammers is aligned
gence times of the MadWi for various link qualities and with our observations for the
SampleRate algorithm, for the for application data rate of 54 case with balanced jammers.
dierent application data rates. Mbps. (Ra = Rf )

8 1
Average Throughput (Mbps)

Fixed Rate 5 6Mbps

Throughput (%) sustained

Average Throughput (Mbps)
7 Sample Rate Fixed Rate 54Mbps
Sample Rate 0.8
6 4
3 0.6
3 0.4
1 1 0.2
6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 0 0
6 12 (18,18) (18,5)
Rate(Mbps) (PL dBm,PJ dBm)

Figure 6: Fixed rate improves Figure 8: Percentage of the

Figure 7: Rate adaptation
the performance more than isolated throughput, for vari-
presents the same behavior
rate adaptation at high rates, ous PL and PJ combinations,
in multihop links; it provides
with frequent jammers. (Ra = for two dierent transmission
lower throughput at high rates.
Rf ) rates.

Choosing the right policy in practice: To summa- ceived data packets. Thus, one could argue that increasing
rize our ndings, our analysis demonstrates that using a the transmission power is always benecial in jamming en-
xed rate may be attractive on lossless links while it would vironments [17].
be better to use rate adaptation on lossy links. However, We vary the transmission powers of both the jammer and
as discussed, determining when to use one over the other legitimate transceiver, as well as the CCA threshold of the
in real time during system operations is dicult; the de- latter. Note that the jammers transmission distribution is
termination requires the knowledge of x(F, Rs ), y(Ri ) and not very relevant in this part of our study. Our expectation
estimates of how often the jammer is active/asleep, on av- is that tuning the power of legitimate transceivers will pro-
erage. Thus, we choose a simpler practical approach that vide benets while the jammer is active. In other words,
we call MRC for Markovian Rate Control. We will describe one can expect that the benets from power control
MRC in detail later (in section 5) but in a nutshell, MRC will be similar with any type of jammer. We dene the
induces memory into the system and keeps track of the feasi- following:
ble rates during benign jamming-free periods; as soon as the
jammer goes to sleep, legitimate transmissions are invoked RSSIT R : The RSSI of the signal of the legitimate
at the most recent rate used during the previous sleeping cy- transmitter at its receiver.
cle of the jammer. We also perform oine measurements by
directly using our analytical formulation (with knowledge of RSSIRT : The RSSI of the signal in the reverse direc-
the aforementioned parameters); these measurements serve tion (the receiver is now the transmitter).
as benchmarks for evaluating the ecacy of MRC (discussed
in section 6). RSSIJ T and RSSIJ R : The RSSI values of the jam-
ming signal at the legitimate transmitter and receiver,
4.2 Performance of Power Control in the Pres-
ence of Random Jamming RSSIJ : The minimum of {RSSIJ T , RSSIJ R }.
Next, we examine whether tuning power levels can help
cope with the interference injected by a jammer. If we con- PL and CCAL : The transmission power and the CCA
sider a single legitimate data link and a jammer, increment- threshold at legitimate transceivers.
ing the transmission power on the data link should increase
the SINR (signal-to-interference plus noise ratio) of the re- PJ : The transmission power of the jammer.

Our main observations are the following: Weak jammer: Let us suppose that the jammers signals
arrive with low RSSI at legitimate nodes. This may be ei-
Mitigating jamming eects by incrementing PL ther due to energy-conservation strategies implemented by
is viable at low data rates. It is extremely dif- the jammer causing it to use low PJ (e.g., 2 dBm), or due to
cult to overcome the jamming interference at poor channel conditions between a jammer and a legitimate
high rates, simply with power adaptation. transceiver. At high transmission rates, the SINR required
for the successful decoding of a packet is larger than what is
Increasing CCAL restores (in most cases) the required at low rates (shown in Table 4) [10]. Our through-
isolated throughput (the throughput achieved put measurements show that even in the presence of weak
in the absence of jammers). jammers, the SINR requirements at high transmission rates
are typically not satised. However, since the SINR require-
We present our experiments and the interpretations thereof, ments at lower data rates are less stringent, the combination
in what follows. of high PL and low rate, provides signicant throughput ben-
4.2.1 Increasing PL to cope with jamming interfer-
ence Data Rate 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
Increasing PL will increase the SINR and one might expect SINR (dB) 6 7.8 9 10.8 17 18.8 24 24.6
that this would reduce the impact of jamming interference
on the throughput. In our experiments we quantify the gains Table 4: SINR levels required for successful packet
from employing such a brute-force approach. decoding, in 802.11a/g.
Details on the experimental process: We perform mea-
surements on 80 dierent links and with 4 jammers. We con-
sider dierent xed values for PJ (from 1 dBm to 18 dBm). 4.2.2 Tuning CCAL on single-hop settings
For each of these values we vary PL between 1 and 18 dBm Next, we investigate the potential of adjusting CCAL in
and observe the throughput in the presence of the jammer, conjunction with PL .
for all possible xed transmission rates. For each chosen pair Implementation and experimental details: For these
of values {PL , PJ }, we run 60-minute repeated experiments experiments we exclusively use the Intel-2915 cards; these
and collect a new throughput measurement once every 0.5 cards allow us to tune the CCA threshold. We have mod-
seconds. Both end-nodes of a legitimate link use the same ied a prototype version of the AP/client driver, in order
transmission power. to periodically collect measurements for RSSIT R , RSSIRT
The combination of high PL and low data rate and RSSIJ . We consider 80 AP-client data links, with traf-
helps mitigate the impact of low-power jammers. c owing from the AP to the client. As before, we divide
We experiment with many dierent locations of the jam- the 80 data links into 20 sets of 4 isolated links. We use In-
mers. Our measurements indicate that when high transmis- tels proprietary rate adaptation algorithm, which has been
sion rates are used, increasing PL does not help alleviate implemented in the rmware of the Intel-2915 cards. We
the impact of jammers. Sample results are depicted in Fig- measure the achieved data throughput for dierent values
ure 8. In this gure, we plot the percentage of the isolated of PL and CCAL . Both nodes of a data link use the same
throughput achieved in the presence of jamming, for two rep- power and CCA threshold values.
resentative combinations of PL and PJ and for 2 dierent Tuning the CCA threshold is a potential jamming
rates. In our experiments on the 80 considered links, there mitigation technique. To begin with, we perform through-
were no links where incrementing PL increased the through- put measurements with the default CCAL value (-80 dBm),
put at high data rates, even with very low jamming powers. and with various RSSIJ values. We observe from Figure
While there could exist cases where incrementing PL could 10 that when RSSIJ < CCAL , data links achieve high
yield benets at high rates, this was not observed. In con- throughput. This is because signals with RSSI < CCAL are
trast, we observe that with low data rates and when PJ is ignored by the transceivers hardware. In particular, (a)
low, data links can overcome jamming to a large extent by such signals do not render the medium busy, and (b) re-
increasing PL . Figure 9 depicts another representative sub- ceivers are trying to latch onto signals with RSSI > CCAL ,
set of our measurement results where all legitimate nodes while other signals are considered to be background noise.
use PL =18 dBm, while PJ is varied between 1 and 18 dBm. Moreover, even when RSSIJ is slightly larger than CCAL ,
We observe that the combination of high PL with low data we still observe decent throughput achievements for the cases
rate helps overcome the impact of jamming, when PJ is low. wherein data links operate at high SINR regimes. This is
Note also that when PJ is high, it is extremely dicult to because the reported RSSI value is an average and the jam-
achieve high average throughput. mer signal could be below the threshold even here, in many
The above observations can be explained by taking a care- cases. These measurements imply that the ability to tune
ful look at the following two cases: CCAL can help receive data packets correctly, even while
Strong jammer: Let us consider a jammer such that jammers are active.
RSSIJ > CCAL . This can result in two eects: (a) The In order to further explore the potential of such an ap-
sender will sense that the medium is constantly busy and proach, we vary CCAL from -75 to -30 dBm on each of
will defer its packet transmissions for prolonged periods of the considered 80 links. Figure 11 depicts the results for
time. (b) The signals of both the sender and the jammer will the case where CCAL is equal to -50 dBm.We observe that
arrive at the receiver with RSSI values higher than CCAL . increasing CCAL results in signicantly higher data
This will result in a packet collision at the receiver. In both throughput, even with quite high RSSIJ values. More
cases, the throughput is degraded. Our measurements show specically, from Figure 11 we observe that when RSSIJ
that it is not possible to mitigate strong jammers simply by is lower than CCAL , links can achieve up to 95% of the
increasing PL . throughput that is achieved when the medium is jamming


Throughput (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
PJ (dBm)

6 Mbps 24 Mbps
9 Mbps 36 Mbps
12 Mbps 48 Mbps
18 Mbps 54 Mbps

Figure 9: Percentage of the iso- Figure 10: Percentage of the

Figure 11: Percentage of the
lated throughput in the pres- isolated throughput in the
isolated throughput, for vari-
ence of a balanced jammer for presence of a balanced jammer
ous RSSIJ values, and for CCAL
various PJ and PJ values and Vs. RSSIJ , for CCAL = 80
= 50 dBm.
data rates. dBm.


Average Throughput (Mbps)

1 1 Fixed Rate
Sample Rate
0.8 20 MRC with K=3
Throughput (%)
MRC with K=30
Throughput (%)

0.6 0.6 15

0.4 0.4 10
PL 20dBm
0.2 PL 15dBm 5
PL 10dBm 0.2
PL 05dBm
0 0
-80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 0
-80 -40 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
CCA(dBm) Rate(Mbps)

Figure 12: Percentage of the Figure 13: Careful CCA adap- Figure 14: MRC outperforms
isolated throughput, for vari- tation signicantly improves current rate adaptation algo-
ous CCAL values and various PL the end-to-end throughput rithms, especially for high val-
values. PJ = 20 dBm. along a route. ues of K.

free. When RSSIJ CCAL , data links still achieve up to each other, if all nodes use the same PL , their CCAL values
70% of the jamming-free throughput (capture of data pack- must be the same [10], [25]. However, we did not experiment
ets is still possible to a signicant extent). As one might with such scenarios given that our objective is to isolate the
expect, if RSSIJ  CCAL , there are no performance ben- impact of a jammer and not to examine interference between
ets. coexisting sessions in a network.
Our observations also hold in some scenarios where, PJ > We experiment with the same multi-hop settings as in
PL . Figure 12 presents the results from one such scenario. section 4.1.2. Figure 13 presents the results observed on
We observe that appropriate CCA settings can allow le- one of our routes. We observe that careful CCA tuning can
gitimate nodes to exchange trac eectively, even when provide signicant average end-to-end throughput benets
PJ  PL . This is possible if the link conditions between the along a route.
jammer and the legitimate transceivers are poor and result
in low RSSIJ . Note here that one cannot increase CCAL
to arbitrarily high values on legitimate nodes. Doing so is 5. DESIGNING ARES
likely to compromise connectivity between nodes or degrade In this section, we design our system ARES based on the
the throughput due to failure of capturing packets as seen observations from the previous section. ARES is composed
in Figure 12 for PL = 5dBm and PL = 10dBm. of two main modules: (a) a rate module that chooses be-
tween xed or adaptive-rate assignment, and (b) a power
4.2.3 Tuning CCAL in multi-hop configurations control module that facilitates appropriate CCA tuning on
We perform experiments with various CCA thresholds legitimate nodes.
along a route. Previous studies have shown that in order Rate Module in ARES: As discussed in section 4.1, our
to avoid starvation due to asymmetric links, the transmis- experiments with three popular rate adaptation algorithms
sion power and the CCA threshold need to be jointly tuned show that the convergence time of the algorithms aects the
for all nodes of the same connected (sub)network [10]. In link performance in random-jamming environments. This
particular, the product C = PL CCAL must be the same convergence time is largely implementation specic. As an
for all nodes. Given this, we ensure that C is the same for example, our experiments with both SampleRate and Onoe
all nodes that are part of a route. In particular, we set PL show that in many cases it takes more than 10 sec for both
to be equal to the maximum possible value of 20 dBm on all algorithms to converge to the best rate; [26] reports similar
nodes of a route; for each run, CCAL is therefore set to be observations. The rate module in ARES decides on whether
the same on all of the nodes on the route. Throughout our a xed or an adaptive-rate approach should be applied.
experiments with multi-hop trac, nodes on one route do MRC: Markovian Rate Control: MRC is an algorithm
not interfere with nodes that are on other routes. In scenar- patch that can be implemented on top of any rate control
ios where nodes belonging to dierent routes interfere with algorithm. MRC is motivated by our analysis in section 4.

However, as discussed earlier, it does not directly apply the We determine the variations in RSSI measurements via ex-
analysis, since this would require extensive oine measure- periments on a large set of links. The measurements indicate
ments (the collection of which can be time-consuming) and that is approximately 5 dB for our testbed (a less con-
estimates of the jammer active and sleep periods. The key servative value than what is reported in [27]). The value of
idea that drives MRC is that a rate adaptation algorithm CCAL has to be at least dB lower than both RSSIT R
need not examine the performance at all the transmission and RSSIRT , to guarantee connectivity at all times. Hence,
rates during the sleeping period of the jammer. The algo- ARES sets:
rithm simply needs to remember the previously used trans-
mission rate, and use it as soon as the jammer goes to sleep. CCAL = min(RSSIT R , RSSIRT ) , if
Simply put, MRC introduces memory into the system. The
system keeps track of past transmission rates and hops to max(RSSIJ T ,RSSIJ R) min(RSSIT R ,RSSIRT) .
the stored highest-rate state as soon as the jammer goes to
sleep. Since the channel conditions may also change due Otherwise, CCAL is not changed4 . This ensures that legiti-
to the variability in the environment, MRC invokes the re- mate nodes are always connected, while the jammers signal
scanning of all rates periodically, once every K consecutive is ignored to the extent possible. Our experiments indicate
sleeping/jamming cycles. When K = 1 we do not expect that, especially if
to have any benets, since the scanning takes place in each max(RSSIJ T ,RSSIJ R) min(RSSIT R ,RSSIRT) 2,
Note here that the appropriate value of K depends on the the data link can operate as if it is jamming-free.
environment and the sleep and active periods of the jammer. In order to avoid starvation eects, the tuning of the CCA
One could adaptively tune the K value. As an example, threshold should be performed only when nodes that par-
an additive increase additive decrease strategy may be used ticipate in power control belong to the same network [25].
where one would increase the value of K until a degradation Unless collocated networks cooperate in jointly tuning their
is seen. The K value would then be decreased. The im- CCA (as per our scheme), our power control module will
plementation of such a strategy is beyond the scope of this not be used. Note that when jamming attacks become more
paper and will be considered in the future. prevalent, cooperation between coexisting networks may be
Implementation details of MRC: The implementation (a) essential in order to ght the attackers. Hence, in such cases
keeps track of the highest transmission rate used over a be- collocated networks can have an agreement to jointly in-
nign time period (when the jammer is asleep) and, (b) ap- crease the CCA thresholds when there is a jammer.
plies this rate immediately upon the detection of the next Implementation details: Our power control algorithm
transition from the jammers active period to the sleeping can be applied in a centralized manner by having all le-
period. gitimate nodes report the required RSSI values to a central
Figure 14 presents a set of measurements with MRC, with server. The central server then applies the same CCAL
intermittent SampleRate invocations (once every K cycles) value to all nodes (of the same connected network). The
for K = {3, 30}. We observe that MRC outperforms pure chosen CCAL is the highest possible CCA threshold that
SampleRate in jamming environments, especially with larger guarantees connectivity between legitimate nodes. This re-
values of K. With small K, the rate adaptation algorithm porting requires trivial modications on the wireless drivers.
is invoked often and this reduces the achieved benets. Fur- We have implemented a centralized functionality when our
thermore, MRC provides throughput that is close to the network is congured as a multi-hop wireless mesh.
maximum achievable on the link (which may be either with In a distributed setting, our algorithm is applicable as
xed or adaptive rate, depending on whether the link is lossy long as legitimate nodes are able to exchange RSSI infor-
or lossless). mation. Each node can then independently determine the
Power Control Module in ARES: As discussed in sec- CCAL value. To demonstrate its viability, we implement
tion 4.2, increasing PL is benecial at low rates; while at and test a distributed version of the power control module
high rates this is not particularly useful, it does not hurt in a 802.11a/g WLAN conguration. In particular, we mod-
either. Since our goal in this paper is to propose methods ify the Intel prototype AP driver, by adding an extra eld in
for overcoming the eects of jamming (and not legitimate) the Beacon template. This new eld contains a matrix of
interference, we impose the use of the maximum PL by all RSSI values of neighboring jammers and legitimate nodes.
nodes in the presence of jammers. The design of a power We enable the decoding of received beacons in the AP driver
control mechanism that in addition takes into account the (they do not read these by default). Assuming that a jam-
imposed legitimate interference (due to high PL ) is beyond mer imposes almost the same amount of interference on all
the scope of this paper. devices (AP and clients) within a cell, the AP of the cell
More signicantly, our power control module overcomes determines the nal CCAL after a series of iterations in a
jamming interference by adaptively tuning CCAL . The manner very similar to the approaches in [25], [10].
module requires the following inputs on each link: Combining the modules to form ARES: We combine
our rate and power control modules to construct ARES as
The values of RSSIT R , RSSIRT , RSSIJ R , and RSSIJ T . shown in Figure 15. The goal of ARES is to apply the in-
These values can be easily observed in real time. dividual modules as appropriate, once the jammers are de-
tected. For the latter, ARES relies on already existing jam-
An estimation for the shadow fading variation of the ming detection schemes and inherits their accuracy. For ex-
channel, . Due to shadow fading, the above RSSI ample, the mechanism that was proposed in [14] can be used;
values can occasionally vary by . The value of is this functionality performs a consistency check between the
dependent on the environment of deployment. One can
perform oine measurements and congure the value 4
We choose not to tune CCAL , unless we are certain that
of in ARES. it can help alleviate jamming interference.

Figure 15: ARES: our Anti-jamming Reinforcement System.

instantaneous PDR and RSSI values. If the PDR is ex- links present the same vulnerabilities as 802.11a or g links.
tremely low while the RSSI is much higher than the default In other words, MIMO does not oer signicant benets by
CCAL , the node is considered to be jammed. We want to itself, in the presence of a jammer. This is due to the fact
reiterate, that it is beyond the scope of our work to design that 802.11n is still employing CSMA/CA and as a result the
a new, even more accurate, detection scheme. jamming signals can render the medium busy for a MIMO
ARES applies the power control module rst, since with node as well. Moreover, for STBC codes to work eectively
this module, the impact of the jammer(s) could be com- and provide a reduction in the SINR for a desired bit error
pletely overcome. If the receiver is able to capture and de- rate (BER), the signals received on the two antenna elements
code all packets in spite of the jammers transmissions, no will have to experience independent multipath fading eects.
further actions are required. Note that even if CCAL > In other words, a line of sight or dominant path must be
RSSIJ , the jammer can still aect the link performance. absent. However, in our indoor testbed, given the proximity
This is because with CCA tuning the jamming signals power of the communicating transceiver pair, this may not be the
is added to the noise power. Hence, even though the through- case. Thus, little diversity is achieved [28] and does not
put may increase, the link may not achieve the jamming- suce in coping with the jamming eects.
free performance while the jammer is active. If the jammer Next, we apply ARES and observe the behavior. The
still has an eect on the network performance after tuning logical set of steps that ARES follows (in Figure 15) is
CCAL , (or if CCA tuning is infeasible due to the presence of 1 5 7 8 9. Since the CCA threshold is not tun-
collocated uncooperative networks) ARES enables the rate able with the RT2860 cards, ARES derives decisions with re-
module. Note that the two modules can operate indepen- gards to rate control only. Figure 16 depicts the results. We
dently and the system can bypass any of them in case the observe that the conguration with ARES outperforms the
hardware/software does not support the specic functional- rate adaptation scheme that is implemented on the RT2860
ity. cards in the presence of the jammer, by as much as 100%.
Note that higher gains would be possible, if ARES was able
to invoke the power control module.
6. EVALUATING OUR SYSTEM In Figure 16 we also compare the throughput with MRC
We rst evaluate ARES by examining its performance in against the suggested settings with our analysis (these set-
three dierent networks: a MIMO-based WLAN, an 802.11 tings allow us to obtain benchmark measurements possible
mesh network in the presence of mobile-jammers, and an with global information). The parameters input to the anal-
802.11a WLAN setting where uplink TCP trac is consid- ysis are the following: (a) The jammer is balanced with a
ered. jamming distribution U [1, 5] and a sleep distribution U [1, 6].
ARES boosts the throughput of our MIMO WLAN (b) We examine four Ra values: 13.5, 27, 40.5, 54 Mbps. (c)
under jamming by as much as 100%: Our objective F = 0 Mbps. (d) We input estimates of the y(Ri ) values
here is twofold. First, we seek to observe and understand which are obtained via comprehensive oine measurements.
the behavior of MIMO networks in the presence of jamming. (e) The oine measured P DRf . We observe that the per-
Second, we wish to measure the eectiveness of ARES in formance with MRC is quite close to our benchmark mea-
such settings. Towards this, we deploy a set of 7 nodes surements. These results show that in spite of having no
equipped with Ralink RT2860 miniPCI cards. information with regards to the jammer distribution or the
Experimental set-up: We examine the case for a WLAN convergence times of the rate adaptation algorithms, MRC
setting, since the RT2860 driver does not currently support is able to signicantly help in the presence of a random jam-
the ad-hoc mode of operations. MIMO links with Space- mer.
Time Block Codes (STBC) are expected to provide robust- ARES increases the link throughput by up to 150%
ness to signal variations, thereby reducing the average SINR in an 802.11a mesh deployment with mobile jam-
that is required for achieving a desired bit error rate, as com- mers: Next, we apply ARES in an 802.11a mesh network
pared to a corresponding SISO (Single-Input Single-output) with mobile jammers and UDP trac. We consider a fre-
link. For our experiments, we consider 2 APs, with 2 and quent jammer (jamming distribution U [1, 20] and sleeping
3 clients each, and two jammers. Fully-saturated downlink distribution U [0, 1]). The jammer moves towards the vicin-
UDP trac ows from each AP to its clients. ity of the legitimate nodes, remains there for k seconds, and
Applying ARES on a MIMO-based WLAN: We rst subsequently moves away. For the mobile jammer we used
run experiments without enabling ARES. Interestingly, we a laptop, equipped with one of our Intel cards, and carried
observe that in spite of the fact that STBC is used, 802.11n

Average Throughput (Mbps)

Benchmark Results

Average AP throughput (Mbps)

30 30 20
30 Performance with ARES With ARES With ARES
Performance without ARES Without ARES Without ARES
25 25 Without ARES With ARES

Throughput (Mbps)

Throughput (Mbps)
20 20 20
15 15 15 10
10 10 10
5 5
5 5
13.5 27 40.5 54 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 AP 2 APs 3 APs
Time Time Number of neighbor APs
Figure 16: ARES
Figure 17: ARES Figure 18: ARES im- Figure 19: MRC im-
provides signicant
provides signicant proves the client-AP proves the throughput
throughput benets
throughput improve- link throughput by of neighbor legitimate
in a MIMO network
ment in mobile- 130% with TCP trac devices, as compared to
in the presence of
jamming scenarios. scenarios. SampleRate.

it around. The power control module is implemented in a activate dierent numbers of APs at a time, and we en-
centralized manner. ARES increases CCAL in order to over- able fully-saturated downlink trac from the APs to their
come the eects of jamming interference, to the extent possi- clients. Figure 19 depicts the average total AP throughput.
ble. In this case, due to the aggressiveness of the considered Interestingly, we observe that the use of MRC on jammed
jammer (prolonged jamming duration), the rate adaptation links improves the performance of neighbor APs that are not
module does not provide any benets (since rate control even aected by the jammer. This is because the jammed
helps only when the jammer is sleeping). In this scenario, AP does not send any packets using intermediate bit rates
ARES follows the steps: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9. (such as with the default operation of rate adaptation al-
Figure 17 depicts throughput-time traces, with and without gorithms). Since MRC avoids the transmission of packets
ARES, for an arbitrarily chosen link and k 200. The use at lower (that the highest sustained) bit rates, the jammed
of ARES tremendously increases the link throughput during AP does not occupy the medium for as prolonged periods as
the jamming period (by as much as 150 %). We have ob- with the default rate control techniques; the transmission of
served the same behavior with a distributed implementation packets at the high rate (while the jammer is asleep) takes
of the power control module in an 802.11a WLAN setting. less time. Hence, this provides more opportunities for neigh-
ARES improves the total AP throughput by up bor APs to access the medium, thereby increasing the AP
to 130% with TCP trac: Next, we apply ARES on a throughput. Specically, we observe that the throughput of
802.11a WLAN. For this experiment, we use nodes equipped one neighbor AP is improved by 23% (when the topology
with the Intel-2915 cards. We consider a setting with 1 AP consists of only 2 APs, one of which is jammed). As we fur-
and 2 clients, where clients can sense each others transmis- ther increase the number of neighbor APs, the benets due
sions. We place a balanced jammer (jamming distribution to MRC are less pronounced, due to increased contention
U [1, 5] and sleeping U [1, 8]) such that all 3 legitimate nodes (Figure 19).
can sense its presence. We enable fully-saturated uplink ARES converges relatively quickly: Finally, we per-
TCP trac from all clients to the AP (using iperf) and form experiments to assess how quickly the distributed form
we measure the total throughput at the AP, once every of ARES converges to a rate and power control setting. In
0.5 sec. In this scenario, ARES follows the logical steps: a nutshell, our implementation has demonstrated that the
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9. From Figure 18, we network-wide convergence time of ARES is relatively small.
observe that the total AP throughput is improved by up to With MRC, the rate control module can very rapidly make a
130% during the periods that the jammer is active. The ben- decision with regards to the rate setting; as soon as the jam-
ets are less apparent when the jammer is sleeping because mer is detected, MRC applies the appropriate stored lowest
TCPs own congestion control algorithm is unable to fully and highest rates.
exploit the advantages oered by the xed rate strategy. With regards to the convergence of the power control
Applying MRC on an AP improves the through- module, recall that our implementation involves the dissem-
put of neighbor APs by as much as 23%: With MRC, ination of the computed CCA value through the periodic
a jammed node utilizes the lowest rate (when the jammer is transmission of beacon frames (one beacon frame per 100
active) and highest rate (when the jammer is sleeping) that msec is transmitted with our ipw2200 driver) [25]. As one
provide the maximum long-term throughput. With this, might expect, the jammers signal may collide with beacon
the jammed node avoids examining the intermediate rates frames, and this makes it more dicult for the power con-
and, as we showed above, this increases the link through- trol module to converge. Note also that as reported in [25,
put. We now examine how this rate adaptation strategy 29], beacon transmissions are not always timely, especially
aects the performance of neighbor legitimate nodes. We in conditions of high load and poor-quality links (such as
perform experiments on a topology consisting of 4 APs and in jamming scenarios). We measure the network-wide con-
8 clients, with 2 clients associated with each AP, all set to vergence time, i.e., the time elapsed from the moment that
802.11a mode. A balanced jammer with a jamming distri- we activate the jammer until all legitimate devices have ad-
bution U [1, 5] and a sleep distribution U [1, 6] is placed such justed their CCA threshold as per our power control scheme.
that aects only one of the APs. Only the aected AP is First, we perform measurements on a multi-hop mesh topol-
running MRC; the rest of the APs use SampleRate. We ogy consisting of 5 APs and 10 clients (2 clients per AP). In

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