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BUDGETING PROJECT: Your Money Management Skills

The following project is my budget for FEB 2017

Budget item First Choice Second Choice

Entertainment Movie $12.99 Movie (cheap Tuesday)


Food $30 for one restaurant $30.00

meal $20.00 - only lunch every
$10 for lunch 1x per week second week
=$40 Total: $50.00

Clothes New Shoes: Only purchase new shoes:

$104.98 x 1.12 = $117.58 $104.98 x 1.12 = $117.58
New Top:
$25.00 x 1.12 = $28 Top was a want not a

Personal items $20 for toiletries and make $20

BUDGETING PROJECT: Your Money Management Skills
The following project is my budget for FEB 2017

Budget item First Choice Second Choice

Transportation $3.50 each day bus $31.50 I decided to take

18 days in Feb. x $3.50 = the bus to school but walk
$63.00 home to save money

Cell phone $220 (Iphone 5SE) $220.00

cost per month of Freedom $ 35.00
Provider is $35
Total $255.00
Purchasing a second hand
phone was more


From my $500 I spent $482.07 for the month of February. At first my choices were too
expensive therefore I had to make some changes. First of all I reduced my bus fares so
that I walked home every day and only had to take the bus to school. Secondly I
reduced the number of times I bought lunch. I also changed the date of my movie to a
Tuesday because it was cheaper. Finally I chose not to buy my shirt as the shoes were
more of a need and the shirt was a want. For my cell phone I decided to purchase a
used phone as it was less expensive. I did find a good deal on my provider as it was
only $35.00 per month with an extra 3GB of data free until next year.

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