Eb 2015 00206 EB Action Regarding Committee Specific Procedures

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InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)

Secretariat: Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005


Document Date: March 20, 2015

To: INCITS TC, TG and SG Officers

Reply To: Lynn Barra

Subject: Notification of Executive Board Action Regarding Committee Specific Procedures

In October 2014, INCITS Technical Committee, Task Group and Study Group officers were asked to
submit their committee specific procedures for review and re-approval. This request coincided with
the approval of the revised INCITS Policies and Procedures document in which the INCITS/PBC
had been tasked to review any committee specific procedures to ensure they were still in
compliance with the new INCITS Policies and Procedures.

Subsequently, during the January 2015 Executive Board meeting, the following recommendation
from the INCITS/PBC was addressed:

With the implementation of the new INCITS Policies and Procedures:

All existing TC specific procedures will no longer be considered valid.

EB approval of TC specific procedures will be required going forward.

Following approval of the recommendation, the action item below was assigned from the January
2015 Executive Board meeting:

Action Item (a15.006): The INCITS Secretariat will notify the TC Chairmen that existing TC specific
procedures are no longer considered valid and EB approval of TC specific procedures will be
required going forward.

If you have any questions, please contact the INCITS Secretariat.

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