Northerner - Vol. 58 Issue 4

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Pages 2 & 3 Athletics: Page 8 Opinion: Page 4 & 5

Worship Live page 2 Lacrosse Feminism & The Church page 4
Elliot Apartments page 2 Mens Basketball Messages to Trump page 5
The Pitch page 3 Womens Basketball
Campus Safety page 3

T he Northerner

Traveling worship teams rebranded

One Accord name converged to Worship Live to quell confusion
Josiah Mayo
is and what Worship Live and its really great. Bach
North Centrals travel- is, Bach said. To the out- said.
ing worship teams have side its confusing and they Jon Nelson, a senior gui-
merged under the name of think that if theyre getting tarist for One Accord, un-
Worship Live, saying good Worship Live, they are get- derstands the reasons for
bye to One Accord. This ting our baby team. the change. However, when
move is an effort to create a Bach is hoping to make the news was shared to the
unified worship team rep- it clear to those outside of team, Nelson was some-
resenting North Central to North Central that both what disappointed.
churches and youth camps. worship teams are top- I was frustrated when I
The change will take effect notch and equally skilled. found out that we couldnt
in the summer of 2017. He says it is very difficult do a recording, Nelson
The music department to perceive a difference be- said. We spent quite a bit
hopes to see this change tween the quality of both of time on songs.
prevent confusion to One Accord and Worship The team was working
churches and organiza- Live. on songs for the next One
tions outside of North Cen- The music department Accord album before the
tral from the presumption at North Central has acted merger announcement was
that there is a difference in somewhat as a major mar- made. The work that was
quality of the One Accord keting arm for the universi- put into these will not be
worship team and Wor- ty over the years. Traveling wasted as they will be pre-
ship Live. Larry Bach, dean worship teams have been a pared for the next Worship
of the College of Fine Arts, prominent way for North Live album recording in
is foreseeing this change Central to become known 2019.
after much consideration and represented in differ- There is now a focus on
with the administration. ent parts of the country. professionally creating mu- Following a 30-year presence on North Centrals campus, One Accord has one final summer tour before rebranding
Its very hard to explain We give you a little bit sic that is easily accessible to Worship Live. The team will no longer have a yearly recording, but will be featured on the Worship Live record-
to people what One Accord of the life of North Central see One Accord pg 2 ings, which happen every other year.

North Central mens

88 students commit to Antioch Society
New missions society seeks to instill a lifestyle of outreach lacrosse gears up for
Kristin Wileman
inaugural season
The [Antioch] Society
The Antioch Initiative, was bred out of a desire After a year of es jobs group. The Twin
North Centrals partner- for students to under- preparation, first Cities area is not entirely
ship program with As- stand that you dont have
game scheduled foreign to him. He spent
semblies of God World to be an intercultural much time recruiting here
Missions, launched An- studies major to be part for Feb. 28 for his previous school,
tioch Society on a new of reaching the lost, said Christian Morris Susquehanna Universi-
program that seeks to Dana Kincaid, a full-time ty, where he coached the
instill a commitment to missionary associate Tucked in a small corner teams goalkeepers and
cross-cultural ministry in working with North Cen- of North Centrals work- faceoff positions in addi-
students from all majors. trals Antioch programs. out room, mens lacrosse tion to helping with many
At the end of the launch PHOTO BY ERICKA SURA We need all hands on coach Larry Fricks small, facets of running a college
chapel, 88 students com- Launched during chapel on Jan. 18, 2017, The Antioch Initiative received a deck. Its amazing how windowless office is clut- program.
mitted to be part of the commitment from 88 NCU students. many people still have tered as he finishes un- In the natural, this move
society, a number that never heard the name of packing. Boxes filled with made zero sense, Frick
equals nearly 10 percent month and read Apos- of different cultures and Jesus. Even in our own helmets, sticks, and other said. But it was the match
of the schools enroll- tolic Fire, a short book help prepare you for both neighborhood. odds and ends needed to I didnt know existed. This
ment. by Jeff Hartensveld, over vocational and market- Anderson, who was in- prepare the team for its has unique and amazing
The newly launched the course of the semes- place ministry. volved in the develop- inaugural season make a opportunities to connect
society is considered an ter. The idea for Antioch ment of Antioch, said the quasi-coffee table in the faith and the sport Im pas-
honors program, recog- Tony Elder, student Society was initially con- Society will add a way center of the room. sionate about.
nizable upon graduation. body president and a ceived through discus- to talk and put to action Im praying for the Frick first visited North
The requirements of the member of the society, sion with the Antioch the believers responsibly [snow to] melt, he quipped Central in December 2015.
group follow the Antioch believes in the program leadership team, Presi- in furthering the Great as he placed a last-minute Before he left home, he
mantra: pray, give, go because of its vision and dent Gordon Anderson, Commission. equipment order. A score- was exhausted. My heart
and know. Students are attainability. Doug Graham, vice pres- The Antioch Society book was among the items just wasnt it, Frick said.
challenged to participate This is a practical way ident of spiritual life and works to fulfill the mis- he ordered. His previous His wife, Diana, pushed
in weekly prayer events, to get involved and reach Dick Brogden, founder sion of God, to establish one was lost in the move him out the door. Meeting
commit to monthly fi- out to the community we of Live Dead. The team the Kingdom of God, An- from Pennsylvania. several North Central staff,
nancial support for one are in, Elder said. It can strategized to set achiev- derson said. This is the Frick found out about
missionary, attend two also give you experience able goals that establish a DNA of the gospel. North Central from a see Lacrosse pg 8
external outreaches each in reaching out to people lifestyle of missions. posting in a NCAA coach-

News The Northerner

Monday, February 6, 2017

Worship Live records 2017 album One Accord

worship team
Live worship album recorded during recent chapel sessions re-branded to
Kathryn Hoffland
Worship Live
Worship Live performed a live One Accord name
recording of their third album
since 2013 during North Central
converged to Wor-
chapel sessions Jan. 24-27. Wor- ship Live to quell
ship Live, a worship team made
up of North Central students and
recent graduates, has been hard continued from pg 1
at work since the fall to pull off
the recording. to a large audience where people
The album, titled Always Re- can listen via music streaming
main, will be mixed and pro- services such as Spotify.
duced by North Central alumnus People coming in for events
Ben Gowell with input from Jeff isnt as popular as it was 20 years
Deyo, North Central worship ago. Nelson said. The times have
arts specialist. Plans are in place changed.
for an iTunes prerelease of one One Accord was originally cre-
single from the album during ated by Bachover 30 years ago
NCU days in March. The release to perform concerts at church-
of the entire album will follow on es and youth camps. The team
April 24. would tour during the summer
Under the direction of Deyo, and one semester in a given year.
the Worship Live team arranged, PHOTO BY: KRISTIN WILEMAN According to Bach, One Accord
rehearsed and performed the North Central students participated in a four-day live recording of Worship Live during the chapel hour Jan. 24-27, 2017. albums of ten to twelve songs
live recording of 12 original wor- were recorded from around 1987
ship songs. Songs on the re- to 2010.
cording were written by North can benefit or be encouraged by Ben Ady, a graduate of North the routine of what God is going One Accord was the big re-
Central students, recent alumni that, what a blessing. Central with a music pastor de- to do and what we expect Him cording that North Central did
and faculty over the past sever- Deyo oversaw the process of gree, played acoustic guitar and to do, Miranowski said. If we every year, Bach said. Worship
al months. For Deyo, this is one selecting student musicians to performed vocals on the Wor- step out of our comfort zone and Live from 2000 to 2007 also did a
of the critical aspects of creating be a part of the Worship Live re- ship Live recording. He found we are willing to be vulnerable recording every year.
the Worship Live recording. cording team. He auditioned stu- the process of arranging the and feel uncomfortable in Gods For years, both worship teams
The number one element, as dents during their North Central music for the songs to be one of presence, it helps us take the had different functions: the One
far as the practical side of things, application process and worked the most challenging parts of the limitations off God. Accord team would perform con-
is to have good songs, Deyo said. to development them in classes endeavor. Deyo is excited about what the certs and Worship Live would
That is quite a process if we and through worship teams. The It is hard learning 12 songs that students have been able to ac- lead worship. In todays Christian
want songs that are born out of time commitment for the stu- arent songs yet, Ady said. We complish as they worked to bring music industry, there is less of a
this school. dents is heavy, so Deyo ensures havent figured out how they are this album to fruition, but they demand from churches for con-
Deyo wants original songs so that students want to participate going to sound. There is nothing havent worked alone. certs performances.
the daily worship experience of in the recording process before you can reference. We have a As weve worked, [God] has The world outside, for us, has
the North Central community confirming their role on the team. melody, and a couple of chords. multiplied our efforts, Deyo said. changed so dramatically, Bach
can be authentically shared with Under Deyos oversight, the Tayhler Miranowski, a senior We are going to bring what we said. What people do want, is a
others through the live record- assembled team members took music pastor major and vocalist have. In the scope of things it worship team.
ing. the songs that had been select- on the Worship Live recording really isnt much; a few songs, a In the past, churches would give
Here [in chapel] people are ed for the recording and created team, hopes that chapel attend- few guitar notes, its not going to One Accord a significant amount
just going after the Lord, Deyo arrangements for them. Work- ees from the live recording week change the world by itself. If we of time to perform during a ser-
said. We could keep that to our- ing together to decide how each and those who listen to the fin- put those things into the Fathers vice. It is more difficult in todays
selves butI think we do have song would sound was a process ished recording gained a new hands, He multiplies the impact church where services are very
something special that the Lord that took a significant amount of perspective on God. and we get to be a little part of a timed out to fit within a planned
has given us and if other people time to evolve. It is so easy to get caught up in big thing. schedule.
Bach makes it clear that this
change has nothing to do with

Elliot apartments to see change in residency

this years team. He met with One
Accord during the fall semester
to discuss the change. The two
Apartments no longer available for student rental following current contract agreements teams have blended their pur-
poses and are receiving identical
Kristin Wileman Tucker and Monger states that training.
this move is a way to steward A letter was sent out to district
Next academic year, the El- our resources most effective- youth directors announcing and
liot apartments will no longer ly. explaining the change. It indi-
be available for student hous- Residence Life will hold meet- cates the change is being made
ing, according to an email dis- ings Jan. 31, March 14 and March with the intention of magnify-
tributed on Jan. 31, 2017 by Don 15 for students looking to move ing the worship recordings that
Tucker, North Centrals vice into apartments. Abigail Davis, North Central produces.
president for academic affairs, dean of students for residence In an effort to maximize the
and Todd Monger, executive life and student conduct, is marketing and overall awareness
director of student develop- also available for students with of the worship recordings from
ment. The apartments will in- questions or concerns. NCU under the name Worship
stead be on the public rental Beyond the stewardship as- Live, we are changing the name
market and available to the pects of this decision, there of all our traveling worship teams
community. PHOTO BY: KRISTIN WILEMAN are many good things we be- to Worship Live, the letter said.
With the Elliot complex no NCU announced on Jan. 31, 2017 that the Elliot apartments will no longer house students lieve God will do through this The success of Worship Lives
longer available for student in the next academic year. change as we continue to 2015 album is helping propel
use, current Elliot residents cultivate strong community North Centrals efforts to pro-
will have first priority in the Miller Hall, Carlson Hall and Declining enrollment and an through residence life, said mote the name Worship Live as
upcoming housing selection Phillipps Hall. Some residence increase in commuting stu- the email from Tucker and it continues to represent the uni-
process, which will include op- hall doubles will be converted dents the past few years has Monger. We hope this consol- versity. One Accord and Worship
tions in the Orfield apartments to single occupancy spaces to created extreme vacancies in idation will bring our students Live are both booked for eight
and the three residence halls: satisfy the needs of students. residence halls. The email from into closer relationship. weeks the summer of 2017.
The Northerner
Monday, February 6, 2017 News
Antioch and Enactus collaborate 37 students graduate after
through entrepreneurship event 2016 fall semester, 29
participate in ceremony
Successful spring the College of Arts and Sciences.
commencement A total of 16 students graduated

anticipated by
with honors, indicating a grade
point average of 3.5 or higher.

registrar office Spring graduate numbers are

expected to be significantly
higher. Right now, only 68 stu-
Erin Rustad dents are currently cleared to
graduate in May, but this num-
ber is expected to increase sig-
North Central graduates nificantly within the next two
walked the commencement months.
stage on Friday, Dec. 9 in the Last year at this point we had
Trask Word and Worship Cen- 68 people cleared to graduate,
ter, followed by a banquet cer- Williamson said, and we had
On Jan. 26, 2017, two of North Centrals entrepreneurial teams,Third Culture and Unbounded, won the $750 seed money to launch their emony in the chapel. Though about 170 people participate in
businesses. Back: Madison Norman, Brian Stewart, Josue Boutouli, Dennis Morales, Simon Trautmann, Chad Capp, Nick Robertson. Front:
Matt Vang, Victoria Anderson, Emily Bradley, Janessa Miller. 29 students participated in the the ceremony.
actual ceremony, a total of 37 Williamson expects this years

Winning teams receive investment for startup businesses degrees were conferred.
Jeremy Williamson, associate
graduating class to be small-
er than that of 2016 simply be-
Nathan Wileman registrar, attributes the low- cause the incoming class four
For this endeavor, The Antioch all into fashion, so we wanted to er-than-average number of fall years ago was smaller. However,
Initiative worked with Enactus create a product where a person graduates to policy changes in Williamson hopes to see an in-
On Jan. 26, The Antioch Initia- and Bill Tibbetts, dean of the can showcase their individual the registrars office. crease in graduates in the up-
tive, Enactus and North Centrals school of business, for the orga- culture. We are finding that there are coming years.
school of business co-sponsored nization and promotion of the Unbounded, the other winning some students who are getting Obviously, we want more
an event that promoted the event. The Antioch Initiative pro- team, will provide consumers close to graduation but dont people to graduate, William-
growth of entrepreneurialideas vided the seed money for the two with socially responsible and high quite finish, Williamson said. We son said. We are interested in
within the school. winning groups. quality jewelry that is both stylish want to make sure our policies in creating practices and policies
Before the event, five dis- The school of business is in and convenient. They will exe- this office help people truly finish that help people accomplish
tinct student groups prepared full support of what the Antioch cute their plan through a simple- and not simply feel like they did. that goal. We have quite a few
business plans with the hope of Initiative is doing, Tibbetts said. to-use, online platform. A portion One effect of the policy change ideas of what those would be,
winning the highly desired seed This is an opportunity to show of the business proceeds will also moves potential fall graduates but they are not quite ready to
money, funds to launch a busi- how business can be practically go toward helping women start to the spring commencement be unveiled just yet.
ness. The two winning teams involved with missions. The rea- businesses. Unbounded is made ceremony if the students have At the end of the day, William-
each received $750. At the end son we selected the companies up of Emily Bradley, Victoria An- outstanding credits in Decem- son enjoys being a part of the
of the semester, the team with that we did was because we felt derson and Madison Norman. ber. Williamson also believes graduating process.
the highest revenue will receive a that both helped advance the Tibbetts believes the entrepre- there is a recent shift in many For many of our students,
$1,000 scholarship. agenda of The Antioch Initiative. neurship program is a pivotal part students timeline of completing this will be their last time in for-
Nick Robertson, North Centrals One of the winning teams, of the business programs future their degree. mal education, and I get to help
Antioch director, proposed this Third Culture, is a fashion com- and critical to developing student We believe more of our stu- shape one of the culminating
event to the School of Business in pany that allows consumers to within the majors. dents are finishing in the tra- experiences, Williamson said. I
2016. He believes that by support- buy desired T-shirts with cus- We want to fund businesses, ditional four-year model, Wil- am grateful to get to be a part of
ing all students in their unique tomizable pockets in order to Tibbetts said. The University of liamson said. This means less honoring each person this day.
giftings, unity in the church can have control of their own image. Minnesota might fund one stu- students are needing to take The spring baccalaureate is
increase. The team members include Jos- dent business per year. We have an extra semester to complete scheduled for Friday, April 28
The Antioch Initiative is for ue Boutouli, Matt Vang and Den- funded several already and this is class work and are done in May. at 11 a.m. in the Trask Word and
everybody and we want to con- nis Morales. another opportunity to do that. Data from the registrars of- Worship Center. The spring
tinue to work with all parts of the We all grew up in the U.S. with The school of business believes fice reports that eight students commencement ceremony will
school to help students be a part the mentality that we were dif- in giving a practical, hands-on graduated from the College of be held at Cedar Valley Church
of the Great Commission, Rob- ferent, so its like we were a third and valuable education. This is a Fine Arts, 14 from the College of in Bloomington May 5 at 2:30
ertson said. culture, Boutouli said. We are part of that. Church Leadership and 15 from p.m.

North Central campus safety tested following incidents

Two incidents involving North Central students cause campus security concerns
Josiah Mayo The first incident, an attempted toward parking lot B, in front of campus safety and security, sent hosting a self-defense course is
kidnapping involving Jon Nelson, Trask Word and Worship Cen- emails to all North Central stu- something we are pursuing.
Incidents involving the safety of a senior music performance ma- ter. The vehicle drives away from dents and employees describing Tighter campus security is
North Central students, includ- jor, took place at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 22. the scene, leaving everybody un- the events that occurred involv- occurring, including two extra
ing an attempted kidnapping and A vehicle pulls up to the en- harmed. ing the incidents. Crabtree says hours of vehicle patrol and one
an assaulted robbery on campus trance of Miller Hall early the It was eerie and scary that there is no reason to believe that additional officer on duty during
property, occurred within the morning of Sunday Jan. 22, 2017. they didnt even want my phone there is a connection between Praise Gathering. The depart-
same day on Jan. 22. These ac- The suspects in the vehicle ask or wallet, Nelson said. They just the two incidents. ment is also working on contract-
tions have warranted a response for directions. Agreeing to help wanted me to get in the car. The campus safety and secu- ing with a local security company
from the campus safety and secu- them, Nelson walks toward the The evening of Jan. 22 at 9 p.m., rity department acquires sup- for increased coverage during the
rity department as well as admin- vehicle while pulling up direc- the assaulted robbery of a North port from the police department evenings and weekends.
istration. tions on his phone. Central student took place. The whenever there is a need, espe- We have one of the tightest,
In cases of incidents of this na- The suspects grab Nelson, victim was struck and knocked to cially in incidents such as these. well-trained security depart-
ture, the North Central campus brandishing a weapon and de- the ground by the suspect, then We are working on having the ments in Minneapolis, if not the
safety and security department manding he get into the vehicle. proceeded to take her purse. Minneapolis Police Department state, Crabtree said. Our officers
works closely with the Minneap- Nelson immediately proceeds to The student wished to remain come to NCU to conduct a per- receive 60 plus hours of training
olis police department. Reports run away. North Central securi- anonymous about the details of sonal safety seminar, Crabtree per year which exceeds most
were filed and an on-going search ty officers come up from behind the experience that evening. said. This would not include a other schools and some police
for the suspects is taking place. as Nelson begins to yell and run James Crabtree, director of self-defensive course; however, departments.

Opinion The Northerner

Monday, February 6, 2017

The church: a place for feminism Letter from

the Editor:
Taylor Kropelin shares a portion of her senior project Give Trump
Taylor Kropelin
a chance to
sign for us as equals. tifying as a feminist because of
Jesus consistently stepped out the negative connotations at-
Gender equality is a fight of the boundaries of the status tached to the label. Some people Kristin Wileman
worth having in our world quo, went outside of the norm and only have the radical, bra-burn-
especially in the church. The did radical things for the equality ing, man-hating form of feminism
feminist movement, regardless and care of people. Why wouldnt in mind, which is a bad represen- President Trump has been
of misconceptions, is ultimate- the church today want to identify tation of what feminism is in its in office for a little over two
ly fighting for gender equality. with believing and advocating for entirety. We encounter the same weeks, and his approval ratings
Christians should not be afraid of the social, political and economic problem with the label Chris- are low enough to make any-
feminism or to identify with the equality of the sexes if that was tian. We as Christians take a risk one concerned. Trumps week-
movement. what Jesus displayed? PHOTO PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR KOPELIN when we label ourselves, because ly approval rating currently
The dictionary definition of a Jesus, the one in whom all Taylor Kropelin, NCU class of 2016 people in the world attach bad averages 45 percent, according
feminist is a person advocating Christians follow and strive to connotations to the label Chris- to Gallup data.
social, political, legal and eco- be like, was truly the greatest tian that are often times not true. Previous presidents in recent
nomic rights for women equal to fighter for equality. I would even slow pace as it has the last few I would like to challenge you history have seen significantly
those of men. To be a feminist is say He wasthe ultimate feminist. years, it will take about 44 years to examine where your heart higher ratings in the February
simply to identify with this state- The church needs to embrace until 2059 for women and is when it comes to the issue after their first inauguration:
ment and to be an advocate for the boundary-crossing, radical men to be paid equally. of gender inequality. Research Barack Obama sat at 64 per-
human rights. life Jesus lived when it comes to What about the church? Are the problem. Read the Bible and cent, George W. Bush at 59
People, particularly Christians, fighting against gender inequal- male and female clergy being paid meditate on passages about percent, Bill Clinton at 55 per-
often have a difficult time seeing ity. Women must be seen and equally? our God of justice. Examine the cent.
feminism and the church put to- treated as equal to men if the Unfortunatelynot. The church way Jesus treated those who It doesnt take official sta-
gether. Many believe these words church wants to truly follow in is actually doing worse than the were oppressed. Speak up when tistics to know that Trump
could never and should never be Jesus footsteps. nation as a whole. The Bureau you see an injustice happening is unpopular. I have recently
put together. I believe, however, There are some key examples of Labor Statistics calculated in against another person. Encour- been astounded at how many
that God created man and wom- that put the issue of gender in- 2014 that nationally women cler- age and uplift those who are dif- people on both sides of the
an to be equal partners with joint equality into perspective. In gy earn 76 cents for each dollar ferent from you. Call out gifts in partisan aisle are unwilling to
authority over the earth and America, there is a prominent earned by male clergy. a person when you see them. discuss the dichotomous polit-
creatures (Genesis 1:26-28). wage gap where men are paid The numbers are no better We must partner together as ical atmosphere. Though many
Male dominance was not even more than women for equal inthe Assemblies of God (AG). A brothers and sisters to fight for are swift to chime in on Face-
mentioned in Scripture until the work. According to the Institute study done in 1993 showed that gender equality in our world and book threads or dismantle the
fall of man (Genesis 3:16). We see for Womens Policy Research, in seven percent of AG lead pas- in the church. We all have the ca- opinions of the other side, few
that Gods original intent in His 2015, female full-time workers tors were females. 2015 statistics pacity to be advocates for gender are able to state the rationale
design of men and women was a made only 80 cents for every show that five percent of AG lead equality. View every person as a behind their own political be-
mutual partnership where nei- dollar earned by men. This is a pastors are females. This is a two child of God; it can be really diffi- liefs. Even worse, many rely on
ther man nor woman ruled over 20 percent wage gap. percent decrease in the last 22 cult to see him or her as unequal disreputable trending articles,
the other. We, the church, must It is calculated that if change years. to another when you do. many of which are steeped in
fight to live in Gods original de- continues to occur at the same People are often afraid of iden- bias that only blur the truth.
The near frenzy of Trump ad-
versaries has particularly been

A womans response to common Christian rhetoric fueled by the executive orders

issued the last few weeks
nearly all of which have been
Language is a powerful tool with cultural implications discussed and foretold since
Trump announced his candi-
Rachael Anderson
But when we primarily hear and a way to excuse their own dacy approximately 19 months
the preacher comment on his behavior. The more we intro- ago.
My wife is so HOT. wifes looks rather than her duce women in relationship Additionally, it is common-
If youve grown up in the personality, we perpetuate to men (the pastors daughter, place for newly inaugurated
charismatic church, you have objectification of women and Jims wife, etc.) while we let presidents to issue multiple
probably heard these words an image-based culture. This men stand alone (This is Pas- executive orders early in their
from the pulpit many times. causes soft-spoken women to tor Bob, this is Jim, etc.), the presidency, according to The
Everyone laughs and rolls their be seen as two-dimensional more we see women as inferior American Presidency Project.
eyes and allows the statement and outspoken women to be or put her identity in her rela- In his first two weeks, Trump
to be tucked away into the for- seen as intimidating. tionships- not herself. issued eight orders; in 2009,
gettable parts of their brain. Ive often wondered how this Small language clearly has Obama issued nine. The only
But it isnt forgotten. It sticks could change if phrases were huge implications on our cul- president to never publish an
Rachael Anderson, North Central freshman
around. made about a womans am- ture, and it is so easy to just let executive order was William
The speaker is typically seen bition, compassion or intelli- the small things go for the sake Henry Harrison, who died of
as wise, respectable, humorous realities into the lives of those gence. I pray that these are the of putting the speaker in a pos- pneumonia on his 32nd day in
and spirit-filled (as he probably around us. phrases my sons and daugh- itive light. office.
is), but his wife is simply seen But its not just the obvious ters will become accustomed While it is so important to It seems Trumps critics are
as hot or as an okay cook or statements or the big idea of a to when discussing women. not let our views of people attempting to seize any straw
whatever other shallow de- sermon that changes the way The hot wife scenario is change because of the mis- that could possibly formulate
scriptor the speaker has men- we see things. Its the little re- only a piece of the problem. guided statements they make, enough scandal to squelch his
tioned. peated comments that catch Ignorant rhetoric gives us un- it is even more important not power before he has a chance
We may not think much of the attention of our brain be- healthy or incorrect perspec- to allow these same respect- to begin governing. Not only is
these statements, but we can fore unintentionally shaping tives on many issues and I find able people to unintentional- information necessary in this
easily neglect the impact they our perspectives. that women are frequently the ly shape our perspective on murky age of information, but
have on our Christian perspec- Subtle language and small most affected groups in the women. also a wisdom that separates
tive. jokes are types of language church. Because the voices we The answer to our problem truth from emotional projec-
Language is an incredibly that are the most dangerous to hear from the pulpit are pre- is this: think analytically and tion.
powerful tool God gives us us. dominantly male, the voices we speak kindly. Once we learn Regardless of ideology or a
to model and glorify Him. He If a preacher were to plain- hear have a strong male bias. how to balance these two supposed denial of his presi-
didnt snap, zap, or think the ly say, My wife is great to Male bias is everywhere- ideas, we can identify the way dency, Donald Trump will sit at
earth into motion. look at, but doesnt have any from common phrases to little the Church sees women and the helm of our United States
He spoke it. other noteworthy qualities, nuances that affect our world. mend the culture weve creat- for the next 47 months. Lets
He spoke life itself into ex- just about everyone from the The repeated phrase, boys will ed. cut the hysteria and give him a
istence and He created us in church would be rightfully up- be boys, allows boys to grow chance to succeed.
such a way that we can speak set and disagree entirely. up with a sense of entitlement
The Northerner
Monday, February 6, 2017 Opinion

Dear President Trump,

North Central students share the one sentence
they would like to say to the newly elected
president of the United States. To view the whole
gallery of statements, visit

Variety The Northerner

Monday, February 6, 2017

East Village Grill: A culinary trip to the eastern world

A taste of Somali culture near the North Central campus
Samantha Bergum a group of about 15 other men
chatting. There were no other
Are you getting sick of the deli? women in the restaurant at the
Not a huge fan of chicken nugget time.
day? It is time to take a step out As I was paying my bill and
of your comfort zone and into our talking to one of the managers,
Elliot Park community. he asked if I went to the school
East Village Grill is located down the street. I said I did and
right next to a North Central fa- asked if he sees a lot of students
vorite, Segue Caf. It is a Somali in here through the week. He
restaurant filled with great meal says he sees some, but would
options. From traditional meal love to see more. He joked that
choices, to cheeseburgers and he should wear a shirt with the
fries (if youre not the adventur- logo on it to promote his busi-
ous type) the food is phenomenal. ness. I told him I would put in a
Their gyros are especially popu- good word for him.
lar, because they are reasonably I encourage North Central stu-
priced ($5-$10) and fresh. dents to step out of the usual.
After dining there for the first Instead of getting Chipotle, try
time, I was extremely impressed something new and experience a
and will certainly be going back. new culture. These are the people
The food is delicious and very fill- who live in our backyard; they are
ing. I ordered a chicken and gyro our community.
combo, which came with a salad, PHOTO BY: SAMANTHA BERGUM Try to see life through their
meat sauted in different Somali East Village Grill, located at 1401 S. 11th St., serves authentic Somali food. eyes, even in the simple form
spices, fresh vegetables and rice. of eating their food and having
It is well priced and most entres conversation with the workers.
could easily be split. The atmo- what it would be like as I have and a banana, a unique appetizer. it was very relaxing. Everyone The workers and customers
sphere is relaxing. Almost all of never eaten at this restaurant be- They brought my food quick- in the restaurant was Soma- are all so kind, welcoming and
the entrees were $12.99. Interest- fore. I felt very welcomed as one ly, and as I ate, I simply ob- lian, it seemed to be a spot for want to get to know North Cen-
ingly, the water is not free it is of the workers kindly smiled and served. No one spoke loudly; it casual meals, meetings, and tral students. Take a break from
$1.59. brought us to a seat. They start was as if everyone talked to one even prayer. There were two the cafeteria, and taste a new
When I entered, I was not sure you off with a drink of your choice another in a very faint whisper, men sitting watching TV, and culture.

Local gallery explores body image North Central alumna

Gamut Gallerys exhibit to spark discussion kickstarts her music career
Michelle Stevens, a 2014 graduate, funds
about the societal perception of women her upcoming EP with the help of Kickstarter
Hillary Streitberger
Yannis Garcia
system, she also launched a new
In the midst of a culture that Kickstarter with a goal of $13,000
emphasizes physical identity Michelle Stevens, a recent grad- to fund her upcoming EP, which
from every angle, Valure is an uate of North Central, is making a would include three new songs,
exhibit that portrays the social name for herself as an indie pop flights to California, brand design
issues surrounding the females artist. and merchandise.
of today. This exhibit by Gam- As a recording artist major at Even though it was going to
ut Gallery, located across from North Central, Stevens gained take a lot of work, it was what I
North Centrals Kingsriter Hall, knowledge in music theory and wanted to do, Stevens said.
has been a little over a year in history. Her professors gave her By Nov. 20, the end of the Kick-
the making for gallery director, the foundation needed in order starter time period, Stevens had
Jade Patrick, and manager Cassie to become the artist she wanted raised over $8,000 from support-
Garner. to become. But she wanted to do ers and personally fronted the
Were doing this show because PHOTO BY: HILLARY STREITBERGER more than just know she want- remaining $5,000 to secure the
we believe in the beauty and tal- ed to make her own music. funding for her overall goal.
Valure uses unique objects like X-rays and taxidermy moths to tell stories of body image.
ent of the artwork that these In 2015, Stevens stepped to- The successful fundraising en-
women are making, Patrick said. ward launching her music career deavor will now fund the record-
We feel strongly about the mes- Patrick said. the story of body image to their under the name MISCH as part ing of three songs with music
sage that is spoken in here when Gamut owners hope that this audience. This makes the exhibit of her senior project. During this producer, Jeff Schneewies of Lael
all of these artists work are in exhibit sparks discussion about and its pieces one-of-a-kind. time, she released her first single Sounds in Redding, California.
the same room. important issues, including the Equality, unity and growth are Maybe. To fund the project, Ste- Schneewies produced Stevens
In the beginning stages of this fact that the aspiration toward some themes that Patrick and vens utilized Kickstarter, a web- recent single Weakness, which
exhibit, Garner pitched some one strict standard can be phys- Garner hope the audience take site that allows people to pledge was released two days before
theme ideas to Patrick, calling ically, emotionally and mentally away. money toward fundraising proj- the Kickstarter was launched.
the focus dark, beautiful and taxing on women. Where we first started with ects. The program operates on an Schneewies has produced music
sexy, and consisting of only This dialogue is portrayed this concept, over time, has all-or-nothing basis, though, so for bands such as Anberlin, Cry of
women. This is how the idea for through pieces like Bunny Por- shifted into a much stronger when Stevens goal of $15,000 was the Afflicted and Bethel Music.
the show was birthed last Octo- tias letter to her body and C.L. show, Garner said. I feel what not met between Mar. 10, 2015 Stevens will be heading to Cali-
ber. Martins distorted mannequin we are trying to represent has and Apr. 9, 2015, she was unable fornia Feb. 12 to spend two weeks
Feminism, beauty and aging sculptures, both of which can be grown, just like these artists have to retrieve the pledged support. mixing, mastering and collabo-
are all relevant in todays soci- viewed at the exhibit. grown with their work. Despite this setback, Stevens rating with Schneewies to finish
ety, and the ladies at Gamut are Other featured artists at Valure Valure opened to the public on knew her journey in music was her EP.
trying to portray that image with are Bethany Birnie, Caitlin Karol- Jan. 27, and will run through Feb. far from over. Despite the journey, Stevens is
the help of local, female artists. czak, Jane Wunrow and Serah 17, when Gamut will host a final On Oct. 20, 2016, Stevens, for- excited about the future possibil-
The conversations that this Sauser. The artists have used gathering at 7 p.m. with a perfor- merly known as MISCH, an- ities in reaching people through
work inspires is really intriguing unique materials such as old mance by Ghostbridge Theatre nounced a new project under a her music.
for us, especially given the polit- X-rays, photographs and taxi- at 8:30 p.m. Admission to the ex- new name: Luna, Luna. Further Luna, Lunas new EP will be re-
ical climate we are in right now, dermy birds and moths to tell hibit is $10. knowing the intricacies of the leased later this spring.
The Northerner
Monday, February 6, 2017 Variety
Nintendo Switch: the ideal college console
Nintendos next console focuses on local, cooperative gaming
Kazden Risk
tops with a kickstand. So you
are pretty much set out of the
Nintendo Switch is a brand box, but it can appear a little
new home console system daunting when PlayStation and
launching on March 3rd and Xbox units are priced similar-
with it a return to cooperative, ly, or even lower with bundled
local multiplayer. Its not only games and better graphics.
an exciting piece of technology, Accessories drive up the cost.
but could be the ideal console A single Joy-Con can run you
for the college demographic. $50, while a pair costs $80. Ex-
Recently games and their re- pandable memory cards are
spective consoles, such as Play- sold separately, which may be
Station and Xbox, have prior- needed if you prefer download-
itized online functionality and ing your games since the system
playing with friends remotely. itself launches with 32 gigabytes
Nintendo Switch takes a differ- of onboard memory. A Pro Con-
ent approach. troller, to rival the comfort and
Weve known about the structure of your PlayStation
Switch, previously code named and Xbox controller, costs $70,
the NX, for a couple of years but also features HD Rumble (a
now. One of the most appeal- new feature similar to the iP-
With the launch of the Nintendo Switch comes a return to a focus on cooperative, local multiplayer - reminiscent of the good ol Halo LAN
ing features of the Switch was parties.
hone Haptic feedback engine) as
its ability to be a home console well as an NFC (near field com-
that can also be taken on the go, munication) reader for amiibo.
but at a presentation by Nin- your controller in two and start the Switch is reminiscent of of Duty, and more fill up the Its all advanced technology and
tendo on Jan. 12, it was revealed racing. the days when friends would Switchs first year on the mar- thus comes with a price which
the true star of the console is Furthermore, Nintendo is bring their Xboxes together to ket. can be hard for college students
not its hybrid, portable nature, focusing on local play with have Halo LAN parties. Now, its The biggest setback for the on a budget.
but instead the side controllers, Download Play. This feature al- easier than ever and Nintendo Switch as of now, especially for The Nintendo Switch release
the Joy-Cons. lows for up to 8 players to game is leading the consoles launch the college age group, is the is just under a month away and
The Joy-Con controllers are together on one single copy of with an attention to multiplay- pricing of both the system and promises to deliver games from
detachable controllers than can a game, further encouraging er titles to take full advantage accessories. The system itself 50-80 third party developers
function as a, unified and tradi- more people to have their own of this feature. 1-2 Switch, a costs $300 and that doesnt in- this year, as well as first party
tional controller, or it can split Switch system. Its a blend of game very similar to the crit- clude one game. It does come titles such as a brand new Leg-
into two separate controllers to sharing the console and mo- ical and commercial success with a Joy-Con controller pair end of Zelda title on launch day
share with friends. This opens tivating friends to pick one up Wii Sports, Snipperclips, a that functions as a control- and a Super Mario game in the
the door to shared gaming ex- themselves, creating a commu- puzzle co-op downloadable ler for both the owner, or two holiday season. Its library and
periences with dorm room- nity around a console which fo- game, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a players. The initial product install base will only grow, so
mates, friends youre visiting or cuses on playing together and refined experience of the Mario also includes a docking station, whether you are ready to hop
people attending a party youre as Nintendo phrases it, sharing Kart entry on the Wii U, Spla- which then allows you to play on now or snag a Black Friday
throwing. Want to play Mario the Joy. toon 2, a full-blown sequel to on a television set, in a hand- deal later it may be time to
Kart with a friend? Simple. Split The overall infrastructure of what many call Nintendos Call held mode, or even on table- make the Switch.

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Athletics The Northerner

Monday, February 6, 2017

Lacrosse gears up for inaugural season Swanson and

Morrisroe soar
After a year of preparation, first game scheduled for Feb. 28 for NCU Rams
continued from pg 1
pluses and minuses.
faculty, and students revived and To build his team, Frick looked
energized Frick. for students who were open to Junior captain Lizzy
The next month, Frick brought change and would work hard to Swanson and newcomer
his wife and son, Braydon, to improve in the sport. The team
campus and attended a chapel. currently consists of 16 players,
Annabel Morrisroe
Frick had more meetings with and Frick is still looking for a few pivotal to teams success
North Central personnel, and more men to flesh out the roster.
the family searched the area for The team started practic- Tyler Maag
a school for Braydon. ing Sept. 15, and have had one
North Central is different in scrimmage. Frick has enjoyed Despite a tough season thus
many ways from Susquehannas watching the growth of the team far for the Lady Rams, two
campus. Frick was saved in an and the building of a team cul- standout players have made
Assemblies of God church in the ture. The first practice following strides in North Central sta-
1990s, where he cut his spiritu- Christmas break was Jan. 30, and tistics and the Upper Midwest
al teeth. He eventually became a they have practiced almost every Athletic Conference (UMAC)
pastor in the United Methodist night since. leaderboard.
Church. Frick said he is thrilled The players may not have As it stands, Lizzy Swanson
to return to his spiritual roots. much experience, but Frick said is second in overall points in
Over Christmas break, Frick he has already seen exponential the UMAC. Averaging 19 points
asked his team to read the book improvement. a game, she only trails Betha-
One Word that will Change The teambuilding and culture ny Lutherans Haley Sandin by
Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan are hallmarks of what well build 30 points on the leaderboard.
Britton and Jimmy Page. As our program on, he said. Swansons total thus far is 334
they read the book, each player The first home scrimmage total points. Swanson directs
was to come up with one word is scheduled for February 18, all of her accomplishments
to focus on this season. Frick when North Central will host St. back to her teammates.
chose the word adventure for Thomas at 1 p.m. The ten-game If it was not for all the hard
himself. season kicks off Feb. 28 at Beloit work that they put in every day
Its an adventure trying to College. I would not be anywhere near
put the pieces of the puzzle to- Frick encourages students to where I am today, Swanson
gether to take something from come support the team, even if said.
nothing and make it a reality, they have never watched a la- Morrisroe, who is a new-
Frick said. To do it in a place crosse game before. comer to the team, has been a
where a majority of the people Its the fastest game on two great addition for the Rams. In
on this campus have never seen feet, he said. If you like hockey, her first season, Morrisroe has
Mens Lacrosse team scrimmages during a 2016 practice.
or heard of lacrosse, there are youre going to love lacrosse. scored 238 points, moving her
to eighth place in the confer-

Mens basketball fighting in final games

Annabel has been a great as-
set for our team this season,
Swanson said. She brings en-

Team pieces together their strengths to reach goals ergy and encouragement to
the team, has great character
and brings passion every time
Marissa Kari offs, Cline believes all the teams get stops, Cline said, And when game. C.J. Lewis, Jared High and she steps on the court, Swan-
in the conference are beatable, we all work together defensive- Joel Cline round out the dou- son said.
With a few weeks left of play, which gives the men the chance ly, were a tough team to score ble-digit scorers, averaging 14.7, With only a few games re-
the North Central mens bas- to win the rest of the games and against. 11.3 and 10.9 points respectively. maining, the Lady Rams will
ketball team understands the finish in the top half of the con- Cline said when the Rams take Most of the games that weve begin working toward next
importance of battling through ference. good, unforced shots that can- lost are because weve hunted season and what looks to be a
the remainder of the season. The mens team did not reach not be missed, the offensive individually because we have bright future ahead with much
The previous matchups against their full potential at the begin- weapons can hurt the opposing that talent to score individual- of the team returning, includ-
Crown College, UM-Morris, ning of the season. But because team. ly. Cline said, But the games ing Morrisroe and Swanson.
Martin Luther and Bethany Lu- of the long season, the men were The Rams do not seem to have that weve won are the games
theran were 50-50, allowing four not discouraged and see the po- one dominant player this year. weve collectively hunted to-
straight wins to come in their fi- tential to finish strong. Multiple players can score 20 gether.
nal regular season games. The Rams carry a wide variety points on any given night. This Recognizing each players
We control our own destiny, of talent this season, but working can both benefit and be a dan- strengths and piecing together
so if we win out and run the ta- hard and playing smart is what ger to the team. Four consistent talent with hard work will put
ble, well be OK, said Joel Cline, will bring wins. starters lead the Rams offense. the Rams where they want to
junior captain. When we buy in defensively Travis Voigt is the highest scor- be when the season comes to
With eyes focused on the play- and want to get stops, we can er, averaging 16.6 points per an end.

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