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It is a strategy by which communities seek economic

development approaches that also benefit the local
environment and quality of life.

It is a process of achieving human development contributed

through effective management of social, economic &
environment benefit
Strong Corporate Sustainability makes
company a better company

Sustainability is largely about managing risk and driving

innovation, both which are top priorities for most
A big goal of corporate sustainability is increased
It attracts and retains top talent.
Corporate Sustainability can drive innovation and efficiency
and ultimately, valuation.

96% of CEOs believe sustainability should be

integrated into company strategy and operations.

49% of CEOs cite complexity of implementation across

functions as the most significant barrier to company-
wide sustainability.

Focus on Corporate sustainability drives

Shareholder value
Sustainability is a companys capacity to prosper in a
competitive and changing global business environment by
anticipating and managing current and future economic and
environmental and social opportunities and risks. Companies that
address these factors through innovation, quality and productivity
enhance their ability to generate long term shareholder value.
-Sustainable Asset

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