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Romantic treats galore in theatre & art B1


VOL. 4, NO. 20 14 PAGES W E D N E S D AY , F E B R U A R Y 8 , 2 0 1 7 EST. 2013 $1

The revolution will not be motorized FORTUNA-BOUND

Kevin L. Hoover 2011 waste audit by the Humboldt ane then created when the food rots. Methane
Wheetley to
Waste Management Authority list- is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, esti-
Mad RiveR Union
ARCATA Not all the revolu- ed food as Arcatas weightiest form mated at anywhere between 20 and 100 times resign from
tionaries are marching in the streets of solid waste, at 1.5 million pounds more powerful than carbon dioxide.
these days. Some are people-power-
ing themselves around those same
per year.
The reasons that matters are
Alec Howard, Milly Correa and Giuliana
Sarto of The Arcata Compost Revolution
City Council
streets with whats left of your dinner, many. First, theres the appalling (ACR) see food waste as a huge problem, but
making sure it gets recycled to help waste of nutrients, and then the fuel, an equally massive opportunity. Kevin L. Hoover
save whats left of the environment. expense and corporate patronage Now, their Arcata Compost Revolution Mad RiveR Union
Alec Howard
Though Arcatans have proven involved in transporting the smelly aims to close the compost loop. ARCATA Arcata City Coun-
themselves enthusiastic home recyclers and glop to a landfill. What we do right now with methane is cilmember Mark Wheetley is
composters, theres a lot more to be done. A But perhaps most concerning is the meth- COMPOST A3 stepping down from the City
Council to become city manager
for the City of Fortuna, effective

New twist in murder case ... liberty & justice for all
April 1. Wheetley has served on
the Arcata City Council since
2005 and was re-elected to a
Paul Mann of assaulting her with a revolv- fourth term in 2014. He has less
Mad RiveR Union er, with a special allegation that than two years left on his cur-
EUREKA The Bridgeville he personally used a firearm, rent term.
man accused of gunning down making the alleged assault a se- I just felt like Ive got to
his wifes lover last fall in For- rious and violent felony. commit to this job 110 percent,
tuna has now been charged with Count 2, a misdemeanor, Wheetley said of leaving the
assaulting and batter- charges that on or about council for his new position.
ing her the same day, Sept. 26, 2016, the day He said he had been looking for
and possibly well be- Jon Goldberg allegedly other local career options.
fore that. murdered Smith Sr. in His contract with the City of
Deputy District At- his front yard in Fortu- Fortuna specifies a three-year
torney Luke Bernthal na, he displayed a con- commitment, and relocation to
filed firearm assault cealed firearm in public Fortuna within one year.
and battery charges in the presence of an- PATRiOTiSM ON Wheetleys departure will
Feb. 2 against Jon Da- other person, unnamed DiSPlAY Arcatas force the council to either ap-
vid Goldberg, 36, who Jon David in Bernthals complaint, Cub Scout Pack
Goldberg point a new member, or hold a
allegedly murdered but reputed to be Rachel 95 and Boy Scout special election. Wheetley said
his reputed friend, Fortuna Fire Goldberg. Troop 9 joined he is urging an appointment
Captain Timothy Thomas Smith Count 2 states that Jon Gold- forces in a Color based on the general lack of ex-
Sr., 42, on Sept. 26. berg displayed and drew his Guard that led perienced nonincumbent can-
Jon Goldberg pleaded not revolver in a rude, angry and the flag Salute at didates who have run for coun-
guilty to the new charges con- threatening manner and did use last weeks Arca- cil during recent elections.
cerning his wife, Rachel Christi- a firearm in a fight and quarrel. ta City Council He said he has been reach-
na Goldberg, Smith Sr.s reputed According to Bernthal, this meeting. ing out to members of city
lover. Her jailed husband is ac- drama played out in a public Photos by KLh |
committees and commissions
cused in Count 1 of the new case Union

MCKiNlEYVllE RACE Four candidates are running for a single seat on the McKinleyville Community Services District Board of Directors. The
seat was vacated last summer by Helen Edwards, who resigned and moved to Arizona. Registered voters in McKinleyville will start receiv-
ing ballots in the mail starting next week. The ballots must be returned to the Humboldt County Elections Office by March 14.

The race is on for important seat on Mack Town board

Jack Durham Jack Durham Jack Durham Jack Durham
Mad RiveR Union Mad RiveR Union Mad RiveR Union Mad RiveR Union
McKINLEYVILLE Mary Burke says McKINLEYVILLE Candidate Da- McKINLEYVILLE Candidate Bon- McKINLEYVILLE Candidate James
she would like McKinleyville to be a con- vid Coelho would like to bring some nie Oliver would like voters to consider Vance wants to keep water and sewer
nected community, with trails linking diversity to the Mack Town board and casting a ballot not for her, but for candi- rates as low as possible and would like
neighborhoods to inspire young peo- date Mary Burke. the McKinleyville
public spaces where ple to get involved Oliver signed up to Community Services
people gather and in local politics. run for a single seat District Board of Di-
celebrate our cul- A 2016 graduate of on the McKinleyville rectors to look into
ture as the gateway McKinleyville High Community Services turning the town into
to the redwoods and School, 18-year-old District Board of Di- a city.
where horses and hu- Coelho is a student rectors, and is still in A lifelong resi-
mans have the right at College of the the race, but she has dent of Humboldt
of way. Redwoods, where he endorsed Burke. County, Vance said
Mary Burke is taking general ed- David Coelho Oliver said that Bonnie Oliver he thinks the board James Vance
Burke, a project
manager with California Trout, is seek- ucation classes. He said he is interested she met Burke after signing up to run could benefit from his knowledge of
ing a single seat on the McKinleyville in political science, although he hasnt and was impressed with her, but it was McKinleyville and surrounding areas.
Community Services District Board of decided on a major. too late for Oliver to take her name off I know the area extremely well, Vance
Directors, which oversees sewer, water, Coelho observed that the four mem- the ballot. said. I think I could bring a common
streetlights, parks and recreation in the bers of the McKinleyville Community Mary and I share many of the same sense approach to the board.
unincorporated community and serves Services District Board of Directors are goals and concerns for our community, After graduating from McKinleyville
as a voice for the town. all white males in their mid-60s. Coelho Oliver said. She has developed a more High School in 1975, Vance went to work
Burke hopes that voters will appreci- said he would like to add some diversity organized campaign support structure. I in the sawmills. In 1980 he went to Col-
ate her credentials, as well as her experi- to the board. would like those who may vote for me to lege of the Redwoods, then became a

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& Senior League
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Last Chance Registration
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& Assessments
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at HSU Fieldhouse
Questions? Rachelle Saso 707-845-6661

Vance | Build more parks for special needs kids PEACEABLE HAMLET

FRoM A1 sible, Vance said I think it would. Trinidad is a city. Blue Postmaster to take helm
truck driver for the construction industry, retiring in Lake is a city. And theyre a lot smaller than we are.
2014. Like all of the other candidates, Vance is generally com- U.S. PoStal Service
One of Vances priorities is to keep water and sew- plimentary about the job the district is doing. BLUE LAKE On Friday, Feb. 10 at 1 p.m., DeAnn
er rates low, and even reduce them if possible. Rates Theyre great. Good people. I think they work hard, Williams will follow a tradition that dates back to 1878
have gone up in recent years to pay to stabilize both Vance said about the districts employees. As for districts when Clement Chartin was the first postmaster of Mad
the sewer and water funds, and to pay for a mas- general manager, Greg Orsini, Vance has nothing but River before the name was changed to Blue Lake.
sive upgrade to the towns sewer treatment plant. praise. Hes doing a great job, Vance said. Williams will raise her right hand to be sworn in as the
Vance said one way that the district could reduce rates is One complaint, though, is the location of a playground new Blue Lake postmaster at the Blue Lake Community
to encourage growth. More homes and businesses would at Hiller Park. The playground is located too close to the Resources Center, 111 Greenwood Ave., Blue Lake.
help spread out the cost, thereby limiting increases and sewage treatment plant, Vance said. Sometimes I go Williams started her postal career 35 years ago as a
maybe even cutting rates, he said. there and its pretty gaggy, he said. city carrier, a position she held for 24 years, followed by
The district board could encourage growth by making The playground should have been located over on the 10 years as a driver safety instructor.
recommendations to the county Planning Department other side of the park, further away from the treatment She was postmaster of Yorkville, Upper Lake and Gar-
and by promoting commercial development, he said. ponds, he said. berville.
He would also like to find a way to give longtime resi- Vance said he would like the district to build more parks Becoming the postmaster of Blue Lake is the high-
dents a break on their sewer and water bills, perhaps giv- geared towards disabled and special needs children.Vance light of my 35 years with the Postal Service, Williams
ing them a longevity discount. would also like to improve local law enforcement. I would said. I look forward to strengthening the relationship
Another issue Vance is interested in is incorporation. like to see more police officers on the street, he said. between the Postal Service and the community.
Because McKinleyville is not a city, local residents dont Although the district does not have police powers, As postmaster, Williams manages all postal opera-
have direct control over services such as planning, build- Vance said the board can lobby the Sheriffs Office and tions for the community of Blue Lake that has two high-
ing and law enforcement. If McKinleyville were to become other departments to try to get increased coverage. way contract routes, with 107 delivery stops (residential
a city, this would change, Vance said. A 49-year-resident of McKinleyville, Vance said he en- business addresses) and 992 post office boxes.
I think if we became a city, local residents would have joys bicycle riding and playing with his grandchild. She manages two clerks, and the office processes and
more say on what goes on here in McKinleyville, Vance Can I help McKinleyville grow and still be the best delivers an average of 2,549 pieces of mail daily.
said. place to live in Humboldt County? Absolutely, Vance Maria Lane, manager of Post Office Operations, will
Asked whether incorporation would be financially fea- said. administer the official oath of office.

oliver | Endorses another candidate ing Divisions personnel and procedures. I

would be happy to share my knowledge and
er of former youth soccer players who had
many practices and games at Hiller Park, I
experience in this area as it applies to the would be interested in developing a bike-
FRoM A1 Oliver earned a degree in architecture work of the MCSD Board of Directors. and pedestrian path to provide a safer and
consider supporting Mary Burke to assure from the University of Michigan College of Like Burke, Oliver has high praise for more appealing route from Central Avenue
that we have diversity of representation on Architecture and Urban Planning, where the way the district is being managed. to Hiller Park. As a frequent walker from
the MCSD board. she focused on community design. As an architect who has worked on my home business to other local business, I
But if you want to vote for Oliver, and Some of Olivers projects are familiar to many projects within the county that do applaud the work done recently to improve
she is elected, shes ready to serve. McKinleyville residents. She worked with not have a community services district to the bike and pedestrian interface with Cen-
Olivers decision to run for office was the services district on the computer/con- provide water and sewer service, I realize tral Avenues traffic and would support fur-
spurred by the results of the 2016 presiden- ference room addition to the McKinleyville what an incredible benefit these utilities ther improvements of this type.
tial election. Library. She designed the Pierson Park Pic- are for us all. I have been impressed with Oliver said that one of her major qualifi-
After the presidential election of 2016, nic Pavilion, a pump canopy at the Grant the way MCSD has worked to provide these cations for the position is that she has lived
I felt compelled to seek ways to become Ramey Pump Station on North Bank Road services at a reasonable cost while also do- in McKinleyville for 25 years and has raised
more involved in local government, Oliver and was involved in the preliminary de- ing the necessary planning for infrastruc- a family in town, and her children attended
said. I believe my experience living and signs for the McKinleyville Teen Center. ture that meets the needs of our growing local schools.
working in McKinleyville would be an asset Through this work I am familiar with community, Oliver said. For fun, Oliver enjoys hiking the for-
to the MCSD board. the structure and personnel of the MCSD, Like Burke, Oliver would like to improve ests and coastline of Humboldt County,
A resident of McKinleyville for 25 Oliver said. Moreover, since I have coor- community connectivity. attending theater productions and local
years, Oliver is a self-employed architect dinated permitting for over 200 projects in I would be interested in working to- art shows. Shes a volunteer for Court Ap-
who works from her home-based office in Humboldt County, I am also very familiar wards developing more of a town center pointed Special Advocates and shares her
McKinleyville. with Humboldt County Planning and Build- for McKinleyville, Oliver said. As a moth- favorite hikes with foster children.

Coelho | Wants to inspire youth to get involved improve the district, he really wants to hear from mem-
bers of the public to find out what they want. He also noted
board members dont accomplish things on their own. Its
FRoM A1 Coelho was appointed by the board as an alternate a team effort, he said.
One of the things I would bring to the board is a differ- member of the McKinleyville Parks and Recreation Ad- Among the projects he is interested in pursuing is a
ent perspective, said Coelho, who noted that not only is he visory Committee. Coelho attends the monthly meetings, skate park, which he said would be a tourist attraction,
the youngest candidate, but he has also lived in the low end where the committee has in-depth discussions about park bringing more visitors and money to town. The park would
of the economic spectrum and is the son of an immigrant and recreation issues and programs. also get skateboarders off the street, he said.
(his mother, who lives in McKinleyville, is from Sri Lanka.) When discussing programs like the McKinleyville Teen Its a matter of public safety for our children, Coelho
Coelho said that people his age are often surprised to Center, or the proposed skate park, Coelho has the per- said.
learn that hes running for a seat on the board. spective of a young person who was recently was using the Coelho said he would also like to work with neighbor-
People ask me dont you have to be 35 to run for this districts youth facilities. hoods to identify where streetlights are needed and deter-
position? Coelho said. No, Im not running for president I still have friends that are using these facilities, he mine whether installing them is feasible.
[of the United States.] said. Coelho spends most of his time being a student and do-
The only requirement for running for the board is that Coelho said he hopes that he can inspire more young ing homework, but hes also finding time to campaign.
candidates are registered voters residing within the dis- people to get involved and help shape the future of McKin-
tricts boundaries. leyville. The establishment of a local cemetery was discussed by the McKin-
Maturity and experience should be more important I would serve on the board and do the best I can and leyville Community Services District board at its meeting last week. ...
than how long you have lived on the planet, he said. Im hoping to get young people involved, Coelho said. Under the proposal, the district would build the cemetery on donated
When it comes to involvement with the district, Coel- Just because youre 18, 19 or 20 doesnt mean your be- land, then sell burial sites and establish a memory fund to help defray
ho has more experience than some of the candidates from liefs dont count, he said. Their perspective is valuable. the cost of building and operating the cemetery.
previous years. Coelho said that although he has some ideas on how to Mad River Herald, Sept. 19, 1990

Burke | Improve programs for seniors which the district could expand its
powers without much increase in tax-
If good things lasted forever, FRoM A1 Committee, said that the district will es for our residents, I would be in fa-
soon be conducting a survey to better vor, she said.
ence working with the services district.
would we appreciate how Burke holds a bachelor of arts de- understand what types of recreation Out of the four candidates, Burke
programs residents want. appears to have the most active cam-
gree in ecology from U.C. Santa Bar-
precious they are? bara and a masters degree in environ- I think there is room to improve paign. As of last week, she had 16
the programs offered for seniors and hand-painted signs around town. She
mental systems from Humboldt State.
Hobbes there are always ways to improve ser- is walking neighborhoods, handing out
After receiving her masters degree,
vices by listening to the community fliers and talking to potential voters.
she worked at Arcatas world-famous
express its own needs, Burke said. Burke said she expects to spend a
wetlands sewer treatment marsh and
As for parks, Burke said she wants little more than $2,000, a good por-
gained experience in wastewater
to make sure that it is safe for people tion of which will pay for printing and
technology and regulations, she said.
mailing postcards to McKinleyville
MAD RIVER In 2013, Burke became a project
manager for California Trout and has
worked with agencies, organizations
to travel to and from them.
I would like to see every commu-
nity with access to a safe and clean
For fun, Burke enjoys bike riding,

UNION neighborhood park. Parks are great running and attending local perfor-
and private land owners throughout
meeting places for families and is a key mances. She also enjoys working on
Humboldt County.
part of a healthy community, Burke her yard and home with her husband
Burke said that in her capacity as
said. Maintenance of the current and son.
The Mad River Union, (ISSN 1091-1510), is published weekly (Wednesdays) a project manager, she has a track
parks is important to providing a space Shes also an accomplished Ulti-
by Kevin L. Hoover and Jack Durham, record of collaborative relationships
791 Eighth St. (Jacobys Storehouse), Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521.
that families feel safe and want to vis- mate Frisbee player and holds several
Periodicals Postage Paid at Arcata, CA. as well as fiscal responsibility.
Subscriptions: $40/year
it. Safety is an issue in traveling from national and international titles.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the One of the projects she is working
parks to our homes and downtown Burke will hold a Meet the Candi-
Mad River Union, 791 Eighth St., Suite 8, Arcata, CA 95521 on is the districts proposed coho salm-
and I would work hard to be sure that date event on Sunday, Feb. 12 from 3
Deadlines on nursery, which would be located on
Letters to the Editor & Opinion columns: Noon Friday
our community is involved with the to 5 p.m. at 1579 Betty Ct. in McKin-
Press Releases: 5 p.m. Friday Ads: Contact Ad Dept. Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Friday about four acres along the banks of the
county in planning for and continuing leyville near the Mill Creek Cinema.
Press releases: (707) 826-7000 Mad River south of the Fischer Ranch
Letters to the Editor/Opinion: (707) 826-7000
to implement the improvements in bi- The public is invited.
Advertising: (707) 826-7535 and roughly across the river from the
Entertainment: (707) 826-7000
Legal notices: (707) 826-7000 boat ramp at Mad River County Park. cycle and pedestrian safety corridors
Pets: (707) 826-7000 Although Burke and others work- that we have seen along School, Cen- highlighTs oF hUMBoldT hisToRY
Jack D. Durham, Editor & Publisher ing on the project are still figuring out tral and McKinleyville Avenue. Local history buffs are invited to a free
Kevin L. Hoover, Editor-at-Large, Publisher
Lauraine Leblanc, Scene Editress the details, the idea is to connect the As an unincorporated community, PowerPoint presentation, Highlights
Jada C. Brotman, Advertising Manager districts old sewer percolation ponds McKinleyville doesnt have direct con- of Humboldt History, Saturday,
Patrick Evans, Paul Mann, Daniel Mintz, Janine Volkmar, Reporters with the nearby Mad River. Juve- trol over services such as planning, Feb. 11 at Arcatas historic Phillips
Matthew Filar, Photographer
Bob Doran, Patti Fleshner, Mara Segal Columnists nile coho would then swim in to the building and law enforcement. Burke House at Seventh and Union streets.
Karrie Wallace, Distribution Manager ponds, where they would fatten them- said that while she would like to see Historian Jerry Rohde will present
Louise Brotz, Subscription Outreach Coordinator
Marty Burdette, Proofreader extraordinaire selves up before re-entering the river. the town have more control over these highlights from numerous lectures he
Bigfoot Trail Alliance Kim Cabrera Burke noted that if she is elected, powers, she also acknowledges that has given through the Osher Lifelong
Sarah Gross she would have to recuse herself from state law doesnt allow the communi- Learning Institute. The program is
Phil Johnston The Old Steeple
David Wilson any board votes regarding the project ty to take tax revenues away from the part of the OLLI Chautauqua series.
due to her conflict of interest. County of Humboldt. This makes in- Future presentations will take place in
2017 The Mad River Union Burke, who is member of the dis- corporation unfeasible, she said. Trinidad, Blue Lake and McKinleyville.
tricts Parks and Recreation Advisory However, if there are ways in
Compost | Pedal-powered compost collector up and running THE ACATA COMPOST REVOLUTION
routine that will, cumulatively, have a positive impact. Participating businesses: Los Bagels; Slice of
This is one thing people can do thats an opportunity to Humboldt Pie; Crush; Jitter Bean; Northtown Coffee;
make a difference, and one of the easier things, Howard said. Food is Love, Love is Food; The Redwood Lily; Arcata
It also unplugs Arcata from the corporate machine Big Farmers Market
Garbage in another small but substantive way. Compost recipients: Tule Fog Farm, Open Door
Whats cool about this is that its hyperlocal and ben- Community Garden
eficial, Howard said. Instead of 2 mpg trucks driving to Follow the Arcata Compost Revolution on Facebook,
a landfill, youre paying people to ride bikes. The money Instagram and at; contact
stays here and the material strengthens local food produc- them at
ers. Its a multitiered effect.
All of our efforts are to keep everything local, Correa A vermiculture aspect might soon be added, and further
said. People dont realize how much money leaves our innovations are to come. We are in consultation with the
economy. And this way, we keep the nutrients, too. best community composters in America, Howard said.
Nutrient retention will get a big boost and ACR a pres- His hauling rig uses 600-pound capacity cargo trailers
tigious client this year when Arcatas Farmers Market with 16-inch wheels Howard calls the best in the country,
joins the compost revolution. made by Bikes at Work from Iowa and Kanner Karts from
One recipient of The Arcata Compost Revolutions de- Gainesville, Fla. Theyre pulled hither and yon by his Trek
liveries couldnt be happier with the new service. Sean Lift+ pedal-assist ebike.
Armstrong of Tule Fog Farms cooks incoming compost in
a straw bale-insulated containment, a practice he picked
ACR isnt Howards only planetary salvation initiative.
He operates the Community Cupboard, providing reusable
up while directing the Campus Center for Appropriate dishware for major events, and the Mug Library, with real
Technology. Tules pie pigs savor delectable slop from cups. Both aim to put a dent in the waste stream.
Slice of Humboldt Pie and other ACR clients. As a bona fide eco-superhero, the indefatigable How-
Alecs efforts have added to our own, and its great fun ards day job is as a natural resource aide for the City of
to see him whizzing down the road on his electric cargo Arcata, and in his nonexistent spare time he also serves as
bike with compost and pig food, Armstrong said. a boardmember for Zero Waste Humboldt.
ACRs efforts are also lauded a ways up the waste chain, But deep in his heart flourishes a fetid flow of compost.
HEAVY DUTY TRAILER Alec Howard places compost at the Humboldt Waste Management Authority. Executive He believes its a huge economic opportunity, and pos-
in a bin hauled on a bicycle trailer with a 600 lb. ca- Director Jill Duffy said small-volume compost recycling is sibly the basis of another kind of California Gold Rush,
pacity. KLH | Union both challenging and a big opportunity, and that ACR this time composed of discarded avocado pits and take-out
From A1 may have struck upon the optimal, hyperlocal approach to boxes rather than gold nuggets.
very important, Howard said. The warming potential is the problem. Meanwhile, the ACR needs support and involvement to
very high. Methane, unlike carbon dioxide, realizes its As soon as you get beyond seven miles, it starts getting attain critical mass. I would really love the community to
destructive potential in the atmosphere immediately. Ad- cost prohibitive, Duffy said. What hes proposing to do is, get behind this, Howard said.
dressing methane gives us time to deal with CO2, he said. I think, going to be the long-term answer.
The whole thing is sort of a pilot project, constrained Howard is running with that same conclusion. We
by Arcata Compost Revolutions limited employee pool think we have a way of doing it thats better than the in- ABoLISH ELECTorAL CoLLEGE? The
of three. Howard persons the bike, while Correa focuses dustrial model, he said. Humboldt County Democratic Cen-
on marketing and graphics. But theyre going places a ACR charges a nominal per-bucket fee for pickups. For tral Committee will consider endors-
half-dozen or so, for starters. large producers with complicated needs, we work one-on- ing a resolution for abolishment of the
Right, now ACR services a handful of downtown Arcata one to make it work, Howard said. Electoral College system at its general
businesses once or twice a week as needed, collecting their Clients get more than just their vegetable scraps disap- meeting today, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. at its
food waste and pedaling it by the trailerful to a local farm peared. We are developing comprehensive ways of pro- headquarters, 129 Fifth St. in Eureka.
and garden. viding services, including training staff, providing public All Democrats are invited to attend.
The businesses deserve credit for subsidizing the start- signage, and teaching about our perspective of the best
up with higher initial costs, enabling ACR to expand its approach to the future of sustainable materials manage- DEmoCrATS ENDorSE BUrKE The Humboldt County
route to residential clients. ment, Howard said. Democratic Central Committee endorsed Mary Burke for
Theres an educational component too, as Howard Another benefit is helping forge a disruptilicious new director of the McKinleyville Community Service District
shows participating businesses and their customers how paradigm. Were gonna do this differently than everybody during its January meeting. The special election to fill a
to properly separate, dispose of and store the waste. Its yet in the country, said Howard, who might be viewed as the vacant seat begins next week and ends March 14. Ballots
another incremental practice Arcatans can build into their Elon Musk of decomposing onions and dank napkins. will be mailed.

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Wheetley | Can replace with appointment or election Cannabis lab hearing postponed
From A1 icy and practices pushing for alternative fuel Daniel Mintz tee and has warned county super-
nate themselves as a potential replacement cars, solar energy, marsh and tideland resto- Mad RiveR Union visors of what he described as risks
councilmember for the council to appoint, which ration and carbon sequestration projects. His McKINLEYVILLE The advance to the California Redwood Coast
would save the city the considerable expense of recent work with First Lady Michelle Obamas of the local marijuana industry con- Humboldt County Airport, asked if
a special election. Ive told them, Heres an op- Lets Move and Healthy Cities Campaign tinues to be tested as a McKinleyville tax revenue from the manufacturing
portunity. And Ive strongly urged the council earned him a trip to the White House. His his- companys proposal for a manufac- facility will be used to offset poten-
to go that route. tory and thorough understanding of the chal- turing facility meets neighborhood tial loss [in] real estate value of the
Said City Manager Karen Diemer, We will lenges facing rural communities and coastal resistance. homes around it.
bring an outline of the councils options to cities will be sorely missed in Arcata. Fortuna Humboldt Countys Planning Greg Sisk, whose family lives on
replace Councilmember Wheetley for a com- is lucky to have him coming on board. Commission was set to hold a hear- Johnson Lane, which borders the
munity discussion at their next meeting on Fortuna Mayor Sue Long said Wheetley is ing on the proposal at its Feb. 2 project site, also highlighted the is-
Feb. 15. well suited to the position. We cast our net lo- meeting, but voted to postpone it to sue of property values.
Among the councils options, according to cally rather than look for someone from the big March 2. Supervising Planner Steve He said his family owns three
Diemer: city, because it takes them so long to catch on, Werner said the continuance was re- properties near the project site, and
The council must, within 60 days from the she said. He knows Humboldt, he knows the quested by the applicant to address when he contacted real estate agents
date of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by issues. neighborhood concerns. about potential impacts, Everyone
appointment or call a special election to fill the She cited Wheetleys long experience in city A special permit for the manu- concurred that if there was a canna-
vacancy. government, and said that plus his manage- facturing facility is sought by HCMP bis lab right next to our street, the
A person appointed or elected to fill a va- ment style and personality are a perfect fit for Humboldt LLC, which is made up of values of our properties would di-
cancy holds office for the unexpired term of the the City of Fortuna. members of the family that owns the minish immensely.
former incumbent. While the April 1 start date has yet to be ap- McKinleyville-based Hooven & Co. Sisk and his wife, Deborah, also told
If the council chooses to fill the vacancy proved by the Fortuna City Council, Long said Inc. construction company. commissioners that their family would
through a special election, the special election the contract for Wheetleys services has been The facility is proposed for a por- be exposed to a criminal element at-
must be held on the next regularly established signed. He will relieve former Arcata City Man- tion of the Hooven companys head- tracted by the proposed facility.
election date not less than 114 days from the call ager Randy Mendosa, who has served as interim quarters at 3445 Central Ave. in Other neighbors of the project
of the election. Fortuna city manager since October. McKinleyville. It will manufacture submitted written comments ob-
Noted Diemer, Mark was first elected to Ar- Wheetley will retain his position as a senior marijuana products, including food jecting to it. Prior to last weeks con-
cata City Council in 2005 and served as may- environmental scientist specialist for the Cal- items and solvent-based concentrates. tinuance vote on the McKinleyville
or in 2008, 2009 and 2014. His long tenure is ifornia Deptartment of Fish & Wildlife for the McKinleyville residents at the proposal, Commissioner Ben Shep-
marked with both a neighborhood- and school- time being. He said city management is an area hearing were given the chance to ad- herd suggested the extra time could
based focus as well as a dedication to region- Ive been building my skill set in with the League dress commissioners on the project. be beneficial. He told the audience,
al and statewide advocacy for Arcata and the of California Cities. He served as regional rep- McKinleyville resident Dominic This will give you another month to
North Coast. He ensured Arcata continued to resentative to the leagues Board of Directors for Bucciarelli, who is vice chair of the delve into the project and seek solu-
stay on the cutting edge of environmental pol- six years, up until December. countys Aviation Advisory Commit- tions, if theyre available.

Goldberg | Allegedly abused wife for years Last Sept. 26 at about

12:47 p.m., Fortuna police
Humboldt Countys record
homicide rate in 2016, the
Asked if she were cer-
tain it was gunfire, she an-
found Smith Sr. lying on the third year in a row. swered, Absolutely. Ive
From A1 legation spans the period case. ground next to his red pick- At a preliminary hearing been around guns all my
place, unnamed, as Jon Sept. 1, 2014 to Sept. 30, The defendant is sched- up truck, directly in front Dec. 6, Smith Sr.s widow, life. I love target shooting, I
Goldberg brandished a re- 2016, fully two years before uled to appear again on of his house on Rohnerville Jessica Springer, testi- shoot all the time.
volver that could be con- Smith was shot and killed. the prior murder charge on Road. fied that she came across Like Springer, Smith Jr.
cealed upon a person. Superior Court Judge Tim- Feb. 23. He is being held on Smith Sr. had five bullet nude photographs of her was both an eye- and ear-
The third count, also othy P. Cissna appoint- $1 million bail in that case wounds and was dead at the friend Rachel Goldberg on witness. He testified he was
a misdemeanor, accuses ed Public Defender Casey and could be sentenced to scene, police said. Smith Sr.s phone. Spring- inside his trailer parked in
Jon Goldberg of battery. Russo to be Jon Goldbergs life in prison. Some six hours after er phoned her friend with the driveway of the family
It states that he willfully attorney in the new case, Jon Goldberg sat impas- the shooting, Fortuna offi- word that she had better tell home when gunfire cracked
and unlawfully used force which will be aired in a pre- sively in handcuffs in the cers, the Humboldt County her husband what Springer the air. He too heard Jon
and violence against Rachel liminary hearing Feb. 16. jury box Feb. 2 as Russo en- SWAT team and the Califor- had discovered. The two Goldbergs words to the
Goldberg. Russo is also representing tered pleas of not guilty to nia Highway Patrol picked families had been close, effect, I thought we were
Notably, the battery al- Jon Goldberg in the murder the new gun charges. up Jon Goldberg inside a regular hunting and fishing friends, man, just before
residence at 32950 High- companions. the suspect pulled the trig-
Paid Advertisement way 36, east of Bridgeville. Springer and Smith Sr.s ger. Smith Sr. was reaching
Fortuna police estab- son, Timothy Alan Smith into his truck when Jon
LOCAL FAMILY OWNED BUSINESSES HELP lished that he fled the For- Jr., both testified that Gold- shot him, Smith, Jr. tes-
FEED THE HUNGRY THIS RAINY SEASON tuna crime scene in a white berg committed the murder tified. He gave him about
2005 Dodge Caravan, head- with naked intent. as many bullets as he did
Eureka Brake & Automotive and Old Town Auto Service donate nearly 250 ed southbound on Rohnerv- Springer told the court words. He looked me right
pounds of nonperishable food items to Humboldt Countys Food for People. ille Road. she heard Jon Goldbergs in the eye and shot my fa-
The state alleges that the voice as she stood in her ther.
EUREKA, Calif. As the temperature abrupt discovery of the ex- living room. Her front door The younger Smith had
drops, public generosity rises this time of tramarital affair led to the was open and she saw his been watching from his
year for two local automotive shops. Since murder, which added to truck pull up. Her husband trailer window, some 10
2007, Eureka Brake & Automotive has held was out front unloading feet away. I see this man
an Annual Canned Food Drive to aid fami- hunting gear from his pick- pointing a gun. I ran out the
lies in need during the holiday season. For up and taking it into the door immediately as he left.
1828 Central Ave. McKinleyville 839-1571
the past two years, Old Town Auto Service Mon.-Sat. 8:30 to 5:30 house. I only seen him for about
has joined in the giving spirit and held a Sun. 10 to 4 (Seasonal, Nursery Only)
Springer hastened to three seconds ... I heard
drive as well. her front door as she heard him peel out of the drive-
Nursery & Garden Center
These shops feel it is important to lend a multiple gunshots. way.
helping hand whenever possible to keep our Shop & Power
tight-knit community strong. Every year, Equipment Center
each shop draws one donor to win either a Landscape Contractors
new set of tires or any other services up to Steve Cunningham, owner of both Eure- Irrigation, Fencing,
$500 in value. ka Brake & Automotive and Old Town Auto Automatic Gates Farmer
This year, the winners were Miranda Service says, We enjoy giving back to the Mac
Parson and Tranita Barnett. [The $500 community and our awesome customers
during the holiday season. I feel fortunate
With Us!
gift certificate] will come in very handy as
my vehicle is in need of a good amount of that we are able to expand our impact on the
maintenance and repairs, states Barnett, a community by involving both shops in this
customer at Old Town Auto Service. fun tradition. Since 1963

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Whither the coplog part II:
the stay-the-coursening
ell, now I know. You want the could use the mental health break. And
Unions Arcata Police Log to factually, not alternate factually, my be-
keep going, and so it shall. havior has changed after reading about
Last week I asked whether, with the the car door-checking aptitudes of certain
advent of the online daily bulletins from slumpabouts. Now I always lock my car
APD the same stuff Ive been basing the door so you may have prevented a crime.
coplog on for all these years the Unions Thanks for making Arcata life feel like,
wacky take should carry on in all its florid well, Arcata.
redundancy. Well golly, or aw, shucks or something.
Honestly, I had begun to wonder wheth- Thanks so much, folks. All writers like to
er anyone was still reading the damn thing know that theyre being read, and its even
any more, or whether it was just
some kind of rolling civic embar-
nicer to learn that the writing
has real-world practical use.
Mack HigH wall
rassment whose time had passed Another reader had some re-
and everyone was just too nice ally good suggestions: gets real about
to tell me. Well, it turns out that Do a weekly Highlights and
people like it, they really like it.
I didnt expect or want a cas-
Hijinks or similar that focuses
on a reduced list of crusty crime
drugs & alcoHol
cade of compliments, but thats committals, enabling you to wax
what I got. Some samples: your poetic passions on the most GETTING REAL Maisie French, Sarah Gross and Summer Driscoll. Submitted photo
Raw data is like raw ham- purulent and provocative post-

burger, said one reader, on the ings A select, short list en- ebruary has brought a new installa- been affected by substance abuse.
prospect of relying on the stacca- abling you to show your best ma- tion to the campus of McKinleyville Answers varied from little effect taking
to APD feed. terial would be terrific. Perhaps High School: The Reality Wall. place, to students who have had family
Your ... writing is a huge part of the you might title it, All the Fits Thats News This is wall where students give ac- members and friends die or disappear due
culture of our little paper and we need a to Print. counts of the effects that drugs and alco- to addictions.
bit of levity in reading about the knuckle- Crusty crime committals yeah. Over hol have had on their lives or the People also wrote about the
heads in our community. Dont stop what the years, Ive only trusted two people to lives of people they know. harms of drunk driving and hav-
you are doing, said another. write the coplog when I was away Abby The purpose of this project is ing drinks spiked at parties, and
The dry, official APD reports are no Lovelace and Lauraine Leblanc. But that to illuminate the effects of sub- the dangerous and damaging re-
comparison to your renditions. We get a guy might also qualify. stance abuse on the lives of the sults thereof.
chuckle every time! And he is on to something. Henceforth, students. It was heartbreaking to see
I regularly chuckle out loud at the an- Im going to focus on the items which Starting on Feb. 1, with the so many students carrying such
tics of the characters in Arcata and the way have the most juice, and ditch the routine guidance of Student Assistance heavy burdens every day, but
Mr. Hoover writes about them. stuff you can read in the official feed. Not Counselor Chris Evans, students the goal was accomplished. This
Your descriptions of Arcatas neer- only will it intensify the wonderment, but Summer Driscoll and Maisie project brought about empathy
do-wells are quite an enjoyable read. As a the coplog will be less bloated and wont French, along with myself, asked for those who are afflicted by all
longtime reader and subscriber of the Eye chronically fall behind due to lack of avail- students to fill out anonymous cards de- the pain that substance abuse has caused
and now the Mad River Union, I look for- able space in the newspaper.
scribing personal experiences about the them.
ward to picking up the mail each Wednes- Its important to remember that all of
impact of drugs and alcohol on them. The wall has allowed others to see that
day afternoon. the wacky hijinx and guffaws are distilled
The results were interesting. The stu- they are not alone, and that students sit-
I am a huge fan of the Police Log, and from the endless sweat and sacrifice of the
dents used it as a way to let their voices be uations are sometimes more serious than
it is one of the main reasons I subscribe people of the Arcata Police Dept. While the
heard on the struggles they face every day what one sees from day to day.
to the Mad River Union! (Several people coplog is both fun for me to make and you
when they get home from school and on Anonymously, students were able to say
said something like that.) to read, I can pick and choose the items I
I love the humor, wordplay, and on- cover. APD officers dont have that option. the weekends. Some students have strug- what has been resting on their shoulders
ly-in-Arcata-ness of it all. PLEASE keep They have to go deal with anything from a gled with the problem for years. without feeling too exposed.
writing! bank robbery to a political demonstration This year marks the 17th year this proj- The wall will remain on display on the
But of all the encomiums, this one real- to a crazed drunk to a ferret up a tree to ect has been enacted. It brought 311 new quad in the center of campus for the whole
ly hit the spot: a domestic dispute where both sides turn responses this year from people who have month.
I don't read the coplog to get the infor- on them. These folks around-the-clock,
mation, I read it to get the point of view. sometimes dangerous and always de-
You make the Plazoid hordes seem like a
funny and even somewhat charming slice
manding work and the way they do it
is one of the principal reasons I live in this All the fits we could fit in print
of small town life, like a 21st century Nor- town. Next time you see an APD officer, let Sunday, January 8 by the requisite tered police with
man Rockwell with a healthy dose of irony them know you appreciate their work. 3:57 a.m. During prime trash, popped up nonsense calls,
sauce. Compared to the screamer in the One last thing: I hereby declare myself time for Arcatas armies of near a Bayside the latest being
White House and the four-year temper liberated from the shackles of he or she.
nocturnal doorhandle-try- Road lodge. a report that two
tantrum we may all have to endure, our Henceforth, Im going to freely use they
ers, a Union Street wom- 7:40 p.m. Yet dead women are
local yellers are a delight to civilized dis- as a first-person singular pronoun like a
an listened as her door- another cam- no longer dead,
course. Thanks for the perspective. While demented wildman, because Grammar
knob jiggled intermittently ouflage-panted and that the four
I wouldnt want to keep you trapped in Girl says I can.
through the night, though shoplifter helped police officers in
amber artistically or journalistically, my So again, thanks for your interest and
vote is to continue with coplog because I feedback, and for the clear direction. to be fair it might have himself to deli items at his garage refused to assist
been someones freelance a Uniontown store and with the awkward resur-
foley work or even ambient strode out, not payin. rection imbroglio. He was
Parent Project The Arcata Police Departments Juvenile Diversion Department and percussion fills. 10:20 p.m. A woman out- arrested.
the Humboldt County Office of Educations Redwood Coast Parent Project host nation- 8:22 a.m. A Valley West side the police station bab- 11 a.m. Burglars cut
ally-recognized Parent Project classes for parents of high-risk youth on Tuesday eve- worker reported a custom- bled nonsensically about through an Aldergrove-ar-
nings from 6 to 9 p.m. beginning April 11 at the McKinleyville High School Library. er bringing inappropriate her experience at a nearby ea fence and both stole and
This 11-week class series is geared to help parents improve adolescent childrens school gifts over the past few days. store, repeatedly picking vandalized property.
attendance and performance, reduce family conflict, curb drug and alcohol use, prevent 9:35 a.m. Campers up and slamming down the 12:12 p.m. Two Ericson
runaways, stop violent behavior and develop strong, in-home prevention and interven- blocked off the entrance poor phone while claiming Way trucks were broken
tion strategies for youth gang involvement. The Parent Project, developed by police pro- to a Valley West preschool that shes a police detective into over the weekend, the
fessionals, is in its 28th year and is now the largest court mandated juvenile diversion with a tarpaulin, under and saying that a man had suspects being campers
program in the country. The McKinleyville classes are funded in large part by Measure which they made a rude struck her 19 times before parked across the street.
Z tax revenue funds. There will be a one-time $35 fee for class materials. Scholarships camp. being arrested. 3:22 p.m. Mail and pack-
are available and food will be provided at each session. Classes run through June 20. To 3:08 p.m. An illegal Monday, January 9 ages are disappearing from
register and for more information, call (707) 825-2585 or visit campsite, surrounded 6:59 a.m. A drunk pes- Mack Road doorsteps.


Kids can get creative at

Presidents Week camps
Mad RiveR Union
HUMBOLDT Local organizations are holding week-
long camps to help kids create and express themselves
during Presidents Week, Feb. 20 through 24.
Kids in the first through fifth grades who love invent-
ing, making, and bringing their creative ideas to life will
have opportunities to learn about and work with a wide
BIG LAGOON ART Student artists from Big Lagoon School have joined the current show at Westhaven Center for variety of different materials at Camp SCRAP. From 8:30
the Arts, 501 South Westhaven Dr. Self portraits of cut and torn colored paper made in classes with instructor An- a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at SCRAP Humboldt, 101 H St., next
toinette Magyar complement the ocean- themed murals from Trinidad School. Big Lagoon fourth, fifth and sixth to the Arcata Marsh, days at camp are filled with exper-
graders worked with volunteer Bill Wenger to construct dioramas based on the film Becoming California, several imenting, problem-solving, building, creating, and play-
of which, such as the 49ers above, are on display. The show also includes work by students of Trinidad School ing. There is a $150 for this week-long camp.
art teacher Thao Le Khac, winners of the Bureau of Land Management's 2016 Coastal National Monument Art scraphumboldt. org, (707) 822-2452
Contest. The show continues through February with gallery hours Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Morris Graves Museum
The Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka,
offers a week-long, half-day art camp for students ages 5
CSU issues statement on President Trumps Executive Order to 12. The museums arts educator, Virginia Wood, will
lead students on tours of the museum and in discussions
Mad RiveR Union ally, central to which is our ability to welcome and about art history and theory. Students will make lots of
CALIFORNIA The California State University Chan- interact with those from around the world. art projects inspired by what they see in the museum,
cellors Office issued a statement Jan. 30 in response to When something threatens our ability to think including paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
President Donald J. Trumps signing of an executive order beyond our borders and learn from the world as a Registration is $120/$110 for Humboldt Arts Council
on immigration. The statement reads: whole, we will oppose it. When something impacts members. Scholarships are available.
The California State University is committed to anyone in our CSU community especially the most, (707) 442-0278
being an inclusive and welcoming institution of vulnerable it impacts us all.
higher education that is enhanced by the students, Therefore, we oppose the divisiveness of the re-
faculty, staff and alumni from our global community. cent executive order, and we stand with state and SAfe & SobeR GRAduAtion fundRAiSeR Humboldt
We are deeply troubled by President Trumps re- national officials in requesting that the President re- Folklife Society presents a Barn Dance with live music
cent executive order that stands in stark contrast to consider this policy. by Striped Pig Stringband and calling by Lyndsey Battle
the fundamental tenets of the California State Uni- The statement was signed by Timothy P. White, chan- Saturday, Feb. 11 from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Arcata
versity. We believe in the free exchange of ideas glob- cellor of California State University, Lisa A. Rossbacher, Vets Hall, 1425 J St. Refreshments, including Its Alive
president of Humboldt State University, David Lopez, Kombucha, wine, beer, pizza and baked goods will be
Trinidad McKinleyville president of the California State Student Association, available. There will also be a raffle. Admission is $10/$5
361 Main Street 1807 Central Ave. for students/free for children under 12. Proceeds benefit
Christine Miller, chair of the Academic Senate of the
707.677.1600 707.839.5441 Arcata High School Safe & Sober Graduation, sponsored
California State University and by university presidents
Team Sue & Sarah throughout the CSU system. by Tigers Inc.
Team Forbes offers
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This is also what democracy looks like
brought a measured perspective to the dis-
Community over exclusivity
While I was unable make the Forest Man- v letterS cussion at hand. I learned of Marys passion
for our area and her desire to be an active
agement meeting on Jan. 12, I did read with
above public scrutiny and anyone that dis- leader. Her vision is to create a healthy, ac-
interest the write up (Forest friction frus-
agrees with them will not get fair treatment. cessible and people-centered community
trates users, Union Jan. 25). I have attended
Estelle went on to say that anyone who here in McKinleyville where we all have a
several other related meetings and contribut-
knows her, knows that she cannot be bought. voice. She intends to stay the course to be
ed public comment in the past. It is safe to
Many in the public talk about how fair and involved now and in the years to come.
say we all want to enjoy our community trails.
broad-minded she was as a KMUD news re- Mary inspires me and has earned my full
Mr. LeBel was right when he suggested
porter. After leaving KMUD she took a job support. Please join me in voting for her
that having high speed bike only facilities
with HumboldtCPR as their executive direc- when you receive your mail-in ballots Feb.
increases the tendency to travel at high
tor and then her behavior changed. Her boss- 14. Ballots must be received by March 14 to
speeds on adjacent multiuse trails as well.
es were Lee Ulansey and Bob Morris (current be counted.
The YouTube videos he shared (Sunny
chair of the Planning Commission just reap- Kate McClain, McKinleyville
Brae downhill and others) revealed the
same obvious conclusion as have the per- pointed by Estelle for a second term). Both
sonal experiences of many forest trail users. of these individuals have used their financial Yet more for Mary Burke
He was also absolutely right that public influence to get the Board of Supervisors to After the national elections, many of us
process was not followed prior to the in- offer them increased densities for properties are probably wondering why, among the
stallation of a downhill-only bike trail. It they own. They could not get these increased millions of good people in our country, we
is an embarrassment to the city of Arcata densities through the vary commission they have so much trouble finding good candi- and businesses for supporting our recent
which prides itself in public process. I do sit on so they did an end run to the Board of dates for to run for elected office. crowdfunding. We raised over $5,000 on
like his suggestion that the trail in ques- Supervisors that they control. This is all doc- Maybe the requirements are just too, and about $5,000 off-
tion be turned into an uphill-only trail to umented in county records. tough for most of us? line. These funds will support our import-
take away the temptation of high downhill What is the most disturbing element Someone with enough knowledge and ant work on toxic algae monitoring.
speeds and make it safer for the rest of the about these kinds of flagrant public trust experience for the office. Since 2013, weve been collecting data
community. The rest of his well-researched violations is not that it happens, but that Someone who cares about and can be an about where and when blue-green algae turns
letter should not be ignored either. they obviously think this is OK and busi- articulate voice for the community. toxic in the Eel River. Now, we can evaluate
It has been pointed out by the Forest ness as usual. What do you think? Someone willing to put in the work nec- that data to determine what conditions may
Management Committee on more than Rise up and be counted. Register to vote. essary to research, prioritize, and juggle cause the production of toxins. This informa-
one occasion that there are only so many Organize and seek candidates that respect the many issues and responsibilities. tion will help our community better under-
trail alignments possible. It has been our the public trust and listen to all viewpoints Someone who increases probability of stand the problem and to deal with it more
position that we should all have access to respectfully. success through preparation, cooperation, effectively. We will produce a report on 2013-
all trails to maximize access for everyone. Sungnome Madrone and likability. 2016 data and share it with the pubic on our
To insist on exclusive use trails is not very Trinidad Someone with the creativity, adaptabil- website soon.
community minded and is frankly, selfish. ity, resourcefulness and practicality to ef- Dozens of individuals joined ERRP and
I do believe that most in the mountain bike Mary Burke for Mack Town fectively pursue a vision for a better future. contributed to the crowdfunding effort and
community are happy to share trails, partic- Ive lived in Humboldt County for 32 years, How fortunate we are that MCSD Board substantial support came from within the
ularly ones close to town like in our Sunny the last nine in McKinleyville. I am fortunate candidate Mary Burke is all of the above, and conscious cannabis community.
Brae and Arcata Community Forest. It is not to be building a house in the town I love, and also had the courage to put herself forward We wish to thank the following businesses
called a Special Interests Forest for a reason. I plan to say awhile. It is important to me often the most difficult requirement of all. for their generosity: Pacific Watershed As-
There are only a small portion that insist on that all of the different voices of our commu- Thank you, Mary, and thanks to all of sociates, Dazeys Supply, Wildberries Mar-
bike only trails and only a few of those that nity be heard in the process of community you in McKinleyville who will make the ef- ketplace, McBain and Associates, Ming Tree
use the black diamond type tracks. planning and services. The best solutions are fort to read and mail in your ballots for our Realty, Biovortex, Thomas Gast & Associates,
We all generally get along. Inviting an those that are inclusive of all of us. Because Community Services District Special Elec- Mother Earth Engineering, Compliant Farms,
unnecessary reason for us to not get along I hold this conviction strongly, I am mailing tion which will arrive this month and are Village Ecosystems, Northcoast Horticultural
by putting in exclusive and dangerous trails in my ballot in February with a vote for Mary due by March 14. Supply, the Mateel Community Center, Ar-
does not benefit our community. Arcata Burke for the Board of McKinleyville Com- Joyce King, McKinleyville co-Iris Woodworking and Redway Liquors.
made a mistake by installing high speed munity Services District (MCSD). ERRP will continue to work with every-
bike facilities. We should admit it, correct Mary has shown that she is open-mind- Just vote for Mary Burke one throughout the watershed to conserve
it and move on. ed and listens to the people she serves in I am writing to urge your readers to water and to avoid pollution so we can re-
Uri Driscoll, President the numerous positions shes held over the vote for Mary Burke for the McKinleyville store the Eel River to fishable, swimmable
Northern California Horsemens Assoc. years. Her work history and community in- Community Services District Board. Mary and drinkable 365 days a year.
volvement uniquely qualifies her to serve is a biologist and has already been working Sincerely,
Supervisors in conflict? us on MCSD. Shes been an active member with the district board and staff in coor- Michael McKaskle
In these times of political corruption, it of our MCSD Recreation Advisory Commit- dinating the transition of the percolation ERRP Board of Directors, Redway
is even more important that we can trust tee for three years so she knows our com- ponds into juvenile coho nurseries. She
munitys issues pretty well.
our public officials. When elected to office,
Mary knows wastewater treatment tech-
also has been a volunteer on the districts Thanks from march orgs
all public officials are advised to avoid legal Recreation Committee. As representatives of the recent Wom-
conflicts of interest and avoid even the ap- nology and regulations because of her work Not only is she highly qualified to serve ens March on Eureka organizing team, we
pearance of conflicts of interest. The reason at the Arcata Marsh and her education in our community, given her professional and want to thank and congratulate the 6,000
this is so important is because of the trust environmental systems. Mary knows bud- volunteer achievements, but she has been to 7,000 residents of Humboldt County for
that is placed in these individuals to uphold gets because of her work as board presi- a long time resident of the area. She deep- showing up with good will, for a historic
the sacred trust of the people. dent of Friends of the Arcata Marsh. Mary ly appreciates the rural homespun nature peaceful gathering and march to express
Recent actions by the Humboldt County knows project management from her work of McKinleyville and understands the vital their perspectives on our current state of
Board of Supervisors fly in the face of this as program coordinator at California Trout importance, the necessity of maintaining political affairs in the United States. Indi-
sacred trust. The people are paying atten- and her co-leadership of Steelhead Days. those values as we face our growing future. viduals and groups from a broad cross sec-
tion and will act to correct these injustices. Mary and her family reside in our neigh- Marys balanced view of our future hon- tion of the community participated in an
Many members of the public have recent- borhood where there are good neighbors; ors our need for housing and business oppor- event distinguished by a display of mutual
ly questioned the conflicts of interest that a they bought a fixer-upper several years ago tunities as well as the longer term necessity support, inclusion, respect, and willingness
re-appointment of Lee Ulansey to the Plan- and are transforming it from a neighbor- of safeguarding our rich ecological treasures. to stand up for fundamental American val-
ning Commission would represent. With hood eyesore to a very nice place. From what Recently, Mary received the endorse- ues of human rights, equality, justice.
his large donations to four of the Board of Ive seen of Mary, she cares enough to get ment of the Democratic Central Committee. We are grateful to our partner and spon-
Supervisors re-election campaigns, and his involved and can be the voice for all of us. Please make sure to mark and mail sor, AFSCME Local 1684, and to City of
use of this monetary support to request and With good ideas, enthusiasm, and energy to your ballot when it arrives in your mail- Eureka staff and Police Department, who
receive increased densities on properties he get the things done, she has what it takes to box sometime around Feb. 13. Your vote worked with us to plan the route and logistics
owns through the General Plan Update pro- build on the good work of the MCSD Board for Mary Burke will ensure a happy and for managing this large event in such a short
cess, these conflicts are very real and docu- that will make our community an even better healthy McKinleyville for years to come. time resulting in a safe outcome for the
mented. At the very least there is a strong place for our families. Im counting on her! Meighan OBrien, McKinleyville thousands who marched. North Coast Peo-
appearance of a conflict of interest. Lisa Dugan, McKinleyville
ples Alliance provided pro-bono nonviolent
At the Jan. 24 Board of Supervisors meet- Where are the jobs? direct action training to over 60 marchers.
ing, several board members (the gang of four: More for Mary Burke While chatting with a friend the other day Thanks also to speakers and musicians
Sundberg, Bass, Fennell and Bohn) respond- As a voting McKinleyville resident, I en- about how McKinleyville is growing rapidly, who graciously stepped forward on short
ed to these allegations of conflict of interest. thusiastically support Mary Burke for our my comment is where are the jobs? notice and inspired the participants to ex-
Instead of recognizing the real and obvious new board member of McKinleyville Com- I understand anyone not wanting a mari- press their sentiments positively and with
appearance of a conflict, they used their time munity Service District (MCSD) Board of juana grow in their neighborhood (increased regard for the family-friendly atmosphere
to be defensive, deny any conflicts exist, and Directors. crime) but it seems any industry that at- hoped for. And to the gracious and animat-
Estelle [Fennell] went so far as to strongly I am a retired businesswoman and tempts to improve the local economy always ed signer who stepped out of the crowd and
support Mr. Ulansey. Her obvious desire to member of group that has been working to gets shot down for one reason or another. signed for all the speakers, thank you!
maintain her relationship and presumably identify capable leaders in our community Paul Manns article Oyster Farm Ex- We acknowledge the sound and film ex-
his financial support was painfully obvious. to chart the future of McKinleyville. In our pansion Hits Snag (Union, Jan. 25) is a pertise enabling most of the crowd to hear,
Ms. Bass went on to say how eloquent she was search, we discovered many fine individu- prime example. We are famous for the oys- and now for all to experience the rally and
and suggested she should run for president. als who are not ready to commit themselves ter festival in Arcata, and probably have march through the two films, a two-minute
Bass and Fennell both went on to admonish to public service, or do not want to add still the best oysters in the world, if not the US. video: and the
the public for their warning the board to be another responsibility to their lives. What a great opportunity to provide good rally video:
honest and avoid conflicts of interest. Mary Burke is committed to public ser- jobs. Nope, shot down once again. And last, but not least, thanks to the 70-
Rather than take public comment seri- vice and ready to serve on the MCSD board. Remember how people were oh-so-up- plus volunteers and donors who pitched in
ously, and recognize that there is clearly Like many of her peers, Mary is a full-time set that a Costco would be coming into hours and with pocketbooks, whose help
an appearance of a conflict of interest, they professional, wife and parent. Yet she is town? Look how many jobs that created made the event possible.
chose to be defensive, unresponsive and willing to give of her time and talents to (excellent pay with benefits!) and how busy The march is only a beginning and par-
disrespectful to many citizens legitimate our community. She is willing be involved that place always is. ticipants looking for ideas about next steps
concerns. This is a serious violation of the in difficult fiscal decisions that our service I remember a bumper sticker I saw in and resources can turn to the Womens
public trust and this is not the first time district must make. She is willing to listen town around 1988 that said: Are you an en- March on Eureka Facebook event page,
these four have acted this way. to community members, hear our concerns vironmentalist, or do you work for a living?
I for one will not accept this type of dis- and help us create a McKinleyville we citi- Wendy J. Davis, McKinleyville This event page has photos, videos, and
dain for public views and this violation of the zens want for now and in the future. testimonials, and is currently in transition.
public trust. They have tried to admonish me I was instantly drawn to Marys presence Well done, Humboldt!
many times no matter how respectful I have when I met her several years ago at a McKin- Thanks for the funding Sincerely,
been in my pointing out these conflicts. What leyville community gathering. She was calm, The Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP) Terry Uyeki and Rebecca Stauffer
is clear is that this gang of four think they are listened carefully, asked good questions and wants to thank community members Eureka Womens March
FEBRUARY 8, 2017
artist Denise
Jones, left, at
the helm of a
operated by
the treadle
from an old
sewing machine.
Below, hot water
An evening with the marquise
in a tea cup
Romantic. DRamatic. comic. Tonight, 18th century scientific genius Emilie du

Kaleidoscopic works a little

Sterling engine,
which turns a
Chtelet (Alexandra Blouin, above, with Charlie Heinberg) is back and deter-
mined to answer the question she died with: love or philosophy, head or heart?
In this highly theatrical, fast, funny, sexy rediscovery of one of history's most in-
triguing women, Emilie defends her life and loves, and ends up with both a for-

visionary Janine Volkmar form into enchanting patterns.

Photos by Janine
volkmar | Union mula and a legacy that permeates history. Opening its 19th season, Redwood
Curtain presents a comic, poignant and theatrical love story: Emilie, La Marquise
du Chatelet Defends her Life Tonight, by Lauren Gunderson. Catherine L. Brown
directs this funny and thoughtful exploration of the life and love of this true-life,
Mad RiveR Union If you have used a kaleidoscope bor- sexy French genius of the Enlightenment a badass mathematician, a card
EUREKA If Leonardo da Vinci were rowed from a child, the kind that is a shark, a published author who had a passionate affair with Voltaire. Emilie pre-
a woman, her name would be Denise cardboard tube filled with chips of colored views Thursday and Friday, Feb. 9 and 10, with reduced price tickets; opening
Jones. plastic that move as the end of the tube is night with gala champagne reception is Saturday, Feb. 11. Performances con-
OK, I know my feminist history Hypa- turned, youve seen the faint echo of the tinue Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights through March 4. Redwood Curtain is
tia, the Greek+ mathematician, astrono- wonders that these machines are. located at 220 First St. (between C and D) in Old Town Eureka; main entrance is
mer and philosopher; Eliza Wilburs pat- For a kaleidoscope is just that: a machine through Snug Alley. As the theatre is intimate with only 80 seats, reservations are
ents for telescopes and, of course, Ada, or instrument that uses mirrors to reflect im- highly recommended, and there is no late seating. Evening performances begin
Countess of Lovelace, widely credited with ages into an everchanging array of patterns promptly at 8 p.m., Sunday matinees at 2 p.m., boxoffice@
being the first computer programmer. Not and beauty. But each one is a work of art., (707) 443-7688 Photo by DaviD Wilson
to mention all my favorite woman artists.
But walking into Jones studio (which
she built herself) is just as I imagined how
it would be to walk into Leonardos work-
shop in the year 1500. Im sorry, I cant
help the masculine comparison.
Inventions, raw materials, old clocks,
bicycles, parts of lamps, piles of books, all
await the creative spirit that Jones obvious-
ly channels from the inventors of centuries.
She is always thinking up something new.
In the two hours that we talked, she prob-
ably could have created another amazing
invention if I hadnt been distracting her. One of the large kaleidoscopes that
And the kaleidoscopes, oh the kaleido- Jones made is connected to a projector so
scopes. that the passerby is turned into a kalei-
They range from the tiny exquisite doscopic vision, according to her website,
tubes made from colorful titanium to the
giant kaleidoscope connected to the trea- That's just one example of the power of
dle of an old sewing machine. The viewer her imagination.
sits on a bench and works the treadle with Another kaleidoscope is made from a
her feet to make the colors and shapes KALEIDOSCOPES B3

Driven to THE REAL DEAL Ralph White plays the Goat this Friday. sUbmitteD Photo

t seems like someone has er/Songwriters, who will have
diffraction hijacked every conversation
in America, on all social
something political in mind for
a tour they call, A Century of
aRcata Main StReet networks, on TV, in talk among SongStill Going Strong!!!
ARCATA Arts! Arca- friends. On his latest platform Bev Grant grew up singing and
ta, Arcata Main Streets on Facebook, newsman Dan playing up in Portland, starting
monthly celebration of vi- Rather uses theatre as a meta- with a band with her two sisters
sual and performing arts, phor for current events. before heading for New York
is held at locations this If all the worlds a stage, and City, where she devoted herself
Friday, Feb. 10 from 6 to 9 Donald Trump is in the role as to topical songwriting and social
p.m. President, he is playing the part activism in the 60s. Describing
Angelica Atelier 11th and unlike anyone before him. And herself as an activist, a feminist
H streets, in the Pythian the reviews, not only from many here in and a singer/songwriter in that order
Castle. Lingerie in the United States, but from other coun- she also sings with the Brooklyn Wom-
Bloom meet and greet LAST MOON George Ventura shows works of diffrac- tries around the world, are bad. (Russia ens Chorus. (I imagine she was marching
with local florist Devon tion photography at Stokes, Hamer, Kirk & Eads, LLP. excepted.) For many Americans, in the somewhere with women the other day.)
of Moonstone in Bloom; weeks since the inauguration, we have Charlie King is another songwriter on
oil paintings by Jacqui H St. Photographs by Bubbles 1031 H St. Mu- whipsawed from tragedy, to farce, to the a parallel path. He recently released a ca-
Langeland. Tony Gonsalves; music sic by Clean Livin. theater of the absurd. reer retrospective, So Far, So Good, which
Arcata Artisans 883 H by Mr. Wolf & Miss Liz- Fatbl Clothing 1063 H Indeed, absurdity is everywhere. What he describes as the soundtrack of my life
St. Watercolors by Su- zy. Wine pour benefits St. Hip- Hop Cypher, are we to do? Perhaps the arts can serve as traveling, singing and writing about the
san Morton and wood Open Studios. open mic with resident a refuge in a time where we all seem like people and the issues that inspire and de-
works by Zak Shea. Arcata Healing Arts turntablist DJM and refugees. Where do you find sanctuary? fine the road weve traveled together, cov-
Wine pour benefits the Center 940 Ninth St. resident hip-hop MC Well start with Wednesday, Feb. 8, ering 40-plus years of songwriting. Expect
Breast and GYN Health Yoga Tree & Animals Nac One. when well find Charlie King and Bev stories and songs about the labor move-
Project. of Asanas, ink drawings Fire Arts Center 520 Grant in the Crib. The Cribmeister de- ment and other left-leaning causes. Doors
Arcata Exchange 813 by Jessica Albee. ARTS! ARCATA B3 scribes the duo as Vintage Lefty Sing- THE HUM B2

Funding Proposals River

Mad River Rotary is currently accepting requests for
funding from groups, organizations and nonprofits in Song
McKinleyville, Blue Lake, Korbel, Trinidad,
Big Lagoon and Orick.
Organizations interested in applying should submit
a written proposal to Mad River Rotary, P.O. Box
2698, McKinleyville, CA 95519 postmarked no later
than February 24, 2017. Proposals should include
an introduction of the organization requesting funds
(including contact information), what the project
funds would be used for, the amount requested and
a list of other groups providing funding for the project
including the amount they are contributing. Projects
may be required to present a program to Mad River
Rotary during the months of March or April. Hand crafted in Seattle,
inspired by the natural world.
For more information
contact Cindy Sutcliffe
The Hum | What else can you do? with a dream: to play dance music
with a caller, just the way people
Striped Pig again, and their lat-
est caller Lyndsey Battle, a dear
ant guest, the original Dude, Jeff
Dowd, who the Coen Bros used
From B1 Elegy is Theos debut for the have done for many years. Square friend of mine who is talented in as an inspiration for the charac-
at 6 p.m. for soup, bread, talk, etc. ECM Records label, ECM short dancing was something I learned so many ways: She fronts her own ter played by Bridges. The Dude
with music at 7. More info? Try for Edition of Contemporary in my California elementary eponymous band, she took over will talk between the films and and/or rel- Music. Founded in Germany school starting in third or fourth for Lila Nelson as host of Meet do a Q&A talkback after. (See in 1969, the label was known grade, so it was in our Cali blood. Me in the Morning, a folkish ra- for timings.) The
or (707) 499-8516. for jazz although that term is Of course, by the time I was a dio show on KHUM, she recently night before, Friday, you have
Legendary Austin musician loosely applied, and as Wikipedia high schooler (and started getting produced a cool kids music album an opportunity to going bowling
Ralph White plays at The Goat/ notes, ECMs artists often re- high after school), square dancing for the First 5 California preschool with The Dude at LeBOWLski
Miniplex Friday night. As Mer- fuse to acknowledge boundaries seems impossibly, well, square. program with an all-star all-local Night at E&O Bowling in Glen-
rick put it, hes the real deal. between genres. Searching You- That all changed in recent cast, she teaches ukulele to kids dale (near Blue Lake, but tech-
Back in the 90s, he was part of a Tube for his wide ranging music, years with the renaissance of and adults, she makes prize-win- nically in McKinleyville for some
band with the great double enten- from a set of Kate Bush songs to stringbands and the like (Oh ning cider, has a cool fianc (he unknown reason). For high roll-
dre name, The Bad Livers. They a piece by 15th Century composer Brother Where Art Thou? played makes prize-winning beer) and ers, DellArte also has exclusive
bent their fiddles, banjos, etc. to Guillaume de Machaut, youll find a role in the re-up), and old time shes raising one of the coolest event is open only those who pur-
their own devices, creating their little youd call jazz. (Incidental- was cool for the new gen. I dont kids I know. chase VIP All Event Passes (for
own sound, avoiding -grass cat- ly, the de Machaut YouTube was know how it worked in the rest of The event features Its Alive the whole shebang on Thursday,
egorization. As an Austin writer recorded at NYCs Tribeca New the country, but the northwest got Kombucha, beer, wine, pizza, in the Carlo Theatre at 8 p.m.)
explained it, seems to inhabit a Music Festival, which is as good the bug bad and hipsters in plaid baked goods and a raffle. The Someone will abide.
musical dimension all its own, a a genre-fixation as any.) and big skirts in Portland, Seattle whole thing is a benefit, which Well, I rambled a bit and didnt
Twilight Zone of Bad Liverdom. Describing the Elegy work, and vicinity starting to have barn barn dance generally are, this one get to some other very important
With the Livers fading in his tail- Bleckmann explains, These are dances with callers calling the for Arcata High School Safe & So- events. (VIEs?) Showing the ab-
lights, he took off on a bicycle trip all songs that in some way relate sometime intricate moves and do- ber Graduation sponsored by Ti- surd range of culture behind the
through Africa where he picked to death and transcendence in si-does etc. gers, Inc., which Im guessing is Redwood Curtain we have the
up an mbira (and/or kalimba) and some existential way. Transcen- The Humboldt Folklifers and a booster group (although the Inc. following at roughly the same
worked out a new sound, deemed dent seems a perfect word for the Striped Pig got a couple of name makes it sound like a business). time Saturday night in Arcata: A
Afrolachian. As he told yet an- music and songs, including a zen callers to come down for danc- The other day, I was listening to Club Triangle All Ages Drag
other Austin writer, I wanted to piece, To Be Shown to Monks at es here. (There really were some Fresh Air on KHSU (noon Mon- Show at the Jam; the wink, wink,
play something original like that a Certain Temple. He says the callers with big names in the cir- day thru Friday), a show with Jeff nudge, nudge comic Mr. Hum-
stuff but didn't want to become zen poem offers advice that seems cuit, mostly dudes.) They taught Bridges and his Oscar-nominated boldt Pageant No. 4 at the Ar-
what I called an -oid someone timely, Its about not giving up, some locals calling, and Tara Stetz film Hell or High Water, which cata Theatre Lounge; at the Bat
who plays one type of music and like, what are you complaining became the local caller. That part- is up for Best Picture. (Bridges Cave (a semi-underground club)
gets it down really good. Im not about? Just keep going nership worked well until Tara is up for Supporting Actor.) Of some bands, Genocide Skin
very taught as a musician, and at Bleckmann is also presenting a got a job (something wild, I forget course, the conversation turned to (industrial power-violence from
first I was kind of embarrassed of free open, public pre-show work- what) and the squares were back The Big Lebowski. He said when Oakland) and punky Cross Con-
it being like that, but now I dont shop from 3 to 4 p.m. Friday, also to square one. the movie shows up on TV, he of- tamination and the action-com-
try to stop it from happening A in Fulkerson Hall. Sounds like a There were others who tried, but ten finds he cant help himself, he edy band Rush Hour IV, both
lot of my music is just me playing splendid way to find solace on an af- calling takes skill its a calling gets sucked in and keeps watch- from Arcata; and at the Arcata
a melody I couldn't figure out. ternoon. (Showtime later at 8 p.m.) and not really something you take ing one scene after another. Its Playhouse Ferndale Rep is part
Same night (Friday) at HSUs Saturday at the new improved up casually. You have to boss peo- been on HBO lately and I found way through a two-weekend run
Fulkerson Recital Hall, the Red- Arcata Vets Hall (I say improved ple without sounding bossy to get the same thing happened to me: of Arthur Millers political play
wood Jazz Alliance begins what since they just a opened an in-hall a room full of folks going in circles I stayed up until 3 a.m. watching. All My Sons. Also Saturday at
they call the spring portion of bar), Humboldt Folklife Society and squares and so on. (I should Get ready, The Dude is coming the Sequoia Conference Center
their 2016-17 season of concerts presents a Barn Dance with live mention the Folklifers also engage to Humboldt. At the Eureka The- in Eureka, my friend Thomas
(we have too much winter yet to music by Striped Pig String- in contra dancing and whats called ater Saturday, DellArte Interna- Dunklin will be talking fish at
come, but whatever) with an eve- band and calling by Lyndsey country or round dances, which tional presents The Dude and the Peak of the Run Steel-
ning with vocalist Theo Bleck- Battle. draw on British/Irish and other Mary Jane: a Match Made head BBQ Dinner hosted by
mann, leading his Elegy combo Years ago I did a story for relatively un-American traditions, in Humboldt, a double-feature Humboldt Steelhead Days. Guess
with Shai Maestro on piano, The Hum about the Pig boys, at but well save that discussion for pairing two films that go togeth- whats for dinner?
Ben Monder guitar, Jorge Ro- the time they were a stringy old another day when Sue Moon is er, Mary Jane: A Musical Absurdity abides. Embrace it.
eder double-bass and John time (dont call them old timey) leading a dance.) Potumentary and The Big Just keep going. What else can
Hollenbeck drums. Humboldt-something-grass band This brings us around to Lebowski with a very import- you do?

Sci-Fi PinT & Pizza nigHT See Goliath and tables in front of the store. Look for the red rUmBa wiTH deBBie Join Debbie Weist, (707) 822-4102,
the Dragon (1960) and other psychotronic and white book sale sign near the Totem owner and instructor for Dance with Deb-
weirdness, trailers, short films and strange Pole in the McKinleyville Shopping Center. bie, for a lesson in the rumba at the Morris origin oF croP circleS Research on the
giveaways today, Feb. 8 at Arcata Theatre Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St., Eureka, cause and after effects of crop circles will
Lounge, 1036 G St. Doors open at 6 p.m. Sing wiTH laUrence cole The Arca- Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. Learn a simple be explored at Lifetree Caf, at the corner
and the main feature starts at 7:30 p.m. In ta Threshold Choir welcomes songleader rumba combination in the first part of this of Union and 13th streets in Arcata, Sun-
this delirious muscleman fantasy, Goliath Laurence Cole to Humboldt. Saturday, hour-long lesson, then dance to romantic day, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. The program, ti-
fights a three-headed, fire-breathing dog Feb. 11 from 3 to 5 p.m., Cole leads easy- playlist of music. All levels of dancers are tled, Crop Circles: Theyre Not What You
monster in the cave of horrors. Admission to-learn songs with vibrant rhythms and welcome; couples are preferred for this Think, features a filmed interview with
is free with $5 minimum purchase of food delicious harmonies. Admission is free; class, but not required. Admission is free Nancy Talbott, a leading international crop
or beverage. Parental guidance is suggested. doors open at 2:30. Sunday, Feb. 12 from for museum members, children, and fam- circle researcher. During the interview,
1 to 4 p.m., Cole gives a workshop on Song- ilies with an EBT card. Regular admission Talbott describes witnessing the formation
Swingin moKKa Skyline Swing plays writing and The Art of Listening, leading is $5/$2 for students, seniors, and military. of a crop circle firsthand. Free coffee and
Gyspy jazz tunes Friday, Feb. 10 at 8 the group in a process of deep listening to snacks are provided. (707) 672-2919, bob-
p.m. at Caf Mokka, 495 J St. in Arcata. explore and call forth our own song within. SancTUary Service What do you do
There is no cover for this all-ages show. Admission is $30. No singing or songwrit- when you notice that the emperor isnt
(707) 822-2228 ing experience necessary for either event; wearing any clothes? Discuss this and fresh oPen doorS cHoral concerT Eurekas
both will be held at the Humboldt Unitar- starts no more racism at a unique wor- oldest church, St Innocents Church, 939
USed BooK Sale The Friends of the ian Universalist Fellowship, 24 Fellowship ship service Sunday, Feb. 12 at 4 p.m. at F St., presents a choral concert featuring
McKinleyville Library hold their monthly Way in Bayside. St. Albans Episcopal Church, 1675 Chester the St. Petersburg-based Konevets Quartet
Used Book Sale Saturday, Feb. 11 from ThresholdChoir,, mag- Ave. in Sunny Brae. The one-hour service Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. The concert
1 to 4 p.m. and celebrate National Library begins with a light family-style meal and will feature sacred music from the Eastern
Lovers Month with an entertaining col- conversation centered on the topic of the Christian traditions, as well as a repertoire
lection of books about love and romance. eUro moKKa Chubritza plays Eastern Eu- evening. Toward the end of the meal, a dis- of Slavic folk songs. Entrance is free, but an
A wide selection of fiction and nonfiction ropean tunes Saturday, Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. at cussion-oriented sermon is presented, after RSVP is required to guarantee seating. A
options will be available in both paperback Caf Mokka, 495 J St. in Arcata. There is no which participants gather in a candlelit wor- collection will be taken to support the Quar-
and hardcover. The sale offers $2/bag sale cover for this all-ages show. (707) 822-2228 ship space for music and closing prayers. tet., (707) 682-6263

Venue Wednesday, Feb. 8 Thursday, Feb. 9 Friday, Feb. 10 saTurday, Feb. 11 sunday, Feb. 12 Monday, Feb. 13 Tuesday, Feb. 14

Arcata Theatre Lounge 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Mr. Hum- 5:30 p.m.
1036 G St., Arcata Sci Fi Night Amlie boldt Pageant Osmosis Jones
Blue Lake Casino 9 p.m. Karaoke 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. Karaoke
777 Casino Way, Blue Lake w/ KJ Leonard Silver Hammer Nighthawk w/ KJ Leonard
Cher-Ae Heights Casino 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. Karaoke 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Karaoke
27 Scenic Dr., Trinidad Free pool Undercovers 707 with DJ Marv 8-Ball Tourney with DJ Marv
Humboldt Brews 9:30 p.m.
856 10th St., Arcata Miracle Show
The Jam 9 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Smokey 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9 p.m.
915 H St., Arcata Whomp the Groove Dubadubs Club Triangle Sundaze Comedy Night
Logger Bar 6:45 p.m. Crib- 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 6 p.m. all day 8 p.m.
510 Railroad Ave., Blue Lake bage Tournament Trivia Night Peeping Thomas Kingfoot Potluck Free pool Irish Music Session
Mad River Brewing Co. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Honky 6 p.m.
101 Taylor Way, Blue Lake Piet Dalmolen Wild Otis Tonk Detours The Muppets
Redwood Curtain Brewery 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m.
550 South G St., Arcata Rogues Gallery The Yokels Shuffleboard
Six Rivers Brewery 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Karaoke
1300 Central Ave., McKinleyville The Smyth Brothers USGGO Trivia Night with DJ Marv

now open
11 p.m.
On the Plaza

Full menu available from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

alei oscopes | Treasures
Kaapana in Asquatchalypse Now
ro b
silver-edged teacup and saucer, topped by a Sterling en- Bigfoot Trail film debuts
gine, connected to a frame made from an old silver clock
and viewed through a hole drilled into a repouss silver
Ferndale Bigfoot trail alliance
cup. The base is an antique silver tray. You can put ice or the old Steeple ARCATA Join the Bigfoot Trail Alliance and film-
warm water in the teacup and the temperature change FERNDALE Hawai- maker Scott Squatch Herriott Monday, Feb. 13 at the
runs the engine that turns the kaleidoscope. At least, I ian music entertainer Led Arcata Playhouse, 1251 Ninth St., for an evening cele-
think that's how it works. Kaapana returns to The Old brating the Bigfoot Trail, a 360-mile hiking trail through
The ideas just flow from the artist's mind onto her Steeple, 246 Berding St. in the Klamath Mountains of northwest California and,
long, long work counter. It's hard to imagine a broader Ferndale, Friday, Feb. 10 briefly, southwest Oregon. Squatch,
array of optical illusions, but I predict that the next visi- with friend and fellow slack Led Kaapana an avid long distance hiker, filmmak-
tor to her studio will see something even more amazing. key guitarist Fran Guidry. Concertgoers can expect the er, and bigfoot believer, will debut
Another work in progress is one she called "The Big same masterful playing, beautiful vocals and engaging his film Asquatchalypse Now, about
Bang." A metal frame that once held a world globe is slat- storytelling that captivated the crowd when the pair a summer on and around the Bigfoot
ed to hold a kaleidoscope that will be pointed at an array performed a sold-out show at The Old Steeple in spring Trail.
of colored chips made from broken CDs. 2016. Arrive at 6 p.m. to enjoy a BFTA
Next to that is a dual kaleidoscope due to be held by Kaapana, one of Hawaiian musics most influential Sandwich (bacon, frise lettuce, to-
a double lamp base with the lenses aimed at two metal artists, is celebrating the release of his latest album, Jus mato and avocado), beverage and
dishes. The lucky owner will be able to fill the dishes with Press Vol. 2. With his signature easygoing style, fantastic photographic Bigfoot Trail tour. The
treasures agates, jewelry or who knows what and see fingerpicking on guitar, autoharp and ukulele, and a vo- debut of Asquatchalypse Now begins
the composite images through the kaleidoscopes differ- cal range from baritone to Hawaiian falsetto singing (leo at 7 p.m., followed by a Q&A with the
ently as the dish contents are changed. ki'e ki'e), Kaapana has been thrilling loyal fans for four director, Bigfoot Trail founder and
Even though Jones uses an array of recycled parts decades. He was honored with an NEA National Heri- others who have hiked the trail.
from lamps, sculptures, bikes, and more for her cre- tage Fellowship in 2011. Guidry, an accomplished guitar- Watch movie trailer and purchase
ations, she uses all-new pieces of mirror for the working ist from Northern California, has been playing slack key tickets in advance at for $7 (includ-
guts of the kaleidoscope. "It's called front surface mir- since 1999, when he fell in love with the unique acoustic ing the BFTA Squatch Special) or at the door for $10. This
ror," she explained, "It has no distortion." guitar style on a Hawaiian vacation. evening is a benefit for the Bigfoot Trail Alliance, a 501(c)
Jones started making kaleidoscopes in the 1980s. She Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; show at 7:30. Advance tick- (3) nonprofit organization that works to support the es-
sold them in trade shows all over the country, she said, but ets are $25/$30 at the door and are available at Ferndale tablishment of the Bigfoot Trail and foster a community
that was a "cutthroat" atmosphere. Less-than-scrupulous Music Company and Minds Eye Coffee Lounge in Fern- committed to constructing, maintaining, promoting and
viewers would steal or photograph her one-of-a-kind piec- dale, Wildberries Marketplace and at brownpapertick- protecting the trail in perpetuity.
es and she would see the copies produced in China at the (707) 786-7030,
next trade show. Now she participates in kaleidoscope con-
ventions, for "people interested in the science of the idea."
But she's always been making and selling things. "I oyster art Arcata Main Street Saturday, June 17, from 10 a.m. to 5 tions or accumulation of antiques.
did my first trade show at 15," she said. It was the Los seeks local artists to design this years p.m. Submissions are due by Feb. 28 If you or someone you know has a
Angeles gift show and Jones sold candles and macrame. Arcata Bay Oyster Festival poster. and can be dropped off at 761 Eighth large, private collection or accumu-
"I ended up creating macrame kits," she said. The winning artist will receive $500 St, Suite C, Arcata or emailed to Ar- lation of antiques that the pickers
She earned a degree in the fine art of printmaking, for their design. All submissions will Visit can spend the better part of the day
studying at the San Francisco Art Institute and the Cali- be displayed during Arts! Arcata and for details. looking through, send your name,
fornia College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. our annual open-house meeting in phone number, location and descrip-
Graphic art still speaks to her, as her latest venture, March. A private panel will decide et Pic e or Pic ers The tion of the collection with photos to
the Fair Trade Crate, demonstrates. She silkscreened the final poster design and may use Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commis- or
the cover of the box that she and a partner, Janet Arana- the poster as inspiration for a com- sion has received word from pro- call (855) OLD-RUST. The show is
da, fill with fair trade gifts and objects. Folks can sub- memorative T-shirt and 2017 event ducers of the TV show American currently not looking for: farming/
scribe to receive a box branding. The artist is not required Pickers about returning to film the agriculture items, tools, glassware,
every month, each filled to create a T-shirt design but may redwood region this spring. They are appliances, tractors, crocks, stoves
with the treasures from use this as guidance. The festival is requesting help finding large collec- or country primitives.
a different country. All
the contents are pro-
duced by artisans of the Heart String Girls. Stokes, Hamer, Kirk
that country and many Om Shala Yoga 858 10th & Eads, LLP 381 Bay-
support charitable ef- St. Sacred Geometry, side Rd. Diffraction
forts there. One exam- metal works by Aaron photography by George
WHAT'S IN THE BOX? Sub- ple is the finely twisted Michael Noble. Ventura and pregnant
scribe and find out. red bracelet made by Pacific Outfitters 737 G belly casts by Linda Will-
Janine Volkmar | Union the RedThreadMove- St. Ceramic Art from cut-Tallman; music by
ment, a group that helps rescued girls in Nepal and fights The Studio, a place Wynsome Winds. Wine
against trafficking of women and girls. where over 50 artists pour benefits the Amer-
"We designed the crate so that it fits exactly into a freely express their cre- ican Cancer Society - Re-
priority post office package," Jones explained. She likes ativity; music by Hogleg lay for Life Team #169.
thinking through all the components of any project, from Sternwood. Wine pour Upstairs Gallery 1063
the beautiful mix of gifts to the method of shipping. benefits PacOut Green G St. Arts Work: A
Subscribers get a box of treasures a month, and for Team. Study of Scapes, works
each subscription sold, a baby chick is donated to the Plaza 808 G St. Over- by Pacific Union School
Heifer Project. Every box also includes a letter with lap, works by Marisa students; music by Proj-
stamps from the particular country of the month. Visit Kieselhorst and Abigail ect Piano. to learn more. Nottingham. Wine pour Zen 1091 H St. Acrylics
CROW Jessica Albee presents Yoga Tree & Animals benefits the Boys and on canvas by Isabel Rock
It's the same attention to detail that building a large or
of Asanas, a show of ink drawings at the Arcata Girls Club of the Red- and Sexi Seaweed Jewel-
tiny kaleidoscope takes.
Healing Arts Center. woods. ry inspired by the wild.
Jones came to the area in 1974 and has been involved
in a myriad of creative projects ever since. She teaches Plaza Grill 791 Eighth St. Visit arcatamain-
enrichment classes for kids at Freshwater School, she arts arcata | Art, music, wine Nature watercolors by
Linda Parkinson., Arts! Arcata
on Facebook, or call (707)
and her son Sean have made "thousands of hats" for the
homeless, and she can be found at crafts fairs around the tographs by Tony Gon- Redwood Curtain 822-4500 for more infor-
ro b
holidays. "The only time I do fairs is at Christmas," she ex- South G St. Ceramics by salves. Brewing Co. 550 South mation.
plained. "I like to think of myself as Santa's little helper." Joel Diepenbrock and Jay Brown Art & Design G St. Photographs by
Her etched glasses and recycled books are always sell- David Jordan. 791 Eighth St. Come Chris Vela.
ing out, but she doesn't sell her kaleidoscopes at the fairs. Garden Gate 905 H St. visit the new studio Redwood Yogurt 1573
"I like producing quantities of things, figuring out how New Works, pho- layout and see new ex- G St. Glowe, digital
to make things and do a lot of them," she explained. "I've tographs by Kathleen perimental works, the photography by Jenna
been trying to perfect the book pieces for many years." Burn; music by Good Driven to Abstraction Mayo and Mia Shope.
Jones stockpiles books for their intriguing covers, col- Company. Wine pour exhibit and the popular Sanctuary 1301 J St.
ors and titles. We laugh over what she'll make out of The benefits Arcata House 25 Buck Chuck wall. Nothingness is Like an
Mystery of the Siamese Twins, for example. Partnership. Moonrise Herbs 826 G Empty Egg Without a
She cuts shapes out of the center of the book, effec- Jacobys Storehouse St. Mixed media paint- Shell, new paintings by
tively making an old chestnut into a secret treasure box, Mezzanine Gallery, ings and sculptures by Luke Forsyth and New
that can sit between other books and not reveal itself. 791 Eighth St. Pho- Sierra Rose; music by Works on Paper, draw-
And she is recycling books no one else even wants. ings by Molly Schaeffer.
She loves the bindings of the Reader's Digest Condensed
Books, old books that even used bookshops and thrift
shops don't accept because they don't sell. 'They're hard
to find now," she said.
The books are stacked in crevices and corners around
the studio, waiting for transformation, as is an exercise
bicycle that will soon be a large kaleidoscope that will
perhaps inspire the collector to pedal around the world,
staying in one color and light-filled place.
Jones laughs when asked what her next project will
be. She was probably germinating a new creation five
minutes after I left.
Leonardo, indeed.
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Seaside village seeking arts organizers
eed a winter lift? 6 p.m. in the Simmons Gal- Parts I and II May 10 and Homer's
Nothing like wit- lery, 380 Janis Ct. behind The Odyssey May 24.
nessing the color, the Trinidad Library. The Trinidad Art Nights
optimism, joy and imagi- event is open to all. seeking organizers
nation in student art. You Trustees Matthew Mar- Tim Breed, Chakeeta Marie Gar-
can view the MARE, Ma- shall, Bryce Kenny, Shirley abedian and Marna Powell have made
tisse and More exhibit Laos, Susan Elliott, Don Trinidad Art Nights a big part of
at Westhaven Center for Allan, Richard Johnson, Trinidads cultural and social life for
the Arts through Febru- Charles Netzow, Jenny many years. The music, art and per-
ary. Both Trinidad School Hutchinson, Steen Trump formance events that have run every
students with their cut-out and Tami Trump will wel- first Friday night from May through
paper ocean images and Big Lagoon come you. Call Executive Director October have developed into a fine
School students Becoming Califor- Ben Morehead at (707) 677-2501 or tradition for families, businesses and
nia nature dioramas are on view Fri- visit for the artistic community. Tim writes
day, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 details. that Community Arts Trinidad and
p.m. at 501 South Westhaven Dr., or You also can learn about the land the Ink People, the sponsoring enti-
you can enjoy the student art during trusts work day, which is Saturday, ties, would like to keep the art night
any event at the center. [See page A6 Feb. 18 from 10 a.m. to noon, when the fire lit by welcoming new organizers.
in this edition of the Union.] land trust will host the HSU Natural Many organizational pieces, including
Coming up at the center are Full Resources Club and pull invasive ivy the website with schedule and map,
Cupid Moon Meditation Friday, Feb. 10 at Luffenholtz and along Scenic Drive. press contacts, business contacts and
from 7 to 8 p.m.; Gaias Love Sunday, Many other regular land restoration nonprofit status through Ink People,
Feb. 12 from 10 to 11 a.m.; the Annual workdays are planned as well. Land are in place. Interested? Email Tim at
Rogues gallery of pups Winter Musicale featuring the voice,
violin and guitar students of Rob Dig-
trust volunteers never stop working.
Striking Structures of
Valentine's Day Luncheon
to steal your heart gins the same Sunday from 3 to 4:30
p.m. and Third Friday Blues with Jim
Humboldt County
Trinidad Library and HSUs OLLI
Trinidad Civic Club welcomes Red-
wood District Womens Club mem-

Lahman, Dale Cash, Ron Perry and program present Jerry and Gisela bers from all over the county and be-
ompanion Animal Foundation
Bill Moehnke Friday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. Rohdes amusing and enlightening yond,, including Blue Lake, Crescent
recently took in seven pup-
Christy Chandler is artist-in-res- Striking Structures of Humboldt City, Eureka, Garberville, McKin-
pies Beau, Valentino, Cupid,
idence. See her actively work on her County Wednesday, Feb. 15 from 5 leyville and Trinidad, Tuesday, Feb.
Tristan, Romeo, Truffle and Rose
new project on Sundays from 1 to to 7:30 p.m. at the Trinidad Library. 14 starting at 9:30 a.m. Dana Hope
and their mother Ginny and
4 p.m. Go to The author-historian couple never and Tonda Ferrando, co-presidents
we are looking for foster homes to
for event, fitness, writing, music and fail to please audiences about Hum- of the civic club, have organized the
help us care for them! The pups are
painting workshops or class details or boldt history. At this class, they will event with club member Betty Fern-
Pitbull/Wirehair Terrier mixes and
call (707) 677-9493. examine dozens of examples of excit- iz, who is president of the Redwood
about 6 weeks old. We are accepting
Planned Giving Presentation ing architecture from Fernbridge to District. There will be updates on the
adoption applications for them, but
Learn about Trinidad Coastal Land Hoopa. OLLI members pay $35 per activities on all of the very active area
they will not be adopted out until
Trusts vision for sustainable mainte- person. Register at clubs, a student and club member art
they are spayed or neutered.
nance for the nine properties and 11 or call (707) 826-5880. and craft show, white elephant sale,
We are now looking for foster parents to take a puppy
coastal easements owned and man- OLLI spring classes at Trinidad Li- silent auction, luncheon and more.
(preferably two so they have company) for anywhere be-
aged by the land trust at the Planned brary continue with The Celtic Vision Betty Ferniz will tell about the new
tween two to six weeks. We would like for these puppies
Giving Presentation and Land Con- of Beauty with Marilyn Montgomery district project collecting childrens
to help our continuing humane education efforts with
servation Slide Show led by Craig Mondays from March 20 through books for ages birth to 18 years old.
the community, and we therefore need them to be avail-
Wruck, vice president for university April 10; and classes with James D. To find out more or to reserve a place
able for the public to visit. We would like for them to be
advancement at HSU, today, Feb. 8 at Johnson on Shakespeare's Henry IV, TRINIDAD TIDINGS B5
dropped off to our Sunny Brae location Tuesday through
Saturday between 9:15 and 11 in the morning and picked
up by 5:30 in the evening. We will provide toys and food ters are the backbone of rescue, and
for the puppies, we just need you to provide a loving and Redwood Pals is very grateful for the
safe environment for them! ones that help us out. We are nev-
If you are interested in helping foster the puppies or er quite sure what to expect when we
want to learn more about eventually adopting one, please pull a dog out and put him in a home.
give us a call at (707) 826-7387 or visit our thrift store Pretty Oden is so comfortable with his
and animal program center at 88 Sunny Brae Center in fosters and already looks like he has
Arcata. You can also email, visit always lived in his new digs. Trans-, or check out Companion Animal Foun- porters help us get dogs to specialized
dation on Facebook for more information on our animals rescues and placements, and we have
and services. several valued drivers (including some members of my
family). Local vets and pet supply stores help us out reg-
ularly with advice and donated items, all of which is put
CROSSWORD to good use. I am regularly buoyed by the nice things my
ACROSS DOWN customers say across the checkstand. It is encouraging to
1. Gardner and others 1. Qualified
5. Human trunks 2. Small glass bottle
know that people care and are interested in what happens
10. Location 3. Like some to these dogs.
14. Wait court evidence My last happy news for this week is regarding Rocky.

15. Of erns and terns 4. Use one of the senses Nikko About once a week I receive a new photo or video and a
16. What __ you; anything 5. Football position
else of a similar sort 6. Egg-shaped report on my special friend Rocky, the blind Pit mix who
17. Handicapped 7. __ off; robs had spent half of his young life in the shelter. Rocky hit the

18. Capital city 8. So, in Scotland
20. Actor Marienthal 9. Place to spend the night adoption jackpot just as all his options seemed to be run-
21. Sporting equipment 10. Lad ning out. His new home includes a big family that loves
22. Occasion 11. Part of a book him, a special dog friend that is happy to play with him all
23. Bawl out 12. Hot spot
25. Exist 13. Item made of canvas February is already promising to be a much happier the time, toys, excursions, and two other dogs that have
26. Take for granted 19. John the Baptistscaptor month for me and the dogs than January. So many posi- decided he is welcome in their home, even if he is a bit of a
28. Blustery conditions 21. Indefinite amount goofball. At first Rocky was like a kid in a candy store, not
31. Ending for York or 24. Remedy tive things to report! The first three days of February saw
Worcester 25. Sun disk the adoptions of seven shelter dogs. The two Redwood believing that all that fun could last, but he has realized
32. Miles per hour 26. In the matter of Pals dogs featured last week, Oden and Juno, have moved that he can go to sleep at night and it will all be there again
34. Ripe old age 27. Ostentatious
36. One of Hamlets choices 28. Connery or Lennon out of the shelter and into foster homes. One silly husky the next day. Im sure his new mom is relieved about the
37. Scrub 29. Lab item girl went south to a specialized rescue, and little Diamond, sleeping part. The most recent photo shows Rocky snooz-
38. D doubled plus 151 30. __ system who has been in boarding for far too long, hitched a ride ing with his head on one of the other dogs. He is so happy!
39. Bird with a sharp sense 32. Committed homicide
of sight and sound 33. __ soup back to Idaho with a long-haul trucker and was reunited The shelter dog population is slowing decreasing,
40. City in New York 35. Some paintings with her original rescue group friends. thanks to adoptions and rescue efforts.
41. Shade of pink 37. Clumsy one
And in a wonderful collaborative ef- There is quite a selection available for
42. Cowardly 38. Relocate
44. Dwells on with delight 40. More mature fort between Animal Control, Redwood Star adoption, including a pair of spunky
45. __ to; increase 41. Coolidge and Ripken Pals, and Sarah and Bill from Healing little young adult MinPins, Star and
46. Soupy __ 43. Place where food is kept Grizzy; two female Beagles; the beau-
47. Without __; 44. Give permission
Spirit Animal Wellness Center, 24 dogs
happy-go-lucky 46. Find the answer to in a rural compound received rabies tiful Border Collie, Kobe (cant believe
50. Items on a list to Santa 47. Leather workers tools vaccinations! The adult dogs also were this one hasnt been snapped up yet); a
51. Barracks feature 48. Outer garment
54. In a marvelous way 49. Ms. Bancroft scheduled for spay and neuter appoint- friendly young female Doberman, Molly;
57. Region 50. Title for former rulers ments and four puppies were voluntari- long-time resident Nikko, a Pit mix who
58. Narrow way 52. Bills ly re-homed. My household enjoyed the gets along with dogs and cats; scrunchy-
59. Long for 53. Trial
60. King Kong and family 55. Period right before company of Penny the Chihuahua for a faced Piggy with her funny tail and ab-
61. Brit. currency All Saints Day: abbr. couple of nights before she went on to solutely charming personality; and lots,
62. Becomes bored 56. Swiss canton the Sequoia Humane Society, where she lots more. The most current selection
63. Bother 57. Hit with a stun gun
will soon be up for adoption. can always be found on,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Lots of people play a part in making these good things by choosing the Humboldt County Sheriffs Animal Shel-
14 15 16 happen. Volunteers help to handle, train and socialize the ter and following the links to adoptable animals.
dogs, which then makes them more desirable to adopters. The shelter is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday
17 18 19
We have some new volunteers from HSUs Pre-vet Club from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday the hours
20 21 22
and were enjoying the fresh energy that they bring. Fos- are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. All dogs are spayed or neutered, mi-
23 24 25 crochipped and current on their vaccinations at the time
26 27 28 29 30
of their adoption. The adoption fees are a fraction of what
it would cost to have all those things done at retail prices.
31 32 33 34 35
Stop by the shelter at 980 Lycoming Ave. in McKinleyville
36 37 38 or call (707) 840-9132 for more information. Questions or
39 40 41
comments about anything in this column can be sent to
42 43 44

45 46

47 48 49 50 51 52 53

54 55 56 57

58 59 60
Pet su lies for all your
61 62 63 furry feathered scaled
and finned friends
Solution on page B5
5 Valley West Arcata
The weekly crossword is
brought to you by Kinetic Koffee on Sat closed Sun
Organic, fresh, local and available at Eureka Natural Foods,
balanceda uarium com
Murphys Markets, the North Coast Co-op and Wildberries!

Trinidad Tidings | Trail talk at TCC GoT some Time? Do you have an
extra three hours a week and want
From B1 to give back to the senior citizens in Visiting Angels is seeking $10 for around 20 words
Caregivers, CNAs & HHAs (707) 826-7535
for luncheon, call Tonda at (707) 499-3600. our community? The Area 1 Agency
to assist seniors in Fortuna,
In other Trinidad Civic Club news, councilmember and running-walk- on Aging has an opportunity for you:
ing-bicycling enthusiast Jack West presented a riveting program and slide new HICAP volunteers can become McKinleyville, and Eureka.
show on the ongoing development of the Pacific Coastal Trail with ambitious Medicare counselors. Attend an infor- Part-time and Full-time, CROSSWORD
new projects ongoing in the Humboldt County area. None of the audience, mational meeting Thursday, Feb. 9 flexible hours. Please call A V A S T O R S I S P O T

including new member Nola Cole and guests DLorah Hurton and Suzanne at 4 p.m. at the A1AA office, 434 Sev- 707-362-8045. B
Atiyeh, wanted his presentation to end. Everyone learned something new enth St., Eureka. (707) 444-3000 E L I S K I S E V E N T

and exciting about appreciating the beautiful and exhilarating array of trails ELECTRIC GUITAR A S
available to enjoy now or to be developed soon. CLASSIES T O B E C L E A N M C L I
At Trinidad Art Gallery $10 for around 20 words
Jimi Hendrix Strat flip- O W L O L E A N C O R A L

The clay works of Diane Sonderegger, masks by Donvieve and silk paint- over edition, dark blue, Y E L L O W S A V O R S
(707) 826-7535 with new case & stand.
ings by Amanita Mollier are featured at Trinidad Art Gallery at Trinity and I placed an ad to sell my MacBook Pro on

Parker Streets through February. The artists cooperative of 20 fine artists is Completely refurbished W
Craigslist and got nothing but lowball offers. My
open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A member of the cooperative classified in the Union got me the price I with new tremolo. $300 S T E R T I R E S P E S T

always is there to greet you. The Trinidad Art Gallery web site, trinidadart- wanted the first week! - Satisfied Seller OBO. (707) 502-9660. See crossword on page B4., is stunning. Acquaint yourself with the amazing array of local

artistic talent before you go and be further amazed when you visit in person. Publishing legal notices in the Union is affordable, accurate and accessible!
Visit or email
Email Patti at

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ed by: A Corporation Union. Attorney for the petitioner: 7. The court will proceed present at the hearing, to or an order of the court. between 9:00 a.m. and ferred to the City Council
NAME STATEMENT S/FrANCO pEpE, Date: jAn 30, 2017 DUSTIn E. OWEnS with this hearing whether present evidence, and you This restraining order 5:00 p.m. Ordinance no. Chambers where they will
17-00028 BrOkEr-OFFICEr DALE A. REInHOLTSEn 310 THIRD STREET, or not you are present. have the right to be repre- takes effect against the 1484 may be considered be publicly opened and
The following person(s) is This statement was filed judge of the Superior Court SUITE D ATTORnEY FOR: sented by an attorney. If petitioner when he or for adoption at the regu- read aloud by the City En-
(are) doing business as: with the Humboldt County 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1
EUREKA, CA 95501 CHILD WELFARE SERVICES you do not have an attor- she files the petition and larly scheduled meeting gineer or his designated
pAThOSUNITEd Clerk on jAn. 30, 2017 (707) 441-1185 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 jEFFREY S. bLAnCK, ney and cannot afford to against the respondent of the Arcata City Council representative. Said bids
1375 grANT AvE. ApT. B KELLY E. SAnDERS NOTICE OF pETITION COUnTY COUnSEL hire one, the court will ap- when he or she is per- to be held on February 15, will be referred to the Arca-
ArCATA, CA 95521 gW DEPUTY CLERK TO AdMINISTEr CITATION FOr #115447 point an attorney for you. sonally served with the 2017, and, if adopted at ta City Council for consid-
ChrISTOphEr W.
2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1
ESTATE OF lAUrENCE pUBlICATION SETH LICHEnSTEIn- 6. If the court terminates Summons and Petition that time, would take effect eration at their next regu-
gAllErON T. BElEElE, Sr. UNdEr WElFArE ANd HILL, DEPUTY COUnTY your parental rights, the OR when he or she waives March 17, 2017. 2/8
larly scheduled meeting on
1375 grANT AvE. ApT. B OrdEr TO ShOW AkA lAWrENCE T. INSTITUTIONS COdE COUnSEL #271366 order may be final. and accepts service. or after March 15th, 2017.
ArCATA, CA 95521 CAUSE FOr ChANgE BElEElE, Sr., AkA SECTION 294 825 FIFTH STREET 7. The court will proceed This restaining order CITy OF ArCATA bids received after the
This business is conduct- OF NAME rOSE MArIE lArry T. BElEElE Case Name: EUREKA, CA 95501 with this hearing whether remains in effect until the lEgAl NOTICE specified opening time will
ed by: An Individual lyNN FOrEMAN-MIllEr CASE NO.: pr170019 BABy gIrl MOOrE, (707) 445-7236 or not you are present. judgment is entered, the INTrOdUCTION OF not be considered. The bid-
S/ChrIS gAllErON, SUpErIOr COUrT OF To all heirs, beneficia- AkA ESpErANZA DATE: jAn 10, 2017 ATTORnEY FOR: petition is dismissed, or the OrdINANCE NO. 1485 der is solely responsible for
OWNEr CAlIFOrNIA COUNTy ries, creditors, contingent MArTINEZ Morgan P. Clerk, by Kim L. CHILD WELFARE SERVICES court makes other orders. I hereby certify that at the timely delivery of his bid.
This statement was filed OF hUMBOldT creditors, and persons who Case No.: Jv160066 bartleson, Deputy jEFFREY S. bLAnCK, This order is enforceable a regular meeting held COnTRACTOR shall
with the Humboldt County CASE NO. Cv170046 may otherwise be interest- 1. To Manuel Martinez and 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
COUnTY COUnSEL anywhere in California by on February 1, 2017, the possess a Class A li-
Clerk on jAn. 13, 2017 TO ALL InTERESTED ed in the will or estate, or anyone claiming to be a #115447 any law enforcement of- Arcata City Council in- cense at the time this con-
KELLY E. SAnDERS PERSOnS: both, of: LAUREnCE T. parent of baby Girl Moore, CITATION FOr KATIE bACA, DEPUTY ficer who has received or troduced Ordinance no. tract is bid or a combination
lh DEPUTY CLERK 1. Petitioner ROSE MARIE bELEELE, SR. AKA LAW- aka Esperanza Martinez pUBlICATION COUnTY COUnSEL seen a copy of it. 1485, summarized below, of classes required by the
1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8 LYnn FOREMAn-MILLER REnCE T. bELEELE, SR., born on 03/23/2016 at UNdEr WElFArE ANd #188031 NOTICE ACCESS TO An Ordinance of the City categories and type of work
has filed a petition with this AKA LARRY T. bELEELE Redwood Memorial Hospi- INSTITUTIONS COdE 825 FIFTH STREET AFFOrdABlE hEAlTh Council of the City of Ar- included in this contract.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS court for a decree chang- A petition for probate tal, Fortuna, California. SECTION 294 EUREKA, CA 95501 INSUrANCE: Do you or cata Amending Arcata PLAnS, SPECIFICA-
NAME STATEMENT ing names as follows: has been filed by: SHIR- 2. A hearing will be held on Case Name: (707) 445-7236 someone in your house- Municipal Code Title IX TIOnS, AnD PROPOS-
17-00026 Present name: ROSE LEY A. VAILE in the Su- April 12, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. BABy gIrl ASBUry, DATE: jAn 10, 2017 hold need affordable Land Use Code, Section AL forms for bidding this
The following person(s) is MARIE LYnn FORE- perior Court of California, in Dept. 7 located at Su- AkA TrISTAN hAMlINE Morgan P. Clerk, by Kim L. health insurance? If so, 9.12.020, Zoning Map, to PROjECT will be available
(are) doing business as: MAn-MILLER to Proposed County of HUMbOLDT. perior Court of California, Case No.: Jv160229 bartleson, Deputy you should apply for Cov- Prezone 1705 Buttermilk after February 9th 2017;
hUMBOldT ExCAvATINg name ROSE MARIE LYnn The Petition for Probate County of Humboldt, 825 1. To Edward Hamline 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
ered California. Covered Lane, Assessors Parcel For download from City
ANd SEpTIC MILLER. requests that: SHIRLEY Fifth Street, Eureka, CA and anyone claiming to California can help reduce No. 500-131- 006 as Ag- Website www.cityofarcata.
2315 COBBlESTONE ApT. 68 2. THE COURT ORDERS A. VAILE be appointed as 95501, juvenile Division, be a parent of baby Girl SUMMONS (parentage the cost you pay towards riculture Residential Upon org under bid on a Project.
MCkINlEyvIllE, CA 95519 that all persons interest- personal representative to 2nd floor. Asbury, aka Tristan Ham- Custody and Support) high quality affordable Annexation, at which time For purchase at City
dAvId T. dUrAN ed in this matter appear administer the estate of 3. At the hearing the court line born on 09/20/2016 at CASE NUMBEr: health care. For more the reading in full thereof Managers Office, 736
2315 COBBlESTONE ApT. 68 before this court, located the decedent. will consider the recom- Mad River Hospital, Arca- Fl160903 information, visit www. was unanimously waived F Street, Arcata, CA
MCkINlEyvIllE, CA 95519 at 825 5th Street, Eureka, The petition requests the mendations of the social ta, California. NOTICE TO Or and approval granted for 95521. A printing charge
This business is conduct- California, at the hearing decedents will and codi- worker or probation officer. 2. A hearing will be held on rESpONdENT: dANIEl call Covered California at reading the ordinance of $50.00 shall not be re-
ed by: An Individual indicated below to show cils, if any, be admitted to 4. The social worker or April 17, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. hENdrICkS Jr. 1-800-300-1506. by title only. The motion fundable, plus a shipping
S/dAvId dUrAN, OWNEr cause, if any, why the probate. The will and any probation officer will rec- in Dept. 7 located at Su- you have been sued. 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 to introduce Ordinance and handling fee of $50.00
This statement was filed application should not be codicils are available for ommend that your child be perior Court of California, read the information no. 1485 was passed by for mailing of PLAnS
with the Humboldt County granted. Any person ob- examination in the file kept freed from your legal cus- County of Humboldt, 825 below and on the next NOTICE OF SAlE the following vote: AYES: and SPECIFICATIOnS.
Clerk on jAn. 12, 2017 jecting to the name chang- by the court. tody so that the child may Fifth Street, Eureka, CA page. nOTICE IS GIVEn that Ornelas, Pereira, Pitino, Checks payable to the
KELLY E. SAnDERS es described above must The petition requests be adopted. If the court 95501, juvenile Division, pETITIONErS NAME: john Houser, as Conser- Wheetley, Winkler. nOES: City of Arcata and shall
AA DEPUTY CLERK file a written objection authority to administer the follows the recommen- 2nd floor. CAITlyN NEWMAN vator will sell at private none. AbSEnT: none. Ab- be mailed or delivered in
1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 that includes the reasons estate under the Inde- dation, all your parental 3. At the hearing the court petitioners Name: sale subject to confirma- STEnTIOnS: none. person to the Property and
for the objection at least pendent Administration of rights to the child will be will consider the recom- You have 30 calendar tion by the Superior Court, bridget Dory, City Clerk, Special Projects Manager.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS two court days before the Estates Act. (This author- terminated. mendations of the social days after this Summons on February 23, 2017, at City of Arcata For viewing at City
NAME STATEMENT matter is scheduled to be ity will allow the personal 5. You have the right to be worker or probation officer. and Petition are served 825 Fifth Street, Eureka, Summary of Managers Office, 736 F
17-00039 heard and must appear at representative to take any present at the hearing, to 4. The social worker or on you to file a Response California, a 100% interest Ordinance No. 1485 Street, Arcata, CA 95521
The following person(s) is the hearing to show cause actions without obtaining present evidence, and you probation officer will rec- (form FL-220 or FL-270) at in the real property locat- If adopted, this ordi- and at the Humboldt build-
(are) doing business as: why the petition should not court approval. before have the right to be repre- ommend that your child be the court and have a copy ed at 2275 burns Drive, nance will prezone the ers Exchange, 1213 5th
A pATh lESS TrAvElEd be granted. If no written taking certain very import- sented by an attorney. If freed from your legal cus- served on the petitioner. A Eureka, CA 95503, APn parcel at 1705 buttermilk Street, Eureka, CA 95501.
1136 k STrEET objection is timely filed, ant actions, however, the you do not have an attor- tody so that the child may letter, phone call, or court ap- 306-261-013, described Lane as Agriculture Res- This COnTRACT is
EUrEkA, CA 95501 the court may grant the personal representative ney and cannot afford to be adopted. If the court pearance will not protect you. as follows: idential upon annexation subject to State contract
BArBArA M. ZOEllNEr petition without a hearing. will be required to give no- hire one, the court will ap- follows the recommen- If you do not file your Re- Lot 63 of Parkwood Unit of the parcel to the City of non-discrimination and
1136 k STrEET Date: March 17, 2017 tice to interested persons point an attorney for you. dation, all your parental sponse on time, the court no. 3, as per map filed in Arcata. compliance requirements
EUrEkA, CA 95501 Time: 1:45 p.m. unless they have waived 6. If the court terminates rights to the child will be may make orders affect- book 13 of Maps, pages The full text of Ordinance pursuant to Government
This business is conduct- Dept.: 4 notice or consented to the your parental rights, the terminated. ing your right to custody 111, 112 and 113 in the of- no. 1485 is available for Code, Section 12990.
ed by: An Individual 3. A copy of this Order to proposed action.) The in- order may be final. 5. You have the right to be of your children. You may fice of the County Record- public inspection at the The City of Arcata here-
S/BArBArA M. Show Cause shall be pub- dependent administration 7. The court will proceed present at the hearing, to also be ordered to pay er of Humboldt County. office of the City Clerk, by notifies all bidders that
ZOEllNEr, OWNEr lished at least once a week authority will be granted with this hearing whether present evidence, and you support and attorney fees The terms and conditions Arcata City Hall, 736 F it will affirmatively insure
This statement was filed for four successive weeks unless an interested per- or not you are present. have the right to be repre- and costs. of sale are: The purchase Street, Arcata, California, that any contract entered
with the Humboldt County prior to the date set for son files an objection to ATTORnEY FOR: sented by an attorney. If For legal advice, contact price is $250,000.00. Sale Monday through Friday, into pursuant to this adver-
Clerk on jAn. 19, 2017 hearing on the petition in the petition and shows CHILD WELFARE SERVICES you do not have an attor- a lawyer immediately. Get is contingent upon court between 9:00 a.m. and tisement, disadvantaged
KELLY E. SAnDERS the following newspaper of good cause why the court jEFFREY S. bLAnCK, ney and cannot afford to help finding a lawyer at the approval. 5:00 p.m. Ordinance no. business enterprises will
AA DEPUTY CLERK general circulation, printed should not grant the au- COUnTY COUnSEL hire one, the court will ap- California Courts Online bids or offers for this 1485 may be considered be afforded full opportunity
1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 in this county: Mad River thority. #115447 point an attorney for you. Self-Help Center (www. property must be made in for adoption at the regu- to submit bids in response
Union. A hearing on the peti- KATIE bACA, DEPUTY 6. If the court terminates, writing and directed to the larly scheduled meeting to this invitation and will not
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Date: jAn 23, 2017 tion will be held in this COUnTY COUnSEL your parental rights, the at the California Legal Conservator, in care of his of the Arcata City Council be discriminated against
NAME STATEMENT DALE A. REInHOLTSEn court as follows: #188031 order may be final. Services website (www. attorney, Tiffany Lopez, to be held on February 15, on the grounds of race, col-
17-00055 judge of the Superior Court Date: March 2, 2017 825 FIFTH STREET 7. The court will proceed, or by con- GALE & nIELSEn, or may 2017, and, if adopted at or, sex, or national origin in
The following person(s) is
2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22
Time: 2:00 PM EUREKA, CA 95501 with this hearing whether tacting your local county be filed at any time after that time, would take effect consideration for an award.
(are) doing business as: Dept.: 4 (707) 445-7236 or not you are present. bar association. publication of this notice March 17, 2017. 2/8
The above PROjECT
AlTO prOpErTy OrdEr TO ShOW Address of court: Su- DATE: jAn 10, 2017 ATTORnEY FOR: NOTICE: The restrain- and before the sale. The is subject to compliance
1803 CENTrAl AvENUE CAUSE FOr ChANgE perior Court of California, Morgan P. Clerk, by Kim L. CHILD WELFARE SERVICES ing order on page 2 Conservator reserves the CITy OF ArCATA monitoring and enforce-
MCkINlEyvIllE, CA 95519 OF NAME SUZANNE County of Humboldt, 825 bartleson, Deputy jEFFREY S. bLAnCK, remains in effect against right to reject any and all ENgINEErINg ment by the Department of
SArA A. AlTO ElAINE CAyTON Fifth Street, Eureka, CA, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
COUnTY COUnSEL each parent until the peti- bids. 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 dEpArTMENT Industrial Relations. Each
1803 CENTrAl AvENUE SUpErIOr COUrT OF 95501. #115447 tion is dismissed, a judg- 736 F STrEET contractor or subcontractor
MCkINlEyvIllE, CA 95519 CAlIFOrNIA COUNTy If you object to the CITATION FOr SETH LICHEnSTEIn- ment is entered, or the CITy OF ArCATA ArCATA, CA listed on the bid proposal
This business is conduct- OF hUMBOldT granting of the petition, pUBlICATION HILL, DEPUTY COUnTY court makes further orders. lEgAl NOTICE (707) 825-2128 must be registered with the
ed by: An Individual CASE NO. Cv170063 you should appear at the UNdEr WElFArE ANd COUnSEL #271366 This order is enforceable INTrOdUCTION OF NOTICE TO Department of Industrial
S/SArA A. AlTO, TO ALL InTERESTED hearing and state your INSTITUTIONS COdE 825 FIFTH STREET anywhere in California by OrdINANCE NO. 1484 CONTrACTOrS FOr Relations pursuant to La-
BrOkEr/OWNEr PERSOnS: objections or file written SECTION 294 EUREKA, CA 95501 any law enforcement of- I hereby certify that at 2017 STrEET ANd bor Code section 1725.5.
This statement was filed 1. Petitioner SUZAnnE objections with the court Case Name: (707) 445-7236 ficer who has received or a regular meeting held UTIlITy IMprOvEMENTS Pursuant to Section
with the Humboldt County ELAInE CAYTOn has before the hearing. Your BABy BOy rANdAll, DATE: jAn 10, 2017 seen a copy of it. on February 1, 2017, the prOJECT 1733 of the Labor Code,
Clerk on jAn. 26, 2017 filed a petition with this appearance may be in AkA JUlIAN rANdAll Morgan P. Clerk, by Kim L. FEE WAIvEr: If you Arcata City Council in- The City of Arcata is the Director of California
KELLY E. SAnDERS court for a decree chang- person or by your attorney. Case No.: Jv160070 bartleson, Deputy cannot pay the filing fee, troduced Ordinance no. soliciting bids for the 2017 Department of Industrial
lh DEPUTY CLERK ing names as follows: If you are a creditor or 1. To Michelle Randall and 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
ask the clerk for a fee 1484, summarized below, STREET AnD UTILITY IM- Relations has determined
2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22 Present name: SUZAnnE a contingent creditor of anyone claiming to be a waiver form. The court An Ordinance of the City PROVEMEnTS PROjECT. the general prevailing rate
ELAInE CAYTOn to Pro- the decedent, you must parent of baby boy Ran- CITATION FOr may order you to pay back Council of the City of Ar- The WORK consists of of wages. bidders should
ABANdONMENT OF posed name CAYTOn file your claim with the dall, aka julian Randall pUBlICATION all or part of the fees and cata Amending the Arcata furnishing all labor, mate- contact the Department
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SUZAnnE WILEY. court and mail a copy to born on 04/03/2016 at St. UNdEr WElFArE ANd costs that the court waived Land Use Code Pertain- rials, equipment, inciden- of Industrial Relations
NAME 13-003170 2. THE COURT ORDERS the personal representa- joseph Hospital, Eureka, INSTITUTIONS COdE for you or the other party. ing to Chapter 9.60The tals and implementing all at (415) 703-4281 for
County of original filing: that all persons interest- tive appointed by the court California. SECTION 294 1. The name and address Flood Hazard Mitigation work required to perform General Prevailing Wage
humboldt ed in this matter appear within the later of either 2. A hearing will be held on Case Name: of the court are Standards, at which time asphalt paving, concrete Rates on specific job clas-
date of original filing: before this court, located (1) four months from the April 12, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. BABy gIrl ChIldErS, SUPERIOR COURT OF the reading in full thereof work, and sewer line re- sifications. Future effective
06/28-2013 at 825 5th Street, Eureka, date of first issuance of let- in Dept. 7 located at Su- AkA lUCy ChIldErS CALIFORnIA, COUnTY was unanimously waived placement at various loca- wage rates, which have
The following person(s) is California, at the hearing ters to a general personal perior Court of California, Case No.: Jv160249 OF HUMbOLDT and approval granted for tions in the City of Arcata. been predetermined, are
(are) doing business as: indicated below to show representative, as defined County of Humboldt, 825 1. To Timothy Stockhoff 825 Fifth St. reading the ordinance This work includes, but on file with the California
pASTAlUEgO cause, if any, why the in section 58(b) of the Fifth Street, Eureka, CA and anyone claiming to Eureka, CA 95501 by title only. The motion is not limited to: Clearing Department of Industrial
791 8Th ST. application should not be California Probate Code, 95501, juvenile Division, be a parent of baby Girl 2. The name, address, and to introduce Ordinance and grubbing, roadway Relations. bidders are ad-
ArCATA, CA 95521 granted. Any person ob- or (2) 60 days from the 2nd floor. Childers, aka Lucy Childers telephone number of the no. 1484 was passed by dig-outs, saw cutting (AC vised that if they intend to
TUCkS INC. jecting to the name chang- date of mailing or personal 3. At the hearing the court born on 10/11/2016 at St. petitioners attorney, or the the following vote: AYES: & PCC), Portland cement use a craft or classification
791 8Th ST. es described above must delivery to you of a notice will consider the recom- joseph Hospital, Eureka, petitioner without an attor- Ornelas, Pereira, Pitino, concrete (PCC) demoli- not on file in the general
ArCATA, CA 95521 file a written objection under section 9052 of the mendations of the social California. ney are: Wheetley, Winkler. nOES: tion and removal, PCC wage determinations, they
This business is conduct- that includes the reasons California Probate Code. worker or probation officer. 2. A hearing will be held on Caitlyn newman none. AbSEnT: none. Ab- construction, installation may be required to pay the
ed by: A Corporation for the objection at least Other California statutes 4. The social worker or April 5, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. 2535 bolier Ave. STEnTIOnS: none. of drainage structures and wage rate of that craft of
S/WIllIAM ChINO, vp two court days before the and legal authority may probation officer will rec- in Dept. 7 located at Su- McKinleyville, CA 95519 bridget Dory, City Clerk, pipes, asphalt concrete classification most closely
This statement was filed matter is scheduled to be affect your rights as a ommend that your child be perior Court of California, 707-834-3471 City of Arcata (AC) shear-in, curb and related to it as shown in
with the Humboldt County heard and must appear at creditor. you may want freed from your legal cus- County of Humboldt, 825 Date: DEC 20 2016 Summary of gutter wedge and roadway the general determina-
Clerk on jAn. 19, 2017 the hearing to show cause to consult with an attor- tody so that the child may Fifth Street, Eureka, CA KIM M. bARTLESOn Clerk, Ordinance No. 1484 conform grinding, asphalt tions.
KELLY E. SAnDERS why the petition should not ney knowledgeable in be adopted. If the court 95501, juvenile Division, by jackson W, Deputy If adopted, this ordi- concrete overlay, raising: The above PROjECT
AA DEPUTY CLERK be granted. If no written California law. follows the recommen- 2nd floor. page 2 of 2 nance will remove from manhole, valve, cleanout is subject to uniform con-
1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 objection is timely filed, you may examine the dation, all your parental 3. At the hearing the court STANdArd rESTrAIN- the Arcata Land Use Code and monument covers to struction cost accounting
the court may grant the file kept by the court. If rights to the child will be will consider the recom- INg OrdEr (parentage Section 9.60Flood Haz- grade, installation of trun- procedures as set forth
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS petition without a hearing. you are a person interest- terminated. mendations of the social Custody and Support) ard Mitigation Standards. cated domes, removal and in the California Public
NAME STATEMENT Date: March 17, 2017 ed in the estate, you may 5. You have the right to be worker or probation officer. Starting immediately, Arcatas Flood Hazard installation of sewer line Contracts Code, Section
17-00067 Time: 1:45 p.m. file with the court a formal present at the hearing, to 4. The social worker or you and every other par- Mitigation Standards can and cleanouts, sign and 22000 et seq., the Uniform
The following person(s) is Dept.: 4 Request for Special Notice present evidence, and you probation officer will rec- ty are restrained from currently be found in the post relocation, roadway Public Construction Cost
(are) doing business as: 3. A copy of this Order to (form DE-154) of the filing have the right to be repre- ommend that your child be removing from the state, Arcata Municipal Code, striping and legends com- Accounting Act.
ClAM BEACh rEAlTy Show Cause shall be pub- of an inventory and ap- sented by an attorney. If freed from your legal cus- or applying for a passport Title VIII, Chapter 4. plete and in place. All bidders shall be li-
4611 CENTrAl AvE lished at least once a week praisal of estate assets or you do not have an attor- tody so that the child may for, the minor child or The full text of Ordinance Sealed bids will be re- censed in accordance with
MCkINlEyvIllE, CA 95519 for four successive weeks of any petittion or account ney and cannot afford to be adopted. If the court children for whom this ac- no. 1484 is available for ceived by the City Manag- the laws of the State of
FOrTUNE rEAl ESTATE prior to the date set for as provided in Probate hire one, the court will ap- follows the recommen- tion seeks to establish a public inspection at the ers Office, 736 F Street, California.
ENTErprISE 2669985 hearing on the petition in Code section 1250. A Re- point an attorney for you. dation, all your parental parent-child relationship office of the City Clerk, Arcata, CA 95521, until _____________________
22528 INSpIrATION pT. the following newspaper of quest for Special Notice 6. If the court terminates rights to the child will be or a custody order with- Arcata City Hall, 736 F 11:00 a.m. on Monday, Harold Miller, Property and
CANyON lAkE, CA 92587 general circulation, printed form is available from the your parental rights, the terminated. out the prior written con- Street, Arcata, California, March 6, 2017, at which Special Projects Manager
This business is conduct- in this county: Mad River court clerk. order may be final. 5. You have the right to be sent of every other party Monday through Friday, time they will be trans- 2/6, 2/15
Conservation Meeting Redwood Re- Interpretive Center, 569 South G St.,
gion Audubon Society holds its monthly
Conservation Meeting Thursday, Feb.
Saturday, Feb. 11 from noon to 3 p.m.
Learn about the cool creatures that live
Learn to track this weekend
9 at noon at Ritas Margaritas and Mex- in the salt marsh, such as the California Mad RiveR Union
ican Grill, 1111 Fifth St., Eureka. (707) red-legged frog, spy on the birds that eat BAYSIDE The Redwood Region Audu-
445-8311 them, dip a net in a freshwater pond and bon Society presents a weekend of wildlife
create some nature-inspired Valentines tracking know-how and hands-on experi-
Where are the PorCuPines? Many cards! This event is free, but donations ence.
people in Northern California have no- are gladly accepted. Please dress appro- On Friday evening, Feb. 10, profession-
ticed a distinct lack of porcupines over priately to explore outside, rain or shine. al wildlife tracker Phil Johnston presents a
the past decade, particularly around RSVPs are appreciated but not required. lecture, Wildlife Tracking: the past, pres-
Humboldt Bay and points south. Sur- (707) 444-1397, info@friendsofthed- ent, and future of an ancient art, covering
prisingly little is known about how por- the basics of tracking, from its roots in early
cupines spend their time in this area. In human evolution on the African savanna, to
his lecture Where are the Porcupines? Marsh t0ur Friends of the Arcata its modern applications for science and edu-
Thursday, Feb. 9 at the Humboldt Marsh sponsors a free tour of the Arcata cation. According to a press release, the talk
Coastal Nature Center, 220 Stamps Lane Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary Saturday, will separate fact from fiction, dispelling
in Manila, Humboldt State Wildlife Pro- Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. Meet leader Milt Boyd common myths and highlighting a practi-
fessor William Tim Bean will discuss at the Interpretive Center on South G cal approach to wildlife tracking and nature
the historical and current distribution of Street for a 90-minute walk focusing on connection. Johnston will also share per-
porcupines in Northern California and the ecology of the Marsh. Loaner binoc- sonal anecdotes from his experience track-
review a study his lab has conducted to ulars available with photo ID. (707) 826- ing in northern California and elsewhere in
understand seasonal patterns of habitat 2359 the world.
use in Tolowa Dunes State Park. This The program starts at 7:30 p.m. at Six
work has led to some basic conclusions hbnWr birding Join Redwood Re- Rivers Masonic Lodge, 251 Bayside Rd., Ar-
about where porcupines were, where gion Audubon Society Sunday, Feb. 12 cata. Attendees are asked to bring a mug to
they are now, and why they seem to be on at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife enjoy shade-grown coffee, and attend fra-
the decline. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Refuge for a two- to three-hour trip for grance-free.
the lecture begins at 7 p.m., arrive early people wanting to learn the birds of the TRACKER & TRACKS Professional Wildlife
for hot tea and light snacks. A suggested Humboldt Bay area. The trip takes a lei- Tracker Phil Johnston, above, presents a
donation of $5 to $10 is requested. (707) surely pace with an emphasis on enjoying lecture Friday and leads a field trip Sat-
444-1397, the birds! Beginners are more than wel- urday. Participants may get to see puma
come. Meet at the Refuge Visitor Center tracks like those at left. Johnston photo by Kim
at 9 a.m. Call Jude Power or David Fix Cabrera; traCKs photo by phil Johsnton
bird the Marsh Redwood Region
Audubon Society sponsors a free pub- at (707) 822-3613 for more information. is perfect for naturalists of all ages and skill
lic field trip at the Arcata Marsh and levels. The introductory level class will fo-
Wildlife Sanctuary Saturday, Feb. 11. Ma-lel dunes hiKe The North Group cus on the basics of understanding the mor-
Bring your binoculars and have a great Sierra Club invites the public to a hike phology, behavior and ecology of local wild-
morning birding! Meet leader Gary Frie- in the Ma-lel Dunes on Humboldt Bay life.
drichsen in the parking lot at the end in Manila Sunday, Feb. 12. Carpools The class will take place rain or shine, so
of South I Street (Klopp Lake) in Arca- by prior arrangement or meet at BLM The following day, Saturday, Feb. 11, organizers ask that participants be prepared
ta at 8:30 a.m., rain or shine. Trip ends trailhead off of Highway 255 and Young Johnston leads a wildlife tracking field trip. to spend four to six hours in the field in a
around 11 a.m. Lane at 9 a.m. This easy five-mile hike The Redwood Region Audubon Society says variety of conditions.
will go through expansive sand dunes, this will be a unique chance to get hands- The class is limited to 20 participants;
Kiss the Frog Join Friends of the lush coastal forest, tidelands and finally on experience identifying and interpreting interested parties must reserve a spot by
Dunes and Friends of the Arcata Marsh to the beach. Bring water and lunch. No wildlife tracks and sign, adding, the class emailing
to explore Humboldt Bays wetlands dogs. For more info, contact leader Ned
during I Love Wetlands, a Valen- at (707) 825-3652 or nedforsyth48@ SUBSCRIBE to the Mad River Union receive all your local news, entertainment and opinion in
tines-inspired event at the Arcata Marsh your mailbox and online! Visit today.

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