Teste Gimnaziu

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Name: .. Score: ...

Form: 4A

Change the following sentences into:

1. Clara wants to kill Joe. [-]

2. They like to learn Japanese. [?]

3. The German students are late for school. [-]

4. She feels sorry for the poor magician. [?]

5. My little rabbit eats lots of carrots. [-]

6. English policemen run after good people. [?]

7. She watches TV after classes. [-]

You look like a sitting !!!

Your brain is like a . Congratulations!!!

Name:. Score:

Read the following text carefully and then circle the correct answers:

Two days ago we went to Lefty's house: me, Lefty, Axev Big Al and
Mo. Mo has the money-four million dollars in banknotes-and he puts it
on the table as we watch.. Four million is a lot of money. When we
finish, the money is a metre high.I look at Lefty and Axe. They are
excited and their eyes are round like a football! Mo is singing:"Were
rich, we're rich! The only cool one is Big Al. He is sitting calmly and
is watching us all with a smile on his face. He has a reason for this
smile and this reason is called a gun and it is in his pocket. Then it is
not in his pocket any more, it is in his hand, and we are all looking at
it... "Now, boys, he says in a very quiet voice, I want you to stand,
your faces against the wall and close your eyes."
We do that and are listening to him as he is puttting the money in two
big suitcases. lt takes about twenty minutes. Then we hear his voice
I'm leaving in a few minutes", he says. I want you to count to fifty very
slowly and then you can turn round."
We do that, too. When we turn round, there is no money and no Big AL.
There is just his gun on the table. Lefty is picking it up and looking at it.
Oh no, he says: "Plastic!"

high=in inaltime ; reason=motiv ; (v)call= a denumi ; (v)pick=a ridica

quiet=linistit ; against=la ; (v)stand=a sta in picioare ; (v) count=a numara
(v) turn a se intoarce ; suicases= valize

1.It is three million dollars. 14.The gun is real.

2.The money is a metre high. 15.The gun is a toy.
3.The boys eyes are like a football. 16.Mo is reading.
4.Big Al is smiling. 17.Mo is singing.
5.The boys put the money in their pockets.
6.The boys put the money in suicases.
7.Mo is picking the gun.
8.Big Al is crying.
9.Big Al is putting the money under the table.
10.Big Al is leaving in a few minutes.
11.He wants the boys to count to sixty.
12.Axe is leaving with the money.
13.Big Al wants the boys to count to fifty.
Name:. Score:
Form: 5A

1.Odd one out :

1. pen, book, rubber, watch, pencil, notebook

2. potato, pear, pineapple, policeman, tomato, apple
3. teacher, bedroom, doctor, driver, postman, engineer
4. bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, classroom, living room, dining room
5. January, May, August, Sunday, June, February
6. elephant, cow, pig, shark, lion, giraffe
7. yellow, pink, red, shirt, purple, black

2. Match the two columns:

1.How much are the apples? a.Yes, they eat quite a lot.
2.Does Dad enjoy dancing? b. At six in the afternoon.
3.How far is Paris from here? c. No, he doesnt.
4.Do you like swimming? d. Its 35 miles away.
5.Does your sister watch TV at night? e. They are 25 dollars a kilo.
6.Do the Italians eat pasta? f. No, I dont.
7.What time do you come back from work? g. Yes, she does!

Example: 8c, 9a, 10e, 11f, etc.

Write your answers in this table:

You look like a sitting Shame on you !

Your brain is like a Congratulations !

Name:. Score:.

Form: 5A

You have one point for each item!

Fill in the gaps:

1. Where ................. running so fast? 7. ................ is your name/?

A. you is C. you are A. When C.Why
B. you have D. are you B. Where D. What

2. I............a) .......... English ........ b) 8. ..................... are you going?

a) A.does not C. is not
B. do not know D. know not A. What C.Where
B. Who D.When

b).A.good C. well
B. fine D. OK
3. She often ................... to help me.
A. try C.t r yi ng
B. tries D.tryes

4.. We..................never happy.

A. are C.have
B. can D. is

5. My mother............. speak good English.

A. can C. is
B. are D. not

6. Mr. Romford.. a)...... to b)....at seven.

a) A. wants C. eats
B. sleeps D. get up

b) A. kill C. be
B. get up D. is

Now,you must go to the teacher's desk and give him your paper and then go back to
your desk and shut your bloody mouth up!!
Form: 5A
Name: Score:

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the noun:

1.Mary has got three white (goose) in her garden.


2.There are two (man) waiting at the bus stop.


3.These (woman) are always fighting for no reason.


4.I am writing with two (pencil) simultaneously!


5.His (tooth) are yellow and thats why he looks like a monkey!

6.Mr. Browns (child) are nice kids and I like them all.

7.One of the (girl) I love most is Patricia Ewe but she hates me!

8.One of these (box) has got another box in it, so you have to find it.

9.I love English (book) in which I find pleasure and a spirit of adventure.

10.They have beautiful (car) and nice houses to live in.


*I. Patricia..to do her homework last week.

a. wanted not b.didnt want c.didnt wanted d.not wanted
*II.While I....1...the papers,father..2 away at his cigar yesterday.
1.a.read b.will read c.was reading d.am reading
2.a.will puffing b.will puff c.was puffing d.is puffing
*III.Why ..1you want2.home right away?
1.a.doesnt b.not c.dont d.shall
2.a.going b.to go c.will go d.went
*IV.My bloody watchthe right time.
a.doesnt show b.show not c.shows not d.not shows
*V.People.1..always..2animals to survive.
1.a.has b.have c.are d.were
2.a.killing b.kill c.kills d.killed
*VI Detergents1..into.2..kill fish and help algae to develop.
1.a.wasted b.blown c.dumped d.fired
2.a.streets b.waters c.gardens d.parks
*VII.The chemicals.1to produce synthetic materials..2.pollution.
1.a.watched b.seen c.given d.used
2.a.create b.cause c.give d.react
*VIII.George....since 3 oclock.
a.writes b.is writing c.has been writing d.was wrting
*IX.My brother.a test tomorrow.
a.has b.had c.will have d.has been having
*X.Jane and Jill water since morning.
a.carry b.carried c.have been carrying d.will carry
*XI. I have been looking.1you 2.five oclock.
1.a.for b.about c.because of d.on
2.a.for b.since c.of d.on
*XII.Mrs.Smith has justthe house.
a.leaved b.lived c.left d.lefted
*XIII.The children have already..their homework.
a.done b.did c made d.make
*XIV.My cousin has never.abroad.
a.gone b.go c.goed d.went
*XV..1disturb her now! She..2.a bath!
1.a.not to b.dont c.dont d.push
2.a.is having b.have c.has d.will have
Name: Form: 6E

1. I've got a BMW. I've had it __________

A. for 5 years
B. since 5 years
C. 5 years ago
D. in 5 years

2. Did Susan come home before 11.00 pm last night?

A. Yes, I think she does

B. Yes, I think she might have
C. Yes, I think she might
D. Yes, I think she didn't

3. I've __________ washed my hair

A. yet
B. still
C. ever
D. already

A. Where has David been on holiday?
B. Where has David gone on holiday?
C. Where has David been going on holiday?
D. Where did David go on holiday?
- He's in London

5. They invited us __________ a meal with them

A. having
B. have
C. to have
D. have had

6. Why are you putting on your coat?

A. Because I'll take the dog for a walk

B. Because I took the dog for a walk
C. Because I've taken the dog for a walk
D. Because I'm going to take the dog for a walk
Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect: (C) or (I)

7. What's your job? I'm a policeman ( )

8. How much it costs? ( )
9. My uncle born in Birmingham ( )
10. Are you free at 2.00 pm? No,I'll see Jane ( )
11. I haven't been to the bank yet ( )
12. How much people are there in this class? ( )

Put these sentences in the correct order

Example: He football playing likes
He likes playing football

13. you have had holiday yet a?

14. what since have I you been saw last doing you?
15. go out shall for we meal tonight a?
16. Rolls Royce he not own a does
17. a shower could she having be
18. I'd a new if afford buy car I it could

Change these sentences from positive to negative:

Example: I like milk
I don't like milk

19. I've already seen the tower of London

20. He needs some money

Two sisters and the cat

Mrs Wilson and Mrs Smith are sisters. Mrs Wilson lives in a house in Duncan and Mrs
Smith lives in a condominium in Victoria. One day Mrs Wilson visited her sister. When
her sister answered the door Mrs Wilson saw tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" she
asked. Mrs Smith said "My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury him".

She began to cry again. Mrs Wilson was very sad because she knew her sister loved the
cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said "I can bury your cat in my garden in Duncan
and you can come and visit him sometimes. Mrs. Smith stopped crying and the two
sisters had tea together and a nice visit.

It was now five o'clock and Mrs Wilson said it was time for her to go home. She put on
her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs
Wilson took the shopping bag and walked to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the
bus so she bought a newspaper. When the bus arrived she got on the bus, sat down and
put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper.
When the bus arrived at her bus stop she got off the bus and walked for about two
minutes. Suddenly she remembered she left the shopping bag on the bus.

1 Where does Mrs Smith live?

2 Why is Mrs Smith upset?

3 What did Mrs Wilson do?

4 Who did Sammy the cat live with?

5 What time did Mrs Wilson go home?

6 How did Mrs Wilson go home?

7 What did Mrs Wilson forget?

8 Where did Sammy die?

Nasreddin and the Pot

One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbour Ali. The next day he brought it
back with another little pot inside. "That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is," said
Nasreddin. "While your pot was staying with me, it had a baby."

Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali agreed, hoping that he
would once again receive two pots in return. However, days passed and Nasreddin had
still not returned the pot. Finally Ali lost patience and went to demand his property. "I am
sorry," said Nasreddin. "I can't give you back your pot, since it has died." "Died!"
screamed Ali, "how can a pot die?" "Well," said Nasreddin, "you believed me when I told
you that your pot had had a baby."

1 Who was the owner of the pot?

2 How many times did Nasreddin borrow the pot?

3 How many pots did he give back the first time?

4 Why was the neighbour happy to lend his pot a second time?

5 How many pots did Nasreddin return the second time?

6 What probably happened to the pot?

Nasreddin Goes Shopping

One day Nasreddin went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a pair of trousers.
He didn't like the trousers, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe
which had the same price as the trousers. Nasreddin was pleased with the robe, and he
left the shop. Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the
shop-assistant ran out.

"You didn't pay for the robe!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn't I?" replied Nasreddin.

"Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers, either!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I didn't buy the trousers," replied Nasreddin. "I am not so stupid as to pay for
something which I never bought."

1 How did Nasreddin get to the shop?

2 What did Nasreddin do first in the shop?

3 What did Nasreddin try on next?

4 Which item did Nasreddin like best?

5 How many people were working in the shop?

6 Why was the shopkeeper angry when Nasreddin left?

Nasreddin and the Beggar

One day, Nasreddin was up on the roof of his house, mending a hole in the tiles. He had
nearly finished, and he was pleased with his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice below call
"Hello!" When he looked down, Nasreddin saw an old man in dirty clothes standing

"What do you want?" asked Nasreddin.

"Come down and I'll tell you," called the man.

Nasreddin was annoyed, but he was a polite man, so he put down his tools. Carefully, he
climbed all the way down to the ground.

"What do you want?" he asked, when he reached the ground.

"Could you spare a little money for an old beggar?" asked the old man. Nasreddin
thought for a minute.

Then he said, "Come with me." He began climbing the ladder again. The old man
followed him all the way to the top. When they were both sitting on the roof, Nasreddin
turned to the beggar.

"No," he said.

1 Why was Nasreddin on the roof of his house?

2 Who was the old man?

3 Why was Nasreddin angry?

4 Why did Nasreddin go down the ladder?

5 Why did Nasreddin make the beggar climb up the ladder?

Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a
restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over
the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then
he ate the bread.
The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in
exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant
owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the
case for a little while.
Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant
owner's ear, and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise.
"What was that?" asked the restaurant owner.
"That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin.
"What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner.
"The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup," answered Nasreddin.
"Now go back to your restaurant."

1 What food did the poor man have?

2 What kind of food did he see in the restaurant?

3 Why did he hold the bread over the soup?

4 Why did the restaurant owner take the poor man to Nasreddin?

5 What did Nasreddin do with the coins?

6 What was the payment for the smell of the soup?

Nasreddin's Visitors

One day a visitor came to Nasreddin's house. "I am your cousin from Konya," he said,
"and I have brought you a duck to celebrate the visit." Nasreddin was delighted. He asked
his wife to cook the duck, and served the visitor a fine dinner.
The next day another visitor arrived. "I am the friend of the man who brought you the
duck," he said. Nasreddin invited him in and gave him a good meal. The next day another
visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the
duck. Again Nasreddin invited him in for a meal. However, he was getting annoyed.
Visitors seemed to be using his house as a restaurant.
Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend of the friend of the
man who had brought the duck. Nasreddin invited him to eat dinner with him. His wife
brought some soup to the table and the visitor tasted it. "What kind of soup is this?" asked
the visitor. "It tastes just like warm water." "Ah!" said Nasreddin, "That is the soup of the
soup of the soup of the duck."

1 How many visitors came to see Nasreddin?

2 How many of the visitors brought a duck?

3 Did Nasreddin know the first visitor?

4 Why did Nasreddin get angry?

5 How did Nasreddin solve the problem?

The Death Car

It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and
Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends,
the Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the
Harrisons' daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which
was playing classical music.
They were about five miles from their destination when the music on the radio was
interrupted by a news announcement:
"The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford
Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed
six people before he was captured two years ago. He is described as large, very strong
and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and
windows locked, and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely."
Marie shivered. "A crazy killer. And he's out there somewhere. That's scary."
"Don't worry about it," said her husband. "We're nearly there now. Anyway, we have
more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for some reason -- it must
be that old problem with the carburetor. If it gets any worse, we'll have to stay at the
Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow."
As he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the
engine only coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely. Just as
they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree.
"Blast!" said George angrily. "Now we'll have to walk in the rain."
"But that'll take us an hour at least," said Marie. "And I have my high-heeled shoes
and my nice clothes on. They'll be ruined!"
"Well, you'll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons.
Someone can come out and pick us up," said George.
"But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out
there! You can't leave me alone here!"
"You'll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in
the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you. When I come back, I'll knock three
times on the door. Then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three
knocks." George opened the door and slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared
into the blackness.
Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a
long wait. She was frightened and worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had
not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to
be coming from the roof of the car.
Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then she heard three slow
knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her husband? Should she
open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was not her husband. It
was somebody -- or something -- else. She was shaking with fear, but she forced herself
to lie still. The knocking continued -- bump, bump, bump, bump.
Many hours later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a
moment. The knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do.
Where was George? Why had he not come for her?
Suddenly, she heard the sound of three or four vehicles, racing quickly down the road.
All of them pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Someone had
come! Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.
The three vehicles were all police cars, and two still had their lights flashing. Several
policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He
took her by the hand.
"Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle. miss. You're safe now.
Look straight ahead. Keep looking at the police car. Don't look back. Just don't look
Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help
herself. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the
empty vehicle.
George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the
wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car --
bump, bump, bump, bump.

Multiple-Choice Questions
Check the answer you think is correct.

1. Where were the Winstons going a) home

when this incident happened? b) to Colford Mental Hospital
c) to a party
d) to the police station

2. What was the reason for the news a) Six people, including John
announcement on the radio? Downey, had been murdered.
b) A dangerous prisoner had
c) The police were warning of
accidents on the roads in the
bad weather.
d) Some people had been seen
acting strangely in the
Cheshire area.

3. What did George think was causing a) the carburetor

the trouble with the car? b) the rain drumming on the
c) the accelerator
d) he had no idea

4. Why did he pull the car off the road? a) to have a rest
b) to go for a walk
c) to walk to the nearest house
d) it broke down

5. Why did Marie stay in the car when a) She was afraid to go out in
George left? the dark.
b) So no-one would steal the
c) Her clothes weren't suitable
for the rain.
d) She wanted to get some

6. Where did George set off to walk to? a) the Mental Hospital
b) the nearest house
c) the Harrisons' house
d) the police station

7. What made Marie so frightened as a) There was a strange sound

she waited in the car? coming from the roof.
b) She could see a man acting
strangely outside the car.
c) Some police cars came racing
down the road.
d) She was afraid of the rain and
the dark.

8. Why did the policeman tell her not to a) He didn't want her to see the
look back when he brought her out of body of her husband.
the car? b) The killer was waiting behind
c) He wanted her to forget
everything that had happened
during the night.
d) He didn't want her to see the
damage done to the car.

9. Marie says, "There's a homicidal a) terrible storm

maniac out there!" What does b) busy road
"homicidal maniac" mean?
c) crazy killer
d) policeman

10. In "Several policemen leapt out," a) threw

"leapt" means b) jumped
c) shouted
d) drove

The Choking Dog

"Come on, come on, move it, idiot!"
Joanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. How stupid
to get caught up in the rush hour! She had planned to leave work early this afternoon, at
three o'clock, to give herself a chance to relax and have a bath before going out to a
meeting of her local tennis club. But just at ten to three a client had arrived, and it was
two hours before she had finished dealing with the man. When she came out of her office,
all the other staff in the Highlight Advertising Agency had already left. Now she was
stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30, and at 6:30 she was expected to be
chairing a meeting of the tennis club. There would be no time for any hot bath.
Ahead of her, the traffic was moving at last, and she swung quickly out into the centre
lane to turn right, and raced the last half-mile through the quiet suburban streets to her
house. Pulling up on the driveway, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she
opened the door, she nearly tripped over Sheba, who was standing behind it.
"Hey, Sheba, hello," she said, bending down to stroke the large alsatian dog's head,
"I've got no time for you now, but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from the tennis
It was then that she noticed something worrying about the dog. Sheba seemed to be
coughing or choking, her stomach pumping repeatedly as if she was trying to vomit
something up. She was obviously in real discomfort and could hardly breathe; her sad
eyes gazed up at Joanne helplessly.
"Oh damn, this is all I need now," said Joanne to herself, dropping her briefcase and
bending down to take a closer look, "a sick dog, today of all days!" On closer
examination, Sheba did look very sick, and Joanne realised she would have to take her
down to the vet immediately. Luckily, the vet's surgery was only a few streets away, and
Joanne quickly loaded the dog, still coughing and choking, into her car for the short
When she got there, the surgery was just about to close for the day. Luckily, Dr.
Sterne had not left yet, and when he saw the state of Sheba, he brought her quickly into
his office.
"It looks like something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne. It shouldn't take me
too long to get it out."
"Listen, doctor, I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting -- can I leave her with you, and
go and get changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, then I'll take her on to the
meeting with me. Is that OK?"
"Sure," said the doctor. "You get going. I'll see you in ten minutes."
Joanne jumped back into her car again, and made the quick trip round to her house in
a couple of minutes. As she was once more entering the hallway, the phone on the table
by the door began to ring. She picked it up, annoyed by this additional interruption to her
"This is Dr. Sterne," said an anxious voice. "Is that you, Joanne?"
"Of course it's me," said Joanne, surprised at the sound of his voice, "no-one else
lives here."
"I want you to get right out of that house immediately," said the doctor's voice. "Right
now. I'm coming round right away, and the police will be there any time now. Wait
outside for us." The phone went dead. Joanne stared at it. She was confused, but she was
also a little frightened by the obvious fear in the voice of the doctor. She replaced the
receiver, then quickly backed out of the door and ran into the street.
At that moment, a police car with its lights flashing swung round the corner and
screeched to a stop outside the house. Two policemen got out. After briefly checking that
she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house through the still open door,
without explaining anything. Joanne was by now completely confused and very
frightened. Then the doctor arrived.
"Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne, running over to his car.
"She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her, and she's OK now."
"Well what's this all about? Why are the police in my house?"
Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced
figure, a man in a dark grey sweater and jeans, who, it seemed, could hardly walk. There
was blood all over him.
"My God," said Joanne, "how did he get in there? And how did you know he was
"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I
finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers.
I don't think he's a very happy burglar."

Multiple-Choice Questions

Check the answer you think is correct.

1. Where did Joanne work? a) an advertising agency

b) a vet's surgery
c) a Mercedes dealer's office
d) the text does not say

2. Why was she angry at the a) She was lost.

beginning of the story? b) She had lost a client at work.
c) She was stuck in a traffic jam.
d) Her dog was sick.

3. Why did she take the dog to Dr. a) It was time for Sheba's checkup.
Sterne's surgery? b) The dog couldn't breathe
c) She wanted to get her out of the
d) The doctor had asked to see her.

4. Why did she leave the dog at the a) She wanted to catch a burglar.
surgery and drive home again? b) The dog was too sick to come
c) The doctor wanted to keep her.
d) Joanne wanted to change her
5. How long did it take Joanne to a) two minutes
drive home from the surgery? b) ten minutes
c) an hour
d) the text does not say

6. What happened as she arrived a) The police arrived.

home for the second time? b) The phone rang.
c) The dog died.
d) A burglar was just escaping.

7. Why did the doctor tell her to get a) There was a dangerous dog in
out of the house? there.
b) It was on fire.
c) He knew there was a burglar
d) He wanted to meet her outside.

8. Why did the burglar look very a) The police had caught him, and
sick? he would probably have to go to
b) He had caught a disease from the
c) He hadn't found any valuable
things to steal.
d) The dog had bitten off his

9. The story says that the dog a) stared

"gazed up at Joanne helplessly". b) cried
"Gazed" means
c) barked
d) laughed

10. A "vet's surgery" is probably a) a serious operation

b) a minor operation
c) an animal doctor's office
d) a police station
The Carpet Fitter
Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. For ten years he had spent his days sitting,
squatting, kneeling or crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and
restaurants. Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets for other people to walk on,
without even seeing them. When his work was done, no-one ever appreciated it. No- one
ever said "Oh, that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly." They just walked all over it.
Eddie was sick of it.
He was especially sick of it on this hot, humid day in August, as he worked to put the
finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red
carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs. Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs.
Vanbrugh, who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs.
Vanbrugh, who had never even given him a cup of tea all day, and who made him go
outside when he wanted to smoke. Ah well, it was four o'clock and he had nearly
finished. At least he would be able to get home early today. He began to day-dream about
the weekend, about the Saturday football game he always played for the local team,
where he was known as "Ed the Head" for his skill in heading goals from corner kicks.
Eddie sat back and sighed. The job was done, and it was time for a last cigarette. He
began tapping the pockets of his overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he had
bought that morning. They were not there.
It was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the
lump. Right in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet, there was a lump. A very
visible lump. A lump the size of -- the size of a packet of cigarettes.
"Blast!" said Eddie angrily. "I've done it again! I've left the cigarettes under the
blasted carpet!"
He had done this once before, and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two
hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going to spend another two hours in this
house. He decided to get rid of the lump another way. It would mean wasting a good
packet of cigarettes, nearly full, but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet
and fitting it again. He turned to his toolbox for a large hammer.
Holding the hammer, Eddie approached the lump in the carpet. He didn't want to
damage the carpet itself, so he took a block of wood and placed it on top of the lump.
Then he began to beat the block of wood as hard as he could. He kept beating, hoping
Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn't hear the noise and come to see what he was doing. It would be
difficult to explain why he was hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet.
After three or four minutes, the lump was beginning to flatten out. Eddie imagined the
cigarette box breaking up, and the crushed cigarettes spreading out under the carpet.
Soon, he judged that the lump was almost invisible. Clearing up his tools, he began to
move the furniture back into the living room, and he was careful to place one of the
coffee tables over the place where the lump had been, just to make sure that no-one
would see the spot where his cigarettes had been lost. Finally, the job was finished, and
he called Mrs. Vanbrugh from the dining room to inspect his work.
"Yes, dear, very nice," said the lady, peering around the room briefly. "You'll be
sending me a bill, then?"
"Yes madam, as soon as I report to the office tomorrow that the job is done." Eddie
picked up his tools, and began to walk out to the van. Mrs. Vanbrugh accompanied him.
She seemed a little worried about something.
"Young man," she began, as he climbed into the cab of his van, laying his toolbox on
the passenger seat beside him, "while you were working today, you didn't by any chance
see any sign of Armand, did you? Armand is my parakeet. A beautiful bird, just beautiful,
such colors in his feathers... I let him out of his cage, you see, this morning, and he's
disappeared. He likes to walk around the house, and he's so good, he usually just comes
back to his cage after an hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn't come back.
He's never done such a thing before, it's most peculiar..."
"No, madam, I haven't seen him anywhere," said Eddie, as he reached to start the van.
And saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the dashboard, where he had left it at
And remembered the lump in the carpet....
And realised what the lump was....
And remembered the hammering....
And began to feel rather sick....

Multiple-Choice Questions
Check the answer you think is correct.

1. Why did Eddie hate being a carpet- a) The pay was too low.
fitter? b) He didn't like working
c) No-one appreciated his
d) He couldn't smoke on the

2. What did Eddie think of Mrs. a) She was a kind, thoughtful

Vanbrugh? lady.
b) She was rich and selfish.
c) She was always losing
d) She had good taste in
3. Why was Eddie called "Ed the Head" a) Because he was such an
by his friends? intelligent carpet-fitter.
b) Because he had a large head.
c) Because he was very proud
and self-important.
d) Because of his footballing

4. What did Eddie want to do when he a) have a cigarette

had finished fitting the carpet? b) hammer the carpet flat
c) look for Mrs. Vanbrugh's
lost bird
d) start work in the dining

5. Why didn't Eddie remove the carpet a) He couldn't take the carpet
to take out the thing that was causing up once he had fitted it.
the lump? b) He didn't need the cigarettes
because he had some more
in the van.
c) It would take too long to
remove the carpet and re-fit
d) He intended to come back
and remove the lump the
next day.

6. What did Eddie do with the hammer? a) hammered nails into the
b) fixed the coffee table
c) left it under the carpet
d) flattened the carpet

7. What was Mrs. Vanbrugh worried a) Her bird was missing.

about? b) She thought the carpet was
going to be too expensive.
c) She thought Eddie had been
smoking in the house.
d) She couldn't find her
husband Armand.

8. What was really under the carpet? a) the cigarettes

b) Eddie's toolbox
c) nothing
d) the missing bird

9. "Eddie was determined...." means a) had no idea

that he: b) decided for sure
c) felt very angry
d) couldn't decide

10. "Peculiar" in the sentence "He's a) normal

never done such a thing before, it's most b) like a bird
peculiar..." means:
c) difficult
d) strange
Complete the passage with the correct words given below:
1.worked 2.clean 3.watched 4.I heard
5.outside 6.in 7.snowed 8.It stayed
9.see 10.read

One evening last year Ilate at the office. It was winter, and it
outside. I some reports and then..a noise.
I looked out of the window but I couldnt . anything. I went back to my
reports but I had a strange feeling. I felt that someone me through
the window. This is silly, I thought.The office is on the second floor.Its
impossible for anyone to be outside.I turned round to pick a book and saw
something in the mirror.It was a face and it watched me through the
window.When I turned back, the face wasnt in the window any more but it was
still in the mirror.
there all night, watching me as I worked.The next day, I looked
at the ground .. the building.There were no marks in the snow
under the window.The snow was and fresh.There were no marks
on the window and nothing .. the mirror.But I know I saw a
face.And theres something else.That night was 31st October, or Halloween, the
night when the ghosts call and witches walk.Since that night, I have believed in

New words:
ground =teren lantern =felinar
mark =urma pumkin =dovleac
fresh =proaspat (v)carry =a purta
(v)call =a bantui
witch =vrajitoare
wizard =vrajitor

Halloween- a special holiday when ghosts call and witches walk

and they scare everybody to death.The children wear
masks and wizards hats and carry pumkin lanterns.

Prof.Adrian Grigoriu
A Travellers Tale

(Pay attention to the past tense!!!)

n the autumn of 1935,when I was a young man,I was travelling in the
north-west of India.One evening,after hunting in the forest all day,I was
returning alone to the place where I put up my tent.It was getting
dark,and I was walking along a narrow path.On my right was a wide river,on
my left,a thick,dark forest.Suddenly I saw two green eyes looking at me
from among the trees.A man-eating tiger was getting ready to jump on me.
What could I do?Should I jump into the river and hope to save my life by
swimming?I looked to the right.In the river there was an immense crocodile
with its mouth wide open waiting to eat me up.I was so frightened that I shut
my eyes.I heard branches moving when the tiger jumped.I opened my
eyes.What do you think had happened?The tiger jumped right over me and
was now in the jaws of the crocodile.Thats a true story,believe it or not !

1.Where was the man travelling?
2.What was he doing that day?
3.Had he any friends with him or was he alone?
4.Where was he going back to?
5.What was there on his left?
6.What did he suddenly see looking at him?
7.What kind of tiger was it?
8.What did the traveller see when he looked to his right?
9.What happened to the tiger?
10.Is this a true story or not?
11.When does this story take place? (What year was it?)
New words:
(v) travel-a calatori wide-larg jaw-falca
(v) hunt- a vana thick-des,deasa (v) get dark-a se intuneca
(v) put up-a ridica forest-padure path-poteca
tent-cort branch-ramura
Form: 6-th
Level: Beginner
Compulsory Word String: travel,put up,tent,forest,jump,wide,branch,jaw,thick,dark,move
Grammar items: past tense simple,past tense continuous,differences.
Number of words: 150/160
Attainment target: to make pupils use past tense by referring to past events
within stories.

(Pay attention to past tense!!!)

I n the autumn of 1935,when I was a young man,I was travelling in the north-west of
India.One evening,after hunting in the forest all day,I was returning alone to the place
where I put up my tent.It was getting dark,and I was walking along a narrow path.On
my right was a wide river,on my left,a thick,dark forest.Suddenly I saw two green eyes
looking at me from among the trees.A man-eating tiger was getting ready to jump on me.
What could I do?Should I jump into the river and hope to save my life by swimming?I
looked to the right.In the river there was an immense crocodile with its mouth wide open
waiting to eat me up.I was so frightened that I shut my eyes.I heard branches moving
when the tiger jumped.I opened my eyes.What do you think had happened?The tiger
jumped right over me and was now in the jaws of the crocodile.Thats a true story,believe
it or not !
1.Where was the man travelling? The man was
2.What was he doing that day? He was
3.Had he any friends with him or was he alone? He didnt//He was
4.Where was he going back to? He was
5.What was there on his left? On his left was..
6.What did he suddenly see looking at him? He suddenly
7.What kind of tiger was it? It was..
8.What did the traveller see when he looked to his right? He saw..
9.What happened to the tiger? The tiger.
10.Is this a true story or not? I think this.
11.When does this story take place? (What year was it?) This story
Suggested new words:
(v) travel = wide = jaw =
(v) hunt = thick = (v)get dark =
(v) put up = forest = path =
tent = branch =
Name: Form:
Test paper in English grammar and idioms

*1.Which of the following items are not included in:

Tom is on good terms with his family.
a.Tom has good relations with his family. b.Tom falls out with his family.
c.Tom rubs shoulders with his family. d.Tom keeps good company with his family.

*2. Which of the following items are not included in:

Tom will surely laugh at the party.
a.Tom will surely make fun at the party. b.Tom will surely have a good time at the
c.Tom will amuse himself at the party. c.Tom will surely fall into tears at the party.

*3. Which of the following adverbs are not included in:

The train hasnt arrived.
a.so far b.yet
c.still d.for the time being

*4.Patrick fell back and stopped smoking. means:

a.Patrick a cazut pe spate si s-a oprit ca sa fumeze
b.Patrick a cazut pe spate si a incetat sa mai fumeze.
c.Patrick a facut un pas inapoi si s-a oprit ca sa fumeze.
d.Patrick a facut un pas inapoi si a incetat sa mai fumeze.

*5.The correct sentence is:

a.Ill lend you a helping hand if youll lend yours.
b.Ill lend you a helping hand if you lend yours hand.
c.Ill lend you a helping hand if you lend me yours.
d.Ill lend you a helping hand if you lend your hand me.

*6.Helen always thinks at//on//of me when shes in//on//for her holidays.

*7.The correct sentence is:
a.I never saw such a big ass like you.
b.Ive never seen such a big ass as you.
c.Ive never saw such a big ass like you.
d.Ive never seen such a big ass like you.

*8.Ma doare urechea si nu aud bine. can be rendered by:

a.My ear pains and I dont hear good.
b.I have an ache in my ear and I cannot hear well.
c.I have an earache and I cannot hear well.
d.I have a pain in my ear and I cannot hear well

*9.Ma doare gatul si imi curge nasul can be rendered by:

a.My throat is sore and my nose is flowing.
b.I have a sore throat and a running nose.
c.I have a throatache and a running nose.
d.My throat is painful and my nose is running.
*10.I remember that we went to work.his car.
a.by b.in c.with d.into

*11.Give me an example of a word..with Y.

a.begun b.begin c.beginning d.begins

*12.Eorodisney,which is a replica of the American Disneyland.visited by millions of

a.is b.which is c.that is d.who is

*13.The policeman advised him..so fast.

a.to not drive b.not drive c.doesnt drive d.not to drive

*14.A good mechanic must know..

a.to repair a car b.how to repair a car c.repair a car d.repairing a car

*15.We were sure that our brother.TV at that time.

a.is watching b.watches c.was watching d.were watching

*16.Nu stiu cati ani are ea.can be rendered by:

a.I dont know how many years she has.
b.I dont know what age she has.
c.I dont know how old she has.
d.I dont know how old she is.

*17.In timp ce eu robotesc prin bucatarie,sora-mea se spala pe dinti.can be rendered

a.While I am roboting in the kitchen,my sister is brushing her teeth.
b.While I am doing chores in the kitchen,my sister is washing her teeth.
c.While I am doing chores in the kitchen,my sister is brushing her tooths.
d.While I am doing chores in the kitchen,my sister is brushing her teeth.

*18.If I win the lottery,Iwhatever I like.

a.bought b.must buy c. will buy d.have bought

*19.For five years in a row,United Nations have chosen Canada as the best place in the
a.for b.of c.at d.to
*20.Hungary is.of Romania.
a.east b.west c.by d.close

Read this text carefully and then answer the questions below:

Ramon looked at the food on his tray and made a face. "Macaroni and cheese again,"
he said to his friend Brian.
"They never serve anything good for lunch."
Brian gave his own lunch a critical look and frowned. "You think thats bad," he
said, "Ive got peanut butter and jelly again. Its the third time this week!"
They pushed the food aside. "We can get something at the burger place after
school," Ramon said. They concentrated on studying for their English test
instead of eating. English was next period, and Mr. Friedman had a reputation
for giving difficult tests. When the bell rang, they dropped their uneaten
lunches into the garbage. Mr. Friedman was standing nearby. "Not hungry, guys?"
he asked. They shook their heads and hurried off to class.
When the test was over, there were still ten minutes left in the period. Mr.
Friedman stood at the front of the class.
"Before you leave today," he said, leaning against the desk, "Id like to share
an old African folktale with you. I think youll find this one interesting. Its
called Why the Sky Is Far Away?":

Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. Men and women did not have to plant
their own food. Instead, when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke
off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other
times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious.
People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures
and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His
servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of sky.
Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they
took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra
pieces into the garbage.
Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land,
and a great sky voice said to all the people, "You are wasting my gift of food.
Do not take more than you can eat. I dont want to see pieces of me in the
garbage anymore or I will take my gift away."
The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, "Lets be careful
about how much food we take." For a long time, all the people were careful.
But one man named Adami wasn?t careful. At festival time, he took so many
delicious pieces of sky that he couldnt eat them all. He knew he must not throw
them away.
He tried to give the pieces to his wife. "Here, wife," Adami said. "You eat the
"I cant," Adamis wife said. "Im too full."
Adami asked all his children to help him eat the delicious pieces of sky, but
the children couldnt eat one more bite. So Adami decided to try to hide the
pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile.
Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. "You have wasted my
gift of food again," yelled the sky. "This time I will go away so you cannot
waste me anymore."
All of the people cried, "What will we eat? We might starve!"
The sky said, "You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt
in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature."
Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to
grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste
the gifts of nature.

The bell rang for the next period. "Thats the end," Mr. Friedman said, smiling.
He looked at Ramon and Brian.
"What did you think of the story?" he asked. They slouched in their chairs and
looked apologetic.
"We get the message," they said, smiling. "No more lunches in the garbage!"

tray=tava (v)frown=a se incrunta (v)reach up=a se intinde dupa bottom=partea de jos

According to the folktale, Adami is


According to the folktale, why does the sky become angry with the villagers?
What lesson does he want them to learn?

Write text from the story to support your answer.

Read this sentence from the story.

Brian gave his own lunch a critical look and frowned.

What does critical mean?


According to the folktale, what happens when Adami cannot finish all of the food
he has taken?

He asks King Oba to help him finish eating the food.

He saves some of the pieces of food for his meal the next day.
He tries to hide the pieces of food at the bottom of the garbage pile.
His wife and children offer to eat the rest of the pieces for him.

The beginning of the story takes place

in Mr. Friedmans class.

in the school cafeteria.
in Africa.
in the school library.

Read this sentence from the story.

They slouched in their chairs and looked apologetic.
What is an antonym for the word slouched?

Based on the end of the story, what do you think Ramon and Brian will do next?

stop bringing their lunches to school

be more careful not to waste food
eat lunch at the burger place more often
share their food with the other students

Why do you think Mr. Friedman tells the class the African folktale?

Use details from the story to support your answer.



Report the following :

1. I dont know where Im going, she said.

2. Eustacia has no idea why you are so crazy, he mentioned.

3. The teacher wants us to learn the irregular verbs, he said.

4. Policemen eat doughnuts and chocolate, she whispered.

5. You keep an unhealthy diet, the doctor told him.

6. I know English a little, the officer explained.

7. I am not what I am, Jago said in Othello.

8. My pall lives in London, he told me.


When I awoke from my slumbers,I dashed into the bathing-room and there I squirted
water all over the place.Then I consumed my breakfast,wolfing,slummocking and
gulping everything down my throat.After that I tried to feed myself on finaries,sipping
coffee at leisure.My clock struck half past seven.It was after the proper time and I was
not in the position of finding myself prepared to depart from my dwelling place,so I
stepped into my motor-car and made haste to my working place.The atmospheric
conditions were on the cool side,so I flummoxed the police constable as I did not bring
my vehicle to a halt the moment he placed himself in the middle of the roadway.I tried to
shun the person but my motor-car was running at its full capacity and we squirmed up a
tree in company.

When I got up,I got quickly to the bathroom and there I got much water everywhere.Then
I got breakfast,eating very very much.After that I tried to have very good things,having
coffee slowly.It was half past seven.It was getting late and I wasnt ready to leave home,
so I got into my car and got to my work quickly.It was getting cold so I got a cop
perplexed because I didnt stop my car when he got himself in the middle of the street.I
tried to get away from him but my car was getting the most of it and we got up into a tree

Look up these words!!!

1.slumbers =
2.dash(v) = 10.sip(v) =
3.squirt(v) = 11.at leisure =
4.wolf(v) = 12.strike,struck,struck =
5.slummock(v)= 13.dwelling place =
6.gulp(v) = 14.be on the cool side =
7.feed(v) = 15.flummox(v) =
8.finaries = 16.police constable =
9.shun(v) = 17.squirm up(v) =

Rack your brains and try to obtain the third different reading which has to be more English !

Dont worry,be happy !

When I awoke from my slumbers,I dashed into the bathing-room and there I squirted
water all over the place.Then I consumed my breakfast,wolfing,slummocking and
gulping everything down my throat.After that I tried to feed myself on finaries,sipping
coffee at leisure.My clock struck half past seven.It was after the proper time and I was
not in the position of finding myself prepared to depart from my dwelling place,so I
stepped into my motor-car and made haste to my working place.The atmospheric
conditions were on the cool side,so I flummoxed the police constable as I did not bring
my vehicle to a halt the moment he placed himself in the middle of the roadway.I tried to
shun the person but my motor-car was running at its full capacity and we squirmed up a
tree in company.

When I got up,I got quickly to the bathroom and there I got much water everywhere.Then
I got breakfast,eating very very much.After that I tried to have very good things,having
coffee slowly.It was half past seven.It was getting late and I wasnt ready to leave home,
so I got into my car and got to my work quickly.It was getting cold so I got a cop
perplexed because I didnt stop my car when he got himself in the middle of the street.I
tried to get away from him but my car was getting the most of it and we got up into a tree

New words:
1.slumbers = sleep(poetic)
2.dash(v) =a tasni,a fugi 10.sip(v) =a sorbi
3.squirt(v) =a imprastia,a stropi 11.at leisure =pe indelete(adv)
4.wolf(v) =a manca cu pofta 12.strike,struck,struck =a lovi,a bate
5.slummock(v)=a inghiti pe nerasuflate 13.dwelling place =locuinta
6.gulp(v) =a infuleca 14.be on the cool side =a fi rece(vremea)
7.feed(v) =a (se)hrani 15.flummox(v) =a zapaci
8.finaries =delicatese 16.police constable =agent de strada
9.shun(v) =a evita 17.squirm up(v) =a se cocota

Rack your brains and try to obtain the third different reading which has to be more English !
Form: 8-th. Advanced Learners of English
I.Look up the words you dont know! Dont be a lazybones!
Attainment target: make pupils learn new words and use them in a correct
context,make them infer the meaning correctly.

My Dads Car

have loved cars since I was a kid and I still love them with passion and
devotion.When I was a little boy,my father would tell me that cars
should be treated like women.
When it comes to choosing a car,you should think of it as a woman!,my
dad used to say.You have to be cautious because they might be
dangerous.They need money,affection and time.If you dont have them,you
are lost and nothing can be done about it!I was not quite sure I understood
what he meant and he decided to explain to me what my young mind had
refused to accept at the time...
Young man,if you want to choose and buy a car,you think of a woman you
love and you will not fail,believe me."
Im thinking of my grandma,dad.,I said with a fainting smile on my face.
Dont be stupid,these cars were used 2000 years ago.Even the Egyptians
refused to drive them...They are junk now.Jalopies are not my hobbies.Try
to be more co-operant.
But dad,I want to have a car like my grandma!,said I,thinking that cars
should be trusty and economical.
You are beside the pointsaid dad,screaming with laughter.Cars should
be like young women:fast,racy and ...beautiful! Dont ever forget that!,he
said triumphantly and after 15 years he passed away.Now Ive become a
man and his words still run on my mind.Each time I changed my car,I used
to compare my wifes eyes to the headlights,her legs to the wheels,her nose
to the bumper,her pretty head to the bonnet,her mouth to the loud horn,her
hands to the direction lights and her ears to the rearvision mirror.(driving
mirror) Soon she became desperate and told me she would leave me for
good if I didnt change my behaviour since there were so many other car
parts which I might compare her to,such as: gear box, trunk, spare wheel,
cylinders, valves, doors, change speed gear, tyres ,wipers and so on...
You have a cylinder missing and you should see a doctor,a mechanic or
something, she said and left the room proudly,with me staring at her while
she was departing,her engine at full speed and her exaust rather smoking...

Finally I felt like an...

II. Suggested words and their translation:
Jalopies = old,ramshackle automobiles(which every-
body laughs at)
Screaming with laughter = rolling in laughter,splitting with laughter,die
with laughing
passed away = died,went to the dogs,kicked the bucket
you are beside the point = not pertinent,irrelevant
junk = rubbish,trash,useless old stuff

III. Try and circle the right word:

1.cautious refers to: eating,running,being attentive,animal hunting.

2.jalopy refers to: old houses,old cars,old women, old trees.
3. bonnet refers to: clothes,caps,car parts,police
4. economical refers to: economy,not consuming much fuel,being hungry
5.you are beside the point refers to: you are mad,you are out of your mind,
you dont know what youre talking,
you lost your reasoning
6.passed away refers to: drink too much,die,be killed in an accident,hope
7.wheels refers to: round clocks,round tables,car parts,round heads
8.went to the dogs refers to: going mad,dying,running,liking dogs
9.kicked the bucket refers to: dying,doing smth.in a foolish way,
being sorry
10.ramshackle refers to: very old and falling to pieces,funny,crazy,silly.
11.junk refers to: fine food,old person,things you dont need,crazy witch

IV. Answer these questions about the texts above:

1. What are the most important parts of a car?

2. How many wheels does a car have?
3. What do you call the fifth wheel to the car?
4. What do you need to drive a car?
5. What do you call the person driving a car?
6. What do you call a car that consumes little fuel/gas?
7. What is grandma?
8. How many change speed gears does a car have?
9. How many tyres does a car have?
10. How many bonnets does a car have?
Type of composition: Guided
Level: Advanced
Target Form: 8-th
Number of words: 480/500
Compulsory Embedded Word String: trincket, ribbons, amulet, stick to,
they say, to pin, braids, stand for,
entwined, render it profitable,
reconciliation, forgiveness,
whatsoever, are spoken to, do without
token symbol, whatsoever, stand for
Difficulty: High
Subject: Enforced
Grammar items: present simple,past
Attainment target: to make pupils write short
compositions by guided enforced
embedded word strings

he word martisordoes not exist in English because it
covers a specific Romanian meaning. If we looked this word
up we should see that we could refer to it as trincket worn
in honour of March 1-st or just March amuletwhich Id rather
stick to.They say that the origin of this custom goes as far back
as the Roman Empire when young male people used to pin red and
white braids and ribbons against their young females chests just
to set out a new beginning for nature and their land.The red would
stand for females and the white for males.Later on, the two braids
were put together and entwined so as to form a single braid
showing two colours at the same time which could mean that both
the masculine and the feminine are united for ever so that young
people can manage to cultivate their land and render it profitable
for the generations to come.Nowadays, this custom has changed its
meaning a lot.Men of all ages offer March amulets to women on
the 1-st of March to show their respect to them and to make
women forgive.It is a sign of reconciliation between the two
sexes, a sign of forgiveness on the part of women, it is a sign that
has nothing to do with agriculture any more.The problem is that
this custom spread in Eastern Europe only and it has remained here
for more than 2000 years.It can be seen in Western Europe here
and there and no reference can be made about the implication of
this small tradition in other parts of the world.The huge success
in Eastern Europe, especially in Romania can be explained in
terms of sexual inequity.Women are never seen as mens possible
and clever substitutes whatsoever,even if this is not officially
admitted by anybody.In Western Europe, women have paved the
way to equality between sexes and no woman can accept a gift
from a man, be it a token symbol or anything.The explanation is
somewhat controversial for men are refused the right of being
gentle and kind on a very special day.
I like being offered amulets on March 1-st.It is the day when
girls are given a smile, attention and are spoken to nicely.What a
pity men do not keep this behaviour when March 2-nd comesId
like to wake up in the morning and see that people can understand
one another, Id like to kill the evil in man and wear an amulet for
March 1-st to be sure that women are something that men cannot
do without.
Contextual Inference A

Type of composition: Guided

Level: (very)Advanced
Target Form: 8-th
Number of words: 490/500
Compulsory Embedded Word String:
exhaustive, fuss,filled, squeezed,
stressful, whatever blistering,
endurable, crippling, before you know it
distant memory, mixture, filthy, messy,
melting snow, crisp, are chirping,are
blooming, I am looking forward to
feeling, thick smell, are crawling,
substantial, versatile, drops of dew

Difficulty: High
Grammar items: present tense simple,present tense
continuous,past tense,present
Attainment target: to make pupils write short compositions
by guided enforced embedded word

esterday was like any other day in the calendar.Long and

Y short at the same time, no fuss, no troubles, no games to

play, boring and exhaustive for no reason, whatever.It was
the 1-st. of March. I felt as usual, that is, not paying much
attention to the way I should behaveIt so happened that I looked
out of the window.The moist precipitation during the winter made all
the ground seem like a black hole filled with water in front of my
block of flats.Am I supposed to be happy about this early spring?
Well, I am not I am not happy because early spring is like a new
beginning and I do not like new beginnings. It is as if I were
squeezed into my stressful work again by an unknown person
forcing me to taste a cake I do not like to eat. I can make the
difference between the blistering hot summer days and the cool
spring evenings when winter will not go away and me dreaming
about summerNow the humidity is thicker than smog but is more
endurable than the crippling heat during the summer days when the
sun keeps shining all day long. Before you know it, the snow is a
distant memory.Trees are in blossom again and the grass covers the
portions of land of my town.Spring is not beautiful when it is young
because it is cold, white and similar to winter.I like it when it is in its
prime, that is, when everything is green,when nature has recovered
its powers again and when people are happier.Spring is beautiful in
the middle because the end is like hot summer and I can no longer
make the difference between them two.Spring should be spring and
not a strange mixture between winter and summer. There is a
Japanese poet, I forgot his name, who said in one of his poems that
all filthy and messy things were covered with pure white snow and
that is why winter could never be true.The melting snow may reveal
unpleasant realities and that is why early spring can never be true,
either but I like the middle of it.The moment I walk out, I come to
enjoy the crisp, clean air of my street covered with snow and the sun
shining above my head. Some birds are chirping but no flowers are
blooming yet.I am looking forward to feeling the thick smell of
the ground when all natures creatures are crawling for a new life. I
feel so happy when I come to touch the ground at home at my
parentss place in spring.
There is a new feeling about everything floating in the air,a
feeling I cannot describe and which disappears when summer sets in.
All I can say is that spring is a very sad season because it is never
substantial but versatile for ever like clear drops of dew on magic
Loving and hating:
To think the world of someone
Not to be able to stand the sight of someone
To be thirlled to bits
To be sick and tired
To be head over heels in love with someone

Getting angry and not angry:

To lose your temper
Not to put it past someone
Not to say a word
Not to believe a word of it
To fly off the handle
To hit the roof
Not to bat an eyelid

Being safe and taking risks:

To watch your step
To be on the safe side
To stick your neck out
To take the plunge
To skate on thin ice
To play it safe
To run a risk
To jump in with both feet

Keeping things quiet and not:

Not to breathe a word
To keep something to yourself
To let the cat out of the bag
To give the game away
To be an open book
To keep it under your hat
To spread like wildfire
Not to give the show away
To let the cat out of the bag

Praising and criticising

To give someone a pat on the back

Never to put a foot wrong
To give someone a piece of your mind
To put your foot in it
To have a go at someone (pick on smb)
Making comparisons about states:

Like a bear with a sore head (in bad mood)

Like a cat on hot bricks (impatient)
Like looking for a needle in a haystack
Like a red rag to a bull (causing anger)
To be in bad temper
To get blood out of a stone (mean,not generous)
To go like clockwork (go well)
Like water off a ducks back (ignoring criticism)

Saying connected with peoples attitudes:

To dot your is and cross your ts (be accurate)

To call a spade a spade (be frank)
To make a mountain out of a molehill
To turn over a new leaf (reform)
Two heads are better than one
To live and let live (be tolerant)
Its no use crying over spilt milk (not to regret smth that went wrong)
To have your cake and eat it (want more than you can have0
To have several irons in the fire (have many plans at one time)
Its the last straw !(that breaks the camels back)

Succeeding and failing:

To be streets ahead of someone

To make a good job of something
To fight a losing battle
To make a mess of something
To fall flat (fail about plans)
To bang your head against a brick wall (speak in vain)
Not to make it (not to succeed)
To be a dead loss (not achieved)

Conforming and not:

To pay lip service to smth (formally admit)

To toe the line (do the same as everybody)
To go by the book
To stand out like a sore thumb (come out plainly)
Like a fish out of water
Cangurul lingvist 2008 Clasa a VII-a si a VIII-a
1-10=3 points 11-20=4 points 21-30=5 points 31-40=4 points
40 points ex officio 200 points=10

1.Valentines Day is the day onsweethearts exchange gifts or go out to dinner.

a.which b.witch c.whatch d.watch e.wich

2.Americans eat..much cereals each year that a chain of empty boxes would stretch
all the way to the moon and back to earth.
a.such b.so c.since d.that e.also

3.Which word has a synonym in this sentence:London Underground is the oldest

underground system in the world?
a.U.K. b.greatest c.subway d.are e.on

4.I wish you.a fish in my dish.

a.are b.is c.have been d.were e.am

5.If you..this notice,you will notice that this notice is noy worth noticing.
a.noticed b.will notice c.notice d.have notice e.have been noticed

6.Sharks are immune to all.diseases.

a.know b.knew c.known d.unknown e.knowledgeable

7.People from Switzerland are.

a.Switz b.Swiss c.Helves d.Swedish e.Swatch

8.What sentence is not true?

A.A bee is a small insect.
B.Fly is both a verb and a noun.
C.Chemistry is the name of science.
D.A canoe is a light boat.
E.A horse is a two-legged animal.

9.Ra is the ancient sun of.

a.the Greeks b.the Romans c.the Incas d.the Egyptians e.the Indians

10.There should be a better way to start than..every morning.

a.get up b.wake up c.waking d.waking up e.to get up

11.It was very..at night and Susan was fast..

a.later/asleep b.late/asleep c.lately/asleep d.later/sleeping e.lately/sleepy

12.Which one is not preposition of place?

a.in front of b.behind c.opposite d.never e.next to
13.In New York,at the top of a skyscraper,it is possible for people to see snowwhile
people on the ground see rain.
a.fall b.failing falling fail is falling

14.Which is the meaning of the expression to feel blue?

a.to be dressed in blue b.to like blue c.to be unhappy d.to be cold e.to be angry

15.Carol,..parents own this shop,is very clever.

a.who b.whom c.which d.whose e.that

16.How many mistakes are there in this sentence?

Never before I have done so many homeworks like I made yesterday.
a.2 b.5 c.4 d.1 e.3

17.Theres no light on.Theybe at home.

a.shouldnt b.mustnt c.cant d.should e.wont

18.Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed.Polar bears are left-handed

and.is Kermit the Frog.
a.same b.so c.that d.alike e.like

19.What does the abbreviation Co stand for?

a.commercial b.company c.common d.corerct e.country

20.Complete the proverb:

No news..good news.
a.were b.are c.is d.has e.like

21.Jack is too much of a chicken to ask Martha out. means:

a.Jack doesnt like Martha.
b.Jack likes Martha.
c.Jack is too afraid to ask Martha for a date.
d.Kack is a bird.
e.Jack and Martha are cousins.

22.The movie starts at 5.30.Its 5.20.It will take us 30 minutes to get to the theatre.When
we get there,the movie.
a.will be starting b.will have started c.will start d.will be started e.starts

23.What a.of tears! No wonder! There was such a.discussion! She left the
24.We had.holiday in Spain.
a.a two weeks b.two weeks c.two-week d.a two-week e.weeks

25.Who said To be or not to be,that is the question?

a.Othello b.Romeo c.Shakespeare d.Hamlet e.Richard

26.The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by:

a.Italy b.France c.the UK d.Australia e.Canada

27 I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I
wont wish the wish you wish to wish. How many times is wish used as a verb?
a.6 times b.7 times c.8 times d.9 times e.10 times

28 During the test,the teacher couldnt see the book in my desk. Lucky me:shes as blind
as a
a.snake b.bat c.mole d.mouse e.owl

29What words are missing in this rhyme?

Jerry..,he was so,
Acouldhim,.and all.

30. How can you throw a ball so that it goes a short distance, comes to a total stop,
reverses its motion, and then goes the opposite way? You are not allowed to bounce it
against anything, hit it with anything, or tie it to anything.
a.hit it with a stick
b.hit it against a wall
c.let it roll
d.throw it in the air
e.throw it into an enemy

31. Pair up these famous couples:

1.Laurel a.Lady Hamilton
2.Paris b.Jane
3.Lord Nelson c.Helena
4.Tristan d.Hardy
5.Tarzan e.Isolda

a.1c-2d-3c-4b-5a b.1d-2c-3a-4e-5b c.1d-2a-3c-4e-5b d.1b-2a-3e-4c-5d

32.Which planet is the biggest?
a.the Earth b.Jupiter c.Saturn d.Venus e.Pluto

33.Crossing your fingers means in England:

a.see you around b.see you later c.good-bye d.good luck e.bad luck

34.Which is the nationality of a person who lives in the Netherlands?

a.Bulgarian b.Swedish c.Dutch d.Danish e.German

35.If it is pure, you dont have to purify it anymore. If it is short, you dont have
toit anymore.
a.short b.shorts c.shorten d.shorted e.shorter

36.About 10% of all humans beings ever born are alive at this very moment. Which word is
not correct in this sentence?
a.humans b.beings c.ever d.alive e.very

37.Choose the statement which best expresses the meaning of the sentence: Nobody knows
her secret, but Mike.
a.Nobody knows Mikes secret.
b.Mike knows her secret.
c.Everybody knows her secret.
d.Everybody knows Mikes secret.
e.Nobody knows her secrets and Mikes.

38.What is the answer to this riddle?

A time when theyre green, a time when theyre brown,
But both of these times, cause me to frown,
But just in between, for a very short while,
Theyre sweet and yellow, and cause me to smile!
a.leaves b.colours c.bananas d.the sky e.the rainbows

39.Whats a blind date?

a.a date between people who have never met
b.a date between blind people
c.a date in which people cant see their faces
d.an imaginary date
e.a date between animals

40. I lent your brother some money. He.me $ 300.

a.gives b.owns c.owes d.borrows e.lends

1.black and white = a vedea in alb sau negru

- thinking of everything or judging everything as either good or bad

He tries to see everything in black and white although he knows this is impossible.

2.black out = a baricada

- darken by putting out or dimming electric lights

During the war people in the cities were forced to black out their windows so that the enemy aircraft could not
see them.

3.black out= a ascunde

- prevent or silence information or communication

The government decided to black out all of the information related to the political prisoner.

4.black out= a-si pierde cunostinta

- lose consciousness

Suddenly the man blacked out during the parade and had to be helped to a quiet place.

5.black sheep (of the family)= oaia neagra

- a person who is a disgrace to a family or group

The man is the black sheep in his family and is the only member who has not made a success of his life.

6.blue in the face= suparat foarte tare

- very angry or upset, excited and very emotional

He argued with her until he was blue in the face.

7.brown bag it= a lua masa la pachet

- take a lunch to work

I have had to brown bag it every day this week as the company cafeteria is closed for repair work.

8.catch (someone) red-handed= a surprinde pe cineva

- catch someone in the middle of doing something wrong

The woman was caught red-handed at the store trying to steal some cosmetics.

9.give someone the green light= a permite

- give permission to go ahead with a project

We were finally given the green light to begin setting up the new project.

10.grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence)= gaina vecinului e mai grasa

- a place that is far away or different seems better than where we are now

He realized that the grass is always greener on the other side when he saw that his new job
wasn`t perfect and had its own problems too.

11.Green= fara experienta

- inexperienced, immature

He is rather green and doesn`t have enough experience to drive the large piece of machinery yet.

12.green belt= centura verde

- an area of fields and trees around a town

The city has a policy of increasing the green belt around the city.

13.have green thumbs//fingers= a se pricepe la gradinarit

- a talent for gardening, ability to make things grow

She has a green thumb and is able to grow one of the best gardens in our neighborhood.

14.green with envy= verde de invidie

- very jealous, full of envy

I was green with envy when I heard that she would be going to London for a week while I had to stay and work.

15.Horse//shoe of a different color= alta poveste in alta traista

- something totally separate and different

I know that he would like to discuss that issue now but it is a horse of a different color and we should discuss it
at another time.

16.in the black= profitabil

- successful or profitable

The company has been in the black since they began to adopt many new ideas to cut costs.

17.in the red= neprofitabil

- lose money, unprofitable

The company has been in the red for three years now - ever since their exports to Asia decreased by 35 per cent.

18.look at/see the world through rose-colored glasses= a vedea in roz

- see only the good things about something, be too optimistic

He always looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and is never able to understand that some people are

19.off-color= de prost gust

- in bad taste, rude, dirty

He told an off-color joke at the party that made his wife very angry.

20.once in a blue moon= la pastele cailor

- rarely

We go out for Italian food once in a blue moon although we enjoy it very much.

21.out of the blue= din senin

- without any warning, by surprise

I don`t understand what the problem is. Right out of the blue he decided to quit his job and go and live in

22.paint the town red= a se distra

- go out and party and have a good time

When my cousin came to visit us we decided to go out and paint the town red.

23.pot calling the kettle black= rade ciob de oala sparta

- the person who is criticizing/accusing someone else is as guilty as the person he criticizes/accuses

She was criticizing me for not looking for a new job but that is like the pot calling the kettle black. She isn`t
looking for a new job either.

24.red-letter day= zi memorabila

- a day that is memorable because of some important event

It was a red-letter day when she finally received her graduation diploma.

25.roll out the red carpet= a primi pe cineva cu mult respect

- greet a person with great respect, give a big welcome

When the President of Egypt visited Paris, they rolled out the red carpet and gave him a great welcome.

26.see red= a se enerva tare

- become very angry

He really saw red last night when I told him that I wouldn`t be coming to work today.

27.show one`s true colors= a-si da arama pe fata

- show what one is really like

I know that she doesn`t like me but she was showing her true colors when she began yelling at me on the

28.tickled pink= a fi extrem de incantat

- be very pleased, thrill, delight

She was tickled pink that you made the effort to go and visit her when you were in town.

29.white elephant= lucru scump si nefolositor

- a useless possession/undertaking

The new airport is a white elephant and nobody likes it at all.

30.white as a ghost= alb de frica

- very pale because of fear, shock, illness

My sister became white as a ghost when she saw the man at the window.

31.white lie= minciuna nevinovata

- a harmless lie (told to be polite or to do something not seriously wrong)

I told my boss a white lie and said that I was sick yesterday when actually I was not.

32.with flying colors= cu succes

- with great or total success

She passed the course with flying colors and now wants to go out and celebrate.

33.yellow-bellied= foarte timid

- extremely timid, cowardly

He is a yellow-bellied coward and never is willing to fight for what is right.

Fill in the suitable colour:

1.Our company has lost a lot of money recently and now we're in the.

2..My mother just loves gardening; she has..fingers.

3.When we heard the news, it was completely out of the

4.Peter is so honest; he would never tell even a.lie

5.When Jane saw Mary's new car, she waswith envy.

6.Congratulations! Youve passed all your exams with flying..!

8.The teacher gave the boy a.look and went on.

9.When my son came after that fight with the other boys, he
was.........................................and.all over.

10.His extra-marital affairs have been discussed at length in the press.

11 .You know, Fred has always been the.. sheep in the family.
12.We just can't get ahead because of all thistape!
13.He realized that the grass is always..on the other side of
14.The new stereo he bought is aelephant and he doesnt need it at all.
English Verb Tenses

1. When Carol (call) _______________this afternoon, I (enter) ______________

data into IMIS.

2. I (work) ________________for this Organization for more than thirty years,

and intend to stay here until I retire!

3. Sharon (love) _______________to travel. She (go) _______________abroad

almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Shashi Tharoor is an author. He (write) _______________ numerous articles,

short stories and commentaries in both Indian and Western publications. He
(write) _______________since he was quite young. In fact, by the time he was
only 22, he (earn, already) ___________________ his PhD from the Fletcher
School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts University. Altogether, he (write)
_______________ seven books, four non-fiction and three fiction.

5. We were late because of a subway delay. By the time we (get) _____________

to the office, Susan (wait) _______________for us for more than an hour.

6. Sam (try) _______________to catch a bus when he (slip) __________ and

(fell) _______________.

7. Everyday I (wake) _______________up at 6 o'clock, (eat) _______________

breakfast at 7 o'clock and (leave) _______________for work at 8 o'clock.
However, this morning I (get) _______________up at 6:30, (skip)
_______________breakfast and (leave) _______________for work late
because I (forget) _______________to set my alarm.

8. Sometimes I feel a bit bored because I always do the same thing. In fact, as I
write this, my Chinese pool colleagues (type) _______________ documents.
Yesterday at this time, we (do) _______________the same thing. We (type)
________________ documents. Tomorrow at this time, we (do, also)
_______________the same thing. We (type) ____________________ UN
documents. Its a very predictable job!

9. By this time next year, you (pass) _______________the G to P exam and (get)
_______________a higher post. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not)
_______________anything. I (work, still) _______________ in this same old
position, and you (work) _______________in some new high paying job.
10. The minutes (be, usually) _______________taken by Mrs. Monty. However,
given that Mrs. Monty is away on leave, this week they (be) _______________
taken by Mr. Tanzer.

11. Jane uses the computer for work.

Bob has been working on the computer for an hour.
Mary is working on the computer.

Who is not necessarily using the computer now? _______________

12. I'm going to make copies for Frank.

I'm making copies for Judy.
I'll make copies for Mary.
I make copies for Ted.
I will be making copies for Tony.

Who are you offering to make copies for? _______________

13. Jane left when Tim arrived.

Bob left when Tim had arrived.
Tim arrived when Mary was leaving.
John had left when Tim arrived.
After Tim arrived, Frank left.

Who did not run into Tim? _______________

14. Jane is taking a long lunch break.

Bob always takes long lunch breaks.
Mary is always taking long lunch breaks.

Whose action bothers you? _______________

15. Jane never left New York.

Bob has never left New York.

Who is still alive? _______________

Name: Score:


Exercises on Past Perfect Continuous

1. We (sleep)for 12 hours when he woke us up.

2. They (wait)...at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally
3. We (look).. for her ring for two hours and then we found it in
the bathroom.
4. I (not / walk).for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
5. How long (learn / she).English before she went to London?
6. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing). the rain too long.
7. He (drive)..less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
8. They were very tired in the evening because they (help)on
the farm all day.
9. I (not / work).all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at
10. They (cycle). all day so their legs were sore in the evening.

Past Perfect Simple / Past Perfect Continuous

I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at
8:00. I (try)to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to
miss it. By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I
(have)five cups of coffee and I (wait)for over an
hour. I had to leave because I (arrange) to meet Kathy in front of the theater.

When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (pick already)..up the tickets and she
was waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she
(wait)..for more than half an hour. She said she (give almost
up) and (go)...into the theater without us.

Kathy told me you (be late)several times in the past and that she would not make
plans with you again in the future. She mentioned that she (misss).several
movies because of your late arrivals. I think you owe her an apology. And in the future, I suggest
you be on time!
Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was
walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the
table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam
from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then
he ate the bread.
The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man
for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man
had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who
was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a
little while.
Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next
to the restaurant owner's ear, and shook them, so that they made a
jingling noise.
"What was that?" asked the restaurant owner.
"That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin.
"What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested
the restaurant owner.
"The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup,"
answered Nasreddin. "Now go back to your restaurant."

Nasreddin's Visitors

One day a visitor came to Nasreddin's house. "I am your cousin

from Konya," he said, "and I have brought you a duck to celebrate
the visit." Nasreddin was delighted. He asked his wife to cook the
duck, and served the visitor a fine dinner.
The next day another visitor arrived. "I am the friend of the man
who brought you the duck," he said. Nasreddin invited him in and
gave him a good meal. The next day another visitor arrived, and
said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the
duck. Again Nasreddin invited him in for a meal. However, he was
getting annoyed. Visitors seemed to be using his house as a
Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend
of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. Nasreddin
invited him to eat dinner with him. His wife brought some soup to
the table and the visitor tasted it. "What kind of soup is this?"
asked the visitor. "It tastes just like warm water." "Ah!" said
Nasreddin, "That is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck."
Nasreddin's Visitors

One day a visitor came to Nasreddin's house. "I am

your..from Konya," he said, "and I have
brought you a duck to celebrate the visit." Nasreddin
was delighted. He asked his wife to.the duck,
and served the visitor a fine dinner.
The next day another visitor arrived. "I am the friend of
the man who brought you the duck," he said.
Nasreddin invited him in and gave him a good meal.
..............., another visitor arrived, and said he
was the friend of the friend of the man who had
brought the duck. Again Nasreddin invited him in for a
meal. However, he was getting... Visitors
seemed to be using his house as a..
Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend
of the friend of the friend of the man who had brought
the duck. Nasreddin invited him to eat with
him. His wife brought some to the table and
the visitor tasted it. "What kind of soup is this?" asked
the visitor. "It tastes just like." "Ah!"
said Nasreddin, "That is the soup of the soup of the
soup of the duck."
Name: Form: 6C /6D

Change each sentence into the present perfect simple:

1. That man is looking at a car. That man ____________at a car.

2. My friend is sleeping. My friend ____________ .

3. She is in Prague. She ____________ in Prague.

4. They are speaking about money. They ____________about money.

5. They are taking a test. They ____________ a test.

6. She is eating. She ____________.

7. I am listening to music. I ____________ to music.

8. The musician is playing a song. The musician ____________ a song.

Change each sentence into present perfect continuous:

1.He (work)in this company since 1985.

2.I (wait)for you since two o'clock.

3.Mary (live).in Germany since 1992.

4.Why is he so tired? He (play)tennis for five hours.

5.We (look)for the motorway for more than an hour.

6.I (live)without electricity for two weeks.

7.The film (run)for ten minutes, but there's a commercial

break already.

8.She (read)in the garden for about twenty minutes.


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1


Speaking already

Q1 Can you hear what he is ....... ?

(a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking

Q2 She hasn't come home ....... .

(a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till

Q3 I ....... TV yesterday evening.

(a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched

Q4 We live ....... the city centre.

(a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby

Q5 She looks ....... a famous film star.

(a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same

Q6 This television gives you the ....... news.

(a) last (b) latest (c) least (d) later

Q7 I only ....... one mistake in last night's test.

(a) made (b) done (c) did (d) make

Q8 I want you to tell me the ....... truth.

(a) all (b) exact (c) real (d) whole

Q9 He is looking ....... a present to buy his girlfriend.

(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Q10 That's what I would like ....... Christmas.

(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1


Like a red rag

Q1 Don't talk to him about politics because it's like a ....... rag to a bull.

(a) blue (b) white (c) red (d) black

Q2 He takes the optimistic view and talks about a ....... skies scenario.
(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) yellow

Q3 She hasn't worked here very long and is therefore a little ....... on matters

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) green

Q4 Now that they have read it in ....... , they believe me.

(a) red and blue (b) blue and red (c) white and black (d) black and white

Q5 The reason why I feel so ....... today is because it's my birthday and no-one ha

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black

Q6 She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black

Q7 In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily
(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) green

Q8 As they turned round and ran away, people thought they were ....... .

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) yellow

Q9 Ask her to help you with your calculations because she's ....... hot at math

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black

Q10 I know he doesn't like you because the moment you came in the room I saw him gi

(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 1


Newspaper Headlines

Q1 Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.

(a) top (b) big (c) main (d) head

Q2 You should always check the sell ....... date of things you buy in the superma
(a) in (b) through (c) by (d) off

Q3 When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ....... .

(a) off (b) through (c) out (d) over

Q4 The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake.

(a) oversee (b) overtake (c) overdo (d) overlook

Q5 It is always ....... when you misunderstand the customs of other countries.

(a) embarrassing (b) peculiar (c) singular (d) attitude

Q6 Newspapers are ....... to people's doors every day.

(a) taken (b) distributed (c) delivered (d) handed

Q7 In her speech she expressed her ....... for all the help she had been given.
(a) thankfulness (b) gratitude (c) gratefulness (d) thanking

Q8 In ....... nothing much happened at the meeting.

(a) quick (b) briefly (c) short (d) shortly

Q9 At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing

(a) ovation (b) applause (c) cheering (d) support

Q10 Politicians pretend to ignore opinion ....... .

(a) votes (b) figures (c) numbers (d) polls


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1 (Answer Keys)


Speaking already

A1 Can you hear what he is saying?

answer: (a) saying

A2 She hasn't come home yet.

answer: (c) yet

A3 I watched TV yesterday evening.

answer: (d) watched

A4 We live near the city centre.

answer: (a) near

A5 She looks like a famous film star.

answer: (b) like

A6 This television gives you the latest news.

answer: (b) latest

A7 I only made one mistake in last night's test.

answer: (a) made

A8 I want you to tell me the whole truth.

answer: (d) whole

A9 He is looking for a present to buy his girlfriend.

answer: (a) for

A10 That's what I would like for Christmas.

answer: (a) for


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1 (Answer Keys)


Like a red rag

A1 Don't talk to him about politics because it's like a red rag to a bull.

answer: (c) red

A2 He takes the optimistic view and talks about a blue skies scenario.
answer: (b) blue

A3 She hasn't worked here very long and is therefore a little green on matters of proced

answer: (d) green

A4 Now that they have read it in black and white, they believe me.

answer: (d) black and white

A5 The reason why I feel so blue today is because it's my birthday and no-one has sent

answer: (b) blue

A6 She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a black mark a

answer: (d) black

A7 In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily w
answer: (c) white

A8 As they turned round and ran away, people thought they were yellow.

answer: (d) yellow

A9 Ask her to help you with your calculations because she's red hot at mathematics.

answer: (a) red

A10 I know he doesn't like you because the moment you came in the room I saw him gi

answer: (d) black


English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 1 (Answer Keys)


Newspaper Headlines

A1 Some people only read the head lines in a newspaper.

answer: (d) head

A2 You should always check the sell by date of things you buy in the supermarket.
answer: (c) by

A3 When the building was completed, all the workers were paid off.

answer: (a) off

A4 The boss was good enough to overlook my mistake.

answer: (d) overlook

A5 It is always embarrassing when you misunderstand the customs of other countries.

answer: (a) embarrassing

A6 Newspapers are delivered to people's doors every day.

answer: (c) delivered

A7 In her speech she expressed her gratitude for all the help she had been given.
answer: (b) gratitude

A8 In short nothing much happened at the meeting.

answer: (c) short

A9 At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing ovation.

answer: (a) ovation

A10 Politicians pretend to ignore opinion polls.

answer: (d) polls

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