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In general the lighting will create the interior and exterior of a Kansas farmhouse in 1898.
Lighting will be as isolated when blocking allows and it is warranted. Interior will use primarily
frontlight and backlight during daytime scenes. Night scenes will have some sidelight and
toplight. Toplight will also be used to reinforce candles if possible. Exterior scenes will use
more color and will make use of strong sidelight and toplight. Patterns may be used during night
and exterior scenes. The cyc will be used. Cloud projection on cyc with
clear/amber/magenta/blue gel string.

CUE 1: Houselights/Preshow. Evening Sun is setting. Set should be lit with toplight &
sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Exterior of house will be lit with primarily orange &
blue sidelight and some light blue-green toplight.

CUE 2: House to Half.

CUE 3: House Out

CUE 3.1: AF - Preset out/Blackout

Act 1, Scene 1 House & Exterior of House

CUE 4: Evening Sun is setting. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight,
blue toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Toplight will also be used to reinforce
candles if possible. Exterior of house will be lit at a lower level with primarily orange & blue
sidelight and some light blue-green toplight. Cyc should be blue at the top and deep amber/
magenta at the bottom (Sunset). Cloud projection on cyc with magenta/blue gel.

CUE 5: Lower intensity of interior lighting especially frontlight. Add frontlight for
exterior scene and increase exterior sidelight and toplight.

CUE 6: Return to Cue 4

CUE 7: Add toplight for candle special if possible.

CUE 8: Return to Cue 4 with slightly reduced frontlight.

CUE 9: Return to Cue 7

CUE 10: Blackout

CUE 10.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Evening)

CUE 10.2 AF Time Shift to Night

CUE 10.3 AF - Time Shift to Day

CUE 10.4 AF - Time Shift to Early Afternoon
Act 1, Scene 2 Train Station

CUE 11: Isolate on Train Station Area with frontlight and sidelight. Frontlight should be
amber and light blue. Amber toplight. Warm bright blue sidelight. No Cyc if possible. Try to
avoid lighting house if possible.

CUE 12: Blackout

CUE 12.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Afternoon)

CUE 12.2 AF Time Shift to Early Evening

Act 1, Scene 3 House & Exterior of House

CUE 13: Evening Sun is setting. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight,
blue toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Toplight will also be used to reinforce
candles if possible. Exterior of house will be lit at a lower level with primarily magenta & blue
sidelight and some light blue-green toplight. Cyc should be blue at the top and deep amber at the
bottom (Sunset). Cloud projection on cyc with amber/blue gel. Include Bedroom

CUE 13.5: Lower intensity of Bedroom

CUE 14: Fade outside lights to much lower level.

Cue 14.1 & 14.2 should be independent of other cues in order to show progression of time.

CUE 14.1: AF Change outside sidelight to a magenta & blue. Change Cyc to blue at top
and magenta on bottom. Change cloud projection on cyc to magenta/blue gel. Stars should be
used at lower level.

CUE 14.2: AF Change outside sidelight to a deeper blue & blue-green. Change Cyc to
deeper blue at top and bottom. Change cloud projection on cyc to blue gel. Increase level of
stars & add moon.

CUE 15: Add outside area. Add frontlight for exterior scene and increase exterior sidelight
and toplight.

CUE 16: Return to Interior Scene.

CUE 17: Isolate on table area if possible.

CUE 18: Return to Cue 15

CUE 19: Lower intensity of interior lighting especially frontlight. Add frontlight for
exterior scene and increase exterior sidelight and toplight.

CUE 20: Blackout

CUE 20.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Night)

CUE 20.2 AF - Time Shift to Morning

Act 1, Scene 4 House & Exterior of House

CUE 21: Early Morning. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, blue
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Include bedroom. Exterior of house will
be lit at a lower level with primarily amber & blue sidelight and some light amber toplight. Cyc
should be blue at the top and light amber at the bottom (Sunrise). Cloud projection on cyc with
no gel.

CUE 21.5: Lower intensity of bedroom lighting

CUE 22: Fade Bedroom lighting out if possible.

CUE 23: Add outside area. Add frontlight for exterior scene and increase exterior sidelight
and toplight.

CUE 24: Lower intensity of interior lighting especially frontlight.

CUE 25: Blackout

CUE 25.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Morning)

CUE 25.2 AF - Time Shift to Late Afternoon

CUE 25.3 AF - Time Shift to Night

Act 1, Scene 5 House & Exterior of House

CUE 26: Late Evening. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, blue
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Toplight will also be used to reinforce
candles if possible. Exterior of house will be lit at a lower level with primarily Blue-green & blue
sidelight and some light blue-green toplight. Cyc should be blue (Night). Cloud projection on
cyc with blue gel. Stars should be used. Moon on Cyc.

CUE 27: Add Frontlight outside at low level?

CUE 28: Blackout

CUE 29: Intermission up. Like preshow.

CUE 29.1: AF - Houselight at Full

CUE 30: House to Half

CUE 31: House Out

CUE 31.1: AF - Blackout

Act 2, Scene 1 House & Exterior of House

CUE 32: Early Morning. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, blue
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Exterior of house will be lit at a normal
level with primarily amber & blue sidelight and some light amber toplight. Cyc should be blue
at the top and light amber at the bottom (Sunrise). Cloud projection on cyc with no gel.

CUE 33: Blackout

CUE 33.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Morning)

CUE 33.2 AF - Time Shift to Late Afternoon

CUE 33.3 AF - Time Shift to Night

CUE 33.4 AF Time Shift to Morning

Act 2, Scene 2 House & Exterior of House

CUE 34: Early Morning. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, blue
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Exterior of house will be lit at a normal
level with primarily amber & blue sidelight and some light amber toplight. Cyc should be blue
at the top and light amber at the bottom (Sunrise). Cloud projection on cyc with no gel.

CUE 35: Add outside area. Add frontlight for exterior scene and increase exterior sidelight
and toplight.

CUE 36: Add Bedroom. Change Mood (How? Cyc or sidelight or pattern?)

CUE 37: Blackout

CUE 37.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Morning)

CUE 37.2 AF - Time Shift to Late Afternoon

Act 2, Scene 3 House & Exterior of House
CUE 38: Afternoon. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, amber
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Include bedroom. Exterior of house will
be lit at a normal level with primarily amber & blue sidelight and some light amber toplight.
Cyc should be blue at the top and bottom (Day). Cloud projection on cyc with no gel. Sun
Projection on Cyc?

CUE 39: Blackout

CUE 39.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Afternoon)

CUE 39.2 AF - Time Shift to Late Afternoon

CUE 39.3 AF - Time Shift to Evening

Act 2, Scene 4 House & Exterior of House

CUE 40: Late Evening. Platform area should be lit at a very low level with amber & blue
frontlight, blue toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Toplight will also be used
to reinforce candles if possible. Exterior of house will be lit at a normal level with primarily
Blue-green & blue sidelight and some light blue-green toplight. Cyc should be blue (Night).
Cloud projection on cyc with blue gel. Stars should be used. Moon on Cyc.

CUE 41: Increase intensity of interior lighting. Add frontlight in interior of house.
Include bedroom if required.

CUE 42: Return to Cue 40. Modify if necessary.

CUE 43: Return to Cue 41, but lower outside lighting intensity.

CUE 44: Isolate on baking area if possible.

CUE 45: Blackout.

CUE 45.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Night)

CUE 45.2 AF - Time Shift to Morning

Act 2, Scene 5 House & Exterior of House

CUE 46: Early Morning. Platform area should be lit with amber & blue frontlight, blue
toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Exterior of house will be lit at a lower level
with primarily amber & blue sidelight and some light amber toplight. Cyc should be blue at the
top and light amber at the bottom (Sunrise). Cloud projection on cyc with magenta.

CUE 47: Add sidelight or change cyc to suggest murder? Isolate on the action if possible.
CUE 48: Blackout

CUE 48.1 AF Scene Change Lights (Afternoon)

CUE 48.2 AF - Time Shift to Late Afternoon

CUE 48.3 AF - Time Shift to Evening

Act 2, Scene 6 House & Exterior of House

CUE 49: Late Evening. Platform area should be lit at a very low level with amber & blue
frontlight, blue toplight & sidelight at low levels and subtle coloring. Toplight will also be used
to reinforce candles if possible. Exterior of house will be lit at a normal level with primarily
Blue-green & blue sidelight and some light blue-green toplight. Cyc should be blue (Night).
Cloud projection on cyc with blue gel. Stars should be used. Moon on Cyc.

CUE 50: Add toplight special on Sophie.

CUE 51: Isolate on Sophie, baby and Miss Leah. Leave up cyc.

CUE 52: Blackout

CUE 53: Curtain Call. Add special on all actors. Isolate on each one if possible. Otherwise
use sidelight and toplight primarily.

CUE 54: Black Out/Brown Out

CUE 55: Post-show Up

CUE 55.1: AF - House Up

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