Romeo Juliet Light Cues

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In general the lighting will create the various locations, which exist in the play. Break-up
patterns will be projected on the flats to suggest many of the locals. Those locals include the
Capulets House, the Capulets Orchard, the Temple Garden, the Temple Altar, and the
Capulets Vault. In addition patterns will be used to break up the toplight or sidelight during
night scenes. Lighting will be as isolated as blocking allows. Sidelight and top light will be used
to give a more varied look to the color of the scenes. Stars and/or moon may be used on cyc.
Lower & Upper cyc lights will also be used.

CUE 1: Houselights/Preshow. Lighting should suggest a non-descript void-like area. Blue

& Lavender Sidelight. Broken-up amber toplight. Possibly blue toplight also. The cyc should
be blue and the top and lavender at the bottom. Deep amber sun shape on the cyc.

CUE 2: House to Half

CUE 3: House Out

CUE 3.1: AF - Preset out/Blackout

Act 1, Chorus

CUE 4: Lighting should suggest a non-descript void-like area. Amber and blue frontlight
isolated on Chorus. Blue & lavender sidelight. Broken-up amber toplight. Possibly blue toplight
also. The cyc should be blue and the top and magenta at the bottom. Deep amber sun shape on
the cyc.

CUE 5: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 1 A Street in Verona

CUE 6: Daytime. Lighting should suggest a street in Verona. Amber and blue frontlight
isolated on acting area. Blue & amber sidelight. Stone pattern #2 projection on flats. Blue
toplight on entire stage. The cyc should be blue.

CUE 7: Add additional acting area if necessary.

CUE 8: Isolate if warranted.

CUE 9: Adjust area if necessary.

CUE 10: Adjust area if necessary.

CUE 11: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 2 Capulets House
CUE 12: Daytime. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Amber and
blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Amber sidelight. Sunlight streaming through
window (Pattern). The cyc should be blue on top and light blue on the bottom. Isolate on Nurse,
Juliet, & Lady Capulet

CUE 13: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 3 A Street

CUE 14: Daytime. Like Cue 6

Act 1, Scene 4 Hall in Capulets House

CUE 15: Early Evening. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Amber
and blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Lavender sidelight. Broken up amber toplight
in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. The cyc should be dark blue-green on top and
magenta on the bottom.

CUE 16: Change Sidelight slightly for the dance.

CUE 17: Isolate lighting on Tybalt & Capulet with one pool of frontlight and Romeo &
Juliet in another pool of frontlight.

CUE 18: Isolate lighting on Romeo & Juliet by increasing level on their pool of light and
fade out frontlight on Tybalt & Capulet.

CUE 19: Increase lighting on entire stage to almost match lighting of Romeo & Juliet.

CUE 20: Isolate lighting on Nurse & Juliet.

Act 1, Scene 4A The Chorus

CUE 21: Isolate lighting on Chorus. Cue should be similar to Cue 4.

CUE 21.5: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 5 Capulets Orchard (Balcony Scene)

CUE 22: Nighttime. Lavender and blue frontlight isolated on Romeo. Blue-green & Blue
sidelight. Broken-up bluegreen toplight. Foliage patterns on flats. Deep blue toplight also. The
cyc should be blue with stars. Moon on cyc. No light inside the balcony.

CUE 23: Add backlight and broken up candlelight on Juliet in balcony window.

CUE 24: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 6 Temple Garden

CUE 25: Daytime. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & amber
sidelight. Amber break-up pattern to suggest foliage above. Blue toplight on entire stage. The
cyc should be blue. Stone pattern #1 projection on center stage flats. Foliage patterns on
offstage flats.

CUE 26: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 7 A Public Place

CUE 27: Daytime. Lighting should suggest a street in Verona. Amber and blue frontlight
isolated on acting area. Blue & amber sidelight. Wood pattern projection on flats. Blue toplight
on entire stage. The cyc should be blue.

CUE 28: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 8 Capulets Orchard

CUE 29: Afternoon. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on Juliet & Nurse. Blue & Amber
sidelight. Broken-up amber toplight. Foliage patterns on flats. Amber toplight also. The cyc
should be blue. (This cue is similar to Cue 22 but it is during the day and there is not a balcony.)

CUE 30: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 1, Scene 9 Temple Altar

CUE 31: Late Afternoon. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue &
Amber sidelight. Prizmatic colored pattern as Rose window as backlight in the altar area. Stone
pattern #1 projection on flats. Broken up amber toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil
light. The cyc should be dark blue-green on top and blue-red on the bottom.

CUE 32: Black Out/Brown Out

CUE 33: Intermission up. Like preshow.

CUE 33.1: AF - Houselight at Full

CUE 34: House to Half

CUE 35: House Out

CUE 36: AF - Blackout

Act 2, Scene 1 A Public Place
CUE 37: Daytime. Lighting should suggest a street in Verona. Amber and blue frontlight
isolated on acting area. Blue & medium amber sidelight. Wood pattern projection on flats. Blue
toplight on entire stage. The cyc should be blue.

CUE 38: Add red to cyc & change color of sidelight to show tension that is building. (Slow

CUE 39: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 2 Capulets Orchard

CUE 40: Afternoon. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on Juliet & Nurse. Blue & Amber
sidelight. Broken-up amber toplight. Foliage patterns on flats. Amber toplight also. The cyc
should be blue-green and foreboding. (This cue is similar to Cue 40 but it is during the late day
and there is a sense of doom.)

CUE 41: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 3 Temple Altar

CUE 42: Late Afternoon. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Amber
sidelight. Prizmatic colored pattern as Rose window as backlight in the altar area. Stone pattern
#1 projection on flats. Broken up amber toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light.
The cyc should be blue on top and blue-green on the bottom. (Like Cue 31 but this cue should
be a little more foreboding.)

CUE 43: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 4 A Room in Capulets House

CUE 44: Evening. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Amber and
blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Lavender sidelight. Broken up amber toplight in
areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. The cyc should be dark blue on top and blue-green
on the bottom. Blue toplight surrounding acting area. Stars & moon on cyc. (This Cue should
be like Cue 15 but more foreboding.)

CUE 45: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 5 Juliets Chamber

CUE 46: Morning. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Amber and
blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Amber sidelight. Sunlight streaming through the
open window. Amber backlight or toplight. The cyc should be blue on top and amber or pink on
the bottom.
CUE 47: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?
Act 2, Scene 6 Temple Altar

CUE 48: Afternoon. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue & Amber
sidelight. Prizmatic colored pattern as Rose window as backlight in the altar area. Stone pattern
#1 projection on flats. Broken up amber toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light.
The cyc should be blue on top and blue-green on the bottom. (Like Cue 42.)

CUE 49: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 7 Capulets House

CUE 50: Evening. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Amber and
blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue-green & Lavender sidelight. Broken up amber
toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. The cyc should be dark blue on top and
blue-green on the bottom. Blue toplight surrounding acting area. Stars & moon on cyc. (This
cue should be similar to Cue 44.)

CUE 51: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 8 Juliets Chamber

CUE 52: Evening. Lighting should suggest a room in the Capulets House. Lavender and
blue frontlight isolated on acting area. Blue-green & Lavender sidelight. Broken up amber
toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. Moonlight streaming through the open
window. The cyc should be dark blue on top and blue-green on the bottom. Blue toplight
surrounding acting area. Stars & moon on cyc. (This cue should be similar to Cue 46 but it is
evening and ominous.)

CUE 53: Fade Frontlight.

CUE 53.1: AF- Change to Morning. Cyc changes to blue on top and amber or pink on the
bottom. Sidelight changes to blue & amber. Sunlight is streaming through the open window.
Amber backlight or toplight. Stars and moon fade out.

CUE 53.2: AF Add Amber and Blue Frontlight

CUE 54: Exit of Bed and Body. No frontlight. Lots of sidelight and cyc to give a
ceremonial feeling.

CUE 55: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 9 A Street in Mantua
CUE 56: Daytime. Lighting should suggest a street in Mantua, but it should have a void-
like feeling. Isolate on acting area as much as possible with frontlight. Amber and blue
frontlight isolated on acting area. Light blue & amber sidelight. Amber toplight on entire stage.
The cyc should be light-blue.

CUE 57: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 10 Capulet Vault

CUE 58: Burial procession. Late Afternoon. No frontlight. Blue & Amber sidelight.
Modeled lighting from above. Stone pattern #1 projection on flats. Low level broken up amber
toplight in areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. The cyc should be blue on top and blue-
green on the bottom.

CUE 58.5: Add Lavendar & Blue frontlight.

CUE 59: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 11 Temple Garden

CUE 60: Daytime. Amber and blue frontlight isolated on acting area (DSL). Blue & amber
sidelight. Amber break-up pattern to suggest foliage above. Blue toplight on isolated acting area.
Foliage patterns on DSL flats.

CUE 61: Scene Change Lighting. Broken up Toplight & Sidelight?

Act 2, Scene 12 Capulet Vault

CUE 62: Late Afternoon. Lavendar & Blue frontlight. Blue & Amber sidelight. Modeled
lighting from above. Stone pattern #1 projection on flats. Low level broken up amber toplight in
areas to suggest light by candle or oil light. The cyc should be blue on top and blue-green on the
bottom. (This cue should be similar to Cue 60 but more remorseful.)

CUE 62.5: Special backlight on Romeo & Juliet (Possibly rose window). Lighting around
chorus should suggest a non-descript void-like area, if possible. Low level lavender and blue
frontlight isolated on Chorus. Blue & lavender sidelight. Broken-up amber toplight. Possibly
blue toplight also. The cyc should be blue and the top and lavender at the bottom.

CUE 63: Black Out/Brown Out

CUE 64: Curtain Call

CUE 65: Black Out/Brown Out

CUE 66: Post-show Up

CUE 67: AF - House Up

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