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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period:


Topic: ______________________________________________
Creative Title: ___________________________________________ (can be completed
Paragraph 1
Hook: (look at your argument essay organizer, pick one and follow
directions) Example: Is it right to ban gum in school? Many people
would agree that gum should be banned. Nasty gum stuck in
unlikely places is a nuisance for both teachers and students.
Summarize the issue: (Identify the problem, include a strong verb, finish
your thoughts---no opinions here) Example: Teachers and administrators
alike say it (gum) is distracting, and it creates a janitorial
Thesis: (Clear, strong statement. Do not include I you we) (Include
the most important arguments (reasons) in your thesis statement) Example:
But wait- if schools are interested in improving student
achievement, they will rethink their policy against chewing gum.
Research shows that chewing gum actually improves learning by
increasing brain activity and focus.
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period:


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