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9th H Grade Literature and

Ms. Pekatos
Room D215
Office Hours: after school Monday-Thursday by appointment

The objective of 9th grade Honors Literature and Composition is to give students an
introduction to high school literature through cultural study, intensive reading and writing,
vocabulary acquisition, standards-based learning and critical thinking. Students will learn
characteristics of basic literary genres including short stories, nonfiction, poetry, epic, drama,
and the novel.

Works from Prentice Hall Literature Gold The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore
Edition, Grade 9 A selection of Poetry
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Other short Fiction and Non-Fiction
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by works
Rebecca Skloot
Text Selections may include:


The supplies listed on the left are necessary for each student. Additionally, I try my hardest to
ensure our classroom is kept clean and that all my students have the supplies they need to be
successful. We appreciate any donations!

Supplies Required for Each Student Classroom Donation Ideas

Binder with dividers TISSUES (We can never have
Blue or Black pens ONLY for assignments enough!)
Black Expo Marker Hand sanitizer
Highlighters Expo Markers
Post-it notes for marking books Colorful paper
USB Flash Drive Index cards
Internet Access Paper Towels
Anything related to Harry Potter

Our class is a team. To be successful, it is necessary that we are respectful of each other, the
subject matter, and the school.
I expect you to ALWAYS BE:
On Time = Be seated before the bell rings (use the bathroom before or after class)
Prepared= Have your materials, books and mind ready.
Respectful = Value the ideas, people, and property in the class.
Responsible =Do your own work, and ask questions when you need help.


Grades, by definition, are numbers that reflect your mastery of a standard or
standards. Your class grade is based on a compilation of different types of assignments,
which have varying weights. Please see the chart below.
***All missing assignments will count as a zero.***
Grades Grade Scale
Formative Assessments 50%
Reading Literary - 10%
Reading Informational - 10%
Writing - 10%
Speaking and Listening - 10%
Language - 10%
Summative Assessments 30%
Final Exam 20%

All North Springs Discipline Policies will be followed in this classroom.

Tardies: We follow North Springss tardy policy. You can view your childs attendance
record on Home Access Center. Any student who is not seated and ready for class when the
bell rings is considered tardy.

Discipline: Inappropriate behavior will result in consequences which may include parent
calls, lunch detentions, and private detentions. I will make every attempt to contact you by
phone if your child is assigned detention. In accordance with North Springss disciplinary
policy, students who do not report to Detention or make an attempt to reschedule in
advance will be referred to Administration. Please dont
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. A 91-100
B 80-89
F 69 and below
It is the students responsibility to make up work following any absence or
incompletion; this includes notes, handouts, homework, journal entries, tests/ quizzes,
projects and finals.

Students with excused absences will be given the same number of days to make up the
assignment as he/she was absent. Late work from an unexcused absence may be turned in
until the end of the unit covered. Ten points will be deducted for every day an assignment is

Please note computer problems are not valid excuses for an extension. If your
computer or printer malfunctions the night before a paper is due, a hand written copy may
be turned in, or you can always email me the completed assignment.

What about Recovery? The North Springs recovery policy will be honored. See student
handbook for details.


Technology and devices will be used in the classroom at the discretion of the instructor. The
North Springs technology policy will be honored.


Students who decide to cheat, and all parties who are included, will receive a ZERO
on that assignment and further action will be pursued with the assistance of the
administration. I have absolutely NO tolerance for cheating. This includes any and all
communication during a test/quiz. When I ask you to show me what YOU know, that is what
I expect to see. I would MUCH rather you be honest with me and tell me you didnt study
rather than insult me by cheating within the four walls of my classroom. If I catch you
cheating, there will be no opportunity to make up the assignment.


Georgia Standards: Like all classes at North Springs, my class will follow the Common
Core Georgia Performance Standards outlined by the Georgia Department of Education:
Assigned Seating: Students will be assigned a seat in the classroom. Students MUST
be in their assigned seat each day at the start of the period, and remain in their seat
unless permission is given. The teacher reserves the right to assign a new regular seat
to a student. Students who do not follow this guideline can expect a phone call home.
Progress reports are issued periodically, and Report Cards are issued at the end of the
18 week session. It is the responsibility of students to bring progress reports home and
the responsibility of parent(s)/guardian(s) to ask for them. If these report cards are not
delivered within these time frames, call the school to request a copy. Parents are also
urged to monitor student progress via the online grade website (TAC system). You
can sign up in the front office!

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to North Springs Charter High School and our 9th grade Honors Literature
and Composition class! I look forward to working with each of you to ensure your
success as an exemplary student, model citizen, and future leader. Because I set high
expectations for all my students, I look forward to your support and interest in your
students education.

The class focuses on making connections to the texts we read. Students will be able to
link literature to their lives, to other pieces of literature, and to the world around them.
In 9th grade, students will delve into a genre study of the different elements of
literature. Students will engage in daily discussions, interactive and critical thinking
activities, reflective journal time, project-based learning, writing workshops, grammar
and vocabulary exercises, film and media studies related to literature, and end-of-
course-test preparation throughout the year. As noted before, I encourage you to read
your students agenda to know what is expected of your student.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments. I am fully

committed to helping your student have a beneficial and exciting year in our classroom.
I am interested in learning how best to teach your student, so please share any insights
you have on the sheet below. Please return this sheet by Friday, August 12.


Christine Pekatos, M.A.T.

English Department, Room D215
North Springs Charter High School

Student Name: Student Email Address:

We have read and discussed the syllabus. We are aware of the expectations and policies of
this class.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print) Student Name (Please Print)

_____________________________ _____________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Email Address(s):

Parent/Guardian Phones: (please indicate Cell,

Work, or Home)

Anything else I need to know about your student in order to best teach him or her:

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