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Jacinta Shields, been born in Saint Saviour in 1961, is

a writer whose central body of work includes novels,
tales, poetry and chronic, that have published in
newspapers like The Nation (Costa Rica), The Graphic
Press (The Saviour) and The New Newspaper
(Nicaragua). Although it writes mainly in Spanish,
dominates also the English, the German and the
French and has worked like translator by several
years. Shields has travelled at length and has lived in
several countries centroamericanos and Europeans.
The plurality of these cultural and geographic fusions
self-evident in his literary production and intellectual
thought. His more recent novel, To-B-Sudario
(Alfaguara, 2003), was winner of the Prize
Centroamericano of Novel Mario Monteforte Toledo. Also it has received
scholarships and residences of The Maison give crivains trangers et give
Traducteurs in Saint-Nazaire, France, and Heinrich Bll Haus in Langenbroich,

In spite of being a prolific author with a lot of publications, big part of his work
follows unpublished. However, some of his no published works have been
recognised. In 2000, for example, Shields won a national competition in The
Saviour, the Tenth Floral Games of Ahuachapn, by his book, Chronicles for

The narrative voice of Shields employs constantly forms and experimental

technicians. This experimentation is intencional, one that structures and situates
his work in the possibilities of the opening and his relation between the I and the
space. This narrative voice and his relation with other literary maps shows in
the current participation of Shields in the blogsfera. His bitcora official,
Jacintario, is a half updated daily, where the bitcora is an extension of the
writing of Shields, a form of expression where the voice of the author and the
content varies.


To-B-Sudario (Alfaguara, 2003)
Domestic happiness and other things aterradoras (Publisher X, 2002)
The Disenchantment (Direction of Publications and Printed matter, 2001)
Dirty tales (Direction of Publications and Printed matter, 1997)
Against-common (UCA Editors, 1993)
You aim of a history of love that was not (UCA Editors, 1987)
Letter from The Saviour/Letter from The Saviour (unauthorised edition by
the author, published in London under the pseudonym Roco America
[Salvador Solidarity Campaign, 1984])
His work, besides, has been published in the following collections:
Francisco Gavidia was born in City Neighbourhoods,
San Miguel on 29 December 1863. It was a stood out
writer, educator, historian, politlogo, orator, translator
and Salvadorian journalist. His complete name was
Francisco Antonio Gavidia Guandique, son of Francisco
Antonio Gavidia and Eloisa Guandique of Gavidia, but
his mother died when were eight years old. In the year of
1880 obtained his title of Bachiller in Sciences and
Letters, and afterwards moved to Saint Salvador where
ingres to the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the University
of The Saviour, career that afterwards abandoned to turn
into a self-taught.

In 1882 it was member of the literary group The Youth. From that then already
showed a strong interest by the French verses. It was in this same year when it
knew to the poet Rubn Daro. Both developed a strong friendship until the
point that in 1890, Gavidia was godfather of weddings of Daro. Because of an
intense intellectual activity and excess of work, Francisco Gavidia enferm
gravely, by what was sent to recover to Paris in order of the president Rafael
Zaldvar. Gavidia Possessed a wide acervo cultural and dominated to perfection
several languages, between them the German, French, English, Italian,
Portuguese, Hebrew, Latin and the Greek, in addition to the maya-quich,
tongue for which developed a grammar with the object to popularise the idioma.
In 1887 it married , and a year afterwards founded the newspaper The news
weekly newspaper, that went out each Thursday.

Afterwards of the overthrow of the general Francisco Menndez, Francisco

Gavidia exil in Costa Rica, and continued his journalistic activity from said
country, where was director of The Free Press between 1891 and 1892; and
later in Guatemala worked like coredactor of The very public of the city of
To his return to The Saviour exerted several charges between which stand out:
Editor of the Official Newspaper (1894), Director of Primary Public Education
(1896), Minister of Public Instruction (1898). Founder of the Party
Parlamentarista (1895), chair of the Normal School of Misses, of the National
Institute of Men, and the University of The Saviour, Director title of the Biblioteca
National (1906 to 1919). The government of The Saviour declared it like
Salvadorian meritsimo in the year of 1933, and in 1939 the city of San Miguel
surrendered a homage that included the baptism with his name of the theatre of
the city. The year 1937, Gavidia was member of the Commission of Intellectual
Cooperation of The Saviour, dependency of the Society of Nations, and in 1941
the University of The Saviour awarded him the Doctorate Honoris Cause.

At the end of his life was him awarded the maximum condecoracin national of
The Saviour, the order Jos Matas Thin, the one who received of hands of the
president of the Republic Oscar Osorio in his mulch of patient in the Hospital
Rosebushes, few days before dying.

Francisco Gavidia died in Saint Salvador on 22 September 1955.

Ana of Carmen Guadalupe Gonzlez Huguet was born in
the city of Saint Salvador, on 15 November 1958, like the
primognita of the marriage between the Spanish Virgil
Juan Gonzlez Fernndez and the Salvadorian of
Catalan descendants Glory Huguet of Gonzlez, those
who also procrearon to his two sisters and to his lower

Student of English language in the Centre The Saviour-

United States (1971-1974, today Salvadorian Cultural
Centre), graduated like bachiller academic and
taquimecangrafa of the Holy School Corazn (Saint Salvador, 1976), training
that completed with an upper executive secretariat in the University of The
Saviour (1980), year in that his family abandoned the country and rooted in
United States.

With incomplete university studies in Chemical Engineering (University

Centroamericana "Jos Simen Canes", 1977-1978 and University of The
Saviour, 1978-1980), dumped his personal interests to the literature, field in
which it reached the titles of professor in Half Education (1991) and graduate
(1992) in the University Centroamericana "Jos Simen Canes" (UCA, Saint
Salvador). Said studies combined them with his professional work, with a
pasanta on Radio Education (Saint Jos, Institute Costarricense of Radio
Education, 1991) and with courses of computation.

His labour leaf includes private and governmental charges like enumeradora of
the Economic Census (Saint Salvador, General Direction of Statistics and
Censuses, Ministry of Economy, 1979), resolutora (Saint Salvador, Court
Segundo Tutelar of Minors, 1980), secretary (Salvadorian Council of Minors,
Ministry of Justice, 1981-1985 and International Committee of Rescue, 1986-
1987), auxiliary of communications (Saint Salvador, UCA, 1987-1989), boss of
editorial (Saint Salvador, Publicorp, 1989), attendant of communications (Saint
Salvador, Salvadorian Institute of Municipal Administration, ISAM, 1990-1992),
professor (Saint Salvador, American School, 1992), creative advertising (Saint
Salvador, B & M Advertising and Public, 1993-1994), boss of the Direction of
Publications and Printed matter (CONCULTURA, 1994-1996), literary
researcher (CONCULTURA, 1997) and chair of upper studies (University
Centroamericana "Jos Simen Canes", 1986-1991; School of Sciences of the
Communication, University "Dr. Jos Matas Thin", 1990, 1997-2002).

In the actuality presents in the Theatre Luis Poma of Saint Salvador, Jimi
Hendrix touches while it falls the rain, work with which Carmen Gonzlez won
the Floral Games of San Miguel, version 2003. The staged, like dramatic
reading, is to charge of the dramatist Carlos Velis. Winner of the international
prize of poetry "Rogelio Sinn, 2005".

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