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1/2/2017 MudraandAyurvedatreatmentforTuberculosis(TB)CompletePerson

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Tuberculosis or TB is the general name for the group
of diseases caused by the tiny organism,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, of which pulmonary
tuberculosis, or phthisis is the most important. Little
lumps, or tubercles, from in the part affected which
become soft and suppurate as the disease advances.
The slight rise in temperature, generally in the
evenings, night sweats, discharge of blood with
phlegm and extensive bleeding from the lungs in the
final stages brings the death. It is one of the most
highly contagious diseases. 1/8
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It may affect the bones, the membranes of the brain,

leading to meningitis, or the glands when it is called
scrofula. It may be caused when a person picks
himself with anything sharp infected the with germs
or inhalation of dust particles mixed with the tiny
microbe. As the primary factor responsible for the
disease is the susceptibility to it. As a constitution
weakened by continuous ill- health, a lowered power
of resistance, heredity, an unhealthy atmosphere,
excessive use of intoxicants, over-indulgence in sex
hard work asthma and diseases of the metabolism
like diabetes. It is a condition of filth and poverty
and does not attack persons living in clean
surroundings and having sufficient means of feeding
themselves properly.

In Ayurveda, it is called Rajyakshma, the kind of

disease. Moon, the king among the satellites of the
earth, according to our mythology, was supposed to
have been afflicted because of a curse of Brahma,
the creator and hence the name, Rajyakshma has
been given to this ailment.

In the early stages of the disease, there is an

irritating cough, particularly in the morning, either
without an expectoration or with a clear mucus or
phlegm accompanied by fever in the evening and
below average temperature in the early morning and
also night sweats. When the symptoms are
aggravated, and emaciation has set in, the second
stage is supposed to have been reached. If extreme
care is not taken and treatment is not done it may
spread to the throat and the intestines. The terminal
stage comes when the illness reaches deep into the
lungs, and they are full of cavities. The voice of the
patient may become husky at this stage; there may
be diarrhea and extreme prostration, with the
patient being unable to leave the bed and finally.
The death comes because of extensive hemorrhage. 2/8
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1. The intensity of the infection.

2. The age of the patient.

3. The stage at which the disease has been

recognized. and

4. The natural resistance of the body.

If the disease reaches the intestines, there is

inflammation of the bowels with impairment of
digestion. Distension of the stomach, rumbling
noises in the abdomen and a persistent ache. If the
small intestine is involved, the patient is constipated,
but when the large intestine becomes the seat of the
ailment, diarrhea is the result. Emaciation increases
faster than in pulmonary TB. In scrofula or TB of the
glands, inflammation is the chief characteristic.
Tumours from and they suppurate giving a foul
smell. When the disease attacks the bones, the
bones start crumbling and a state known as caries of
the bones results. When it reaches the spine, there is
curvature and the patient is unable to even to stand
erect. TB of the bones affects young people.

Treatment of tuberculosis has two faces:

1. Preventive, and 3/8
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2. Curative or remedial.

The preventive aspect is more social than medical. It

is from the slums that the disease starts its
inevitable march. Provision of clean, healthy
surroundings with properly ventilated and isolation
of the victims of the disease is the second most
important thing that can be done. Thirdly, the diet is
of primary importance. Plenty of milk, butter, black
gram eggs, the ground of the various varieties,
turnips, beetroot, spinach and other green
vegetables, fruits, etc. are the other preventives. As
has been stated earlier, it is a disease of filth and

The treatment of a case of tuberculosis must start

with the isolation of the patient and his removal to a
sanatorium if the disease has been detected at a
secondary stage. If that is not possible, he should be
housed in an airy room where there is enough

Garlic is an excellent drug for in the cure of TB.

Thirty grains of garlic boiled in about eight ounces of
milk and two pounds of water should be
administered in two doses in the day. But the
medicine is ready only when the whole decoction
has been reduced to one-fourth of its original

Ayurveda recommends Vasa(adhatoda vasica) for

tuberculosis. One ounce of the juice from the leaves
of the drug given thrice in the day with honey
provides relief. But the useful drug is Naradiya
Mahalakshmi Vilasa Rasa, which contains traces of
Gold. It should be administrated in three doses of
200mg each in the day. Swarna Vasant malati is the
drug in cases where there is excessive fever,
sweating and burning sensation on the palms of the 4/8
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hands and the soles of the feet. Rudanti( cressa

crestca) given in 2 gm doses twice daily reduce the
virulence of the disease.

Drakshasava should be administered in one-ounce

doses after meals. It should be mixed with an equal
quantity of water. ChyavanaprTasha Avaleha is
another good remedy to give strength to the patient.
The dosage, in the beginning, should be two
teaspoonfuls with milk on an empty stomach twice
daily, but as the patient gains strength, it should be
increased. Long pepper in powdered form should be
given in one teaspoonful doses twice daily.

In the initial stages of the disease, when there is a

dry cough.A cough in the night and weakness, the
following medicines should be given.

Suvarna Vasanta Malati Rasa 250 mg

Praval Pishti 500 mg

Amritasatva 250 mg

It should be administered with preserve(murabba)

of Amla, thrice daily.

In case there is bleeding then the following drugs

should be administered.

1. Vasantamalati 120 mg

Raktapitta kulakandana Rasa 120 mg

Shatamulyadi Loha 240 mg

Lakshadi churn 1 gm

Sitopaladi 1 mg

To be taken thrice with honey.

2. Swarnamakshik Bhasma 120 mg

Praval pishti 240mg

Vasavaleha 10 gm 5/8
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To be taken in morning and evening with goats milk.

In cases of the high temperature of tuberculosis, the

following prescriptions should be administered.

1. Muktapanchamrita 120mg

Pachanana Rasa 120 mg

Amritasatva 12o mg

To be taken morning and evening with honey

Chandramrita 1 gm

Sitopaladi 12 gm

To be mixed with honey and to be used as linctus.

Dried fruits, mainly dried grapes, almond oil, etc. are

useful in this condition.

Drumsticks, patola and Kundra, are the best

vegetables recommended for a consumptive
patient.The product of goat, its milk, flesh and even
urine are good for TB patients.

Substances which aggravate Kapha, like curd,

buttermilk, bananas and guavas should be banned.
No hard physical or mental exercise should be
permitted. Living in airy surroundings and going for
walks in the morning and evening should be
recommended. Sexual intercourse should be
avoided as it is likely to aggravate the condition.

Mudras for Tuberculosis

Prithvi mudra or Prithvi vardhak mudra is the best

mudra for this condition.

Prithvi mudra or Prithvi vardhak 6/8
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