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POLY notes

Politics: The study of who gets what, when, and how. / The art or science of government.

Policy is important because it affects lives.

Government: Can be divisive or unifying / Parents for adults / A monopoly on the legitimate use
of force / The formal vehicle through which policies are made

Democracy - Direct/Republic

Catholics - Protestants - Puritans - Separatists

Martin Luther and the Lutherans, saved through faith, saw govt as men completing human tasks
John Calvin and the Calvinists, saved through Pre-destination, saw govt as chosen men
completing tasks of God

Early American government mostly benefited white male Christians who also owned land

Paines Common Sense implants Independence in the mind of the people

Declaration of Independence - a right to revolt against a long train of abuses and usurptions
-conditions for revolution
--attempts at reconciliation
--establishing Free and Independent States

Social Contract Theory: Governments operate under the consent of the governed

Religious Background, John Locke, influenced heavily the Dec. of Independence.

12 Colonies signed Declaration, NY abstains

Key points of the Articles of Confederation

Power in the states
Confederation only necessary for limited purpose like National Defense.

A.O.C. were responsible for defense, printing money, and the post office. Each state received
one vote, 9 votes to make a law, Unanimous (13) to alter amendments

Executive Branch in charge of enforcing laws, Judicial in charge of interpreting them.

Problems with the A.O.C. include difficulty getting representatives to show up, the states kept
printing money, cant fund anything cause no taxes, unclear on what happens when state law
conflicts with US law, Shays Rebellion is an example

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