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UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016

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Air pollution, especially in large cities, is a problem that is becoming more and more
worrisome throughout Latin America, where more than 100 million people are exposed to
levels of air pollution higher than those recommended by the World Health Organization
(WHO). The WHO map shows the high concentration of contaminating particles in certain
areas of the continent, whereas in Europe and the United States, Latin America presents a
map of large concentrations of urban air pollution distributed throughout the continent. Air
pollution is expected to be one of the major environmental causes of premature mortality in
the near future. According to a study by IMCO (Mexican Institute for Competitiveness), the
number of air pollution deaths per year in Mexico is 5,065.
For many years many countries have thought about how to reduce the effects of emissions
from the combustion of gasoline in global warming. And they have found that to reduce
these effects and not to deplete the reserves of fossil fuels can be made use of the burning
of hydrocarbons like ethanol. Globally, approximately 90% of the energy consumed comes
from non-renewable sources, so these fossil resources are depleting rapidly and their rate of
decline is increasing. Because of this, for some years ago, different nations have ventured
into the search for alternative sources of energy.
Bioethanol is produced by the fermentation of sugars contained in the organic matter of
plants. In this process the hydrated alcohol is obtained, with a content of approximately 5%
of water, which after being dehydrated can be used as fuel. Bioethanol mixed with gasoline
produces a biofuel of high energy power with characteristics very similar to the gasoline
but with a significant reduction of the polluting emissions in the traditional engines of
combustion. Bioethanol is the world's largest biofuel, with approximately 40,000 million
liters produced worldwide. Very diverse materials are used as the source of glucose. Corn
grain, sugar cane, wood pulp, sorghum, potatoes and wheat are the most commonly used
In Mexico, only 9.5% of the total energy supply is renewable, while in Brazil 38.7% of its
energy is from renewable sources. In addition, the little renewable energy produced in
Mexico is basically hydro, solar and wind, unlike Brazil, which in the year 2014 produced
15.066 million liters of bioethanol extracted mainly from sugar cane.

Environmental Standards and Programs in Mexico that regulate the use of

In Mexico, bioethanol used to oxygenate gasoline or to replace gasoline in certain portions
follows NOM-086-Semarnat-Sener-SCFI-2005 (specifications for fossil fuels for
environmental protection), and mentions that gasolines that Used in the country should
have 2.7% oxygen in their weight.
PEMEX chose to use teramyl methyl ether (TAME) and methyl terbutyl ether (MTBE),
leaving the gasolines with a minimum octane rating of 87 for Magna gasoline and 92 for
Premium. It also refers to the limit allowed in the sulfur content (830-80 ppm) in gasolines
and biodiesel, which originated the production of ultra-low sulfur gasolines, from 2009.
Taking into account the requirements of the standard, a scenario was foreseen for 2010,
UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016
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where it was intended to replace the MTBE and TAME ethers by ethanol to 5.7% in 44% of
the gasolines used in the country or to implement 10% ethanol in the gasolines.
In Mexico, most of the bioethanol production comes from sugarcane, so the government
implemented the Sugar Cane Sustainable Development Act in 2005. Articles 107 and 108
mention the Bioenergetics; the first establishes that the Center for Scientific Research and
Technology of Sugarcane (CICTCAA) will encourage ethanol to be used as fuel and
oxygenator of gasolines, using the honeys and bagasse of the sugar cane; this through
projects and agro-energy studies proposed before a National Committee. The second is
responsible for managing the investment for biofuels before the Intersecretarial
Commission. In 2007, the National Sugar Cane Agro-Industry Program (PRONAC) was
implemented, where bioenergetics is proposed as an alternative to reduce the impact of the
environment; Section 2.21 stimulates the production of biofuels and cogeneration of
electricity through actions such as additional production of sugarcane to more than 6
million tons.

Bioethanol in Mexico: Energy and Economic Aspects

The supply of alcohol in Mexico, which can be converted into ethanol, is approximately
39.2 million of liters per year, with a potential to grow to 89.2 million of liters. The analysis
of total costs, per crop, plus the necessary investments, both in technology and energy
consumption and other expenses inherent to the industrial process, shows that producing
ethanol, from honey sugar cane, is the cheapest form To do it, with $ 0.40 per liter. The cost
structure of ethanol production, the greater weight is the raw material, so it is essential to
determine what kind of material will be used.
Total costs of producing ethanol are in the range of 40 to 60 cents per liter. Currently the
Mexican company Fuel Flex, located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, manages a retail price of $
10.99 MXN per liter of bioethanol ready to be used as fuel.
In a study done by the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), the influence of
biofuels on CO2 emissions was measured. The study's authors conclude that ethanol would
reduce emissions by 13%, compared to diesel oil. In addition, according to this study, fewer
suspended particles and soot, which are harmful to the respiratory system, are produced.
The authors also point out that the ratio between the inverted energy and the obtained
energy (energy balance) of bioethanol is positive; for each unit of fossil energy invested in
producing the ethanol, gives an energy yield of 1.98 units; that is, you get almost twice of
the inverted energy.

UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016

UANL Nombre del proyecto


Liquid-liquid extraction involves the separation of the constituents (solutes) of a liquid
solution by contact with another insoluble liquid. Solutes are separated based on their
different solubilities in different liquids. Separation is achieved when the substances
constituting the original solution is transferred from the original solution to the other liquid
There are 2 requirements for liquid-liquid extraction to be feasible:

UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016

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1. component(s) to be removed from the feed must preferentially distribute in the

2. the feed and solvent phases must be substantially immiscible
The simplest liquid-liquid extraction involves only a ternary system. The solution which is
to be extracted is called the feed, and the liquid with which the feed is contacted is the
solvent. The feed can be considered as comprising the solute A and the "carrier" liquid C.
Solvent S is a pure liquid. During contact, mass transfer of A from the feed to the solvent S
occurs, with little transfer of C to S.
The solvent (with the solute) is then permitted to separate from the carrier liquid. The
solvent-rich product of the operation is called the extract, and the residual liquid from
which solutes has been removed is the raffinate.
The equilibrium diagrams for our system are shown in Fig X.
Ethanol (2)



60 0.6
Ethanol (2)


40 0.4

20 0.2


0 0.0
Cyclohexane (3) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Water (1) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Cyclohexane (3)

Fig. X Ternary diagrams for the system Water(1) Ethanol (2) Cyclohexane (3) at 101.3 kPa
Equilibrium data obtained from [x]


The McCabeThiele method is considered to be the simplest and perhaps most instructive
method for the analysis of binary distillation. It uses the fact that the composition at each
UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016
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theoretical tray (or equilibrium stage) is completely determined by the mole fraction of one
of the two components and is based on the assumption of constant molar overflow which
requires that:
the molar heats of vaporization of the feed components are equal
for every mole of liquid vaporized, a mole of vapor is condensed
heat effects such as heats of solution are negligible
This method is less rigorous than the Ponchons-Savarit method because it doesnt require
enthalpy data. However, it can apply for almost every process except for those in which
heat losses are high.
For some systems, such as hydrocarbons and organic ones, the latent heat of vaporization
per kilogram is approximately constant. Then the mass flow rates are constant, and constant
mass overflow should be used.
The vapor liquid equilibria for our system was obtained from [X] and was plotted the mol
fraction of the vapor against the liquid mole fraction for the volatilest compound as its
shown in Fig x.


Ethanol vapor fraction (y1)




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Ethanol liquid fracion (x1)

Fig. #.VLE diagram for the system Ethanol(1) Cyclohexane (2) at 101.3 kPa


1. Plot the feed, extract, raffinate and solvent compositions.

UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016
UANL Nombre del proyecto

2. Draw a straight line to connect the feed, extract, raffinate points with the solvent.
3. Find M
F X A, M X A, S
= ec. #
S X A , F X A , M
4. Extend the RN-M and F-S lines to locate the intersection, this point is called P
5. Find P extending S-RN and F-P
6. From E locate the corresponding R using the tie lines
7. From Ri extend to P if its located arriba of the feed, or P if its located ABAJO of
the feed, until the rafinnate composition is reached.

The enthalpy-composition diagram was plotted using equations for liquid and vapor
enthalpies proposed by Valiente [X]. The plot is shown in Fig 2
x ACp A T T0 1 x A CpB T T'0
L 2.1)

G y
H(Ec *

1 Cp1 T T0 1 1 y1 Cp1 T T'0 2



Enthalpy (kJ)



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Ethanol mol fracion (x1, y1)

Liquid enthalpies
Vapor enthalpies

Fig. X Enthalpy composition diagram for the system Ethanol(1) Cyclohexane (2) at 101.3 kPa

The overall mas balance for the distillation column is given by Eqs X and Y.

(Ec 2.8)
UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016
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(Ec 2.9) x F F x D D xW W

The operating lines for sections I, II and II are given by the following equations.

(Ec 2.10) L D
y m 1 xn x D

(Ec 2.11) q z
y x F
q 1 q 1

(Ec 2.12) L W
y m 1 xm xw

Condenser and reboiler duty

The following equation system needs to be solved in order to find the necessary heat in
both the condenser and reboiler

(Ec 2.13) FH F Qr DH D WH W Qc

(Ec 2.14)
Qr Lw H x ,w Vw H y , w WH w

Minimum number of stages

Using the condition of total reflux at the tower the minimum number stages is found
graphically using the equilibrium curve and the 45 line in the y vs x diagram.
Number of stages @1.5 minimum reflux condition
1. Plot the distillate and bottoms fractions over the 45 line.
2. Find the quality of the feed (q) and plot the feed line.
H h f
q= Ec. #
3. Draw a straight line from the distillate fraction to the feed fraction over the
equilibrium curve and extend until touch the coordinate axis.
4. Read the intersection point and find the minimum reflux using the following
b= D ec. #
5. Find the enriching equation parameters with 1.5 times the minimum reflux
UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016
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R 1
y= x+ x ec. #
R+1 R+ 1 D
6. Find the y value using the enriching equation with the actual distillate fraction.
7. Draw a straight line from distillate fraction to the intersection between th axis and
the feed line.
8. Draw a straight line from bottom fraction to the instersection.
9. Draw the stages beginning from the distillate fraction until reach the bottoms
Design parameters
Tower height

(Ec 2.15) Hc 0.61 4.27

Towers diameter

4 Tdv 1 1 (Ec 2.16)
Dc D R 1 22.2
1 2 273 P 3600

( )(0.761) P

Sistema de bombeo

Con el fin de transportar tanto el flujo de alimentacin al plato deseado como el agua necesaria para
condensar el destilado se utilizan bombas centrfugas cuya potencia est dada por la Ecuacin de Bernoulli
Modificada (Ec. 2.17).

P V 2
2.17) g z h fT


The number of theorical stages resulted from the graphical method of McCabe Thiele is 9.7
as its shown in Fig. X, which corresponds to 9 equilibrium stages and 1 partial reboiler.
The distillate has an ethanol final composition of 0.9, so we can say that the separation was
sucessful because most of the ethanol was recovered, altough the outflow can not be
considered as pure because a compound is pure when the composition is over 98-99%.
The recirculation of extract has a composition of

UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016

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El trazado de etapas usando el metodo de McCabe-Thiele arrojo un resultado de 9.7 etapas

de equilibrio requeridas, las cuales se redondean a 10. Por lo que la columna de destilacin
estara compuesta de 9 etapas y 1 rehervidor parcial. El destilado tiene una composicin de
salida de etanol del 0.9 por lo que la separacin fue exitosa en cierta medida ya que aunque
se logr recuperar la mayor parte, no se puede considerar como un flujo puro de etanol.
En cuanto al extracto recirculado,

Fig. X McCabe Thieles stages resulted

HL : Liquid enthalpy (Kj)
HV : Vapor enthalpy (Kj)
XA : liquid mol fraction of ehtanol
CPA : liquid heat capacity of ethanol
CPB : liquid heat capacity of cyclohexane
Y1 : vapor mol fraction of ethanol
1,2 : heat of vaporization for ethanol (1) and cyclohexane (2) in kJ



UANL | FCQ December 4, 2016


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