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Name: _______________________________________Period: _____Date: 1/03/2017 Teacher: Mrs.

DUE: 1/06/2017 LATE FEE: 20PTS. PER DAY

Objective: SWBAT use concept mapping to understand Quadratic

Functions in Standard, Vertex, and Intercept Form

Materials: Small Poster board; Construction paper; colored pencils;

ruler; computer; pencil; crayons

Options: Create a mini Poster board or big Poster board

Audience: Assume that the audience for this concept mapping is

someone who is not familiar with the information. Be creative.
Include all graphs/illustrations necessary to understand your
explanation. You can also include illustrations just for fun or decoration
as long as it does not take away from understanding the material.
Make sure to hand in a copy of the rubric with your project.


1. Draw a large oval in the middle of a sheet of paper. Write the

main topic in the oval (in this case Quadratic Functions).
2. Draw three medium size circles connected to the large oval by
lines. Write a key idea related to the main topic in each (in this
case you should write, Standard Form, Vertex Form, and Intercept
3. Draw medium ovals connected to each medium oval. Write a
detail definition, all facts(one in each medium oval) that can be
used to help understanding the concept.
4. Draw smaller ovals connected to each medium oval with
examples and solutions of the three forms of Quadratic Functions
(from #2).

Name: _______________________________________Period: _____Date: 1/03/2017 Teacher: Mrs.
DUE: 1/06/2017 LATE FEE: 20PTS. PER DAY

The following is a sample

Direction: The main topic in the center should be Quadratic

Functions, and then the following information needs to be included in
your project.
Vocabulary Section: These vocabulary terms must be defined in
your own words. Each definition can be placed inside one medium
Vocabulary words that must be included in your concept Mapping:

1) Quadratic functions ;Parabola; Parent quadratic function
2) Standard form of a quadratic function
3) Vertex form of a quadratic function
4) Intercept form of a quadratic function
5) Quadratic Formula
6) Vertex
7) X-intercept; Y-intercept
8) Axis of symmetry
9) Maximum and Minimum value

Name: _______________________________________Period: _____Date: 1/03/2017 Teacher: Mrs.
DUE: 1/06/2017 LATE FEE: 20PTS. PER DAY
10) Quadratic equation
11) Roots and Zero of a function
Information for Standard Form:
The standard form of the function.
Information about information a gives in the function, and what does
this tell you about the maximum or minimum value.
Explain HOW to find the vertex
Explain HOW to find the axis of symmetry
Explain HOW to find the maximum or minimum value
Information about c gives in the function.
Information for Intercept Form:
The intercept form of the function.
Information about information a gives in the function, and what does
this tell you about the maximum or minimum value.
How to find the x-intercepts
Explain HOW to find the vertex
Explain HOW to find the axis of symmetry
Explain HOW to find the maximum or minimum value
Information for Vertex Form:
The Vertex form of the function.
Information about information a gives in the function, and what does
this tell you about the maximum or minimum value.
Explain HOW to find the vertex
Explain HOW to find the axis of symmetry
Explain HOW to find the maximum or minimum value

Information for Ways to solve

In four separate ovals, name and describe four different ways to solve
a quadratic function.

Name: _______________________________________Period: _____Date: 1/03/2017 Teacher: Mrs.
DUE: 1/06/2017 LATE FEE: 20PTS. PER DAY

Score Sheet-Rubric

Title 2

1) Quadratic function;
Parabola; Parent function

2) Standard form of a
quadratic function

3) Vertex form of a quadratic


4) Intercept form of a
quadratic function

5) Quadratic Formula 2

6) Axis of symmetry 2

7) Vertex 2

8) X-intercept; Y-intercept 2

9) Maximum and Minimum value 2

10) Quadratic equation 2

11) Roots; Zero of a


12) Ways to solve

Name, Period, Date 3

Creativity 10

Total 100

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