Idiomatic Expressions Examples and Their Meanings

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1. Acid Test:

Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness of something.

Example - I practiced hard at the dance sessions but the acid test will come when the master will
assess our solo performances.

2. Cut the ground from under feet :

Meaning - When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which
weakens their position.

Example - When team India hit more than 350 runs in the ODI, they cut the ground from under
the opponent's feet.

3. Chase your tail:

Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little.

Example - He's been chasing his tail all week collecting data but the report is still not ready

4. Whole bag of tricks -

Meaning - Means trying all the clever means to achieve something.

Example - It was really difficult to find the information even after applying the whole bag of

5. Deliver the goods -

Meaning - Do what is expected or promised.

Example - I have given my car to a new mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the goods.

6. Fine-tooth comb -

Meaning - Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.

Example - The boss examined my report with a fine tooth comb before submitting it to the senior

7. Explore all avenues

Meaning - Trying out every possibility to get a result.

Example - It is a difficult thing to do but if we really want it done, we must explore all avenues.

8. Fast track something -

Meaning - Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result.

Example - In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is pressing up on a fast track
decision from the court.

9 . Get ducks in a row -

Meaning - Getting your things well organized.

Example - To ensure a successful product launch, we must get our ducks in a row.

10. Get the show on the road -

Meaning - Putting up a plan or idea into action.

Example - Now that we have compeleted all the legal formalities, let's get the show on the road.
11. Keep your fingers on the pulse -

Meaning - Being constantly aware of the most recent developments.

Example - An entrepreneur must keep his fingers on the pulse of the market to be successful.

12. Mean business -

Meaning - Being serious about what you announce.

Example - Now that all our policies about work are put up on intranet, we mean business.

13. Think on your feet -

Meaning - Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.

Example - A good sales man must be able to think on his feet to close the deal.

14. Sail through something -

Meaning - Being successful in doing something without difficulty.

Example - The presentation at the national conference was extremely important for the company.
We sailed through it.

15. Tricks of the trade :

Meaning - Clever or expert way of doing something.

Example - Being into the construction business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade.

16. Not let grass grow under feet -

Meaning - Don't delay in getting something done.

Example - As soon as he finished all the registration formalities, he put the house on sale. He
doesn't let the grass grow under his feet.

17. Work like a charm -

Meaning - Works very well or has the desired effect.

Example - I had cloves from my sore throat and they worked like a charm.

18. Back-room boys -

Meaning - People who perform important work but have no contact with the public.

Example - Our back room boys deserve an applause for the success of this advertisement.

19. Dead wood -

Meaning - People or things which are no longer useful or necessary.

Example - The company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods.

20. Get the axe -

Meaning - lose the job.

Example - The projects team was undergoing a major restructuring, recruitment executives were
the first to get the axe.

21. Plum job -

Meaning - Desirable position which is well-paid and considered relatively easy .

Example - This looks like a plum job but it has its own bunch of complications.
22. Shape up or ship out -

Meaning - This expression is used to warn someone that if they do not improvetheir ways, they
will have to leave their job.

Example - When Tom started neglecting the customers, he was told to shape up or ship out.

23. Golden handshake -

Meaning - Big sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire.

Example - The management of various PSUs wanted to cut down on the man power. They offered
a golden hand shake to many of their aged employees.

24. Separate sheep from goats -

Meaning - Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability

Example - Audition test was conducted by the director to separate sheep from goats.

25. Waiting in the wings -

Meaning - Waiting for an opportunity to take action, mostly to replace someone else in their job.

Example - The senior manager is going to retire in next 2 months. Two of his juniors who are
waiting in the wings will have a fierce competition.

26. Eat, sleep and breathe something -

Meaning - Being so enthusiastic and passionate about somehting that you think about it all the

Example - My son has recently learnt cycling. He eats, sleeps and breathes it now.

27. With bells on -

Meaning - When you are delighted and eager to go somewhere, you are said to go with bells on.

Example - The new year party at the beach is most awaited. I will be there - with bells on.

28. Fever pitch -

Meaning - When a feeling is very intense and exciting, it is said to be at a fever pitch.

Example - His love for music had reached a fever pitch before he became a world known

29. Blood, sweat and tears -

Meaning - Something that requires a lot of effort and hard work.

Example - Being the team of Indian cricket team is not just a matter of luck for him, it is his
blood, sweat and tears which has got him here.

30. Have on the brain -

Meaning - Thinking or talking about it all day long.

Example - He has just got engaged. Now, he has his fiance on his brain all the time.

31. Fling yourself into -

Meaning - Doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Example - Flinging himself into the exercise routine is the reason for his good physique.

32. Raring to go -
Meaning - Being very eager and enthusiastic about the idea of doing something.

Example - My kids wish to see the animals. They are raring to go to zoo.

33. Xerox subsidy -

Meaning - Using the office photocopier for personal use.

Example - The office now has a strict policy about xerox subsidy.

34. Get a grip on yourself -

Meaning - Controlling your feelings to deal with a situation.

Example - Reema saw her jwellery and cash missing from the almirah. After the initial shock, she
got a grip on herself and called up the police.

35. Hang on by fingernails -

Meaning - Continuing to do something in a very difficult situation.

Example - The market of watches has suffered a big loss after the arrival of mobile phones. The
survivors are just hanging on by their fingernails.

36. Pull out all the stops -

Meaning - Doing everything you can to make something successful.

Example - The deadline for the project is fast arriving; we have pulled out all the stops for timely

37. Buckle down -

Meaning - Doing some hard work with determination and full attention.

Example - Getting through the exam for civil services is possible when you have buckled down

38. First out of the gate -

Meaning - Being the first one to make a start at something.

Example - John and his friends had decided to voice their opinion against the new economic
policy. John was the first one to be out of the gate.

39. Going places -

Meaning - Exhibiting talent and ability that will lead to a successful future.

Example - Rakesh was a performer at the school sports club. It was obvious that he was going

40. Have one's heart set on -

Meaning - Possessing a determination to obtain something.

Example - He has not become a renowned cardiologist just by chance. He has his heart set on it
after his father passed away with a cardiac arrest.

41. Make headway -

Meaning - Progress in what you are trying to achieve.

Example - The police have made a headway with their investigation in the terror attack on the
city last friday.

42. Punch above one's weight-

Meaning - Performing beyond your ability.

Example - He was not the best swimmer around but he could win the gold medal at the state
swimming competition by working hard and punching above his weight in the finals.

43. Sink your teeth into -

Meaning - doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Example - Marie joined the badminton coaching classes. She sank her teeth into the practice

44. Stand one's ground -

Meaning - Maintaining your position.

Example - He stood his ground in support of his friend inspite of several family interferences.

45. Close to home -

Meaning - A comment which is true and makes you uncomfortable is close to home.

Example - Tom's comment about his friend's unethical activities was quite close to home. He
looked quite embarassed.

46. Carry the torch for -

Meaning - Having strong feelings for someone who can not be yours.

Example - He has been carrying a torch for Mamta, who is now married to Nitin, since they
studied together in college.

47. Cork up something -

Meaning - Failing to express your emotions.

Example - She did not let her grief pour out when her father passed away. Its not good for her to
cork up his feelings.

48. Cut to the quick -

Meaning - Hurting someone deeply or offending them.

Example - Joe had worked for 10 years with all his loyalty for his company. He was cut to the
quick when his boss held him responsible for the theft.

49. Fish out of water -

Meaning - Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.

Example - Being a french, I felt like a fish out of water in the group of Japanese

50. Bee in one's bonnet -

Meaning - Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts.

Example - She is not happy in Africa. She has a bee in he bonnet about moving to Dubai.

51. Deep down -

Meaning - Describing what a person really feels deep inside or what is he like.

Example - He appears to be indifferent to the success or failure of his children but deep down he
is highly concerned.

52. Have your heart in the right place -

Meaning - Refers to a person with good intentions; even though the results are not that

Example - The dinner she had cooked wasn't the best but she had her heart in the right place.

53. Groan inwardly -

Meaning - Refers to a feeling where you want to express despair, disapproval or distress, but you
keep quite.

Example - She was quite disappointed at the sarcastic remark by her friend but looking at the
situation sh groaned inwardly.

54. Beard the lion in his den -

Meaning - Challenge someone in his own area.

Example - If he doesn't come to see me today, I'll have to beard the lion in his den.

55. Keep a stiff upper lip -

Meaning - Refers to a person who doesn't show off his emotions.

Example - He heard the news about his father's demise but kept a stiff upper lip.

56. Go bananas -

Meaning - Refers to someone who behaves in a crazy way out of emotions.

Example - Your decision to go abroad for a year will make your family go bananas.

57. Lump in your throat -

Meaning - Refers to a tight feeling in your throat because of an emotion like sadness or gratitude.

Example - After all the hardships, I saw my son winning a gold medal today - I had a lump in my

58. Hard as nails -

Meaning - Refers to a person without sentiments and sympathy for anyone.

Example - He has become as hard as a nail after his brother was brutally murdered.

59. Lick one's wounds -

Meaning - Trying to regain their confidence or boost up the spirits after a defeat.

Example - Raja is licking his wounds after being dropped from the Indian Cricket Team.

60. Proud as a peacock -

Meaning - Refers to an extremely proud person.

Example - His son is has finally become a doctor. He is as proud as a peacock.

61. Tongue-tied -

Meaning - Difficulty in expressing yourself because of nervousness or embarrassment.

Example - As her prospective in laws came to see her, she was completely tongue tied.

62. Look on the bright side -

Meaning - View an unpleasant situation in a positive light.

Example - You met with an accident but look on the bright side - you managed to get away just
with some bruises.
63. Swallow one's pride -

Meaning - Accepting something humiliating or embarrassing.

Example - When his son was caught cheating in the exam. He had to swallow his pride and meet
the principal.

64. Makes your flesh crawl -

Meaning - Something that makes you feel disgusting or nervous.

Example - The sight of the accident made my flesh crawl.

65. Speak volumes -

Meaning - Expresses a reaction without words.

Example - She came to pick me at the station at an odd hour. Her actions spoke volumes about
her bravity.

66. Not turn a hair -

Meaning - Refers to not exhibiting any emotion where it is expected.

Example - He didn't turn a hair even after his office was raided by the CBI.

67. Reduce to tears -

Meaning - Getting into tears because of some one's behavior.

Example - Her best friend stopped talking to her. This reduced her to tears.

68. In the bag -

Meaning - Refers to a situation when you are sure that success is sure.

Example - The wickets of opponent team fell down very fast, vistory seemed to be in the bag at
the end of 25 overs.

69. Blow up in face -

Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan or project suddenly fails.

Example - It was difficult to get a place in the train to Mumbai. It blew up in the face when a train
de-railed and blocked the track.

70. Bottom fell out -

Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan or project fails.

Example - When the police announced a red alert in the city, the bottom fell out of their plan to
hold a rally.

71.Cake not worth the candle -

Meaning - Refers to something in which result vs efforts are too less.

Example - He worked very hard to organize the party but very few guests walked in. The cake
wasn't worth the candle.

72. Chance one's arm -

Meaning - Deciding to do something even though the chances of sucess are very little.

Example - She knew there was little chance of getting through the audition test but she decided
to chance her arm.

73. Come up roses -

Meaning - Successful end results even though there may be some initial hiccups.

Example - After initial hiccups, the project seems to be coming up roses.

74. Cook someone's goose -

Meaning - Spoil other person's chances of success.

Example - When the opponent team saw Indian batsmen taking wicket after wicket, they realised
that their goose was cooked.

75. Cut one's own throat -

Meaning - Doing something that will cause your own failure.

Example - Raghav is not sincere in the class since the beginning. He is cutting his own throat.

76. Foot in the door -

Meaning - Small but good start with a possibility for a bright future.

Example - With customers coming in, his new venture has got a foot in the door.

77. Go great guns -

Meaning - Being successful.

Example - Ram's preparation for the final exams is going great guns. He scored 90% marks in the
practice test.

78. Dead in the water -

Meaning - Plan or project that has ceased to function and is not expected to be re-activated in

Example - Because of the revolt from the civil society, the plan to get the FDI in various sectors is
now dead in the water.

79. Flying start -

Meaning - Something that is immediately successful.

Example - The film hit the box office with a flying start and collected the highest revenue on day

80. Make a go of -\

Meaning - Succeeding in your enterprise.

Example - With his hard work and dedication, he has made a go of his new venture.

81. Go to the dogs -

Meaning - Getting comparably less successful than before.

Example - With new corruption scams un-veiling everday, the country is going to dogs.

81. Go up in smoke -

Meaning - Something that ends before getting a result.

Example - With a vigilant police force around the town, the plan of antisocial elements to cause
chaos went up in smoke.

82. Live on the breadline -

Meaning - Having very little income.

Example - The partition of the country has left many people on the breadline.

83. Make or break -

Meaning - Circumstances causing total success or total ruin.

Example - The huge investment in this big project with make or break him.

84. Landslide victory -

Meaning - Overwhelming victory received by a candidate of political party at an election.

Example - With a win of more of than 40% seats in the first two hours of counting, they are
expecting a landslide victory.

85. Let slip through fingers -

Meaning - Failing to obtain or keep up a good opportunity.

Example - This opportunity can be your break through in the industry. Don't let it slip through
your fingers.

86. Rags to riches -

Meaning - Becoming very rich while starting very poor.

Example - His innovative ideas in business got him from rags to riches.

87. On the pig's back -

Meaning - Refers to a person in successful and well situation.

Example - The tourism in the state was on the pig's back before the terror attacks hit the capital.

88. Miss the boat -

Meaning - Failing to take advantage of an opportunity because of slow actions.

Example - I managed to get a discount of 10% but could not get an early bird offer. Reaching late
made me miss the boat.

89. Smash hit -

Meaning - Refers to music, films which are very successful.

Example - His music became a smash hit in a week's time.

90. Murphy's law -

Meaning - Means that if anything can go wrong, it will.

Example - Let's be prepared for the worst but don't forget the Murphy's law.

91. Place in the sun -

Meaning - Finding a place in the sun refers to a position which provides you all the success and
happiness you want in your life.

Example - Getting married into the renowned business family in the town, she found a place in
the sun.

92. Sink or swim -

Meaning - fail or succeed.

Example - The test will decide if he sinks or swims.

93. Champagne on a beer budget -

Meaning - Wanting expensive things that you can not afford.

Example - She always buys things out of her budget. She has developed a taste for champagne
on beer budget.

94. Top dog -

Meaning - Very successful group, company, person, country etc.

Example - The economic survey proved that they are the top dogs of the IT industry.

95. Keep up appearances -

Meaning - Maintaining an outward show of prosperity or well-being while hiding your difficulties

Example - Keeping up the appearances was important for him to secure the new big projects.

96. Wooden spoon -

Meaning - Imaginary prize for the last person in a race.

Example - We won a wooden spoon at the fashion show.

97. Have the world by its tail

Meaning - Very successful person who can shoose from a lot of opportunities.

Example - Being the pioneers in the pharmaceutical industry, they are now having the world by
its tail.

98. Live beyond means -

Meaning - Spending more money than you can afford.

Example - He has a habit of living beyond his means. Most of the times, you will find him
borrowing the money from his friends.

99. Live in an ivory tower -

Meaning - Living a lifestyle that saves you from the real world problems.

Example - Her inexperience in dealing with tough situations is because she has lived in an ivory

100. Hit the road running -

Meaning - Start performing immediately.

Example - She was our old employee. She hit the road running when she joined us back.

101. Actions speak louder than words

Definition: Refers to the idea that its better to do something than just talk about it.

Example: He always tells his girlfriend that he loves her, but he never actually does anything
nice for her. Someone should teach him that actions speak louder than words.

102. Add fuel to the fire

Definition: Something that worsens an already bad situation.

Example: I wanted to intervene when they were yelling at each other, but that would have just
added fuel to the fire.

103. All bark and no bite

Definition: Being verbally threatening, but unwilling to do anything significant.

Example: He keeps threatening to shut down our paper after we ran that article about him, but I
dont think he will. In my opinion, hes all bark and no bite.

104. At the drop of a hat

Definition: A willingness to do something right away.

Example: Our boss expects us to show up in her office at the drop of a hat, even when were in a
meeting with clients.

105. Beating around the bush

Definition: Avoiding the main issue.

Example: I kept trying to steer the conversation back to his alibi, but he wouldnt stop beating
around the bush, bringing up things totally off-topic.

106. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Definition: Its better to have a small, secured advantage than the possibility of a bigger one. Its
better to stick with what you have than risk it for something greater.

Example: Someone offered me $100 to buy my old TV. I was hoping to sell it for $200, but I have
a feeling this is the best offer Ill get for a while, and I need that money now. A bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush, right?

107. Blessing in disguise

Definition: Something good and beneficial that did not initially seem that way.

Example: It was raining so hard that our cab was late, and we were late to our reservation at the
restaurant. Turns out everyone who ate there that night got food poisoning. I guess the bad
weather was a blessing in disguise!

108. Break a leg

Definition: Something you say to someone you want to wish luck on.

Example: Is tonight your big performance? Break a leg!

109. Chip on your shoulder

Definition: When someone is upset about something that happened a while ago.

Example: He has a chip on his shoulder from years of being bullied as a kid.

110. Come hell or high water

Definition: Possible obstacles in your path.

Example: I promise you, come hell or high water, we are going to make it to your party tonight!

111. Cry over spilt milk

Definition: Complaining about a loss or failure from the past.

Example: She was mad that he broke her vase, but it was an accident, and theres no use crying
over spilt milk anyway, so she forgave him.

112. Cut to the chase

Definition: Skip the irrelevant parts, and go straight to the main point.

Example: Why dont you just cut to the chase, and tell me where you hid my phone!

113. Hit the nail on the head

Definition: Do or say exactly the correct thing.

Example: I really hit the nail on the head when I guessed they were getting married.

114. Piece of cake

Definition: Something that is easy to understand or accomplish.

Example: My math homework last night was a piece of cake! I finished it ten minutes.

115. Slap on the wrist

Definition: A mild punishment, such as a scolding.

Example: The cop pulled me over for speeding, but it was my first time so she just gave me a
slap on the wrist.

116. Spill the beeans

Definition: Tell a secret.

Example: My three-year-old spilled the beans about the surprise birthday party we were

117. Taste of your own medicine

Definition: When someone receives the same treatment, usually negative, that they gave
someone else.

Example: That kid is always beating up other kids on the playground. I wish someone would
give him a taste of his own medicine.

118. About to (do something)

Meaning- to be on the point of doing something

Example: I was about to leave when the phone rang.

119. According to (someone or something)

Meaning- as said or told by someone, in agreement with something, in the order of something, in
proportion to something

Example: According to our teacher, there will be no class next week.

120. Account for (something)

Meaning - to provide an explanation or an answer for something

Example: The bad weather accounts for the fact that few people came to the meeting.

121. After all

Meaning - considering the fact that something happened or happens, something that is usually

Example: "You don't need to phone him. After all, he never phones you."

122. All of a sudden

Meaning - suddenly, without advance warning

Example: All of a sudden, it became cloudy and began to rain.

123. As a matter of fact

Meaning - actually
Example: "As a matter of fact, we have been to the sports stadium many times."

124. As far as

Meaning - to the extent or degree of something

Example:As far as I know, the movie will start in a few minutes.

125. As for

Meaning - with regard to, concerning

Example: "As for myself, I think that I will return home now."

126. As if

Meaning - in the same way that something would be, that

Example: The drink tastes as if it were made with orange juice.

127. As long as

Meaning - provided that, on condition that

Example : "As long as you promise to be careful, you can borrow my car."

128. as soon as

Meaning - just after something, when

Example: I phoned my friend as soon as I finished dinner.

129. As to

Meaning - with regard to, according to

Example: "As to your question, I will answer it tomorrow."

130. As well

Meaning - in addition, also, too

Example: I plan to take swimming lessons this summer. I plan to take a computer course as well.

131. As well as (someone or something)

Meaning - in addition to someone or something

Example: "Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towel."

132. Back and forth

Meaning - backwards and forwards, first one way and then the other way

Example: The argument with the lawyer went back and forth before the judge made a decision.

133. Better off

Meaning - to be in a better situation than before

Example: My friend would be better off if he sold his old car and bought a new one.

134. Break down (something) or break (something) down

Meaning - to divide something into parts, to separate something into simpler substances

Example: We tried to break down the problem for further study.

135. Break up or break up (something) or break (something) up

Meaning - to separate, to divide into groups or pieces, to put an end to something

Example: I hope that my favorite band does not break up.

136. By the way

Meaning - incidentally

Example: "By the way, could you please bring your laptop computer tomorrow."

137. Carry out (something) or carry (something) out

Meaning - to put something into action, to accomplish something, to do something

Example: The scientist wanted to carry out more experiments before discussing the new

138. Come on!

Meaning - please, hurry, go faster

Example: "Come on, I only have a few minutes before I must go." "Come on, stop doing that."

139. Come up

Meaning - to happen unexpectedly. I will not be able to go to the party if something else comes

140. Come up with (something)

Meaning - to produce or find a thought or idea or answer

Example: I tried to come up with a name for the new magazine.

141. Deal with (something)

Meaning - to be concerned with something, to take action about something

Example: We will deal with the boxes tomorrow.

142. End up (doing something or going somewhere)

Meaning - to do something that one had not planned to do, to go somewhere one had not
planned to go

Example: We ended up watching a movie last night. We ended up going to a restaurant after the
movie last night.

143. figure out (someone or something) or figure (someone or something) out

Meaning - to try to understand someone or something, to solve something

Example: I finally figured out how to use the new computer software.

144. Fill in (something) or fill (something) in

Meaning - to write words in blank spaces

Example: "Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist." I filled the form in and gave it to
the receptionist.

145. Find out (something)

Meaning - to learn or discover something

Example: My mother is angry with me because she found out that I had quit my French class.

146. First of all

Meaning - the very first thing

Example: First of all, we prepared the garden and then we planted the seeds.

147. For good

Meaning - permanently

Example: The city plans to close the public swimming pool for good.

148. For sure

Meaning - without doubt, certainly, surely

Example: "I will go to the movie with you for sure next week."

149. Get back to (something)

Meaning - to return to something

Example: I was happy to get back to my work after my holiday.

150. Get into (something)

Meaning - to become interested or involved in something

Example: I do not want to get into an argument with my friend. We will get into the details of the
plan tomorrow.

151. Get into (somewhere)

Meaning - to enter somewhere

Example; My friend wants to get into a good university. I bumped my head as I was getting into
the car.

152. Get out of (somewhere)

Meaning - to leave somewhere, to escape from somewhere

Example: I have an appointment and I want to get out of my house quickly.

153. Get rid of (something)

Meaning - to give or throw something away, to sell or destroy something, to make a cold or fever

Example: I bought a new television so I want to get rid of my old one.

154. Get through (something)

Meaning - to complete something, to finish something

Example: My friend is having trouble getting through her final exams.

155. Go ahead

Meaning - to begin to do something

Example: "Let`s go ahead and start now. We can`t wait any longer."

156. Go on

Meaning - to continue

Example: The game will probably go on for an hour after we leave.

157. Go over (something)

Meaning - to examine or review something

Example: The accountant will go over our books tomorrow. We plan to go over that question

158. Go through (something)

Meaning - to discuss something, to look at something, to do something

Example: The teacher decided to go through the exercise before the test.

159. Go with (something)

Meaning - to choose one thing rather than another

Example: We decided to go with the small rental car rather than the large one.

160. Hang out (somewhere or with someone)

Meaning - to spend one`s time with no great purpose, to spend leisure time with friends

Example: Recently, my friend has been hanging out with a bad group of people.

161. Have (something) to do with (something)

Meaning - to be about something, to be on the subject of something, to be related to something

Example: "The book has something to do with cooking but I am not sure if you will like it."

162. Hold on

Meaning - to wait a minute, to stop, to wait and not hang up the phone

Example: "Please hold on for a minute while I lock the door." "Hold on, don't say anything, I can't
hear the speaker."

163. In a way

Meaning - to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

Example: In a way, I want to go to the new restaurant, but in a way I do not really care.

164. In case

Meaning - if, if something should happen

Example: I will take my umbrella in case it rains.

165. In common

Meaning - shared together or equally, in use or ownership by all

Example: I had nothing in common with the other members of the class.

166. In detail

Meaning - giving all the details, item by item

Example: The saleswoman explained the new product in detail.

167. In effect

Meaning - for practical purposes, basically

Example: The man's silence was in effect a way of disagreeing with the other people in the

168. In fact
Meaning - actually, the truth is

Example: The man has been to China before. In fact, he has been there three times.

169. In favor of (someone or something)

Meaning - to approve or support someone or something

Example: Everybody is in favor of the new police chief.

170. In general

Meaning - in most situations or circumstances

Example: In general, most of the people are happy with the new manager.

171. in order to

Meaning - for the purpose of

Example: They have decided to close down the school for the summer in order to do some major

172. In other words

Meaning - in a different (usually more direct) way

Example: "In other words, if you do not finish the assignment by Wednesday, you will not pass
the course."

173. In place

Meaning - in the proper place or location

Example: Everything in the room was in place when we arrived for the meeting.

174. In some ways

Meaning - in some unspecified way or manner, by some unspecified means

Example: In some ways, I know what my friend wants to say but in other ways, I do not.

175. In terms of (something)

Meaning - with regard to something

Example: In terms of our agreement with the other company, we are not allowed to sell the
products online.

176. In time

Meaning - with enough time to do something, within a certain time, before a time limit expires

Example: I did not arrive home in time to meet my cousin.

177. Keep (someone or something) in mind

Meaning - to remember and think about someone or something

Example: I told my friend to keep the time that I must leave for work in mind.

178. Kind of

Meaning - somewhat, more or less, moderately

Example: I was kind of tired when I arrived home last night.

179. Look for (something)

Meaning - to try to find something, to hunt or search for something

Example: My friend has been looking for her credit card all morning but she cannot find it.

180. Look up (something) or look (something) up

Meaning - to search for something in a dictionary or other book

Example: I will look up my friend's name in the telephone book.

181. Make a difference

Meaning - to cause a change in a situation, to change the nature of something

Example: It does not make a difference whether our boss comes to the meeting or not.

182. Make sense

Meaning - to seem reasonable

Example: The manager's new proposal makes sense.

183. Make sure

Meaning - to make certain, to establish something without a doubt

Example: I want to make sure that my friend will meet me tomorrow.

184. More or less

Meaning - somewhat, to some extent

Example: I more or less have decided to study business next year.

185. No matter

Meaning - regardless

Example: No matter how hard that I try, my music teacher is never satisfied.

186. Not at all

Meaning - certainly not, absolutely not

Example: I am not at all happy with my new computer.

187. Of course

Meaning - certainly, definitely, naturally

Example: "Of course you can use my car if you want to."

188. On the other hand

Meaning - however, in contrast, looking at the opposite side of a matter

Example: He is very intelligent but on the other hand he is lazy and always gets low marks at

189. On time

Meaning - at the scheduled time, exactly at the correct time, punctually

Example: Our train arrived exactly on time.

190. Once again

Meaning - again, one more time, once more

Example: I tried once again to phone my boss at his home .

191. Open to (something)

Meaning - to be agreeable to learn or hear about new ideas or suggestions

Example: Most members of the class were open to the teacher's ideas. Our boss is always open
to new ideas.

192. pick up (something) or pick (something) up

Meaning - to get or receive something

Example: I will pick up my dry cleaning tomorrow.

193. Point out (someone or something) or point (someone or something) out

Meaning - to explain or call attention to someone or something

Example: My teacher was very kind when she pointed out the mistakes that I had made.

194. Put out (something) or put (something) out

Meaning - to produce or make something (a product or brochure or report or CD or movie or


Example: The company puts out a newsletter every month for the employees.

195. Regardless of (something)

Meaning - without considering or thinking about something, without regard to something, in spite
of something

Example: Regardless of the weather, we are going to go fishing tomorrow morning.

196. Right away

Meaning - immediately

Example: "I forgot my book at home but I will go and get it right away."

197. Rule out (someone or something) or rule (someone or something) out

Meaning - to decide against or eliminate someone or something

Example: The police ruled out the man as a possible bank robber.

198. Run into (something - a fact or trouble or problems or difficulty)

Meaning - to experience something, to encounter something

Example: The mechanic ran into trouble when he was fixing my car.

199. Set up (something) or set (something) up

Meaning - to establish something, to provide the money for something

Example:The newspaper company provided the money to set up the new travel magazine.

200. Show up

Meaning - to appear, to arrive, to be present

Example: "What time did your friend show up for the party?"

201. So far

Meaning - until now

Example: So far, no one has entered the speech contest at the television station.

202. So to speak

Meaning - as one might or could say, this is one way to say something

Exampe: We had a good time at the restaurant, so to speak, although the service was not very

203. Sort of (something)

Meaning - to be almost something, to be similar to something, to be not quite something

Example: "Did you finish cleaning the kitchen?"

204. Stick with (something)

Meaning - to continue doing something, to not quit something

Example: The boy has been able to stick with his music lessons since he was a child.

205. Take advantage of (someone or something)

Meaning - to use someone or something for one's own benefit

Example: We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went to the beach.

206. Take care of (someone or something)

Meaning - to look after or give attention to someone or something

Example: It is good to take care of your health or you will become sick.

207. Take out (something) or take (something) out

Meaning - to remove something from somewhere

Example: The teacher told us to take out our books.

208. Take over (something) or take (something) over

Meaning - to take control of something, to take command of something

Example: The large company wants to take over the small company in our town.

209. Take place

Meaning - to happen, to occur

Example: The soccer game took place on the coldest day of the year.

210. To the extent that

Meaning - to the degree that, in so far as

Example: I plan to provide information about the new company policy, to the extent that I am
familiar with it.

211. Turn in (something) or turn (something) in

Meaning - to give something to someone, to hand something to someone

Example: I arrived at school early so that I could turn in my essay.

212. Turn out

Meaning - to be found or known, to prove to be true

Example: It turned out that more people came to the meeting than we had expected.
213. Up to

Meaning - until, as far as a certain point, approaching a certain point

Example: Up to last week, I had never been inside a bowling alley.

214. Used to (something)

Meaning - accustomed to something

Example: My friend is not used to living in such a big city.

215. With respect to (something)

Meaning - referring to something, concerning something

Example: I do not know what the company will do with respect to the old computer system.

216. Work out

Meaning - to end successfully

Example: I hope that everything will work out for my friend when she moves next month.

217. To kick the bucket

Meaning - to die.
Example: 'I heard the mafia boss had kicked the bucket'

218. After one's own heart -

Meaning - having the same ideas, preferences or behaviours as oneself.
Example: 'You like dunking rich tea biscuits too, a man after my own heart'

219. To add fuel to fire -

Meaning- to make a situation worse.
Example: 'First he dropped the pot plant, then adding fuel to the fire he trod on it'

220. A little bird told me -

Meaning - information gained from someone who you are not going to name.
Example: 'Let's just say I know about it because a little bird told me'.

221. Kettle of fish -

A Meaning - situation different or alternative to some other situation, but not nec. unfavourable.
Example: 'Oh, you mean knitting a jumper, well that's a different kettle of fish entirely'.

222. A few sandwiches short of a picnic -

Meaning - mad, not sane.
Example: 'He talks to himself, I think he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic'.

223. Brownie point -

Meaning - Credit or praise for good work or a good deed.
Example: 'You'll get brownie points with your girlfriend for buying her flowers'.

224. Bark up the wrong tree -

Meaning - to take the wrong approach to something or follow a false lead.
Example: 'If you think you will get him to change his mind just by asking nicely you are barking
up the wrong tree'.

225. Bring home the bacon

Mening - to earn a living and make money for your family to live on.
Example: 'Women these days not only take care of the household but also bring home the


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