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Course PHYS 320: Modern Physics,

Spring-2017 MW 4:00-5:15, 701 West Grace St. 2310

Dr. Denis Demchenko, 701 W Grace St 2405
Instructor Phone: 828-7077; Email:
Office Hours: Fri 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or by appointment

Modern Physics
R. Harris, 2nd ed., or Giancoli (with Modern), or Knight (with Modern).
Note: ANY modern physics book will have sections on material covered in class.

Course topics.
1) Special Relativity: Einsteins postulates, Lorentz Transformations, Main Effects (Time
Dilation, Length Contraction, Twin Paradox, Doppler Effect), Space-Time Interval,
Relativistic Momentum and Energy, General Relativity.
2) Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory: effects and experiments that could not be
described by classical mechanics, electrodynamics, and thermodynamics. Blackbody
Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Production of X-rays, Compton Effect, Millikan
3) Atomic Model: Rutherford Scattering, Atomic Spectra, Bohr Model of Atom, X-rays
Spectra, Franck-Hertz Experiment.
4) Wave Properties of Matter: Particle-Wave Duality, Electrons and X-rays as Waves,
Interference and Diffraction, Superposition of Waves, Fourier Space, Uncertainty
5) Schrodinger Equation: Wave Equation for Photon and Electron, Wavefunction, Solutions
to Schrodinger Equation for Basic Potentials (Square Well, Simple Harmonic Oscillator,
Barrier, and Step), Tunneling, Electron Microscopy.
6) Atomic Physics: Application of Schrodinger Equation to Atoms in 3D, Quantum
Numbers, Angular Momenta (Orbital and Spin), Magnetic Moments, Zeeman Effect,
Periodic Table.
7) Solid State Physics: Types of Solids and Types of Bonds, Classical Theory of
Conduction (Current Density and Resistivity), Band Theory and Band Diagrams, Metals,
Semiconductors, and Insulators, Doping of Semiconductors, Hall Effect, p-n Junction and
Semiconductor Devices.
9) Nuclear Physics: Structure of Nucleus, Standard Model of Particles, Radioactivity,
Radioactive Processes and Nuclear Reactions, Fusion/Fission, Nuclear Reactors.

This Modern Physics course is a brief review of non-classical physics, i.e. the physics that
was developed in the first half of the 20th century. Students will learn basic modern view of
Course the natural world on scales ranging from cosmological to microscopic. In addition to a
Objectives number of physics concepts students will be able to solve basic problems in relativity,
quantum mechanics, solid state and nuclear physics. They will also be able to apply
fundamental principles to conceptual questions.
20% Homework [drop lowest]
15% Quizzes [drop lowest]
5% In-class participation with clickers
Grading Policy 30% Midterm Exams
30% Final Exam
Tentative letter grades will be assigned on the following scale:
A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, and F: <60%

HW Homework (in LON-CAPA) is due on the assigned day at 8 a.m. (see Course Schedule
LON-CAPA below). No late homework will be accepted; however, your lowest homework grade will
20% be dropped. Grading is computerized.

1 dropped

Quizzes A closed-book 15-20-min. quiz will be given in class on the assigned day, as per the
15% syllabus. Each quiz will consist of two or three problems, which are very similar to
homework problems and problems solved during lectures. There will be no make-up
1 dropped quizzes; however, your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

During lectures, a number of questions will be asked throughout the period that you will
answer using a Turning Technologies clicker. Your participation grade will be based on
clicking in answers throughout the class period, and will not be based on accuracy. Students
will answer questions after working on them on their own and then discussing them with
their classmates. It is your responsibility to have an operational clicker at every lecture. It
is therefore highly recommended that you carry spare batteries. Participation will begin for
credit after the add/drop period. There will be NO EXCUSED absences; however, the
In-class TWO LOWEST participation grades will be DROPPED.
with clickers To register your clicker for this course, go to Blackboard and do the following: 1) choose
5% "Tools" button "Turning Technologies Registration Tool". Follow the instructions and
remember that your clicker number (Device ID) is located on the clickers back below the
bar code. Device ID is case sensitive and there is no letter O, only zeros. Check that your
pop-up blocker is OFF when registering your clicker.
If you get a new clicker during the semester, you must inform the instructor via email. The
clicker database has to be updated manually, otherwise you will get no credit for using a
new clicker.
Do not "loan" your clicker to another student, as that is an honor code violation.

Two Midterm Exams will be given during the class meetings (see schedule). Each of these
exams will count 15% towards your final grade. There will be no makeup exams. If you
miss an exam AND the absence is excusable, then your final average will be computed
15% each
using an increased weight for the Final Exam (from 30 to 45%).

Final Exam
The Final Exam will be comprehensive and cover the entire range of topics in the course.
VCU Honor Students should familiarize themselves with the VCU Honor System
System documentation at:
Convincing evidence of honor system violations will result in the submission of
formal written charges to the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity.
Please note that an honor system sanction resulting in a course grade of F
cannot be voided by course withdrawal, repeat course option, or grade appeal. A
transcript notation is also recorded for such a grade sanction.

Accommodations The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires VCU to provide an
for the Disabled "academic adjustment" and/or a "reasonable accommodation" to any individual
who advises us of a physical or mental disability. If you have a disability that
requires an academic adjustment or accommodation, please arrange a meeting
with an instructor as soon as possible and no later than January 23. Please
contact the appropriate Coordinator of Service for Students with Disabilities to
obtain an official memo detailing the academic adjustments or accommodations
which you need, and provide a copy of the memo to your instructor by January

Student Conduct Students should familiarize themselves with the guidelines for appropriate
student conduct:
During class it is expected that inappropriate electronic devices (cell phones,
pagers, ipods, etc.) are turned off.

Accommodations Military students may receive orders for short-term training or deployment.
for Short-term These students are asked to inform and present their orders to the instructor
Military Training several weeks in advance of training. In this course, the existing policy of the
lowest assignments being dropped should accommodate most such situations.

VCU Statement on 1. Sign up to receive VCU text messaging alerts

Safety ( Keep your information up-to-date.
2. Know the safe evacuation route from each of your classrooms. Emergency
evacuation routes are posted in on-campus classrooms.
3. Listen for and follow instructions from VCU or other designated authorities.
4. Know where to go for additional emergency information
5. Know the emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234). Report
suspicious activities and objects.
Physics 320 Tentative Schedule Spring 2017

HW in LON-
Dates Topic Area Quiz

Jan 18 Introduction - -

Jan 23, 25, 30 1: Special Theory of Relativity Feb 6 Feb 8

Feb 1, 6, 8 2: Experimental basis of Quantum Theory Feb 13 Feb 15

Feb 13, 15, 20 3: Atomic Model Feb 27 Mar 1

Feb 22, 27
4: Wave Properties of Matter Mar 13 Mar 13
Mar 1

Mar 13 Review for Exam #1

Mar 15 Midterm Exam I, Topics 1 to 4

Mar 20, 22 5: Schrdinger Equation Mar 27 Mar 29

Mar 27, 29
6: Atomic Physics Apr 10 Apr 12
Apr 3

Apr 5, 10, 12 7: Solid State Physics Apr 17 Apr 19

Apr 17, 19, 24 8: Nuclear Physics Apr 26 Apr 26

Apr 26 Review for Exam #2

May 1 Midterm Exam II, Topics 5 to 8

May 8 (4-7pm) Comprehensive Final

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