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You Build the Character #8: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

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Character #8:
Started by awayputurwpn, August 14, 2015

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awayputurwpn Posted August 14, 2015 (edited)

Hello everyone, and welcome back to You Build
the Character! This is the eigth installment of
the regular competition in which FFG community
members can compete to build their versions of
famous characters from the Star Wars universe.
The winner is decided by popular vote, and will
5,257 receive all the honor and glory that comes with
4,670 posts peer approval! The winning build will also be
eternally enshrined in the YBtC Hall of Fame.

In celebration of the arrival of Force

and Destiny, this month's challenge is
to build the best version of the
Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker (or
the Sith Lord Darth Vader), as a
Player Character (PC) or a Nemesis

The following rules apply to your submissions:

1. You may use as much XP as you like to build

Anakin/Darth Vader as a PC (or to Develop your
Nemesis, if using the rules found in the EotE GM
Kit), but attempts to be both thematic and
reasonable are highly encouraged (such as
utilizing "Knight Level" rules, giving reasons for
his XP expenditures, etc). Anakin is a human,
and (as a PC) starts with 110 XP. You can grant
him any amount of additional XP as "earned XP
to be spent on talents, skills, and specializations.

2. If building a PC: All builds MUST adhere to

the Rules As Written (RAW) for Player Character
creation (Steps 1 - 9) and advancement (so no
skipping talents in trees, no other homebrewed
rules). You may ignore Step 10 of character
creation (although you may include any of
Anakin/Vaders accouterments/vehicles in your
builds, at your discretion, as a substitute for Step

3. All FFG-published material for the Star Wars

RPG is fair game for creating and/or advancing
your character: Edge of the Empire, Age of
Rebellion, and Force and Destiny, including any
official supplements or other officially published
material from these lines, may be used.

4. Your build(s) may represent Anakin/Vader

at any point in his life, and may come complete
with any gear and equipment. The entire
Legends universe is open, or you can stick to the
Star Wars canon.

5. If you have previously published or posted or

published an original stat block for this
character, you may use that version in this
competition. Including a picture with your build
is encouraged!

6. All entries must include a full stat block,

which should be presented in a fashion similar
to the stat blocks found in official material, and
should contain a minimum of the following:


Character Name/Title, Species & Career*

Any Specialization(s)

Background text

Duty, Morality, and/or Obligation score*

Characteristics (Brawn, Agility, etc)

Soak, Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold,


Skill Ranks




*Careers and Duty/Morality/Obligation are

PC-only traits

You will have until 8am PST on Sunday, August

30th (4pm August 30 GMT) to enter/edit your
builds, after which entries will be closed. Any
entries edited after the deadline will be

Voting will commence as soon as entries close!

The voting period will last for 10 days, and the
winner will be determined by popular vote at
8am PST on September 9th (4pm GMT).

Thanks, and happy building!

Edited August 14, 2015 by awayputurwpn

kaosoe, Josep Maria and Sarone like this

Angelalex242 Posted August 15, 2015 (edited)

By Return of the Jedi, Vader has reached the
zenith of his experience and power, though he'd
lost his massive potential in the Force. Still, he's
quite powerful. Due to encountering his son and
having something to live for again, he has been
eating reverse conflict like crazy, and currently
97 sits just barely on the Dark Side's balance.
231 posts

Background: By this point in his life, he qualifies

as 'high and mighty.' A junk yard slave indeed
once, he's the #2 in the Empire and enjoys all
the power and privilege that position holds. Only
one man commands Darth Vader, but everyone
else bows to him.

Vader is worth about 5000 XP

Obligation: Family, 10. (This represents the

chance of encountering Luke. Clearly he rolled

Morality: Love/Jealousy 29 (He's been eating

reversed conflict (redemption) lately, and his
morality is now right on the edge of light and

Love damned Anakin Skywalker, jealous love of

Padme and desire to claim her from everything
else, even death.

Love will bring Anakin Skywalker back, too... love

and letting go of his jealousy and desire to see
his son at his side in Darkness...

Species: Human, obviously

His 'human skills' were Lightsaber and
Discipline. Midichlorians off the scale meant he
had great potential to be a jedi before he ever
saw a jedi.

Career: Warrior

First skills of Cool, Perception, Survival

Specialization: Starfighter Ace

First skills of Mechanics, Piloting/Space

Due to morality, he had +10 XP

He bought characteristics of Agility 3,

Intelligence 3, Cunning 3, Willpower 3.

Even the 9 year old started Knight Level, and

thus had many specializations in the Pilot Talent
Tree. He also had Piloting Planteary (Pod Race)
and Gunnery (Naboo battle) Note that despite
being every kind of master pilot known, he never
actually had piloting planetary as a career skill.

At any rate, he gained specializations...

First, Artisan (he built C3PO at age 9...), and shii

cho knight upon entering the temple. He gained
Shien Expert fairly early on as his talent for Djem
So showed itself. He also gained Aggressor, to
the Order's distress. He gained Pathfinder
before Geonosis (He had beast control by then)
and Protector (from all that time protecting

He gained the Force Rating Talents from all of

those, (And had a couple more besides as
Anakin, but would lose those extra FR as Vader
due to the suit. Injury, ya know.)

After his defeat on Mustafar, he picked up

elements of Makashi, Soresu, and Ataru. He also
refined his Force Powers a LOT. Where as Anakin
he had few upgrades purchased on Force
Powers, as Vader he had less raw potential but
way, way more upgrades.

The Dedications he picked up gave him base

values of 4 brawn, 4 agility, 4 intellect, 4 cunning,
5 willpower, 4 presence.

On Mustafar, he lost one agility due to injury,

but gained 3 brawn for cybernetic arms and legs
(One for his armor item, 2 for his arms and legs),
gaining new values of 7 brawn, 3 agility, 4
intellect, 4 cunning, 5 willpower, 4 presence due
to the suit. Darth Vader is more machine then
man, indeed, and is stronger then any flesh and
blood being could ever be, quite capable of
armwrestling a wookie and winning.

Specializations: Starfighter Ace

All of it. Anakin/Vader was the greatest pilot we

ever see on screen. Only his son ever catches up,
and even then only in the EU. We'll see about

Shii Cho Knight:

Vader did not master this form, but he did pick

up a good part of it.
He has...

Rank 1: All

Rank 2: All

Rank 3: Quick Draw, Parry, Defensive Training

Rank 4: Natural Blademaster, Improved Parry,

Sum Djem

Rank 5: Center of Being, Durable, Dedication

Artisan: All of it. Anakin/Vader is likewise the

greatest mechanic seen on screen, rivaled by no
one. Anywhere.

Aggressor: All of it. Picked up most of this in the

suit, as he didn't really specialize in scaring
people silly till he fell to the Dark Side. Once he
got there, though, many a jedi (and everyone
who failed him) called for their brown pants.

Shien Expert: All of it. Had it capped out during

the Clone Wars. One of the greatest masters of
this form. Note that Falling Avalanche is
particularly nasty when used by Brawn 7 Vader.

Pathfinder: In place by Geonosis

Rank 1: Grit, Keen Eyed

Rank 2: Keen Eyed, Outdoorsman

Rank 3: Animal Empathy, Animal Bon

Rank 4: Mental Bond, Force Rating

Protector: In place during Episode 2. Comes of
his absurdly high dedication to protecting
people he cares about...notably Padme.

All of it minus stim pack specializations and

physician. (Anakin was never a healer. But boy
howdy you better not come near his girl)

Soresu Defender: Picked up mostly in the suit, as

Vader finally recognized what Obi Wan did right.

Rank 1: All

Rank 2: Soresu Technique, Reflect

Rank 3: Confidence, Parry (Improved)

Rank 4: Parry, Reflect, Reflect

Rank 5: Supreme Parry, Dedication, Reflect


Makashi Duelist: Picked up in the suit, as Vader

refines his form with lessons learned from
fighting Dooku

Rank 1:All

Rank 2:All

Rank 3:Parry, Feint

Rank 4:Intense Presence, Improved Parry

Rank 5:Dedication, Sum Djem

Ataru Striker: Picked up in the suit, as Vader

refines his form and tries to compensate for lost

Rank 1: All

Rank 2: All

Rank 3: All
Rank 4: Saber Swarm

Rank 5: Saber Throw, Dedication


Boy Howdy he's bought a ton...

Astrogation: 4P 1A Minus 1S (Master Pilot)

Athletics: 4P 3A Minus 3S 6F (Extremely Athletic

as Anakin, more so with cybernetics, one rank is
armor based)

Brawl: 1P 6A 6F (Little training, but Brawn 7 and

the Force are his allies)

Charm: 1P 3A 6F (He used to be better, but it's

hard to charm anyone in that suit...)

Coercion: 5P -1S 6F (Vader is very, very scary)

Computers: 1P 3A (Vader's not known for


Cool: 4P 1A (Vader goes first and does not lose

his cool. Ever)

Coordination: 3P -3S 6F (Vader's suit hinders him

a lot. Fortunately, he was really good as Anakin
and the Force helps.)

Core Worlds: 2P 2A (Not his best suit, but being

Vader forced him to learn something about

Deception: 1P 3A -1S 6F (Yes, my feelings on this

matter are perfectly clear, Master...)

Discipline: 5P (When Vader uses the Force, it


Education: 2P 2A (The Jedi Order...and being

Vader...taught him a lot. Still not his strong suit)
Gunnery: 3P 2A (Used to be better before he got
chopped up. Agility based skill, ya know...)

Leadership: 3P 1A 6F (#2 is still a heck of a lot of

leadership in something the size of the Empire)

Lightsaber: 5P 2A (Did you expect any less from

Lord Vader? He puts his cyborg brawn to good
use here)

Lore:2P 2A (Between Jedi Lore and Sith Lore,

he's more studied in this then basic stuff)

Mechanics: 4P 1A (Best mechanic around.

Hindered only by his Int score)

Medicine: 1P 3A (Not his cup of tea. Still, Jedi

Training in war time)

Melee: 1P 6A (Vader prefers his saber, but he's

still brawn 7)

Negotiation: 2P 2A 6F (Pray I do not alter the

deal further, Lando. He more uses Coercion then
this, but still...)

Outer Rim: 2P 2A (He actually knows more about

the Outer Rim due to growing up on Tatooine)

Perception: 4P 1A -2S (Lord Vader sees you just

fine, thanks)

Piloting Planetary: 3P 2A -2S 6F (Whether flying

his Tie on a planet or winning a Pod Race, you
don't outfly this guy. Lost a step due to his

Piloting Space: 3P 2A -2S 6F (Bring it, he says

from his Tie Fighter. Lost a step due to injuries)

Ranged Heavy: 3A (Shooting people is beneath

his dignity)

Ranged Light: 1P 2A (Probably got basic training

during the Clone Wars. And protested
Resilience: 6P 1A 6F (Lava bath on Mustafar after
getting all his limbs chopped off? He'll be fine,
I'm sure. No, really, he's good. Come back here,
Obi Wan, he'll bite at your kneecaps! Note this is
cybernetically enhanced beyond the maximums
of living beings)

Skulduggery: 1P 3A (Not his bag of chips. He's

too straightforward, particularly in the suit)

Stealth: 3A (And the GM would upgrade his

difficulty dice every time. Cause sneaking up on
people with that respirator, so very easy...or

Streetwise: 2P 2A -1S (Lord Vader typically uses

this to find Rebels)

Survival: 2P 2A (Growing up on a desert helps)

Underworld: 2P 2A -1S (From Vader's point of

view, this applies to Rebels.)

Vigilance: 5P -2S (Vader is wary...and tends to go

before you)

Xenology: 1P 3A (Mostly, he studied how to kill

aliens. Empire is prejudiced)

Warfare: 3P 1A (Veteran of the Clone Wars and

the war vs. the Rebels)



Cybernetic Arms (2) Mod V (+1 Brawn)

Cybernetic Legs (2) Mod II (+1 Brawn)

Implant Armor (+1 Soak)

Adrenal Implant (Rapid Recovery. The Emperor

doesn't want his servant down...)
Immune Implant (+1 Resilience. The source of
Vader's inhuman resistance to most everything
that might harm a man who's less machine)

Cybernetic Respirator (Breath Mask, Blooded

mod, and his famous 'Vader breathing')

Cybernetic Reflexes (Rapid Reaction mod)

Gear: Thermal Cloak (Vader's Cape. Couldn't

think of anything better for him)

Armor: PX 11 Battlement Powered Armor

(Vader's trademark suit. Note this also adds a
Brawn level...he has a total of +3 from his
mechanical suit and limbs

This also gives him an Athletics Rank and -2S on

Vision checks through Perception or Vigilance)


Biofeedback System: Adds another Rapid

Recovery, and more importantly, +4 Strain

Superior Customization

(Note Intuitive Improvements gives him 2 extra

hardpoints on this armor...)

Vader adds:

Energy Dispersion System (protecting his strain

with additional soak)

Vacuum Sealed (Vader survived briefly in the

void of space once)

Deflector Shield: Not actually a deflector shield,

this represents basic defense with the Force.


Red Lightsaber (of course)

Fully modded Ilum Crystal

Dual Phase function (He's noted to have that...)

Superior Hilt Customization)

(Note Intuitive Improvements gives him 2 extra

hardpoints on his lightsaber)

Vader adds 'Extended Hilt', mostly to deal with

his massive Cyborg Hands


Damage 12

Critical 1

Breach 1


Defensive 2

Vicious 3

Force Powers:

Bind: (Maxed)

Somebody gave me the idea this is his

trademark Force Choke. He's a master at it)

Enhance (Maxed)

The Force is strong in this one...

Foresee (Maxed)

Not always a good thing when he sees Padme


Influence: (He can mind trick, but he's not the

mental master some are...)

Basic, Range, Magnitude, Control Emotion/Belief

(Dun Moch), Control/Skills

Move (Maxed)

Between his displays on Bespin and his displays

in Rebels? Oh yeah.
Protect/Unleash (Everything but Mastery)

Vader cannot use Force Lightning, which is what

Mastery is. However he's very good at Tutaminis
(The protect side)

Seek (He wants to find his son...)

Basic, Magnitude, Control Skills, Strength,

Magnitude, Magnitude, Strength, Magnitude

Sense (Maxed)

Your thoughts betray you...your feelings for

them are strong...Especially for...sister...

Wound: 27, Strain 30 (!!), Ranged Defense 2,

Melee Defense 4, Soak 11 (13 vs. strain due to
energy dispersion armor)

(Note soak 11 means he can

deflect/reflect/tutaminis most things for free)

With parry 14 and reflect 9, he can tank most

anything, even shots from vehicles, with little

Durable 2 reduces crits, and center of being can

be used as his manuever when he's really

List of Talents by Rank:

Parry: 14(!!) (3 Shii Cho+2 Shien+1 Protector+3

Soresu+3 Makashi+2 Ataru)

Durable 2 (Shii Cho)

Toughened 7 (1 Shii Cho+2 Aggressor+1 Shien

Expert+2 Protector+1 Soresu)

Conditioned 3 (1 Shii Cho+1 Shien Expert+1


Second Wind 2 (2 Shii Cho)

Defensive Training 2 (1 Shii Cho 1 Shien Expert)

Improved Parry (Not ranked)

Sum Djem (Not ranked)

Multiple Opponents (Not Ranked)

Natural Blademaster (Not Ranked)

Center of Being 3 (1 Shii Cho+2 Protector)

Dedication 9 (1 Shii Cho, 1 Starfighter Ace 1

Shien, 1 Aggressor, 1 Artisan, 1 Protector+1
Soresu+1 Makashi+1 Ataru)

Force Rating (6) (1 Starfighter Ace+1

Aggressor+1 Pathfinder+1 Artisan+1 Protector)

Grit 15 (3 Starfighter Ace+2 Aggressor+1

Pathfnder+2 Artisan+1 Shien Expert+2
Protector+2 Soresu+2 Makashi

Skilled Jockey 2 (Starfighter Ace)

Rapid Reaction 3 (2 Starfighter Ace+1


Intuitive Evasion 2 (Starfighter Ace)

Confidence 2 (1 Starfighter Ace+1 Soresu)

Solid Repairs 5 (2 Starfighter Ace+3 Artisan)

Exhaust Port (Not ranked)

Intuitive Strike (Not ranked)

Full Throttle (Not ranked)

Touch of Fate (Not ranked)

Galaxy Mapper (Not ranked)

Plausible Deniability (Not Ranked)

Intimidating 1 (1 Aggressor)

Fearsome 3 (3 Aggressor)

Prey on the Weak 2 (2 Aggressor)

Sense Advantage (Not Ranked)

Terrify (Not Ranked)

Improved Terrify (Not Ranked)

Crippling Blow (Not Ranked)

Heroic Fortitude (Not Ranked)

Against all Odds (Not Ranked)

Keen Eyed 2 (Pathfinder)

Outdoorsman (not Ranked)

Animal Empathy (Not ranked)

Animal Bond (Not ranked)

Mental Bond (Not ranked)

Fine Tuning 2 (2 Artisan)

Mental Tools (Not Ranked)

Technical Aptitude 1 (1 Artisan)

Inventor 1 (1 Artisan)

Defensive Slicing 2 (2 Artisan)

Natural Tinkerer (Not Ranked)

Imbue Item (Not Ranked)

Mental Fortress (Not Ranked)

Master Artisan (Not Ranked)

Intuitive Improvements (Not Ranked) (adds 2

hardpoints to lightsaber and armor)

Side Step 1 (1 Shien Expert)

Street Smarts 1 (1 Shien Expert)

Reflect 9 (3 Shien Expert+1 Protector+3 Soresu+2


Improved Reflect (Not Ranked)

Shien Technique (Not ranked)

Counterstrike (Not Raked. Note Vader rarely
uses this because it forces him to use Cunning 4
vs. Brawn 7)

Djem So Deflection (Not Ranked)

Saber Throw (Not Ranked)

Defensive Stance 2 (Shien Expert 1+1 Soresu)

Falling Avalanche (Not Ranked. Note Vader will

ABUSE the hell out of this...)

Disruptive Strike (Not Ranked. Forces Vader to

using Cunning Lightsaber, which he doesn't like)

Supreme Reflect (Not Ranked)

Bodyguard 2 (2 Protector)

Force Protection 2 (2 Protector)

Circle of Shelter (Not ranked)

Heightened Awareness (Not Ranked)

Improved Bodyguard (Not Ranked)

Soresu Technique (Not Ranked)

Supreme Parry (Not Ranked)

Resist Disarm (Not Ranked)

Makashi Technique (Not Ranked)

Feint (2 Makashi)

Duelist's Training (Not Ranked)

Intense Presence (Not Ranked)

Quick Draw (Not Ranked)

Jump Up (Not Ranked)

Dodge 1 (1 Ataru)

Ataru Technique (Not Ranked)

Quick Strike 2 (2 Ataru)

Saber Swarm (Not Ranked. Vader doesn't like
this due to low agility. Then again, Linked 6 is

Rapid Recovery (2) (cybernetics)

Blooded 1 (cybernetics)


Connections: Family (Hi, Luke)

Connections: The Empire (He is the #2)

Relationship: Mentor (Hi, Sidious)

Tie Fighter: He uses the TIE Advanced, but I can't

find stats for that.

Edits: Realized I had a couple unused

dedications available. First, I spent one too many
on Brawn. Forgot his cybernetics gave him +3,
not +2. Also had an unused one in Shii Cho. His
mechanics and astrogation thank me for the int

Debating adding Seer. Force is my Ally and

natural Mystic seem fitting for the Chosen One.
Then again, the entire Seer specialization is
something he probably lost on Mustafar.

Edited August 19, 2015 by Angelalex242

Sarone and Josep Maria like this

JRRP Posted August 17, 2015 (edited)

I decided to try to stat Lord Vader as I would use
him in a game. Essentially, this is how I think he
would play in the system: he is a juggernaut who
relies on intimidation and brute force to
accomplish his goals. This version of him plays
to his strengths as a living weapon, something
84 posts the Emperor unleashes on his most daunting


Darth Vader [Nemesis]

This block is reflective of Lord Vader at the time between

the battle of Yavin and the invasion of Hoth. It is
intended to allow for his use in game scenarios, but in no
way is indicative of the entire scope of his game

Darth Vader Human Male Sith Lord

Brawn 5

Agility 4

Intellect 3

Cunning 4

Willpower 5

Presence 3

Soak Value 12
W Threshold 30

S Threshold 25

M/R Defense 3/3

Skills: Astrogation 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Coercion 5,

Computers 2, Cool 4, Coordination 3, Discipline 5,
Gunnery 4, Knowledge (Core Worlds 2, Lore 4, Outer Rim
3), Leadership 2, Lightsaber 5, Mechanics 4, Melee 3,
Perception 3, Piloting (Planetary 4, Space 4), Resilience 4,
Vigilance 4

Talents: Adversary 4, Against All Odds, Crippling Blow,

Fearsome 4, Force Rating 6, Full Throttle, Intimidating 4,
Intuitive Evasion, Intuitive Improvements, Intuitive
Strike, Natural Blademaster, Parry (Improved) 6, Reflect
(Improved) 6, Resist Disarm, Saber Throw, Touch of Fate,
Tricky Target.

Abilities: Enhance (all upgrades), Foresee (one Control

upgrade), Influence (one Range, Magnitude, and Control
upgrade), Move (all upgrades), Protect/Unleash (all
upgrades), Sense (all upgrades); Nemesis Combat (Lord
Vader gains an additional action at the end of each round
if engaging multiple opponents, and spends no Strain to
activate Parry or Reflect)

Equipment: Lightsaber (Damage 11; Critical 1; Engaged;

Breach 1, Dual Phase (ignore melee defense 1/encounter),
Sunder, Superior, Vicious 4), Superior Armored Battle
Suit (+3 soak, +1 defense; Cortosis; includes breath mask
and respirator).

Edited August 17, 2015 by JRRP

Josep Maria, Sarone, knasserII and 2 others like this

knasserII Posted August 17, 2015

On 15/08/2015 at 1:13 AM,
Angelalex242 said:
Debating adding Seer. Force is my Ally and
natural Mystic seem fitting for the Chosen
One. Then again, the entire Seer
specialization is something he probably lost
on Mustafar.
2,045 posts Was it "seered" away?


Adhesive, kaosoe, Col. Orange and 3 others like this

knasserII Posted August 17, 2015

On 17/08/2015 at 1:02 AM, JRRP said:

I decided to try to stat Lord Vader as I

would use him in a game. Essentially, this is
how I think he would play in the system: he
Members is a juggernaut who relies on intimidation
2,548 and brute force to accomplish his goals.
2,045 posts
This version of him plays to his strengths as
a living weapon, something the Emperor
unleashes on his most daunting foes.


Darth Vader [Nemesis]

This block is reflective of Lord Vader at the time

between the battle of Yavin and the invasion of
Hoth. It is intended to allow for his use in game
scenarios, but in no way is indicative of the
entire scope of his game statistics.

Darth Vader Human Male Sith Lord

Brawn 5

Agility 4

Intellect 3

Cunning 4

Willpower 5

Presence 3

Soak Value [/size]12

W Threshold [/size]30

S Threshold [/size]25

M/R Defense [/size]3/3

Skills: Astrogation 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2,

Coercion 5, Computers 2, Cool 4, Coordination 3,
Discipline 5, Gunnery 4, Knowledge (Core Worlds
2, Lore 4, Outer Rim 3), Leadership 2, Lightsaber
5, Mechanics 4, Melee 3, Perception 3, Piloting
(Planetary 4, Space 4), Resilience 4, Vigilance 4

Talents: Adversary 4, Against All Odds, Crippling

Blow, Fearsome 4, Force Rating 6, Full Throttle,
Intimidating 4, Intuitive Evasion, Intuitive
Improvements, Intuitive Strike, Natural
Blademaster, Parry (Improved) 6, Reflect
(Improved) 6, Resist Disarm, Saber Throw,
Touch of Fate, Tricky Target.

Abilities: Enhance (all upgrades), Foresee (one

Control upgrade), Influence (one Range,
Magnitude, and Control upgrade), Move (all
upgrades), Protect/Unleash (all upgrades), Sense
(all upgrades); Nemesis Combat (Lord Vader
gains an additional action at the end of each
round if engaging multiple opponents, and
spends no Strain to activate Parry or Reflect)

Equipment: Lightsaber (Damage 11; Critical 1;

Engaged; Breach 1, Dual Phase (ignore melee
defense 1/encounter), Sunder, Superior, Vicious
4), Superior Armored Battle Suit (+3 soak, +1
defense; Cortosis; includes breath mask and

Nice. This is very close to how mine has been

shaping up. Although I started building him as a
PC so I could get a feel for where I thought he
should be as a baseline and consequently he's
got a lot higher rating in some areas (e.g. Reflect
and Parry). I suspect our entries are going to
look quite similar, I'm afraid.

Josep Maria and Sarone like this

JRRP Posted August 17, 2015

Nothing wrong with similar results. I like that we
agree on the feel of him in the rules system. I
also debated giving him higher reflect and parry
values, but with his soak, defense rating, and
Adversary talents, it just seemed like overkill.
Okay, more overkill.
84 posts Josep Maria, awayputurwpn and Sarone like this

Angelalex242 Posted August 17, 2015

I would caution that Vader does not have, as I
pointed out, Unleash Mastery, which is
specifically sith lightning. Dooku has it. Sidious
has it. All those Sith Lords who use it have it.
But...Vader, due to cybernetics, does not.

Sarone and Josep Maria like this
231 posts
Angelalex242 Posted August 17, 2015
On 17/08/2015 at 1:59 PM, knasserII

Members On 15/08/2015 at 1:13 AM,

97 Angelalex242 said:
231 posts
Debating adding Seer. Force is my Ally
and natural Mystic seem fitting for the
Chosen One. Then again, the entire
Seer specialization is something he
probably lost on Mustafar.

Was it "seered" away?


More or less. It's canon he lost something

impressive upon entering the suit. The Seer
specialization seems like a good candidate.

Sarone likes this

JRRP Posted August 18, 2015 (edited)

This was too much fun to do. I took another
crack, this time as a PC:

Starting with Episode I, Ani joins the group in

Members medias res and is allowed to build his character
84 posts
using knight level rules.
Anakin Human Male Explorer/Driver/Force
Sensitive Exile

Brawn 2

Agility 3

Intellect 3

Cunning 3

Willpower 3

Presence 2

Soak Value 2

W Threshold 12

S Threshold 15

M/R Defense -/-

Skills: Astrogation 1, Computers 1, Cool 1, Knowledge

(Lore 1, Outer Rim 1), Mechanics 1, Perception 1, Pilot
(Planetary 2, Space 2), Survival 1, Vigilance 1.
[Note: Computers and Vigilance are bonus Human skills]

Talents: All-Terrain Driver, Fine Tuning, Full Throttle,

Gearhead, Rapid Reaction, Skilled Jockey.

Abilities: Force Rating 1; Enhance (Control Upgrades

Coordination, Pilot (Planetary), Pilot (Space))

Equipment: Tool kit, Racing Pod, half-built protocol


Obligation: He starts with Family, taking on an additional

Debt obligation to gain +10 starting xp. He decides that
both he and his mother are slaves to a Toydrian
merchant, partly because he noticed that species in Enter
the Unknown and thought it would be a good fit.

Morality (50): He also chooses his Morality

(Justice/Cruelty), noting that even as a young kid, he
burns to right the injustice of Hutt controlled Tatooine,
but that fervor can sometimes spill over into
unwarranted violence.

Motivation: Ambition Power. As a slave, he wishes to

gain enough strength to never again be at someone
elses mercy.

His first session he meets the other characters, wins a

pod race, and trades his starting equipment to erase his
Obligation since none of the other characters had one.
His Morality improves by 1. He also gains 20xp, from
which he purchases Improved Full Throttle and Uncanny

The second session the group attempt to set Anakin up

with the Jedi Order, effectively gaining him a Mentor and
the ability to purchase Force powers at a discount. The
GM has seen this character already growing into a
troubling prima donna, and wisely opts to focus the
session on another character while the Jedi characters
plan out the Naboo angle. Anakin broods. He gains 15 xp
for an abbreviated session and uses it to pick up Tricky
Target. His Morality improves to 56.

The third session sees Anakin fighting in space, finally

getting to use the bulk of his talents. One of the other
PCs dies, and the arc of the story winds to a successful
conclusion. He receives 20xp for the session, plus an
additional 15xp for the conclusion of the story. His
Morality improves to 66. As he is knocking on the door
of Paragon status, the GM decides that the Jedi Order let
him in. He uses his xp on Toughened, Fine Tuning, and
picks up the Sense basic power at a discount.
Qui-Gons player took the characters death especially
hard and left the group. The GM decides to advance the
story 10 years and give everyone 300xp to mature their
characters. He also allows them to gain an additional
9000 credits of equipment or start with an Illum
equipped lightsaber, which is the option Anakin chooses.
He also convinces the GM to let his Morality start back at
50 for an extra 2,500 credits in gear. He looks like this at
the start of play (beginning of Episode II):

Anakin Human Male Explorer/Driver/Force

Sensitive Exile/Ataru Striker

Brawn 3

Agility 4

Intellect 3

Cunning 3

Willpower 3

Presence 2

Soak Value 4

W Threshold 14

S Threshold 15

M/R Defense 1/1

Skills: Astrogation 2, Computers 1, Cool 2, Gunnery 1,

Knowledge (Lore 1, Outer Rim 1), Lightsaber 1, Mechanics
2, Perception 1, Pilot (Planetary 3, Space 3), Survival 1,
Vigilance 1.
Talents: All-Terrain Driver, Fine Tuning 2, Full Throttle,
Gearhead 2, Improved Full Throttle, Quick Draw, Rapid
Reaction, Sixth Sense, Skilled Jockey, Street Smarts,
Superior Reflexes, Touch of Fate, Tricky Target, Uncanny

Abilities: Force Rating 2; Enhance (Control Upgrades

Coordination, Pilot (Planetary), Pilot (Space)); Sense

Equipment: Lightsaber, Heavy Robes

Morality (50): He also chooses his Morality

(Justice/Cruelty), noting that even as a young kid, he
burns to right the injustice of Hutt controlled Tatooine,
but that fervor can sometimes burn over into
unwarranted violence.

Motivation: Ambition Power. As a slave, he wishes to

gain enough strength to never again be at someone
elses mercy.

The opening session re-introduces the characters, mostly

reusing those from the previous story arc. Anakin
continues his flirtation with Padme, which is far less
creepy now that hes not playing a pre-pubescent
character. He gets in some combat and ends the session
on a cliffhanger outside a bar. He earns 20xp, and his
Morality drops to 49, mostly owing to some dark-side
pip use. He picks up Parry and Jump Up, and uses the
mentor discount to add the basic powers of Influence
and Move.

Next session the cliffhanger is resolved in one roll as Obi-

Wan critical hit the bounty hunter and rolled 00 on the
percentile roll. The characters decide to split the party
with Obi-Wan tracking down leads while Anakin and
Padme bicker. They gain 20xp, Anakins Morality drops
to 47 as he is throwing around dark side pips like theyre
not an issue. He takes a Control upgrade to Sense
(increase attack difficulty) and improves his Lightsaber
skill to 2.
Anakin and Padme spend the next session going to
Tatooine, completely destroying the GMs plan to slowly
build the tension of Anakins dream-visions; as he hastily
throws something together, Anakin keeps responding
violently, ending up slaughtering a village of Tusken
Raiders single-handedly. He gains 20xp for the session,
but his Morality drops to 36 despite rolling a 9. He adds
Ataru Technique and Reflect to his stats and thinks very
hard about his Jedi commitment.

The next session they infiltrate the droid foundry on

Geonosis, fight through the locals only to eventually
succumb to overwhelming numbers. Padme attempts to
negotiate with Dooku to no avail, and they are left in a
dungeon. This session earns them 20xp, and Anakins
Morality goes back up to 44. Anakin picks up an
additional Parry, and adds Conditioned.

Anakin and Padme start the next session professing their

love for one another; the GM points out (repeatedly)
that abandoning the Jedi order will lose Anakin his
Mentor discount on Force Abilities. They go through the
beast fight and somehow manage to win, surprising the
GM. He throws in more battle droids and has the Jedi
order show up as planned, gifting lightsabers to make up
for the ones he took last session. The game ends with
the PCs and surviving Jedi surrounded on the arena floor.
Anakin spends his 20xp on Dodge and Quick Strike.

Full-fledged war is erupting in the next session, against

the wishes of the GM. He is absolutely gob smacked that
the PCs have failed to equate two and two equals Sith.
Instead, he is hoping to bring some kind of conclusion to
the story. Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku, resulting in
criticals, lost limbs, and unhappy players. He gives them
20xp for the session, 15xp for plunging the galaxy into
war, and they have a serious conversation about
continuing the game. Anakins Morality goes back to 50,
and he adds Reflect and Saber Swarm to his character

They decide that Anakins player will GM for a while, and

he runs Anakin as an NPC mentor for the former GMs
Togruta padawan. The game grinds along with battle
upon battle seemingly ending in a constant stalemate.
After 750xp of play, the original game master takes back
over, having recovered enough to try to end the story of
his Chancelor/Sith Lord unsuccessfully attempting to
take over the galaxy.

Anakin has 750xp to spend to get his character back in

line with Obi-Wan and Padme (who has been losing
interest in the game since the GM change). His stats look
like this (beginning of Episode III):

Anakin Human Male Explorer/Driver/Force

Sensitive Exile/Ataru Striker/Niman Disciple

Brawn 4

Agility 5

Intellect 3

Cunning 3

Willpower 4

Presence 2

Soak Value 5

W Threshold 16
S Threshold 16

M/R Defense 3/1

Skills: Astrogation 2, Computers 1, Cool 3, Discipline 2,

Gunnery 2, Knowledge (Lore 2, Outer Rim 2), Leadership
2, Lightsaber 3, Mechanics 2, Negotiation 1, Perception 2,
Pilot (Planetary 3, Space 3), Survival 1, Vigilance 1.

Talents: All-Terrain Driver, Ataru Technique, Conditioned,

Center of Being, Defensive Driving, Defensive Training 2,
Dodge 2, Fine Tuning 2, Full Throttle, Gearhead 2, Hawk
Bat Swoop, Improved Center of Being, Improved Full
Throttle, Jump Up, Master Driver, Niman Technique,
Nobodys Fool, Parry 6, Quick Draw, Quick Strike 2, Rapid
Reaction, Reflect 4, Saber Swarm, Saber Throw, Sense
Emotions, Sixth Sense, Skilled Jockey 2, Street Smarts,
Sum Djem, Superior Reflexes, Supreme Full Throttle,
Touch of Fate, Tricky Target, Uncanny Reactions.

Abilities: Force Rating 3; Enhance (All Upgrades); Sense

(control (attack difficulty), control (current thoughts),
Duration, Strength); Influence; Move (Strength 2, Range
2, control (ranged combat))

Equipment: Lightsaber, Heavy Robes, Cybernetic Arm (+1


Morality (50): He also chooses his Morality

(Justice/Cruelty), noting that even as a young kid, he
burns to right the injustice of Hutt controlled Tatooine,
but that fervor can sometimes burn over into
unwarranted violence.

Motivation: Ambition Power. As a slave, he wishes to

gain enough strength to never again be at someone
elses mercy. [1405xp]

Edited August 18, 2015 by JRRP

Sarone, Ali Mesratep, Silver Crane and 2 others like this

Posted August 18, 2015


You build an Anakin that doesn't specialize in

form 5?

Members Sarone likes this

231 posts

awayputurwpn Posted August 18, 2015 (edited)

On 17/08/2015 at 10:16 PM,
Angelalex242 said:

I would caution that Vader does not have,

as I pointed out, Unleash Mastery, which is
Members specifically sith lightning. Dooku has it.
5,257 Sidious has it. All those Sith Lords who use
4,670 posts it have it. But...Vader, due to cybernetics,
does not.

On 18/08/2015 at 1:43 AM,

Angelalex242 said:


You build an Anakin that doesn't specialize

in form 5?

I can appreciate the desire to hew closely to

canon and apply the specific portion of Legend
that deals with cybernetics and the Force,
combined with game mechanic interpretations.
Let's keep the competition friendly, though, and
save any well-mannered critiques for the voting
period. Everyone is free to apply the game
mechanics as they see them fitting into their
vision of the portrayal of Anakin. Note also that
Legends is an entirely optional source of
inspiration for building, and that the Canon
Anakin Skywalker merely "demonstrated skill in
Form V."

No builds will be disqualified for including any

Unleash upgrades, of course! I would encourage
everyone, of course, to be both reasonable and
thematically appropriate! This is for your own
good; entries that more thematically jive with
popular notion are liable to get more votes

That said, I willpoint out the following:

1. The Protect/Unleash power has two sides of

the coin, and Vader hasbeen seen using Protect
in many sources.

2. Although we don't have a lot of instances of

Vader using Unleash (aka Sith Lightning), there
have been two cases where he utilized a form of
it: In The Force Unleashed II and in Splinter of
the Mind's Eye.

3. Even though his usage of Sith Lightning in

Legends is sporadic at best, he was no stranger
to the technique, since he did train his Secret
Apprentice to harness its power. So one could
argue that he knew all there was to know about
Unleash, but was unable to properly manifest it
without risking his wellbeing.
/nerd generator.

Edited August 18, 2015 by awayputurwpn

Sarone likes this

JRRP Posted August 18, 2015

When looking at Anakin/Vader and trying to get
stats, I did lose a bit of the fluff. Niman was one
thing that did not fit the character growth as I
spent the xp. It is very likely the next tree to add
when playing through the campaign/Episode
84 posts

Looking at all of the source material, Vader can

do almost everything. Frankly, I find that more
than a little boring. With both of these, I was
trying to hit the minimum I could to allow him to
do all the things he did in the movies. With
respect to Protect/Unleash, I was looking at the
Cloud City scene from Empire where he is shot
multiple times and just absorbs it. Would he
generate force lightening? Probably not, but as
noted above it is something he knows how to

One of the reasons I've enjoyed YBtC is that

there are many ways to come to a usable
character. I think my version of Vader would
work in the game I run. Also, the FFG version of
Star Wars seems to be much more streamlined
with respect to NPC stats. That's something I
was trying to follow with the NPC version of

Last point: Luke defeats him. If he has the stats

to be the best at everything with no weaknesses
and without fail, that, in my opinion, does not fit
with the character's use in the story.

Sarone likes this

knasserII Posted August 18, 2015

On 17/08/2015 at 10:16 PM,
Angelalex242 said:

I would caution that Vader does not have,

as I pointed out, Unleash Mastery, which is
Members specifically sith lightning. Dooku has it.
2,548 Sidious has it. All those Sith Lords who use
2,045 posts it have it. But...Vader, due to cybernetics,
does not.

I don't know that this would necessarily be due

to cybernetics. I always read the Force Lightning
as being some manifestation of Force energy,
not just boring old electricity. Besides, do you
know what fairs worse than electric motors and
metal when lightning runs through it? Living
flesh and nerves. It's rather bizarre to suggest
that someone can channel electricity through
their arms because their arms are tissue and
blood and nerve endings rather than mechanical
devices. And aside from inherently being more
resilient, you can actually harden electronics
against this stuff fairly easily if you wish. It's
called a lightning conductor. No, if Vader has no
ability to use Force Lightning I always took that
as some lack within him - either lacking the
knowledge of how to do it (we see from Savage
and Dooku that it's a technique that must be
taught) or simply not having reached the dark,
bottomless levels of hate required to do it.
On 17/08/2015 at 10:39 PM,
Angelalex242 said:

On 17/08/2015 at 1:59 PM,

knasserII said:

On 15/08/2015 at 1:13 AM,

Angelalex242 said:

Debating adding Seer. Force is

my Ally and natural Mystic seem
fitting for the Chosen One. Then
again, the entire Seer
specialization is something he
probably lost on Mustafar.

Was it "seered" away?


More or less. It's canon he lost something

impressive upon entering the suit. The Seer
specialization seems like a good candidate.

It was a pun. "Seared away" means to burn off

the outer layers of something. I was playing on
Sear / Seer and Anakin's little lava bath.

As to having lost something impressive... well

I'm not touching that one with a barge-pole.

Sarone likes this

Angelalex242 Posted August 18, 2015

Yep, he lost something impressive alright. Poor
Padme. Imagine if she'd lived.

231 posts

papy72 Posted August 18, 2015

On 18/08/2015 at 8:59 AM, knasserII

No, if Vader has no ability to use Force

Lightning I always took that as some lack
Members within him - either lacking the knowledge of
157 how to do it (we see from Savage and
235 posts Dooku that it's a technique that must be
taught) or simply not having reached the
dark, bottomless levels of hate required to
do it.

I've always thought that Vader's lack of the use

of Force Lightning was due to him preferring his
Force Choke method. He probably could very
well use it, but why bother when you can just
Skype a random Admiral and kill him without
even leaving the comfort of your quarters?

awayputurwpn likes this

Angelalex242 Posted August 19, 2015 (edited)

I've also decided to submit Anakin Skywalker, as
of Revenge of the Sith.

Anakin is much less skilled, but has more raw

Members potential then his older self, sporting a Force
97 Rating of 8 to Vader's 6. (One higher then
231 posts
Sidious and Yoda, instead of one lower...) He has
most of the same trees, adding Seer and losing
all the extra saber trees. Seer was lost on
Mustafar to explain the FR drop. To Anakin, the
Force is EASY. It's the easiest thing ever. No
wonder he's so arrogant...

Anakin is worth 3600 XP here.

Background: Down and Out. A slave on Tatooine,

he hasn't really transcended that yet.

Obligation: He has two...

Dutybound (To the Jedi Order) and Family (to

Padme). I set both of these at 10

Morality: Like his older self, it's still Love and

Jealousy. Only with Anakin, the wrong one's

As of ROTS, his morality rates about 31

(assuming Dooku's been killed already...)

Due to morality, he had +10 XP

He bought characteristics of Agility 3,

Intelligence 3, Cunning 3, Willpower 3.

Even the 9 year old started Knight Level, and

thus had many specializations in the Pilot Talent
Tree. He also had Piloting Planteary (Pod Race)
and Gunnery (Naboo battle) Note that despite
being every kind of master pilot known, he never
actually had piloting planetary as a career skill.

Species: Human, obviously

His 'human skills' were Lightsaber and

Discipline. Midichlorians off the scale meant he
had great potential to be a jedi before he ever
saw a jedi.
Career: Warrior

First skills of Cool, Perception, Survival

Specialization: Starfighter Ace

First skills of Mechanics, Piloting/Space

Final Stats of Brawn 4 (+1 cybernetic Arm for 5),

Agility 4, Intelligence 4, Cunning 4, Willpower 3,
Presence 3

He started with:

Starfighter Ace: (All of it)

Artisan: (All of it)

Seer: (All of it)

(It's good to be the Chosen One)

Upon joining the Jedi Order....

Shi Cho Knight

Anakin did not master this form, but he did pick

up a good part of it.

He has...

Rank 1: All

Rank 2: All

Rank 3: Quick Draw, Parry, Defensive Training

Rank 4: Natural Blademaster, Improved Parry,

Sum Djem

Rank 5: Center of Being, Durable, Dedication

Shien Expert: All of it. Had it capped out during
the Clone Wars. One of the greatest masters of
this form.

Pathfinder: In place by Geonosis

Rank 1: Grit, Keen Eyed, Forager

Rank 2: Keen Eyed, Outdoorsman

Rank 3: Animal Empathy, Animal Bond

Rank 4: Mental Bond, Force Rating

Protector: In place during Episode 2. Comes of

his absurdly high dedication to protecting
people he cares about...notably Padme.

All of it minus stim pack specializations and

physician. (Anakin was never a healer. But boy
howdy you better not come near his girl)

Aggressor: Not maxed out yet...lacks the second

column of intimidating, terrify, improved terrify,

Force Powers:

Despite his Force Rating of 8, Anakin doesn't

practice nearly as much as he did in the suit.

Bind: Basic, Strength upgrades, Duration

upgrade, Control Strain, Mastery. (He force
chokes Padme. Which means he needs Mastery
and everything leading to it)

Enhance: All of it.

The basic status of the Chosen One. Life is easy
cause 8 force dice help him do everything.

Foresee: Basic, Strength, Control Initiative,

Control Defense

Anakin has honed this just enough to see Padme

dying...and, of course, Combat Applications...


Basic, Range, Magnitude, Control

Emotion/Belief, Control Skills

Control Skills helps him breeze through life

again, as 8 Force Dice help him do all his social


Basic, Strength, Range, Range, Control Hurl,

Control Pull

All that power and not enough skill to use it all...


Basic, Control: Sense thoughts, Control: Upgrade

Difficulty, Duration, Strength, Upgrade Ability

Not as honed as it will be, but he's got the

combat applications down. Also helps him pilot.


Astrogation: 4P 1A -1S (Still a master pilot)

Athletics: 3P 2A -2S 8F (The Force does it all)

Brawl: 1P 4A 8F (The force does even more)

Charm: 1P 2A 8F (The force says Anakin's sexy.

Believe it, Padme!)

Coercion: 2P 1A -1S 8F (The force says Anakin's

scary too. Not nearly as scary as he will be

Computers: 1P 3A (He's okay)

Cool: 3P (Not nearly as Cool as he will be when

voiced by James Earl Jones...)

Coordination: 3P 1A -2S 8F (Anakin squeezes into

and out of tight spots)

Core Worlds: 4A (No, Anakin's not studying this


Deception: 1P 3A -1S 8F (No, I'm not married, I

swear! Really! I've got 8 Force dice to prove it

Discipline: 3P (Just not there yet. Wild power

mostly untamed)

Education: 1P 3A (The Jedi made him study his


Gunnery: 4P 1A (He will blow you up)

Leadership: 1P 2A 8F (Follow me, says the


Lightsaber: 5P (One does not pwn Count Dooku

with anything less)

Lore: 1P 3A (Anakin only wants to study Padme,

not stuffy old teachings)

Mechanics: 4P 1A (Anakin fixes everything. And

then upgrades it. Twice.)

Medicine: 1P 3A (Wartime training made him do


Melee: 1P 4A (Not his cup of tea)

Negotiation: 3A 8F (Let's make a deal, says the

Outer Rim: 1P 3A (He grew up on Tatooine.)

Perception: 4P 1A -3S (Anakin sees you...)

Piloting Planetary: 4P 1A -2S 8F (Anakin is the

best pilot ever)

Piloting Space: 4P 1A -2S 8F(Anakin is still the

best pilot ever)

Ranged Heavy: 4A (Like he's gonna shoot a gun)

Ranged Light: 1P 3A (Forced into it)

Resilience: 5P 8F (Anakin is TOUGH. Really really

tough, says the Force)

Skulduggery: 1P 3A (Not his strong suit)

Stealth: 4A (Not so sneaky)

Streetwise: 1P 3A -1S (Grew up a slave)

Survival: 2P 2A (Grew up a slave on a desert)

Underworld: 4A -1S (Between Jabba's

homeworld and Tusken Raiders...)

Vigilance: 3P 1A 2B -3S (Anakin goes first.


Xenology: 4A (Who cares?)

Warfare: 1P 3A (Clone Wars forced him to learn)


Cybernetic Mod V Arm (+1 Brawn)

Thermal Cloak (Outer robe of the jedi uniform)


Deflector Shield (fluffed as Force Defense)

Armored Robe:

Intuitive Improvements gives him 4 Hard Points:

(While these look mechanical, fluffed, they're
attributed to the Force)

Enhanced Optics Suite (+1 Vigilance)

Removes 2 Setback dice from many

perception/villgiance/suveillance checks

Omniscan 3 Integrated Scanner (+1 Perception)

General Purpose Scanner, and 1B to detect

hidden enemies

Threat Monitor: Adds 3 advantages to initiative

checks and a quick strike talent

Superior Armor Customization: (Superior Armor

+1 Soak)

Lightsaber: (Intuitive Improvements gives it 7

hard points. Remember, Luke has this 7 hard
point Lightsaber till he loses it on Bespin!)

Damage 12, Critical 1, Breach 1, Vicious 3,

Superior (Defensive 2 from defensive training

Ilum Crystal (fully modded), Extended Hilt (fully

modded), Dual Phase function, Superior Hilt


Grit 12 (Starfighter Ace 2+2 Artisan+2 Seer+2

Protector+Pathfinder+Aggressor 2+Shien Expert)

Solid Repairs 5 (Starfighter Ace 2+3 Artisan)

Skilled Jockey 2 (Starfighter Ace 2)

Rapid Reaction 4 (Starfighter Ace 2+Seer 2)

Intuitive Evasion 2 (Starfighter Ace 2)

Galaxy Mapper (Not ranked)

Full Throttle (Not Ranked)

Intuitive Strike (Not Ranked)

Touch of Fate (Not Ranked)

Exhaust Port (Not ranked)

Tricky Target (Not ranked)

Dedication 6 (1 Starfighter Ace+Artisan+Shi Cho

Knight+Shien Expert+Protector+Aggressor)

Force Rating 7 (1 Starfighter Ace+Artisan+2


Fine Tuning 2 (2 Artisan)

Inventor 1 (1 Artisan)

Defensive Slicing 2 (2 Artisan)

Technical Aptitude 1 (1 Artisan)

Imbue Item (Not Ranked)

Natural Tinkerer (Not Ranked)

Mental Fortress (Not Ranked)

Comprehend Technology (Not Ranked)

Master Artisan (Not Ranked)

Intuitive Improvements (Not Ranked)

Uncanny Reactions 2 (Seer 2)

Expert Tracker 1 (Seer 1)

Keen Eyed 3 (Seer 1+Pathfinder 2)

Toughened 8 (Seer 2+Shii Cho Knight

1+Protector 2+Aggressor 2+Shien Expert)

Forewarning 1 (Seer 1)

Dodge (Seer 1)

Forager (Not Ranked)

Sense Danger (Not Ranked)

Pre Emptive Avoidance (Not Ranked)

Sense Advantage (Not Ranked)

The Force is my Ally (Not Ranked)

Natural Mystic (Not Ranked)

Parry 6 (3 Shii Cho Knight+2 Shien Expert+1


Second Wind 2 (Shii Cho Knight 2)

Conditioned 2 (Shii Cho Knight 1+Shien Expert 1)

Defensive Training 2 (Shii Cho Knight 1+Shien

Expert 1)

Center of Being 3 (Shii Cho Knight 1+2 Protector)

Durable 2 (Shii Cho Knight 2)

Multiple Opponents (Not Ranked)

Quick Draw (Not Ranked)

Sum Djem (Not Ranked)

Natural Blademaster (Not Ranked)

Improved Parry (Not Ranked)

Reflect 4 (Protector 1+Shien Expert 3)

Bodyguard 2 (Protector 2)

Force Protection 2 (Protector 2)

Heightened Awareness (Not Ranked)

Circle of Shelter (Not Ranked)

Improved Bodyguard (Not ranked)

Outdoorsman 1 (Pathfinder)

Animal Empathy (Not Ranked)

Animal Bond (Not Ranked)

Mental Bond (Not Ranked)

Plausible Deniability 1 (Aggressor)

Intimidating 1 (Aggressor)

Fearsome 2 (Aggressor)

Prey on the Weak 2 (Aggressor)

Crippling Blow (Not Ranked)

Heroic Fortitude (Not Ranked)

Against All Odds (Not Ranked)

Street Smarts 1 (Shien Expert 1)

Defensive Stance (Shien Expert 1)

Shien Technique (Not Ranked)

Counterstrike (Not Ranked)

Djem So Deflection (Not Ranked)

Improved Reflect (Not Ranked)

Supreme Reflect (Not Ranked)

Saber Throw (Not Ranked)

Disruptive Strike (Not Ranked)

Quick Strike 1 (Robe Mod)

Wound 28 Strain 26 Ranged Defense 2, Melee

Defense 4, Soak 8

(Parry 6, Reflect 4)

Anakin has parry enough to parry the beefiest

lightsaber buildable. His reflect should serve
against most guns.

He has Durable 2 and Center of Being 3 to deal

with crits.

Heroic Fortitude and Against all Odds describe

Mustafar pretty well.
Force is my Ally and Natural Mystic, along with
Force Rating 8, describes the casual ease with
which the Force comes to him.

Luke will very much appreciate having his dad's

7 hard point Lightsaber (up till Bespin, anyway...)

So, who'd win in a fight between Vader and


In Space, Anakin. He's got more Dex and more

Force Die to commit to Starfighter Ace abilities
and Sense.

On the ground, Vader. Anakin's extra force dice

to commit won't save him from all the extra
forms and Force upgrades Vader has.

Edited August 28, 2015 by Angelalex242

awayputurwpn Posted August 20, 2015

Hey all, we are 10 days out from the
deadline for builds...

Post them up while you still can!
4,670 posts

awayputurwpn Posted August 27, 2015

Friendly reminder...

Less than 3 days left to build, folks!

4,670 posts

Jedi Ronin Posted August 29, 2015

Darth Vader [Nemesis]

B: 6 A: 3 I: 4 C: 5 W:6 P: 3

Wound: 40 Strain: 35 Soak (Cortosis): 9 Defense:

687 Fear: 3 red, 2 purple
919 posts

Coercion 3, Cool 3, Discipline 5, Leadership 2,

Lightsaber 5, Lore 3, Mechanics 4, Perception 2,
Pilot (both) 4, Resilience 3, Vigilance 3

Force Rating: 5 Dark Side Paragon

Bind: Magnitude 2, Strength 2, Duration,


Enhance: All Upgrades

Foresee: Strength 2, Duration 2

Move: Range 3, Strength 3, Magnitude 2, Control

(attack), Control (disarm, secure objects),
Control (fine manipulation)

Sense: Control (sense thoughts), Range 2


Adversary 5, Nobody's Fool 2, Falling Avalanche,

Sum Djem, Reflect (improved) 7, Parry
(improved) 7, Against All Odds, Tricky Target,
Skilled Jockey 3, Durable 3

Lightsaber (Damage: 11, Crit 1, Vicious 3, Sunder,
Breach 1, Superior)

Armored Robes (Soak 3, Defense 1, Superior.


Col. Orange likes this

awayputurwpn Posted August 29, 2015

Less than a day left on this!

4,670 posts

Alisair Longreach Posted August 30, 2015

Anakin Skywalker

Human Male Sentinel

Specializations: Artisan, Driver
115 posts

Background: This is Anakin the boy at the start

of Phantom Menace created as a starting
character with 40 earned xp spent on upgrading
skills. According to some Dark Horse comics
Anakin had a couple adventures before he met
Qi-Gon Jinn.

Attributes: all 2, he is just a little boy.


Computers 2

Deception 1

Knowledge (Education) 1, his mother

homeschooled him

Mechanics 3

Perception 1

Pilot (Planetary) 3

Streetwise 1


Solid Repairs

Fine Tuning

Mental Tools

Full Throttle

All-Terrain Driver



Skilled Jockey

Force Powers:

Foresee basic

Sense basic

Obligation: Family +10

Morality: 50
Equipment: Ragged clothes, tools.

Josep Maria likes this

Jedi Ronin Posted August 30, 2015 (edited)

Anakin Skywalker (Episode III)

Human Male Sentinel: Shein Expert, Starfighter

687 B: 3 A: 3 I: 2 C:4 W: 3 P:2
919 posts Wound: 15
Strain: 13

Athletics 1
Cool 1
Discipline 2
Lightsaber 4
Mechanics 3
Pilot (Space) 3
Pilot (Planet) 2
Resilience 1
Skullduggery 1
Stealth 1
Vigilance 1
Perception 1

Shien Expert Talents:

Reflect 2
Parry 2
Street Smarts
Shien Technique
Djem So Defense
Defensive Stance
Falling Avalanche
Straighter Ace Talents:
Skilled Jockey
Rapid Reaction
Touch of Fate
Intuitive Strike
Force Rating
Tricky Target

Force Powers [FR: 2]

Enhance: Control (leap horizontal), Control (leap
vertical), Range
Foresee: Strength 2, Duration 2
Move: Range 1, Strength 1, Control (attack)
Sense: Control (commit FD defense), Duration,
Strength, Control (commit FD attack)

XP: 660 (after character creation)

Edited August 30, 2015 by Jedi Ronin

Josep Maria likes this

Jedi Ronin Posted August 30, 2015

I'm going to try to sneak in a low XP build of
Anakin Skywalker later today...when exactly is
the cut off?

919 posts

Angelalex242 Posted August 30, 2015

8am PST on Sunday, August 30th (4pm August
30 GMT) to enter/edit your builds, after which
entries will be closed. Any entries edited after
the deadline will be disqualified.

Members So your Anakin build is an hour late and thus

97 disqualified.
231 posts

Jedi Ronin Posted August 30, 2015

Oh well.

919 posts

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