Grafting Techniques Using Water Media With Addition of Plant Growth Regulator Auxin Indole Butyric Acid ON ROSE APPLE PLANT (Syzygium Aqueum)

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ON ROSE APPLE PLANT (Syzygium aqueum)

Sukma Ayu Wedayanti



YEAR 2016/2017

Sukma Ayu Wedayanti 2015; NIM. 11462010092; Grafting Techniques Using

Water Media with addition of plant growth regulator Auxin Indole Butyric
Acid on Plant Jambu Air (Syzygium aqueum); 35 pages; Biological Studies
Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
PGRI Banyuwangi. Advisor: (I) drh. Arya Mahdi, M.Sc., (II) Drs. Agus
Sufadjari, M.Pd

Keywords: Cashew water, grafts, hormone Auxin Indole Butyric Acid

Rose Apple plant is one of the commodities that are important fruits as
ingredients of non-oil exports were able to increase the income of farmers and the
source of state revenue. Rose Apple plant propagation water can be propagated in
generative and vegetative. One of vegetative propagation technique is graft. More
and more land narrowing raises various planting techniques to limited land. The
author conducted research alternative planting medium that is easy to grow, fast,
and inexpensive for use in transplant techniques and the use of implantation
This study is to determine the length and number of root growth in Rose
Apple plant graft (Syzygium aqueum). Conducted using completely randomized
design (CRD) with 2 treatment that uses water media with the control treatment
(addition of auxin Indole Butiryc Acid concentrations of 0 ppm) and the addition
of auxin Indole Butiryc Acid 18 ppm concentration.
Results Fingerprint Car (ANOVA) showed that the treatment
significantly different from the control at significance level of 5% with the
addition of auxin treatment IBA 18 ppm. Variety Fingerprint analysis results show
the value of F calculated on an analysis of the root length of graft amounting to
455.4 which is greater than the F table 7.71. Root length growth graft in 56 (week
8) HSP reached 20.50 cm. At the highest root length control treatment only 9.70 at
56 (week 8) HSP.
Results of analysis of variance on the number of root grafts showed
significant difference. F count against the number of root grafts is 105.81 which is
greater than the F table 7.71. Growth in the number of root grafting on HSP 56
using the medium of water with 18 ppm IBA treatment showed growth in the
number of roots as much as 18.00 and the control treatment just as much as 7:00.
Rose Apple plant is one of the commodities that are important fruits as
ingredients of non-oil exports were able to increase farmers' income and the
source of state revenue. Rose Apple is greatly enhanced potential as a commercial
fruit because it tastes sweet refreshing, contains a lot of water as a thirst-
quenching, and also contain nutrients that are complete enough (Bambang, 2010).
Rose Apple plant propagation can be propagated in generative and vegetative.
Grafting is commonly called the air layerage is a vegetative propagation has been
done since then and includes breeding techniques oldest in the world.
Breeding with these techniques are selected based on certain considerations
like to get a new plant that has superior properties are exactly the same as its
parent, including resistance to disease, the taste of fruit (for fruit trees), the beauty
of flowers and so on. In addict the resulting seedlings will have the same genetic
makeup with its parent (Rini, 1997).
Nowadays due to the narrowing of land increasingly led to various planting
techniques for the limited land. One that has been developed and popular fruit
crops on lands cramped urban areas are fruit trees in pots (tabulampot).
In this study the authors tried grafting using water media. The author chose
the medium of water as an alternative media graft a new addition to the media in
general (like straw or soil and compost) because of the nature of water that easily
dissolves nutrients and neutral so as to facilitate the growth of root grafts if used
on crops gummy concentrated (guava, mangosteen, durian), In addition the use of
water is cheaper and simpler.
At planting tabulampot, in woody plants that have adapted to life on
land, such as oranges, guava, or mango, these plants cannot be planted directly in
aqueous media, in a few days the leaves will fall and root rot. It is necessary for
vegetative propagation techniques in this graft with water media so that the roots
of plants are adapted to grow in the water since the beginning. Then, the expected
level of success in the higher grafting technique can simultaneously produce fruit
plants in a hydroponic pot (farming using water). Transplantation with water
media used in this study were given the control treatment (without addition IBA)
and the addition of 18 ppm treatment plant growth regulator auxin type of IBA
(Indole Butiryc Acid) which is the root of hormone growth promoters.
The formulation of the problem are how long growth and the number of root
grafting using water planting medium with the control treatment (without addition
IBA) and with the addition of 18 ppm in the water rose plants?
The research purposes are to determine the root length growth of the graft
using a planting medium water with the control treatment (without addition IBA)
IBA PGR and with the addition of 18 ppm in water guava plants.
The hypothesis are :
1. H1: There is a difference in the length and amount of root growth graft
using a planting medium water with the control treatment (without
addition IBA) and with the addition of 18 ppm of plant growth regulator
2. H0: There is no difference in the length and amount of root growth graft
using a planting medium water with the control treatment (without
addition IBA) and with the addition of 18 ppm of plant growth regulator
In the science of Rose Apple plant are classified as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
Division: Spermatophyta (seed plants)
Class: Dycotyledone (dashed two)
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Syzygium
Species: Syzygium aqueum Burn (Bambang, 2010)
Rose Apple plant has a stem that is clearly visible, round rod shape, woody
(lignosus), upright, rough skin, strong, blackish brown stems, and has branching
stems simpodial is the main branch is difficult to determine because it is difficult
to distinguish from its branches. Directions to grow the stem upright and some are
horizontal (Rahma, 2012)
Advantages nursery with graft technique:
1. Production and fruit quality will be exactly the same as the parent plant
2. Plant origin grafts could be grown on land that lies groundwater is high or in
a fish pond dike.
3. Faster produce fruit that is 4 years compared with the newly planted seeds
that bear fruit at the age of 5 years
4. Time used for relatively short breeding 1-3 months (Rini, 1997)
Losses nursery with graft technique:
1. In a drought resistant plant does not dry
2. Plant easy to collapse when there are strong winds because it is not stable
because coleoptile rooted in dicotyledonous plants there are two, one is used
for upward growth into trunks and another grown downwards into a taproot.
If the graft technique is used to grow on the roots of undue (not the stem)
3. Cant do large-scale (Rini, 1997)
Good condition graft media are: light weight, can save water with a long
(humidity), easily penetrated root grafts, contains a lot of nutrients, and easy to
obtain (Zaki, 2011)
The benefits and functions of water for the plant are so numerous, are as
Water as one of the compounds in the formation of protoplasm
As a solvent for the entry of minerals from the soil to plants
To process the metabolic reactions of plants
To reactants in some amount of backlash on metabolism, for example in the
tricarboxylic acid cycle
For the hydrogen-producing material in the process of photosynthesis
To keep turgiditas on cells and for producing mechanical power on the
enlargement process of a cell
To set up a mechanism for opening and closing movement of stomata in
For the extension of plant cells
To assist the ongoing respiration (Andini, 2012
Auxin stimulates cell enlargement function, chromosomal DNA synthesis,
as well as longitudinal root growth of plants, the use to stimulate root growth in
cutting or graft. The physiological role of auxin is to encourage cell renewal, cell
division, differentiation of xylem and phloem tissue, formation of roots, and
flowering in Bromeliaceae. The role of auxin in tissue culture activity is well
known as the hormone that is capable of acting induce callus (Zaki, 2011)
Physiologists have examined the effect of auxin in the process of
establishing a common root, which helps balancing the growth of the root system
and canopy systems. There is strong evidence that auxin of the stem is very
influential in the early growth of the roots. When the young leaves and buds (rich
in auxin) trimmed the number of root formation reduced side (Sridianti, 2015)
Auxin also spur the development of wild roots on the stem. Many woody
species (apples) has formed primordia first wild roots in the trunk, which
remained hidden for some time, and only when stimulated by auxin plant.
Primodia is often found in the bottom node or branch, between nodes. Areas like
the trunks of apple each containing up to 100 primodia roots. Even without
primodia root stems formed earlier, will be able to produce wild roots of division
outer layer of phloem (Sridianti, 2015)
Besides the size and age of the stem, the media is also a great effect on the
formation of root grafts. Root grafts can grow well when the medium has good
aeration and able to provide sufficient moisture. Additionally medium temperature
should not be too high. The addition of organic matter in the media can improve
the success of transplant grafts and increase the number of roots formed (Hans,
This research was conducted at the Forum Observer Horticulture
Banyuwangi in Banyuwangi, East Java Province with a daily average temperature
25-30oC for 2 months from May to June 2015.
Selected branches that are not too big and not too small with a diameter of about 2-3 cm brown

Branches grafted using grafting techniques sides are divided into two branches cut 5-6 cm below th

The mixture of water and hormone auxin IBA at a concentration of 18 ppm inclusion in a 250 gram p

Plastics contain bound water media from falling and the water did not come out then the treatment was repe
Observations were made at the time of transplant was 14, 28, 42, and 56
HSP (Days After Planting), the results observed parameter is the length and
number of roots at 14, 28, 42, and 56 HSP (Days After Planting).
Data were taken on days 14, 28, 42, and 56 HSP (Day After Treatment) with
a variable length and number of root grafts. Following the observed data:
Table 4.1. Data Observations Long Roots
Repeat Amount Average

H14M1 1.00 1.20 2.30 4.50 1.50

H14M2 3.40 2.80 2.10 8.30 2.77
H28M1 3.50 3.90 4.90 12.30 4.10
H28M2 7.30 6.20 6.90 20.40 6.80
H42M1 6.50 6.70 7.50 20.70 6.90
H42M2 13.10 10.90 11.30 35.30 11.77
H56M1 9.70 9.90 10.60 30.20 10.10
H56M2 20.50 17.10 17.90 55.50 18.50
Amount 65.00 58.70 63.50 187.20 62.44
Average 8.12 7.33 7.93 23.40 7.80
Information :
H14: 14 Days After Treatment
M1: Media Air with Indole Butyric Acid Treatment Without
M2: Media Air with Addition of Indole Butyric Acid Treatment 18 ppm
(Hereinafter the same just different numbers)

Table 4.2. Data Observations Total Root

Repeat Amount Average
H14M1 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 1.33
H14M2 3.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 3.33
H28M1 2.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 2.33
H28M2 7.00 4.00 5.00 16.00 5.33
H42M1 5.00 6.00 3.00 14.00 4.67
H42M2 13.00 9.00 9.00 31.00 10.33
H56M1 7.00 7.00 6.00 20.00 6.66
H56M2 18.00 12.00 13.00 43.00 14.33
Amount 56.00 45.00 145.00 145 48.31
Average 7.00 5.62 5.50 18.12 6.03
Information :
H14: 14 Days After Treatment
M1: Media Air with Indole Butyric Acid Treatment Without
M2: Media Air with Addition of Indole Butyric Acid Treatment 18 ppm
(Hereinafter the same just different numbers)
After collecting further data analysis using a statistical method completely
randomized design (CRD). Then the data included in Table ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance). From the analysis of data showed that grafting using water planting
medium with the addition of plant growth regulator Indole Butyric Acid
significantly affect root length graft on guava plants. Following the calculation of
a long analysis of root grafts:
Table 4.3. Counting Long Root Graft
Treatment Repeat Total Average
M1 20.70 21.70 25.30 67.70 22.60
M2 44.30 37.00 38.20 119.50 39.80
Total Average 93.60 62.40

Table 4.4. Variety Fingerprint analysis (ANOVA) of the root length

Transplantation Using Air Media
SK dB jK Kt F hit F tab (5%)
Perlakuan 1 4.827,6 4.827,6 455,4* 7,71
Galat 4 42,4 10,6
Table 4.5. Quantification Root Graft

Treatment Ulangan Total Rerata

M1 15.00 18.00 12.00 45.00 15.00
M2 41.00 27.00 32.00 100.00 33.33
Rata-rata total 72.50 48.33

Table 4.6. Variety Fingerprint analysis (ANOVA) of the number of roots

Transplantation Using Air Media
SK dB JK KT F hit F tab (5%)

Perlakuan1 3.132,2 3.132,2 105,81* 7,71

Galat 4 118,7 29,6
In the analysis of statistical data above shows that the growth of root grafts
water rose significantly different between the use of water treatment media control
(without addition IBA) with the addition of media use water treatment plant
growth regulator Indole Butyric Acid 18 ppm. This is because the use of IBA
proper dose can trigger the growth of root grafts than without the addition of IBA.
The use of plant growth regulator on transplantation serves to increase the
levels of natural plant growth regulator that is already there in a plant but only in
small quantities. It required the addition of PGR synthetic grafts to stimulate root
growth for faster and more results are obtained. Forming substances are rooting
auxin. Auxin is a plant hormone as indolasetat that serves to stimulate cell
enlargement, chromosomal DNA synthesis, as well as the longitudinal axis of
growth of plants, the use to stimulate root growth in stekan or graft. Auxin is often
used to stimulate root growth and as an active ingredient often used in the
preparation of commercial horticulture, especially for roots and stems.
Auxin is used is the type of IBA because it is more stable chemical
properties and mobility in the plant so it does not spread to other parts of the plant
and only trigger the growth of roots in the area around the wound so it does not
affect the growth of other parts (Yustina, 2004)
Length of root growth with the addition of plant growth regulator auxin IBA
drastically seen at 28 days after treatment which reach the highest root length and
7.30 cm in the control treatment only 3.50 cm. Data are shown in Table 2. The
growth of root length increased in 42 of HSP reached 13.10 cm and the 56 HSP
reached 20.50 cm. At the highest root length control treatment only 6.50 cm at 42
HSP and 9.70 at 56 HSP.
The addition of the IBA in aqueous media has a positive effect on increasing
the number of root grafts. Data can be seen in Table 3, where the growth in the
number of significant visible from 28 HSP. The amount of graft roots that grow in
water media by treatment with the addition of 18 ppm IBA increased to 7:00 and
3:00 only control treatment. Starting 42 HSP number of roots in water media with
the addition of IBA water reached 13:00 and media control treatments as much as
6:00. At 56 HSP water medium with 18 ppm IBA treatment increased the number
of roots again as much as 18.00 and control as much as 7:00
The use of water planting medium in this study serves to condition the root
grafts to adapt in an environment with high moisture content if it will be planted
in hydroponic media. In addition to trying the new media that are cheaper, faster
and easier to grafting techniques. Because as the population increase led to
increased little land available for growing fruit. Techniques have been developed
at this time that fruit trees in pots (tabulampot) provide a solution to the
limitations of the land.
In the end, the grafting using water planting media, alternative media community
will get a new, faster and cheaper both for grafting and planting tabulampot.

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