Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 FEA - Training Book

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This course will introduce you to the analysis products available

within the Autodesk Simulation Mechanical software. These
capabilities include static stress with linear material models, heat
transfer, and linear dynamics analyses. The course will focus
exclusively on models originating from CAD solid modeling programs.
You will learn the various meshing options available for creating solid
and plate elements. The available load and constraint options for
each of the covered analysis types will also be presented. You will
learn how to evaluate the results of the analyses and how to create
presentations of the results, including images, animations and HTML


Learn about linear material models

Learn about linear dynamics analyses

Learn about the Mesh capabilities

What is
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computerized method for predicting
how a real-world object will react to forces, heat, vibration, etc. in terms
of whether it will break, wear out or function according to design. It is
called "analysis", but in the product design cycle it is used to predict
what will happen when the product is used.

The finite element method works by breaking a real object down into a
large number (1,000s or 100,000s) of elements (imagine little cubes).
The behavior of each element, which is regular in shape, is readily
predicted by a set of mathematical equations. The computer then adds
up all the individual behaviors to predict the behavior of the actual

The "finite" in finite element analysis comes from the idea that there
are a finite number of elements in the model. The structure is
discretized and is not based on a continuous solution. In any discrete
method, the finer the increments, or elements, the more precise is the
solution. Previously, engineers employed integral and differential
calculus, which broke objects down into an infinite number of elements.

The finite element method is employed to predict the behavior of

objects with respect to virtually all physical phenomena:

Mechanical stress (stress analysis)

Mechanical vibration (dynamics)

Heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation (Not covered in this

Fluid flow - both liquid and gaseous fluids (Not covered in this

Electrostatic or MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) (Not

covered in this course)

Basic FEA Concepts will be covered in this document.
Nodes and Elements
A node is a coordinate location in space where the degrees of
freedom (DOFs) are defined. The DOFs of a node represent the
possible movements of this point due to the loading of the structure.
The DOFs also represent which forces and moments are transferred
from one element to the next. Also, deflection and stress results are
usually given at the nodes.

An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the DOFs of

one node relate to the next. Elements can be lines (beams or trusses),
2-D areas, 3-D areas (plates) or solids (bricks and tetrahedra). The
mathematical relation also defines how the deflections create strains
and stresses.

Degrees of Freedom
The degrees of freedom at a node characterize the response and
represent the relative possible motion of a node.

The type of element being used will characterize which DOFs a

node will require.

Some analysis types have only one DOF at a node. An example of

this is temperature in a thermal analysis.

A structural beam element, on the other hand, would have all of the
DOFs shown in the image below. T represents Translational
movement and R represents Rotational movement about
the X, Y and Z axis directions, resulting in a maximum of six degrees
of freedom.
Element Connectivity Conventional Bonding
Elements can only communicate to one another via common nodes. In
the left half of the images below, forces will not be transferred between
the elements. Elements must have common nodes to transfer loads
from one to the next, such as in the right half of the images below.

Element Connectivity "Smart Bonding"

With the introduction of "Smart Bonding" it is now possible to connect
adjacent parts to each other without having to match the meshes (i.e.,
common nodes at part boundaries are no longer mandatory). This
feature is available for both CAD and hand-built models and is
applicable to the following analysis types:

Static Stress with Linear Material Models

Natural Frequency (Modal)

Transient Stress (Direct Integration)

The image below is a pictorial example of two adjacent parts that may
be connected via smart bonding. Smart bonding is disabled by default
for both new and legacy models (that is, those created prior to
implementation of the smart bonding feature). The option may be
changed within the Contact tab of the Analysis Parameters dialog
box. Note that where nodal coordinates fall within the default or user-
specified tolerance of each other, they will be matched in the
conventional manner. Other nodes along the bonded surfaces or
edges those at a relative distance greater than the tolerance will
be connected by means of multipoint constraint equations (MPCs).
Also note that the Use virtual imprinting option within
the Model dialog box of the mesh settings options will minimize the
likelihood that smart bonding will be needed or will occur for CAD-
based assemblies. This option attempts to imprint smaller parts on
larger parts where they meet, forcing them to have identical meshes.

Types of Elements
The actual supported and calculated DOFs are dependent upon the
type of element being used. A node with translational DOFs can move
in the corresponding directions and can transmit/resist the
corresponding forces. A node with rotational DOFs can rotate about
the corresponding axes and can transmit/resist the corresponding

Briefly, the general element types are as follows (more details will be
given in later chapters):

Line elements: A line connecting 2 nodes (such as beams, trusses,

springs, thermal rods, and others).

2-D elements: YZ-planar elements that are triangular or

quadrilateral (3 or 4 lines enclosing an area).

3-D plates or shells: Planar or nearly planar elements in 3-D space.

Each must be triangular or quadrilateral and they represent a thin part
with a specified thickness.

Brick (solid) elements: Must be enclosed volumes with 4, 5, or 6

faces (triangular and/or quadrilateral) and with 4, 5, 6 or 8 corner
DOFs for element types:
Truss: Translation in X, Y and Z.

Beam: Both translation and rotation in X, Y and Z.

2-D: Translation in Y and Z.

Plate: Five degrees of freedom out-of-plane rotation is not


Brick: Translation in X, Y and Z.

Overview: The actual supported and calculated DOFs are dependent upon the type
of element being used. A node with translational DOFs can move in the
corresponding directions and can transmit/resist the corresponding forces. A node
with rotational DOFs can rotate about the corresponding axes and can transmit/resist
the corresponding moments.

Types of Elements
Briefly, the general element types are as follows (more details will be given in
later unit):
Line elements:
A line connecting 2 nodes (such as beams, trusses, springs, thermal rods,
and others).

2-D elements:

YZ-planar elements that are triangular or quadrilateral (3 or 4 lines enclosing

an area).

3-D plates or shells:

Planar or nearly planar elements in 3-D space. Each must be triangular or

quadrilateral and they represent a thin part with a specified thickness.

Brick (solid) elements:

Must be enclosed volumes with 4, 5, or 6 faces (triangular and/or
quadrilateral) and with 4, 5, 6 or 8 corner nodes.

DOFs for element types:

The following is a brief description on the Degrees Of Freedom for different
element types.

Translation in X, Y and Z.


Both translation and rotation in X, Y and Z.

Translation in Y and Z

Five degrees of freedom out-of-plane rotation is not considered.

Translation in X, Y and Z.

Beam Elements

LIKE (0)

A beam element is a slender structural member that offers resistance to forces and bending under
applied loads. A beam element differs from a truss element in that a beam resists moments (twisting
and bending) at the connections.
These three node elements are formulated in three-dimensional space. The element geometry
specifies the first two nodes (I-node and J-node). The third node (K-node) is used to orient each beam
element in 3D space (see Figure 1). A maximum of three translational degrees-of-freedom and three
rotational degrees-of-freedom are defined for beam elements (see Figure 2). Three orthogonal forces
(one axial and two shears) and three orthogonal moments (one torsion and two bending) are
calculated at each end of each element. Optionally, the maximum normal stresses produced by
combined axial and bending loads are calculated. Uniform inertia loads in three directions, fixed-end
forces, and intermediate loads are the basic element based loadings.
Figure 1: Beam Elements

Figure 2: Beam Element Degrees-of-Freedom

Note: The mass moment of inertia about the longitudinal axis, I1, is approximated for beam elements.
Specifically, the HRZ lumping method is used to generate a lumped mass matrix from the consistent
mass matrix. The total translational mass of an element is preserved, while the rotational mass is
For rotation about axes 2 and 3, only the mR2 effect is considered, where R is the distance from the
rotation point to the element. The mass moments of inertia, I2 and I3, are calculated based on the
slender rod formula (I2 = I3 = ML2/12).
The three mass moments of inertia only impact Natural Frequency (Modal) and Natural Frequency
(Modal) with Load Stiffening analyses."

Use Beam Elements When

The length of the element is much greater than the width or depth.
The element has constant cross-sectional properties.
The element must be able to transfer moments.
The element must be able to handle a load distributed across its length.

Part, Layer, and Surface Properties for Beam Elements

The following table describes what controls the part, layer, and surface properties for beams.
Part Number Material properties and stress-free reference temperature

Layer Number Cross-sectional properties

Surface Number Orientation

Beam Element Orientation

Most beams have a strong axis of bending and a weak axis of bending. Beam members are
represented as a line, and a line is an object with no inherent orientation of the cross section. So,
there must be a method of specifying the orientation of the strong or weak axis in three-dimensional
space. The surface number of the line controls this orientation.
More specifically, the surface number of the line creates a point in space, called the K-node. The two
ends of the beam element (the I- and J-nodes) and the K-node form a plane as shown in the following
image. The local axes define the beam elements. Axis 1 is from the I-node to the J-node. Axis 2 lies in
the plane formed by the I-, J- and K-nodes. Axis 3 is formed by the right-hand rule. With the element
axes set, the cross-sectional properties A, Sa2, Sa3, J1, I2, I3, Z2, and Z3 can be entered
appropriately in the Element Definition dialog box.

Axis 2 Lies in the Plane of the I-, J-, and K-nodes

For example, the following image shows part of two models, each containing a W10x45 I-beam. Both
members have the same physical orientation. The webs are parallel. However, the analyst chose to
set the K-node above the beam element in model A and to the side of the beam element in model B.
Even though the cross-sectional properties are the same, the moment of inertia about axis 2 (I 2 ) and
the moment of inertia about axis 3 (I 3 ) must be entered differently.

Enter Cross-Sectional Properties Appropriate for Beam Orientations

The following table shows where the K-node occurs for various surface numbers. The first choice
location is where the K-node is created provided the I-, J-, and K-nodes form a plane. If the beam
element is colinear with the K-node, then a unique plane cannot be formed. In this case, the second
choice location is used for that element.
Correlation of Surface Number and K-Node (Axis 2 Orientation)
Surface Number First Choice K-node Location

1 1E14 in +Y

2 1E14 in +Z

3 1E14 in +X

4 1E14 in -Y

5 1E14 in -Z

6 1E14 in -X

You can change the surface number, hence the default orientation. Select the beam elements use
the Selection Select Lines command and right-click in the display area. Select the Edit
Attributes command and change the value in the Surface: field.
In some situations, a global K-node location may not be suitable. In this case, select the beam
elements in the FEA Editor environment using the Selection Select Lines command and
right-click in the display area. Select the Beam Orientations New.. command. Type in the X,
Y, and Z coordinates of the K-node for these beams. To select a specific node in the model, click the
vertex, or enter the vertex ID in the ID field. A blue circle appears at the specified coordinate. The
following image shows an example of a beam orientation that needs the origin defined as the k-node.

Skewed Beam Orientation

The direction of axis 1 can be reversed in the FEA Editor by selecting the elements to change
(Selection Select Lines), right-clicking, and choosing Beam Orientations Invert I
and J Nodes. This ability is useful for loads that depend on the I and J nodes and for controlling
the direction of axis 3. (Recall that axis 3 is formed from the right-hand rule of axes 1 and 2.) If any of
the selected elements have a load that depends on the I/J orientation, you choose whether or not to
reverse the loads. Since the I and J nodes are being swapped, choose Yes to reverse the input for
the load and maintain the current graphical display. The I and J nodes are inverted, and the I/J end
with the load is also inverted. Choose No to keep the original input, so an end release for node I
switches to the opposite end of the element since the position of the I node is changed.
The orientation of the elements can be displayed in the FEA Editor environment using the View
Visibility Object Visibility Element Axis commands. The orientation can also be
checked in the Results environment using the Results Options View Element
Orientations command. Choose to show the Axis 1, Axis 2, and/or Axis 3 using red, green,
and blue arrows, respectively. See the following figure.
Beam Orientation Symbol (different arrows are used for each axis.)

Specify Cross-Sectional Properties of Beam Elements

The Sectional Properties table in the Cross-Section tab of the Element
Definition dialog box is used to define the cross-sectional properties for each layer in the beam
element part. A separate row appears in the table for each layer in the part. The sectional property
columns are:

A: Specify the cross-sectional area in this column. It is the area of the beam resisting the axial force
(=FxL/(AxE)). This area must be greater than 0.0.
J1: Specify the torsional resistance in this column. The torsional resistance is the area moment of
inertia resisting the torsional moment M1. The angle of twist within an element is calculated
by =M1xL/(J1xG) where L is the length and G is the shear modulus. For most cross-sections, the
torsional resistance is much less than the polar moment of inertia. (For a circular section, J1 equals
the polar moment of inertia.) The torsional resistance must be greater than 0.0.
I2: Specify the area moment of inertia about the local 2 axis in this column. (It is also referred to as
I 2-2 .) The local 2 axis passes through the neutral axis of the cross section and is in the plane
formed by the element and the k-node. (See previous paragraph.). The moment of inertia must be
greater than 0.0.
I3: Specify the area moment of inertia about the local 3 axis in this column. (It is also referred to as
I 3-3 .) The local 3 axis passes through the neutral axis of the cross section and forms the right-hand
rule with the element (axis 1) and axis 2. The moment of inertia must be greater than 0.0.
S2: Specify the section modulus about the local 2 axis in this column. The section modulus is
calculated from S2=I2/C3max, where C3max is measured parallel to the 3 axis from the neutral axis
to the furthermost point on the cross section. This value is not required but is necessary for the
bending stress calculation about axis 2 (=M2/S2). If this value is 0.0, the bending stress about the
local 2 axis is set to 0.
S3: Specify the section modulus about the local 3 axis in this column. The section modulus is
calculated from S3=I3/C2max, where C2max is measured parallel to the 2 axis from the neutral axis
to the furthermost point on the cross section. This value is not required but is necessary for the
bending stress calculation about axis 3 (=M3/S3). If this value is 0.0, the bending stress about the
local 3 axis is set to 0.
Sa2: Specify the shear area parallel to the local 2 axis. The shear area is the effective beam cross-
sectional area resisting the shear force R2 (shear force parallel to axis 2). If the shear area is 0.0,
the shear deflection in the local 2 direction is ignored (usually a safe assumption). The shear area
correction is only needed if the beam width is comparable to the beam length.
Sa3: Specify the shear area parallel to the local 3 axis. The shear area is the effective beam cross-
sectional area resisting the shear force R3 (shear force parallel to axis 3). If the shear area is 0.0,
the shear deflection in the local 3 direction is ignored (usually a safe assumption). The shear area
correction is only needed if the beam width is comparable to the beam length.
Note: Hand calculations for the deflection of beams rarely include the effects due to shear within a
beam. For example, the well-known equations for the maximum deflection for a cantilever beam
and simply supported beam due to a point load (FL 3 /(3EI) and FL 3 /(48EI), respectively) only
consider the bending effects. If shear effects are included in the finite element analysis by entering
values for Sa2 and Sa3, the calculated displacements can be higher than the hand calculations.
If you know the dimensions of the cross-section instead of the properties, you can use the cross-
section libraries to determine the necessary values.
Tip: See the page Variable Cross-Section Wizard to generate a series of cross-sections along the
length of a beam to approximate a tapered beam.

Use Cross-Section Libraries

To use the cross-section libraries, first select the layer for which you want to define the cross-
sectional properties. After the layer is selected, click the Cross-Section Libraries button.
How to Select a Cross Section from an Existing Library

1. Select the library in the Section database: drop-down menu. Multiple versions of the AISC
Library are provided with the software. (Note: The AISC library is set so that the IYY from the AISC
manual corresponds to I2 in the software.)

2. Select the cross section type using the Section type pull down. The types available for each
database are given in the following table.

3. Select the cross section name in the Section name: section. You can search for a name by
typing a string in the field above the list.

4. Review the values in the Cross-sectional properties section. If they are acceptable,
click OK. The AISC library may not have all the values needed to perform an analysis.
AISC 2005 & 2001 AISC Rev 9 AISC Rev 8 & 7

W W Type W Type

M M Type M Type
S S Type S Type

HP HP Type HP Type

C C Type C Type

MC M Type (MC) M Type (MC)

L L Type L Type

L L Type UL Type

WT WT Type WT Type

MT M Type (MT) M Type (MT)

ST S Type (ST) S Type (ST)

2L 2L Type DL Type

2L (LLBB on end of name) 2L Type (first dimension is back-to-back dimension) UD Type (UDL)

2L (SLBB on end of name) 2L Type (first dimension is back-to-back dimension) UD Type

Pipe (schedule on end of name) P Type S Type (SP, sche

Pipe (schedule on end of name) P Type (PX) S Type (SP, sche

Pipe (schedule on end of name) P Type (PXX) S Type (SP, sche


HSS TS Type S Type (STU)

AISC Library Section Type - If the section name differs from the type, it is noted in parentheses ( ).

*When four numbers are given, the fourth number is the distance between the legs of the angle. For example, the 2L8x4x7/8x3/4LLB

To visualize the beam cross section in the Results environment, the cross section must be chosen
from the AISC 2001 or AISC 2005 database.
The AISC 2005 database corresponds to the data in the Thirteenth Edition of the AISC Steel
Construction Manual.
How to Create a New Library:
Click the Add button below the Section database: drop-down menu..
Enter a name for the library and click the OK button.
Enter a name for the database file and click the Save button. The new library appears in
the Section database: drop-down menu.
How to Add a Cross Section to a Library:
Select the library in the Section database: drop-down menu. You can only add a cross section
to a library created by a user.
Click the Add button below the Section name: section and click the OK button. The section
name appears in the list in the Section name: section.
Select the new section and enter the values in the Cross-sectional properties section.
Click the Save button.
How to Define the Dimensions of a Common Cross-Section:
With a cross section created by a user selected, change the pull-down menu in the upper-right
corner from the User-Defined option to the geometry type.
Enter the appropriate dimensions shown at the right side of the dialog box.
Click the Save button.

Other Beam Element Parameters

In addition to the cross-sectional properties, the only other parameter for beam elements is the stress
free reference temperature. It is specified in Stress Free Reference Temperature field in
the Thermal tab of theElement Definition dialog box. This value is used as the reference
temperature to calculate element-based loads associated with constraint of thermal growth using the
average of the nodal temperatures. The value you enter in the Default nodal temperature field
in the Analysis Parameters dialog box determines the global temperatures on nodes that have
no specified temperature.

Basic Steps to Use Beam Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be beam elements..

4. Select the Beam command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. In the Cross Section tab, enter in the proper cross sectional properties for each layer of beams. To
use saved properties, press the Cross-Section Libraries button.

8. Once your sectional properties are entered, click OK.

Topics in this section
Variable Cross-Section Wizard
AISC Library
Parent topic: Element Types and Parameters

AISC Library

LIKE (0)

The AISC Section Properties database (aiscrev9.dbf) file contains the section properties as described
in the AISC manuals. The database file has three fields. The first field contains the name of the
section (see Section 3) and has a width of 30 characters. The second field (width: 12) describes the
property that is assigned to this name. Section 2 describes the symbols used in the second field. The
third field (width: 50) contains the value of this property.
There are five general types of sections contained in the file:
Type 1: W, M, S, and HP Shapes (I shapes)
Type 2: C and MC Shapes (channels)
Type 3: WT, MT, and ST Shapes (tee sections)
Type 4: TS, L and 2L Shapes (structural tubing, single and double angles)
Type 5: Pipe Shapes

Variable Explanations
All dimensions are in inches and kips. These variables are taken from the AISC manuals. These
values are not scaled to the unit system of your model if you are using a unit other than inch for length
or pound for force.
A: Area
BF: Width of flange
BTF: bf/2tf, the ratio of the flange width to twice the flange thickness
CW: Cw, warping constant
D: Depth, actual
DAF: d/Af, the ratio of the depth to the compression flange area
DI: Inner diameter of pipe
DN: Nominal depth. Nominal Diameter in case of pipe sections (P, PX, PXX)
DSG: Shape designation, (for example, W or C)
DTW: d/tw, the ratio of the depth to the web thickness
EO: eo, distance from outside face of web to shear center FYP:FYPPPA:
FYPPPL: Fy ''' (LRFD), See above.
H: H, flexural constant LRFD Formula (A-E3-9)
H38: H, flexural constant, double angles 3/8 back to back
H34: H, flexural constant, double angles 3/4 back to back
HL: Horizontal leg or side dimension
HTW: hc/tw, ratio of assumed web depth for stability to thickness of web
JSHP: JUMBO SHAPE (J), See the note at the end of the variable list.
NT: Tensile type number per ASTM A6
OD: Outer diameter of pipe
QF: Qf, statical moment at point in flange
QW: Qw, statical moment at mid-depth
RA: Minimum fillet radius, detailing value (in.); flange toe value for M, S, C, and MC shapes
RI: Minimum fillet radius, design
RO: ro, shear center coordinate
RO38: ro, double angles 3/8 back to back
RO34: ro, double angles 3/4 back to back
RT: The radius of gyration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 of the
compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane of the web
RX: rx, radius of gyration about axis XX
RY: ry, radius of gyration about axis YY
RY38: ry, double angles 3/8 back to back
RY34: ry, double angles 3/4 back to back
RZ: rz, radius of gyration about principal axis
SX: Sx, elastic section modulus about axis XX
SY: Sy, elastic section modulus about axis YY
SW: Sw, warping statical moment
T: Thickness of leg or wall
TF: Thickness of flange
TW: Thickness of web
VL: Vertical leg or side dimension
WGT: Nominal weight
WNO: Wno, normalized warping function
XB: x, centroid of section in X direction from outer web
XI: Ix, moment of inertia about axis XX
XJ: J, torsional constant
XK: k, distance from outer face of flange to web toe fillet of rolled shape
X1: X1, beam buckling factor LRFD Formula (F1-8)
X2: X2, beam buckling factor LRFD Formula (F1-9)
YB: y, centroid of section in Y direction from outer top flange face
YI: Iy, moment of inertia about axis YY
ZX: Zx, plastic modulus about axis XX
ZY: Zy, plastic modulus about axis YY
A3.1, J1.11 and M2.2 and corresponding Commentary sections).
Note: Type 4 and Type 5 shapes are contemplated for application as columns or compression
components. When used in other applications (e.g. trusses) and when thermal cutting or welding is
required, special material specification and fabrication procedures apply to minimize the possibility of
cracking (see June 1, 1989 ASD Specification Sects.

Section Notation
For W, M, HP, C, MC, WT, MT, ST, and S use:(SECTION NAME) X (DN) X (WGT) for example,
For L, 2L (double angles) and TS (structural tubing) use:(SECTION NAME) X (VL) X (HL) X (T) for
example, L7.000 X 4.000 X 0.25
For P, PX and PXX (pipe, strong, extra strong) use: (SECTION NAME) X (DN) X (T) for example,
P2.00 X 0.875
Note: All the records in the AISC .dbf files are locked for the cross -sectional libraries. The cross-
sectional library cannot change any records in case you want to change the values). However, it does
not apply to any library created through the cross-sectional libraries.

Unsymmetrical Sections
The AISC section properties database includes the shear center and center of gravity locations for
unsymmetrical sections such as angles and channels. The current linear beam element does not
include twisting due to loadings which are offset from the shear center. Therefore, the Beam Design
Editor use of the AISC properties ignores the shear center offset from the beam cross-section center
of gravity. It is your responsibility to account for the effects of shear center offset from the center of
Manual of Steel Construction: Allowable Stress Design, 9th ed. (Chicago: American Institute of Steel
Construction, Inc., 1989).
Manual of Steel Construction: Load and Resistance Factor Design, 1st ed. (Chicago: American
Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.,1986).
Parent topic: Beam Elements

Gap Elements

LIKE (0)
Gap elements are two-node elements formulated in three-dimensional space. This element type is
only available in a static stress analysis with linear material models.
Two end nodes specified in three-dimensional space define gap elements. Only the axial forces of the
element are calculated for each element, and depending on the settings, only compressive forces or
only tensile forces are generated. No element-based loading is defined for gap elements.
A compression gap is not activated until the gap is closed; a tension gap is not activated until the gap
is opened. Therefore, the structural behavior of a finite element model associated with gap elements
is always nonlinear because of its indeterminate condition. Whether the gaps are closed or opened is
not known in advance. An iterative solution method is used to determine the status (opened or closed)
of the gap elements.
Since the analysis is linear and small deflection theory is used, only motion in the direction of the
original gap element orientation is considered. Sideways motion does not affect the status of the gap
In general, there are three applications for gap elements. Each has its own characteristics in terms of
element input. They are briefly summarized as follows:

Application Type Element Direction

Rigid support at the structure boundary to calculate the support reactions Element must be aligned with global X, Y, or Z axis

Interface element between two faces of the structure in space Element may be defined in any direction

Elastic spring between the base of the structure and the foundation Element may be defined in any direction

Avoid excessively stiff gap elements (with large spring stiffness) that are not aligned with the global
coordinate system. Such elements introduce large off-diagonal values into the structural stiffness
matrix and cause solution difficulties. The resulting solution may also be inaccurate. The provided
spring stiffness, about three or four orders of magnitude larger than the other normal stiffnesses in the
structure, is sufficient for rigid gap elements used in application type (1).
Note: This content applies to gap elements created by hand (lines drawn between two nodes of the
model or between the model and the ground). Gap or contact elements created automatically (CAD
models, 2D automatic meshes, or hand-built models) are slightly different. See the page Meshing
Overview: Creating Contact Pairs: Types of Contact.

Use Gap Elements

To model the effects of a spring or cable where the stiffness is not always present under all
To find the contact force between two parts under a load.

Gap Element Parameters

When using gap elements, first select the type of gap element to use for the part in the Type drop-
down menu in the Element Definition dialog box. The options are:
Type Gap Element Behavior

Compression with Gap The element transmits a compression load only when the n
calculated gap between the parts equals the gap drawn be

Tension with Gap The element transmits a tension load only when the nodes
type as a wire or chain with slack. When the wire or chain g

Compression without Gap The elements transmit a compression load with any motion
long, there must be a physical gap between the parts in the

Tension without Gap The element transmits a tension load with any motion of th

The next step is to define the stiffness of the gap elements in the Stiffness field. See the table in
the previous paragraph, What is a Gap Element, for guidelines on the stiffness.
When duplicating a real spring (tension or compression) or chain-like arrangement (tension only),
enter the known stiffness. The stiffness (k) of a rod or simple wire can be calculated from k=A*E/L,
where A is the cross-sectional area, E is the modulus of elasticity, and L is the length of the rod.
When duplicating part-to-part contact, a rigid stiffness is required. A stiffness on the same order of
magnitude as the modulus of the material is sufficient. Even when the two values are in different units
(force/length versus force/length squared). Another method of calculating the stiffness is to use the
definition of stiffness: k = F/ where F is the force transmitted through the element and is the
compression or elongation in the element. Based on the model, a reasonable can be chosen. If the
contact force can be estimated, the required stiffness can be calculated.

To Use Gap Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using the static stress with linear material models analysis type.

3. Draw the gap elements as lines. See Tips for Drawing Gap Elements below.

4. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be gap elements.

5. Select the Gap command.

6. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

7. Select the Edit Element Definition heading.

8. In the Type drop-down box select the type of gap element that you want to apply.
If the element should be active only when the new length is less than zero, select
the Compression with Gap option.
If the element should be active only when the new length is greater than twice the original length,
select the Tension with Gap option.
If the element should be active only when the new length is less than the original length, select
the Compression without Gap option.
If the element should be active only when the new length is greater than the original length, select
the Tension without Gap option.

9. Enter the stiffness of the gap element in the Stiffness field. This is required information and the
processor will not run without a value.

10. Press the OK button.

11. Add boundary elements with small stiffness as necessary to stabilize the parts. See Perform
Analyses with Gap Elements for additional information.

Tips for Drawing Gap Elements

1. Draw lines connecting the corresponding nodes. Use the Draw Draw Line command.

2. Use the Draw Design Contact Elements command. This command automatically
creates the lines between two sets of vertices. In the case of linear stress (where small deformation
is assumed), only the shortest line perpendicular between the faces is normally required. In this
situation, use the Constrain lengths option. See the paragraph How to Add Contact Elements to a
Model in the section Add Geometry.

3. Copy the lines from one face to the corresponding face, and in the process use the option to join
the copies. Then define the joined lines as gap elements. Imagine two plates in contact. Instead of
drawing the lines for the gap elements one by one, do the following:

a. Select the lines (Selection Select Lines) on one of the matching faces.

b. Start the copy command with Draw Pattern Move or Copy.

c. Activate the check box Copy. Make sure the number of copies to make is set to one.

d. Activate the check box Join.

e. Set the total distance and direction vector for the copy. Use the Vector Selector button to click
two vertices if you are not sure of the distance or direction.

f. Click OK. The selected lines are copied to the matching face and lines between the faces that
become the gap elements.

g. Since this creates a copy of the original lines on the matching face, and since these extra lines
are not needed, click Delete. (The last copy made is still selected after the command completes.)

h. Last step: change the join lines to a part number that can be defined as gap elements. This step
typically consists of using a box selection (Selection Shape Rectangle) to select the joined
lines, then right-click, Edit Attributes and enter an appropriate part number. If using a box
selection, the entire line must be inside the selection rectangle. Consequently, the lines on the
faces of the parts are also selected. Do not change the attributes of those lines. Unselect the
lines on the faces by using the subtract mode (hold the Shift and Ctrl keys) while box selecting
those lines.

i. See the paragraph How to Create Copies of Existing Lines in the section Modify Geometry
See Setting Up and Performing the Analysis: Performing the Analysis: Performing A Linear
Analysis: Perform Analyses with Gap Elements for additional information common to gap and surface
contact elements.
Rigid Elements

LIKE (0)

A rigid element connects two nodes of a model, or to transfers a load from a part not in the model, or
simulates a boundary that is not modeled.
The rigid element consists of two nodes. Each rigid element part may contain an unlimited amount of
elements. However, all the rigid elements in a particular part must share a single node. This common
node is treated as the master node during the analysis. See the examples in the following image.
The rigid element is assigned a single stiffness value that is applied against one or multiple degrees
of freedom.

Improper. Rigid elements used to connect two brackets of a larger assembly. The rigid elements (part 2, P2 in figure) are Proper. Each o
incorrect in this example. Each of the elements within the part do not share a common node. Each rigid element within a part node in the ce
must be connected to one node to create the proper geometry. (Brackets shown with transparency to show the rigid elements (share a node i
more clearly.)

Improper and Proper Rigid Elements

When to Use Rigid Elements

Two parts are connected together by a rigid connection.
To model the effect of a part that serves as a constraint in the model without modeling the entire
Rigid Element Parameters
When using rigid elements, first define the stiffness of the rigid elements in the Stiffness field of
the Element Definition dialog box. The deflection or rotation of the element is calculated by
dividing the internal force or moment by this value. Units for the stiffness value are not shown, and the
value is not converted based on the Display Units. For a true rigid element, the same numerical value
can be applied to axial stiffness (force/length) and rotational stiffness (force*length/radian).
Second, specify the degrees-of-freedom against which to apply the stiffness in the Component
DOF section by activating the appropriate check boxes. Loads (forces and moments) are transmitted
only in the chosen directions, where Tx Ty Tz creates forces in the X, Y, and Z directions. Rx Ry Rz
creates moments about the X, Y, and Z directions. The element type to which the rigid element is
connected must have the same degree of freedom for the loads to be transmitted.

To Use Rigid Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be rigid elements.

4. Select the Rigid command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. Specify the spring stiffness of the rigid element in the Stiffness field.

8. Activate the check boxes for the degrees of freedom against which this rigid element will be active
in the Component DOF section.

9. Press the OK button.

Spring Elements

LIKE (0)

A spring element has two basic forms. The classic spring connects two nodes on the
model. It can be axial or rotational. For an axial spring, a spring stiffness, k, is applied to
the spring element. The spring deflects a distance x. This distance depends on the axial
force in the spring element, F, and the spring stiffness. The distance the spring deflects
can be calculated by the equation x=F/k. For a rotational spring, a torsional stiffness, k t ,
is applied to the spring element. The spring rotates through an angle . This angle
depends on the moment applied to the spring, M, and the torsional stiffness. The angle
through which the spring rotates can be calculated by the equation M/k t .
The DOF spring connects a single DOF from each node to which it is connected. This
spring has a stiffness value as described for the classic spring.

When to Use Spring Elements

Two parts are connected by a spring with a known spring stiffness value.
Two parts are connected by a part that only transmits an axial force. The spring
stiffness for this part can be calculated as AE/L where A is the cross-sectional area, E
is the modulus of elasticity, and L is the length.

Spring Element Parameters:

When using spring elements, first select the type of spring for the part in the Spring
Type section in the General tab of the Element Definition dialog box. For most
applications, the Spring type is appropriate. To transfer the loads from different
degrees-of-freedom at each node, select the DOF Spring type. Next, specify the spring
stiffness in the Spring Stiffness field.
If you selected the Spring radio button, specify if you want the spring to resist translation
or rotation in the Element Type section. If you selected DOF Spring , specify the
degree-of-freedom to which you want the stiffness applied to at the I-node and J-node in
the I Node and J Node sections.
When the units of the spring stiffness are shown, the input is converted based on the
Display Units. When a DOF Spring uses different degrees-of-freedom at each node, the
physical meaning of connecting a translation to a rotation are difficult to envision.
Therefore, no units are shown for the spring stiffness, and no conversion is performed.
(Mathematically, mixing degrees-of-freedom on each end of the spring gives Result i =
Result j = stiffness*(U i -U j ), where U i and U j are the translation and rotation at the
respective end of the spring, and Result is the force and moment at the respective end
of the spring.
Tip: The orientation of the spring elements can be displayed using the View
Visibility Object Visibility Element Axis 1 command. Axis 1 points in the
direction from the I Node to the J Node. If axis 1 must be reversed for some elements,
select the elements (Selection Select Lines), right-click, and choose Invert I and J

Visualize Spring Elements in the Results Environment

Spring elements can appear in the Results environment either as a line or as an actual
spring. To render the spring, activate the Visualize as spring check box in
the Visualization tab of the Element Definition dialog box. You can then specify the
dimensions of the spring. If the sum of the values in the Beginning Length field, the End
Length field, and the product of the Number of Coils and the Wire Diameter fields is
greater than the length of the spring element, the spring is not drawn in the Results
environment. The value in the Coil diameter field refers to the diameter of the spring
along the centerline of the wire. The Beginning Length field and the Begin attachment
type drop-down menu refer to the I-node end of the spring element. The End
Length field and the End attachment type drop-down menu refer to the J-Node end of
the spring element.
If you specify attachments at either end of the spring, define an orientation point. The
coordinate entered in the X, Y and Z fields is used to assign the plane in which the
attachment is located. A vector is created perpendicular to the spring element passing
through this point. The attachment lies in the plane that is perpendicular to this vector. If
this coordinate is along the line of the element, the spring is not drawn in the Results
To Use Spring Elements
1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be spring

4. Select the Spring command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading..

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. Select the type of spring in the Spring Type section.

8. If the Spring radio button is selected in the Spring Type section, specify if this spring
will be axial or rotational in the Element Type section.

9. If the DOF Spring radio button is selected in the Spring Type section, select the DOF
for the i node and j node in the I Node and J Node sections.

10. Specify the stiffness of the spring in the Spring stiffness field.

11. Go to the Visualization tab.

12. Activate the Visualize as spring check box.

13. Define the dimensions of the spring.

14. Press the OK button.

Truss Elements

LIKE (0)

Truss elements are two-node members which allow arbitrary orientation in the XYZ coordinate
system. The truss transmits axial force only and, in general, is a three degree-of-freedom (DOF)
element. Trusses are used to model structures such as towers, bridges, and buildings.
The three-dimensional (3D) truss element is assumed to have a constant cross-sectional area and
can be used in linear elastic analysis. Linear elastic material behavior is defined only by the modulus
of elasticity. Linear trusses can also be used to simulate translational and displacement boundary
Trusses, by definition, cannot have rotational DOFs, even if you released these DOFs when you
applied the boundary conditions. You can apply translational DOFs as needed.
Figure 1: Formulation of a Truss Element

When to Use Truss Elements

The length of the element is much greater than the width or depth (approximately 8-10 times).
It is connected to the rest of the model with hinges that do not transfer moments.
The external applied forces are only at joints.

Truss Element Parameters

Specify the cross-sectional area for each truss element part in the Cross-Sectional Area field of
the Element Definition dialog box. This value must be greater than zero and is required for an
analysis. To perform a thermal stress analysis on this part, specify the temperature at which the
elements in this part will experience no thermally induced stresses in the Stress Free Reference
Temperature field. Element based loads associated with constraint of thermal growth are
calculated using the average of the temperatures specified on the nodal point data lines. The
reference temperature is used to calculate the temperature change. Thermal loading may be used to
achieve other types of member loadings. For these cases, an equivalent temperature change (dT) is

To Use Truss Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be truss elements.

4. Select the Truss command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading for the part that you want to be truss elements.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. In the Element Definition dialog, type a value in the Cross Sectional Area field.

8. If you are running a thermal stress analysis, type a value in the Stress Free Reference
Temperature field. This is the temperature at which no stresses are present in the model. The
difference between this temperature and the nodal temperatures will create the stress.

9. Press the OK button.

Use Truss Elements to Model an Initial Lack of Fit

The following equations may be used to calculate the equivalent temperature change associated with
an initial lack of fit of a truss member between two points. A positive value means that the element is
initially too short.


T avg = the average of the nodal temperatures of the two nodes of the truss element.
T sf = the stress free reference temperature of the part.
D = the elongation or shrinkage of the truss element.
= the thermal coefficient of expansion of the part.
L = the unloaded length of the truss element.

Use Truss Elements to Model an Initial Prestress

The following equations may be used to calculate the equivalent temperature change associated with
an initial prestress used to deform a truss member to fit between two points:


T avg = the average of the nodal temperatures of the two nodes of the truss element.
T sf = the stress free reference temperature of the part.
P = the axial force in the truss element.
E = the modulus of elasticity of the truss element.
A = the cross-sectional area of the truss element.
= the thermal coefficient of expansion of the part.
The force P is the initial force in the truss element when the rest of the structure has no force. If the
rest of the structure is infinitely stiff, then the result of the analysis is an axial force of P in the heated
truss element. Since the structure is not infinitely stiff, one result of the preload is that the structure
deforms and relieves a portion of the thermal preload. See the page Setting Up and Performing the
Analysis: Linear: Loads and Constraints: Beam Preload for a methodology if the load P is the final
load in the truss after the structure deforms due to the preload.

2D Elements

LIKE (0)

2D elements are three- or four-node elements that must be formulated in the YZ plane.
They are used to model and analyze objects such as bearings or seals, or structures
such as dams. These elements are formulated in the YZ plane and have only two
degrees-of-freedom defined: the Y translation and the Z translation. Temperature-
dependent orthotropic material properties can be defined and incompatible displacement
modes can be included.
The highest surface number among the lines that define the element determines the
surface number of that element.
2D elements, by definition, cannot have rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs) or
translation in the X direction. You can apply translational Y and Z constraints and forces
as needed.

Figure 1: 2D Elasticity Elements (Triangular)

Figure 2: 2D Elasticity Elements (Quadrilateral)

When to Use 2D Elements

To model a cross section of a part.
Model can be drawn in the YZ plane.
Plane stress geometry type: No stress in the X direction (through the thickness). Strain
in the X direction is allowable (for example, thin plate under an axial load).
Plane strain geometry type: No strain in the X direction (through the thickness). Stress
in the X direction is allowable (for example, large dam).
Axisymmetric geometry type: Model is axisymmetric about the Z axis and exists only
in the positive Y quadrant of the YZ plane.

Select Types of 2D Elements

There are three types of 2D elements available for a structural analysis. They can be
selected in the Geometry Type drop-down menu in the General tab of the Element
Definition dialog box.
Axisymmetric: Select this geometry type for elements that model solids with
geometric, load, and boundary condition symmetry about the Z axis. Negative Y
coordinates are not admissible. Nodal loads are normalized by the number of radians
in a circle (load divided by radians). If a node lies along the axis of revolution (the Z
axis), then do the following to increase the accuracy of the solution:
1. Restrain the node in Y translation (Ty) using a boundary condition or other restraint.
2. Set Compatibility of the elements along the axis of revolution to Enforced. Since
elements with compatibility enforced can overestimate the stiffness, the ideal model
has only the elements along the axis on a different part number so that only those
elements can be set to compatibility enforced. The remainder of the model uses the
default of Compatibility Not Enforced. If the entire model is one part (or all the
axisymmetric parts are set to compatibility enforced), then a finer mesh is required
to get the same level of accuracy as elements with compatibility not enforced. See
2D Element Parameters for setting the compatibility.

Figure 1: 2D Axisymmetric Model

Plane Strain: Select this geometry type to model solids which exhibit no deflection
normal to the YZ plane. Since no deflection in the X direction is assumed, a thickness
of 1 unit is assumed for the analysis. A thickness can be entered, but this thickness is
only used for the 3D visualization in the Results environment. All input loads and
results are based on the 1 unit thickness.

Figure 2: 2D Plane Strain

Plane Stress: Select this geometry type to model solids of a specified thickness
normal to the YZ plane which exhibit no stress normal to the YZ plane. The
constitutive relations are modified to make the stress normal to the YZ plane zero. All
loads are distributed uniformly across the thickness.
Figure 3: 2D Plane Stress Model

2D Element Parameters
When using 2D elements, if you are using the plane stress or plane strain geometry
types, define the thickness of the part in the Thickness field of the Element
Definition dialog box.
Note: The thickness entered for plane strain is only used for the 3D visualization in the
Results environment. (See the Browser Functions page.) The input loads and calculated
results are based on a thickness of 1 unit.
Next, specify the material model for this part in the Material Model drop-down menu. If
the material properties in all directions are identical, select the Isotropic option. If the
material properties vary along three orthogonal axes or if properties change with
temperature, select the Orthotropic option.
When the orthotropic material model is used for 2D elements, three material axes are
defined. They are the n, s and t axes. By default, the n axis are parallel to the global Y
axis. The s axis is 90 degrees counterclockwise from the n axis. The t axis is calculated
from the cross product of the n and s axes. If the orthotropic material axes are not
aligned with the global axes, specify an angle in the Material Axis Rotation Angle field.
The n axis is measured this angle counterclockwise from the Y axis.
If you are performing a thermal stress analysis on this part, specify the temperature at
which the elements in this part experience no thermally induced stresses in the Stress
Free Reference Temperature field. Element based loads associated with constraint of
thermal growth are calculated using the average of the temperatures specified on the
nodal point data lines. The reference temperature is used to calculate the temperature
change. Thermal loading may be used to achieve other types of member loadings. For
these cases, an equivalent temperature change (dT) is used.
The last parameter that can be defined is the compatibility. This is done in
the Compatibility drop-down menu. If the Not Enforced option is selected, gaps or
overlaps are allowed along inter-element boundaries. These elements are formulated
using an assumed linear stress field. These elements are most effective as low aspect
ratio rectangles. If the Enforced option is selected, overlaps or discontinuities are not
allowed along inter-element boundaries. These elements are formulated using an
assumed linear displacement field. These elements can overestimate the stiffness of the
structure. In general, a greater mesh density in the direction of the strain gradient is
required to achieve the same level of accuracy as elements for which the Not
Enforced option is selected. See Incompatible Displacement Modes for more
Control the Orientation of 2D Elements
For a general FEA analysis, you can ignore the element orientation. The ability to orient
elements is useful for elements with orthotropic material models and for easily
interpreting stresses in local element coordinate systems. This is done in
the Orientation tab of the Element Definition dialog box. The Method drop-down menu
contains three options that can be used to specify which side of the element is the ij
side. If the Defaultoption is selected, the side of an element with the highest surface
number are chosen as the ij side. If the Orient I Node option is selected, a coordinate
must be defined in the X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z Coordinate fields. The node
on an element that is closest to this point are designated as the i node. The j node is the
next node on the element traveling counterclockwise. If the Orient IJ Side option is
selected, a coordinate must be defined in the X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z
Coordinate fields. The side of an element that is closest to this point is designated as
the ij side. The i and j nodes is assigned so that the j node can be reached by traveling
counterclockwise along the element from the i node.

To Use 2D Elements
1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Be sure that the elements that you are going to assign as 2D elements are drawn in
the YZ plane.

Tip: Useful commands for converting 3D models to 2D models are Draw

Pattern Relocate & Scale, Draw Pattern Rotate or Copy, and Draw
Modify Project to Plane. For example, you may accidentally create a mesh in the
XY plane. You can rotate the mesh to the YZ plane using either the Relocate & Scale
or Rotate command. Due to round-off, some nodes may have a small X coordinate
value that prevents the element type from being set to 2D. In this case, use Project to
Plane to snap the nodes exactly to the YZ plane.

4. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be 2D elements.

5. Select the 2D command.

6. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

7. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

8. Select an option in the Geometry Type drop-down box for the analysis. Select
the Plane Stress option if the stress that will occur along one of the orthogonal
directions will be very small compared to the other directions. Select the Plane
Strain option if there will be no deflection perpendicular to the YZ plane. Select
the Axisymmetric option if the geometry, loads and boundary conditions are
symmetric about an axis of rotation.

9. In the General tab of the Element Definition dialog, select a material model in
the Material Model drop-down box. Select the Isotropic option if the material
properties are independent of direction. Select theOrthotropic option if the material
properties are dependent of direction.
10. If you are using an axisymmetric geometry type, select the Enforced option in
the Compatibility drop-down box for the elements along the axis of rotation.

11. Enter the thickness of the 2D elements in the Thickness field if you are using the plane
stress or plane strain element geometry type. This is required information and must be
entered to run the model.

12. If you are performing a thermal stress analysis, enter a temperature into the Stress
Free Reference Temperature field. The difference between this value and the
applied temperatures will be used to calculate the stress.

13. For an orthotropic material model, if the material axes do not lie on the global XYZ
axes, enter the rotation angle value in the Material Axis Rotation Angle field. This
angle is measured counterclockwise from the global Y axis to the material axis in

14. Click the Orientation tab.

15. To define a local set of axes for the element, select either the Orient I Node or Orient
IJ Side options in the Method drop-down box and define a point in the X
Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z Coordinate fields in the Nodal Order section. If
the Orient I Node option is chosen, the corner of each element closest to the point will
be the I node. If the Orient IJ Side option is chosen, the side of each element closest
to the point will be the IJ side.

16. Press the OK button.

Membrane Elements

LIKE (0)

Membrane elements are three- or four-node elements formulated in three-dimensional space.

Membrane elements are used to model fabric-like objects such as tents or cots, or structures such as
the roof of a sports stadium, in which the elements do not support or transmit a moment load.
Membrane elements model solids of a specified thickness which exhibit no stress normal to the
thickness. The constitutive relations are modified to make the stress normal to the thickness zero. The
highest surface number among the lines that define the element determines the surface number of
that element.
Membrane elements, by definition, cannot have rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs), even if you
released these DOFs when you apply the boundary conditions. You can apply translational DOFs as
needed. However, only in-plane stiffnesses are formulated. Very small out-of-plane stiffnesses are
applied to provide stability. Consequently, only in-plane (membrane) loads are admissible.
Temperature-dependent, orthotropic material properties can be defined and incompatible
displacement modes can be included. Stress output is provided at the nodes.
Figure 1: Membrane Element (Triangular)

Figure 2: Membrane Element (Quadrilateral)

When to Use Membrane Elements

The thickness of the element is very small relative to the length or width.
The element has no stress in the direction normal to the thickness.
The element does not carry or transmit any moments.

Membrane Element Parameters

When using membrane elements, you must define the thickness of the part in the Thickness field
of the Element Definition dialog box. The element is considered to be drawn at the midplane of
the membrane element. Therefore, half of the entered value for thickness are considered on top of the
element while the other half are below the midplane. Enter a value for the thickness to run the

Figure 3: Thickness of a Membrane Element

Next you must specify the material model for this part in the Material Model drop-down Menu. If
the material properties in all directions are identical, select the Isotropic option. If the material
properties vary along three orthogonal axes or if properties change with temperature, select
the Orthotropic option.
When the orthotropic material model is used for membrane elements, three material axes are defined.
These are the n, s and t axes. By default, the n axis is parallel to the ij edge of the element. The t axis
is normal to the element and points away from the Element Normal Coordinate (specified on the
Orientation tab). The s axis is in the plane of the element and is 90 degrees from the n axis. (It follows
the right-hand rule about the t axis, or s=txn.) To rotate the material axis, specify an angle in
the Material Axis Rotation Angle field. The n axis is rotated by this angle about the t axis
(right-hand rule).
If you are performing a thermal stress analysis on this part, specify the temperature at which the
elements in this part experiences no thermally induced stresses in the Stress Free Reference
Temperature field. Element based loads associated with constraint of thermal growth are
calculated using the average of the temperatures specified on the nodal point data lines. The
reference temperature is used to calculate the temperature change. Thermal loading may be used to
achieve other types of member loadings. For these cases, an equivalent temperature change (dT) is
The last parameter that can be defined is the compatibility. This is done in the Compatibility drop-
down menu. If the Not Enforced option is selected, gaps or overlaps are allowed along inter-
element boundaries. These elements are formulated using an assumed linear stress field. These
elements are most effective as low aspect ratio rectangles. If the Enforced option is selected,
overlaps or discontinuities are not allowed along inter-element boundaries. These elements are
formulated using an assumed linear displacement field. These elements can overestimate the
stiffness of the structure. In general, a greater mesh density in the direction of the strain gradient is
required to achieve the same level of accuracy as elements for which the Not Enforced option is
selected. See Incompatible Displacement Modes for more information.

Control Orientation of Membrane Elements

An element normal point is also used to control the orientation of a membrane element. This point is
defined using the X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z Coordinate fields in the Element
Normal section. Each element has a local set of axes labeled 1, 2 and 3. The local 1 axis goes
through the jk side of the element. The local 3 axis is perpendicular to the membrane element and
points away from the element normal point. The local 2 axis is the cross product of the local 1 and 3
axes. See Figure 4.
Figure 4: Determining the Element Normal

The edge-on view of the membrane element is shown.

For a general FEA analysis, you can ignore the element orientation. The ability to orient elements is
useful for elements with orthotropic material models and for easily interpreting stresses in local
element coordinate systems. This is done in the Orientation tab of the Element
Definition dialog box. The Method drop-down menu contains three options that can be used to
specify which side of the element is the ij side. If the Defaultoption is selected, the side of an
element with the highest surface number is chosen as the ij side. If the Orient I Node option is
selected, a coordinate must be defined in the X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z
Coordinate fields. The node on an element that is closest to this point is designated as the i node.
The j node is the next node on the element following the right-hand rule about the element's normal
axis (+3). If theOrient IJ Side option is selected, a coordinate must be defined in the X
Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z Coordinate fields in the Nodal Order section. The side
of an element that is closest to this point is designated as the ij side. The i and j nodes are assigned
so that the j node can be reached by following the right-hand rule about the element's normal axis
(+3) along the element from the i node.

To Use Membrane Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. If you are going to apply a pressure load along the edge to this element, the edge where the load
will be applied must be the highest surface number on the element.

4. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be membrane elements.

5. Select the Membrane command.

6. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

7. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

8. In the General tab of the Element Definition dialog, select a material model in the Material
Model drop-down box. Select the Isotropic if the material properties are independent of
direction. Select the Orthotropic option if the material properties are dependent of direction.

9. Enter the thickness of the membrane elements in the Thickness field. This is required information
and must be entered to run the model.

10. If you are performing a thermal stress analysis, enter a temperature value in the Stress Free
Reference Temperature field. The difference between this value and the applied
temperatures will be used to calculate the stress.

11. For an orthotropic material model, if the material axes do not lie on the global XYZ axes, enter the
rotation angle value in the Material Axis Rotation Angle field. This angle is measured
counterclockwise from the global Y axis to the material axis in degrees.

12. To define a local set of axes for the element (useful for orthotropic material models), select either
the Orient I Node or Orient IJ Side options in the Method drop-down box and define a
point in the X Coordinate, Y Coordinate and Z Coordinate fields in the Nodal
Order section. If the Orient I Node option is chosen, the corner of each element closest to the
point will be the I node. If the Orient IJ Side option is chosen, the side of each element closest
to the point will be the IJ side.

13. Press the OK button.

Plate Elements

LIKE (0)

Plate elements are three- or four-node elements formulated in three-dimensional space.

These elements are used to model and analyze objects such as pressure vessels, or
structures such as automobile body parts.
The out-of-plane rotational DOF is not considered for plate elements. You can apply the
other rotational DOFs and all the translational DOFs as needed.
Nodal forces, nodal moments (except when about an axis normal to the element face),
pressures (normal to the element face), acceleration/gravity, centrifugal and thermal
loads are supported.
Surface-based loads (pressure, surface force, and so on, but not constraints) and
element properties (thickness, element normal coordinate, and so on) are applied to an
entire plate element. Since these items are based on the surface number of the lines
forming the element, and since each element could be composed of lines on four
different surface numbers, how these items are applied depend on whether the mesh is
created automatically (by either the mesher from a CAD model or the 2D mesh
generation), or whether the mesh is created by hand. The surface number of the
individual lines that form an element are combined as indicated in Table 1 to create a
surface number for the whole element. Loads and properties are then applied to the
entire element based on the element's surface number.
How Mesh Was Created Definition of Surface Nu

Midplane Mesh from CAD Model All elements coincident w

Plate/Shell Mesh from CAD Model All elements coincident w

2D Mesh from Sketches All elements are assigned

Hand-built Mesh and Modified Automatic Meshes The highest surface numbe

Table 1: Definition of Plate Element Surface Number

Note: An automatic mesh that is later modified is treated as a hand-built mesh. Thus,
some loads or element properties may change based on the surface number of the

When to Use Plate Elements

The thickness is small with relation to the length and width (approximately 1/10).
Small displacements and rotations.
Elements remain planar, no warpage.
Stress distribution through the thickness is linear.
No rotation about the direction normal to the element.

Plate Element Parameters

To enter the element parameters, select the Element Definition entry in the tree view
for the plate element part or parts, right-click, and choose Edit Element Definition.
Alternatively, select the part or parts in the display area or tree view, right-click, and
choose Edit Element Data.
Note: The Element Definition for multiple parts can be modified simultaneously only if all
the parts are mid-plane meshed or all the parts are hand-built. You cannot modify a mix
at the same time.

Input Included in Element Definition

Material Model: Specify the material model for this part in the Material Model drop-down
Menu. If the material properties in all directions are identical, select the Isotropic option.
If the material properties vary along two orthogonal axes, select the Orthotropic option.
(The orientation of the orthotropic axes is then defined using the Nodal Order Method
option. See below.)
Element Formulation: Specify which type of element formulation is used for this part in
the Element Formulation drop-down menu. The Veubeke option uses the theory by B.
Fraeijs de Veubeke for plate formulation for displaced and equilibrium models. This
option is recommended for plate elements that have little or no warpage. The Reduced
Shear option uses the constant linear strain triangle (CLST) with reduced shear
integration and Hsieh, Clough and Tocher (HCT) plate bending element theories. This
option is recommended for plate elements that contain significant warpage. The Linear
Strain option uses the CLST without reduced shear integration and HCT plate bending
element theories. The Constant Strain option uses the constant strain triangle (CST) and
HCT plate bending element theories.
Temperature Method: There are three options for performing a thermal stress analysis
with plate elements. These are selected in the Temperature Method drop-down menu. If
the Stress Free option is selected, the thermal strain () is calculated as the product of
the difference of the nodal temperatures (Tnode) applied to the model and the Stress
Free Reference Temperature (Tref), and the thermal coefficient of expansion
(): = (Tnode-Tref). The Stress Free Reference Temperature is entered in the
appropriate field of the Element Definition dialog box. If the Mean option is selected, the
thermal strain is calculated as the product of the Mean Temperature Difference (entered
in the spreadsheet) and the thermal coefficient of expansion: = (Mean Temperature
Difference). If the Nodal dT option is selected, the thermal strain is calculated as the
product of the difference of the nodal temperatures applied to the model and 0 degrees
and the thermal coefficient of expansion: = (Tnode-0). (Also see delta T thru
thickness below.)
Twisting coefficient ratio: The undefined rotational degree of freedom (the direction
perpendicular to the element) for a plate element is assigned an artificial stiffness to help
stabilize the solution. The magnitude of the artificial stiffness equals the Twisting
coefficient ratio times the smallest bending stiffness of the element.
The linear plate element is a combination of planar plate and membrane elements. The
rotational degree of freedom perpendicular to the plate element is undefined on a local
basis. When combined with other plate elements at an angle, the global rotational
degree of freedom is defined. (Visualize this as the in-plane rotation in one element
having a component in the out-of-plane direction for the adjacent element.) To avoid a
singularity (unknown solution) in the solution of the global stiffness matrix, the twisting
coefficient is used to create an artificial stiffness on a local basis. This local stiffness is
added to the global stiffness matrix. If this artificial stiffness is too large, the solution
behaves as if the model is partially tied down in the twisting direction.
Values for the twisting coefficient ratio that are too large may cause a significant artificial
constraint, especially where plates meet at an angle. Values that are too small can
increase the maximum/minimum stiffness ratio. A large maximum/minimum stiffness
ratio may cause a warning and can make the matrix harder to solve, increasing the
chance of an inaccurate solution. (The warning is output during the assembly of the
stiffness matrix and before the solving operation. It may be followed by solution warnings
which are a much more serious indicator of problems.)
The maximum/minimum stiffness ratio is not always independent of the units. If the
maximum and minimum stiffnesses were due to tension, then the units of each (such as
N/mm) are canceled. With plate elements, the maximum stiffness is often a tension
(units of force/length) and the minimum stiffness is often the out-of-plane rotation (units
like force*length/radian), so the maximum stiffness divided by the minimum stiffness
does have units. The Twisting coefficient ratio may need to be adjusted depending on
the units in use.
Attention: If the Twisting coefficient ratio is too large, some of the applied load is
transferred to the ground through the artificial stiffness. In a linear static stress analysis,
one way to check if the ratio is affecting the results is to check the reaction forces and
moments. If the reactions are less than the applied loads, then some of the load is
disappearing through the artificial stiffness. In this case, use a smaller twisting coefficient
and rerun the analysis.
Properties: The majority of the Element Definition input is entered in a spreadsheet. The
specifics of the input depend on the selection in the Properties drop-down menu and
the Use mid-plane mesh thicknesscheck box. The options are as follows:
Properties set to Part-based. all the elements in the part use the same properties
regardless of the element's surface number. One row is shown in the spreadsheet.
Properties set to Surface-based. all the properties in the spreadsheet are entered
based on the element's surface number. One row appears in the spreadsheet for each
surface number in the part. Some rows may appear because lines exist with the
surface number even though no elements have that surface number. The input for
such conditions has no effect on the model. (See Table 1 in the previous section What
is a Plate Element for the definition of the element's surface number.)
Use mid-plane mesh thickness is activated. This option is available when the part
was created from a CAD model by the automatic midplane mesher. When activated,
the thickness of the elements is determined by the midplane mesher, so the Thickness
and Design Variable columns are not shown in the spreadsheet.
Use mid-plane mesh thickness is not activated or disabled. When not activated, you
enter the thickness of the elements. The Thickness and Design Variable columns are
shown in the spreadsheet.
Note: If multiple parts are selected and the Element Definition is modified, the
Properties are set to Part-based. If you change it, all the surface numbers that appear
in all the selected parts are listed in the spreadsheet. Some surface numbers may not
appear in all parts. Be familiar with the model when entering data for multiple parts.
The complete list of columns that appear in the spreadsheet is as follows
Surface. The surface number of the element. Because of the mesh generation and
voting rule (see Table 1 in What is a Plate Element above), some surface numbers
may appear in the lines of the mesh but not the surface number of the element. Some
surface numbers listed in the spreadsheet (some rows) may have no effect on the
part. This column is hidden when the Properties is set to Part-based.
Design Variable. If the check box is activated, then the thickness of the
corresponding elements is a variable for design optimization. This column is hidden
when Use mid-plane mesh thickness is activated.
Thickness. Enter the thickness of the element. The element is considered to be
drawn at the midplane of the plate element. Therefore, half of the entered value for
thickness is considered on top of the element while the other half is below the
midplane. Enter a value for the thickness to run the analysis. This column is hidden
when Use mid-plane mesh thickness is activated.

Figure 1: Thickness of a Plate Element

Normal Point (X), Normal Point (Y), and Normal Point (Z). A point in space is used
to control the orientation of the element's normal axis (+3 axis), or which side of the
element is the top side (+3 side) and the bottom side (-3 side). The normal direction is
determined by specifying a point in space using the Normal Point (X), Normal Point
(Y), and Normal Point (Z) columns. See Figure 2. A positive normal pressure is
applied normal to the plate elements in the direction of the +3 axis and points away
from the element normal point.
Tip: The normal point does not need to be over the element as implied by Figure 2.
Mathematically, the side of the plate element that faces the element normal coordinate
is the bottom of the element.
Figure 2: Determining the Element Normal

The edge-on view of the plate element is shown.

Nodal Order Method. For a general FEA analysis, you can ignore the element's in-
plane orientation (axis 1 and 2). The ability to orient elements is useful for elements
with orthotropic material models and for easily interpreting stresses in local element
coordinate systems. Which method is used to control the in-plane orientation is done
with the Nodal Order Method drop-down menu. If the Default option is selected, the
edge of an element with the highest surface number is chosen as the ij side. If
the Orient I Node option is selected, the node on an element that is closest to the
Nodal Point (see next item) is designated as the i node. The j node is the next node on
the element following the right-hand rule about the element's normal axis (+3 axis). If
the Orient IJ Side option is selected, the side of an element that is closest to the
Nodal Point is designated as the ij side. The i and j nodes are assigned so that the j
node can be reached by following the right-hand rule about the element's normal axis
(+3 axis) along the element from the i node. Once the i and j nodes and axis 3 are
defined, the element's local 1 and 2 axes are determined. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: Local 1 and 2 axes for Plate Elements

The dots along the side of the element are at the midpoint of the side.
Nodal Point (X), Nodal Point (Y), and Nodal Point (Z). If the Nodal Order Method for
in-plane orientation is set to Orient I Node or Orient IJ Side, then use these three
columns to enter a coordinate to define the element's in-plane orientation (see
previous item).
delta T thru thickness. Regardless of the method selected in the Temperature
Method drop-down menu, you can specify the temperature gradient in local 3 direction
in the delta T thru thickness column. This is equal to the change in temperature across
the plate divided by its thickness: delta T thru thickness = (Ttop-Tbottom)/thickness.
See Figure 4. A temperature gradient causes the plate to bend but not to grow or

Delta T thru thickness

Figure 4: Temperature Gradient Through a Plate Element

Tip: The input can be copied from one row and pasted into other rows. Right-click the
row to be copied and choose Copy Row. Then highlight the destination row or multiple
rows, right-click, and choose Paste Rows.

To Use Plate Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be plate elements.

4. Select the Plate command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. In the Element Definition dialog, select a material model in the Material Model drop-
down box. Select Isotropic if the material properties are independent of direction.
Select the Orthotropic option if the material properties are dependent of direction.
8. If you are performing a thermal stress analysis, select the method that you want to use
for calculating the stress in the Temperature Method drop-down box. If the Stress
Free option is selected, enter an appropriate value in the Stress Free Reference
Temperature field. If the Mean option is selected, enter an appropriate value in the
Mean Temperature Difference column.

9. If the Use mid-plane mesh thickness is not activated, enter the thickness of the part
or each surface.

10. If you are going to apply a pressure load or force to these elements, you must define a
normal for the elements. You can do this by entering values in the Normal Point
(X), Normal Point (Y), and Normal Point (Z)columns of the spreadsheet. A positive
pressure load will be defined from this point towards the element.

11. Press the OK button.

Brick Elements

LIKE (0)

Brick elements are four-, five-, six- or eight-node elements formulated in three-
dimensional space. Brick elements are used to model and analyze objects such as
wheels, flanges, and turbine blades. Brick elements have the ability to incorporate
midside nodes (producing 21-node elements) and several material models.
When applying loads to a surface number of a brick part, be aware that some models
may not have all the lines on the face to be loaded on the same surface number. What
happens in this situation? If the model originated from a CAD solid model, all faces
coincident with the surface of the CAD model receives the load regardless of the surface
number of the lines. In hand-built models and on CAD parts that are altered so that the
part is no longer associated with the CAD part, the surface number that is common in
any three of the four lines that define a face (four-node region) or two of the three lines
(three-node region) determines the surface number of that face.
Brick elements, by definition, cannot have rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs). You
can apply translational DOFs as needed.
Several geometries of the brick element are available for structural analysis. These
element versions have 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 nodes available.
These 4- to 8-node elements are formulated in 3D space, and have only three degrees-
of-freedom defined per node: the X translation, the Y translation and the Z translation.
Incompatible displacement modes are available only for 8-node elements. Pressure,
thermal and inertial loads in three directions are the allowable element based loadings.
You may also use centrifugal and nodal loads.
Figure 1: 3D Brick Element, 8-node

Figure 3: 3D Brick Element, 6-node

Figure 5: 3D Brick Element, 4-node

The elements with less than 8 nodes are known as hybrid elements. They serve as
transition elements between 8-node bricks and other elements such as tetrahedrons.

When to Use Brick Elements

The stress results through the thickness of a part is needed.
The model has only forces applied, no moments. (Bricks have no rotational degrees of
freedom). For advice on how to apply a moment to a brick, see Meshing Overview:
Creating Contact Pairs: Examples of Contact.
The model has a hydrostatic pressure load applied.
To capture bending in models with brick elements, three elements should be created
through the thickness. If this cannot be done for the model and is needed, the model
may need to be evaluated using plate elements.

Brick Element Parameters

When using brick elements, you must specify the material model for this part in
the Material Model drop-down menu.
If the material properties in all directions are identical, select the Isotropic option.
If the material properties vary along three orthogonal axes, select
the Orthotropic option.
If the material properties vary with temperature, select either the Temperature
Dependent Isotropic or Temperature Dependent Orthotropic option.
If you are performing a voltage induced stress analysis, select either
the Piezoelectric or General Piezoelectric option.
To define the material properties by specifying the stiffness matrix, select
the Anisotropic option.
If the part is injection molded, the anisotropic material properties that result
from the molding process can be obtained from an Autodesk Moldflow
simulation. Select Moldflow as material model. SeeInteroperability with Autodesk
Simulation Moldflow for details.
The next parameter that can be defined is the compatibility. This is done in
the Compatibility drop-down menu. See Incompatible Displacement Modes for more
If the Not Enforced option is selected, gaps or overlaps is allowed along inter-
element boundaries. These elements are formulated using an assumed linear
stress field. These elements are most effective as low aspect ratio rectangles.
The Compatibility: Not Enforced only applies to 8-node elements. The other
configurations (6-, 5-, and 4-node elements) are always Compatibility: Enforced.
If the Enforced option is selected, overlaps or discontinuities are not allowed
along inter-element boundaries. These elements are formulated using an
assumed linear displacement field. These elements can overestimate the
stiffness of the structure. In general, a greater mesh density in the direction of
the strain gradient is required to achieve the same level of accuracy as elements
for which the Not Enforced option is selected.
If you want the brick elements in this part to have the midside nodes activated,
select the Included option in the Midside Nodes drop-down menu. If this option is
selected, the brick elements have additional nodes defined at the midpoints of
each edge. (For meshes of CAD solid models, the midside nodes follow the
original curvature of the CAD surface, depending on the option selected before
creating the mesh. For hand-built models and CAD model meshes that are altered,
the midside node is located at the midpoint between the corner nodes.) It changes
an 8-node brick element into a 20-node brick element. An element with midside
nodes results in more accurately calculated gradients. This is especially useful
when trying to model bending behavior with few elements across the bending
plane. Elements with midside nodes increase processing time. If the mesh is
sufficiently small, then midside nodes may not provide any significant increase in
Note: The displacement at midside nodes is always output. The stress and strain
at midside nodes are output only if you activate the option to output these results
before running the analysis. The option is located under the Setup Model Setup
Parameters dialog box. (The location under the Analysis Parameters varies
from analysis type to analysis type.)
Next, select the integration order that is used for the brick elements in this part in
the Integration Order drop-down menu. For rectangular shaped elements, select
the 2nd Order option. For moderately distorted elements, select the 3rd
Order option. For extremely distorted elements, select the 4th Order option. The
computation time for element stiffness formulation increases as the third power of
the integration order. Consequently, the lowest integration order which produces
acceptable results should be used to reduce processing time.
When you use a Moldflow material model, use the Residual Stress (Moldflow
Insight Only) drop-down to include or exclude residual stresses for your analysis.
If set to Include, stresses built-up during the injection molding process are
modeled. Upon ejection from the mold, the part shrinks and warps to redistribute
the stresses incurred while in the mold. Your model part represents the in-mold
If you are performing a thermal stress analysis on this part, specify the
temperature at which the elements in this part experiences no thermally induced
stresses in the Stress Free Reference Temperature field. Element based loads
associated with constraint of thermal growth are calculated using the average of
the temperatures specified on the nodal point data lines. The reference
temperature is used to calculate the temperature change. Thermal loading may be
used to achieve other types of member loadings. For these cases, an equivalent
temperature change (dT) is used.

Control the Orientation of Brick Elements

If this part of brick elements is using any material model except for isotropic or
temperature dependent isotropic, you will need to define the orientation of
material axes 1, 2 and 3 in the Orthotropic tab of the Element Definition dialog
box. There are two basic methods to accomplish this.
Method 1:
The first method is to select one of the global axes as material axis 1. If you select
the Global X-direction option in the Material axis direction specified using drop-
down Menu, the orthogonal material axes follows the X, Y and Z axes:
Material axis 1: X axis
Material axis 2: Y axis
Material axis 3: Z axis

If you select the Global Y-direction option in the Material axis direction specified
using drop-down menu, the orthogonal material axes follows the X, Y and Z axes:
Material axis 1: Y axis
Material axis 2: Z axis
Material axis 3: X axis

If you select the Global Z-direction option in the Material axis direction specified
using drop-down menu, the orthogonal material axes follows the X, Y and Z axes:
Material axis 1: Z axis
Material axis 2: X axis
Material axis 3: Y axis

With the first method, the axes can be rotated about the chosen global direction
by entering an angle in the Material Axis Rotation Angle field. This angle follows
the right-hand rule.
Method 2:
The second method is to select the Spatial Points option in the Material axis
direction specified using drop-down menu. Next you must define the coordinates
for three spatial points in the Spatial point coordinates table. Next, select the
appropriate index for the spatial points in the Index of spatial point 1, Index of
spatial point 2, and Index of spatial point 3 drop-down menus.
Material axis 1 is a vector from the spatial point in the Index of spatial point
1 drop-down menu to the spatial point in the Index of spatial point 2 drop-down
Material axis 2 is perpendicular to local axis 1, lies in the plane formed by the
three spatial points, and is on the same side of axis 1 as the spatial point in
the Index of spatial point 3 drop-down menu.
Material axis 3 is calculated as the cross-product of material axes 1 and 2.
Figure 6: Orientation of Material Axes
Attention: The spatial point coordinates are shared by all of the parts in the model.
Changing any of the coordinates in one part affects all other parts that use the
same spatial point. However, since more than three points can be defined in
the Spatial point coordinates table, and any point can be chosen for each of the
indices (in any order), the orientation can vary for different parts.

To Use Brick Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to make brick

4. Select the Brick command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. Select the appropriate material model in the Material Model drop-down menu.
There are six model choices. For more information on these models,
see Material Properties.

8. To have midside nodes used in this part, select the Included option in
the Midside Nodes drop-down menu.

9. If you are performing a thermal stress analysis, enter a temperature into

the Stress Free Reference Temperature field. The difference between this value
and the applied temperatures is used to calculate the stress

10. If you are using either an isotropic or temperature dependent isotropic material
model, press the OK button.

11. If you are using any other material model, click the Orthotropic tab.

12. Decide how your material axes is oriented by selecting the proper choice in
the Material axis direction specified using drop-down menu.

13. Press the OK button.

Tetrahedral Elements

LIKE (0)

Linear tetrahedral elements are either constant stress elements with four nodes or linear stress
elements with 10 nodes. These elements are formulated in three-dimensional space with three
degrees of freedom per node; these are the translational degrees of freedom in the X, Y and Z
directions, respectively. The ten-node element is an isoparametric element and stresses are
calculated at the nodes. The following element-based loadings may be applied:

1. Uniform or hydrostatic pressure on the element faces.

2. Thermal gradients defined by temperatures at the nodes.

3. Uniform inertial load in three directions.

Figure 1: 10-Noded Tetrahedral Element

Determination Surface Number for Tetrahedrals
When applying loads to a surface number of a tetrahedral part, be aware that some models may not
have all the lines on the face to be loaded on the same surface number. What happens in this
situation? If the model originated from a CAD solid model, all faces coincident with the surface of the
CAD model receives the load regardless of the surface number of the lines. In hand-built models and
on CAD parts that are altered so that the part is no longer associated with the CAD part, the surface
number that is common in any two of the three lines that define a face determines the surface number
of that face.
Tetrahedral elements, by definition, cannot have rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs), even if you
released these DOFs when applying the boundary conditions. You can apply translational DOFs as

When to Use Tetrahedral Elements

The stress results through the thickness of a part is preferred.
The model has only forces applied, no moments. (Tetrahedrals have no rotational degrees of
freedom). For advice on how to apply a moment to a tetrahedral element, see the page Meshing
Overview: Creating Contact Pairs: Examples of Contact.
The model has a hydrostatic pressure or pressure load applied.

Tetrahedral Element Parameters

If you want the tetrahedral elements in this part to have the midside nodes activated, select
the Included option in the Midside Nodes drop-down menu. If this option is selected, the
tetrahedral elements have additional nodes defined at the midpoints of each edge. (For meshes of
CAD solid models, the midside nodes follow the original curvature of the CAD surface, depending on
the option selected before creating the mesh. For hand-built models and CAD model meshes that are
altered, the midside node is located at the midpoint between the corner nodes.) It changes a 4-node
tetrahedral element into a 10-node tetrahedral element. An element with midside nodes results in
more accurately calculated gradients. This is especially useful when trying to model bending behavior
with few elements across the bending plane. Elements with midside nodes increase processing time.
If the mesh is sufficiently small, then midside nodes may not provide any significant increase in
Tip: The displacement at midside nodes is always output. The stress and strain at midside nodes are
output only if you activate the option to output these results before running the analysis. The option is
located under the Setup Model Setup Parameters dialog box. (The location under the
Analysis Parameters varies from analysis type to analysis type.)
Next, select the integration order that is used for the tetrahedral elements in this part in
the Integration Order drop-down menu. For rectangular shaped elements, select the 2nd
Order option. For moderately distorted elements, select the 3rd Order option. For extremely
distorted elements, select the 4th Order option. The computation time for element stiffness
formulation increases as the third power of the integration order. Consequently, the lowest integration
order which produces acceptable results should be used to reduce processing time.
If you are performing a thermal stress analysis on this part, specify the temperature at which the
elements in this part experiences no thermally induced stresses in the Stress Free Reference
Temperature field. Element based loads associated with constraint of thermal growth are
calculated using the average of the temperatures specified on the nodal point data lines. The
reference temperature is used to calculate the temperature change. Thermal loading may be used to
achieve other types of member loadings. For these cases, an equivalent temperature change (dT) is

To use Tetrahedral Elements

1. Be sure that a unit system is defined.

2. Be sure that the model is using a structural analysis type.

3. Right-click the Element Type heading for the part that you want to be tetrahedral elements.

4. Select the Tetrahedral command.

5. Right-click the Element Definition heading.

6. Select the Edit Element Definition command.

7. To have midside nodes used in this part, select the Included option in the Midside
Nodes drop-down box.

8. If you are performing a thermal stress analysis, enter a temperature into the Stress Free
Reference Temperature field. The difference between this value and the applied
temperatures will be used to calculate the stress.

How Does Autodesk Simulation Work?

How Does it Work?

The software transforms an engineering model with an infinite number of
unknowns into a finite model.

This is an idealized mathematical model.

The model is defined by nodes, elements, loads and constraints.

The user interface can be effectively used for the design, analysis and
evaluation phases of a typical design process.

The simulation software can be extremely useful during the initial concept and
design phase to identify areas that can be improved.

The simulation software can also be used to quickly evaluate a concept, saving
time and engineering resources.

This does not necessarily replace the testing needed to evaluate a final design;
however the goal is to minimize the prototype and testing stages of design

The General Flow of an Analysis

Process: General Flow

1. Create a Mesh

Start the simulation program

Open your model in the FEA Editor environment

Select the analysis type

Create your mesh

2. Define the FEA Data

Assign the loads and constraints

Define the material

Define the analysis parameters

3. Run the Analysis
4. Review and Present Results

Review the desired result types

Save images and animations

Create presentations and HTML reports

Stress and Strain Review

Stress and Strain Review
This document will review:

Equations Used in the Solution

Limits of Static Stress with Linear Material Models

Equations Used in the Solution
A complex system can be broken into a finite number of regions (elements),
each of which follows the equations below:


= stress,

F = force,

A = area

= strain,

E = modulus of elasticity

= displacement,

L = length

When the interaction of each region with its neighbor (through the nodes) is
considered, a system of equations is developed:

{f} is the vector that represents all of the applied loads.

[K] is the assemblage of all of the individual element stiffnesses

(AE/L) and {x} is the vector that represents the displacements.

Since the applied load vector and element stiffnesses are known from the
user input, the equation can be solved using matrix algebra by rearranging the
equation as follows for the displacement vector:

Strains are computed based on the classical differential equations previously

discussed. Stress can then be obtained from the strains using Hooke's Law.
These basic equations do not require the use of a computer to solve.
However, a computer is needed when complexity is added, such as:

Geometric complexity (makes the elasticity equation impossible to solve).

Variation in material properties throughout the body.

Multiple load cases and complex or combined loading.


Large systems (require many equations to solve).

In practice, the direct inversion is extremely difficult and sometimes unstable.

In FEA, matrices can be 50,000 x 50,000 or larger. As a result, other solution
methods for this linear equation have been developed. All of these methods
use the basic principles of a mathematical method called Gaussian
Elimination. The details of this method will not be discussed here, but may be
obtained from any numerical programming text.

Since differentiation cannot be performed directly on the computer,

approximation techniques are used to determine the strain in the model. Since
an approximation technique is used for the strains, the finer the mesh, the
better the approximation of the strain. For a linear static analysis, stress has a
linear relation to strain. Therefore, the stresses will have the same accuracy
as the strains.

For more complex analyses, more terms are needed. The equation below is
needed to represent a true dynamic analysis:
where the additional matrices and vectors are,

m = mass

= acceleration (second derivative of displacement versus time)

c = damping

= velocity (first derivative of displacement versus time)

Limits of Static Stress with Linear Material Models

Deformations are small

Strains and rotations are small

Changes in stiffness through the model are small

Changes in boundary conditions are small

Changes in loading direction with deformations are small

Material remains in the linear elastic range

Hand Calculations

Finite Element Method Using Hand Calculations

This document will review:

Hand-Calculated Example

Finite Element Method Using Hand Calculations

Model Description and Governing Equations

A theoretical solution using fundamental equations is presented. In addition, a

hand-calculated solution based on the finite element method is presented and
its results compared with those obtained by the FEA software


Hand Calculations:

First, we know that the sum of the forces in the X and Y directions must be 0 at
Node 1.

Since we will assume small deflections, we can ignore the rotation of the
trusses. Consider the elongation of each member as the deflection along the
original position.
System of Trusses to be Solved by Hand

Substituting for x and y give

Solving equations , , and , for the three unknown forces gives

Hand-Calculation of the Finite Element Solution

To see how a hand-calculation would be performed using the finite element

method, we will now present the construction of the stiffness matrix for each

For the element from point 1 to point 2:

For the element from point 1 to point 3:

For the element from point 1 to point 4:

Combine the individual matrices to create the total stiffness matrix:

The force vector can be constructed. The horizontal and vertical forces at point
1 are known.

The displacement vector can also be constructed. The only two unknowns are
the horizontal and vertical displacements of point 1. All other displacements
are 0.
Now we can invert the stiffness matrix and solve the equation:

After solving the above equation, the displacement results are:

The stresses can be calculated by dividing the axial forces by the cross-
sectional area.

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Example

The image below shows the truss system as modeled in the user interface. It
is loaded and constrained as illustrated previously.
The image below shows the results of the analysis. The X and Y components
of the displacement are shown. An archive of the model including the results
(Truss Example.ach) is available in the 01 Hand-Calculation Example\Results
Archive folder of the course files.
The chart below shows a comparison of the program results to the hand
calculation results.

Linear Dynamics Review

Equation for Dynamic Analyses

The basic equation of dynamics is:



[m] = the mass matrix

{a} = the acceleration vector

[c] = the damping constant matrix

{v} = the velocity vector

[k] = the stiffness matrix

{x} = the displacement vector

A natural frequency analysis provides the natural vibration frequencies of a part

or assembly based on a linear eigenvalue solution. Because the above equation
is solved in this linear solution, only mass and stiffness are taken into account.
No damping is used. In addition, loads are ignored. As a result, actual
displacement output is meaningless except to define the shape of the natural
frequency mode. Note that loads are taken into account for a natural frequency
with load stiffening analysis, assuming the loads produce membrane stresses
that affect the stiffness of the structure.
Constraints have a very significant effect on the solution. When no boundary
conditions or insufficient boundary conditions are used, rigid-body movement or
modes will be found. Unlike a static solution, this is acceptable in a modal
In this unit ...

the Autodesk Simulation user interface will be introduced. This

interface is the same for each of the available packages, including
the Simulation Mechanical and Sim 360 Pro products. The only
difference will be with regard to which advanced features or
capabilities are enabled.


Introduction to the user interface

Commands - Ribbon



View Cube and other view controls

Complete an example of using Autodesk Simulation

Overview of opening an Autodesk Inventor CAD model and creating

a mesh

Overview of adding loads and constraints to a model

Overview of defining material properties

Overview of performing an analysis

Overview of reviewing results

Overview of generating a report

Navigating the User Interface

Navigating the User Interface

We will begin with an overview of the major components of the
graphical user interface. Then we will discuss the Ribbon, keyboard,
mouse, View Cube, and additional view controls. Please note that the
behavior of the keyboard, mouse and View Cube as discussed within
this course are based on the default program settings for a clean
installation of the product. Many of the features to be discussed are
customizable via tabs and settings within the Application
Options dialog box, reachable via the

Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options command.

The Image below, along with the legend that follows it introduces the
major components of the user interface. This course is based on
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014. Users of other versions may
encounter differences between their version and the interface described
Application Menu: Files can be opened and accessed from the
Application Menu. Other commands that are available here include
Merge, Export and Archive.

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT): Provides quick access to

commonly used commands and is fully customizable. The QAT image
shown here includes a number of commands in addition to the default

Ribbon Tabs: The Ribbon tabs are located just below the title bar
and are used to select different sets of logically grouped commands.

Ribbon Commands: The Ribbon provides access to many

commands for drawing, meshing, setting up, analyzing, manipulating,
and reviewing the model. Different command sets are displayed for
each of the three environments of the user interface (FEA Editor,
Results, or Report).

Product Center: Provides links to the Autodesk Subscription

Center, Autodesk Exchange Apps, and Communication Center.
Type a keyword or phrase into the field on the left to search the Wiki

Browser: The browser (tree view) has unique contents for each
environment. For the FEA Editor, it shows the parts list and the units,
various properties, and loads that will be used for the analysis. In the
Results environment, you see a list of results presentations and other
post-processing-specific content. The components of the analysis report
will be listed in the browser within the Report environment. You can also
close or pin/unpin the browser.

Display Area: The display area is where the modeling activity

takes place. The FEA Editor environment is used to create the model,
add the Loads and Constraints, and perform the analysis.
The Resultsenvironment is used to view results and to create images,
graphs, and animations. The Report environment will be used to
produce a formal report of the analysis, including desired results
presentations. TheViewCube and Navigation Bar are also in the
Display area by default.

Miniaxis and Scale Ruler: The miniaxis shows your viewpoint

with respect to the three-dimensional working area. The scale ruler
gives you a sense of the model size.

Status Bar: The status bar displays important messages and

command prompts.

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical access program functions through the ribbon,
context menus, quick access toolbar (QAT), and Application Menu. The available
commands and menus vary for each program environment (FEA Editor,
Results, and Report). The Ribbon is positioned at the top and is customizable.
You can move the panel positions within the same Ribbon tab.

The commands are logically grouped into panels and tabs. For example,
the Mesh tab includes Mesh, CAD Additions, Structured Mesh,
and Refinement panels. Each panel will have a specific set of commands. You
can add these commands to the quick access toolbar so that they can be easily
accessed while any ribbon tab is displayed. To do this, right-click the command in
the panel and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar as shown in the image
Most of the tabs, panels, and commands will not appear until an existing model is
opened or a new model is created. The image below shows a typical context
menu accessed by right-clicking in the display area after selecting a surface on
the model. Context menus can be used to add loads and constraints, among
other tasks.

In some cases there where will be too many commands to be all displayed on the
panel. In these situations you can click on the panel options button to gain
access to further commands as shown in the image below.
Using the Keyboard and Mouse

Using the Keyboard and Mouse

The keyboard and mouse will both be used to operate within the user interface.
The keyboard will be used to enter the required data for loads, constraints,
material properties, and so on. It will also be used to modify the behavior of
particular mouse operations. That is, certain keyboard keys, when held down,
will change the behavior of the mouse.

The software supports a number of different mouse configurations. This

document assumes that the default template for a new installation is in effect.
However, user settings, or those retained from a prior Autodesk Simulation
installation, may cause the behavior to differ from that described herein. To
ensure that your mouse actions follow the descriptions in this book, access the

Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options > Mouse Options dialog
box and choose the Autodesk Simulation template.
Left Mouse Button

The left mouse button will be used to select items. How items are selected will
depend upon the selection mode chosen in the

Selection tab > Shape panel or the Shape pull-out menu in the right click
menu. The type of objects that are selected (such as lines, vertices, surfaces,
parts, edges, or elements) will depend upon the selection mode chosen in the

Selection tab > Select panel or the Select.

Left Mouse Button + Ctrl

Holding down the <Ctrl> key, while left-clicking on the object, will toggle the
selection state of the clicked object. That is, unselected objects will be added
to the selection set and previously selected items will be removed from the
selection set.

Left Mouse Button + Shift

Holding down the <Shift> key while left-clicking will only add clicked objects to
the selection set (this will have no effect on already selected items).

Left Mouse Button + Ctrl + Shift

Holding both <Ctrl> and <Shift> while left-clicking will only remove clicked
objects from the selection set (this will have no effect on items that are not
already part of the current selection set).

Right Mouse Button

Pressing the right mouse button with the cursor hovering over items in the
browser will access a context menu with commands relevant to the item under
the cursor. When items are currently selected, either within the browser or
display area, the right-click context menu will display commands and options
that are specifically relevant to the selected items. For example, if a surface is
selected, only surface-based commands will appear in the context menu. You
may right-click anywhere in the display area when items are selected to
access the context menu. However, to access the context menu within the
browser area, you must right-click with the cursor positioned on one of the
selected headings.

Rolling Middle Mouse Wheel

If a mouse has a wheel, rolling the wheel will zoom in or out on the model.

Dragging Middle Mouse Button

Holding down the middle mouse button or wheel and dragging the mouse will
rotate the model

Middle Mouse Button + Ctrl

Pressing the <Ctrl> key, while holding the middle button and dragging the
mouse, will pan the model, moving it within the display area.

Middle Mouse Button + Shift

Pressing the <Shift> key while dragging the mouse with the middle button
down or Rolling the wheel will zoom in and out, making the model larger as
the mouse is moved upward and smaller as it is moved downward.

You will likely find the use of the middle mouse button and wheel to be more
convenient than choosing a command like Rotate or Pan, clicking and
dragging the mouse, and then pressing <Esc> to exit the command.

Middle Mouse Button + X, Y, or Z

Holding the X, Y, or Z key on the keyboard may be held down while dragging
the mouse with the middle button held down. Doing so will rotate the model,
as before, but constraining the rotation to be only about the corresponding X,
Y, or Z global axis direction. You may also use the left and right cursor keys
on the keyboard while holding down X, Y, or Z to rotate about these axes in
fixed increments (15 degrees by default). The rotation increment is
customizable via the

Tools tab > Option panel > Application Options > Graphics:
Miscellaneous dialog box.

Introduction to the View Cube

Introduction to the View Cube

As is true for the mouse, the software also supports a number of different view
configurations. This document assumes that the default view options template
and view navigation settings for a new installation are in effect. However, user
settings, or settings retained from a prior Autodesk Algor Simulation or Autodesk
Simulation installation, may cause the view orientations and behavior to differ
from those described throughout this document. To ensure that your view
commands follow the descriptions in this book, access the Tools tab > Options
panel > Application Options > Views Options dialog box and choose
theAutodesk Simulation template.

Next, access the Graphics tab > Options of the same dialog box,
select Navigation Tools from the items listed on the left side of the dialog box,
and click on the View Cube button. Click the Restore Defaultsbutton followed
by OK to exit the View Cube Properties dialog.

Finally, click the Steering Wheel button. Click the Restore Defaults button
followed by OK to exit the Steering Wheels Properties dialog box. Click OK to
exit the Options dialog box.

Users of other Autodesk products, such as AutoCAD or Autodesk Inventor

will likely already be familiar with the View Cube and associated additional view

The View Cube will be located in the upper right corner of the display by default
but may be relocated. The appearance will change depending upon whether the
view is aligned with a global plane and whether the cursor is near the cube or
not. The View Cube, in its various appearances, is shown in the image below.

The six standard view names, as labeled on the cube faces, are the Top,
Bottom, Front, Back, Left, and Right. These may be selected by clicking near
visible face names on the cube, as shown in or by clicking the triangular
arrows pointing towards the adjacent faces, as shown in , which shows the
cursor pointing to the arrow for the Bottom view.

In addition, there are clickable zones at each corner and along each edge of the
View Cube. Clicking on a corner will produce an isometric view in which that
particular corner is positioned near the center and towards you. Clicking an edge
will produce an oblique view, rotated 45 degrees, Half-way between the views
represented by the two adjacent faces.

When the cursor is near the View Cube, a Home icon will appear above it and to
the left, providing easy access to the home view. This is an isometric view having
the corner between the Front, Right, and Top Faces centrally positioned and
towards you by default. The home view may be redefined by right-clicking the
Home icon and choosing the Set Current View as Home command while
viewing the model positioned as desired.

When one of the six standard views is active and the cursor is near the View
Cube, two curved arrows will appear above and to the right of the cube, as seen
in ,. These are used to rotate the model to one of the four possible variants
of the particular standard view. Each click of an arrow will rotate the model 90
degrees in the selected direction.

When the face being viewed is changed via the View Cube, the model may move
to the selected view in the manner that requires the least amount of motion. For
example, say we are first looking at the Right view, with the
word Right positioned upright (that is in the normal reading position). Now, if we
click the downward arrow above the cube, the model will rotate 90 degrees to
reveal the top face. The Top view will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise from the
upright orientation (that is, the word Top will read in the vertically downward
direction). Activating the Keep scene upright option will cause the Front, Back,
Left, and Right views to automatically be oriented in the upright position (Top
above, Bottom below) when changing to any of these views. You may, however,
rotate the view after initial selection, if desired. Go to
Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options >
Graphics > Navigation Tools: View Cube to locate the Keep scene
upright setting. It is activated by default.

The point of this discussion is that whenever a new face is selected using the
View Cube, the resultant view rotation may differ, depending upon the prior
position of the model. If the resultant orientation is not what is desired, simply
click one of the curved arrows to rotate the view.

Additional View Controls

Additional View Controls

Immediately below the View Cube is a pallet of additional view controls. This
consists of seven tools, each of which may be individually enabled or disabled.
All are on by default. The image below shows the view control pallet:

Each of these icons, except for the Previous and Next commands, function as
a toggleclicking it once to activate a command and again to deactivate it.
Several of the tools, such as Pan, Previous, and Nextare self-explanatory
includes a fly-out menu allowing the choice of one of four different zooming
modesZoom, Zoom (Fit All), Zoom (Selected), and Zoom (Window).

Zoom causes the model to become larger as the cursor is moved upward in
the display area and smaller when it is moved downward.

Zoom (Fit All) mode encloses the extents of the whole model. After
selecting objects in the display area.
Zoom (Selected), tool fits the selected items into the display area.

Zoom (Window) tool, you click and drag the mouse to draw a window
defines the area you wish to expand to fill the display area.

has two variants, selectable via a fly-out menuOrbit, and Orbit
(Constrained). The former allows the model to be rotated freely in any
direction. The Constrained option causes the model to rotate only about the
global Z-axis, similar to pressing the Z key while dragging the mouse with the
middle button depressed.

is used to center a point on the model within the display area. Click with the
mouse to specify the desired center point after selecting the Center command.
This point also becomes the display pivot point, about which the model pivots
when being rotated.

Look At
includes a fly-out menu allowing the choice of one of three different Look At
modesLook At, Look At Surface, and Look At Point.

Look At places the surface to which the clicked point belongs parallel or
tangent to the screen but does not modify the current amount of zoom. The
viewpoint rotates and/or pans to center the clicked point, but the view is not
zoomed in or out.

Look At Surface positions the view with the clicked surface parallel to, or
tangent to, the screen and zooms in or out to enclose the whole surface within
the display area.

Look At Point places the surface to which the clicked point belongs parallel
to, or tangent to, the screen but encloses the view more tightly, with the
clicked point centered in the display area.

Steering Wheel
customizable and, in its default setting, produces the Full Navigation Wheel
shown in the image below. The full navigation wheel floats above the model
view, following the cursor position. It provides an additional access method for
several functions found elsewhere on the view tools pallet as well as a few
additional functions.
The Rewind button on the navigation wheel presents a timeline of thumbnails
representing various views that have been used during the modeling session.
Simply release the mouse button with the cursor positioned at the thumbnail
representing the view to which you wish to jump. This is more convenient than
pressing the previous or next view buttons multiple times.

For additional information concerning these view controls, consult the Wiki

Traditional view controls and options are also provided via the View tab of
the command ribbon at the top of the screen. Options for displaying or
hiding the mesh or model shading may be found here as well as eight
pre-defined, standard view orientations. The orientations will depend upon
the currently active Views Options template (previously discussed in
the Introduction to the View Cube document of this unit).

There is also a User-defined Views dialog box that may be used to save,
modify, or restore custom views. Additional capabilities include a local
zoom feature and display toggles for the scale ruler, mini axis, and
perspective mode.
The Local Zoom feature displays a small rectangle that represents the
area to be magnified. A larger rectangle shows an overlay of the
magnified region. You may click on and drag the local zoom window to
position it anywhere on the model within the display area. To turn on the
Local Zoom select the check box next to

View tab > Visibility panel > User Interface pull out menu > Local

The size of the local zoom area and magnified overlay and also the zoom
level can be customized via the Tools tab > Options panel >
Application Options > Graphics> Local Zoom dialog box.
For additional information concerning the legacy view controls, consult the
Wiki Help.

Use this to ...

set default program settings expected in each project, making the

software appear as it was when it was opened for the first time after
installation. In this way, a user can work through the exercises in any
order. If a user will be working through several exercises during one
session, some settings from one exercise may be retained, creating
incorrect or invalid steps in the following exercise. To minimize this
possibility, exit the program at the end of each exercise and reopen it
to begin a new exercise. It is possible for an experienced user to
work through several exercises without this precaution, but extra care
should be taken to review that input is correct and appropriate.

It is important that the user access view commands exactly as

described, except as otherwise indicated (that is, from the Orientation
pull-down menu in the Navigation panel of the View tab of the
ribbon). These commands ensure a constant and repeatable view
orientation that is not ensured when using the ViewCube.
Specifically, while the displayed plane will be correct, the rotational
position may not be as expected when using the ViewCube.

Several program settings are global. That is, once set, they will
influence the program behavior for every model until the settings are
changed again. In particular, the solution steps in this manual may be
invalidated if a deviation is made from any of the settings listed
below. These are the program settings upon which the solution
procedures are based:

Process: Application Menu > Options

1. Click the Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options
2. On the Analysis tab set:

Automate Analysis Activated

Ask to show mesh results after CAD meshing Deactivated

Default Modeling Units = English (in)

3. On the CAD Import tab> Global CAD Import Options set:

Split surfaces on import: = No

Automatically generate contact pairs: = No

4. On the Graphics > Navigation Tools > ViewCube set:

Fit-to-View on view change Activated

5. Set Mouse Options > Mouse settings templates = Autodesk Simulation

6. Set Views Options > Views settings templates = Autodesk Simulation

7. Click Ok to accept these defaults.
Key Points

A dataset archive must be downloaded. The downloaded dataset

archive contains the input files and result archives for all of the
exercises in the Solutions Manual. There are clearly identified
subfolders containing the appropriate files for each project.

Process: Opening Archives

1. Copy the set of folders and files to your local computer from the class directory
or downloaded dataset archive.
2. Start Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 and select the Open icon at the
left side of the dialog box.

3. Select the Autodesk Simulation Archive (*.ach) option in the Autodesk

Simulation Files section of the Files of type: drop-down box.
4. Double-click to on the desired file.
5. In the Browse for Folder screen, select a folder on the hard drive for the
location of the restored model files.

6. Press the OK button.

The model will be restored to the selected folder and automatically opened in the
FEA Editor environment. For exercises based on CAD solid models, the input
files will be universal format CAD solid model files, rather than Autodesk
Simulation archives.
Project: Steel Yoke Example

Completion Time: 30 Minutes

Objective: This example is an introduction to static stress analysis with linear

material models. The example will give step-by-step instructions to create a mesh
and analyze a three-dimensional (3-D) model of a steel yoke under an applied

Use the Inventor solid model, yoke.ipt, located in the 02 Steel Yoke
Example\Input File folder in the class directory (or extracted to your computer
from the solutions archive) to create a simple model of the steel yoke shown in
image below. The right half of the small hole will be fixed. A force of 800 pounds
will be applied to the left half of the large hole and acting towards the left, as
shown in the figure. The yoke is made of Steel (ASTM-A36). Analyze the model
to determine the displacements and stresses.

Process: There are three sections:

Setting up the model Open the model in the FEA Editor environment and
create the mesh on the model. Add the necessary forces and boundary
conditions and define the model parameters. Visually check the model for errors
with the Results environment.

Analyzing the model Analyze the model using the static stress with linear
material models processor.

Reviewing the results View the displacements and stresses graphically using
the Results environment.

1: Open the file Yoke.ipt in the 02 Steel Yoke Example\Input File directory

Select the Autodesk Inventor Parts (*.ipt, *.iam) option in the Files of
type: drop-down box.

Press the Open button

Click Yes on the Import Inventor Work Points dialog box

On the Choose Analysis Type dialog box from the pull-out menu,
choose Linear: Static Stress with Linear Material Models and press
the OK button.
2: Click the Mesh tab > Mesh Panel > Generate 3D Mesh with the default

3: Click the left mouse button and drag the mouse to rotate the model and
inspect the mesh all around it. This mesh appears to be acceptable. When done
inspecting the mesh, position the model so that you can see the inside of the
small hole as shown below. These surfaces will be constrained.
Setting up the Model

The FEA Editor environment is also used to specify all of the element and
analysis parameters for your model and to apply the loads and constraints. When
you initially come into the FEA Editor environment with the yoke model, you will
notice a red X on certain headings in the browser. This signifies that this data has
not yet been specified. You will need to eliminate all of the red Xs before
analyzing the model. After creating the mesh, the Element Type heading in the
browser is already set to Brick and the default Element Definition parameters
have been accepted. The material information is also imported from Inventor.
4: Adding Constraints

Constraints describe how a finite element model is tied down in space. If an

object is welded down so that it can neither translate nor rotate, the object is fully

Right click on the surface on the right side of the small hole and select Add >
Surface General Constraint

The dialog box shown below will appear. Also an additional mini-toolbar will
show up allowing the user to change the selection shape and selection object on
the fly.
Press the Fixed button.

NOTE: All 6 of the checkboxes in the Constrained DOFs section to the left are
activated. This means that the nodes on this surface will be totally constrained.

Press the OK button to apply these boundary conditions.

NOTE: Now there will be green triangles on the nodes of the surface that was
selected. This signifies a fully constrained boundary condition
5: Adding Forces to the Model

In this section, you will add the 800 lb force in the X direction to the large hole.

Right click on the surface on the Left side of the Large hole and select Add >
Surface Force

Type -800 in the "Magnitude" field.

Select the X radio button in the Direction section. Because the magnitude is
negative, the applied force will act in the -X direction.

Press the OK" button to apply the surface force. Now there will be green
arrows on the surface that was selected. They point in the -X direction.

6: Assigning the Parameters

Once the model has been constructed and the loads and constraints have been
applied, use the FEA Editor environment to specify material properties.

Right-click and select the Material > Edit Material command for Part 1.
Highlight the Steel (ASTM-A36) item from the list of available materials.

Press the Edit Properties button to view the material properties associated
with this steel.
Press the OK button to exit the Element Material Specification dialog box.

Press the OK button to accept the information entered in the Element Material
Selection dialog box for Part 1.

Accept the warning to override default material defined within Inventor.

7: Click the Analysis tab > Analysis Panel > Check Model
8: Click the Tools tab > Environments Panel > FEA Editor

9: Click the Home key on the View Cube.

10: Analyzing the Model

Click the Anlysis tab > Analysis Panel > Run Simulation
When completed, the model will be displayed in the Results environment and the
Displacement Magnitude will be displayed, as shown below. Note the maximum
displacement value.

11: Reviewing the Results

Click the Results Contours tab > Stress Panel > von Mises

The maximum von Mises stress and maximum deflection should closely match
the values in the table below.
12: Viewing the Displaced Shape

Viewing the displaced shape is always the best way to get an overall
understanding of how the model reacted to the applied load. A displaced model
alone or a displaced model overlaid with an undisplaced model can be

Click the Results Contours tab > Displacement Panel > Show Displaced >
Displaced Options

13: Select the Show Displaced Model and Transparent radio button in
the Show Undisplaced Model As section.

Press the X button in the upper right corner of the Displaced Model
Options dialog box to close it.
14: Creating an Animation

Click the Results Contours tab > Captures Panel > Start Animation
15: Click the Results Contours tab > Captures Panel > Stop Animation

NOTE: The preceding steps animated the results within the display area but did
not create an animation file that we can place in our report. In the following steps,
we will export an animation file that can be included in the report or copied to and
played on any computer.
16: Click the Results Contours tab > Captures Panel > Animate > Save as

Type Displacement Animation into the File name: field.

Press the Save button to save the animation to an AVI file format.

Press the No button when asked if you want to view the animation.
17: Generating a Report

In this section, you will automatically create an HTML report using the Report
Configuration Utility.

Click the Tools tab > Environments Panel > Report

18: Select the "Configure" command in the "Setup" panel.

Click the Report tab > Setup Panel > Configure

This will open the dialog box shown below.

NOTE: Clicking on any of the checkboxes will toggle the inclusion state of the
item (i.e. whether it is to be included or excluded from the HTML report). When
selecting included portions of the report, to modify them. Click on the item name
and not on the checkbox. This will select the item without toggling the checkbox
19: Activate the checkbox next to the Logo heading. This will include the default
Autodesk logo at the top of the report.
Note that you may also customize the logo by browsing to and selecting your
own image file. Several different image file formats are supported. The logo size
and alignment may also be adjusted by right-clicking on it and choosing
the Format Image command. You may also select the image and then click and
drag the handles that appear around the image border while it is selected to
resize it.
20: Select the Project Name heading.

Replace Design Analysis with Yoke Design

Replace Project Title Here with Analysis of Yoke under 800 lbf Loading

21: Select the Title and Author heading.

Type your name into the Author field

Type your department name into the Department field.

22: Select the Reviewer heading.

Type the name of the person who checked the model into the Reviewer field.

Enter the name of the department of the person who checked the model into
the Department field.
Type Passed all FEA tests into the Comments field.
23: Deselect the Executive Summary item by clicking on the associated
checkbox. This item will be excluded from the report.

NOTES: Text can be added as desired within the Executive Summary section
using the built-in word processor features. A variety of font and paragraph styles
are included, such as bullet or numbered lists, tables, tabs, and various text
justification settings.

The following sections are automatically generated and cannot be modified. The
analyst may only include or exclude these items or alter their order of
appearance within the report:


Analysis Parameters







Results Presentations

Processor Log Files Group

Summary Logs

Analysis Logs

Meshing Log
24: Deselect the Results Presentations checkbox.

Rather than including the default image of the results window, we will include the
previously generated animation.
25: Click the TREE pull-down menu > Add AVI File(s)... command.

This will allow you to include an animation file within the report. Alternately, you
can right-click in the report tree area and choose the Add AVI File command.

Browse to and select the previously created animation file Displacement


Press the Open" button. A Displacement Animation heading will appear in the
report tree and it will be selected.
NOTE: The default text within the Header Text: field will match the filename. We
will leave it as is. Optional text may be placed in the report below the animation, if
desired, by entering the desired text into theCaption field. We do not need to
include a caption for this example.
26: Click and drag the Displacement Animation heading in the report tree and
release it over the Processor Log Files heading. This will reorder the report,
placing the animation immediately before the processor log files.

27: Press the Generate Report button. This will automatically bring up the
report, which will appear as shown below. You can scroll through and review the
full report.
NOTE: The default title image is the model as it currently appears within the FEA
Editor environment. A different image may be substituted for this one and/or the
image may be resized using the report configuration utility. To adjust the image
size or alignment right-click on it and choose Format Image command. You may
also select the image and then click and drag the handles that appear around the
image border while it is selected to resize it.
28: A completed archive of this model yoke.ach, including results, is located in
the 02 Steel Yoke Example\Results Archive folder in the class directory.
In this unit ...

In this unit using CAD solid models in a Static Stress analysis will be


Learn about working with model archives

Learn how to open and mesh CAD solid models

Learn how to work with multiple unit systems

Learn the types of loads available for static stress analysis

Learn how to use load cases

Learn the types of constraints available for static stress analysis

Learn about design scenarios

Learn how to use symmetry and antisymmetry

Learn how to define local coordinate systems

Learn how to use the Material Library Manager

a Model
Before getting into the specifics of working with CAD solid models and
setting up static stress analyses, let us take a moment to discuss model
archives. These will be referenced throughout this manual.

In the Application pull-down menu, there is a pull-out menu

called Archive. This menu has five choices: Create, Retrieve, Manage
Existing, Repair, and Delete.

The Create command will allow you to create a file with

an .ach extension. This file is similar to a zip file format. When you select
the Create command and select Save, once the filename has been
specified the following dialog box will appear:
Select either the Model only or Model and results radio button to save
into the archive (.ach) file. Selecting the Model and results radio button
allows you to conveniently store the model and its results in one
compressed file. There is a Comment field noting the location and name
of the file to be saved.

If you select the Retrieve command, then you can retrieve and
uncompress an existing archive file for viewing or applying changes. You
will be prompted to specify the location where the files are to be placed
when extracted. You can also retrieve an archive using the File:
Open command by selecting Autodesk Simulation Archive
(*.ach) as the file type to open.

The Manage Existing command allows you to see and manage an

existing archive file. The dialog box lists all of the files in the archive file
and allows the user to remove or update any file.

If an archive file has become corrupt use the Repair command to fix it.
You can also use the Delete command to delete archive files.

ypes of Brick Elements

Types of Brick Elements

There are four possible geometrical configurations that can be used to create a
brick element
8-noded Brick
6-noded Wedge

5-noded Pyramid

4-noded Tetrahedral
Basics of
In this unit the basics of creating meshes for CAD models will be covered.
This will be sufficient for completing the exercises in the first few units.
The topic will be covered in more detail in the Meshing unit.

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical is compatible with most FEA software

products and most major CAD products. It works from native CAD files as
well as STL, IGES, ACIS, and STEP files. For native CAD formats not
directly supported, the models can typically be exported using one of the
supported universal formats.
Meshing operations are performed on solid models and 3-D plate/shell
models using quadrilateral or triangular elements representing the
surface of the model.

The interface also offers enhanced user control over the geometric
properties of the generated solid brick mesh. Users can control internal
angles of quadrilaterals and quadrilateral warpage, adapting to
requirements of some FEA systems.

At the lowest interface level, the simulation program retrieves an existing

solid model for FEA processing from another source such as a CAD solid
modeler or from another finite element program. The engineer can
automatically improve the mesh for more accurate and faster FEA results.
At the highest level, the engineer can intervene to enhance the model,
including adding local mesh refinement, adding manually constructed
elements, or merging in additional parts or assemblies.

CAD Solid Models Supported:

AutoCAD files (*.dwg, *.dxf)

Autodesk Inventor files (*.ipt, *.iam)

Autodesk Inventor Fusion files (*.dwg)

Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insight Study files (*.sdy)

CATIA V4 files (*.model, *.session, *.exp, *.dlv3)

CATIA V5 files (*.CATPart, *.CATProduct)

Creo Parametric files (*.prt, *.asm)

DXF Files (*.dxf)

IGES Solid files (*.igs, *.ige, *.iges)

JT files (*.jt)

NX files (*.prt)

Parasolid files (*.x_b, *.x_t)

Pro/ENGINEER files (*.prt, *.asm, *.g, *.neu)

SAT files (*.sat)

SolidWorks files (*.prt, *.sldprt, *.asm, *.sldasm)

SpaceClaim Files (*.scdoc)

STEP files (*.stp, *.step)

Stereolithography files (*.stl)

To open these models, access the Application pull-down menu, select

the Open command, and select the file type you need in the CAD Files
section of the Files of type: drop-down box. The model will be opened in
the FEA Editor environment. You can also use the Merge command to
create assembly files from multiple part or subassembly files. The models
will be combined using the same position and orientation as the CAD
solid models.

When you first open a CAD solid model in the user interface, you may be
asked if you want to use a process called "surface splitting." Whether or
not you see a surface splitting prompt depends upon the settings
under Application Menu > Options > CAD Import. The options for
the Split surface on import settings are Yes, No and Ask each time. If
surface-splitting is performed, it lets the user apply a load such as
pressure or convection to a surface that partially intersects an adjacent
part without having it act on the portion of the surface where the two parts
meet. In other words, the load will act everywhere on the surface except
where it is coincident with another part, since this portion will actually be
identified by a new surface number after splitting has been completed.
After the model has been imported, you will need to re-import the original
model if you want to change whether to split the surfaces or not.

It is not necessary to perform surface-splitting on assemblies if the only

purpose is to enhance mesh matching. Meshing features called virtual
imprinting and smart bonding are sufficient to enhance connectivity
between adjacent parts. Smart bonding was discussed in
the Background of FEA unit. Virtual imprinting identifies coincident
surfaces between adjacent parts and meshes these intersecting regions
one time, producing an identical mesh on both parts where they meet. It
does not actually divide the larger surface into two subsurfaces as the
surface-splitting operation does. So, if this behavior is desired you must
still do surface-splitting.

NOTE: By default, the surface- splitting operation is disabled for a new or

clean installation of the current software version. For the purpose of this
class's pojects and examples, it will be assumed that the surface-
splitting option is set to No. If this is not the case for a given PC, either
change the setting under Application Menu > Options > CAD Import or
simply answer No whenever prompted unless instructed otherwise. The
setting may also be changed by clicking on the Options button within
the File > Open dialog box when a CAD file type is selected

When a CAD solid model is opened in the FEA Editor environment and
the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > 3D Mesh Settings command is chosen;
the Model Mesh Settings dialog box pictured below will appear.

The Solid radio button in the Mesh type section will be selected. By default,
the program will automatically create a surface mesh on all parts and verify
that they each enclose a watertight volume. The solid mesh will be
generated during the analysis phase. The options specified in the Model
Mesh Settings dialog box will be applied, by default, to all of the parts in
the model. If you want to apply certain mesh settings to a specific part(s),
right-click on the part(s) in the display area or on the heading(s) for the
part(s) in the browser. Select the CAD Mesh Options pull-out menu and
then choose the Part command. A dialog box identical to the Model
Mesh Settings dialog box will appear. The mesh settings specified in this
dialog box will only be applied to the selected part(s). This functionality will
allow you to mesh certain parts as brick elements and other parts as plate
elements, for example.

Click on the slider bar in the Mesh size section and drag it to the desired
mesh coarseness or fineness. Press the Mesh model button to create the
mesh. When the mesh is complete, you will have the option to view the
mesh results. Pressing the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > View Mesh
Results button; will access the Meshing Results dialog box shown below.
By pressing the Options button within the Model Mesh Settings dialog box,
a different Model Mesh Settings dialog box will appear.
There are three icons on the left side of this dialog box that will each access
different options.

The "Surface" icon will access options that are used to control the surface

The "Solid" icon will access options that are used to control the solid mesh.

The "Model" icon will access options that will affect all parts of the model.

The dialog box accessed by the Surface icon is shown below.

Surface Section
The options within the Surface section of the mesh settings dialog box control
the size of the mesh, how to proceed when automatic mesh size reduction is
necessary, and whether second order elements are to be generated.

Mesh size section:

Size: The value in this field controls the size of the mesh that will be applied.
The type of value shown depends on the selected option in the Type drop-
down box. If the Percent of automatic option is selected, this value will be a
ratio of the default mesh size that was determined when the model was
opened in the FEA Editor environment. If the Absolute mesh size option is
selected, this value will be the length of one side of an element in the current
units system. The actual element length will typically vary slightly from the
requested size because the number of elements along an edge or across a
surface must be a whole number.

Type: In this drop-down box, you can choose to have the size defined as a
percent of the default value calculated when the model was opened (Percent
of automatic) or an absolute size (Absolute mesh size).

Retries section:

If a successful mesh cannot be formed with the currently specified mesh size,
the mesh engine will try again after reducing the size by the value in the Retry
reduction factor field. It will repeat this process, if necessary, until the
number of retries specified in the Number of retries field is reached. If all of
the retries fail, the original mesh size will be used and any problem surfaces
will not be meshed.

Generate 2nd order elements: There is an option in the element definition

screen to include midside nodes in the finite element solution for brick, shell,
tetrahedron and certain other element types. When midside nodes are
included, they are by default placed at the midpoint of straight lines
connecting the vertices of each element. This is true even when a surface
mesh lies on a curved surface of a CAD-based model. Activating
the Generate 2nd order elements option causes midside node placement to
be based on the surface of the CAD model so that they follow the curvature of
the part(s). In other words, they don't have to lie along a straight line between
two element corner vertices.

Control the shape of elements with midside nodes

If midside nodes are going to be used in the model (or the part), then use the Generate 2nd
order elements on the General tab to control how the midside nodes are created. If this
option is not activated, the midside nodes are created at the midpoint between the two corner
nodes (see figure (a)). Thus, all sides of the elements are straight regardless of the CAD
geometry. If this option is activated, the midside nodes are created on the surface of the CAD
(see figure (b)), so the edge of the element is a quadratic and produces a better
representation of the surface. However, if the mesh is coarse relative to the radius of
curvature, it is possible to produce a highly distorted element if this option is used (see figure
(c)). In such cases, the midside nodes on the distorted element are changed to create a
straight, undistorted element. Thus, you may see some elements that apparently do not
follow the surface of the CAD model even though the option is used. If it is important for these
distorted elements to follow the surface, use one of the options for refinement (refinement
point, edge curve refinement, and so on.) to get a smaller mesh on the highly curved

(a) Without the option, midside nodes do not follow the CAD surface. They are located at the
midpoint between the corners of the element.
(b) With the option, midside nodes follow the CAD surface. This results in a more accurate
representation of the geometry.

(c) If the mesh size is coarse compared to the curvature, a distorted element can occur. The
mesher will make this element straight to avoid the distortion.
Note: The following controls, located on the Options tab, are available only when the Use
automatic geometry-based mesh size function (located on the Mesh Mesh 3D Mesh
Settings Options Modeldialog) is not activated. Otherwise, the following controls are

Control the number of elements along curved features

The value in the Feature curve splitting angle field in the Options tab will control how many
elements are generated along curves in the feature lines. A smaller value will results in more
elements created along the curves.

Control the number of elements along curved edges

The value in the Angle (1-90 degrees) field in the Edge curve refinement section of
the Options tab will control how the elements are created along curved surfaces. How this
value is used will be determined by the option selected in the Mode drop-down box. If
the None option is selected, no refinement will be performed on the curved surfaces of the
selected parts. If the Curvature of edge curve option is selected, the specified angle will be
used as the average angle between the elements created on curved surfaces. If
the Minimum adjacent surface curvature option is selected, the specified angle will be
used as the minimum angle between 2 adjacent elements on curved surfaces. This option will
usually create fewer elements along the curved edges. If the Maximum adjacent surface
curvature option is selected, the specified angle will be used as the maximum angle between
2 adjacent elements on curved surfaces. This option will usually create more elements along
the curved surfaces.
If the option Limit adjacent mesh size is activated, then two additional controls on the mesh
size are imposed for mesh lines along features of the solid model. (The mesh lines on the
interior of the surface are not controlled by this option, but they are controlled by the other
options.) The additional controls are as follows:

1. The ratio of the mesh size for two adjacent elements is less than the user-entered
value. Acceptable values are between 1 (all edge lines the same length) and 10 (rapid
growth). See figure (a).

2. The deviation of the mesh line from the theoretical curved edge is limited. In some
situations, this feature will create more elements than would be implied by the Angle for
the Edge curve refinement. See figure (b).

(a) The feature line through the thickness of the part (h1, arrowed) creates the smallest
mesh size in this portion of the model. The adjacent mesh lines along the features (blue
lines) grow geometrically so that each element is a maximum of X times larger than the
previous. For example, if the user-entered a value of 1.3, then h2/h1<=1.3, h3/h2<=1.3,
and so on.

(b) The mesh around a hole deviates from the true surface by some distance d. (The
lines on the features of the part are shown in blue; the theoretical hole is shown as a
dashed circle.) If the deviation with the specified mesh size and other parameters is
larger than allowed by the option, the mesh size will be reduced along the feature,
thereby reducing the deviation.

Control when quadrilateral elements split

The Fold angle is greater than field in the Spitting quadrangles into triangles section of
the Options tab determines which quadrilateral elements are divided into triangular elements
based on the minimum fold angle (warp angle) of the quadrilateral. If the minimum fold angle
of a quadrilateral element is greater than the value specified in this field, it will be divided into
two triangular elements. The fold angle of a quadrilateral is the difference between the planar
normals of the two triangles that form the quadrilateral. A flat quadrilateral has a fold angle of
zero. The Node angle is greater than field in the Spitting quadrangles into
triangles section of the Options tab determines which quadrilateral elements are divided into
triangular elements based on the internal node angles of the quadrilateral element. If the
node angle is greater than the value specified in this field, it will be split into two triangular
elements by adding a line through the vertex of the lines that create the greatest node angle
in the element.
Topics in this section

Mesh Size Hints

LIKE (0)

To get the best mesh possible on a CAD solid model, it is suggested to set the mesh size to
the smallest diameter in your model divided by four.
The mesh size should be smaller than the smallest radius of curvature or feature to be
modeled. The easiest way to check the mesh size is to look at the edges of small circular
holes in the feature file. Each circle should be divided into at least 5 or 6 segments.
Figure 1 shows the features of a model that was meshed using an appropriate size mesh.
Note that the small red hole on the bottom right has its circumference divided into 6 sections.

Figure 1: Features of a Model with an Appropriate Mesh Size

Figure 2 shows the features of a model that was meshed using a mesh size that was too
large. Note that the small red hole on the bottom right has its circumference divided into 4
Figure 2: Features of a Model with a Too Large Mesh Size
Figure 3 shows the features of a model that was meshed using a mesh size that was much
too large. Note that the small red hole on the bottom right has been flattened.

Figure 3: Features of a Model with a Much Too Large Mesh Size

Solid Section
The options within the Solid section of the mesh settings dialog box are
beyond the scope of this introductory level course. Please consult the WIKI
Help for further information. The appropriate help section may be accessed by
pressing the Help button within the model mesh setting dialog box (Options

When the Options button is pressed on the Model Mesh Settings screen or Part Mesh
Settings screen and the Solid icon is selected, a screen with multiple tabs will appear. (Note:
The Solid icon will only be present if the Solid radio button is selected in the Mesh
type section of the Model Mesh Settings screen.) Click the link for the subject that you need
more information about.

Select a mesh type

The mesh types can be selected in the Solid mesh type section of the General tab. The
options are as follows:
Bricks and tetrahedra: The solid mesh will consist of as many 8-node brick elements as
possible with respect to the mesh size. When necessary toward the center of the model, 6-
node wedge, 5-node pyramid or 4-mode tetrahedral elements may be created. The majority
of the volume will consist of 8-node elements. This option will create the highest quality
mesh with the fewest elements.
All tetrahedra: The solid mesh will consist of all 4-node tetrahedral elements. The main
purpose of this mesh type is for fluid flow analysis. If not using the boundary layer mesh
described below, then the mesh should be an all tetrahedra mesh for fluid flow and
multiphysics analyses. (Multiphysics analysis uses the All tetrahedra mesh type for all parts
so that the faces match between the fluid parts and the solid parts.) (Technically, an all
brick mesh would be required if using the Penalty formulation. But since the Penalty
formulation is optimal only for very small model sizes, it is rarely encountered with a mesh
derived from a CAD solid model.) For other analysis types, this option will require
significantly more elements to get the same accuracy as the Bricks and tetrahedra option.
Tetrahedra and wedges (boundary layer): A special mesh of boundary layer elements
will be created at all surfaces of the part using 6-node wedge elements. Then, the solid
mesh will consist of 4-node tetrahedral elements. This type of mesh is often used for fluid
flow models but may also be suitable for other analyses where result gradients are steep in
the regions near part surfaces.
Bricks and wedges (layered mesh of thin parts): This mesh will create a user-entered
number of solid elements through the thickness. Since the number through the thickness is
applied throughout the part, this option is suitable for thin parts with relatively constant
thickness. Note that although thin part meshing of multiple part assemblies is possible, the
mesh may not be matched on parts that are in contact. A midplane mesh may be a viable
option in this case.
The type of solid mesh selected will control what additional tabs are available. The options on
these tabs are described in the sections below.

Aspect ratio
When available, the aspect ratio of the solid elements can be controlled using the Maximum
aspect ratio section in the Quality tab. If the Automatic enforcement radio button is
selected, an aspect ratio will be calculated based on the surface mesh. You can control the
relative magnitude of this value using the slider. The smaller aspect ratio will result in better
accuracy. This option will create the highest quality mesh with the lowest aspect ratio. If
the Upper limit radio button is selected, a maximum aspect ratio will be specified in the
adjacent field. No solid elements will be created with an aspect ratio exceeding this value. If
the None radio button is selected, no restrictions will be applied to the aspect ratios of the

Warp angle
When the Quality tab is available and the Include maximum warp angle constraint check
box is activated, the warp angle of every internal face of the solid elements will be constrained
to be less than the value specified in the adjacent field.

Volume-to-length ratio
When the Quality tab is available and the Include maximum volume-to-length ratio check
box is activated, the ratio of the cube root of the volume of an element to the length of the
longest edge will be constrained to be less than the value specified in the adjacent field.

The Options tab is available and the Allow microholes check box in the Method section is
activated. The solid mesh is created with high quality elements. The parameters that will be
considered during the creation of the high quality elements include aspect ratio, collapse ratio,
edge angle, twist, taper angle, skew angle and warp angle. Towards the center of the part,
small voids, or microholes, may remain to facilitate the proliferation of higher quality elements.
The microholes will be very small relative to the volume of the part and will be located as far
from the surface of the part as possible to minimize the effect on the areas where a high
stress is expected.
If you have run an analysis on a part with the NASTRAN processor and received warnings
referring to the element quality, activating this option and regenerating the solid mesh may
eliminate these warnings.
For models with complex geometric features, activating this option may result in shorter solid
meshing times. For more information on microholes, see The Effects of Microholes within a
Solid Mesh.

Mesh thin parts

There are two means of meshing thin-walled parts.

Thin cross-section schemes

If the Solid mesh type on the General tab is set to Bricks and wedges (layered mesh of thin
parts), the Options tab is available. When the Use thin cross-section scheme check box is
activated, the surface meshes may be altered in areas of small thickness so that the meshes
are aligned. This will allow a solid mesh to be created with relatively uniform elements. It
accomplishes this by adjusting the mesh on one of the surface if necessary to better match
the opposite surface. If you want the surface mesh of a certain area to be maintained, specify
the layer number of that area in the Do not change surface mesh of layer numberfield. This
is useful if one side of the part has been matched to another part in the assembly.
Note: The solid mesh type Brick and wedges (layered mesh of thin parts) may result is a
better mesh than using this thin cross-section scheme. Since brick elements do not have
rotational degrees of freedom, they do not compute bending loads accurately unless there are
multiple elements through the thickness. The mesh type Brick and wedges (layered mesh
of thin parts) forces there to be multiple elements through the thickness. The thin cross-
section scheme does not force multiple elements through the thickness; it only attempts to
align the surface meshes on opposite faces.

Layered meshes
If the Solid mesh type on the General tab is set to Bricks and wedges (layered mesh of
thin parts), the Layered Mesh tab is available. This method of meshing a thin-walled part is
better since you can control how many elements are generated through the thickness. It
accomplishes this by creating a midplane mesh on the part, and then extruding the midplane
the number of elements specified to recreate the volume. There are two requirements for this
type of meshing:

1. Each region of the part must be uniform in thickness. Different regions can be different
thickness. For example, a wedge shaped region will be meshed as if it were uniform in
thickness and the average thickness.

2. Although thin part meshing of multiple part assemblies is possible, the mesh may not be
matched on parts that are in contact. A midplane mesh may be a viable option in this case.
The number of elements through the thickness is set with the Layers field on the Layered
Mesh tab.
The thickness of the layered mesh is a constant within a region (defined by the surface
numbers in the model). By default, the extruded layered mesh is equal to the average
thickness of the part in that region. Use theUser-specified maximum thickness field to set a
limit on the thickness of a part in the calculation of the average thickness. Any regions thicker
than the user-specified thickness will be set to the maximum thickness. Regions thinner than
the maximum thickness are not affected.

Control properties of tetrahedral meshes

When the Tetrahedra tab is available, you can control the size of the tetrahedral elements in
the Tetrahedral meshing options section. The size of the tetrahedral elements will be
controlled by the Target edge length based on drop-down box. If the Fraction of mesh
size option is selected, the value in the Target edge length field will be multiplied by the
surface mesh size. If the Absolute mesh dimension option is selected, the value in
the Target edge length field will be used You can control how the mesh size transitions from
smaller areas of the model to larger areas using the Transition rate field. The value in this
field will be the ratio of the average edge length of adjacent elements. This value must be
greater than 1. Larger values will result in lower quality elements. An upper limit to the aspect
ratio of the elements can be defined using the Quality field.

Control boundary layer meshes

When creating a mesh for a fluid part or fluid flow model, it is advantageous to have a thin
layer of elements at the walls of the parts. Such a mesh helps calculate accurate behavior in
the boundary layer, where fluid velocity gradients are greatest. If you plan on exporting your
mesh to another FEA program for performing a fluid flow analysis, you may wish to produce a
boundary layer mesh.
It is also conceivable that result gradients could be steep in near-surface regions for other
analysis types. Here again, thin boundary layers could be used to improve the accuracy of the
results in such regions.
To produce a boundary layer mesh, set the type of solid mesh to Tetrahedra and wedges
(boundary layer). (If not using the boundary layer mesh, the all tetrahedra mesh is next
recommended for fluid flow models. See Selecting a Mesh Type above.)
By default, this option produces a boundary layer mesh on all surfaces. This thin layer of
elements can create convergence problems in a fluid flow analysis if the fluid is passing
normal to the layer of thin elements and then entering into normal size elements. This
condition occurs at the following locations in a model:
Fluid inlet and outlet faces
Faces with a fan or prescribed velocity
Bonded faces between parts of an assembly.
In these situations, select the faces where a boundary layer mesh is NOT desired, right-click,
and choose Exclude From Boundary Layer. That is, the boundary layer mesh should only
be created at real walls. See the following figures, which depict the cross-section of a mesh
inside a pipe.

Without using the boundary layer mesh, the size of the elements at


With the default boundary layer mesh, a thin layer of elements is cr

of elements at an inlet or outlet can cause solution difficulties.


The boundary layer mesh is excluded at the inlet and outlet faces. T

There is one exception to the use of the Exclude From Boundary Layer option at bonded
surfaces between fluid parts. When the model includes multiple rotating frames of reference
(specific to fluid flow analysis), it is beneficial to have uniform elements at the junction
between the rotating frame and the stationary frame. This is a bonded face, but the boundary
layer mesh is ideal for creating these uniform elements.
If the Tetrahedra and wedges (boundary layer) radio button is selected in the General tab,
the Tetrahedra tab will be available. The boundary layer mesh can be controlled using
the Boundary layer options section. The size of the elements in the boundary layers will be
controlled by the Extrusion distance based on drop-down box. If the Fraction of mesh
size option is selected, the value in the Total extrusion distance field will be multiplied by
the surface mesh size. If the Absolute length dimension option is selected, the value in
the Total extrusion distance field will be used If the Percentage average local size option
is selected, the value in the Total extrusion distance field will be used as a percentage of
the mesh size in the area of the boundary layer. You can control how the mesh size increases
in adjacent boundary layers using the Growth rate field. The value in this field will be the ratio
of the average edge length of elements in adjacent layers. This value must be greater than 1.
You must specify how many boundary layers you want to be generated in theLayers drop-
down box.
Tip: The boundary layers should be thinner than the element size; otherwise, meshing
problems can occur.

Use advanced meshing options

Activating the Provide detailed status information check box in the Advanced tab will
output detailed meshing information to a log file. This information may be useful in
determining why a mesh has failed.
During the solid meshing process, errors may be found in the surface mesh. If the Fix errors
and continue solid meshing option is selected in the Connectivity voids check drop-down
box on the Advanced tab, the mesher will attempt to correct the surface mesh. If the Do not
fix errors option is selected, the mesher will stop. The surface mesh must be corrected before
the solid mesh will be created.
If the Disable self-intersection check box on the Advanced tab is activated, the solid mesh
process will not check to determine if the surface mesh intersects itself. This check box should
only be activated after an original solid mesh has been generated on the model.
If the Attempt completion with errors check box on the Advanced tab is activated, a solid
mesh will be generated regardless of errors in the surface mesh. This may result in voids
throughout the model. If this check box is activated, you should be sure to verify the solid

Mesh a gasket
Any part destined to be defined as gasket elements needs to have a mesh with only one
element through the thickness. This is accomplished in a CAD solid model by assigning the
part to a Gasket solid mesh with one of these methods:
Set the element type for the part to 3D Gasket.
Right-click the part in the display area or the tree view and select the CAD Mesh
Options Part command. Then with the Mesh type set to Solid, click
the Options button, choose the Solid button, and set the solid mesh type to Gasket.
Nonpositive Jacobian Errors or Distorted Elements

Effects of Microholes within a Solid Mesh

LIKE (0)

The accuracy of finite element analysis (FEA) of solid models generally benefits from meshes
composed of elements of high geometric quality. Autodesk Simulation has developed an
automated solid meshing method that enforces strict geometry checks used by NASTRAN
processors. This automatic generation of solid elements can result in meshes with small
internal voids. Generally, such voids will only occur when considering parts with complex
shapes, including CAD solid models. In this paper, we consider results obtained with meshes
that contain such voids. The automatic meshing method is optimized to minimize the size of
these voids, thus the term microholes. These results are compared with others obtained using
fully filled parts, as well as with analytical solutions. We demonstrate how models with
microholes and those with fully filled meshes both result in insignificantly different results.

The application of FEA to 3D solid models requires the generation of meshes composed
solely of tetrahedral elements or of a hybrid combination of bricks, wedges, pyramids and
tetrahedra. The latter approach is preferred when considering solids whose surface is
represented using quadrilaterals, and can be further refined to avoid the generation of
pyramids. Proper mesh generation attempts to build the best quality elements for codes like
NASTRAN. In general, automatic mesh generators aim to produce elements with low aspect
ratios. Autodesk Simulations automatic solid mesh generators not only minimize aspect ratio,
but build elements adhering to the geometry checks utilized by NASTRAN processors. These
geometric checks include: aspect ratio, collapse ratio, taper ratio, interior angle, skew angle,
twist angle, and warp factor.
It is desirable to completely fill a solid with a mesh composed solely of elements adhering to
high-quality criteria, such as those discussed above. One would expect that such a mesh
would produce highly accurate FEA results. The problem is that obtaining such a mesh is not
always possible for models with complex geometry. This is primarily because detailed
geometric features constrain the mesh generator so as to prevent the creation of meshes with
gradual transitions between small and large element sizes. The advent of CAD has made
models with detailed features commonplace. If you utilize a mesh size comparable or smaller
than the feature size, then transitions are not needed, and the high-quality constraints can be
enforced throughout fully filled parts. Nevertheless, this approach requires extremely small
mesh sizes, which produces models with an unpractical number of elements, whose solution
requires unreasonable computing resources. After all, the goal of the engineer is usually to
maximize accuracy, while maintaining a practical approach.
In an attempt to avoid the impractical requirement of extremely fine meshes to satisfy both the
filled solid and high element quality constraints, we have developed an automatic meshing
method that leaves insignificantly sized voids - within the solid. The primary goal of this
scheme is to provide the highest accuracy possible by building only elements adhering to
strict geometric quality. We have developed another automatic meshing method that
completely fills the parts by first applying the high-quality meshing method that results in
microholes, and then fills the small voids with elements that may not necessarily adhere to the
geometry checks. As we will show, neither the meshes with microholes, nor the full meshes
with a few elements violating the geometry checks, result in significant accuracy losses. After
all, the latter type of mesh can certainly be viewed as an improvement over common
automatically generated FEA meshes. Such meshes can have numerous poor quality
elements, occupying large portions of the overall volume.
Both meshing methods discussed above address this concern by building elements using a
marching algorithm from the surface inward. This approach usually produces elements
adhering to the strict geometry checks near the surface, and only produces microholes or
lower-quality elements deep within the parts. It is desirable for the sake of accuracy to have
the best quality elements near the surface, where usually the greatest gradients in FEA
solutions usually occur. This is because in most FEA applications, including stress analysis,
the loads and constraints as well as part-to-part interactions generally occur on the surface.
In this paper, we show how the existence of microholes can produce noticeably more
accurate FEA results over comparable models with fully filled meshes. Results were obtained
for analysis types based on Lagrangian formulations, which include stress, thermal and
electrostatics. Models with microholes are not appropriate for Eulerian formulations, such as
fluid flow analysis.

Comparison Study
The effect of microholes on an FEA solution is examined by comparing results of models with
and without microholes. Specifically, we compare results of identical surface meshes whose
solid meshes were obtained using the two different meshing methods. To focus on the effect
of microholes, and not on mesh type, we consider only meshes using Autodesk Simulations
hybrid solid mesh types. In either the tetrahedral or the hybrid solid mesh types, microholes
occur when tetrahedral elements cannot be built to fill a given small void. In both meshing
methods the tetrahedral elements are generated only in the final meshing stages. The models
considered in this study may at first appear to have relatively simple geometry, lacking the
small features known to be the cause of microholes. Nevertheless, because localized mesh
refinement was utilized, the resulting abrupt transitions in the surface mesh size prompted the
production of microholes. It should be noted that all of the models presented in this paper
contain typical to large microhole volume fractions, thus maximizing their effect.
Figure 1 depicts the surface geometry of a three-part CAD assembly. This surface mesh
resulted in a relatively large 0.00207 microhole volume fraction. Static Stress with Linear
Material Models and Natural Frequency (Modal) analyses were conducted on this model, and
on its fully filled counterpart. Figure 2 shows how similar stress results are obtained for both
versions of the model. The modal analysis was utilized to obtain the first five natural
frequencies, and, as Table 1 shows, both versions of the model again gave solutions with
insignificant engineering differences.

Figure 1: FEA model, including mesh, of a three-part assembly of a circular rod bonded to
two brackets, which are fixed using boundary conditions on the edges of the holes located on
their flat ends (red triangles on the underside). In the Static Stress with Linear Material Models
analysis, a surface force of 5.0 x 108 dynes is applied on one end of the rod (yellow arrows).
Figure 2: von Mises stress distributions obtained from the Static Stress with Linear Material
Models analysis of a three-part assembly of a circular rod bonded to two brackets. The figure
on the left is for the model without microholes, whereas that on the right is for the model with
microholes. The latter predicts a maximum stress 0.31% greater than the former.
Mode number, n Models without Microholes

1 1132.8 Hz

2 1169.9 Hz

3 1228.1 Hz

4 2877.4 Hz

5 3007.0 Hz

Table 1: Modal frequencies obtained from Natural Frequency (Modal) analysis of a three-part assembly of a circular rod bonded to two

Figure 3 depicts the Steady-State Heat Transfer results of a single-part model of a ring with
and without microholes. The microholes resulted in a more typical 0.00046 volume fraction.
As in the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis, both versions of the model
produced highly similar results. Figure 4 depicts displacement results obtained using
Autodesk Simulations Mechanical Event Simulation (MES) software for the two versions of
the ring model. Even for nonlinear FEA, the presence of microholes did not significantly affect
the results. Finally, Figure 5 depicts voltage results obtained using Autodesk Simulations
Electrostatic Current and Voltage analysis for the two versions of the model. As expected
because of the underlying similarities between electrostatic and thermal analysis, the
presence of microholes had little effect on the results.
Figure 3: Temperature distributions obtained from a Steady-State Heat Transfer analysis for
ring model with the base maintained at 100 F, and a heat flux of 0.642 BTU / (sec . in2)
applied to the inner surface. The figure on the left is for the model without microholes,
whereas that on the right is for the model with microholes. The latter predicts a maximum
temperature 0.349 F greater than the former.

Figure 4: Displacement magnitude distributions obtained from a Mechanical Event Simulation

(MES) analysis for a ring model with the outer surface fixed and a time-proportional pressure
reaching a maximum of 100 lb/in2 seconds applied on the inner surface. The results are at the
end of a 0.1 second event. The figure on the left is for the model without microholes, whereas
that on the right is for the model with microholes. The latter predicts a maximum nodal
displacement 0.56% greater than the former.
Figure 5: Voltage distributions obtained from Electrostatic Current and Voltage analysis for
ring model with a voltage of 100 V applied on the inner edge of top surface, and 0 V applied
on the outer edge of the outer surface. The figure on the left is for the model without
microholes, whereas that on the right is for the model with microholes. A comparison of the
maximum voltage on the outer top edge shows a difference of 0.02% between the two

A new automatic meshing method with emphasis on accuracy has been developed. This
method only generates elements of high geometric quality, yet leaves microholes. This
meshing method has been extended to fill these small voids with elements that may not
satisfy high geometric quality constraints. Both methods generate meshes capable of
producing highly accurate FEA results. Several examples demonstrated how FEA models with
typical to large volume fractions of microholes and those with fully filled meshes produced
results of equal engineering accuracy.

Nonpositive Jacobian Errors or Distorted Elements

LIKE (0)

Solution problems can occur when very long, skinny tetrahedral elements are created by the
solid mesher. For linear stress analysis, these elements have near zero or negative volume
(due to round off) that cause solution difficulty such as Jacobian is negative or poor precision
results (in the Results environment, use Results Contours Voltage and Current
Current Flux Precision.)
With nonlinear stress analysis, distorted elements can give warning messages such as **
Warning: distorted element 2456 in part 2: maintaining its integrity.
Take a look at the Solid Mesh Statistics shown below. (From the FEA Editor environment,
go to Mesh Mesh View Mesh Results and look at the Part information. For the last
solid mesh generated, the solid mesh statistics are also in the .XLG file.) After the general
recap, columns of numbers are given for each of the statistic lines. From left to right, these
represent the Tetrahedral (4-node) elements, Pyramid (5-node), Wedge (6-node), and Brick
(8-node) elements. The Jacobian problem occurs when the Max. length ratio is relatively
large. This usually occurs for the 4-node elements.
Mesh type

Mesh has microholes No

Total nodes 966

Volume 136.7

Total elements 1511

Tetrahedra Py

Elements 744 38

Volume % 10.96 12

Max. length ratio 105.2 44

Avg. length ratio 5.9 4.1

Avg. aspect ratio 1.3 1.4

Unconstrained aspect ratio 3.1 3.2

In the example above, 243 brick elements were built, 140 wedge elements, 384 pyramid
elements, and 744 tetrahedral elements were created. For the maximum length ratio, the brick
elements were 2.3, and the tetrahedral elements were 105.2.
In general, there is no guide line for what the maximum acceptable length ratio can be. Each
model is different, so a value of 10000 may be acceptable in some cases, where as some
models may have problems with much lower numbers.
There are a couple of options to reduce the problem of the length ratio. If the part was not
meshed with the mircrohole option activated, consider using it. This will remove the sliver
elements with large length ratios. (See the page The Effects of Microholes within a Solid
Mesh for a discussion.) In the FEA Editor environment, select the part or parts to re-mesh,
right-click, and choose Created Solid Mesh Options Allow microholes. Then create
the solid mesh and run the analysis with the better mesh. (The solid mesh dialog can also be
accessed from Mesh Mesh Create Solid Mesh. Parts to be meshed need to be
selected first.)
The next option is to re-create the solid mesh with the maximum aspect ratio set. The goal is
to reduce the value until the solid mesh either fails to create a complete mesh or the solid
mesh engine does not reach the ratio you specified. So, you could run the solid mesh engine
and cut the aspect ratio in half (50, 25, and so on), until you reach the limit. In the FEA Editor
environment, select the part or parts to re-mesh, right-click, and chooseCAD Mesh Options
Create Solid Mesh Quality. (See Controlling the Aspect Ratio on the page Solid for a
description of the input.) Then create the solid mesh and run the analysis with the better
Be sure to check the log file after each solid mesh generation. If the solid mesh engine was
unable to completely fill the volume with the parameters you specified, there will be an error
message. The following is a partial listing of a log file.
Meshing only surface defined by part 4
Generating bricks, wedges, pyramids and tetrahedra elements
Keeping maximum aspect ratio below 10.0


Cannot continue meshing solid; yet, solid is unfilled.

Still have: 4 nodes; 6 lines; 4 triangles
Elements built (4,5,6,8 noded): 1953 (1153, 482, 73, 245 )

Finally, if the model is not located near the origin, then round-off errors in the nodal
coordinates can create distorted elements. If the model is located entirely with coordinates in
the thousands, then another solution would be to move the CAD model closer to the origin.
(Ideally, the model should be centered at the origin.) This requires that the entire model be
imported and re-meshed.
If the Jacobian problem still occurs, then the surface mesh must be changed to get a different
solid mesh.


LIKE (0)

When the Options button is pressed on the Model Mesh Settings screen and
the Midplane icon is selected, a screen with one tab will appear. The Midplane icon will only
be present if the Midplane radio button is selected in the Mesh type section of the Model
Mesh Settings screen.
Thickness control section
User-specified maximum thickness: By default, the midplane mesh process will search each
area of the part and create the midplane mesh along the smallest thickness that it detects.
To specify a value to be used, activate this check box and enter the thickness in this field.
Any area of the model that has a thickness larger than this value will not be midplane
Maximum allowed thickness variation: If this check box is activated, the midplane mesh
process will only convert the mesh on a part to a midplane if the difference between the
maximum thickness and the minimum thickness in the part is less than the value specified
in this field.
For complex geometric configurations that include junctions and intersections, a more
accurate midplane mesh may be achieved by activating the Use junction method check box.
If this check box is activated, a chordal axis transform (CAT) algorithm will be used to
generate the midplane mesh. This method may eliminate discontinuities at the junctions and
may provide a better approximation of the midplane of the geometry.

Model Section
Please refer to Meshing unit for information regarding options within this
section of the mesh settings dialog box.


LIKE (0)
Activating the command: Mesh Mesh 3D Mesh Settings Options Model button

When the Options button is pressed on the Model Mesh Settings screen and
the Model icon is selected, a dialog appears showing the General tab. The Model icon is
present regardless of which radio button is selected in the Mesh type section of the Model
Mesh Settings dialog.
Which options appear on the Model General tab depend on whether the option Mesh
Mesh Use VCAD is activated or not. Each control described below will be identified as
working with the VCAD mesher, with the legacy mesher, or both.
Note: VCAD refers to Virtual CAD which is a representation of the CAD model in memory.
When Mesh Mesh Use VCAD is activated, the virtual CAD mesh engine is used. When
not activated, the pre-version 21 meshing routine is used. Because of the benefits of the
virtual CAD mesh engine over the legacy mesh engine, the legacy mesh engine is
recommended only if there is a problem with the virtual CAD mesh engine on a particular

General tab

Default Meshing options section:

Automatically refine surface mesh: (Available only when using the legacy mesh engine.) If
this check box on the General tab is activated when the model is meshed, a surface mesh
will be created on the model. After the surface mesh is created, refinement points will be
added depending on the geometry. The model will be meshed again with the refinement
points active. If the Solid radio button is selected in the Mesh type section of the Model
Mesh Settings screen, a solid mesh will then be generated.

Use automatic geometry-based mesh size function: (Available only when using the VCAD
mesh engine.) This one control governs multiple aspects of the surface mesh that normally
would require you to set up multiple inputs. In general, it automatically refines the mesh in the
areas of curves surfaces. The particular effects are summarized in the following table.

When the mesh size is set based on Percent of automatic (i.e., using the slider), a different mesh size is used for each part
The mesh size is based on the size of the individual part, the number of curves, bounding box dimensions of the part,
average length of curves, and so on.

Curved surfaces are meshed more finely depending on the curvature of the surface. A limit is used on the deviation between
the planar element and the curved surface, and so on.

The mesh size is anisotropic on curved surfaces, meaning that the ratio of the element's length divided by the element's
width is not forced to be near 1. For example, take a mesh size of 1-inch. The mesh in a fillet of 0.5-inch radius and 20
inches long may have elements roughly 0.25-inch by 1-inch.

The refinement settings on the Options tab of the Model Mesh Settings Surface dialog are disabled. You cannot set the

In general, the default mesh size is larger.

Perform solid meshing at time of analysis: (Available when using either mesh engine.) If
this check box is activated and the Solid radio button is selected in the Mesh type section of
the Model Mesh Settingsscreen, the model will not be solid meshed until the analysis is
performed. This is convenient for large models that may take a significant amount of time for a
solid mesh to be generated. With this option, this time will be combined with the analysis time
instead of in a separate operation. If this check box is not activated, a model will be solid
meshed immediately after the surface mesh is created.
Number of threads/cores for solid meshing: Sets the number of threads/cores on your
machine that you want to use when meshing your solid model. The default value is All.
Multi-cores are used when verifying the surface mesh and for solid meshing, while other mesh
operations use a single core. Each part is meshed by one core, not split among multiple
Use virtual imprinting: (Available only when using the VCAD mesh engine.) When activated,
the faces of different CAD parts will be split in memory where they intersect each other,
without creating additional surface numbers (that is, a virtual imprinting of one surface on
another). The virtual model is used as the basis of surface mesh generation. Since the
matching virtual surfaces are meshed only once, this will result in a better quality mesh. When
unchecked, mesh matching is accomplished by meshing both surfaces of the parts and
adjusting the mesh on one part to conform to the mesh on the other part. See Figure 1.
Tip: To take full advantage of smart bonding (see paragraph Do not match the mesh of
contact pairs when applicable below), deactivate Use virtual imprinting. This helps the mesh
to not match. However, if other parts of the model use surface contact, then activating Use
virtual imprinting is beneficial.

Tolerance: The tolerance for virtual imprinting is specified separately from the mesh matching
tolerance. The tolerance field directly beneath the Use virtual imprinting checkbox is used to
specify the maximum distance between surfaces and adjacent features, within which distance
an intersection will be created. Increase the tolerance if valid intersections are being missed.
Decrease the tolerance if unwanted intersections are being created between objects that are
close but do not actually meet.

(a) Example solid model consisting of an assembly of multiple parts.

(b) Use virtual imprinting not activated. Virtual surfaces are not created at the arrows.

(c) Use virtual imprinting activated. The surface of the pole is split where the gussets make contact (arrowed), making a new surface in

Figure 1: Use virtual imprinting in a Solid Model

Note: Since virtual imprinting operates where adjacent parts are in contact, the Use virtual
imprinting option is not shown, and would have no effect, when working on single-part
Perform imprinting within parts: This option will create virtual intersections where different
surfaces within a single part meet each other. The action is similar to that of imprinting
between parts. This feature is useful for CAD surface models used as a basis of plate/shell
FEA models. Such models frequently use single parts comprised of several different surfaces
each but without feature lines present along surfaces where an intersection with an adjacent
surface occurs.
(a) Example plate model consisting of one part.

(b) Perform imprinting within parts not activated. The virtual feature line is not created at the arrows. The mesh of the gusset may not
(c) Perform imprinting within parts activated. The surface of the pole is split where the gussets make contact (arrowed), making a new
actual model.)

Figure 2: Use virtual imprinting in a Plate/Shell Model

Note that surface splitting of the model is similar to imprinting but is a separate function.
Surface splitting creates additional surfaces and feature lines in the actual model. Whereas
surface splitting only works on a part-to-part basis (wherever surface areas are in common),
imprinting will work on a part-to-part basis and within a single part. Imprinting can also
create area, line, and point intersections. See the page Opening Models: Surface
Splitting for details on surface splitting.
Use virtual imprinting detects where feature lines of one surface lie on the surface of an
adjacent part or surface. It does not create an intersection if the two surfaces are passing
through each other (such as an interference).
The previously discussed Tolerance value affects both part-to-part imprinting and
imprinting within parts.

Mesh matching section:

CAD models are not perfect. Even if the parts are drawn in perfect contact, the internal
representation of the surfaces may result in the matching surfaces that are not coincident. In
other situations, parts are drawn in their as machined or stress-free condition even though the
assembled parts may cause the dimensions to change. For example, the parts in a press-fit
assembly are drawn with an interference. Mesh matching tolerances are used to compensate
for such discrepancies. Any two nodes that are within the mesh matching tolerance will be
snapped together.
On-surface tolerance based on: (Available when using either mesh engine.)
Fraction of surface mesh size: If this option is selected, the surface mesh process will
search for nodes within the radius defined by the average length of the elements (in the
surrounding area) multiplied by the value in the Tolerance value field. Nodes within this
radius will be snapped together. Thus, this option results in a different matching tolerance at
each region of the model if the mesh size varies.
Absolute length dimension: If this option is selected, the surface mesh process will
search for nodes within the radius specified in the Tolerance value field of each node to
match the meshes of coincident surfaces.
Fraction of automatic mesh size: This option is similar to Fraction of mesh size in that the
nodes are snapped if they are within a distance of the mesh size multiplied by the value in
the Tolerance value field. The difference is that the mesh size is not based on the size of
the elements at the area in question. Instead, the mesh size is based on the size of mesh
that would result if meshed at 100% mesh size. Thus, setting a different mesh size and
using refinement does not affect the tolerance dimension. However, the 100% mesh size is
affected by which parts are selected for meshing.
Tolerance value: The value in this field will determine how far the surface mesh process
searches for node on coincident surfaces to match the meshes. The meaning of this value ---
whether it is a dimension with units of length or a multiplier --- will depend on the option
selected in the On-surface tolerance based on drop-down box.

Do not match the mesh of contact pairs when applicable: (Available only when using the
VCAD mesh engine.) This option is used to not force the mesh to match or align on two
touching surfaces. Since the mesh will not match, the parts will not be connected together.
(Note that the mesh may still be the same size and therefore matched if the surface areas are
identical.) This option is used only in these situations:
When the analysis is set to use smart bonding (see the page Meshing Overview: Creating
Contact Pairs: Types of Contact)
Mechanical Event Simulation (MES) and nonlinear stress when surface to surface contact is
defined between the two surfaces. (The analysis will run faster by not matching the mesh
between two contacting surfaces.)
In other analysis types, setting the contact type to Free will accomplish the same goal since
the parts will be able to separate.
For the Do not match the mesh of contact pairs when applicable to work, define the
applicable contact type before meshing the model. If the applicable contact type is defined
after the model is meshed, the model should be remeshed to not force the match of the
There are some points where the mesh has to align. Imagine two cubes of the same size in
contact. Since the four corners are at the same location, these nodes will match. The rest of
the mesh will not be forced to match. Although the four corners match, separate nodes will
be created when the model is analyzed.
In MES, do not use the Do not match the mesh of contact pairs when applicable if
using Point to Point contact type in surface-to-surface contact. Point to Point requires the
meshes to match.

Watertight Problems in Meshes

LIKE (0)

When generating a solid mesh on a part using Create Solid Mesh (or during the Verifying surface
mesh stage of creating the surface mesh on a CAD solid model), the solid mesh engine first checks if
the part is watertight. Watertight means that the mesh on all of the surfaces is complete, the lines of
the mesh create valid elements, and the mesh properly connects to adjacent surfaces around the
perimeter so that the volume is fully enclosed. (If you imagine puncturing the part with a hypodermic
needle and trying to fill it with water, the model is watertight if it would not leak. When elements are
missing or not properly connected together at edges, then the water would leak, and the mesh is not
watertight.) Figure 1 shows an example of a watertight problem.
Figure 1: Model with Watertight Problem. Half of the surface of the cylindrical hole is missing from
the CAD model. (The outside face of the cube has been hidden to show the inside.)
Follow this procedure for locating the cause of the watertight mesh problems.

1. After the part or model has been meshed, a dialog will indicate that some parts failed to solid mesh
and/or had watertight problems. After closing the mesh dialogs, the tree view will flag the parts with
problems using a yellow exclamation point (!). (Or, use Mesh Mesh View Mesh Results to
review which parts had problems. The Problems button will summarize the problem parts, and Log
File under the Part button will give details about the reason the appropriate part failed.)

2. Use the Draw Design Layer Control command. The elements in the vicinity of the
watertight problems are on layers 2 or 6. Hide the other layers (and optionally the other parts that
meshed) and zoom in on the problem. By displaying the complete mesh and just the problem
layers, it should be possible to understand the cause of the watertight problem. For example, does
layer 2 or 6 outline a hole in the mesh? Are the elements severely distorted or twisted?

3. Some of the options to fix the problem are as follows:

For CAD Solid Models. If the problem is a missing surface or holes in the mesh, check the
original CAD model for possible problems. In some cases, extremely small or thin surfaces (such
as a zero radius fillet) may result in a mesh that does not match between adjacent surfaces. After
adjusting the CAD model, try the mesh again.
For CAD Solid Models. If an entire surface is missing or jumbled, check the tolerances in the FEA
Editor environment. Start with the Mesh Mesh Feature Matching command. Check if the
problematic part contains any unmatched or multi-matched features. If so, change the Feature
matching mesh size and click the Apply button. The goal is to eliminate the unmatched and
multi-matched edges by changing the tolerance. (See also Feature Matching.) If the part or
surfaces in the problem area are not shaded correctly, use View Appearance CAD
Rendering and change the rendering settings. The goal is to get the settings that renders the
model accurately.
For CAD Solid Models. Try a finer surface mesh either in the entire model (Mesh Mesh
3D Mesh Settings), in just the part that failed (right-click part, then CAD Mesh Options
Part), or by using refinement points in the problem area (select a vertex or multiple vertices in
the problem area, then right-click and choose Add Refinement Points). After changing the
mesh size, try to create the mesh again (Mesh Mesh Generate 3D Mesh ).
For CAD Solid Models and Hand-built Models. If the problem area is small, it may be possible to
manually fix the mesh in the FEA Editor environment. Add lines and/or delete lines as necessary
to create valid elements. This could be done line-by-line, or by copying or extruding surfaces, and
so on. In some cases, the global snap (Draw Modify Global Snap) is beneficial to snap a
repair mesh to the existing mesh. Keep in mind that valid surface elements are composed of 3 or
4 sided regions. If adding lines, be sure to use the appropriate part, surface, and layer number for
the new lines. After repairing the mesh, right-click the part and choose CAD Mesh Options
Create Solid Mesh to create the mesh and check if the problem is fixed.

Feature Matching

LIKE (0)

The Mesh Mesh Feature Matching command displays the Feature Matching dialog box. This
dialog box will allow you to control how the feature lines of the model are calculated.
Note: You can select a single part before accessing Mesh Mesh Feature Matching. Or, select
a part, right-click, and choose CAD Mesh Options Feature Matching. The Part drop-down list will
let you review and make changes to the feature matching options for any part.

Unmatched and multi-matched lines

The feature lines of a model are the lines imported from the solid modeler program that define the
surfaces in a model. There are two possible configurations of feature lines that will make it impossible
for the model to be meshed.
Unmatched Feature Lines: An unmatched feature line is one that is not shared by two surfaces. It
means that one surface ends in the middle of space and does not connect with another surface. This
configuration does not enclose a volume and will therefore not allow the solid mesh engine to create a
solid mesh. If you view the model with either View Appearance Visual Style
Edges or Shaded with Edges options, and if View Appearance CAD Surfaces is active, then
unmatched feature lines will appear orange.
Multi-Matched Feature Lines: A multi-matched feature line occurs when more than two surfaces on
one part share an edge. To enclose a continuous volume, only two surfaces can meet at an edge.
This configuration does not enclose a continuous volume and will therefore not allow the solid mesh
engine to create a solid mesh. If you view the model with either View Appearance Visual Style
Edges or Shaded with Edgesoptions, and if View Appearance CAD Surfaces is active,
multi-matched feature lines will appear blue.
Alternatively, use View Appearance Only Bad CAD Features along with View
Appearance Visual Style Edges or Shaded with Edges to show only the feature lines that
are unmatched or multi-matched. (If there are no problems, then no feature lines will be shown.)

Feature Matching dialog box

Specify the Stitching tolerance and click the Apply button. The goal is to eliminate all multimatched
and unmatched features by trying different tolerances. A larger tolerance eliminates most unmatched
feature lines while a smaller tolerance eliminates most multi-matched feature lines.
How the value is used will depend on the option selected in the Type drop-down box. If
the Percentage of automatic option is selected, the feature matcher automatically calculates a mesh
size based on the percentage entered times the default mesh size (the size when the slider is at the
middle position). The slider can be used to specify the value when this option is active. The number in
the Stitching tolerance field will be the percentage value. The default mesh size is one sixth of the
cube root of the volume. If the Absolute mesh size option is selected, then the feature matcher tries
to match the feature lines in the model using approximately the specified mesh size. The number in
the Stitching tolerance field will be the approximate length of the sides.

Joint components

LIKE (0)

In many models, it is necessary to simulate joints and pinned connections for rotational purposes.
Modeling the actual joint components with surface to surface contact will create very long run times.
In most cases, the effects on the actual joint components are not important. The easiest way to
simulate a joint or pin without a long runtime is to create a Truss element along the axis of the joint
and connect it on the ends to the part that will rotate about the axis. Since truss elements cannot
resist rotation, this creates an effective pin joint. Adding these lines to an existing meshed model can
become quite tedious. The Create Joint command provides a quick alternative to this process when
working with a CAD model. Using the Create Joint you can select the surfaces that you want to use to
create the joint. When you create the surface mesh, truss elements will be constructed between these

Figure 1: Schematic of a Pin Joint

Instead of modeling a true pin, a clevis and eye are connected with a pin-style joint. Truss elements from two points (A and B) are connected to e
Also, points A and B are moved outside of the parts for clarity.)

A pin joint can be visualized as sets of space trusses. The truss elements (blue lines) that extend from the surfaces of the clevis (green body) to po
of the clevis. Likewise, a second space truss is formed from the clevis to point B. Likewise, space trusses are created from the eye (light blue body
can rotate about the line A-B, but they cannot translate independent of each other. Thus, a pin is simulated.

To create a joint, follow the steps below.

Note: If the joint will be attached to a part that includes the midside nodes, it is suggested that you
activate the midside nodes before generating the joint. This way, the joint will be attached to the
midside nodes, too. If the midside nodes are included after generating the joint, then the joint will only
be connected to the corner nodes.
1. Optionally select all of the surfaces that you want to be involved in the joint. You can either click the
surfaces on the model (be sure to hold down the <Ctrl> key to select multiple surfaces) or select the
heading for those surfaces in the tree view (again be sure to hold down the <Ctrl> key to select
multiple surfaces). You must have the Selection Shape Point or
Rectangle and Selection Select Surfaces commands active to select surfaces by
clicking them in the model.

2. Select Mesh CAD Additions Joint or press the button.

3. The Create Joint dialog will appear to allow you to enter the specifications for this joint. The
surfaces that you selected before entering the Create Joint screen will be listed in
the Participating surfaces section. If surfaces were not selected before, or if additional
surfaces need to be added for the joint, select the surface or surfaces and click the Add button.

4. Select the type of joint that you want to create in the Joint drop-down box.
Pin joint (lines to axis endpoints): This option will create a classic pin joint where
the nodes at each end of the surfaces included in the joint are connected to the opposite
end of the joint axis. This type of joint will allow the model to rotate around the axis. See
Figure 1.
Universal joint (lines to axis midpoint): This option will create a classic universal
joint. The nodes at either end of the model will be connected to the midpoint of the axis.
This type of joint will allow the model to rotate about the axis as well as swivel about the
center point of the axis. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: Schematic of a Universal Joint

Compare the universal joint to the pin joint. Instead of the space trusses being connected to two points (A and B in Figure 1), the space truss
trusses and bodies they connect to can rotate about point O, but they cannot translate independent of each other. Thus, a universal or ball-and

5. If you want the joint creator to decide where the axis of rotation will be, based on the
geometry of the surfaces involved in the joint, select the Automatic detection of
axis/center-point radio button. To specify the axis of rotation, select the Manual
axis/center-point specification radio button and enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates in
the appropriate field. If your joint is a pin joint, you will have to enter the coordinates for the
two end points of the axis. If your joint is a universal joint, you will have to enter the
coordinate for the center point.

6. Press the OK button. If the mesh already exists, the lines for the joint will be created.
To create another joint, repeat the process.
To edit the specifications of a joint, select it in the Meshes branch of the tree view, right-
click, and choose Edit.
To delete a previously created joint, select it in the Meshes branch of the tree view, right-
click, and choose Delete.

If the mesh does not exist when the joint is defined, then when you execute the Mesh
Mesh Generate 3D Mesh command the surface mesh will be created as usual, and then
the joint application program will create the lines for the joint (either truss or beam elements).
These lines will be placed in the next part available in numerical order. If you defined multiple
joints, each joint will be placed in a unique part.

Potential pin joint issue

When two parts are in contact (no gap between them) and the contact type is free or surface
contact, the elements of the pin joint are connected to the nodes on one of the parts, not both
parts, at the contact face. This connection methodology prevents the parts from becoming
locked to each other, which would occur if coincident nodes from two parts were connected to
the same truss element. The joint must be free to articulate. Considering the approximation
being used for pin joints, this situation is usually not a problem. However, if the joint behaves
as if it is locked, then change one or both CAD parts to include a gap between the joint
surfaces of the parts. Specifically, use different hole diameters, or add a chamfer around the
contact edge as shown in the following figure.

Parts 1 (light blue body) and 2 (green body) are in surface By placing a chamfer on one or both parts, the pin joint is
contact. Two sets of nodes exist along the line C-D. not connected to a series of coincident nodes at the contact
However, the elements of the pin joint (lines in blue) are face. One set of truss elements is connected to the nodes
generally connected to only one set of nodes along C-D, along C-D, and another set of truss elements are connected
not to both set of nodes. So, the joint is free to articulate. to nodes along C'-D'. The possibility of any truss being
If, for some reason, the joint behaves as if it is locked, use connected to coincident nodes of two parts is eliminated and
the modified geometry shown on the right to correct the the joint is free to articulate.

So, the joint is free to articulate. If, for some reason, the joint behaves as if it is
locked, use the modified geometry shown on the right to correct the problem.

Bolts and other fasteners

LIKE (0)

Bolts, screws, rivets, and other types of fasteners appear in many designs. Depending on the level of
detail needed in the area of the connection, these types of connections can be treated in one of the
following manners. (Recall that the FEA model is usually an idealization of the real world, so details in
the fastener may not be necessary.)
Ignore the fastener itself and assume the parts are bonded together in the area of the connection.
The loads are transmitted between the parts through a full-strength connection. Regions of the
model remote from the connection will give accurate results. The results at the fasteners should not
be used (except for providing results to use in a hand calculation of the fastener).
Model the fastener as a beam or truss element along the centerline of the holes in the parts. The
fastener is bonded on each end to the nodes of the hole, so slippage is assumed to not occur in the
analysis. The results are reasonable in all areas of the model, given the approximation of the
fastener to part interaction.
Model the fastener with brick elements. The contact between the fastener and connected parts can
either be bonded (no slippage), or contact between the parts can be included. These results are the
most realistic that can be obtained at the expense of a much more complex model and longer
This page describes the beam element approach. For simplicity, the type of fastener will be called a
bolt although the approach can represent any type of similar fastener. For CAD models, the Generate
Bolted Connection wizard automates many of the steps necessary to create and load the geometry of
a fastener. To create a bolt, use Mesh CAD Additions Bolt. Three types of bolts can be
created as shown in the following figures. The top row of figures shows the physical joint; the bottom
row shows the FEA equivalent, where the heavy lines are beam elements created by the bolt wizard.

Bolt With Nut Bolt Without Nut

The bolt is threaded (tight fit) into the bottom part (extra b
shank to the hole).

Create bolts in a CAD model

The bolt wizard creates beam elements along the centerline of the hole to represent the shank of the
bolt. Additional beam elements connect the head (and nut if applicable) of the bolt to the nodes
around the perimeter of the hole. Here's how to create the bolt:
Tip: It is more efficient to define the bolts first and then mesh the model. If the model is meshed first,
it may need to be re-meshed after defining the bolts.

1. Optionally, mesh the CAD solid model. Any previously defined bolts will be re-created to fit the new
surface mesh. (Meshing the model will delete all of the lines associated with all of the parts
associated with bolts.)

2. Defines each bolt, one at a time, using Mesh CAD Additions Bolt. Although the bolts can
be defined after generating a surface mesh, it is more efficient to define the bolts before creating
the mesh. See the description below for an explanation of each input.

3. When the OK button is clicked on the Generate Bolted Connection dialog, the following steps occur

a. Determine the axis of the hole from the selected interior hole surfaces. (The centerline is
determined from the average coordinate of the nodes on the perimeter of the hole; thus, a non-
uniform mesh can lead to the bolt centerline being offset from the true centerline.)

b. Draw a line along the axis of the hole, starting from where it meets the bolt head contact surface
and ending where it meets the opposite faces. This line will be referred to as the bolt line.

c. Divide the bolt line into segments, one segment for each part bolted together.

d. Draw lines from the head end of the bolt line to each node on the perimeter of the head end hole.
(This step is done only if the model is already meshed.)

e. If the head diameter is larger than the hole diameter, determine where the ends of each head
spoke will be based on the user input head diameter and number of spokes. Seed points will be
created at these locations. (If the head diameter is smaller than the hole, then no head spokes or
seed points will be created.)

f. Create lines from the end of the bolt line at the head end to each seed point.

g. For a bolt with a nut, and if the nut diameter is larger than the hole diameter, seed points will be
created at the locations of the ends of the spokes. (If the nut diameter is smaller than the hole,
then no nut spokes or seed points will be created.)

h. For a bolt with a nut, draw lines from the nut end of the bolt line to each node on the perimeter of
the nut end hole. (This step is done only if the model is already meshed.)

i. For a grounded bolt, the end of the bolt line opposite from the bolt head surface will be fully
constrained. (If the model is not yet meshed, the boundary condition will appear when the model
is meshed.)

j. For each set of surfaces which have been specified as a tight fit, do the following:

i. Split the appropriate bolt line segment at the midpoint.

ii. Draw lines from the midpoint to each node on the surface of the hole on that part. (This step is
done only if the model is already meshed.)

k. If the bolts assigned part number does not exist, it will be created with the element type assigned
as beam.

l. The Element Definition will be filled in automatically using a round cross section with properties
equal to the bolt diameter. Note that this dictates that the last bolt created will set the diameter for
all bolts in the same part.

m. Apply the bolt preload to all segments of the bolt line.

4. If any bolts have head or nut spokes and the model is already meshed, then you must remesh the
model to connect the surface mesh to the spokes.
The input on the Mesh CAD Additions Bolt command is as follows. Each type of bolted
connection uses similar input. Unless indicated otherwise, the following input is used for each of the
three types. Refer to the following table for bolt nomenclature.

View of Nut Side. The nut diameter is smaller than the bolt, so there are no nut Side View of bolt. The bolt line is the heavy black line on th
spokes. The nut consists of the lines that connect the bolt line to the perimeter of the The middle section is set as a tight fit, so the nodes on the s
hole (thin blue lines). connected to the center of that bolt segment (thin black line
Part Number: Specify the part number for the bolt. This must be a new part number or an existing
beam element part. If more than one bolt is assigned to the same part number, the cross sectional
properties of the bolt are based on the last bolt entered or modified.
Type of Bolt: Choose the type of bolt from the drop-down list. (See Figure 1.)
Bolt diameter: Enter the diameter of the bolt shank. The cross sectional properties of the beam
elements will use this diameter. (The radial spokes for the bolt head, nut, and tight fit lines will also
use this diameter.)
Number of spokes: This entry controls the number of spokes that represents the head or nut.
These lines are created with a radius of half the head or nut diameter. This helps to distribute the
load of the bolt to a larger area and prevents stress concentrations. Note that these spokes are in
addition to the lines that connect the bolt line to the perimeter of the hole.
Bolt head: Contact surfaces: This box lists the surfaces that the bolt head contacts. Select the
appropriate surface or surfaces (Selection Select Surfaces) and click the Add button to
add them to the list.
Head diameter: Enter the diameter of the head. This controls the length of the head spokes that
will be created. If the head diameter is smaller than the bolt diameter, then no head spokes will be
Interior hole surfaces: This box lists the surfaces of the hole. Select the appropriate surface or
surfaces (Selection Select Surfaces) and click the Add button to add them to the list.
(The Selection Shape Circle command is handy for this step.) Keep in mind that only one
bolt can be created at a time. Each of the listed surfaces includes a Tight Fit check box. If the check
box is activated, the section of bolt will be connected to each node on the surface of the hole. That
is, there is no clearance between the bolt line and the hole.
Nut: Contact surfaces: For bolt types with a nut, this box lists the surfaces that the nut contacts.
Select the appropriate surface or surfaces (Selection Select Surfaces) and click
the Add button to add them to the list.
Nut diameter: For bolt types with a nut, enter the diameter of the nut. This controls the length of the
nut spokes that will be created. If the nut diameter is smaller than the bolt diameter, then no nut
spokes will be created.
Preload magnitude: To preload the joint, select either the Axial Force or Torque. If a torque is
entered, it is converted to an axial force based on one of these equations when the bolt is created:
With a nut:
Without a nut:

where T is the torque magnitude, K is the friction factor, and D is the bolt diameter. For additional
details on how the preload is applied to the elements, see the pages Setting up and Performing the
Analysis: General Information (Common to Multiple Analysis Types): Loads and Constraints: Beam
o Preloads are only available if the bolts are analyzed as beam elements, and only in Static Stress
with Linear Material Models, Mechanical Event Simulation, and Static Stress with Nonlinear
Material Models.
o For a real bolted connection, the bolt preload creates forces in the bolt and the members. In FEA,
the beam element has an initial force but the members have 0 force. Since the structure is not
infinitely stiff, one result of a preload is that the structure deforms and relieves a portion of the
preload. If the bolt preload is critical in the design, it may be necessary to run the analysis with no
external loads to check how much preload is lost.
Remove button: If a wrong surface is added to the bolt head, interior hole, or nut surface, select the
entry in the list box. The corresponding surface is highlighted on the model. Then use the
appropriate Removebutton. Using standard Windows techniques, use the Shift key in conjunction
with the left mouse button to select a range of surface entries in the list box, and use the Ctrl key to
toggle a single selection on and off.
If multiple bolts need to be created, and especially if the bolt heads and nuts contact the same
surfaces, use the Do not dismiss dialog after bolt generation option to keep the dialog open.
When used, all of the input except for the Interior hole surfaces will be retained. You can quickly
specify the new interior hole surfaces for each bolt. For example, to generate three bolts connecting
the same plates together, the general steps would be as follows:

1. Start the bolt wizard from Mesh CAD Additions Bolt.

2. Enter all of the input for the first bolt.

3. Activate the check box Do not dismiss dialog after bolt generation.

4. Click the OK button. The first bolt is created and the interior hole surface input is cleared. All other
input is retained.

5. Add the surfaces for the interior hole surfaces of the second hole.

6. Activate the check box Do not dismiss dialog after bolt generation.

7. Click the OK button. The second bolt is created and the interior hole surface input is cleared.

8. Add the surfaces for the interior hole surfaces of the third hole.

9. Click the OK button. The third bolt is created and the dialog is closed.

10. Mesh the model if needed.

Modifying Bolts in a CAD Model

Previously defined bolts can be modified or deleted by selecting the bolt in the Meshes branch of the
tree view, clicking the right mouse button, and choosing the desired command.
You can also modify the lines generated by the bolt wizard using any of the standard mesh
construction techniques, such as adding lines, point move, dividing lines, intersecting, and so on. This
method is not recommended because re-meshing the model will recreate the bolts, so manual
modifications may be overwritten, or overlapping elements may occur.


There are many situations where you are more concerned with the accuracy in certain areas of a
model than others. Therefore, you will want to have a fine mesh in those areas to ensure accurate
results. However, if you create the surface mesh of the entire model with a fine mesh size, you may
spend unneeded time analyzing the fine mesh in regions where the results are not as important to
The solution to this problem is to use refinement points. A refinement point specifies a region or
volume of space in which a finer mesh will be generated. These can be added in the FEA Editor
environment using the following methods.

Refine an entire surface

Note: Applicable to CAD solid models only.
Use the following steps to specify a finer mesh over an entire surface of your CAD model.

1. Click Selection Select Surfaces and select one or more surfaces on which the same
refinement parameters are appropriate.

2. Click Mesh Refinement Add to Selection, or right-click in the graphics window and click Add
Surface Refinement. The surface refinement dialog box displays.

3. Specify the appropriate refinement parameters.

4. Click OK to complete the definition. A new entry displays under the Meshes Surface
Refinement node in the browser.

5. Generate the mesh.

Refine around a point in space

Note: Applicable to CAD solid model meshes, surface mesh enhancement, and 2D mesh generation.
Use refinement points to refine the mesh within a sphere around each refinement point. Any elements
within the sphere are refined, including elements on different parts.
Use the following steps to specify a finer mesh around a point.

1. Specify the location of the refinement points using one of the following methods.
If a mesh exists, click Selection Select Vertices and select one or more vertices around
which the same refinement parameters are appropriate. Click Mesh Refinement Add to
Selection, or right-click in the graphics windows and click Add Refinement Points.
If you know the coordinate of the refinement point, such as the center of a hole, right-click in the
graphics windows and click Add Refinement Points.
If you are working in a drawing plane, for 2D mesh generation, right-click in the plane at the
appropriate location and click Add Refinement Points.
The surface refinement dialog box displays.
Note: To use the right-click context menu, ensure that you do not have any objects selected.

2. Specify the appropriate refinement parameters.

3. Click OK to complete the definition. A black dot displays on the model.

Tip: Click Mesh Refinement Visibility to display the refinement points as black dots on your
model. Click Visibility again to hide the refinement points.

4. Generate the mesh.

Modify or delete a refinement

To change the parameters for existing refinement points, select the points on your model, right-click,
and click Edit. The appropriate refinement dialog box displays. For surface and edge refinements,
right-click the appropriate node in the browser and click Edit. You can also edit multiple refinements
simultaneously, however, when you can only change fields with the same input - fields with conflicting
input are unavailable.
To makes changes in the Refinement Point Browser, click Mesh Refinement Specify Nodes.
You can change parameters (double-click the appropriate cell), delete individual points (highlight rows
and clickRemove), or delete all points (click Clear).
To delete an existing refinement, select the refinement, right-click, and click Delete.

Refinement parameters
In the refinement dialog box, set the refinement parameters appropriate to your analysis.
X, Y, Z specifies the coordinates of your refinement point. If you have multiple vertices selected, the
coordinate fields are unavailable.
Effective radius specifies the radius of the sphere, centered about the refinement point, within
which all elements are refined regardless of their parent part.
Mesh size specifies your target side length for elements within the refinement region. Beyond the
refinement region, the mesh transitions to the normal mesh size. You can only specify a value
smaller than the average mesh size.
Divide factor specifies a number by which to divide the normal mesh size.
Regardless of the refinement method you use, the mesh size you specify is approximate. As the
refinement process creates a whole number of elements, you can end up with more or less elements
than you expect. This variation in number of elements is most prevalent when using the divide factor
method on a narrow surface.

Use automatic refinement

This command is applicable to CAD solid models only.
The Mesh Refinement Automatic command will access the Automatic Refinement
Points dialog. In this dialog, you can use the slider to specify the level of refinement you want to use.
Moving the slider farther to the right will result in more refinement points. When you press
the Generate button, the model will be inspected for short features. Refinement points will
automatically be added in these regions. If you want more or fewer refinement points, drag the slider
and click the Generate button again. Once applied to the model, these automatic refinement points
behave the same as any refinement point; that is, they exist at a location in space and have fixed
input. (You can change the input for individual points by using Mesh Refinement Specify
Once the model has the desired refinement points, click the Close button on the dialog, and then re-
generate the mesh (Mesh Mesh Generate 3D Mesh).

Construction Vertices - Seed Points

LIKE (0)
A modeling situation may occur which requires a node to be located at a specific position. Some
examples of this type of situation are the following.
A load or constraint will be applied to the model at a specific location.
Additional elements, such as actuators, beams or pulleys, will be connected to a CAD solid model
at a specific location.
The results must be calculated at a specific location.
These situations will require the addition of seed points to the model. Seed points must be placed on
the surface of the CAD solid model. A seed point can be added using two methods.
If the X, Y and Z coordinates of the seed point location are known, select Draw Draw
Construction Vertex. This will access the Define Construction Vertex. Specify the X, Y and Z
coordinates and press the <Enter> key. The seed points will be represented on the model as a
small blue square.
Once a mesh has been created, a vertex can be selected. A seed point can be added to a selected
vertex by right-clicking and selecting Add Construction Vertices. This method will also allow
you to specify a seed point at a location relative to the selected vertex. For example, if you want a
vertex to be located 2.5 inches from a corner of a part, you can select the corner node, right-click,
select Add Construction Vertices. Then, enter the relative distance from the corner. The model
must be meshed again for the vertices to be located at the seed points.
Seed points can be removed from a model by selecting them in the display area, right-click and select
the Delete command (or press the <Delete> key).

Deleting the Mesh from CAD-Based Parts

LIKE (0)

There is a Delete CAD Mesh command in the Mesh panel of the Mesh tab of the ribbon. Use this
command to delete automatically generated meshes on CAD parts any time you wish to revert to the
unmeshed condition.
Tip: There are times when it is advantageous to partially set up your CAD-based FEA model before a
surface mesh has been generated. For example, when adding a number of bolts to a meshed
assembly, the line elements will be generated each time a bolt is applied. The model will then have to
be remeshed so that nodes will be placed on the CAD surfaces at each endpoint of the line elements
representing the bolt heads or nuts. These nodes are necessary for a connection to be made between
the parts. The line elements are regenerated for each bolt upon remeshing of the model. Therefore, it
is more expeditious to wait until all bolts have been added before meshing the model. You may also
wish to delete the mesh from suppressed parts, just to minimize the model storage space on your

Using the Delete CAD Mesh Command

Prior to choosing the Delete CAD Mesh command you may want to select one or more of your model
parts. You may also want to suppress certain parts. Depending upon whether model parts are
selected or suppressed, several different prompts may appear, as detailed in the following table.

Condition Prompt Action when you click OK

No parts are selected and none {No prompt} Delete mesh from all CAD parts
Condition Prompt Action when you click OK

are suppressed

All parts are selected or all are {No prompt} Delete mesh from all CAD parts

Delete the mesh from selected parts,

Delete mesh on selected parts
unselected parts, or both depending upon
One or more parts are selected,
but not all Delete mesh on unselected parts which prompt option or options you activated

One or more parts are Delete the mesh from active parts,
Delete mesh on active parts
suppressed, but not all suppressed parts, or both depending upon
Delete mesh on suppressed parts which prompt option or options you activated

Combination of selected and Delete the mesh from selected parts,

Delete mesh on selected parts
suppressed parts unselected parts, or both depending upon
Delete mesh on unselected parts which prompt option or options you activated
whether or not the parts are active

Click the OK button to execute the command or click Cancel to abort the command.
Note: The Delete CAD Mesh command will be grayed-out (unavailable) if the model does not
contain at least one CAD-based part that is currently meshed.

Perform Mesh Studies

LIKE (0)

A common question in FEA is what mesh size is required to get accurate results. When
working with a CAD model, the Mesh Study Wizard can be used to answer that
question. The Mesh Study Wizard automates the task of meshing the model at different
mesh sizes, performing the analysis, and querying the results.

Set up the model

Before performing the mesh study, you must first perform the following steps:

1. Open the CAD model in Autodesk Simulation.

2. Set the analysis type to Static Stress with Linear Material Models.

3. Set any special meshing options such as the type of mesh (solid, midplane,
plate/shell), refinement points, mesh matching tolerance, and so on.

4. Add surface, edge or part loads and constraints to the model. Nodal loads applied to
the CAD parts will not be retained during the study.
5. Optionally, mesh the model.

6. Define the Element Definitions.

7. Define the Material properties.

8. Define the Analysis Parameters.

9. Optionally, do a Check Model or perform the analysis.

Although the model does not need to be meshed before hand, we recommend to do
so to reveal any problems with the model and setup.
If adding refinement points, consider using a Divide factor type instead of a Mesh size
type. This way, the mesh around the refinement will always be a factor smaller than
the overall mesh size instead of being the same size in all iterations. (See Refinement
Points for details.)
Although it is not necessary to do a Check Model or perform the analysis, it is
recommended to do so to uncover any problems with the model and setup.

Set up the Mesh Study

Click Analysis Analysis Mesh Study Wizard and press Next to begin the setup.

If a model is already opened and an applicable design scenario is loaded:

The currently loaded design scenario will be used as the basis of the mesh study. Skip
to the procedure under the Steps common to all mesh studies heading.

If no model is currently open:

For a blank Autodesk Simulation session, the Mesh Study Wizard will display additional
screens where you specify the model and design scenario to use.
Select a model: Press the browse button and navigate to the location of the model. The
model must have at least one design scenario with a Static Stress with Linear Material
Models analysis type. Press the Openbutton to load the model. Press the Next button to
Select a design scenario: Select the design scenario which will be used for the mesh
study. Only design scenarios with the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis
type will be available. Press the Nextbutton to proceed. The remainder of the procedure
is given under the Steps common to all mesh studies heading.
Note: The selected design scenario is not altered in the model. Rather, new design
scenarios are created for each mesh size specified in the study parameters.

Steps common to all mesh studies:

Mesh size: This step is used to set what size meshes to use for the study.
Specify the type of mesh size control that you want to use in the Type drop-down box.
The Percent of automatic and Absolute mesh size options are available. (Refer to
the page Model Mesh Settings: Surfacefor information on these options.)
Specify the limits of the mesh size in the Start size and End size fields.
Specify how many analyses will be performed in the Total iterations field. The
difference between the start and end mesh sizes will be divided into equal segments
using the total iterations value. For example, two iterations would perform the analysis
at the start and end size, three iterations would perform one additional analysis with a
mesh size half way in between, and so on.
Press the Next button to proceed.
Define the results: This step is used to set what result is recorded for each analysis,
and loosely where the result occurs. When the design study finishes, a graph of the
mesh size versus the result will be displayed.
Two types of results are available in the Location drop-down box: Element
Node and Node. Element Node results are element-based results in which the result
is given at every node in every element; consequently, each node will have multiple
results when shared by multiple elements. This type of result includes stress and
strain results. Node results are nodal-based results in which the result is given only at
the nodes. This type of result includes displacement and reaction forces.
Select the basic result type that you want to be recorded in the Output
Calculation drop-down box. The available options will depend on the selection in the
Location drop-down box. Further manipulation of the basic result type can be
performed by using the next two drop-downs. For example, to get von Mises stress, or
maximum principal stress, the basic result type to select in the Output Calculation
would be Stress Tensor.
Select the operation which will be performed on the results type in the Unary
Operator drop-down box. This operation will take a vector value (such as a stress
tensor) and result in a single scalar value (either by extracting one component of the
vector value, or by performing a calculation that results in a scalar value). Therefore, if
a scalar result is selected in the Output Calculation, no option will be available in the
Unary Operator. If the strain tensor or stress tensor is selected, the operators
available will result in the individual tensors, von Mises, Tresca or principal values. If a
node result is selected, the operators available will results in one of the X, Y or Z
components or the magnitude.
Specify which value from the entire model will be recorded in the Aggregator drop-
down box. The mesh study will record one single result from the entire model for each
analysis. For example, choose the maximum result or the sum of all results.
Note: The Element Node results use the unsmoothed values. See the page
Results: Results Environment for a discussion of element-based and nodal-based
results, smoothed and unsmoothed results.

Run the mesh study

Press the Finish button on the wizard to proceed. The wizard will show the progress of
generating the new design scenario, meshing, performing the analysis, and so on. Each
step of the process does all of the iterations before starting the next step. That is, all of
the new design scenarios are created first (progress bar proceeds from 0 to 100%), then
all of the new design scenarios are meshed (progress bar proceeds from 0 to 100%),
then all of the new design scenarios are analyzed (progress bar proceeds from 0 to
100%), and so on.

View the results

When the mesh study completes, a graph of the result versus the mesh size will be
shown. Right-click in the graph window to perform various graphing functions, such as
customizing the layout, saving the graph to an image, and so on. (The graph behaves
the same as the graphs in the Results environment, so if you are familiar with
customizing and exporting those graphs, the mesh study graphs will be the same.)
Also, the results of each analysis are saved in the model as new design scenarios. Open
the model in Autodesk Simulation and load in the appropriate design scenario to review
the input and results.

Display the results graph

Once a mesh study has been performed, the graph of the results can be displayed as

1. Use My Computer to show the contents of the folder containing the model.

2. Use another My Computer window to show the contents of the Autodesk Simulation
installation folder (such as C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Simulation followed
by the version number of the software).

3. Drag the file modelname.msw from the first window and drop it onto the program
MeshStudyViewer.exe in the second window.

Tips for
with CAD
Solid Model
Software for
Often, some FEA issues can be avoided by employing certain
modeling techniques within the CAD software used to create the solid
models. For example, large assemblies can result in large numbers of
elements being created and will increase setup and analysis time,
making it desirable to simplify the models. There are several
guidelines to consider during CAD model creation that can simplify
the FEA procedures and control the size of the FEA models.
NOTE: Inventor Parameters are now available within Autodesk
Simulation Mechanical and can be used to modify the component
directly within the Simulation software.


Combine parts with the same material properties: Since each part
has a single material, it is convenient to combine parts of the same
material into a single part. This can be done in the CAD solid
modeler. This will require you to only enter the material properties for
one part instead of several.
Remove parts that are not relevant to the stress calculations:
Some complicated assemblies can actually be legitimately simplified
by eliminating some parts. The only reason some parts are in an
assembly is to prevent other parts from moving in a particular
direction. The effect of these parts can be replaced by properly
constraining the model. Other parts are simply there to connect two
parts together. This connection can be simulated by connecting the
nodes of these parts.
Remove unnecessary details: Many assemblies have relatively
small features such as fillets or holes that will not affect the stress
results. These features will require a finer mesh size in their areas,
which could result in significantly more elements. Removing or
suppressing these features will reduce the analysis time. In the
Autodesk Simulation menu, toolbar, and/or command ribbon for
some of the CAD systems for which a direct transfer exists, there is a
command entitled "Simplify Model.". This command will allow you to
quickly suppress features in your CAD model that are not necessary
for the FEA model. Features that are suppressed will not be
transferred to the simulation software.
Split surfaces: Many loads are applied to the surfaces of a model. If
a load will only be applied to a portion of a CAD surface, it may be
useful to split the surface in the CAD software so that the desired
portion bears a unique surface identification. Another use of this
would be to control how the surfaces are created along a cylindrical
hole. The simulation software does not divide incoming cylindrical
surfaces into semicircular surfaces. You can split cylindrical surfaces
in your CAD software in the orientation you desire in order to properly
apply a load to a portion of the cylinder. Splitting the surface in the
CAD software would allow you to control this and to create load
application areas wherever desired.

As an alternative Autodesk Fusion can be also used to simplify cad models
as shown below.
Once the model has been simplified then the model can then be sent to
Autodesk Simulation using the Home tab > Simulation panel >
Simulation Mechanical command.

Fusion can open many CAD files including, Alias, CatiaV5, Pro Engineer,
Rhino, SolidWorks and more. Once the model is within Autodesk Simulation
Mechanical, further editing of the model is possible using theTools tab >
Edit panel > CAD with Fusion command shown below.
Once the model has been further simplified the model can then be sent
back to Autodesk Simulation Mechanical.

Fusion is ideal for components that have no feature history as Fusion

allows direct modeling capabilities.

It is possible to define element data, material data, geometry, and loads
based on multiple unit systems. The analyst need not convert all input
data to the same unit system as the one used to initially construct the
model. Beneath the active design scenario heading in the browser, there
is a Unit Systems branch. Here, the Model Units and various pre-
defined Display Units are listed. The image below shows a typical
model's browser with the Unit Systems branch highlighted.
To choose alternate display and input units, simply double-click the
heading showing the desired units, or right-click and choose
the Activate command. Pre-defined unit systems can be altered by right-
clicking on the heading and choosing the Edit command. A unit system
may be renamed either by clicking on a heading that is already selected,
thus entering a name editing mode, or by double-clicking the heading and
specifying new name in Description field.

The users may also create their own display unit systems which will be
added to the list in the Unit Systems branch of the browser. To do so,
right-click on the top-level Unit System heading in the browser and
choose the New command. A Unit System dialog box will appear, as
shown below.
All data input fields have pull-down menu boxes associated with them, the
available units for each item (force, length, time, temperature, and so
forth). Begin by selecting the existing unit system that is closest to the
desired system. To do this, first select the Unit System input field at the
top of the dialog box. A down-arrow button will appear at the right end of
the field once it has been selected. Use this button to access the pull-
down list of available systems and choose the one that is most similar to
the system you wish to create. Then, access the list once more and
choose the Custom option. This action will unlock all of the individual
items in the Corresponding Units section below, so that they can be
altered. By first choosing the most similar existing system, several of the
fields may already bear the desired units designations for the new system,
minimizing the number that you need to change. Choose the desired
display and input units for the items that you wish to alter using the pull-
down lists at each input field. Enter a unique name in theDescription field
for identification of the custom unit system in the model tree.

To make the new unit system available, for all future FEA models, to be
created on the subject computer workstation, activate the Add to tree for
new models checkbox. If you only want this unit system to be available
for the current model, leave this box unchecked.

When an alternate unit system is activated, all data input screens will
reflect the associated current input units. These will remain in effect until
the unit system is changed once again. This facilitates inputting available
model data that may be in differing unit systems. For example, you may
have load data in English (in) units but your available material data may
be in Metric mks (SI) or cgs units. Simply change to the appropriate unit
system before accessing the input screens for the quantities or properties
being defined. You will not have to manually perform the units

Alternate unit systems are also available within the Results environment.
For example, a model can be constructed using mm for length with loads
applied based on Newtons, degrees C, and Joules. By choosing the
English (in BTU) system in the Results environment, analysis results will
be presented using pounds per square inch (psi) for stresses and thermal
results will be shown in units of BTUs (British Thermal Units) and degrees

In static stress analysis with linear material models, there are four different
categories of loading: nodal, edge, surface and element.

Nodal loading

Nodal Force: Will apply a force along any vector to the selected

Nodal Weight: Will apply the effects of a mass concentrated at the

point of attachment. For the mass moment of inertia (rotational inertia)
about a given axis to have effect, the element type must support
rotational DOFs.

Nodal Moment: Will apply a moment about any vector to the selected
nodes. The nodes must be on an element type that supports rotational

Nodal Temperatures: Applies a temperature to the selected node for

use in a thermal stress analysis. Temperature data can also be mapped
from a thermal analysis.
Nodal Voltages: Applies a voltage to the selected nodes for use in a
piezoelectric analysis. Voltage data can also be mapped from an
electrostatic analysis.

NOTE: Nodal loads may be defined at a remote point not on the model
geometry and attached to a set of model nodes, edges, or surfaces
using automatically generated line elements. Refer to the help files for
additional information regarding the application of remote loads and

Edge loading

Edge Force: Applies nodal forces to the nodes on an edge so that the
magnitude is evenly distributed over the length

Surface loading

Surface Force: Evenly distributes a force over the surface.

Surface Bearing Load: Apply radial and/or thrust loads to cylindrical

surfaces. The radial load distribution is parabolic, simulating the
naturally occurring contact force distributions that are typical between
shafts, bearings, and bearing bores.

Surface Remote Force: Simulate the effects of a force applied at a

point in space that is not on the model. The remote force is represented
by calculated reaction forces along the load application surface(s).

What does a Remote Force do?

Simulates the effects of a force applied at a point in space that is not on the model.
Remote Forces are only applicable to model surfaces.
The nodal reaction forces that would occur at the model due to the remote force are
calculated, and nodal forces are applied to all of the nodes along the selected
surface or surfaces.
Remote Forces differ from Remote Loads and Constraints, in which automatically-
generated line elements connect the model to a point in space, and a single nodal
load or constraint is applied at the remote point .

Important: When a Remote Force is applied to multiple surfaces, the specified load is
NOT distributed over all of the selected surfaces, with each surface receiving only a
portion of the load magnitude. Rather, the full specified force is distributed over each of
the individual selected surfaces. For example, if a 200N force is applied to three
surfaces, the total applied load is 600N (200N per surface times 3 surfaces). If you
need a single load magnitude at a point in space to be distributed over multiple
surfaces, use the Remote Loads and Constraints command instead of the Remote
Force command.

Apply a Remote Force

1. Select one or more surfaces where the remote force will act on the model. For
example, choose the mounting surfaces for a motor bracket that is not included in
the model. Remote forces can be used to apply the effects of the motor and bracket
weight, plus any operating loads, at the selected mounting surfaces.

2. Click the Setup Loads Remote Force ribbon command. Or, right-click in the
display area and choose Add Surface Remote Force from the context menu.

3. Specify the force Magnitude.

4. Specify the location of the remote point by one of the following two methods...
Type the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z input fields, or
Click the Point Selector button and then pick a vertex on the model. This method
works if a construction vertex has been added at the remote force location. It also
is useful if the desired point is at a known offset from an existing model vertex. In
the latter case, adjust one or two of the coordinates to reflect the location offset
after choosing the reference vertex.

5. Specify the direction of the load by one of the following three methods...
Activate an X, Y, or Z radio button to specify a global axis direction.
Activate the Custom radio button and enter the components of a unit direction
vector in the X, Y, and Z input fields.
Click the Vector Selector button and then click two points on the model in
succession to indicate the desired vector direction.

6. Specify the Load Case / Load Curve number. Optionally, click the Curve button to
define a load curve for nonlinear analyses.

7. Click OK to apply the force and close the Remote Force Object dialog box.

Surface Moment: Apply a moment about a specified axis direction to

a surface or surfaces. The moment is converted to a distribution of nodal

Surface Pressure/Traction: Applies pressures either normal to a

surface or along a specified direction.

Surface Hydrostatic Pressure: Applies a hydrostatic pressure that

increases linearly based on the user-defined fluid depth direction and
fluid surface elevation. (See the Loading Options document of
theMidplane Meshing and Plate Element unit for plate element
specific details).

Surface Variable Pressure: Applies a pressure that will vary with

position according to a mathematical function. Refer to the example at
the end of this chapter.

Surface Temperature: Applies nodal temperatures to each node on

the surface.

Surface Voltage: Applies nodal voltages to each node on the surface.

Element loading

Accelerations/gravity: Will apply an acceleration load to the entire

model. The parts must have a mass density defined.

Centrifugal loads: Will apply a centrifugal load perpendicular to a

global axis to the entire model. The parts must have a mass density

Loads applied to nodes, edges or surfaces can be copied and

duplicated on other nodes, edges, or surfaces. This can be done by
clicking on the load and right-clicking in the display area. Select
the Copycommand. Right-click on the node, edge or surface where you
want to duplicate the load, and select the Paste command


For additional details about the application and definitions of any of

these preceding loads, refer to the Simulation Mechanical Wiki Help.
Go to Getting Started > Help > Online Wiki Help and, from there,
use the Browse Help menu to navigate to one of the following

Simulation Mechanical: Setting Up and Performing the

Analysis: General Information (Common to Multiple Analysis
Types): Loads and Constraints
Simulation Mechanical: Setting Up and Performing the
Analysis: Analysis-Specific Information: Linear: Loads and

What Do Remote Loads and Constraints Do?

Adds a nodal load or boundary condition to a point in space; a point not on the model.
The point in space is connected to selected nodes on the model with line elements.
You define the properties of the line elements as beam, truss, or similar line elements.
The remote load or boundary condition is transmitted through the line elements to the model.
Remote Loads and Constraints differ from Remote Forces, in which the effects of a remote force
are applied directly to the model surface using automatically-calculated nodal forces (no line
elements are created).
Since the Remote Load & Constraint command generates new geometry and a node at the point in
space, you can add any number of additional objects at the new point.

Apply Remote Loads or Constraints

1. Use any of the selection commands (Selection Select) to select where the remote load or
constraint is to be distributed onto the model. For example, to apply a torque to the end of a
shaft, select the vertices or surface on the end of the shaft. Regardless of what is selected (part,
surface, edge, line), the vertices on the selection are used. Most applications require the remote
load or constraint to be distributed to three or more vertices not in a straight line.

2. Right-click and choose the Add Remote Loads & Constraints command. This command is
also available via the ribbon (Setup Loads Remote Load & Constraint).

3. Use either of the following methods to specify the location of the remote load or constraint.

a. Select one vertex or construction vertex and click the Set Load/Constraint Location button.
The label under the Set Load Location button indicates 1 vertices.

b. If no objects are selected, clicking the Set Load/Constraint Location button prompts you to
enter an X, Y, Z location for the remote load. Enter the global coordinate and click
the OK button. The label under the Set Load Location button indicates Manual entry.

4. The vertices where the remote load or constraint is distributed are already listed by virtue of
starting the command with them selected. However, to change the destination or create a new
remote load or constraint, select the new location and click the Set Load/Constraint
Destination button. The number of vertices in the selection is listed under the button.

5. Specify the Part, Surface and Layer attributes for the line elements that connect the remote
load to the model. Generally, the part number is a new part number or the same as other
remote load elements.

6. Click the Generate Elements button. The lines from the remote load to the model are created.

7. Click the Add Load/Constraint button to see the list of nodal loads or boundary conditions that
can be added. Some of the available options may not be suitable depending on the analysis
type and the type of elements used for the load elements.

8. If another remote load location is required, repeat the above steps starting with step 3.

9. Click the Close button when finished applying all remote loads to all remote locations.
Tip: While the Create Remote Load/Constraint dialog box is opened, multiple loads or boundary
conditions can be added to the same node by using the Add Load/Constraint button. After closing
the dialog box, additional loads and boundary conditions can be added to the same node by selecting
the vertex at the remote load (Selection Select Vertices), right-clicking, and choosing the
appropriate entry under the Add command.

Define Remote Load/Constraint Line Elements

After the remote load or constraint line elements are created, use the browser (tree view) to
define the Element Type, Element Definition, and Material. Any line element type can be
chosen (beam, truss, gap, and so on), provided it suits the requirements of the analysis. Here
are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
Moments can be applied as a remote load, but they can only be transmitted through
beam elements. Truss elements, gap elements, and other line element types that do not
have rotational degrees of freedom cannot transmit moments and torques. the joints of
these element types are pinned (no translation, rotation allowed). (See Getting Started:
Introduction to Autodesk Simulation FEA:Nodes and Elements for additional information
on transmitting loads, restraints, and degrees of freedom.)
Imagine the array of load elements as being supported by boundary conditions instead
of connected to the model. The support reactions at these hypothetical boundary
conditions are the loads that are transmitted to the model. The total of these support
reactions equals the applied loads, but the distribution of the forces and moments may
be affected by the stiffness of the load elements.
Stiff beam elements acts like a rigid structure attached to the model, so the surface (or
nodes) of the model where the remote load is distributed tend to keep the same shape
but move as a rigid surface. Weak beam elements and truss elements transmits the load
but do not completely prevent deformation of the shape of the surface.

Example Use of Remote Loads and Remote Constraints

Figures 1 and 2 illustrates how to use remote loads to analyze a shaft (made from brick
elements) that is part of a gear train. In the FEA Model, the two boundary conditions at the
bearings prevent the shaft from rigid body translations in all directions. The bearing on the left
is held radially (Ty and Tz) and axially (Tx, to contain thrust loads), and the mounting of the
bearing on the right constrains radial translation (Ty and Tz) but allows axial movement
(floating bearing). Assume the bearings are spherical, so that they do not restrain rotation in
any direction.
If the load at the pinion were to be modeled with a force, the shaft would still be free to rotate
about the axial direction. This would lead to an unstable model and potentially wrong results.
A remote boundary condition at the pinion tooth that restrains the model in the tangential
direction prevents axial rotation (Rx) and produces the reaction force needed to balance the
gear load.
Figure 1: Diagram of Shaft With Gears

1 - Remote Constraint attached to surface of bearing journal with a no-translation constraint at center of bearing (Tx, Ty, and Tz).
2 - Remote Load attached to gear mounting surface with force applied at gear tooth location.
3 - Remote Constraint attached to pinion mounting surface with boundary condition in tangential direction (Ty).
4 - Remote Constraint attached to surface of bearing journal with axial and radial constraint boundary conditions (Ty and Tz).

Figure 2: Equivalent FEA Model Using Remote Loads

Tip: If working with a CAD model, the Mesh CAD Additions Joint command can be used
for the bearings to create universal-type joints. The result is the same geometry as created by
the remote load command.
When applying most loads, there is a Load Case / Load Curve field. This
field will control which load case the load is applied in. Each load case will be
analyzed separately. For example, if you want to see the effect of a 100
pound force applied in the X direction and a separate 500 pound force
applied in the Y direction, you can place these forces in load case 1 and load
case 2. If you also want to see the combined effect, you can copy these
forces and apply them both in load case 3. When the analysis is performed,
there will be three sets of results in the Results environment. You can toggle
through the load cases using theNext and Previous options in the Load
Case Options panel in the Results Contours tab.

Certain loads need load case multipliers in order to be applied. For instance,
if you apply a pressure or a surface force, you need to assign a value in
the Pressure column of the Load Case Multipliers table in
theMultipliers tab of the Analysis Parameters dialog box. This dialog box is
accessed either by selecting the Parameters command in the Model
Setup panel in the Setup tab or by right-clicking on Analysis Typeheading
in the browser and selecting the Edit Analysis Parameters command.
This multiplier is a global multiplier for all of your pressures and surface
forces in your model. If you entered 1,000 psi for the pressure and put a load
case multiplier for pressure of 2.0, your actual pressure in the model for that
load case will be 2000 psi. The value in the Index column refers to the load
case number

There are seven multipliers in the Analysis Parameters dialog box for a static
stress analysis:

Pressure: This multiplier will multiply all pressures, tractions, surface forces,
surface variable loads and beam distributed loads.
Gravity/Accel: This multiplier will multiply the acceleration loads defined
under the Gravity/Acceleration tab.

Omega: This multiplier will multiply the rotation rate specified under
the Centrifugal tab.

Alpha: This multiplier will multiply the angular acceleration specified under
the Centrifugal tab.

Displacement: This multiplier will multiply the magnitude of all displacement

boundary elements.

Thermal: This multiplier does NOT directly multiply the magnitude of the
temperature applied to each of the nodes in a model. Rather, it multiplies the
thermal load as defined by the equation:

Thermal Load = (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) *

(Nodal Temperature Stress Free Reference Temperature)

So, the difference between the nodal temperature and the stress-free
reference temperature (defined in the "Element Definition" dialog box) is
being multiplied. Therefore, a thermal multiplier of 2 will result in exactly
double the stress relative to a thermal multiplier of 1, even for parts with non-
zero stress free reference temperatures.

Electrical: This multiplier will multiply the magnitude of the voltage applied to
each of the nodes in a model.
Load Case Example
You can combine these multipliers in any order and can turn off loads for
different load cases by entering a zero for that column.

The load case multipliers shown in the image above would be used to
model the following situations:

1. Only surface applied forces, pressures, and/or traction loads applied.

2. No load except for gravity.

3. No load except for thermal loads.

4. All loads listed in preceding items 1 through 3.

5. 1.5 times the surface applied forces, pressures, and/or traction loads
combined with gravity and 1.25 times the thermal load.

In static stress analysis with linear material models, constraints can be
applied to the model in three ways: to nodes, edges, or surfaces. If a
constraint is applied to a surface or edge, constraints will be applied to
each node on the surface or edge.

General Constraint: Will constrain the node to which they are applied
against translation or rotation along the specified directions.

Pin Constraint: Can only be applied to a cylindrical surface on the

model. Pin constraints restrict the motion in the radial, tangential, and
axial directions about the coordinate system defined by the circular
surface selected. Pin constraints are often used to simulate a pin

3D Spring Support: Will apply stiffness against translation or rotation

along a global direction.

1D Spring Support: Will apply stiffness against translation or rotation

along any vector.

Prescribed Displacement: Used to specify a translation distance or

rotation angle (in radians).

Frictionless: Constrains the selected entities against translation in the

direction normal to the surface tangential and axial motion is not
prevented. The normal direction is calculated per node.

Symmetry and
One way to simplify models is to use symmetry or antisymmetry. If
the loading, geometry and results of a model are symmetric about
a plane, only the part of the model on one side of that plane
needs to be analyzed. However, in order to get correct results, the
proper constraints must be applied at the symmetry plane. When
modeling symmetry, the out-of-plane translation and the two in-
plane rotations must be constrained. This is described in
Symmetrical Model. If the geometry is symmetric, but the loading
and results are antisymmetric, you can apply antisymmetric
constraints along the symmetry plane. When modeling
antisymmetry, the two in-plane translations and the out-of-plane
rotation must be constrained. This is described in the Anti-
Symmetrical Model.


For additional details about the application and definitions of any of

these preceding loads, refer to the Simulation Mechanical Wiki Help.
Go to Getting Started > Help > Online Wiki Help and, from there,
use theBrowse Help menu to navigate to one of the following
Simulation Mechanical: Setting Up and Performing the
Analysis: General Information (Common to Multiple Analysis
Types): Loads and Constraints

Simulation Mechanical: Setting Up and Performing the

Analysis: Analysis-Specific Information: Linear: Loads and

A design scenario is a set of parameters for a model. Multiple design
scenarios can be present for a single model file. Any parameter can be
changed between design scenarios. The only limitation is that a single
file cannot have different CAD models between design scenarios. The
mesh parameters can change, but not the actual CAD geometry. For
hand built models, each design scenario can contain unique geometry.
The results for each design scenario will be kept separate. Therefore
different analysis types can be performed on a single model in separate
design scenarios and the results can be easily loaded for each analysis
type. The image below shows a browser with three design scenarios.

In this case, three design scenarios were used because pressure loads
follow a global multiplier. Therefore a model cannot have pressure in
one location in load case 1 and another location in load case 2. For a
static stress analysis, design scenarios are not a complete substitute
for multiple load cases. Since design scenarios are actually separate
models, the entire analysis will be performed twice for two design
scenarios. Multiple load cases can be solved in the same analysis.

It is recommended that multiple load cases be used if:

Geometry, mesh and element parameters are the same. This

includes plate thickness and beam or truss cross-sectional properties.

The loading consists of loads which can be placed in individual load

cases such as nodal forces or moments.

The loading consists of loads which can be scaled by a single value

in different load cases. For example, all pressure loads can be scaled
by a different pressure multiplier in each load case.

It is recommended the multiple design scenarios be used if:

Geometry, mesh or element input is different for each situation.

The loading consists of loads that cannot be adequately controlled by

load cases. For example gravity can only be applied in one direction.
This direction can be changed in a new design scenario. Also
pressures and distributed loads can be turned on or off in different
areas of the model using design scenarios.

Different analysis types will be performed.

Only one design scenario can be active at a time. The heading for the
active design scenario will be bold in the browser. Design Scenario 3 is
active in the model shown above. A new design scenario can be
created by right-clicking on the heading for the active design scenario
and selecting the New or Copy command.

If the New command is selected, you will be asked to specify an

analysis type for the new design scenario. If the model has an
associated CAD model, only the CAD geometry will be present in the
new design scenario. If the model is a hand built model, nothing will be
present in the new design scenario.

If the Copy command is selected, all of the current parameters

including geometry will be present in the new design scenario. Any
changes that are made will only affect the new design scenario. The
original design scenario will not be changed.

You can activate an inactive design scenario by right-clicking on the

heading for the design scenario in the browser and selecting
the Load command, or by double-clicking the heading.
Load and
It can be seen in the image above, that there is a Load and Constraint
Group heading for each design scenario. Whenever a single load or
multiple loads are applied to a model in a single command, a new FEA
object group will be created. A new heading will appear under the Load
and Constraint Group heading in the browser. The name of the
heading will be the type of load that is applied. For example, if you
apply fixed nodal boundary conditions to one part of a model, a Nodal
General Constraints heading will appear in the browser. Under this
heading will be an individual heading for each individual boundary
condition. If you then apply nodal boundary conditions to another area
of the model, a new heading will be created. If the loads and boundary
conditions are applied in a logical manner, this organization will make it
easy to make changes in the future because they will all remain
grouped together.

Loads and constraints can be moved between FEA object groups after
they are created by either dragging the heading in the browser or by
right-clicking on the load or constraint and selecting the Move to
Groupcommand. If the Move to Group command is selected, a
dialog box will appear that will allow you to select the target FEA object
group or create a new FEA object group.

If all of the loads or constraints in an FEA object group are identical,

you can change the parameters of them at the same time by right-
clicking on the heading for the FEA object group and selecting
the Editcommand. The changes will be applied to each load or
constraint in the FEA object group. If there are multiple types of loads
and constraints in an FEA object group or they have different values,
you will not be able to modify the FEA object group.
Only loads and constraints that are valid for the current analysis type
can exist in a design scenario. For example, a convection load cannot
exist in a design scenario with a static stress analysis type. Therefore it
is strongly recommended that you use separate design scenarios when
performing multiple analysis types on a model. For example, if you are
performing a steady-state heat transfer analysis and will use the
temperature profile in a subsequent thermal stress analysis, these
should be set up in separate design scenarios. If you change the
analysis type from steady-state heat transfer to static stress, the
thermal specific loads will be deleted. For this reason, if you try to
change the analysis type, a prompt will appear asking you if you want
to copy the current parameters into a new design scenario for the new
analysis type or delete any parameters not relevant to the new analysis

Local Coordinate Systems By default, any load or constraint that is applied along a
direction is applied with respect to the global coordinate system (X, Y, Z). Sometimes
this is not adequate to properly model a situation. In these cases a local coordinate
system can be applied. You can create a local coordinate system by right-clicking on
the Coordinate Systems heading in the browser and selecting
the New command. The dialog box shown below will appear.
Three types of local coordinate systems are available in the Coordinate System
Type drop-down box: Cylindrical, Rectangular and Spherical. Once the type of
local coordinate system is selected, you must specify three points. These will
correspond to the points A, B and C in the image. You can either enter the
coordinates for these points or you can select them in the display area by pressing
the Select A, Select B, or Select C button. You can select all three in quick
succession by pressing the Interactive button. The axes will appear as you select
the three points in interactive mode. The last thing to do is type a name in
theDescription field.

Once a local coordinate system is defined, you can apply it to any nodes, edges, or
surfaces in the model by selecting the desired geometry and right-clicking in the
display area. Select the desired coordinate system in the Coordinate Systems pull-
out menu. Any directional loads applied to items to which a local coordinate system
has been assigned will be applied according to the local directions. If the local
coordinate system is cylindrical, the X, Y and Z values will refer to the R, and Z
directions, respectively. If the local coordinate system is spherical, the X, Y and Z
values will refer to the R, and directions, respectively.

You may define multiple local coordinate systems and have them applied
concurrently to differing portions of the model. If a coordinate system is defined but
not applied to any specific nodes, edges, or surfaces, then it will have no effect on
the model except within the Results environment, where all displacements, stresses,
forces, or moments may be displayed according to any one of the local coordinate

als and
Material properties must be defined for each part in the model. This is done
by right-clicking on the Material heading for that part in the browser and
selecting the Edit Material command. A dialog box will appear allowing
you to define the relevant properties. Not all of the properties are necessary
for every model. For example, you only need to define the modulus of
elasticity, the Poisson's ratio, and a coefficient of thermal expansion if you
are performing a thermal stress analysis optionally include the density if
an acceleration or gravity load is to be specified. For a stress analysis
without thermal effects, the coefficient of thermal expansion is not needed.

Some element types support multiple material models. The material model
is defined in the Material model drop-down box in the Element
Definition dialog box which is accessed by right-clicking on the Element
Definition heading for that part in the browser and selecting the Edit
Element Definition... command. A table with all of the material models
available for each element is available below in Material Model Options sub
topic below.

The material library manager allows tracking of predefined or user defined

materials by use of a database format. Material data can be imported or
exported to and from XML files. Many of the material properties have been
provided by MatWeb. To access the library manager from the FEA Editor
environment, click on the Tools tab > Options panel > Manage Material
The dialog box shown below will appear:

A pre-defined database called the Autodesk Simulation Material Library

already exists. This database cannot be altered. To view the different
material properties select a material (Aluminum 6061-T6; 6061-T651 for
example). The material properties will appear in the table to the right. This
table contains the information for the defined material. In the Material
Identification section, the material library and the material model are
identified. The material model is selected when the entry for the material is
added. This will be discussed later. Also in this section are the material
name and material description. The rest of the table contains the material
properties associated with the material model selected. For Aluminum
6061-T6; 6061-T651 the material model selected was Standard. As seen in
Figure 2.12, properties for the Standard material model include general
properties (mass density and damping), elastic, thermal, electrical and
plastic properties. Not all information is needed for every analysis. For
example, if a new material for a static stress analysis is needed, then you
should only need to enter data for the elastic properties.

Since this is a material from the Autodesk Simulation Material Library,

editing properties is not allowed. The next section will describe how to enter
properties for user materials. The database format for the libraries is a
FoxPro (.dbf) file format. These files can be changed with the Material
Library Manager, FoxPro or Visual Basic.
Material Model Options
Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics provides twenty-four different material
models to choose from. The type of material model will depend on the
element type and the analysis type to be performed. For example, when
working with a type of steel, choose Standard since steel is an isotropic
material. The table below lists material model, the analysis type that can
be performed, and also a short description of the material model.
Use this to ...

Create new Material Libraries and manage material properties.

Process: Adding Material Libraries and Material Properties

1. To create a library, press the New button at the top of the dialog box.
The dialog box shown below will appear.

This dialog box allows the user to create the name of the new library. In the File
name field enter a library name and then press the Save button.
2. The next dialog box will appear.
This dialog box is a prompt to enter a description for the library. For example, in
the predefined library, the description is Autodesk Simulation Material Library.
After typing in a description press the OK button to return to the Material Library
Manager dialog box.
3. Notice that a new tab exists for the new library. This is set as the active library.
To add a material, right-click on the heading for the library in the browser and
select the Add New Material command.

4. The dialog box shown below will appear.

5. Type the name of the material in the Material name field. Choose the type of
material model in the Material model drop-down box and select a unit system in
the Unit System drop-down box. If the material is entered in one unit system and
the model is in a different unit system, the software will automatically make the
appropriate conversions. This means that the material information can be in
English (in) and the model can be in Metric mks (SI). In the Material
Description field, enter a description of the material that is being added. It is
suggested that a reference to the source of information for the material should be
entered in the Material source description field. Once this information is
specified, press the OK button. The screen shown below will appear.
6. The next step is to enter the material properties needed. You can then repeat
the process to add more materials to the library. Once you are finished, close the
Material Library Manager.

NOTE: It is also possible to create new libraries or to save materials to a user

library directly from the material applicator screen (that is, without having to use
the material library manager).

When to Use
The image below shows an example of where displacement
boundary elements may be used. When the foundation collapses,
the bottom of the structure will move. However, the structure will not
move the entire 0.5" because of the stiffness of the bolts. Therefore
a stiffness must be applied to the displacement boundary element
to properly model this situation.

Another example is any situation where you know the deformation

or displacement for a given design but you do not know the force
required to achieve it. For example, say you are shouldering a roller
bearing against a dished or conic washer. The washer acts like a
spring to keep the assembly tight and free of clearance. You know
that you are to compress the washer axially by 0.05 inches. Enter
this movement as a displacement boundary condition and the
program will tell you the resultant forces and stresses.
Project: Using Local Coordinate Systems

Completion Time: 15 Minutes

Objective: To illustrate the use of a local coordinate system, we will use a model
of a mounting bracket with a large hole at its center. A meshed archive of this
model (Mounting Bracket.ach) is located in the 03 Static Stress Analysis
Example\Input File folder in the class directory. We want to apply tangential nodal
forces to the top edge of the center hole. We could calculate the normal vector at
every location along the circumference and apply the nodal forces individually. A
much better way would be to create a cylindrical coordinate system with the
origin at the center of the hole. We can then apply a force in the tangential
direction to all of the nodes simultaneously.

1: Open the file Mounting Bracket.ach in the 03 Static Stress Analysis
Example\Input File directory

Select the location where you want the model to be extracted and press
the OK button.
2: On the view cube select the Bottom view

3: Make sure the Selection tab > Shape panel > Point or Rectangle command
is selected.
4: Click the Selection tab > Shape panel > Vertices command.

5: Click on the bottommost vertex (6 o'clock) of the large hole in the center of
the bracket in the XY view.

6: Right-click in the display area.

Select the Inquire command.

A tool tip will appear with the coordinates of the selected vertex. It is (~0, -
0.375, 0).

7: Click on the bottommost vertex (6 o'clock) of the large hole in the center of
the bracket in the XY view.

Right-click in the display area.

Select the Inquire command. A tool tip will appear with the coordinates of the
selected vertex. It is (~0, 0.375, 0).

8: Right Click on the Coordinate Systems heading in the browser.

Select the New command.

9: Select the Cylindrical option in the Coordinate System Type drop-down

10: Referring to the image in the dialog box, Points A and B can be any two
points along the centerline of the hole. We will use:
(0, 0, 0) for Point A

(0, 0, 1) for Point B.

Point C indicates the radial direction and can be any point that is not collinear
with line AB. We will use (0, 1, 0).

11: Type Center of Hole in the Description field.

12: Press the OK button.

13: Next, we are going to select the edge that will use the cylindrical coordinate
system and assign this coordinate system to it.

Click the Selection tab > Shape panel > Edges command.
14: Select the edge of the large hole.

15: Right-click in the display area

Select the Coordinate Systems pull-out menu and select the Id 1: Center of
Hole command.

16: Small miniaxes will be visible on each vertex along the selected edge. The
red axis (indicating the local xdirection) should point away from the center of the
circle, as shown by the radial miniaxis lines in the image below. Next, we can add
an edge load.
Project: Using Surface Variable Loads

Completion Time: 15 Minutes

Objective: Surface variable loads can be used when a load follows a known
function across a surface. A classic example would be a bearing load where the
force profile is parabolic. This will be practiced in a future projects. For now we
will attempt to apply a wind load to the panels of solar collectors. We want this
load to have a magnitude of 56 psi at the top of the panel (Z=84) and decrease
linearly along the Z axis to 8 psi at the bottom (Z=36). A diagram of this load is
shown below.

1: Open the file Solar panels.ach in the 03 Static Stress Analysis
Example\Input File directory

Select the location where you want the model to be extracted and press
the OK button.
2: On the view cube select the Front view.

3: Click the Selection tab > Shape panel > Surfaces command.
4: Right click on the front face of the Solar panel add select Variable
Pressure command.
5: From the given minimum and maximum loads and positions we can derive the
equation for the pressure as a function of z. The equation is P=z-28. When
defining the equation, the x, y and z coordinates will be represented by the
variables r, s and t, respectively. You can use basic operators such as +,-,*,/,
() and ^. Pressing the Available Primitives >> button will allow you to access
several common functions.
6: In the Creating 1 Surface Variable Pressure Object dialog box enter the

Type -1 in the Traction Y section

Type Linear Pressure in the Active function field.

Type t-28 in the Expression (Use r, s, and t as variables) field

7: Press the View button.

Select the T Z radio button. A graph will appear as shown below. This shows a
force increasing from 8 to 56 from z=36 to z=84.

Press the Close button.

Press the OK button.

8: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command.

9: On the view cube select the Right view.

You can see the force vectors increasing in the positive Z direction.

10: You will notice that the arrow at the very top of the surface is shorter than
the arrows immediately below it. This is because when two elements share a
node, the nodal forces receive a partial contribution from each of the adjacent
element faces. These are combined into one force at the shared node and
displayed as such in the Results environment. Nodes along surface edges and at
corners represent fewer element faces. For a uniform pressure on a perfectly
uniform mesh, corner nodes will see half of the force that the other nodes along
the edge will see and one-fourth of the force that the interior nodes will see.
Similarly, non-corner edge nodes will see half the force that the interior nodes will
A completed archive of this model Solar panel.ach is available in the 03 Static
Stress Analysis Example\Results Archives directory in the class.
Project: (Solution) Frame - Compare Full and Quarter-Symmetry

Completion Time: 30 Minutes

Objective: This project is a step by step solution to the Frame - Compare Full
and Quarter-Symmetry project.

1: Opening the Model:

Open the file Frame (full).step in the 03 Static Stress Analysis Example\Input
File directory.

2: If the desired analysis type is not already set, Right click the analysis type
field. Select the Linear pull-out menu, and choose the Static Stress with Linear
Material Models option.
3: Click on the Application Menu and select the Merge command.

4: Select the file Frame (Quarter).step in the 03 Static Stress Analysis

Example\Input File directory.

Select the STEP files (*.stp, *.ste, *.step) option as this is the file type to be
5: Meshing the Model:

Click on the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > 3D Mesh Settings command.

6: Press the Options button.

7: Press the down-arrow to access the pull-down menu in the Type field under
the Mesh Size heading and select the Absolute mesh size option.

Type 0.15 in the Size field.

Press the OK button to exit the Options dialog box.

8: Press the Mesh model button.

9: Adding Loads and Constraints:

Click on the Setup tab > Loads panel > Pressure command

10: Click on one of the two surfaces where the pressure load is to be applied.

Holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the remaining load application surface.
11: Type 10000 in the Magnitude field.

Press the OK button.

12: On the view cube select the Top view.
13: Draw a box enclosing all four holes in the full part, being careful not to
enclose any other surfaces. Only the surfaces of the holes should be fully
enclosed within the selection rectangle.

Holding down the <Ctrl> key, draw a second box enclosing the two half-holes
in the quarter-symmetry part, again being careful not to enclose any other
14: Right Click in the blank display space and select Add > Surface General

15: Press the Fixed button.

Press the OK button.
16: Holding down the <Ctrl> key Select the three (3) back faces of the quarter-
symmetry part.

Right Click and select Add > Surface General Constraints

NOTE: In order to properly model symmetry, we must constrain the out-of-plane

translation and the two in plane rotations, assuming the element type has
rotational DOFs. In this case we are using brick elements, which have only
translational DOFs. There are two symmetry planesone parallel to the XZ
plane (requiring Ty constraint) and the other lying on the YZ plane (requiring Tx
constraint). We define the symmetry direction as being normal to the mirror
plane. The individual DOFs can be set manually using the DOF checkboxes or
set automatically by choosing the appropriate symmetry button within the
boundary conditions dialog box. The automatically assigned rotational constraints
have no effect on brick models and will be ignored.
17: Press the Y Symmetry button.
Press the OK button
18: Add X Symmetry to the face of the quarter-symmetry part shown below.

19: On the view cube select the Home view.

20: Defining the Material Data:

Click on the Material heading for Part 1 in the browser.

Holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the Material heading for Part 2 in the

Right-click on one of the selected headings.

Select the Edit Material command.

21: Expand the Steel folder and then expand the ASTM folder. Select Steel
(ASTM-A36) within the Autodesk Simulation Material Library.
Press the "OK" button.
22: Running the Analysis:

Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command.
23: Click on the Tools tab > Environments panel > FEA Editor command.

24: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Run Simulation command.

25: Viewing the Results:

The displacement results will be displayed by default. We will compare the

maximum displacement and stress magnitude and location for the two parts.
26: Deselect the Results Options tab > View panel > Loads and
Constraints command.

27: Select the Results Contours tab > Displacement panel > Show
Displaced > Displaced Option command.
28: Move the slider in the Scale Factor section to control the scale factor of the
displaced model. Do the displacements look correct?

Press the X button in the upper right corner of the Displaced Model
Options dialog box to close it.
29: Click on the Results Inquire tab > Probes" panel > Maximum command.
30: Click on the Results Contours tab > Stress panel > von Mises command.
NOTE: The maximum stress occurs at the fillet adjacent to the load application
surface on the full part. Compare the stress to the value shown in the table at the
end of the exercise description.

In order to confirm that the results for the quarter symmetry model are essentially
the same, we will hide the full-model. The legend box values should not change
significantly. The legend box displays the maximum and minimum values in the
current display.
31: Right-click on the heading for Part 1 in the browser and select
the Visibility command.
32: Results:

NOTE: The stress variation between the two parts is less than 1% (0.15%, in
fact). This small variation can easily be explained by the differences in the
surface and/or interior meshes of the two solids.
33: A completed archive of the combined full and quarter models, with results,
Frame (Complete).ach is available in the 03 Static Stress Analysis Example\
Results Archives folder in the class directory.
Results Evaluation and Presentation Introduction

In this unit ...

Generating Results presentations, Plots and reports will be introduced.


Learn how the results of the analysis are calculated

Learn how to evaluate the displacement, stress and reaction force results

Learn how to inquire on results at specific locations

Learn how to create graphs of results

Learn how to customize presentations of the results

Learn how to generate image and animations of the results

Learn how to generate an HTML report of the results

Background on How Results are Calculated

Background on How Results are Calculated

Background on How Results are Calculated

As was explained in the Background of FEA unit, the equation that is solved
during the analysis is

where the stiffness matrix, [K], and the force vector {f} are known from the
geometry and the loads. Once the displacement vector {x} has been determined,
the distribution of the displacements and then the strains are determined.

Once the strain values are known, the stress can be calculated from the

This displacement-based finite element solution process whereby a distribution

is derived from nodal displacements, the strains are derived from the distribution,
and the stresses are finally calculated from the strains is generally referred to
as "stress recovery."

In summary, the displacements are the first result to be solved. Once the
displacements are known, the strains and then the stresses can be calculated.
Typically, a rather coarse mesh can provide fairly accurate structural
displacement results. However, the strains and stresses calculated from these
coarse mesh displacement values may not be accurate enough. A finer mesh will
improve the accuracy of the stress results, even though the displacement results
are relatively insensitive to the change in mesh size.

How to Evaluate Results


In this unit ...

Evaluation of results is done in the Results environment. Once the analysis is
performed, the model will be automatically transferred to the Results environment.
To enter the Results environment at any other time first select the Tools tab >
Environments panel > Results command. Alternatively you can select
the Results tab at the top of the browser.
Upon attempting to enter the Results environment for a previously run model, you
may receive a pop-up warning stating that the existing results do not match the
current model. This can occur if you visited an element or material data screen or the
analysis parameters dialog box and clicked OK, rather than canceling out of the
dialog box, even if you changed no input. If you are sure that the results still correctly
reflect the current model setup, click the Yes button in the pop-up message box to
proceed to the results environment.

If the Results environment is not available (that is, it is grayed-out) but you are
certain that the results have been output and that they are consistent with the current
model setup; you can use theAnalysis tab > Analysis panel > Check
Model command to view the model in the Results environment.

Alternate Display Unit Systems:

As discussed in the previous unit, several pre-defined unit systems are available in
both the FEA Editor and Results environments. In addition, custom unit systems may
be defined and, optionally, made available for all future models. Regardless of the
model units, the results can be presented in any other pre-defined or user-defined
unit system by simply activating the desired Display Units listed within the browser.
For more information regarding the creation of custom unit systems or modifying
existing unit systems, refer to Working with Various Unit Systems document in
the Static Stress Analysis Using CAD Solid Models unit.

Displacement Results
Displacement Results

Overview: As mentioned previously, the first result to review is the

displacements. If the displacements look incorrect, there is most likely an error in
the setup of the model. If the displacements look correct, the stresses can then
be reviewed.

To review the displacement contours, access Results Contours tab >

Displacement panel > Displacement command. The Magnitude command will
display the magnitude of the displacements at each node. The magnitude, D, is
calculated by the equation:

where Dx, Dy and Dz are the components of the displacement in the global
directions. Note that this will always be a positive value. The contours of the
individual components can also be displayed by selecting the appropriate
command in the "Displacement" panel.

Another way to verify the displacement results is to view the deflected shape.
This is useful to visually verify that the deflections are in the logical direction. To
view the deflected shape, select theDisplacement panel > Displaced Options.

Displaced Model Options dialog box

The following describes the functionality of the Displaced Model Options dialog

Displaced Model section

Show Displaced Model: If this checkbox is activated, the displaced shape of

the model will be shown in the display area. If any contour is currently being
shown, the displaced shape will continue to show the contour.

Scale Factor section

As an Absolute Value: If this radio button is selected, the actual displacement

values will be multiplied by the value in the "Scale Factor" field to create the
displaced model display. A value of "1" in the "Scale Factor" field will show the
true displaced shape of the model.

As a Percentage of Model Size: If this radio button is selected, the scale

factor used to multiply the actual displacements will be based on the size of the
model. The slider bar can be used to get a reasonable scale factor.

Show Undisplaced Model As section

Do Not Show: If this radio button is selected, the undisplaced model will not
appear in the display area.

Mesh: If this radio button is selected, a wireframe mesh representing the

undisplaced model will appear to be used as a reference.

Mesh on Top of Displaced Model: If this radio button is selected, a mesh

representing the undisplaced model will be drawn on top of the shaded model
representing the displaced model.

Transparent: If this radio button is selected, a transparent shaded

representation of the undisplaced model will appear to be used as a reference.
The level of the transparency can be controlled using the "Results Options:
View Settings: Transparency Level" command.

Stress Results
Stress Results

Stress Results
Once the displacement results have been checked, the stresses should be
reviewed. Which are available from the Results Contours tab > Stress panel.
von Mises

This command will set the results display to be the equivalent von Mises stress.
The von Mises stress can be displayed for element types with area (2-D, plate
and membrane) and volume (bricks).

The equation used to calculate the von Mises stress is:

where Sx, Sy and Sz are the normal stresses in the global directions
and Sxy, Syz and Sxz are the shear stresses. In terms of the principal
stresses S1, S2 and S3:

Note from the equations that the von Mises value is always positive.


The Tresca*2 stress can be displayed for solid element types. This method
extracts the maximum shear stress from a given stress tensor.

The Tresca equation is:

where S1, S2 and S3 are the principal stresses. The value reported is twice the
maximum shear stress. Thus, yielding would occur when the reported Tresca*2
value reaches the yield stress. Note that by definition, the Tresca stress is
always positive. Refer to the Mohr's circle in the Maximum Principal subtopic
for a graphical representation.

Minimum Principal

This command will set the results display to calculate the minimum principal
stress (S3). The principal stress can be displayed for element types with area
and volume. Positive (+) indicates tension and negative (-) indicates
compression. Refer to the Mohr's circle in the Maximum Principal subtopic for
a graphical representation

Maximum Principal

This command will set the results display to calculate the maximum principal
stress (S1). The principal stress can be displayed for element types with area
and volume. Positive (+) indicates tension and negative (-) indicates
compression. Refer to the Mohr's circle below for a graphical representation.

Stress Tensor

The commands in this pull-out menu display the component of the stress in the
chosen direction. Technically, it uses the double dot product with the stress
tensor or local stress components. The stress tensor can be displayed for
element types with area and volume.

If the Results Contours tab > Settings panel > Use Element-Local
Results command is not active , you will be able to select between the
following global stresses. If this option is active, the following choices will
display the local stress tensors mentioned in the individual descriptions.

XX: Stress tensor component showing the normal stress in the global X
direction. Positive (+) indicates tension; negative (-) indicates compression

YY: Stress tensor component showing the normal stress in the global Y
direction. Positive (+) indicates tension; negative (-) indicates compression.

ZZ: Stress tensor component showing the normal stress in the global Z
direction. Positive (+) indicates tension; negative (-) indicates compression.

XY: Stress tensor component showing the shear stress in the global XY
direction. (X indicates the direction normal to the face, and Y indicates the
direction of the shear stress.)

YZ: Stress tensor component showing the shear stress in the global YZ
direction. (Y indicates the direction normal to the face, and Z indicates the
direction of the shear stress.)

ZX: Stress tensor component showing the shear stress in the global ZX
direction. (Z indicates the direction normal to the face, and X indicates the
direction of the shear stress.)

Factor of Safety

You can display the factor of safety values for any stress result by selecting
the Stress panel > Safety Factor command. The ratio of the allowable stress
value to the current stress value will be displayed at each node. By default, the
yield stress of the materials will be used as the allowable. You can modify these
values using the Set Allowable Stress Values option from the Results
Contours tab > Stress Panel > Safety Factor options button.

Reaction Force Results

Reaction Force Results

Overview: Another useful result type is the reaction force. It is important to verify
that the reaction forces at the boundary conditions are equal to the forces that
were applied to the model so that a force balance exists. You can access the
reaction force values by selecting the Results Contours tab > Other Results
panel > Reactions options button. Six reaction types will appear. Each reaction
can be plotted as the magnitude or a component. These results can also be
found in the "ds.l" text file within the numbered design scenario subfolder under
the filename.ds_data folder.

Reaction Force Results

The following describes the functionality of the Reactions options

Internal Force

This command will display the internal force reaction at each node. Note that
this is not the support reactions. You can either have the magnitude of the
reaction force displayed or the individual components along the global axes.

Applied Force

This command will display the force applied to each node. You can either have
the magnitude of the applied force displayed or the individual components
along the global axes.

Reaction Force (Negative)

This command will display the residual force at each node (sum of applied and
reaction). This is what most engineers call the support reactions. You can
either have the magnitude of the residual force displayed or the individual
components along the global axes.

Internal Moment

This command will display the internal moment reaction at each node. Note
that this is not what most people consider to be the support reactions. You can
either have the magnitude of the reaction moment displayed or the individual
components along the global axes.

Applied Moment

This command will display the moment applied at each node. You can either
have the magnitude of the applied moment displayed or the individual
components along the global axes.

Reaction Moment (Negative)

Displays the residual moment at each node (sum of applied and reaction). This
is what most people consider to be the support reactions. You can either have
the magnitude of the residual force displayed or the individual components
along the global axes.

Inquiring on the Results at a Node

Inquiring on the Results at a Node

Overview: It is often necessary to know the exact value of the result being
displayed at a particular node. In order to do this, first select the necessary result
contour on the model. Then, to make the selection easier, select the Selection tab
and then the desired method in the Shape panel. Then select the Select panel >
Nodes command. Now click on the node where you are interested in determining
the exact results. Click on the Results Inquire tab > Inquire panel > Current
Results command.

The Inquire: Results dialog box will appear with the current display results for the
selected node. The data in this dialog box can be saved to a text file by pressing
the Save Values button. The results for multiple nodes can be displayed by
holding down the <Ctrl> key during selection. The average, sum, and other
calculations can be performed on sets of data by selecting the desired option in
the Summary drop-down box. Calculating the sum of the results of several nodes
is useful for evaluating the reaction force results.
Another option for determining the exact value of a result at a particular node is to
use the probe feature. This can be accessed by selecting the Results Inquire tab
> Probes panel > Probe command. Now as the mouse moves over nodes, a
probe will appear with the currently displayed result value at that node.

Graphing the Results

Graphing the Results

Overview: For static stress analyses with linear material models, the results
at a node can be viewed in a bar graph format. There are two general uses for
this; one is to compare the results at multiple nodes and the other is to compare
the results of a single node in multiple load cases. Note that for nonlinear
analyses (not covered within this course), line graphs showing results as a
function of time can be created.

Graphing the Results

In order to graph the results, select the node(s) and right-click in the display
area. Select the Graph Value(s) command to create a graph of the selected
node using default settings. If you had multiple nodes selected when this
command was executed, a bar graph will appear for each node and for each
load case. You may also choose the Embed Graph command if you wish the
graph to appear within the current contour plot window instead of within a new
window. This will allow you to view the contour of a model and the results of a
particular node, or nodes, simultaneously.

Embedded graphs may be moved or resized by right-clicking on the graph's

heading in the browser and choosing the Move/Resize" command. Then click
and drag the graph to reposition it or click and drag its handles to resize it.
Choosing the Edit" command opens the graph in its own window, where the
various attributes of the plot may be altered (such as the font style and size,
plotting method, grid options, legend style, and so on) or the graph may be
exported in a variety of formats.
Whenever a graph is created, whether in a separate window or embedded in a
contour plot, it will be listed as an additional presentation in the browser.
Previously defined Curve presentations (such as graphs) can be embedded into
a contour plot presentation window, even though the option to embed the graph
had not been chosen when it was created. To embed an existing curve, right-
click on the presentation heading of the desired curve, select the Embed in
Presentation pull-out menu, and select the target presentation. A heading will
appear under the Embedded Presentation heading in the browser for the target
presentation. When you select the target presentation, the original contour plot
and its embedded graph will be shown. The embedded graph can be moved or
resized in the same manner as previously described.
If you select a node and right-click in the display area after a graph has been
created, the Add Curve(s) to Graph pull-out menu will appear in addition to the
previously discussed command. You can select any existing graphs in this pull-
out menu and the select nodes will be added to the graph.
In some situations, it may be desired to combine the results of multiple nodes.
One situation would be to sum the reaction forces. If this is desired, select the
nodes and right-click in the display area. Select the Edit New
Graph command. A graph will appear. Also the Edit Curve" dialog box will
appear. You can select the desired function to graph in the Multiple Nodes: drop-
down box:


This option will graph the maximum result value from the selected node set at
each time value.

Maximum Magnitude

This option will take the absolute value of the result value from the selected
node set and display the maximum value at each time value. The sign of the
value will be reapplied. For example, if the result values are 1, -3, 5 and

-6, the value reported would be -6.


This option will graph the average result value of the selected node set at each
time value.


This option will graph the minimum result value from the selected node set at
each time value.


This option will graph the difference between the maximum result value and
minimum result value from the selected node set at each time value.


This option will graph the sum of the result values of the selected node set at
each time value.

Path Plots
Path Plots

Overview: Results for nodes lying along a path, such as along the edge or
centerline of a part or through the thickness of a part, may be graphed. In this
case, the abscissa (that is, the horizontal scale) may be represented as the
distance magnitude along the path of the selected nodes or the X, Y or Z distance
components along the nodal path. After selecting a series of nodes, click on
the Results Inquire tab > Graphs panel > Create Path Plot command. The dialog
box shown below will appear with the selected nodes listed.

Path Plot Definition dialog box

Choose the desired radio button within the Plot Against section to specify which
values to use for the abscissa. If you want the scale values to reflect the original,
undisplaced coordinates of the nodes, deactivate the Use Displaced
Coordinates checkbox. Finally, right-click on the "Nodes" list and choose the
desired sorting method so that the graph's data points will be properly ordered
and meaningful. You may sort the nodes according to the X, Y or Z coordinates.
In addition, you may select individual node numbers within the list and manually
move their position up or down within the list.

As with regular results graphs, you may add nodes to a previously created path
plot. Simply select the desired nodes, right-click in the display area, access
the Add Path Plot to Graph pull-out menu, and choose the appropriate graph.
Nodes added to a path plot are displayed as an additional path plot curve on the
graph. That is, they are not appended to the prior curve. If you need to change
the order of the nodes or what value to plot against, right-click on the appropriate
heading under Path Plots in the browser and choose the Edit command. This
will bring up the dialog box shown above, with the newest set of nodes now

Presentation Options for Contour Plots


In this unit ...

The Results environment tools that will assist in creating images and animations that
can then be assembled into a report will be introduced. In the browser, there is a
heading called Presentations. The saved presentation of Stress is loaded by default
upon entering the Results environment. Any of the presentations under the Saved
Presentations heading can be applied to the model by right-clicking on the heading
for that presentation and selecting the Activate command. Once a presentation is
activated, it will appear under the Presentations heading. All factors that contribute to
the appearance of the model in the display area are saved in the presentation.

Each loaded presentation is a separate window. To display the presentation, click on the
appropriate heading in the browser. All windows, including presentations, can be
viewed together using theView tab > Windows panel > Arrange command, for
example in a tiled or cascade formation. To delete a presentation from the list, close
the window using the X button. To save the current window to a presentation, right-
click on the heading in the browser and select either the Save with Model or Save
with System" command. If the Save with Model command is selected, the
presentation will be available whenever the current model is opened. If the Save with
System command is selected, the presentation will be available for all models

Overview: Annotations can be used to add text to the display area to provide
descriptive comments about the results that are being presented. There are three
annotations that are automatically created from the analysis. These are placed in
the lower left-hand corner of the display area. These are listed under
the Annotations heading for each presentation in the browser.

A new annotation can be created by right-clicking on the Annotations heading for

the desired presentation and selecting the Add command.

The Annotation dialog box shown below appears. Text can be typed into
the Annotation text field. A standard Windows font selection dialog box can be
accessed by pressing the Font button. After you press the OK button, you will be
able to place the annotation anywhere in the display area by left-clicking. The part
of the annotation specified by the radio buttons in the Preview and text
justification section will be placed where you click. An existing annotation can be
moved to a new location by right-clicking on the heading for that annotation in the
browser and selecting the Movecommand.
Overview: The ability to probe on the results at the nodes in a model using
the Results Inquire tab > Inquire panel > Current Results command was described
previously in this unit. Probes can also be used for presentation purposes, which can
be accessed by clicking on the Results Inquire tab > Probes panel > Probe command.

When a probe appears over a node, you can right-click in the display area and select
the Add Probe command. A probe displaying the result value and pointing to the
node will remain on the node.

If you want to remove a probe, right-click in the display area, and select Delete All
Probes command. Any probes that are added in this manner will be included in any
images or animations generated.

Probes can be automatically added to the nodes with the minimum and maximum
result values for the currently displayed result using the Results Inquire tab >
Probes panel > Maximum andMinimum commands. These probes will be included
in any images or animations generated.

Overview: A slice plane can be added to a model to look at the results on the interior
mesh. A slice plane can be added to a model by selecting the options button
below Results Options tab > View Setting panel > Slice Planes.

Then select the Add Slice Plane option, the three global planes and the isometric
option will be available.

Once a plane is selected, the orientation of the plane can be modified using the
commands in the Slice Planes pull-out menu. The Rotate About I, Rotate About
J and Rotate About Origincommands will allow you to change the angle at which the
plane is oriented. The I axis is the red axis on the slice plane. The J axis is the green
axis on the slice plane. The origin is located where the I and J axes meet on the slice
plane. The location of the slice plane along the normal axis can be controlled using
the Translate Normal command. The Flip command will hide the elements on the
opposite side of the slice plane. To exit the edit mode for the slice plane, hit
the <Esc> key on the keyboard twice.
Once the slice plane is defined to your specifications, you can right-click on the
heading for the particular slice plane and select the "Visibility" command. This will
cause the translucent plane to disappear from the view. The slice plane will still be in
effect. To deactivate the effect of the slice plane, right-click on the heading for the
particular slice plane and select the Activate command

Customizing the Legend Box 00

Overview: The legend box is an important component to the presentation.
Many aspects of the legend box can be customized by selecting the Results
Contours tab > Settings panel > Legend Properties command. The dialog box shown
in below will appear.
Plot Settings dialog box
The following will describe the tabs on the Plot Settings dialog box

Contour Colors tab:

The Presets drop-down box provides several color sets that can be used for
the contour colors on the models. You can also select individual colors by activating
the Custom checkbox and use the options available in the Color Settings section.

Legend Properties tab:

The Position section will allow you to select where in the Display area the
legend box will be placed. The Appearance section will allow you to customize the
font styles, the number of tick marks and the number of significant digits to use for
the legend box.
Range Settings tab:

By default, the highest and lowest result values will be used as the maximum
and minimum values for the legend box. The intermediate values will be evenly
spaced between these. By deactivating the "Automatically calculate value range"
checkbox in the Current Range section, you can enter specific values for the
maximum and minimum values in the legend box. The "Threshold" section can be
used to highlight only areas of the model above or below a specific value.

Vector Plots tab

The options in this tab are used to control the size of the arrows used when a
result is displayed as a vector plot. This will show the direction of the results at each

Probe Settings tab:

This tab will allow you to control the font of the text in probes and to control
how the probe appears with respect to the rest of the model

Customizing the Model in the Display area 00

Overview: The display of the model is also an important component to the
presentation. By default, the model is displayed with the mesh. Sometimes,
displaying the model without the mesh will result in an image that is more easily
interpreted. The display of the model can be controlled by selecting the options pull-
down menu below the View tab > Appearance panel > Visual Style command.

The Shaded with Features command will shade the entire model but will only display
the feature lines. This will result in an outline of the model with the result contour
shading. The Shaded command will only shade the model; no lines will be displayed.
User-Defined Views
Another important feature is the orientation of the model. You can orient the
model in any manner using the various commands in the View tab as well as the
Navigation bar. Once you have an acceptable view, you can save this view to be
easily accessed in the future. This can be done by selecting the Navigation panel >
User-Defined Views command. The dialog box shown below will appear.

To save the current view you must give it a new name. First, click on the <Current
View> item in the Description field. The Rename button will become available. Press
the Rename button. Type in a descriptive name, press the <Enter> key, and press
the Ok button to exit the dialog box. The saved views will be available for this model
within either the FEA Editor or the Results environments.

To restore a previously defined view, select the desired view name and click on the
Apply View button.
If you want to update a previously defined view to match the current viewpoint, select
the view name in the Description field that is to be redefined and then press the Save
View button. The current view will overwrite the definition of the selected view name.

Image File Creation

Overview: In the Results environment, images of the results from the analysis can
be saved in standard image formats. Once the display area is set to the desired
settings, you can select the Application menu > Export pull-out menu > Image

Alternatively you can select any one of three Results specific tabs > Captures panel
> Save Image command.

The mouse cursor will have the image of a camera. You can use the mouse to select
a rectangle enclosing the part of the display area that you want to be saved to the
image file. If you want to save the entire display area, press the <Enter> key. The
dialog box shown below will appear.

Enter a name for the image file in the File name: field. Select the picture format that
you want the image saved as in the Save as type: drop-down box. Select the size of
the image in the Image attributes section. When the settings are acceptable, press
the Save button.

Animating FEA Results

Overview: An animation of the displaced shape of a static stress analysis can be
created and viewed in the Results environment using from any one of three Results
specific tabs > Captures panel > Start.
The parameters can be set up using Captures panel > Animate options > Setup

The dialog box shown below will appear when the Setup command is selected.

Once the settings are acceptable, press the OK button. Use the Animation > Start
Animation command to generate the animation. The animation will play in the display
area. You can use any dynamic viewing commands as the animation is playing.

You can save the animation as a video using the Captures panel > Animate options
> Save as AVI command.
Animation Settings dialog Box
The following will describe the different sections of the Animation Settings
dialog Box

Frame Rate Control

In the Frame Rate Control section, you can press the appropriate button to
have the animation created to your specifications. If you press the button next to
Creates an Animation that runs from no displacement to current displacement, an
animation will be created starting from the undisplaced shape and will progress in
even steps to the current displacement shown in the display area. If you press the
button next to Creates a looping animation that runs from no displacement to current
displacement and back to none again, an animation will be created starting from the
undisplaced shape and will progress in even steps to the current displacement
shown in the display area and then will return to the undisplaced shape, again in
even steps. If you press the button next to Creates a sinusoidal animation that cycles
between positive and negatively scaled current displacements, an animation will be
created starting from the undisplaced shape and will progress in even steps to the
current displacement shown in the display area. The animation will then proceed to
the same scaled displacement but in the opposite direction of that in the display

Number Of Frames To Generate

Specify the number of frames that you want to be used in the animation in the
Number Of Frames To Generate field. The deflections will be divided evenly into this
many divisions.

Animate Results

If you have a results contour on the model, you can have the values change
during the animation by activating the Animate Results checkbox. If this checkbox is
activated, the results will be evenly scaled throughout the animation.

Using the Configure Report Utility

Overview: Select the Tools tab > Environments panel > Report command to
move into the Report environment. The Report environment will allow you to easily
create HTML reports that include all of the input parameters and analysis results as
well as user-defined content. A Master Report and a report for each individual FEA
design scenario will be created. Any images or animations that were created may be
included in the reports. In addition, an image from each currently loaded results
presentation will automatically be captured and added to the design scenario reports.
These automatic presentation images may be deactivated if desired.

Right-click on either the Master Report heading or the HTML Report heading in the
browser and select the Configure Report command.
You may also access the utility by pressing the Report tab > Setup panel >
Configure command.

The Configure Report dialog box will appear.

The tree on the left side of the dialog box lists all of the predefined sections of the
report. Selecting a given heading (by clicking on the heading itself and not the
associated checkbox), accesses the editing screen for that topic. If there are no
editable items associated with the topic, a message in the right frame will indicate
that the item can be re-ordered but not edited. To re-order the report, simply click
and drag one of the headings to a different vertical position within the tree list. If an
item is not checked, no message or editing screen will appear when the heading is
selected and the topic will be excluded from the HTML report. The
inclusion/exclusion state of each item may be toggled by simply clicking on the
appropriate checkboxes.

Some of the editing screens contain self-explanatory fields for entering data, such as
the author's name and department. Other screens, like the one used for entering the
Project Name or the Executive Summary, have a built in word processor that
supports a number or fonts, styles, tabs, numbered or bullet lists, text frames,
imbedded images, and tables. Placeholder text or labels within these dialog boxes
can be selected and overwritten with the author's desired text.
Page breaks can be added ahead of any section by right-clicking on a heading and
choosing the Add Page Break command. Also within the right-click, context menu
(and the TREE pull-down menu) are commands to add sections to the report for
including user-defined images, animations, *.HFS or *.WRL files (virtual reality
images that can be rotated, panned, and zoomed), and/or additional text sections.
You may also rename or delete report sections.

Changes to the report may be saved selecting Report tab > Save as Report
Template command. This menu is only visible when an editable section of the report
is currently selected. When finished, choose the Generate Report command from the
same menu or press the Generate Report button.

The HTML report will automatically appear within the Report environment. In the
directory on the computer where the FEA model is located there will be a
filename.ds_data folder. Within this folder there will be numbered subfolders, one for
each design scenario that exists within the subject model. There will also be a
"Master Report" subfolder that contains all of the HTML master report files and
attachments. Within each numbered design scenario folder there will be a "ds_rpt"
subfolder. This folder contains all of the files and attachments for the subject design
scenario's HTML report. These "ds_rpt" folders can be zipped up and sent to other
persons for review. The recipient need not have the simulation software installed on
their computer to view the report. It will be displayed via the default web browser.
Yoke - Evaluation of Results and Generation of a Report
Project: Yoke - Evaluation of Results and Generation of a Report 00
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Objective: Knowing what we have learned in the last two units, we will refine
our analysis of the yoke that was performed in the Using Simulation Mechanical unit.
Review the reaction forces. Generate a report that includes an image of the von
Mises stress contour, an animation of the deflections, and a path plot of the stresses
along one edges.

Concepts that will be illustrated:

Applying a bearing load

Applying a pin constraint

Reviewing reaction forces

Creating a path plot

1: Geometry:

Use the file Yoke.step in the 05 Results and Reports\Input File folder of the class

2: Mesh:

Mesh the model at 120% of the Default mesh size.

3: Loading:

Use a Bearing load to apply the 800 lbf to the large hole. The radial load should have
a magnitude of 0 at the ends of the diameter and should have a parabolic profile.

4: Constraints:
Apply a pin constraint and fix the radial and axial translation of the small hole. The
tangential direction will be free.

5: Element:


6: Materials:

Steel (ASTM-A36)

7: Questions:

Are the specified constraints adequate for a statically stable model? If not, what can
be done to achieve this?

How do these results compare to the results of the Using Simulation Mechanical unit

If the loads are developed by pins or shafts passing through the holes, which result
is more realistic?

Do the support reactions sum to 800 lbf?

8: Results:

A completed archive of this model (Yoke.ach) is available in the 05 Results and

Reports\Results Archive folder in the class directory
(Solution)Yoke - Evaluation of Results and Generation of a Report
Project: (Solution)Yoke - Evaluation of Results and Generation of a Report
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Objective: This project is a step by step solution to the Yoke - Evaluation of
Results and Generation of a Report project.
1: Opening the Model:

Open the file Yoke.step in the 05 Results and Reports\Input File directory.

2: Meshing the Model:

Click on the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > 3D Mesh Settings command.

Press the Options button

Type 120 in the Size field.

Press the OK button to exit the Options dialog box.

Press the Mesh model button

3: Adding Loads and Constraints:

Right Click on the pin surface indicated below and select Add > Surface Pin

NOTE: Ensure the select priority form the Selection tab > Select panel is set to

4: Select Fix Radial and Fix Axial constraints.

Press OK

5: Right Click on the bearing load surface indicated below and select Add >
Surface Bearing Load

6: In the Bearing Load dialog box

Type 800 in the Magnitude field.

Type -1 in the X field to specify the direction of the Radial Force.

Press the OK button.

7: Question: Are the specified constraints adequate for a statically stable

model? If not, what can be done to achieve this?

Answer: No, the specified constraints are not adequate. Since only the radial and
axial translations are constrained, the yoke will be able to rotate freely about the
center of the small hole. There are various methods that can be used to stabilize the
model. For example, 1D spring Supports with low stiffness values can be applied to
resist the translation. However it is important to run the model several times with
different stiffness values. A weak stiffness will allow the model to move more than it
should and a strong stiffness will prevent it from moving the distance it should. In this
case, there is a better option. Since we expect the displacement results to be
symmetric, we know that there should be no displacement in the Y direction along
the centerline of the model, where Y=0. Therefore we can constrain the Y translation
of a node or edge along the centerline of the model.

8: Apply a Ty constraint

Make sure the Selection tab > Select panel > Vertices command.

Draw a rectangle enclosing the left end of the model. Make sure that only the
vertices on the outer edge are selected @ 9 o'clock position.
Right Click in the blank display space and select Add > Nodal General

Activate the Ty checkbox.

Press the OK button.

9: Defining the Material Data:

Right Click on the Material heading for Part 1 in the browser.

Select the Edit Material command.

10: Running the Analysis:

Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command.

11: Click on the Tools tab > Environments panel > FEA Editor command.

12: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Run Simulation command.

13: Viewing the Results:

Displacement magnitude results will be shown by default. Compare the maximum

displacement to the value shown in the results table in the project description. We
will now verify that the total X-reaction force is 800 lbf.
14: Notice the force distribution at the inside of the large hole.

15: Deselect the Results Contours tab > Displacement panel > Show
Displaced command. This will not show the initial (undisplaced) model shape.

16: Select the Results Contours tab > Other Results panel > Reactions
command. Select Reaction Force (negative) pullout menu and then chose the X

17: Click the Selection tab > Shape panel > Circle button.

Also click the Select panel > Nodes command

18: Draw a circle enclosing the nodes of the small hole. Only the constrained
nodes will have a residual force value, so you needn't be concerned about selecting
nodes around the entire inside diameter surface.

19: Select the Results Inquire tab > Inquire panel > Current Results

20: Select the Sum option in the Summary: drop-down box. The result is -800
lbf as expected
Close the dialogue box.

Press <Esc> to clear the selected nodes.

21: Saving an Image:

Click on the Results Contours tab \ Stress panel \ von Mises command.

22: Select the options button below the Displacement panel > Show
Displaced command in and click on the Displaced Option command in the pull-out
Activate the Show Displaced Model checkbox.

Type 10 in the Scale Factor field and press the <Enter> key.

Select the Transparent radio button.

Close the dialog box.

23: Click on the Captures panel > Save Image command.

Press <Enter> to save the entire display area to a file.

Select Portable network graphics file (*.png) from the Save as type: pull-down list,
if it is not already selected.

Rather than using the default file name, type von Mises Stress into the File name:

Press the Save button.

24: Creating an Animation:

For the animation, we will switch the current results from von Mises stress to
Displacement Magnitude.

Click on the Displacement panel > Displacement command.

Select the options button below the Displacement panel > Show Displaced
command in and click on the Displaced Option command in the pull-out menu.

Activate the Do Not Show checkbox.

Close the dialog box.

25: Click on the Captures panel > Start Animation command.

26: Click on the Captures panel > Stop Animation command.

27: Click on the Captures panel > Animate > Save AVI command.
Rather than using the default file name, type Displacement Animation into the File
name: field.

Press the Save button.

Press the No button when asked if you want to view the animation now.

28: Creating a Path Plot:

Click on the Stress panel > von Mises command.

29: Click on the options button below the View tab > Appearance panel >
Visual Style command. Select Shaded with Mesh from the pull-out menu.
30: Click on the Displacement panel > Displacement command.

31: Click on the Results Contours tab > Displacement panel > Show
Displaced command. This will now show the deformed shape of the model.

32: Holding the <X> key, press the cursor down key, <>, twice.
NOTE: This will rotate the model 30 degrees about the X-axis with the top of the
model moving towards you.

33: Select the Zoom Window option from the Navigation Bar.

Click and drag to define a zoom area enclosing the straight edge along the top of
the yoke's slot.
34: Use the polyline method to select the nodes for the path plot. An irregular
selection area is defined by drawing a series of polylines forming a closed-loop
border around the desired entities.

Click on the Selection tab > Shape panel > Polyline command.

Click the mouse several times to define a selection area that tightly encloses the
sixteen nodes along the top edge of the slot (see image below). Press the <Enter>
key to complete the last segment and close the polyline loop. Verify that all of the
desired nodes, and no others, are selected.
35: Click on the Results Inquire tab > Graphs panel > Create Path Plot

36: Right-click on the list of nodes in the Path Plot Definition dialog box.

Choose the Sort by X Coordinate command.

Press the Create button to create the path plot.

37: The resulting plot will show the stress along the subject edge against the
distance along the edge moving from the large end of the yoke towards the small
end (+X direction). The stresses should trend upward as you move along the edge in
this direction. Now, let's export a PNG image of the graph.

38: Click on the Captures panel > Save Image command.

Activate the PNG radio button.

Activate the File radio button.

Press the Browse button.

Navigate to the folder where you wish to place the image and type von Mises Path
Plot into the File name: field
Press the Save button.

Enter 1024 into the Width: field, press <Tab>, and enter 768, press <Tab>, and
enter 100 to define a 1024 x 768 pixel image at 100 dpi resolution.

Press the Export button.

Close graph plot window

39: Generating a Report:

Click on the Tools tab > Environment panel > Report command.

40: Click on the Setup panel > Configure command.

NOTE: When selecting portions of the report to modify, click on the item name
and not on the checkbox. Clicking on the checkbox will toggle the inclusion state of
the item (i.e. whether it is to be included or excluded from the HTML report).

41: Select the Project Name heading.

Select the text Design Analysis and type Evaluation of Results and Generation of a
Report to replace it.

Click and drag the mouse to select the text Project Name Here and replace this
text by typing Analysis of Yoke under 800 lbf Loading.

42: Select the Title and Author heading.

Type your name into the Author field.

Type your department name into the Department field.

43: Deselect the followwing item by clicking on the associated checkbox. This
item will be excluded from the report.

Executive Summary
Results Presentations

Processor Log Files

44: Select the TREE pull-down menu > Add Image File(s)... command. This
will allow you to include user-specified images within the report.

Select Portable network graphics file (*.png) from the Save as type: pull-down list,
if it is not already selected.
Browse to and select both of the previously created image files, von Mises
Stress.png and von Mises Path Plot.png.

Press the Open button. Two new headings will appear in the report browser. The
headings will match the respective filenames that had been selected.

Click on the von Mises Path Plot heading to select it.

Type Stresses along edge of slot moving in the +X direction. in the Caption field.

Click on the von Mises Stress heading to select it. Do not click on the checkbox or
this item will be deactivated.

Type Deformation exaggerated by 10% for visibility. in the Caption field.

45: Select the TREE pull-down menu > Add AVI File(s)... command. This will
allow you to include user-specified images within the report.

Browse to and select the previously created AVI file, Displacement Animation.avi.

Press the Open button. A Displacement Animation heading will appear in the
report tree and it will be selected.
Type Deformation exaggerated by 10% for visibility in the Caption field.

46: Press the Generate Report button. The completed report will appear. You
can scroll down and review the full report, verifying the presence of the stress plot
and displacement animation, which will be looping continuously.
47: A completed archive with results is located in the 05 Results and Reports\
Results Archive folder in the class directory
Midplane Meshing and Plate Elements Introduction
Introduction 00
In this unit ...
Meshing solid models that have thin parts will be introduced, it is often better and
simpler to analyze them using plate elements. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical
can be used to convert thin CAD solid models to plate elements. A plate element is
drawn at the midplane of the part. Entire assemblies or individual parts in assemblies
can be converted to plate elements. An assembly where plate elements can be used
for one of the parts is below. This model is a manifold connected to two flanges. The
manifold can be modeled with plate elements and the flanges with brick elements.
This model, Manifold Assembly.step, is located in the 06 Midplane Meshing Example
\Input File folder in the class. We will use an absolute mesh size of 0.75" for all parts.


Learn how to create midplane meshes of thin parts

Learn when to use plate elements

Learn how to use element normal points to properly orient pressure loads on plate
Learn how to evaluate results that are specific to plate elements

Midplane and Solid Combinations 00

Overview: It is important to note that not all combinations of midplane and
solid models are acceptable. The image below shows an acceptable configuration
and an unacceptable configuration.

The configuration on the left is acceptable because the midplane of the gusset will
be in contact with the top of the plate. The configuration on the right will not work
because the midplane of the plate will not be in contact with the bottom of the
gusset. Therefore the nodes on the parts will not be matched. The midplane mesh
can be extended in the plane of the elements at the edges in order to match the
parts. The nodes cannot be stretched out of the plane, nor can the node of the solid
mesh be moved in order to match the parts.
Project: Midplane Meshing Options Example 00
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
1: Open the file Manifold Assembly.step in the 06 Midplane Meshing
Example\Input File directory.

2: Click on the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > 3D Mesh Settings command.

Press the Options button.

Select the Absolute mesh size option in the Type field.

Type 0.75 in the Size field.

Press the OK button

3: Set Part1 to Midplane

Right-click on the CAD Mesh Options heading for Part 1 in the browser.

Select the Part command. We will now be able to specify the mesh settings for
only the manifold

Select the Midplane radio button.

Press the Options button.

Select the Absolute mesh size option in the Type field.

Type 0.75 in the Size field.

Press the OK button

4: Select the Midplane icon. The dialog box shown in below will appear with
the options specific to a midplane mesh. We do not need to change any of the
default options but they are discussed below the figure.
Thickness control section:

User-specified maximum thickness: By default the midplane mesh process will

search for surface pairs that are within an automatically calculated or a user-
specified distance from each other. We will call this distance the maximum thickness.
When these outer surface pairs are found, the location of the midplane of the region
is determined and the mesh is placed at this location.

The program default is to use the automatically calculated maximum thickness,

which is determined as a function of the initial surface mesh. If this maximum
thickness value is smaller than the part thickness at any region, that region will be
missing from the resultant midplane mesh. In such cases, you can enable the User-
specified maximum thickness option and enter a value greater than the maximum
thickness of the part or parts to be midplane meshed. This option may also be used
to intentionally exclude thicker regions of a part from the midplane mesh.

Maximum allowed thickness variation: If this checkbox is activated, the midplane

mesh process will only convert the mesh on a part to a midplane if the difference
between the maximum thickness and the minimum thickness in the part is less than
the value specified in this field.
Use junction method: If this checkbox is activated, a chordal axis transform (CAT)
algorithm will be used to generate the midplane mesh. This may result in a better
approximation of the midplane for models containing complex geometries such as
junctions and intersections.

5: Press the OK button to accept the default settings and to close the mesh
options dialog box.

Press the OK button to accept these parameters for the manifold part and to close
the mesh settings dialog box

6: Click the Mesh tab > Mesh Panel > Generate 3D Mesh

7: All three parts will be surface meshed. The midplane mesh engine will
convert the surface mesh into a midplane mesh for the manifold part. The flanges
remain as solid objects.

By analyzing the manifold we can see that the manifold has no thickness. You can
also see that the nodes where the manifold meets the flanges have been matched
so that the loads will be transferred between the parts. If mesh sizes between plate
and solid parts are significantly different, smart bonding may at times be used to
connect the components without matching the nodal locations. This is also
dependent upon other mesh settings, such as the Use virtual imprinting option that
was previously discussed.
8: Right-click on the Element Definition heading for Part 1 in the browser.

Select the Edit Element Definition command. The dialog box shown below will
By default, unique thickness values will automatically be assigned to each individual
plate element within a midplane-meshed part. This can be verified by checking the
model and inquiring on the element information for selected plate elements within the
Results environment. If the Use mid-plane mesh thickness option is deactivated, the
average thickness for the part will be calculated and displayed in the thickness
column. This thickness will then be applied to all elements within the part. The user
may also specify the thickness on a per-surface basis, if desired. Choosing the
Surface-based option from the Properties pull-down list will expand the table to list
each surface of the midplane-meshed part. The thickness, normal point coordinates
and other data can then be entered for each surface.

9: Deactivate the Use mid-plane mesh thickness checkbox. The average

thickness calculated for the part will be displayed in the Thickness column
10: Activate the Use mid-plane mesh thickness checkbox.

Press the OK button.

11: Click on the Save button in the quick access toolbar.

12: We will continue developing this example model later on in this chapter
Midplane Element Options
Midplane Element Options 00
Plate Theory and Assumptions
The image below shows the DOFs associated with plate elements. Please
take note that the out-of-plane rotation (Rz) is not taken into account because of the
plate theory. Thus, plate elements have 5 DOFs.

Limits of Plate Theory

No warpage is accounted for in the undeformed element

Stress through the thickness is not truly linear for thicker plates

The theory is based on a square element with 90-degree corners

NOTE: Violation of these limitations does not mean you will get wrong results. It
simply means that you should check your results.

Plate Formulations

Veubeke (Standard)

This is the most accurate

This is very sensitive to warpage of the elements

Reduced Shear

This uses the reduced shear integration

Hsieh, Clough and Tocher (HTC) plate bending theory is used (Constrained Linear
Strain Triangle, CLST)

Linear Strain

Without the reduced shear integration terms

HTC plate bending theory is used (CLST)

Constant Strain

HTC plate bending theory is used (CLST)


The thickness is small relative to the overall length and width of the model

Small displacements and rotations

Plane sections remain planar

Linear stress distribution through the thickness

The plate element is initially flat; that is, all points are in the same plane

The out-of-plane rotations are negligible

Midplane Loading Options

Midplane Loading Options 00
Overview: The loading options for plate elements are almost identical to
those for brick elements, as discussed in the Static Stress Analysis Using CAD Solid
Models unit. The only addition is the control for the orientation of normal surface
pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and surface force loads. For plate elements, this is
controlled by an element normal point. This is an arbitrary point in space defined in
the Element Definition dialog box > Orientation tab > Element Normal section > X
Coordinate, Y Coordinate and Z Coordinate. A positive normal or hydrostatic surface
pressure or surface force will be applied normal to the face of each element and will
push against the side of the element that is facing the element normal point. A
negative normal or hydrostatic surface load or surface force will act in the opposite
direction. See the image below for a visual explanation.
Project: Example of Defining the Element Normal Point 00
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Objective: To illustrate the use of the element normal point, we will continue
using the manifold assembly from the prior midplane meshing example. If this model
is not currently loaded, reopen the file, Manifold Assembly.fem, saved at the end of
the Midplane Meshing Options Example project.

By default, the element normal point will be set to the global coordinate origin (0, 0,
0). We will add a pressure load to all of Part 1 and see how the loads are oriented.
We will then make necessary corrections to the element normal point definitions and
recheck the model.
1: Using the Manifold Assembly.fem file created in the Midplane Meshing
Options Example located in the 06 Midplane Meshing Example\Input File directory.

2: Select Part 1 in the browser.

3: Click on the Selection tab > Subentities panel > Surfaces command.
4: Click on the Setup tab > Loads panel > Pressure command.

Enter 20 in the Magnitude field.

Press the OK button.

5: Before we can check the model, we will need to define the material for the
plate and brick parts

Double-click on the Material heading under Part 1 in the browser.

Expand the Steel folder and then expand the ASTM folder. Select Steel (ASTM-
A36) within the Autodesk Simulation Material Library.
Press the OK button.

6: Select the Material heading under Part 2 in the browser.

Holding the <Ctrl> key, also select the Material heading under Part 3 in the

Right-click on one of the selected headings.

Choose the Edit Material command.

Expand the Steel folder and then expand the ASTM folder. Select Steel (ASTM-
A36) within the Autodesk Simulation Material Library.

Press the OK button.

7: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command.
It will initially be difficult to tell whether the orientations are correct or not because
some of the load vectors will be rendered attached to the model at the arrow head
end and some will be attached at the tail end. We will make the vector orientations
consistent so that critiquing the model will be easier.

8: Click on the Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options command

9: Go to the Results tab within the Options dialog box.

Press the Global FEA Objects Preferences button.

10: Under the Arrow Pointing heading, activate the All arrows point at point of
attachment option for the Current model (left radio button). You do not need to
change the default setting.

Press the OK button to close the Global FEA Objects Preferences dialog box

Press the OK button to exit the Options dialog box. The model should now appear as
shown below.

Notice how the pressure is acting against the outside of half of each pipe leading out
to the flanges. Clearly, the origin is not a suitable location for the element normal
point for these two surfaces. A more intuitive location for these normal points would
be somewhere along the centerline of each pipe. This is already true for the middle
pipe, since its axis passes through the coordinate origin.

There are two ways to correct the orientation:

Make each outlet pipe a unique part number by modifying the attributes of the lines
comprising them. Then, each outlet pipe can have a unique, part-based element
normal point.

Specify surface-based element properties for Part 1. In this way, the surfaces
comprising the two outlet pipes may have unique element normal point definitions.

We will now demonstrate the latter approach. The centerlines of the two outlet pipes
are at

Z = +/- 7.5" and lie in the XZ plane. You may identify the surface numbers of the
outlet pipes by selecting one surface at a time, right-clicking, and choosing the
Inquire command. A pop-up tool tip will identify the part and surface numbers. The
half-surfaces comprising the +Z pipe are 5 and 14. The half-surfaces of the -Z pipe
are 4 and 15.

11: Click on the Tools tab > Environments panel > FEA Editor command.

12: Double-click the Element Definition heading under Part 1 in the browser.

Access the pull-down menu in the"Properties field and choose the Surface-based

Ensure the checkbox next to Use mid-plane mesh thickness is selected.

Enter -7.5 in the Normal Point (Z) column for Surface 4

Enter 7.5 in the Normal Point (Z) column for Surface 4

Press the OK button.

13: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command.

Select the options button below View tab > Appearance panel > Visual Style

Select the Features option. The model will now appear as shown in below.
You can now see that the pressure is properly applied to all surfaces of the manifold.

14: A completed archive of this model (Manifold Assembly.ach) is available in

the 06 Midplane Meshing Example\Results Archive folder in the class directory.

Midplane Result Options 00

Overview: When a plate element model is initially loaded into the Results
environment, the midplane will be displayed. The actual thickness of the plate
elements can be shown by right-clicking on the heading for a plate element part in
the browser and selecting the 3-D Visualization command.

For result options that are specific to plate elements, access the options pull-down
menu in the Results Contours tab > Settings panel. Then select the Plate/Shell
Options command.
The Plate Display Options dialog box shown below will appear.
Bending/Membrane section:
Total Stress/Strain: If this radio button is selected, the total top/bottom stress
or strain will be displayed. The total stress consists of the axial stresses, shear
stresses, and bending stresses. The stresses are displayed on the visible side. The
"Reverse Sides in Plot" checkbox can be activated to view the stresses on the other

Bending Stress/Strain: If this radio button is selected the bending stresses or strains
(SB11, SB22 and SB12) will be used for all stress calculations including von Mises,
Tresca, maximum principal and minimum principal stresses.

Membrane Stress/Strain: If this radio button is selected, the membrane stresses or

strains due to axial stress (SM11, SM22) and shear stress (SM12) are used for all
stress calculations including von Mises, Tresca, maximum principal and minimum
principal stresses.

Two-Sided Display section:

Both Sides: If this radio button is selected, the results of both the top and
bottom sides of the plates will be displayed. Therefore different contours will be
displayed on the opposite sides of the plate. If the "Reverse Sides in Plot" checkbox
is activated, the top and bottom sides will be reversed. This will allow you to view the
results on the opposite side of the plates without rotating the model.

Top Side Only: If this radio button is selected, the results on the top side of the plate
will be displayed on both sides of the plate elements.
Bottom Side Only: If this radio button is selected, the results on the bottom side of
the plate will be displayed on both sides of the plate elements.

Midplane Meshing and Plate Element Orientation

Project: Midplane Meshing and Plate Element Orientation 00
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Objective: Generate a plate model of the duct and nozzle assembly shown
below, apply an internal pressure throughout the assembly, and analyze it.

Concepts that will be illustrated:

Creating a midplane mesh

Modeling with plate elements

Properly defining plate element orientations

Applying pressures to plate elements

1: Geometry:
Use the file Duct and Nozzle.step from the 07 Midplane Meshing\Input File directory
in the class directory.

2: Mesh:

Perform a midplane mesh using an absolute mesh size of 0.2 inch for all parts. Use
the automatically calculated midplane mesh thickness for all parts

3: Loading:

20 psi internal pressure throughout assembly

4: Constraints:

Fully constrained at inlet and outlet edges (as shown on diagram)

5: Element:


6: Material:

Stainless Steel (AISI 302) Cold-rolled

7: Results:

8: Hints:

The coordinate origin is in the exact center of the square header

The centerline of the rectangular inlet is at Z = 6.75"

The centerlines of the round outlets are at Y = +/- 4.5" and Z -5"

9: A completed archive of this model (Duct and Nozzle.ach) is available in the

07 Midplane Meshing\Results Archive folder in the class directory.
Solution) Midplane Meshing and Plate Element Orientation
Project: (Solution) Midplane Meshing and Plate Element Orientation 00
Completion Time: 30 Minutes
Objective: This project is a step by step solution to the Midplane Meshing and
Plate Element Orientation project.
1: Opening the Model:

Open the file Duct and Nozzle .step in the 07 Midplane Meshing\Input File

2: Meshing the Model:

Click on the Mesh tab > Mesh panel > 3D Mesh Settings command.

Select the Midplane radio button in the Mesh type section of the Model Mesh
Settings dialog box.
Press the Options button

Select the Absolute mesh size option in the Type field.

Type 0.2 in the Size field.

Press the Mesh model button.

3: Click and drag using the middle mouse button to rotate the model around
for inspection of the mesh. This mesh appears to be acceptable.
4: Adding Loads and Constraints:

Fix the four edges at the rectangular inlet.

Click on the Selection tab > Subentities panel > Edges command.

Holding down <Ctrl> select the four edges at the rectangular inlet and the two,
circle outlet edges.

Right click and select Edge General Constraints

Press the Fixed button.

Press the OK button.

5: Apply a 20 psi Pressure to all the surfaces

Click on the Selection tab > Subentities panel > Surfaces command.

While holding <Ctrl>, press the A key. This will select all surfaces of the model.

Right click and select Surface Pressure/Tractions

In the "Magnitude" field, type in 20.

Press the OK button.

6: Defining the Element and Material Data:

Based on the hints given at the end of the exercise description and a quick
investigation of the surface number assignments, it can be seen that the default
element normal point (0, 0, 0) will work for all surfaces of Part 1 except for surfaces
35 and 37. The table below summarizes the element normal point settings required
for proper load orientation.

7: We will now enter the necessary plate element data properties.

Double-click on the Element Definition heading under Part 1 in the browser.

Access the pull-down menu to the right of the Properties input field and select
Type 6.75 in the Normal Point (Z) column for Surface 35 and 37 (two places total).

Press the OK button.

Double-click on the Element Definition heading under Part 2 in the browser.

Type 4.5 in the Normal Point (Y) cell, press <Tab>, and type -5 in the Normal Point
(Z) cell.

Press the OK button.

Double-click on the Element Definition heading under Part 3 in the browser.

Type -4.5 in the Normal Point (Y) cell, press <Tab>, and type -5 in the Normal
Point (Z) cell.
Press the OK button.

8: Apply the Material

Holding the <Ctrl> key, also select the Material headings under Part 1, Part 2 and
Part 3.

Right-click on one of the selected headings

Apply Steel > Stainless > Stainless Steel (AISI 302) Cold-rolled parts within the
Autodesk Simulation Material Library to all three.

9: Running the Analysis:

Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Check Model command
10: To make it easier to see if the load directions are correct, we will make
the vector orientations consistent.

Click on the Results Options tab > View panel > Loads and Constraints command,
if not already selected.

Click on Tools tab > Options panel > Application Options command.

Press the Results tab > Global FEA Objects Preferences button.

Under the Arrow Pointing heading, activate the All arrows point at point of
attachment option for the Current model (left radio button).
Press the OK button to close the Global FEA Objects Preferences dialog box.

Press the OK button to exit the Options dialog box

11: Careful examination will reveal that the lines protruding through the
exterior of the assembly are the tail ends of the pressure vectors, due to their length.
The arrow heads should all be pointing against the inside surfaces', indicating that
the element normal point is correctly defined for all plate elements.
12: Click on the Tools tab > Environments panel > FEA Editor command.

13: Click on the Analysis tab > Analysis panel > Run Simulation command.

14: Viewing the Results:

Note the maximum displacement and von Mises stress results and compare them to
the value shown in the results table at the end of the exercise description.

Show the mesh lines so that the deformed shape of the assembly will be more
clearly visible.

Click on the Results Options tab > View panel > Loads and Constraints command.
This will hide load and constraint symbols.
Click on the options button below the View tab > Appearance panel > Visual Style
command. Select Shaded with Mesh from the pull-out menu.

Click on the Results Contours tab > Stress panel > von Mises command.

15: A completed archive with results is located in the 07 Midplane Meshing

\Results Archive folder in the class directory.

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