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Introduction................................................................................... 2
Social network contribute in knowledge management systems....3
SECI Model.................................................................................. 4
Facebook Contribution in knowledge Management Systems........5
Current Facebook state.................................................................5
The impact of Facebook in Knowledge Management Systems.......6
The Roles of Facebook in Social Media Marketing:.........................6
Successful Facebook Marketing Tactics:......................................7
The Role of Advertising on Facebook:.........................................9
Implication of Facebook with advantages and disadvantages.....10
References:................................................................................. 12

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Knowledge management (KM) has been widely recognized as a key success factor from which
organization can create value for more than a decade. It is a concept dealing with the leveraging
of knowledge in an organization for its continuous improvement. The processes of KM vary on
the proposed models, e.g. socialization, externalization, combination, and externalization ; it
could be compiled from several models and perceived as iterations of four major processes:

1) knowledge creation,

2) knowledge capture and storage,

3) knowledge sharing, and

4) knowledge application.

This concept, revolving around knowledge management in individual, team, organizational and
inter-organizational level, and on both implicit or tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, has
proven effective for companies to increase their corporate advantages [1, 6-8]. However, KM is a
sophisticated concept; as a result, in implementing KM, each company will have to find its own
way of the KM journey according to its own situations and available technologies. In this world
of social network, Facebook can be considered as an enemy of efficient working environment
and several companies banned the use of Facebook during working-hour, nonetheless, we should
turn this downside to opportunities. Due to its high interactivity and its role as peoples
communication center, from which KM requires as a tool in KM process, the use of Facebook
for KM should be explored. The initial goal of the study is to find a proper way to integrate
Facebook into KM process. However, it cannot be achieved as direct as initially thought.

Social network contribute in knowledge management systems:

comScore(2011) reported an incredible figureof 1.36 Billion internet users worldwide during
April 2011, with an increasing trend towards social networking. In Europe,,a total of users use
social networking and trend is high in both youngsters and old users.They would easily interact
with senior and more knowledgeable sharing,where knowledageable will given due recognition
for their experience and knowledge.

A new theoretical framework named SECI-SM framework. SECI-SC model suggests that since
knowledge management is largely a social activity that involves an ongoing interaction between
individuals with explicit and tacit knowledge,Social media should be at the heart of SECI

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However, in this study, the original model of Nonaka and Takeuchi known as SECI model then
adopted due to its popularity and the completeness of KM activities.

SECI Model:
Socialization Sharing tacit knowledge through face-to-face communication or shared
Externalization Developing concepts, which embed the combined tacit knowledge and which
enable its communication.
Combination Combination of various elements of explicit knowledge: building a prototype is
an example.
Internalization Closely linked to learning by doing, the explicit knowledge becomes part of
the individual's knowledge base and becomes an asset for the organization.
Tacit Knowledge Knowledge that is not easy to transfer to another person and difficult to write
down, for example: the ability to swim, and the expertise to use equipment, etc.
Explicit Knowledge Contrast to tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge is knowledge that can be
written down explicitly, for example: names of top priority clients.
Facebook Contribution in knowledge Management Systems:

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Social networking. Encouraging people to become active participants in the knowledge
management process is a challenge. With the popularity of social networking sites like Facebook,
knowledge management has now considered the use of the social media approach to stimulate
collaboration (Shih 2009). Facebook offers not merely a platform where people exchange
information it also enhances satisfaction and emotional gratification because the engagement
becomes personal and hence, more fun. Effective collaboration requires two primary elements:
adoption (number of teams having access to the system) and engagement (number of people
regularly using the system) (Alavi and Leidner 2001). Social media such as Facebook has
revolutionised the way knowledge management among organisations has been defined.

Current Facebook state:

From a simple networking technology, Facebook has progressed and evolved in terms of
interface and interaction for users, ability for knowledge creation, as well as potential threats to
knowledge creation (Gawer 2009).

issues and improve page management for Facebook users. Some of these changes were received
positively and negatively. On the one hand, the new privacy features limited knowledge sharing
and exchange while on the other hand, it also enhanced trust during the knowledge exchange.
Some of the following listed here are the major interface changes in Facebook:

May 2006 Networks are expanded to workplaces as well as colleges and high schools.

September 2006 News Feed and Mini-Feed are added, aggregating profile changes of friends.
New privacy settings are made available. Additionally, registration is expanded so anyone can

May 2007 Facebook launches their Applications platform.

July 2007 Facebook removes the profile field that allows users to list their courses.

March 2008 New privacy controls are added (Lampe, Ellison and Steinfeld 2008).

October 2010 - Facebook changed user interface to accommodate its Groups feature. The Edit
Notifications button was changed to Edit Settings and users have the option to opt out.

Interface and interaction for users. Many interface changes have been made to address privacy

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February 2011- Providing one-click link for various administrative tasks, removal of tabs for
page improvement, a new masthead composing five images latest to be added (called
Photostrip) (Ware 2011)

The impact of Facebook in Knowledge Management Systems:

Knowledge work. Facebook has facilitated the process in which users share their knowledge with
a group of other users or an organisation . The sharing of knowledge can be within a closed or
open community. In the knowledge sharing process, users possess the knowledge they
contribute. This means that the identity of the users is known and associated with the
contributions. Ideally, users have full control over the content with respect to granting and
withdrawing access rights for sharing, grouping, and annotating contributions (Alavi and Leidner
2001) but loopholes in Facebook has led to significant privacy control issues (Van Grove 2010).

Collaboration & communication. Mass collaboration using digital technologies like Facebook is
transforming all aspects of the knowledge society even more rapidly than envisioned. These
users can give hints, make suggestions how to solve the problem, or give concrete solution
directions (Choi and Lee 2003). Private communication between the users through the
collaborative problem-solving platform is not possible, thus all feedback, hints, answers, and
solutions provided are visible to all users of the community (Golder and Huberman 2006). There
are however features which allow for private communication.

Management. Facebook has had several implications for management. First, there is the
perceived loss of productivity because of excessive engagement with social networking sites. An
article featured in The Economist stated that an IT company lost over 1.4 billion pounds (USD
2.3 Trust issues. Perhaps the biggest issue with Facebook in relation to knowledge management
is trust (Schwartz billion) yearly due to overuse of social networks during working hours.

Trust issues. Perhaps the biggest issue with Facebook in relation to knowledge management is
trust (Schwartz 2011a). Privacy experts have repeatedly indicated that Facebook sent user
information to its advertising through cookies (Van Grove 2010). Essentially, Facebook is said to
have deanonymised the whole social networking process and only when the issue gained
significant media did facebook act.

The Roles of Facebook in Social Media Marketing:

This is a recurring theme here as businesses typically jump into Social Media
without crafting a strategic plan rooted in goals and objectives. Nor do
companies weigh the impact of engagement on the brand itself as social
media champions, depending on the department in which they reside,

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typically monitor and engage in conversations that typically would lie outside
of its domain.

MarketingProfs conducted a survey of business-to-business (B2B) and

business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers and the Social Media marketing is
rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise
businesses and as such, its transforming every division from the inside out.
What starts with one champion in any given division, be it customer service,
marketing, public relations, advertising, interactive, et al, eventually inspires
an entire organization to socialize. What starts with one, a domino effect
usually ensues toppling each department, gaining momentum, and
triggering a sense of urgency through its path. And, it also marks the
beginning of our journey through the ten stages of social media
integration.results are worth revisiting as they typify a basic view of the
opportunities rife within the social Web. Examining these numbers and more
importantly, the social media programs currently employed, will help us
innovate and evolve.

Successful Facebook Marketing Tactics:

Created a survey of fans-

B2B 37.1%
B2C 37.9%
Surveys are an effective way to garner feedback to continue to earn ongoing relevance. Surveys
can range from satisfaction levels, behavior around the prospect or act of referrals, votes towards
new policies and services or simply used for entertainment. At the very least, surveys inject
variety into the Facebook stream to foster new opportunities for engagement and

Friending recent customers with corporate Facebook profile-

B2B 34.4%
B2C 26.3%

It should not go unsaid that this activity goes against Facebooks Terms of Service. But with
limited and hierarchical functionality of Fan Pages, creating a branded profile is one worthy of
consideration. The interaction that fosters in profiles is radically different that those within Fan
Pages. Its the difference between peer-to-peer conversations and top-down broadcasting. Until

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Facebook realizes the value of commercial accounts, you must tread carefully. Facebook
arbitrarily flags and deletes the branded profile accounts as theyre discovered.

Used Facebook user data to profile customers demographics or interests-

B2B 33.5%
B2C 30.5%

In social media marketers experiment with programs that balance demographics, the
categorization of people by age group, gender, education, income, etc, and psychographics, the
grouping of people by interests, passions, and connections. Believe it or not, there are services
that exist today that can mine data on Facebook to help marketers profile prospects. Outside of
those services, many marketers also manually examine the individuals within their social graphs
to garner insight into new initiatives and potential trends.

Created a Facebook application around the brand-

B2B 33.1%
B2C 41.9%

Facebook applications are not guaranteed to earn an audience simply because theyre created.
Users are overwhelmed with options for applications and their adoption of new apps are related
more to the activity of their friends than to their allegiance to any particular brand. However,
they are not ineffective either. According to the survey, MarketingProfs learned that applications
were among the most successful tactic used by B2B and B2C companies.

Driving traffic to corporate materials through status updates-

B2B 29%
B2C 28.4%

Im a big believer in defining the experience. Eventually users engaged in social networks will
click through to something, whether its something you shared or a social object they discovered.
Where are we sending them? Chances are that they are landing on a message-rich, usually
lifeless and generic web page or even worse, the company home page. Essentially we captivate
people in a highly interactive and social environment and direct them to a static dead-end where
they are left to define their next clicks without a renewed sense of creativity.

This tactic, I should mention, was reported as the most common tactic.

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Buying targeted CPC ads-

B2B 24.5%
B2C 27.1%

Targeted CPC (cost-per-click) ads on Facebook are only as effective as the intention and
experience to which theyre tied. Many businesses use these ads to increase the number of fans
on a fan page or also to promote corporate material. In my work, they have offered a minimum
impact on increasing fans and delivered notable results in driving traffic to pre-defined

Marketers claimed that buying ads is among the least effective of the mix.

The Role of Advertising on Facebook:

At Facebook, everything we do is about making the world more social and creating more
personalized experiences. On Facebook, people do everything from remembering their friends'
birthdays to reuniting with old classmates to even finding people willing to donate their organs to
save their lives. We think making the world more personal and social is having a profound
impact on the way we relate to the people, communities and institutions around us.

In a more connected world, advertisers are social too. This gives you the chance to connect to
the companies and brands you like and learn more about their products and services. We believe
that more personalized social advertising complements the ways that people use Facebook every
dayto discover, share and connect with the people and the world around them.

Whether it's a new car, a local dentist or a t-shirt, many of the things you discover on Facebook
come from your friends. Just as advertising has changed the experience of searching on the web,
we think advertisers are a meaningful part of the social graph and the online experience as a

Facebook is designed to provide relevant and interesting advertising content to you in a way that
protects your privacy completely. It never

share your personal information with advertisers

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sell your personal information to anyone.

These protections are yours no matter what privacy settings you use; they apply equally to
people who share openly with everyone and to people who share with only select friends. Italso
protect your privacy by virtue of the way our advertising system works. Because our system
chooses which ads to show you, it don't need to share any of your personal information with
advertisers in order to show you relevant ads. In order to advertise on Facebook, advertisers give
us an ad they want us to display and tell us the kinds of people they want to reach. It deliver the
ad to people who fit those criteria without revealing any personal information to the advertiser.

The only information it provide to-

advertisers is aggregate and anonymous data,

So they can know how many people viewed their ad and general categories of information about
them. Ultimately, this helps advertisers better understand how well their ads work so they can
show better ads.

Advertisers can also request that we display ads based on the things you have said you liked in
your profile. We think this means you will get ads that are more personalized to your real
interests and this makes your experience on Facebook even better. For example, if you are a
small business selling tents you might want to target adults ages 18-49 who have liked camping
or hiking. Our advertising system only shows the number of people who fit those criteria.

Once the ad runs, it report how many people saw or clicked on the ad and we provide aggregate
demographic information. It do not show individual profiles or personal information in our
reporting tools.

It has builtand are continuing to growa successful advertising business that gives you the
opportunity to discover and connect to things you like while respecting your privacy no matter
how you choose to share your information. We think an online advertising experience that is
social and puts consumers at the center of an ongoing, two-way conversation is better for people
and businesses alike.

Implication of Facebook with advantages and disadvantages-

Facebook has helped a lot to create a personal brand for many individuals and for businesses.
Moreover, its a major source of entertainment for people around the globe. Since, Facebook is a
global social networking site available in various languages, country and language is not a

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barrier. Also, with the Facebook translation feature, you will never miss out on connecting with
Facebook users from different countries and with people who speaks different languages.

Facebook, being one of the most famous social networking sites comes with its own pros and
cons. Here in this article, I will try to show some of the advantages and disadvantages of
Facebook. Its No doubt, Facebook has helped a lot to cut down the physical boundaries, and it
has its benefits for personal or for business purposes.

Advantages for Facebook:

- Convenient to contact you're family and friends and to go even further, you can contact
anybody around the world since it is a social website.
- Most websites have certain things on them while Facebook has the majority of their stuff
already there. Example: Facebook has messaging, video calling, so many games, apps, statuses
to post what ever activity you want such as your photos and videos.
- Easy to meet new people on there (Kind of links up with the first one)
- If somebody is annoying you their are options you can take like block or unfriending to limit
-It can be a source of entertainment.

-People can get easily cyber-bullied on it.
-It creates a lot of tension, similar to how social media creates tension for humans, this is created
by the likes and comments people get.
- It can be dangerous because there are strangers that can find out your personal information if
being tricked and who knows what they're going to do after that.

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Knowledge transfer is a part of everyday organizational life and a step in KM building life cycle.
To know how social network contribute in Knowledge Management Systems, as example- we
select Facebook to discuss the process to define. And thus Facebook work to contribute in
Knowledge Management Systems.


Elias M. Awad& Hassan M. Ghazir (2009). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. 3rd

ed. INDIA: Dorling Kinderslley (India) Pvt.Ltd.. 17-53.

Mark Jukarburg. (2014). Knowledge Management in Facebook. Available: Last accessed 23 nov. 2014.

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