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A AnArUNm T?:X:!

^@'oo'',ii33[?]1Ti1i-,l Fax : 0731 -2548156, CtN.: 16591OMp1989p1C032799

Ds1.s. 0_6:'!_F,e_brttqn,_ 2LI


Mr. S. Subramaniam
The Stock Exchange. Mumbai
I't Floor New Trading Wing
Rotunda Building p.J. Tower.
DalalStreet For-r

BSE CODE: 531378


Dear Sir,

we are pleased to inforrn you that a meeting of the board

of directors of lhe con.rpany was helcl on Monday
06rr' day of February 2017 and the foilowi,g
decisions were tar<err.

The board of directors of the colllpany approvecl the quarterly

ended 3 I'tDecember-. 2016.
unauclitecr fira,cial results for the q,arter. \

You are reqr-rested to prease tar<e on record the said informatior.

Tlrarrkirrg .r orr

Yotrrs laitlrfLrlly"
t"or, ANLANT I"INANCII ttttltllib:.:
" "''''r..,
' t"'
,/,_ : :


DIN: 0659436g t:.. : )::,

Admn. Office : "Agarwal House" 3rd Floot 5 Yeshwant Colony, INDORE-4S2 003 (M.P.)
'rHE AGAR*AL coRpoRArE Hous'" sth
AGAR*AL puB,,rc scHool, BrcHoLr

CIN : L659l.OMPlgAgpLCO32Zg9
Part I
F t" L.""1
Corrcsponding 3 Year to date
3 months Preceding 3 months cndcd in I V"", to art.
Particulars l-igurcs for
cndcd months cnded thc prcvious | figures for thc Prcvious ycar
currr:rrt pcriod
(3t/ 12/20161 (3O / 09 l2oL6l ycar I prcvious ycar ended
crrdud I cndcd (sr
l3L/t2l2otsl l03/20t6l,
13t / t2! 3oL6) | 1st 1 rzlzorst
(Un-Audited) (Un-Auditcdl (Un-Auditcd) (Un-Auditcd) (Un-Auditcd) (Auditcd)
lrom Opcrations
(a) Net Sales/ Incorne from
Operations (Net of excise duty) 29 54 26.58 19.O7 86.7.'1 74.99 95.12
(b) Other Operating Irrcorre
0 0
iaies!:t3r_gpcrations (net) o 0- 0 0.00
3* 29.54
?.!ryg::._ .u7 46.74 74.99

_ (a) Co"t of l{at".rSlyorr"urrr"a 0 0 0
_. (b) p,r."lra"" of 9 0
"io"k1*G.1"- 0 0 o I
(cJ i. i.,r"iilieslf-- 0 0
finished goods, work,in-progress
0 0 o
anri stock-in-trade 0 0
(d) Emptoyee ber-refits expense
2.29 ) ac , :14
{e)Depreciation arrd amortisation 6rU s..16
expense 0.61 0.61 2.39 j ,"; i 717
(l)Other experrses(Any iterr
exceeding 107o of ttre total
expenses relating to contirruing 1.61 7.15 1 4a
16.:t4 19.7i'
operations to be shown separatelj,)

f"t"G*p"rr-=u - 4.51 10.18 6.15

3. Profit / (Loss) from operations beforc 29j,5 30.66
other income, financc costs and
25.03 I6.4 12.92
e+le!!tgr4l i!em!.(-1_2} 61.89 45.34 64.47
4. Othel' Incorne
O- 0 O
5. Plofit / (Lossl fron ordinary activities O 0.00
before lirrauce cosr s aucl cx"eptiorral
2s.03 16.41 L2.92
itens (3 r 4) 61.89 45.34 64.47
6. Finance Costs
70.2 10. i9 R
., rrorrL / lLoss, trom ordinary 30.17 ,55' '3?.U
activitics aftcr finance costs but 14.83
beforc cxce ptional itcms (5 + 6l 6.22 4.50 L9.A2 27.32
8. Exceptional Items
0 0 0
9.Profit / (Lossf f.o- o.diri[ 0 0.00
activities bcfgrc tax {? + g) 14.83 6.22 4.50 3t.42 I Ls.8; 27.32
10. Ta-.; experrse
2.t7 038 sg
1 l.Nct Profit / {Loss} from ordinary [ (rrE (o.o7)
activities after tax (9 + 1Ol L2.66 4.93 4.88 25.95 t7.64 27.2s

Admn, office : "Aganral House'3rd Floot s yeshwant colony, lNDoRE4s2 oo3 (M.p.)
@ ,.,'f,13H.,?1*l:*lififiH'}]ffi#i[?s3fii.".,

12. Extraordirraty iterns (net of ta-.< I

0 o o o o
experrse _ Lakhs)
13. Net Profit / (Loss) for thc period
111 + 121
L2.66 4.93 4_aa 25.95 L7.64 25.52
14. Share ofProfit / (loss) of
0 0 o 0 0 0.00
associates *
15. Minority Interest' 0 0 o o 0 0.00
16. Net Profit / (Loss) after taxes,
minority intcrcst and sharc of profit
12.66 4.93 4.aa 25.95 17.64 25.52
/ (loss) ofassociates (13 +
14 + 151*
f i. Paid up equity share capital (Face
Value of the Strare shall be indicated)
10 14 .33 101,1 101.1 .33 tot4.33 10 1.,1 .:l:3 1014 .33

18. Reserve excluding Revaluation

Reserues as per balance sheet of 0 o 0 t) 0 0
previous accoLlnting year
19.i Earnirrgs Per Strare (before
extraord:inary items) (of t 10/- each)
irLol alilllldlisedl:
al Basic o.t2 0.05 0.05 l).),6 o.77 0.2s
(bl Dilrrted o.r2 0.05 0.0s o.26 o.17 o.25
19.ri Earnirrgs Pel Share (after
extraordinary iterns) (of ? 10/- each)
(not annualised):
(a) Basic o.72 0.0s O.OIr 0.26 o.77 o.25
(b) Diluted o.12 o.0s 0.05 o.26 o.77 o.25

Ad;. Office : "Agarwal House" 3rd Floor, 5 Yeshwant Colony, INDORE-4S2 003
A AIfrAIftNm
/@'oo1iiilBltlqilijiiliir,'J,t$ffI Fax : 0731-2548156, ClN.: 165910MP1 989P1C032799

Anncxure IV
Rcporting of Segmcnt wisc Revcnue, Results and Capital Employcd along with thc quartcrly rcsults

Rs. In Lacs
Corrcsponding 3 Ycar t(, ddto Year to date
3 months Prcceding 3 months cndcd irr Iigurcs for figurcs for thc Prcvious yoar
Particulars cnded months cndcd the prcvious currcot pcriod previous year ended
l3r I L2 l2016l (3O /09 / 2ot6l year cndod cnded l3t los l2016l
l3r/ t2l2oL5l /12/2y6t l3t lt2/2otsl
1. Segnent Reverrue (rret sale/incorne
ll'orn each segment should be disclosed
urrcler this head)
a) Segrr)ent A (Firrancial Operatiorr) )2.36 r0.s9 12..+9 /}6.9 t 4'/.69 51.11
(b) Segrnerrt B (Power Generation lro
Wirrd \4ill)
7.18 18.51 6.59 39./i 35.80 +.+ ol
Total 29.54 29-SO 19.Ott 83.49 95.t2
Inter Segrnerrt Revenue
.ess: 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nct salcs/Incomc From Opcrations
2. Segmer)t Results (Profit)(t)/ Loss ( )
before tar. arrd interest frorn Each
a) Segrnent -.A (Firrancial Operatiorr) 2.)9 0.3.1 (r 101 io.a'r l { r 1.oi) {:1.s6)
(b) Segrnerrt -. B (Porver Generation frorri '/.o'/ 6.44 5.60 :,1 33.',/8
uil,.{xrin _
.,1 ). t 1.88

Total .J.3; 6_'Ia 4.50 25.95 22.73 27.32

i) interest** 0 0 0 o 0 o

i) Other lJn allocable Expencliture net off 0 U 0 0 0 t)

iii) tJn allocable irrcorne 0 0 0 0 0 0

otal l,rolit Before Tax 9.36 6.7a 4.50 21?s 22.73 27.32
3. Caprtal Ernployed (Segrnerrt assets
Segrnent Liabilities)
a.) Segrrrent A (Frnarrcial Operation) i 5'l8.2o L+/J.2I 1c 13.'/B I i'/'3. /O .
l1?,2.89 1503.2 l
(b] Segrnerrt B (Power Gerreration frort
Wincl lvlilt)
54 J/ 2.1 .31 36.8.3 3).9 ) .+8..+8

I-"!.t 1632.77 L496.55 1550.66 risitz ' 1465.4I 1551.69 i

01. The above finarrcial results u.ere revieq,ed by the ar-rclit cornrnittee arrd were taken orr recorcl br. tirc boarrl oI clirectors at irs nreerrng
Ircld otL 06.O).2OIl.
02. Tire above firraircial results for the qualter errded 31st Decernber,2Ol6 arirl for the vear crrclecl 31st N.larctr 2016 have been ar-rclitert by
the auditor of the cornparry.
03.. 'i'he Cornpany has rro outstarrding sttaretro)ders cornplairrts.

Ily Ordcr of the Board



Datc: O6/02/2017. DIN: O659436a

Admn. Ofiice : ';Aganral House" 3rd Floor, 5 Yeshwant Colony, INDORE'4S2 003 (M.P')
|2*.d&w frf'u k 1,.
4 ?;- r:.a * TZ &" m &,^ry J fuT Y Zu, &, r;; {i :
i.a :,1 7-: i::.ii1, i;iit i:]; lzl"r,_"*r.J?4"i k I

$-rmxrEp nEyIsvY $tHPeryq

EYI ,HW RHPqAr TO AFIJAruI H,II{A{'iCI !-dMryW**^&Xpe85

Vt* *av*. revieiv*d th* acccrnpanying stat*m*nt; *t urt;:tlcit;t:* tut*n*al r*ssi1L*

*f &f{J&NI-EIAllLh[;f LIIEITEQ for lhe perrod *rlir,,r ;,tl],2/2*Lb. ''ifris
sfatement is the resp*nsibiiity of the Company's Manaqr:rrtent a*d ha* {e**n
approved by the B*ard of Dir*ctcrrs. Our resp*nsibiiitf is f.t) js,rt:e a re.port *{1
these finanrial staterr:ents based on cilr revierr,r.

W* r*ndu*ted **r review in accordanre wrth th* l1:artdard on *,*ui*:,,rs

C.rtgaE*me*t {5ft.[] ?"4fiil, Engagements to F"*viev,t fir"t;:ncial Stal*rir,r:r',,,-*
i*sued Lry the Institute of Chartered Accountar*.s *f Inejia. Thix*ar*
r*quires Lhat we pian and perform the review t* *hiein **derat*. ags'Jrarl{.:*
as l* whether the financial staternents ar* free *f rn;zt;*riai rniEstalen{:nr-. h
review is lin"lit*d primarily tr inquiries *f company i:*rr,*nrre,l an* anaiy?.iral
pro(edilre$ appli*d trs {inartr"ial data and thr.:s pravid* less assuranc*, than ars
audit. We have nol perfcrme# an a*dtt artd accnrriingll- , w* drs nrst *xpr**s
an audit *gini*n.

Bas*d on our rcview rrnducted as above, nalhing l1a* r:*t-,t?. lo cur alt*ntroir
lhal causes us tr: beii*ve that the accompanying slalr:rr*.nt *f unaudit*d
financial results prepared in accordance wiLh applirable i:r:t*tsntirtg standarcis
and *ther recfrertized acc*unting practices and paiici*s l:ds r-r*t disc.l*sed the
inf*rrnation r*qutr*d ta be disclosed in terms of Regi:lali*r: 33 of the SEBI
(LCDR) kegulati*ns, 2CI15 including the manner in wnich il is tc L,e disclosed,
or lh{ll ll (ontalns ailv ntBtrial mrsstatenrenl"


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