Bernardo (Corpo Midterm)

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1. Corporation to the state, its birth purely dependent on its will.

-Ang Pue & Co. v. Secretary of Commerce and Industry, would hold that to organize a
Sec 2.: an artificial being created by operations of law having the right of succession and corporation... that could claim a juridical personality
the powers, attributes and properties expressly of its own and transact business as such, is not a matter of absolute right but a privilege
authorized by law or incident to its existence. which may be enjoyed only under such terms as
the State may deem necessary to impose.
Tri-level Existence in the Corporate Setting
(2)Theory of Enterprise Entity
-The corporate entity is viewed as taking its significant primarily from the reality of the
First, the corporation as a juridical entity or a juridical fiction, which views the relationship
underlying enterprise, formed or in formation; that the
between the State and the corporation.
States approval of the corporate form sets up a prima facie case that the assets,
liabilities and operations of the corporation are those of
Second, the corporate setting provides for contractual relationships on four (4) sub-levels, the enterprise.
namely: -Is meant to cover the situations where the courts have either: (a) erected corporate
(a)Between the corporation and its agents or representatives to act in the real world, such personality which the State had not granted; or (b)
as its directors and its officers, governed disregarded corporate personality where the State had granted it; both for the purpose of
suppletorily by the Law on Agency. giving legal effect to factual relationships set up
(b)Between the corporation and its shareholders or members; between an economic entity and an outsider.
(c)Between and among the shareholders in a common venture; and -The corporation is not merely an artificial being, but more of an aggregation of persons
(d)Between the corporation and third parties or outsiders, which is essentially governed doing business, or an underlying business unit.
by Contract Law, and Labor Law when it comes to -The enterprise entity theory hinges itself on the fact that there can be no corporate
relationship with officers and employees. existence without persons to compose it; there can be
no association without its associates.
Third, the corporation becomes in its operation a business economic unit, a business
enterprise, or what is called in Accounting as a going concern.
b.Creature of the Law
2. NATURE OF CORPORATIONS -Sec. 16, Article XII of the Constitution states that The Congress shall not, except by
1.Corporate Attributes general law, provides for formation, organization or
a.Theories in the formation of a corporation regulation of private corporation. GOCC may be created or established by special charters
in the interest of the common good & subject to
the test of economic viability. Consequently, it has been held that a private corporation
created pursuant to a special law is a nullity, and
1)Theory of Concession
such special law is void for being in violation of the Constitution.
-Looks at a corporation simply as a creature of the State and of limited powers and
capabilities, completely within the control of the State.
-Applies within the juridical entity level, and the issues to be resolved arise between the 2.Civil Code
State and its instrumentalities and the corporation. -Under Article 44 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, other than the State and its political
-Tayag v. Benguet Consolidated, Inc., characterized a corporation as an artificial being, subdivisions, and other corporations, institutions
created by operation of law, and that it owes its life
and entities for public interest or purposes, the law recognizes corporations, partnerships Free transferability of units of investment
and associations for private interest or purpose to Advantages over unregistered association
which are granted a juridical personality, separate and distinct from that of each
shareholder, partner or member.
-Under Article 45, the juridical persons organized as public corporations are governed by DISADVANTAGES
the laws creating or recognizing them, while Complicated and costly formation and maintenance
private corporations are regulated by laws of general application on the subject. Lack of personal element and abuse of corporate management
Limited liab. Hits innocent victims
3.Franchise Double taxation
-J.R.S. Business Corp v. Imperial Insurance, Inc., recognized the differences between the
primary franchise and secondary franchise of a
The Corporate entity compared with other business endeavors
corporation, thus:
(1)Sole Proprietorships
For practical purposes, franchises, so far as relating to corporations, are divisible into a (a)
- Represents the highest form of unlimited liability when it comes to the sole proprietor
corporate or general franchises; and (b) special or
because he has in his person not only the
secondary franchises. The former is the franchise to exist as a corporation, while the latter
prerogatives of management but also the benefits of ownership, and the flow of
are certain rights and privileges conferred upon existing
transactions and income is not limited within the confines
corporations, such as the right to use the streets of a municipality to lay pipes or tracks,
of the business enterprise
erect poles or string wires... The primary franchise of a
corporation, that is, the right to exist as such, is vested in the individuals who compose the
corporation and not in the corporation itself and cannot (2)
be conveyed in the absence of a legislative authority so to do. But the special or secondary Partnership (1768, 1772, and 1775 of the Civil Code)
franchises of a corporation are vested in the -Article 1768 of the Civil Code provides that the partnership has a juridical personality
corporation and may ordinarily be conveyed or mortgaged under a general power granted separate and distinct from that of each of the
to a corporation to dispose of its property, except such partners, even in case of failure to comply with the registrations requirements of the said
special or secondary franchises as are charged with public use. Code.
-The most important distinction between the corporation and the partnership is in their legal
capacities. With the right of succession, a
corporation has a stronger legal personality, enabling it to continue despite the death,
Creted by law incapacity, withdrawal or insolvency of any of its
Enjoys rights of succession stockholders or members. In a partnership, the withdrawal, death, incapacity or insolvency
has the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its of any partner would automatically bring about
existence the dissolution of the partnership.
-Limited liability is a main feature in a corporate setting, whereas partners are liable
personally for partnership debts not only to what they
ADVANTAGES OF CORP MEDIUM: have invested in the partnership but even as to their other properties.
Strong Juridical Personality -Generally, every partner is an agent of the partnership and by his sole act, he can bind the
Centralized management partnership, whereas in a corporation, only the
Limited liability of investors Board of Directors or its agents can bind the corporation.

-In a partnership setting, although a partner has the power to sell or dispose of his capital violation of due process and equal protection clauses. Although denying the stand of the
interest or proprietary interest, the buyer or domestic corporation, the Supreme Court
transferee does not assume transferors position as partner, but merely has a right to acknowledged that corporate entities do have a right to claim protection under such
demand for accounting or distribution of the profits constitutional rights, because
pertaining thereto. The principle of delectus personae prevails in the partnership setting. In the guarantees of the 14th Amendment and so the first paragraph of the Philippine Bill of
a corporate setting, every stockholder has the Rights, are universal in their application to all persons
right to transfer his shares in the corporation, and the buyer or transferee assumes the role within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, color, or
of stockholder of said shares when the transfer nationality. The word person includes aliens,.. Private
has been duly registered in the corporate books. Free transferability of the units of corporations, likewise, are persons within the scope of the guaranties in so far as their
ownership is a hallmark feature in the corporate setting property is concerned


(3) -In Stonehill v. Diokno, recognized that corporations are protected by the constitutional
Joint Venture guarantee against unreasonable searches and
-The concept of a joint venture is of common law origin, and has no precise legal definition. seizures. However, the Court ruled that the officers of a corporation from which documents,
Under Philippine Law, a joint venture is a form papers and things were seized have no cause
of partnership and should thus be governed by the Law on Partnerships, which would then of action to assail the legality of the seizures, regardless of the amount of shares of stock or
include the features of separate juridical of the interest of each of them in said
personality, mutual agency among the co-venturers, and unlimited liability. corporation, and whatever the officers they hold therein may be, because the corporation
-Defined as an association of persons or companies jointly undertaking some commercial has a personality separate and distinct from
enterprise; generally all contribute assets and those of said officers.
share risks. It requires a community of interest in the performance of the subject matter, a -It held that the legality of a seizure can be contested only by the party whose rights have
right to direct and govern the policy in been impaired thereby; and the objection to an
connection therewith, and duty, which may be altered by agreement to share both in profit unlawful search is purely personal and cannot be availed of by third parties, such as
and losses. The acts of working together in a officers of the corporation who interpose it for their
joint project. personal interests.

-In Bache & Co. v. Ruiz, the Court held that a corporation is entitled to immunity against
searches and seizures, thus:
A corporation is, after all, but an association of individuals under an assumed name and
with a distinct legal entity. In organizing itself as a
-A corporation is entitled to due process and equal protection of the law and protection
collective body, it waives no constitutional immunities appropriate for such body. Its
against unreasonable searches and seizures.
property cannot be taken without compensation. It can only
be proceeded against by due process of law, and is protected, under the 14th
-In Smith, Bell & Co. v. Natividad, a domestic corporation with the majority of its amendment, against unlawful discrimination.
shareholdings held by British subjects, sought to have a law
reserving registration of vessels for coast-wide shipping only to domestic corporations
wholly-owned by Filipinos or American citizens as

-In Bataan Shipyard & Engineering Co., v PCGG, where the Court held that while an -Those formed or organized for the government of a portion of the State (sec. 3 of the old
individual may lawfully refuse to answer Corp. law)
incriminating questions unless protected by an immunity statute, it does not follow that a
corporation, vested with special -Are those created for political purposes connected with the public good in the
privileges and franchises, may refuse to show its hand when charged with an abuse of administration of the civil government. Public corporations
such privilege. This was extensively therefore are essentially municipal corporation, or those formed and organized by the State
quoted from Wilson v United States. for government, such as the barangay,
-It seems that when it comes to the constitutional rights of due process, equal protection of municipality, city and the province. In essence, being a mini-state, possesses all 3 great
law, and protection against unreasonable powers of government: police power, power of
searches and seizures, the Supreme Court would be willing to view the corporation merely eminent domain, and power of taxation.
as a vehicle, by which individuals transact their
businesses and therefore, by using such medium, they are deemed not to have waived
2 fold character of a MUNICIPAL CORP.
their constitutional rights.
Public or governmental character, in which it acts as agent of the state and exercises, by
delegation a part of the sovereignty of the
-The difference in the Courts stance may lie in the fact that the right against self- state;
incrimination does not really result in physical intrusion into
the premises of the corporation, because it would require only that the corporation, through
A private, corporate or proprietary character, in which it acts as a private or business
its agents, produce records and books before
corporation, and stands for the community in the
the courts. The denial of the right against self-incrimination from corporations does not
administration of its local affairs wholly beyond the sphere of public purposes for which its
really invite state authorities into the premises or
governmental powers are conferred.
physical privacy of the stockholders or members who compose the corporation; but would
deny acting individuals the right to abuse
the corporate medium as a means to do folly. MUNICIPAL CORP. (govtl character)
-Are possessed of and can exercise the so-called police power of the state, by delegation
of the legislature. They may levy taxes for certain
-The constitutional protection against self-incrimination is not meant to prevent an actual
purposes under limitations imposed by the lawmaking body. They are organized for the
State abuse but to avoid pressuring the individuals
purpose of serving the communal welfare of the
from having to tell a lie. The main purpose of the provision.. is to prohibit compulsory oral
inhabitants of a town or a city.
examination of prisoners before the
trial, or upon trial, for the purpose extorting unwilling confessions or declarations implicating
them in the commission of a MUNICIPAL CORP. (proprietary character)
crime. A corporation owes full allegiance and subject to the unrestricted jurisdiction of the -Are empowered to mortgage their property under certain limitations. They can sue and be
courts of the State under which it has been sued, enter into contracts and may be held liable
organized. Likewise, a corporation has no soul that can be damned by a lie for damages for torts committed by them in the exercise of their corporate functions as
distinguished from public and governmental

-Are divided into stock corporations and non-stock corporations. Corporations which have a to all the provision of the then Corporation Law. As a private corporation, it had no greater
capital stock divided into shares and are rights, powers, or privileges than any other corporation
authorized to distribute to the holders of such shares dividends or allotments of the surplus which might be organized for the same purpose under corporation law. It was not
profit on the basis of the shares held are stock certainly the intention of the legislature to give it a right or
corporations. All other private corporations are non-stock corporations. Private corporations privilege over other legitimate private corporation. Even a majority stockholder is the
may be classified according to their government or that the charter was a direct grant by
purposes: (a) the business corporation, or the profit-seeking corporation, (b) religious legislature or it was not incorporated for public welfare, such matter did not make the
corporations, (c) eleemosynary corporations or those National Coal a public corporation it is still a private
organized for charitable, scientific or vocational corporations. corporation especially the act creating it, made the company subject to the provisions of the
Corporation Law.
A.BASED ON CORPORATIONS CREATION In Philippine Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v. Commission on Audit, the
1.Public Corporation is created by its charter Court held that although the corporation had its own charter
(C.A. No. 148), it was still a private corporation and not an agency of the government, since
2.Private Corporation created by incorporation law. However, while this is a general form, a reading of the charter showed that it is not subject to
many private corporations are granted special control or supervision by any agency of the State and that fact that is employees are
charters by the Legislature, because they constitute government-owned or controlled registered and covered by SSS at the time latters initiative, and
corporations, but still cannot be considered as public not through the GSIS which should be the case if the employees are considered
corporation. government employees.

In National Coal Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue, National Coal was created by Act Based upon the cases above, there are 3 types of private corporations: (a) those organized
2705 for the purpose of developing the coal industry, with the under the Corporation Code for private ends;, and (b)
Government owning almost all of the shareholdings of the company. The company was those organized under the Corporation Code as GOCC to achieve certain purposes of the
created with the general powers of a corporation and such government and (c) those GOCC with their owned charter.
other powers as may be necessary to enable it to prosecute the business for the Therefore, it is possible for a GOCC to have a private holdings and a private corporation to
development. The Legislature subsequently passed a law providing have government holdings.
for the leasing and development of coal lands and exempted the same from specific taxes.
On that basis, National Coal took possession of coal However, it is not the public purpose alone, or the complete or controlling ownership by the
lands belonging to the government, and began to extract coal. The Collector levied against State of its capital, or the fact that it has a charter under a
the company specific tax on coal extracted from coal special law, that distinguishes a public corporation from a private corporation. Thus, certain
land. National Cola claimed exemption from specific taxes stating that it is the owner of the corporations, wholly-owned by the Government, having a
land from which it has mind the coal in question, being a public purpose, and organized under their own charter would still continue to be private
government corporation. corporations, such as the National Development Corporation,
the Philippine National Railways, etc.
The Court held that the National Coal is a private corporation. The mere fact that the
government happens to be a majority stockholder does not Likewise, in Philippine Society v. COA held that the fact that a juridical entity is impressed
make a corporation a public corporation. The Court took into consideration that the law with a public interest does not, by the circumstances alone,
creating National Coal expressly made the company subject
make the entity a public corporation, inasmuch as a corporation may be private though its control test is applied to determine the nationality of a corporation.
charter contains provisions of a public character
incorporated solely for the public good. -A foreign corporation can have no legal existence beyond the bounds of the state or
sovereignty by which it is created. It exists only in
In the end, a truly public corporation has a juridical entity, but it exists primarily for the contemplation of law and by the force of law, and where that law ceases to operate, the
government of a portion of the state, and thereby corporation can have no existence. This principle,
exercising state powers as police power, taxing power and the power of eminent domain. however does not prevent a corporation from acting in another state or country with the
Nonetheless, when a government undertaking is latters express or implied consent.
set up without endowing it with a separate juridical personality, then it is neither a public nor
private corporation. C.AS TO NATIONALITY
-serves as a legal basis for subjecting the enterprise or its activities to the laws, the
3.QUASI PUBLIC CORPORATIONS economic and fiscal powers, and the various social and
-There is a group of association that seems to be cross between private and public financial policies, of the state to which it is supposed to belong.
corporations, and they are classified as quasi-public
corporations. These usually cover school districts, water districts and the like. TESTS:

B.AS TO PLACE OF INCORPORATION PLACE OF INCORPORATION TEST that a corporation is a national of the country under
1.DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS whose laws it has been organized and
Is one incorporated under laws of the Philippines. registered. This is embodies in Section 123 of the Corporation Code which provides that a
2.FOREIGN CORPORATION foreign corporation is one formed,
-Under Sec. 123 of the Corp. Code, a foreign corporation is one formed, organized or organized or existing under any laws other than those of the Philippines and whose laws
existing under any laws other than those of the allow Filipino citizens and corporations to do
Philippines and whose laws allow Filipino citizens and corporations to do business in its business in its own country or State.
own country or State. It shall have the right to
transact business in the Philippines after it shall have obtained a license to transact CONTROL TEST the nationality of a corporation is determined by the nationality of the
business in the country in accordance with this Code majority of the stockholders on whom equity
and a certificate of authority from the appropriate government agency. control is vested, on the theory that they would be able to elect the majority of the Board of
Directors. The SEC has confirmed in an
The objectives of the statutory provision prescribing conditions under which foreign opinion, that in the application of the control test, all capital stock of the corporation,
corporations are permitted to do business in a stat other than that whether common or preferred shares, and
of their creation: whether voting or non-voting, must be included.
(a)To place them on an equality with domestic corporations;
(b)To subject them to inspection so that their condition may be known; and The general rule is that the control test cannot overcome the place of incorporation test
(c)To protect the residents of the state doing business with them by subjecting them to the i.e., a foreign corporation even when
courts of the state. 100% of its equity is owned by Filipino citizens continues to be considered as a foreign
corporation. the only exception to this
-In case of war, for reasons of national security, in addition to the incorporation test
embodied in Section 123 of the Corporation Code, the
rules recognized by the SEC in an opinion, is that found in the provision of the Foreign for the operation of a public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to
Investment Act of 1991 that a corporations or associations organized under
corporation organized abroad and registered as doing business in the Philippines under the the laws of the Philippines at least 60% of whose capital is owned by such citizens; / nor
Corporation Code 100% of the shall such franchise, certificate, or authorization
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is wholly owned by Filipinos. be exclusive in character or for a longer period than fifty years...

PLACE OF PRINCIPAL BUSINESS also applied to determine whether a state has The State shall encourage equity participation in public utilities by the
jurisdiction over the existence and legal general public. The participation of foreign investors in the governing body of any public
character of a corporation, its capacity or powers, internal organization, capital structure, utility enterprise shall be limited to their
the rights and liabilities of directors, officers, proportionate share in its capital, and all the executive and managing officers of such
and shareholders towards each other and to creditors and third persons. Under that test, corporation or association must be citizens of the
the corporation is subject to the jurisdiction Philippines.
of the place where its principal office or center of management is located.
-Unlike the provisions on the exploitation of natural resources, the aforequoted provisions
1.EXPLOITATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Section 2, Art. XII CONST. only Filipino expressly includes the place of incorporation test
Citizens or Corporations whose capital stock are and requires that only domestic corporations with at least 60% of the capital stock owned
at least 60% owed by Filipinos can qualify to exploit natural resources. by Filipinos may own and operate public utilities
-The policy of the State is to ensure that the exploitation of natural resources or the pursuit in the Philippines.
of activites deemed to be of public or national
interest are in the control of Filipinos. In addition, the section authorizes the President to -In People v. Quasha, the Court held that the Constitution does not prohibit the mere
enter into agreements with foreign-owned formation of a public utility corporation without the
corporation involving either technical or financial assistance for large-scale exploration, required proportion of Filipino capital. What it does prohibit is the granting of a franchise or
development and utilization of minerals, petroleum, other form of authorization for the
and other mineral oils according to general terms and conditions provided by law, based on operation of a public utility to a corporation already in existence but without the requisite
real contributions to the economic growth and proportion of Filipino capital. Quasha
general welfare of the country. therefore draws the distinction between primary franchise of a corporate entity by virtue of
-In Register of Deeds of Rizal v. Ung Sui Si Temple, laid down the principle that the which it is constituted as a body politic endowed
purpose of the 60 per centum requirement is obviously with separate juridical personality, and the secondary franchise that it may receive during
to ensure that corporations or associations allowed to acquire agricultural land or to exploit its life for the exercise of a privilege granted by
natural resources shall be controlled by law, such as the operation of a public utility.
Filipinos; and that the spirit of the Constitution demands that in the absence of capital
stock, the controlling membership should be
-The ruling in Quasha can be pointed to as the basis to show that the constitutional
composed of Filipino citizens. In that case, the Court disqualified a non-incorporated
provision prohibiting Congress, except by general law,
religious organization, whose trustees and whose
to provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of a private corporations, really
members were Chinese nationals, from acquiring by donation a piece of land.
serves no useful benefit, since all that it covers is
the primary franchise, which merely constitutes the corporation into a juridical entity. It is
2.OWNING AND OPERATING PUBLIC UTILITIES - Sec. 11, Art XII, CONST. xxx no the secondary franchise by which the corporation
franchise, certificate or any other form of authorization
may be granted special privileges, licenses or benefits not enjoyed by other corporations, advertising industry.
where the real abuse may be committed
-The term mass media shall mean the gathering, transmission of news, information,
For a corporation to be entitled to operate a public utility it is not necessary that it be messages, signals and forms of written, oral and all
organized with 60 per cent of its capital owned by Filipinos from visual communication and shall embrace the print medium, radio, television, films, movies,
the start. A corporation formed with capital that is entirely alien may subsequently change advertising in all its phases, and their business
the nationality of its capital through transfer of shares to managerial.
Filipino citizens. conversely, a corporation originally formed with Filipino capital may
subsequently change the national status of said capital through -Although the constitutional provision governing mass media does not expressly include the
transfer of shares to foreigners. place of incorporation test, the same shall be
deemed included under the same principle governing exploitation of natural resources. In
> The moment for determining whether a corporation is entitled to operate as a public utility fact, the ancillary control test for mass media
is when it applies for a franchise, certificate, or any under the Constitution is actually more stringent than in other defined areas, since it
other form of authorization for that purpose. And that can be done after the corporation has requires not only 100% Filipino ownership of the
already come into being and not while it is still being capital stock of the corporation, but also 100% Filipino management of the entity.
formed. And at that moment, the corporation must show that it has complied not only with
the requirement of the Constitution as to the nationality of 4.ADVERTISING INDUSTRY - Sec. 11 Article XVI of the 1987 Constitution provides that t
its capital, but also with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Law if it is a common carrier he advertising industry is impressed with public
by air, the Revised Administrative Code if it is a common interest, and shall be regulated by law for the protection of consumers and the promotion of
carrier by water, and the Public Service Law if it is a common carrier by land or other kind the general welfare.
of public service.
-Only Filipino citizens or corporations or associations at least 70% of the capital of which is
The majority of the court, however, are also of the opinion that, even supposing that the act owned by such citizens shall be allowed to
imputed to the defendant constituted falsification at the engage in the advertising industry. It also provides that the participation of foreign investors
time it was perpetrated, still with the approval of the Party Amendment to the Constitution in in the governing body of the entities in such
March, 1947, which placed Americans on the same industry shall be limited to their proportionate share in the capital thereof, and all the
footing as Filipino citizens with respect to the right to operate public utilities in the executive and managing officers of such entities must
Philippines, thus doing away with the prohibition in section 8, be citizens of the Philippines.
Article XIV of the Constitution in so far as American citizens are concerned, the said act has
ceased to be an offense within the meaning of the law, 5.WAR-TIME TEST - If the controlling stockholders are enemies, then the nationality of the
so that defendant can no longer be held criminally liable therefor corporation will be base on the citizenship of the
majority stockholders in times of war (Filipinas Compania de Seguros v Christian Huenfeld,
3.MASS MEDIA Sec. 11 Article XVI of the 1987 Constitution, The ownership and 1951). The Court considered the juridical entity
management of mass media shall be limited to citizens of as an enemy based on the fact that the majority of the stockholders of the respondent
the Philippines, or to corporations, cooperatives or associations, wholly-owned and corporation were German subjects. It ruled that the
managed by such citizens. Mass media includes radio, control test was applicable only in war-time. It refused the sole application of the place of
television, and printed media and does not include commercial telecommunications, which incorporation test during war-time to determine
are considered as public utilities, nor the the nationality of an enemy corporation
special form of corporation, usually associated with the clergy and consists of one person
only and his
6.GRANDFATHER RULE a sub-application under control test, where the various successor, who are incorporated by law to give some legal capacities and advantages.
nationality tests shall first be applied on the shareholders
of the holding companies, to determine the nationality of the equity in the target -The corporation sole is an exception to the general rule that at least five (5) members are
corporation, and thereby arrive at the nationality of such required for a corporation to exist.
target corporation. Here, there isonly one (1) incorporator. This is applicable to religious communities the
regulations of which provide that the communitys properties are to
-It is a three-level relationship test that gave it the name: the target company may be
be placed in the name of the head and administered by him.
termed to be the grandson; the holding company
would be considered the father; and the person or entity holding shares in the holding Section 110.
company would be considered the grandfather. Corporation sole. - For the purpose of administering and managing, as trustee, the affairs,
property and temporalities of
any religious denomination, sect or church, a corporation sole may be formed by the chief
-Used to determine the nationality of a corporation by which the percentage of Filipino
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or
equity in corporations engaged in nationalized and/or other presiding elder of such religious denomination, sect or church. (154a)
partly nationalized areas of activities, provided for under the constitution and other
nationalization laws, is computed, in cases where Section 111.
corporate shareholders are present in the situation, by attributing the nationality of the Articles of incorporation. - In order to become a corporation sole, the chief archbishop,
second or even subsequent tier of ownership to bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or
presiding elder of any religious denomination, sect or church must file with the Securities
determine the nationality of the corporate stockholder. (Villanueva, 2003)
and Exchange Commission articles of
incorporation setting forth the following:
-Method by which the percentage of Filipino is computed, in a corporation engaged fully or 1.That he is the chief archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or presiding elder of his
partly nationalized areas of activities provided religious denomination, sect or church and that he
desires to become a corporation sole;
under the Constitution and other nationalization laws, in cases where corporate
2.That the rules, regulations and discipline of his religious denomination, sect or church are
shareholders are present in the situation, by attributing the not inconsistent with his becoming a corporation
nationality of the second or even subsequent tier of ownership to determine the nationality sole and do not forbid it;
of the corporate shareholders. 3.That as such chief archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or presiding elder, he is
charged with the administration of the temporalities
and the management of the affairs, estate and properties of his religious denomination,
SEC formula: SEC Letter Opinion sect or church within his territorial jurisdiction, describing
Shares belonging to corporations or partnerships at least 60% of the capital of which is such territorial jurisdiction;
owned by Filipino citizens shall be considered as of 4.The manner in which any vacancy occurring in the office of chief archbishop, bishop,
Philippine nationality, but if the percentage of Filipino ownership in the corporation or priest, minister, rabbi of presiding elder is required to
be filled, according to the rules, regulations or discipline of the religious denomination, sect
partnership is less than 60% only the number of shares or church to which he belongs; and
corresponding to such percentage shall be considered as of Philippine nationality. 5.The place where the principal office of the corporation sole is to be established and
located, which place must be within the Philippines.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The articles of incorporation may include any other provision not contrary to law for the
regulation of the affairs of the corporation. (n)

Definition: manages, administer, temporalities of the church


Constituted not on the person but on the position. 1.STOCK CORPORATIONS corporations which have a capital stock divided into shares
-where in case of vacancy of the position, there will be no transfer as to the person, but it and are authorized to distribute to the holders
will only be filled. dividends. If not authorized by the by-laws to distribute the dividends, but it is a stock
corporation, can a corporation distribute dividends to
-can hold the property for many years despite the changes in the person in the position.
is shareholders? The answer seems corporations affirmative since one of the expressed
powers granted to stock corporations under
Roman Catholic Administration v Davao Section 43 of the Corporation Code is the power to declare dividends.
The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church has no nationality and that the framers of the
Constitution did not have in mind the religious corporation sole To exist
when they provided that 60% of the capital thereof be owned by Filipino citizens. Thus, if 1. Capital stock divided into shares
this constitutional provision were not intended for 2. Dividends given/distributed to its members
corporation sole, it is obvious that this could not be regulated or restricted by said provision.
In determining whether the constitutional provision
requiring 60% Filipino capital is applicable in Corporation sole, the nationality of the 2.NON-STOCK CORPORATIONS section 87 of the Corporation Code provides that a
constituents of the diocese and not the nationality of the actual non-stock corporation is one where no part of its
incumbent of the parish must be taken into consideration. Even if the question of nationality income is distributable as dividends to is members, trustees or officers, subject to the
is considered, the constitutional requirement is fully met provisions on dissolution, provided that any profit
and satisfied, considering that the corporation sole in question is composed of an which a non-stock corporation may obtain as an incident to its operations shall, whenever
overwhelming majority of Filipinos. necessary or proper be used for the furtherance
Both the Corporation Law and the Canon Law are explicit in their provisions that a of the purpose or purposes for which the corporation was organized.
corporation sole or ordinary is not the owner of the properties that
he may acquire but merely the administrator thereof and holds the same in trust for the -Section 88 provides that non-stock corporations may be formed or organized for charities,
church to which the corporation is an organized and religious, educational professional, cultural,
constituents part. Being mere administrator the constitutional provision of 60% Filipino recreational, fraternal, literary, scientific, social, civic service, or similar purposes, like trade,
ownership is not applicable industry, agriculture, and like chambers, or any
combination thereof, subject to the special provisions of this title governing particular
classes of non-stock corporations

Rep v VILLANUEVA (public domain) registration of imperfect title: only limited to Fil CIR v Club
citizens. The Court found that the plain and ordinary meaning of business is restricted to activities
Corporate Sole has no citizenship. or affairs where profit is the purpose.
As correctly contended by the Solicitor General, the Iglesia Ni Cristo, as a corporation sole Having found that the club was organized to help develop and cultivate sports; that
or a juridical person, is disqualified to acquire or hold whatever profits it derived are actually used to defray
alienable lands of the public domain, like the two lots in question, because of the its overhead expenses, it stood to reason that the club was not engaged in the business of
constitutional prohibition already mentioned and because the said an operation of a bar and restaurant.
church is not entitled to avail itself of the benefits of section 48(b) which applies only to
Filipino citizens or natural persons. A corporation sole (an -It would seem therefore that for a stock corporation to exist, 2 requisites must be complied:
"unhappy freak of English law") has no nationality (Roman Catholic Apostolic Adm. of 1. A capital stock divided into shares; and
Davao, Inc. vs. Land Registration Commission, 102 Phil. 596. 2. Authority to distribute dividends.
See Register of Deeds vs. Ung Siu Si Temple, 97 Phil. 58 and sec. 49 of the Public Land
However, it is to be noted that nowhere in its articles or by laws could be found an authority
for the distribution of its dividends or surplus profits.
= Thus, every time there is an express authorization in either the articles of incorporation or
2. STOCK by-laws of a corporation to declare dividends, it is
undoubtedly a stock corporation.

= When there is no express prohibition not to distribute dividends, it would seem that the
corporation is a non-stock corporation Section 101 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines provides that "When board meeting
is unnecessary or improperly held. Unless the
by-laws provide otherwise, any action by the directors of a close corporation without a
meeting shall nevertheless be deemed valid if: (1)
Before or after such action is taken, written consent thereto is signed by all the directors; or
3. CLOSE CORPORATION (2) All the stockholders have actual or implied
knowledge of the action and make no prompt objection thereto in writing; or (3) The
Definition: A close corporation, within the meaning of this Code, is one whose articles of directors are accustomed to take informal action with
the express or implied acquiesce of all the stockholders; or (4) All the directors have
incorporation provide that: (1) All the corporation's issued
express or implied knowledge of the action in question
stock of all classes, exclusive of treasury shares, shall be held of record by not more than a and none of them makes prompt objection thereto in writing. If a directors' meeting is held
specified number of persons, not exceeding without proper call or notice, an action taken
twenty (20); (2) all the issued stock of all classes shall be subject to one or more specified therein within the corporate powers is deemed ratified by a director who failed to attend,
restrictions on transfer permitted by this Title; unless he promptly files his written objection with
and (3) The corporation shall not list in any stock exchange or make any public offering of the secretary of the corporation after having knowledge thereof." Herein, the corporation is
any of its stock of any class. Notwithstanding the classified as a close corporation and
foregoing, a corporation shall not be deemed a close corporation when at least two-thirds consequently a board resolution authorizing the sale or mortgage of the subject property is
(2/3) of its voting stock or voting rights is owned not necessary to bind the corporation for the
or controlled by another corporation which is not a close corporation within the meaning of action of its president. At any rate, a corporate action taken at a board meeting without
this Code proper call or notice in a close corporation is
deemed ratified by the absent director unless the latter promptly files his written objection
Any corporation may be incorporated as a close corporation, except mining or oil with the secretary of the corporation after having
companies, stock exchanges, banks, insurance knowledge of the meeting which, in this case, Virgilio Dulay failed to do.
companies, public utilities, educational institutions and corporations declared to be vested
with public interest in accordance with the
provisions of this Code
Restrictions on free transferability Close Corporations:
Sec 99.
(essential reqs. Of close corp) 1. if stock of a close corporation is issued or transferred to any person who
is not entitled under any provision of the articles of incorporation to be a holder of
1. Shares Stock is not exceeding 20 person
record of its stock, and if the certificate for such stock conspicuously shows the
2. Restrictions on transferability of stocks
qualifications of the persons entitled to be holders of record thereof, such person
3. Not listed on stock markets or any public offerings
is conclusively presumed to have notice of the fact of his ineligibility to be a
4. At least of its voting stocks or voting rights is owned or controlled by
another corporation ***found in partnership
***all should be complied -If unqualified, charged of knowledge, has the effect of being unable to transfer w\shares
If not all complied: corp: is subject to majority votes, subj to the reso by the board which are legitimately bought
-If it is clear in the cert the restriction; even if paid, cannot register in the name of the
DULAY person who bought the stock
Why board reso not necessary?
What validates the sale? FINANCING CORP. v TEODORO
***because it is a close corp, a borad reso is not needed Principle of Delectus Personae---can be used to justify the request of dissolution by a
The director of the corp can bind the corp minority in a close corporation

3. Employees
As a rule: majority rules(normal corp)--minorities cannot file for the dissolution 4. machineries
Close corp: works as a partnership (with restriction on transferability)
-rules and principle of partnership should apply When does the principal become liable under the contracts entered by a promoter?
- By ratification: the only time the corporation becomes liable when it ratifies the contract.
***family corp cannot always be a close corps
4. PROMOTER There can be no promoter; their purpose is to defraud
person, who acting alone or with others, takes initiative in founding and organizing the It would seem that the ration in Cagayan Fishing s that ratification is the key element in
business or enterprise of upholding the validity and enforceability of promoters
the issuer and receives consideration therefor. contacts. Without ratification by a corporation after it due incorporation, a contract entered
into in behalf of a corporation yet to be organized or still in
-Promoters, as the visionaries or trailblazers in founding corporate enterprises, are certainly the process of incorporation is void as against the corporation. The Court found significant,
not in the same category as carpetbaggers. the fact that the transactions involving the properties
Their activities are deemed beneficial to society and therefore are regulated by law. No were not treated as corporate assets but as the personal assets of the Taboras, supported
formal recognition is accorded to promoters by the fact that the titles of the parcels of land were not
contracts in the Corporation Code, except under Section 60 and 61 thereof, on pre- even registered in the name of the corporation
incorporation subscriptions.

Definition: - takes initiative of founding and organizing the business or enterprise; The promoters offer to the contract is CONTINUOUS; once the corp comes into being, the
- the role of the promoter is to enter into contracts so promoters offer is continuing; so long that the corp does not ratify, the rule is
that when the person comes into being, everything has been laid down, PROMOTERs CONTRACT is the PROMOTERs OWN.
the only thing that the corp will do is to ratify the contracts.
- The need for a promoter, is for contracts to be entered At any time, when the corp says YES or it RATIFIES, the obligations automatically shifts to
into, for a yet to be a corp, there is no juridical person the corp./ juridical person.

When promoter enters into a contract: he becomes liable, because the promoter acts as an The Court also clarified in Rizal Light that in deciding Cagayan Fishing this Court did not
agent of the corp., a non-existing corp say in that case that the rules is absolute and that under
But under the rules of agency if an agent without a principal, you are deemed the no circumstances may the acts of promoters of a corporation be ratified or accepted by the
principal; and the agent becomes liable. corporation if and when subsequently organized. Of
course, there are exceptions. It will be noted that American courts generally hold that a
contact made by the promoters of a corporation on its behalf
Since there is no juridical person; no corporation yet; the rule is THE may be adopted, accepted or ratified by the corporation when organized.
PROMOTERs CONTRACT, IS THE PROMOTERs OWN. (because there was never a
consent yet, on the part of the corp, for a promoter to become an agent) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CAGAYAN FISHING AND RIZAL LIGHT
In Rizal Lights, quoting from American Corporate authorities McQuillin, Fletcher and
What promoters do: Thompson, emphasized that a company is not completely
Ex incorporated at the time a secondary franchise or a license is given, does not affect the
validity of the grant, but what is essential is that at the time of
1. Research and dev the grant, the corporation is organized or that the companys organization is complete.
2. Plant This emphasizs the principles under the business
enterprise doctrine that what is essential for commencement of a corporation is the
existence of the business organization upon which a license or Personal liability of promoter on pre-incorporate contracts.
grant is pursued. 3 possible situations between the promoter and the other party to a pre-incorporation
While in Cagayan Fishing, it seemed that event at the tim of litigation, the juridical entity 1.promoter makes a continuing offer in behalf of corp. If accepted, contract perfected
has not been formally organized into a business enterprise, a.promoter no personal liability
and even the third-party (Sandiko) was well aware that the subject titles to the parcels of 2.promoter makes contract binding himself. If accepted or adopted, he is relieved of liability
land were still not registered in the name of the corporate 3.promoter binds himself personally, but seeks
entity reimbursement from corporation.

GR: promoter is personally liable for contracts made by him in behalf of the proposed
CARAM JR. V CA*** corporation.
Differentiates who is a promoter and a promotee.
Exception: express or implied agreement to the contrary Adoption or ratification of the
The above finding bolsters the conclusion that the petitioners were not involved in the initial
contract does not release him from responsibility, unless a
stages of the organization of the airline, which
novation was intended
were being directed by Barreto as the main promoter. It was he who was putting all the
pieces together, so to speak. The petitioners were merely
among the financiers whose interest was to be invited and who were in fact persuaded, on 5. SUBSCRIPTION CONTRACT AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT
the strength of the project study, to invest in the proposed
SC: unissued shares:: covered by corpo law
Section 60. Subscription contract. - Any contract for the acquisition of unissued stock in an
If indeed, the question of whether or not one is a promoter is irrelevant in determining ones existing corporation or a corporation still to be formed
liability for the pre-organization expenses, then it would shall be deemed a subscription within the meaning of this Title, notwithstanding the fact that
have been unnecessary in Caram, Jr. to determine that the majority investing incorporators the parties refer to it as a purchase or some other
were not promoters in order to absolve them from any contract. (n)
liability on the pre-organizational expenses.
Section 72. Rights of unpaid shares. - Holders of subscribed shares not fully paid which are
Also significant in Caram, Jr. is the Courts finding that since there was no representation not delinquent shall have all the rights of a stockholder.
that the corporation was fictitious, there was no justification the essence of the stock subscription is an agreement to take and pay for original unissued
to hold the stockholders thereof personally liable. This is a doctrine that has an effect shares of a corporation, formed or to be formed
similar to the doctrine of corporation by estoppels, thus:
Significantly, there was no showing that the Filipinas Orient Airways was a fictitious
corporation and did not have a separate juridical 3 rules under SC
personality, to justify making the petitioners, as principal stockholders thereof, responsible 1. obligation to pay becomes absolute
for its obligations. As a bona fide corporation, the Flipinas 2. Obligation to pay can be suspended; (when payment becomes
Orient Airways should alone be liable for its corporate acts as duly authorized by its officers installment)
and directors 3. Once the corp becomes insolvent;( even if suspended under the second
rule), makes the obligation to pay becomes due and demandable. WHY? Because
Under the principle of the SEPARATE JURIDICAL personality: a corp is different from its
shareholders; PA; acquisition of issued shares: covered by law on sales

***a promoter can be any person AUTHORIZED capital stock: limit that the state granted the corp to capitalize
The corporation requires at least five (5) incorporators There is nothing in the record to show that the Quezon College, Inc. accepted the term of
25% subscribed (of the ACS) CAPITAL STOCK payment suggested by Crisostomo, or that if there was any
25% of the subscribed must be paid up acceptance the same came to her knowledge during her lifetime.
(25-25 rule)
***if one has fully paid its subscription; he may be given a cert issued on his name (he may The relation between Crisostomo and the College had only thus reached the preliminary
stage whereby the latter offered its stock for
also sell it***concept of free transferability)
subscription on terms stated in the form letter, and Damasa applied for subscription fixing
her own plan of payment,-- a relation, in the absence as in
THE PAID UP: is the CAPITAL STOCK of the corp the present case of acceptance by the College of the counter offer of Crisostomo, that had
not ripened into an enforceable contract.
TRUST FUND DOCTRINE: the capital stock of the corp is the fund upon which the
Indeed, the need for express acceptance on the part of the College becomes the more
creditors can look into for satisfaction of their claims(***creditors of the corp may only look
imperative, in view of the proposal of Crisostomo to
at its capital stock, even if the cash on hand or paid up is lesser than the capital stock) pay the value of the subscription after she had harvested fish, a condition obviously
capital stock cannot be impaired (with exceptions) dependent upon her sole will and, therefore, facultative in nature,
rendering the obligation void under the Civil Code.
LIMITED LIABILITY: covers what the stockholders promised to invest



Section 60. Subscription contract. - Any contract for the acquisition of unissued stock in an ***why does purchase agreement not covered Trust Fund Doctrine?
existing corporation or a corporation still to be formed SC held that the agreement between the parties is a contract of sale because of the ff.
shall be deemed a subscription within the meaning of this Title, notwithstanding the fact that reasons: 1.agreement is entitled Agreement for
the parties refer to it as a purchase or some other Installment Sale of Shares; 2.contract was entered into before the incorporation and
contract. (n) organization of the corporation.

Section 72. Rights of unpaid shares. - Holders of subscribed shares not fully paid which are The contract did not expressly provide that failure of the purchaser to pay any installment
not delinquent shall have all the rights of a stockholder. would give rise to forfeiture and cancellation without
the essence of the stock subscription is an agreement to take and pay for original unissued necessity of demand from the seller. Further, Had it been the intention of the parties to
shares of a corporation, formed or to be formed.. provide for automatic forfeiture/cancellation, the provision
regarding interest on deferred payments should not have been inserted. Since the contract
TRILLANA V QUEZON COLLEGE: in question is one of sale, rescission can be done by
What law governs in subscription contract? agreement of the parties. Respondent Corporation was ordered to refund the petitioners of
the amount they paid.
The Corpo Code applies: why ist enfoceable against the estate?
In the absence of acceptance what will a person not have? NO MEETING OF THE MIND
Note: Distinction between contract of sale and subscription.
Contract of sale/purchase-is an independent agreement between the individual and the
***the Subscription contract is still a CONTRACT; for a Corporate Law to apply it should corporation to buy shares of stock from it at a stipulated
passed first that it is a contract. price.

Contract of subscription-is the mutual agreement of the subscribers to take and pay for the of the company to demand payment is no less incontestable. The provisions of the
stock of a corporation Corporation Law (Act No. 1459) given recognition of two
remedies for the enforcement of stock subscriptions. The first and most special remedy
Pre-incorporation-subscription contract VOID given by the statute consists in permitting the corporation to
Sec. 61 Pre-incorporation subscription. - A subscription for shares of stock of a corporation put up the unpaid stock for sale and dispose of it for the account of the delinquent
still to be formed shall be irrevocable for a period of subscriber. The other remedy is by action in court.
at least six (6) months from the date of subscription, unless all of the other subscribers
consent to the revocation, or unless the incorporation of said
corporation fails to materialize within said period or within a longer period as may be
stipulated in the contract of subscription: Provided, That no pre- PNB V BITULOK
incorporation subscription may be revoked after the submission of the articles of - People invested but the gov. did not comply
incorporation to the Securities and Exchange Commission. (n) - The corporation must fulfill its obligation; so are the investors.
Offer Theory - construes subscription agreement as only a continuing offer to a proposed 4. FORMALITIES IN ORGANIZING
corporation, which offer
does not ripen into a contract until accepted by the corporation when organized;
it allows withdrawal of subscriber at least before the corporation comes into existence and GOV. OF THE PI V MANILA RAILROAD
accepts the offer For the state to impose an obligation or a duty upon the respondent company,
b. which is not expressly provided for in the charter (Act No. 1510), would amount to a
Contract Theory a subscription agreement among several persons to take shares in a violation of said contract between the state and the
proposed corporation respondent company. The provisions of Act No. 1459 relating to the number of wires which
becomes a binding contract and is irrevocable from the time of subscription, unless the Government may place upon the poles of the
cancelled by all the parties before acceptance by the corporation. company are different and more onerous than the provisions of the charter upon the same
question. Therefore, to allow the plaintiff to
require of the respondent company a compliance with said section 84 of Act No. 1459,
would be to require of the respondent company and
the performance of an obligation which is not imposed upon it by its charter.
The charter of a corporation is a contract between three parties: (a) it is a contract between
VELASCO V POIZAT the state and the corporation to which the charter is
granted; (b) it is a contact between the stockholders and the state and (c) it is also a
***to be released must pay the unpaid obligations, in re; shares of stocks, on the basis of
contract between the corporation and its stockholders.
the of the subscription contract
The Court held him to be liable. A stock subscription is a contract between the corporation
on one side, and the - Special Law (Charter) v General Law
subscriber on the other, and courts will enforce it for or against either. It is a rule, accepted - The articles of incorporation is a contract between:
by the Supreme Court of the United States, that a 1. State
subscription for shares of stock does not require an express promise to pay the amount 2. Corporation
subscribed, as the law implies a promise to pay on the part 3. stockholder
of the subscriber. Section 36 of the Corporation Law clearly recognizes that a stock
subscription is subsisting liability from the time the subscription is RURAL BANK OF SALINAS V CA
made, since it requires the subscriber to pay interest quarterly from that date unless he is Difference of the articles and the by laws:
relieved from such liability by the by-laws of the - Artcles: contract between the state and the corp
corporation. The subscriber is as much bound to pay the amount of the share subscribed - By laws: law governs the internal affairs of the corporation
by him as he would be to pay any other debt, and the right
The SC held that the SEC is correct in ordering the Bank to cancel the stocks under the
name of Clemente and to issue new stocks in favour
of the four persons. A corporation, either by its board, its by-laws, or the act of its officers, To be effective, Section 18 of the Corporation Law, earlier quoted, requires that "a copy of
cannot create restrictions in stock transfers, because: the articles of incorporation as
. . . Restrictions in the traffic of stock must have their source in legislative enactment, as the amended, duly certified to be correct by the president and the secretary of the corporation
corporation itself cannot create and a majority of the board of directors or trustees, shall
such impediment. By-laws are intended merely for the protection of the corporation, and be filed with the Securities & Exchange Commissioner", and it is only from the time of such
prescribe regulation, not restriction; filing, that "the corporation shall have the same powers
they are always subject to the charter of the corporation. The corporation, in the absence of and it and the members and stockholders thereof shall thereafter be subject to the same
such power, cannot ordinarily liabilities as if such amendment had been embraced in the
inquire into or pass upon the legality of the transactions by which its stock passes from one original articles of incorporation." It goes without saying then that appellant rightly acted in
person to another, nor can it its old name when on May 15, 1961, it entered into the
question the consideration upon which a sale is based. . . . (Tomson on Corporation Sec. indemnity agreement, Annex A, with the defendant-appellees; for only after the filing of the
4137, cited in Fleisher vs. Nolasco, amended articles of incorporation with the Securities &
Supra Exchange Commission on May 26, 1961, did appellant legally acquire its new name; and it
was perfectly right for it to file the present case In that
new name on December 6, 1961. Such is, but the logical effect of the change of name of
the corporation upon its actions

Section 18. Corporate name. - No corporate name may be allowed by the Securities and
Exchange Commission if the proposed name is identical UNIVERSAL MILLS V UNIVERSAL TEXTILE
or deceptively or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or to any other name The corporate names in question are not Identical, but they are indisputably so similar that
already protected by law or is patently deceptive, even under the test of "reasonable care and
confusing or contrary to existing laws. When a change in the corporate name is approved, observation as the public generally are capable of using and may be expected to exercise"
the Commission shall issue an amended certificate of invoked by appellant, We are apprehensive confusion will
incorporation under the amended name. usually arise, considering that under the second amendment of its articles of incorporation
on August 14, 1964, appellant included among its primary
purposes the "manufacturing, dyeing, finishing and selling of fabrics of all kinds" in which
respondent had been engaged for more than a decade
***A corporation cannot use the identity of another corporation ahead of petitioner. Factually, the Commission found existence of such confusion, and
there is evidence to support its conclusion. Since respondent
The law gives a corporation no express or implied authority to is not claiming damages in this proceeding, it is, of course, immaterial whether or not
assume another name that is unappropriated: still less that of another corporation, which is appellant has acted in good faith, but We cannot perceive why
expressly set apart for it and protected by the law. If any of all names, it had to choose a name already being used by another firm engaged in
corporation could assume at pleasure as an unregistered trade name the name of another practically the same business for more than a decade enjoying
corporation, this practice would result in confusion and well earned patronage and goodwill, when there are so many other appropriate names it
open the door to frauds and evasions and difficulties of administration and supervision. The could possibly adopt without arousing any suspicion as to
policy of the law expressed in our corporation statute and its motive and, more importantly, any degree of confusion in the mind of the public which
the Code of Commerce is clearly against such a practice. could mislead even its own customers, existing or
prospective. Premises considered, there is no warrant for our interference

Confusingly similar names are disallowed

***name is important; because it can attach identity of another;
***even if the corp changed its name its prior contract will not be affected.
- Confusingly similar names are disallowed: because one can benefit from
***In contracts; the idenity is important not the name.
goodwill that one corp has generated
When is name equivalent to identity? In the present case we are fully persuaded that all of the power and authority included in
the articles of incorporation of "Siuliong y Cia., Inc.,"
When does the use of the corp name is essential to corp existence?
enumerated above in paragraph 4 (Exhibit A) are only incidental to the principal purpose of
***it is when the corp. Transacts with the state (when it asks for secondary franchise, when said proposed incorporation, to wit: "mercantile
it sues the corp) business."
While we have arrived at the conclusion that the proposed articles of incorporation do not
Sec. 14 [2] The specific purpose or purposes for which the corporation is being authorize the petitioners to engage in a business with more
incorporated. Where a corporation has more than one stated than one purpose, we do not mean to be understood as having decided that corporations
purpose, the articles of incorporation shall state which is the primary purpose and which under the laws of the Philippine Islands may not engage in
is/are the secondary purpose or purposes: Provided, That a business with more than one purpose. Such an interpretation might work a great injustice
a non-stock corporation may not include a purpose which would change or contradict its to corporations organized under the Philippine laws.
nature as such; Such an interpretation would give foreign corporations, which are permitted to be registered
confers as well as limits the powers which a corporation may exercise; under the laws here and which may be organized for
other reasons for indicating purpose in the charter of the corporation so that: more than one purpose, a great advantage over domestic corporations. We do not believe
Prospective investors shall know the kind of business the corporation deals with that it was the intention of the legislature to give foreign
Management shall know the limits of its actions corporations such an advantage over domestic corporations
A 3rd
party can know whether his dealings with the corporation are with corporate functions and How many purpose does the corp will have?
powers - There must be ONE primary purpose
- And incidental purpose(s)--- as long as it is incidental/necessary to the
-In Uy Siuliong v. Director of Commerce, it was held that statement of primary purpose is to primary purpose, advisable to give effect and aid in the successful conduct of the
protect shareholders so they will know the main path principal business
of business of the corporation and they may file derivative suits if the corporation deviates - No requirement that the secondary purpose must be related to the
from the primary purpose primary purpose
- What is required is only one primary purpose; there
might be incidental purposes
CASES on the Corp Name: - If there will be a secondary purpose: any change of the Articles of
1. When the use of corp name is essential to its existence; essential to its incorporation: a contract that must have the consent of the parties (state,
application (when claim wads filed to the court: case will be dismissed when uses shareholders, corp)--must have boar apporval, votes, and SEC approval
diff name, not a party)
2. In contract law; when name is not material but identity is essential Why only one primary purpose?
(contractual obligation) - To allow the shareholders to enter into a contract with a cop, to agree or
3. When name is synonymous to the idenity for purposes of benifiting to the disagree with what the corp. is going to do.
goodwill attached to the identity. - It allows the state to regulate.(POEA, BSP etc regulatory bodies)


Section 14 [3] The place where the principal office of the corporation is to be located, which
UY SIULIONG V DIRECTOR must be within the Philippines;
although the corporation may hold office in a place other than the place indicated in the
We are of the opinion and so decide that a corporation may be organized under the laws of
articles of incorporation, for jurisdictional purpose, the place
the Philippine Islands for mercantile purposes, and to
indicated in the articles of incorporation is binding.
engage in such incidental business as may be necessary and advisable to give effect to,
and aid in, the successful operation and conduct of the
In Clavecilla v. Antillon, held that the residence of a corporation is the place where its objectionable portions of the articles or amendment. The following are grounds for such
principal office is established; it can be sued in that place, rejection or disapproval:
not in the place where its branch office is located 1. That the articles of incorporation or any amendment thereto is not substantially in
accordance with the form prescribed herein;
2. That the purpose or purposes of the corporation are patently unconstitutional, illegal,
immoral, or contrary to government rules and
D. AS TO CORPORATE TERM regulations;
Section 11. Corporate term. - A corporation shall exist for a period not exceeding fifty (50) 3. That the Treasurer's Affidavit concerning the amount of capital stock subscribed and/or
years from the date of incorporation unless sooner paid is false;
dissolved or unless said period is extended. The corporate term as originally stated in the 4. That the percentage of ownership of the capital stock to be owned by citizens of the
articles of incorporation may be extended for periods not Philippines has not been complied with as required by
exceeding fifty (50) years in any single instance by an amendment of the articles of existing laws or the Constitution.
incorporation, in accordance with this Code; Provided, That no No articles of incorporation or amendment to articles of incorporation of banks, banking and
extension can be made earlier than five (5) years prior to the original or subsequent expiry quasi-banking institutions, building and loan
date(s) unless there are justifiable reasons for an earlier associations, trust companies and other financial intermediaries, insurance companies,
extension as may be determined by the Securities and Exchange Commission. public utilities, educational institutions, and other
corporations governed by special laws shall be accepted or approved by the Commission
-The corporation may virtually have a perpetual lifespan renewable every fifty years. The unless accompanied by a favorable recommendation of
limit of a fifty-year term emphasizes the contractual nature the appropriate government agency to the effect that such articles or amendment is in
of the corporation: people would be discouraged from investing it the period could last accordance with law. (n)
forever. Likewise, management would theoretically be more
honest a renewal of the corporate term would be a vote of confidence by the stockholders ASUNCION V DE YRIATE
or members. ***the purpose of the corp. was unlawful---

-Benguet Consolidated Mining Co. v. Pineda, discussed the importance of the corporate
term as it is co-terminous with its possession of an E. COMMENCEMENT OF CORP EXISTENCE
independent legal personality, distinct from that of its component members: The State and Section 19. Commencement of corporate existence. - A private corporation formed or
its officers also have an obvious interest in the term of organized under this Code commences to have corporate
life of associations, since the conferment of juridical capacity upon them during such period existence and juridical personality and is deemed incorporated from the date the Securities
is a privilege that is derived from statute.. And the and Exchange Commission issues a certificate of
State is naturally interested that this privilege be enjoyed only under the conditions and not incorporation under its official seal; and thereupon the incorporators,
beyond the period that it sees fit to grant; and, stockholders/members and their successors shall constitute a body politic and
particularly, that it be not abused in fraud and to the detriment of other parties; and for this corporate under the name stated in the articles of incorporation for the period of time
reason it has been ruled that the limitation of mentioned therein, unless said period is extended or the
(corporate existence) to a definite period is an exercise of control in the interest of the corporation is sooner dissolved in accordance with law. (n
it is recognized by all authorities that every corporation has the inherent power to adopt by-
laws for its internal government, and to regulate the
conduct and prescribe the rights and duties of its members towards itself and among
Section 17. Grounds when articles of incorporation or amendment may be rejected or themselves.
disapproved. - The Securities and Exchange
Commission may reject the articles of incorporation or disapprove any amendment thereto
Essentially, by-laws are intended merely for the protection of the corporation, and prescribe
if the same is not in compliance with the
regulation, not restrictions, they are always subject to
requirements of this Code: Provided, That the Commission shall give the incorporators a
the charter of the corporation
reasonable time within which to correct or modify the
under one theory, since by-law provisions are intramural in nature it is not meant to bind A. SEPARATE AND JURIDICAL PERSONALITY
parties outside the corporate family - from the definition as an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of
succession and the powers, attributes and properties
REQUISITES OF VALID BY-LAWS: expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence. It is the basis of the primary
1. It cannot contravene law doctrine that a corporation being a juridical person has a
2. It cannot contravene the charter personality separate and distinct from the stockholders or members who compose it.
3. it must be reasonable and cannot discriminate - the granting to the corporate entity of a strong separate juridical personality has been
considered as the attribute or privilege most characteristic of
corporations. Unlike the cumbersome juridical personality of its nearest rival today, the
partnership, the separate juridical personality of the
hat the failure to file by-laws is not provided for by the Corporation Code but in another law corporation has features that have made it most attractive to businessmen: right of
is of no moment. PD succession, limited liability, centralized management, and
902-A, which took effect immediately after its promulgation on 11 March 1976, is very much generally free-transferability of shares of stock. In addition, the strong separate juridical
apposite to the Code. The Corporation Code and PD personality of the corporation facilities and preserves the
902-A are statutes in pari materia. Every statute must be so construed and harmonized with going concern value of the underlying business enterprise, saves on transaction costs,
other statutes as to form a uniform system of and prevents disruption of that value because of investors
jurisprudence. As the "rules and regulations or private laws enacted by the corporation to who withdraw or who are deceased. Therefore, an undermining of the separate juridical
regulate, govern and control its own actions, affairs and personality of the corporation, such as the abusive
concerns and its stockholders or members and directors and officers with relation thereto application of the piercing doctrine, necessarily dilutes any or all of these attributes.
and among themselves in their relation to it," by-laws are - the stability of the main doctrine of separate juridical personality is inextricably linked with
indispensable to corporations in this jurisdiction. These may not be essential to corporate the attractiveness of the corporation as an efficient
birth but certainly, these are required by law for an orderly medium by which businessmen can pursue and operate business enterprises. It would also
governance and management of corporations. Nonetheless, failure to file them within the compel businessmen to have to enter into efficient and
period required by law by no means tolls the automatic costly contractual relations to fill the gaps created by a flawed main doctrine.
dissolution of a corporation - Manila Gas Corp v. CIR, held that the tax exemptions granted to a corporation do not
pertain to its corporate stockholders due to their separate
PMI COLLEGES V NLRC corporate personalities: A corporation has a personality distinct from that of its
Such contract cannot be held as invalid just because the signatory thereon was not the stockholders, enabling the taxing power to reach the latter when they
Chairman of the Board which allegedly violated the receive dividends from the corporation. it must be considered as settled in this jurisdiction
Corporations by laws, since by-laws operate merely as internal rules among the that dividends of a domestic corporation which are paid
stockholders, they cannot affect or prejudice third persons who and delivered in cash to foreign corporations as stockholders are subject to the payment of
deal with the corporation, unless they have knowledge of the same. In fact, petitioner itself the income tax, the exemption clause to the charter of the
merely asserts the same without even bothering to attach domestic corporation notwithstanding.
a copy or excerpt thereof to show that there is such a provision
- Stockholders of F.Guanzon and Sons, Inc. v. ROD, the distribution of the corporate
PENA V CA properties to the stockholders was deemed not in the nature
of a partition among co-owners, but rather a disposition by the corporation to the
*** GR: by laws are internal government of the corporation
stockholders, as opposite parties to a transaction. It held that a
Does Pena negates the non-binding of the thrid parties to the by laws? corporation is a juridical person distinct from the members composing it and that properties
- no;Villanueva (Corpo Law Book author: counsel for the pet.) registered in the name of the corporation are owned by it
as an entity separate and distinct from its members. While shares of stock constitute
personal property, they do not represent property of the
corporation..A share of stock only typifies an aliquot part of the corporations property, or
the right to share in its proceeds to that extent when
5. RECOGNITION AND DISREGARD OF CORPORATENESS distributed according to law and equity, but its holder is not the owner of any part of the
capital of the corporation, nor is he entitled to the possession
of any definite portion of its property or assets. The stockholder is not a co-owner or tenant be applied since this law specifically refers only to the imposition of penalties under the
in common of the corporate property. Code. It is undisputed that the termination of petitioner's
employment has, instead, been due, collectively, to the need for a further mitigation of
- Good Earth Emporium, Inc. v. CA, the Court, in refusing to allow execution of a corporate losses, the onset of the rainy season, the insurgency problem
judgment debt against the officer, held that being an in Sorsogon and the lack of funds to further support the mining operation in Gatbo
officer or stockholder of a corporation does not by itself make ones property also of the
corporation, and vice versa, for they are separate entities, -----------------------------------------------------------------
and that shareholders are in no legal sense the owners of corporate property which is CORPO LEC 5
owned by the corporation as a distinct legal person

a. De Jure A corporation has de jure existence if there is a full or substantial compliance
A corporation is a juridical entity with legal personality separate and distinct from those
with the requirements of an existing law permitting
acting for and in its behalf and, in general, from the people
organization of such corporation as by proper articles of incorporation duly executed and
comprising it. The rule is that obligations incurred by the corporation, acting through its
filed. Generally, its juridical personality is not subject to
directors, officers and employees, are its sole liabilities.
attack in the courts from any source.
Nevertheless, being a mere fiction of law, peculiar situations or valid grounds can exist to
- If a corporation is a de jure corporation, its due incorporation cannot be successfully
warrant, albeit done sparingly, the disregard of its
attacked even in a quo warranto proceeding by the State.
independent being and the lifting of the corporate veil.
Therefore, if such proceeding is brought against a corporation and the State has a prima
facie case, the corporation must show that it is a de jure
As a rule, this situation might arise when a corporation is used to evade a just and due
obligation or to justify a wrong,
to shield or perpetrate fraud, b. De facto A corporation has de facto existence where there is bona fide attempt to
2 incorporate, colorable compliance with the statute and user of
7 to carry out similar other unjustifable aims or intentions, or as a subterfuge to corporate powers.
commit injustice and so circumvent the law. The main importance of the application of the de facto corporation doctrine is the ancillary
28 application of the rule that the defect or alleged
In Tramat Mercantile, Inc., vs. Court of Appeals, inexistence of the juridical personality of a corporation cannot be raised collaterally and can
29 only be pursued in a direct suit filed that seeks to
the Court has collated the settled instances when, question such juridical personality i.e., a quo warranto proceeding. In essence, it promotes
without necessarily piercing the veil of corporate fiction, personal civil liability can also be the policy that a contracting party cannot avoid the legal
said to lawfully attach to a corporate director, trustee or consequences of his contractual commitment by pointing to the technical defects in the
officer; to wit: When person of the contracting corporation
(1) He assents (a) to a patently unlawful act of the corporation, or (b) for bad faith or gross
negligence in directing its affairs, or (c) for De Jure v De Facto
conflict of interest, resulting in damages to the corporation, its stockholders or other De Jure: complied with reqs of the law
persons; De Facto: corp incorp with the collorable compliance required by the law
(2) He consents to the issuance of watered stocks or who, having knowledge thereof, does
-Collorable compliance
not forthwith file with the corporate secretary
his written objection thereto;
(3) He agrees to hold himself personally and solidarily liable with the corporation; or Sec 20: De Facto Corps:The due incorporation of any corporation claiming in good faith to
(4) He is made, by a specific provision of law, to personally answer for his corporate action. be a corporation under this code, and its right
The case of petitioner is way off these exceptional instances. It is not even shown that to exercise corporate powers, shall not be inquired into collaterally in any private suit to
petitioner has had a direct hand in the dismissal of private which such corporation may be a party. Such inquiry may be
respondent enough to attribute to him (petitioner) a patently unlawful act while acting for the made by the Solicitor General in a quo warranto proceeding.
corporation. Neither can Article 28930 of the Labor Code
Under section 20 of the Corporation Code, the due incorporation of any corporation -
claiming in good faith to be a corporation... and its Tayko v. Capistrano, which discussed the policy of the doctrine as applied to public officers,
right to exercise corporate powers, shall not be inquired into collaterally in any private suit held that the principle is one founded in
of which such corporation may b a party. Such inquiry policy and convenience, for the right of one claiming a title or interest under or through the
may be made by the Solicitor General in a quo warranto proceeding. proceedings of an officer having an apparent
The doctrine grew out of the necessity of promoting the security of business transactions authority to act would be safe, if it were necessary in every case to examine the legality of
and to eliminate quibbling over irregularities. It the title of such officer up to its original source,
would be a rare case where third persons dealing with a corporation is prejudiced by its and the title or interest of such person were held to be invalidated by some accidental
recognition as a separate entity despite some minor defects defect or flaw in the appointment, election or
in its corporation. it would be unfair to allow a claimant against the alleged corporation to qualification of such officer, or in the rights of those from whom his appointment or election
insist on the individual liability of innocent investors merely emanated; nor could the supremacy of the laws
because of some minor flaws in its corporation be maintained, or their execution enforce, if the acts of the judge having a colorable, but not
Rationale of the Doctrine a legal title, were to be deemed invalid.
It should be borne in mind that the de facto doctrine is not limited in its application to
Corporate Law; it is a well-developed concept in the
Laws on Public Corporations and on Public Officers. The common feature of the de facto TAYKO V CAPISTRANO
doctrine in those legal fields, is that tit prevents (De Facto Doctrine)
any party from raising the defect of authority as a means to avoid fulfillment of a contract or - Prevent as a means to avoid fulfillment of contract.
a transaction entered into good faith. The main (policy and convenience)
beneficiary of the de facto doctrine are members of the public who deal in good faith with - BASIS: Collorable compliance
one who seems to be properly authorized. - REASON: in order to protect the right of the third
Without the de facto doctrine, both private and public dealing would grind to a halt because person
of the burden imposed on the dealing public to - Reliance of the title
first verify the power and authority of the person or entity they deal with.
The de facto doctrines essence is to protect the sanctity of dealing by the public with De Facto Doctrine in Corporate Law
persons or entities whose authority emanates from - Requisites:
the State, to allow the public to take such authority at face value, provided nothing is clearly 1. Existence of a valid law---(claims juridical personality)
shown to be defective in such authority. Even if 2. An attempt in good faith to incorporate
it should be proven that such authority was indeed defective or even non-existent, such (min. Req. collorable compliance: cert. Of registration)
defect cannot be used as an excuse to set aside a 3. Assumption of corporate powers
relationship or transaction entered into in good faith.
(election of officers capacity to act)
In the field of Corporate Law, the de facto corporation doctrine is meant to protect the ***should be complied chronologically
enforceability of corporate dealings and contracts, to
allow the public to take at reasonable face value the authority of the corporation and its What is collorable title?
officers to enter into valid and binding contracts, Colorable Compliance with the law the general principle is that while substantial
thereby providing a healthy system by which to encourage the public to deal with corporate compliance is not necessary, colorable compliance with the
entities. It is therefore meant to apply to the requirement of the law must be shown. When there has been no attempt in good faith to
level of existence that pertains to the relationship of the corporation with the dealing public create a corporation in de jure there can be no de facto
(the level of corporate relations the author has corporation. Any other rule might well open the door to fraud upon the public. Mere intent is
referred to as extra-corporate relationship level, to distinguish it from the intra-corporate not sufficient; in addition, there must be a bona fide
relationship level); and is not meant to govern attempt to comply with the requirements of the law. The outward manifestation of the
nor be applicable to other levels of existence, such as those pertaining to intra-corporate existence of a corporate being is therefore necessary as the

basis upon which the dealing public may be led to believe that they are dealing with a
juridical person Corporate Law principles. For this reason, the doctrine as it has evolved in Section 21 of
the Corporation Code seems convoluted from a strictly
Certificate of Registration--a third person relies in the collorable title Corporate Law point of view; or at least, the basic elements of the doctrine as expressed in
Collorable title: is from the act of the state Section 21 seem to be contradictory or antithetical

Section 21. Corporation by estoppel. All persons who assume to act as a corporation - When a person makes a REPRESENTATION of a corp (which turns out
knowing it to be without authority to do so shall be liable as that did not exist; denied cert of regis) to another (3rd person) who relied on such
general partners for all debts, liabilities and damages incurred or arising as a result thereof: representation
Provided, however, That when any such ostensible - The law mandates that such corporation by estoppel cannot deny its
corporation is sued on any transaction entered by it as a corporation or on any tort existence
committed by it as such, it shall not be allowed to use as a - ***determines liabilities: CORPORATION is liable (no cause of action if
defense its lack of corporate personality the case is filed againt a natural person)*** CORPORATION is created for a third
person has a cause of action
The corporation by estoppels doctrine presents a clear exception to the general treatment
of unregistered associations. The application of
the doctrine seeks to enforce a contract where clearly the element of consent is lacking BUT WHEN MISREPRESENTATION EXIST:
because one of the parties thereto, a purported - A person who misrepresented(an agent) is LIABLE: no need for
corporation, does not in fact exist at the time of perfection. corporation by estoppel
The corporation by estoppels doctrine represents therefore an exemption to the principle
Theory of concession: no corp can exist except by a grant by the state
embodied in Section 2 of the Corporation Code,
that a corporation is a creature of the state, and cannot come into existence by mere
agreement of the parties of a contract. ASIA BANKING V STANDARD PRODUCTS
i. The Appellate Court affirmed the decision of the lower court. The defendant having
Rationale of the Doctrine recognized the corporate existence of the plaintiff by
Estoppel is essentially a common law principle, and has been the source of many rules making a promissory note in its favor and making partial payments on the same is therefore
which seek to work out justice or equity between the parties, estopped to deny said plaintiff's corporate existence. It
on the theory that an admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person is, of
making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against course, also estopped from denying its own corporate existence. Under these
the person relying thereon and having changed his position based on such reliance. The circumstances it was unnecessary for the plaintiff to present other
doctrine of estoppel has its origins in equity, and is based evidence of the corporate existence of either of the parties. There is no merit whatever in
on moral right and natural justice, and is designed to prevent injustice and unfairness. The the appellant's contention. The general rule is
doctrine therefore permeates and goes beyond Corporate that in the absence of fraud a person who has contracted or otherwise dealt with an
Law considerations. association in such a way as to recognize and in effect admit its
legal existence as a corporate body is thereby estopped to deny its corporate existence in
The estoppels doctrine is meant to hold contractual parties to their representations or any action leading out of or involving such contract or
expectations at the time the contract was perfected; dealing, unless its existence is attacked for cause which have arisen since making the
it does not allow parties to draws on a basic defect lack of one contracting party or defect contract or other dealing relied on as an estoppel and this
in the essential element of consent to avoid the applies to foreign as well as to domestic corporations
enforcement of the contract. The doctrine has evolved in Corporate Law primarily as a rule
to promote the integrity of commercial contracts; the VDA. DE SALVATIERRA V GARLITOS
basic roles of the doctrine is to promote the publics underlying faith in contracts entered in
to with corporate entities, rather than to promote strictly
While as a general rule a person who has contracted or dealt with an association in such a liable as general partner(up to the extent of personal assets)(piercing the
way as to recognize its existence as a corporate body is veil of corp fiction); to hold the actor who made the misrep.liable
estopped from denying the same in an action arising out of such transaction or dealing,
(Asia Banking Corporation vs. Standard Products Co., 46
Phil., 114; Compania Agricola de Ultramar vs. Reyes, 4 Phil., 1; Ohta Development Co.; vs. NO MISREPRESENTATION:
Steamship Pompey, 49 Phil., 117), yet this doctrine may liable as limited partner: LIMITED LIABILITY (corp.created)
not be held to be applicable where fraud takes a part in the said transaction. In the instant
case, on plaintiff's charge that she was unaware of the fact ***same as the nature of liability under the VDA DE SALVATIERRA case.
that the Philippine Fibers Producers Co., Inc., had no juridical personality, defendant
***regardless of rep/misrep CORPORATION BY ESTOPPEL can apply: corp will be created
Refuerzo gave no confirmation or denial and the circumstances
surrounding the execution of the contract lead to the inescapable conclusion that plaintiff to pierce the veil of corp fiction, to hold the actor liable
Manuela T. Vda. de Salvatierra was really made to believe
that such corporation was duly organized in accordance with law 3. PIERCING THE VEIL OF CORPORATE FICTION
- An extraordinary remedy; disregarding separate juridical personality; to
- Doctrine does not apply when fraud exists hold the actor liable.
- A doctrine of last resort remedy
WITHOUT FRAUD: - Only to a specific transaction.
When one makes a representation---and a third person relies to it,
whereby such corp does not exist---makes corp liable (CORPORATION BY Piercing the veil of corporate fiction the main doctrine of separate juridical personality is
ESTOPPEL) actors: limited liability to be tempered by the supporting doctrine of
piercing the veil of corporate fiction. Both theories were transported into Philippine
jurisdiction as part and parcel of the implantation of American
WITH FRAUD: (MISREPRESENTATION) Corporation Law, the source of the piercing doctrine is also common law.
When one knows that a corp is non existent, which he still represents,
and a third person relies to it---fraud exists. The one who misrepresent is liable as U.S. v. Milwaukee Refrigerator Transit Co., : if any general rule can be laid down, in the
an agent of the corp.-liable up to the extent of his personal assets (AGENCY) present state of authority, it is that a corporation will be
looked upon as a legal entity as a general rule, and until sufficient reason to the contrary
appears; but, when the notion of legal entity is used to
BEFORE THE CORPORATION CODE, VDA DE SALVATIERRA is the rule: law on agency defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime, the law will regard
is applicable the corporation as an association of persons.

LIM V PHIL FISHING GEAR San Juan Structural and Steel Fabricators, Inc. v. CA: When the fiction is used as a means
is clear that Chua, Yao and Lim decided to engage in a fishing business, their Compromise of perpetrating a fraud or an illegal act or as a vehicle for
Agreement revealed that their intention to pay the loan the evasion of an existing obligation, the circumvention of statutes, the achievement or
with the proceeds of the sale of the boats and to divide among themselves the excess or perfection of a monopoly or generally the perpetration of
loss. The parties agreed that any loss or profit from the sale knavery or crime, the veil with which the law covers and isolates the corporation from the
and operation would be divided equally among them which shows that they had intended to members or stockholders who compose it will be lifted to
from a partnership. allow for its consideration merely as an aggregation of individuals.
Grounds upon which piercing may be applied:
When it is used as a shield to confuse legitimate issues; or Whether lifting the veil is
***SEC 21: all persons who assumes to act as a corp. Knowing it without auth to necessary to achieve equity or For the protection of
do so, shall be liable as general partners the creditors
When the corporation is used to evade a just and due obligation, or to justify a wrong, to
MISREPRESENTATION: shield or perpetuate fraud, to carry out other

similar unjustifiable aims or intentions, or as a subterfuge to commit injustice and so Furthermore, records show that the President and VP of KOPPEL (Phil.) were residents of
circumvent the law America, if indeed it had intended to operate as a regular
Where a corporation is the mere alter ego or business conduit of a person, or where the domestic corporation, why should it officers not reside and perform their functions in the
corporation is so organized and controlled and its Philippines.
affairs are so conducted as to make it merely as an instrumentality, agency, conduit or The corporate entity is disregarded where it is so organized and controlled, and its affairs
adjunct of another corporation. are so conducted, as to make it merely an instrumentality,
agency, conduit or adjunct of another corporation.
The main treatment of the piercing doctrine for both corporate practitioner and their clients
has always been how to prevent its being applied by the TANTONGCO V KAISAHAN
courts to their particular situation and avoid the dire consequences of piercing which is ***a corp is sep and distinct juridical person; only time to pierce is when it used as a shield
mainly holding the associates in the venture personally liable
the sep and distinct juridical person
for corporate obligations


No. There is no clear showing of fraud in this case. The mere fact that Bormaheco paid said It would make the successor enterprise liable for debts of the previous enterprise on the
premium payments to ICP does not constitute basis of piercing doctrine scenario.
fraud per se. As it turned out, Bormaheco is an agent of ICP. SRC, through Rivera, agreed The Court refused to make BASEC liable for the claims of the terminated employees since
that part of the payment of the mortgage shall be paid for the facts showed that BASEC already existed prior to
the insurance. Naturally, when Rivera was paying some portions of the mortgage to closure of Bacani of his operations; that Bacani was merely one of fie incorporators with the
Bormaheco, Bormaheco is applying some parts thereof for the lease number of shares in BASEC; and there was no
payment of the premium and this was agreed upon beforehand. showing that the assets of the single proprietorship were even transferred to BASEC.
Further, piercing the veil of corporate fiction is not the proper remedy in order that the The doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate entity is used whenever a court finds that the
foreclosure conducted by ICP be declared a nullity. The nullity corporate fiction is being used to defeat public
may be attacked directly without disregarding the separate identity of the corporations convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime, or to confuse legitimate issues,
involved. Further still, Umali et al are not enforcing a claim or that a corporation is a mere alter ego or business
against the individual members of the corporations. They are not claiming said members to conduit of a person or where the corporation is so organized and controlled and its affairs
be liable. Umali et al are merely questioning the validity are so conducted as to make it merely as an
of the foreclosure. instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of another corporation.
The veil of corporate fiction cant be pierced also by the simple reason that the businesses It is apparent, therefore, that the doctrine has no application to this case where the purpose
of two or more corporations are interrelated, absent is not to hold the individual stockholders liable for the
sufficient showing that the corporate entity was purposely used as a shield to defraud obligations of the corporation but, on the contrary, to hold the corporation liable for the
creditors and third persons of their rights. In this case, there is obligations of a stockholder/s
no justification for disregarding their separate personalities
***the existence of the juridical personality: is being used by a person as a
KOPPEL PH V YATCO shield for his fradulent act, using the corporation as a vehicle. PIERCE THE
O. Both companies are one and the same due to the fact that the amount of the so-called VEIL OF CORPORATE FICTION; to hold the actor personally liable
share in the profits of KOPPEL (Phil.) was
ultimately left to the sole, unbridled control of KOPPEL (US). CORPORATION BY ESTOPPEL V PIERCING
No group of businessmen could be expected to organize a mercantile corporation if the
CS: no corporation: but corporation will created to hold the corporation liable( its
amount of profit were to be subjected to such a unilateral
control of another corporation. Evidently, KOPPEL (US) made use of its own ownership of natural person whther limited/ general depending on the existence of fraud.
the overwhelming majority (99.5%) of the capital stock of
the local corporation to control the operations of the latter to such an extent that it had the PCV: there is a corporation, there is a separate juridical personality; but to hold the actor
final say even as how much should be allotted to said local liable, piercing the corporate fiction is the remedy, and disregard the corporate personalilty
entity in the so-called sharing of profits.
Calingasan's main purpose in forming the corporation was to evade his subsidiary civil
CLASSIFICATION OF THE PIERCING CASES liability resulting from the conviction of his driver, Alfredo
(a) Carillo. This conclusion is borne out by the fact that the incorporators of the Fely
when the corporate entity is used to commit fraud, or to justify a wrong, or to defend a Transportation are Isabelo Calingasan, his wife, his son, Dr.
crime (fraud cases) Calingasan, and his two daughters. We believe that this is one case where the defendant
(b) corporation should not be heard to say that it has a
when the corporate entity is used as a mere alter ego, business conduit or instrumentality personality separate and distinct from its members when to allow it to do so would be to
of a person or another entity (alter ego cases) sanction the use of the fiction of corporate entity
(c) as a shield to further an end subversive of justice.
when the corporate entity is used to defeat public convenience (defeat public convenience Furthermore, the failure of the defendant corporation to prove that it has other property than
cases) the jeep (AC-687) strengthens the conviction that its
(d) formation was for the purpose above indicated.
when piercing of the corporate fiction is necessary to achieve justice or equity (equity And while it is true that Isabelo Calingasan is not a party in this case, the Court can
cases) substitute him in place of the defendant corporation as to the real
party in interest. This is so in order to avoid multiplicity of suits and thereby save the parties
unnecessary expenses and delay. (Sec. 2, Rule 17,
a. FRAUD Rules of Court; Cuyugan v. Dizon. 79 Phil. 80; Quison v. Salud, 12 Phil. 109.
- Based on bad faith, intent and malice
***the jeepney is the only prop of the corp
the law and the disregard of the technicality would pave the way for the evasion of a
here were no badges of fraud on petitioner Palays part. They had literally relied, albeit
legitimate and binding commitment, especially since defendant
mistakenly, on paragraph (6) of its contract with
was fully aware of the position of Jose Araneta in the corporation at the time of the sale.
private respondent when it rescinded the contract to sell extrajudicially and had sold it to a
Jose Araneta was not an agent within the meaning as provided for by Article 1459 of the
third person.
Civil Code. He was nothing more that a go between or
Onstott cannot be held jointly and severally liable with Palay Inc for the refund of the
middleman between the defendant and the purchaser, bringing them together to make the
amount paid by private respondent since no sufficient proof
contract themselves. He had no power or discretion
exists that Onstott used the corporation to defraud private respondent. He cannot be made
whatsoever, which he could abuse to his advantage and to the owners prejudice.
personally liable just because he appears to be the
The rule that the piercing doctrine cannot be applied in favor of a party who was not a
controlling stockholder. Mere ownership by a single stockholder or by another corporation is
victim of any alleged fraud committed, being fully aware of
not of itself sufficient ground for disregarding the
the circumstances that are being ventilated to show fraud.
separate corporate personality.
Furthermore, the court opined that the sale to Gregorio Araneta, Inc. was not a sale to Jose
SC ruled the rescission of the contract was ineffective and inoperative for lack of notice of
Araneta the agent or broker.
resolution. The law provides that judicial action for the
There was also no prohibition on the fact that Attys. Salvador Araneta and J. Antonio
rescission of a contract is not necessary where the contract provides that it may be revoked
Araneta participated in writing the letters addressed to the
and cancelled for violation of any of its terms and
tenants and the deed of sale. Attorneys were only prohibited from buying their clients
conditions. However, the act of a party in treating a contract as cancelled should be made
property which is the subject of the litigation. The questioned
know to the other
sale was effected before the subject thereof became involved in the present action.

***no badges of fraud

*** only acted as a middleman; still a separate juridical personality
As a general rule, Corporation is vested by law with a personality separate and distinct from
PALACIO V FELY TRANSPORTATION the persons composing it, including its
Isabelo Calingasan and defendant Fely Transportation may be regarded as one and the officers as well as from that of any other legal entity to which it may be related. Thus, a
same person. It is evident that Isabelo company manager acting in good faith within the scope of
his authority in terminating the services of certain employees cannot be held personally judgment against Philsa.
liable for damages. Mere ownership by a single stockholder Likewise, substantial identity of the incorporators of the two corporations does not
or by another corporation of all or nearly all capital stocks of the corporation is not by itself necessarily imply fraud
sufficient ground for disregarding the separate corporate
personality. ***a corp officer acts on delegated auth: therefore a corp can never be liable of illegal
However, the legal fiction that a corporation has a personality separate and distinct from
termination...because corp can never delegate an illegal act
stockholders and members may be disregarded on the
following instance: a) deliberately and maliciously designed to evade financial obligations to ***if a corp officer acts within his auth and in gf; the liab is with the corp.
employees; b) used as a means to perpetrate fraud or
an illegal act or c) circumvention of statutes. When is a corporate officer liable?
In this case, the dismissed workers did not allege or show that petitioners, as officers of the 1. Exceeds the scope of his authority
corporation, did the instances mentioned above. 2. Guilty of bad faith
Furthermore, A.C. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU vs. NLRC case is not applicable in this
case. A.C. Ransom was a family corporation and that during
the strike the members of the family organized another corporation which was the Rosario The corp becomes liable:
Industrial Corporation to which all the assets of the A.C. if corp officer:
Ransom Corporation were transferred to continue its business which acts of such officers 1. Acts within the scope of his auth
and agents of A.C. Ransom Corporation were intended to 2. And in good faith
avoid payment of its obligations to its employees. Thus, Petitioners cannot be held jointly
and severally liable with the PIF Corporation
***Preponderance of the evidence have shown that Villa Rey Transit, Inc. is itself the alter
ego of Villarama, that the said Corporation
should, until the expiration of the 10-year period abovementioned, be enjoined from
Code, sec. 2]. But when the juridical personality of the corporation is used to defeat public operating the line subject of the prohibition. For the rules is that a
convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud or defend crime, seller or promissory may not make use of a corporate entity as a means of evading the
the corporation shall be considered as a mere association of persons and its responsible obligation of his covenant. Where the Corporation is
officers and/or stockholders shall be held individually liable. substantially the alter ego of the covenantor to the restrictive agreement, it can be enjoined
For the same reasons, a corporation shall be liable for the obligations of a stockholder, or a from competing with the covenantee.
corporation and its successor-in-interest shall be The Court find that although it is in the nature of an agreement suppressing competition, it
considered as one and the liability of the former shall attach to the. But for the separate is, however, merely ancillary or incidental to the main
juridical personality of a corporation to be disregarded, the agreement which is that of sale. The suppression or restraint is only partial or limited: first,
wrongdoing must be clearly and convincingly established. It cannot be presumed. in scope, it refers only to application for TPU by the seller
In this regard the NLRC's decision wanting. The conclusion that Philsa allowed its license in competition with the lines sold to the buyer; second, in duration, it is only for ten (10)
to expire so as to evade payment of private respondent's years. The disputed stipulation is only incidental to a main
claim is not supported by the facts. Philsa's corporate personality therefore remains agreement, the same is reasonable and it is not harmful nor obnoxious to public service. It
inviolable. Thus, at the time Philsa allowed its license to lapse in does not appear that the ultimate result of the clause or
1985 and even at the time it was delisted in 1986, there was yet no judgment in favor of stipulation would be to leave solely to Pantranco the right to operate along the lines in
private respondent. An intent to evade payment of his claims question, thereby establishing monopoly or predominance
cannot therefore be implied from the expiration of Philsa's license and its delisting. approximating thereto. We believe the main purpose of the restraint was to protect for a
Neither will the organization of Philsa International Placement and Services Corp. and its limited time the business of the buyer.
registration with the POEA as a private employment agency Villa Rey TransitTaking account of the evidence, together with testimony, it would appear
imply fraud since it was organized and registered in 1981, several years before private that Villarama supplied the organization expenses and the
respondent filed his complaint with the POEA in 1985. The assets of the Corporation, such as trucks and equipment. Villarama himself admitted that
creation of the second corporation could not therefore have been in anticipation of private he mingled the corporate funds with his own money.
respondent's money claims and the consequent adverse

When the corporate entity is set-up or used to escape liability to third parties, it is
The rule is that when the legal fiction of the separate corporate personality is abused, such considered to constitute fraud to warrant piercing of the
as when the same is used for fraudulent or wrongful veil of corporate fiction. It is now referred to as a defeat of public convenience case.
ends. The courts would hesitate to pierce the corporate veil. It must be shown by clear and PALACIO V. FELY TRANSPORTATION CO., where it was found that an incorporators main
convincing proof that the separate juridical personality purpose in forming the corporation was to evade his
was purposefully employed to evade a legitimate and binding commitment, and perpetuate subsidiary civil liability resulting from the conviction of his driver, the corporation was made
a fraud or similar wrongdoing. liable for such subsidiary liability by denial of the plea that
Since the piercing doctrine is meant to prevent the commission of fraud, it has no it had a separate juridical personality and could not be held liable for the personal liabilities
application to allow persons or entities to allow them to gain of its stockholder. The Court took into consideration as
advantages, i.e., no wrong or fraud was really committed against them. In addition, the part of the attempt to do fraud that the only property of the corporation was the jeep owned
application of the piercing doctrine is a remedy of last resort by the main stockholder involved in the accident.
and will not be applied, even in case of fraud, if other remedies are available to the parties. (f)
(c) Tax Evasion Cases Liability of Officers
In CIR v. Nortin and Harrison, where the parent corporation owned all the outstanding -
stocks of the subsidiary corporation, and financed all the The general rule laid down in Palay, Inc. v. Clave , is that unless sufficient proof exists on
operations of the subsidiary, and treated the subsidiarys employees as its own; where the record that an officer (in that decision, a
officers of both corporations were located in the same President and controlling stockholder) has used the corporation to defraud private
compound; where the board of the subsidiary was constituted in such a way to enable the respondent he cannot be made personally liable just
parent to actually direct and mange subsidiarys affairs by because he appears to be the controlling stockholder.
making them the same officers of the board for both corporations; and where the fiction of -
corporate entity was being used as a shield for tax evasion Pabalan v. NLRC, held that the settled rule is that the corporation is vested by law with a
by making it appear that the original sale was made by the parent corporation to the personality separate and distinct from the
subsidiary corporation in order to gain tax advantage, the Court persons composing it, including its officers as well as from that of any other entity to which
did not hesitate to pierce the veil of corporate fiction and treated as void the sales between it may be related... and an officer acting in good
the corporations. faith within the scope of his authority...cannot be held personally liable for damages.
Since Norton and Harrison is a fraud case, one begins to wonder why there was a need to -
show that the subsidiary corporation was being used as Pabalan refused to hold the officers of the corporation personally liable for corporate
an instrumentality or conduit of the parent corporation, since even in the absence of such obligations on employees wages, since in this
evidence, piercing to prevent fraud would have been particular case complainants did not allege or show that petitioners, as officers of the
warranted. corporation deliberately and maliciously designed to
(d) evade the financial obligation of the corporation to its employees, or used the transfer of the
Alter Ego Elements in Fraud Piercing Cases employees as a means to perpetrate an illegal
- act or as a vehicle for evasion of existing obligation, the circumvention of statutes, or to
Fraud piercing need not necessarily be accompanied by alter ego elements to make the confuse the legitimate issues.
fraud case stick, because fraud is a matter of (g)
proof, and often, it is a state of mind being found on malice. In order to establish the state In Summary
of mind of the stockholders or officers to make -
them liable for corporate debts, or as in the case of Norton and Harrison, and in order to From all the foregoing, what clearly comes out as the guiding rule in fraud cases (and
consider two separate entities as one and the defeat of public convenience cases also) is that
same, there may be a need to detail the circumstances which show that the corporate piercing is allowed only when the following elements are present:
fiction is being used consciously as a means to There must have been fraud or an evil motive in the affected transaction, and the mere
commit a fraud. In short, the alter ego circumstances may be needed to prove the malicious proof of control of the corporation by itself would
intent of the parties. not authorize piercing;
(e) The corporate entity has been used in the perpetration of the fraud or in the justification of
Evasion of Lawful Obligations wrong, or to escape personal liability; and
The main action should seek for the enforcement of pecuniary claims pertaining to the - One act is sufficient
corporation against corporate officers or - BADGE OF FRAUD linking INTENT
stockholders, or vice versa. - Not necessary that there is control
Fraud and defeat of public convenience cases requiring the application of piercing doctrine ALTER EGO:
should therefore be properly perceived as viewing the - The (series of) acts (of total domination) showing NO MIND NO WILL OF
corporate entity from outside from the position of those in the business community who
have to deal with corporations on the other side of the
- Corporation is used as a second self/other self
bargaining table. If shady businessmen can hide behind the fortress of the separate
- Only other self, not necessary to prove intention to defraud
juridical personality, then it would make dealings with
- Necessary to identify the acts that will constitute NO MIND NO WILL OF
corporations more tentative since the outside party must demand additional assurances
(such as joint and solidary undertaking by key officers and ITS OWN
stockholders on corporate liabilities) from the players behind the corporate faade. - Series of acts must have something to do with the factual issue (shows
Piercing in fraud cases therefore is an assurance to the dealing public that in cases of disregard to juridical personality);material to the fact
mischief by the actors behind the corporation, the
piercing doctrine allows them remedy against the very actors themselves. This safety hatch ARNOLD V WILLTS AND PATERSON
in fact makes the corporate entity attractive not only for
***series of acts
the businessmen who employ it, but also on the part of the parties who have to contract
with corporate entities Arnold is still an employee, willits signed the contract
The Court held the validity of the contract and although the plaintiff was the president of
the local corporation, the testimony is conclusive that both
--------------------------------------------------------- of them were what is known as a one man corporation, and Willits, as the owner of all the
CORPO LEC 6 stocks, was the force and dominant power which controlled
1. ALTER EGO Where the stock of a corporation is owned by one person whereby the corporation
functions only for the benefit of such individual owner, the
The oft-repeated statement of the courts in the application of the piercing doctrine is that
corporation and the individual should be deemed to be the same.
the question of whether a corporation is a mere alter ego is
The Court found that there was no fraud or collusion between plaintiff and Willits, and it is
purely one of fact, and therefore it is not sufficient to allege that a corporate entity is being
very apparent that the contract letter was to the mutual
used merely as an instrumentality of another person or
interests of both parties.
entity, but that the facts and circumstances be clearly shown to demonstrate such situation.
It is elementary law that a contract that is binding to the corporation is equally binding to the
The probative factors enumerated in Concept Builders
creditors committee.
present the critical areas where the underlying circumstances have to be demonstrated

- A second self/other self
- NO MIND, NO WILL OF ITS OWN; in such that there is a total ***as a separate juridical personality-should be treated diff
domination the two factories are operating under one management. In the present case, Tan Tong
appears to be the owner of the gaugau factory.
X if it has its OWN MIND AND SEPARATE WILL not an alter ego
And the coffee factory, though an incorporated business, is in reality owned exclusively by
Tan Tong and his family. As found by the CIR, the two
VILLA REY CASE is a FRAUD CASE (not an alter ego case) factories have but one office, one management and one payroll, except after July 17, the
day the case was certified to the CIR, when they began
preparing separate payrolls for the two.
Difference of FRAUD and ALTER EGO And above all, it should not be overlooked that, as also found by the CIR, the laborers of
FRAUD: the gaugau factory and the coffee factory were
- Proved: Bad faith( show: badges of fraud) interchangeable, that is, the laborers from the gaugau factory mere sometimes transferred
- Corp is used to defraud to the coffee factory and vice- versa. In view of all these,
- Must show that one's intent to defraud
the attempt to make the two factories appear as two separate businesses, when in reality
they are but one, is but a device to defeat the ends of the RAMIREZ TELEPHONE V BANK OF AMERICA
law (the Act governing capital and labor relations) and should not be permitted to prevail
Corporate personality may be disregarded where the defendant stockholder holds 75% of
the stock corporation together with his wife.
LIDELL CO V CIR While respect for the corporate personality as such is the general rule, the veil of corporate
Tax evasion: pierce(fraud)-- fiction may be pierced and the funds of the corporation
he Court held that Lidell Motors, Inc. is an alter ego of Lidell & Co. hence making it liable for may be garnished to satisfy debts of a principal stockholder, to administer the ends of
tax deficiency based on the principle that justice.
to allow a taxpayer to deny tax liability on the ground that the sales were made through Despite the fact that Ramirez himself was the tenant of Herbosas property, the company in
another and distinct corporation when it is proved that the truth occupied the premises, Ramirez paid the rents with
latter is virtually owned by the former or that they are practically one and the same is to the check of the telephone company
sanction a circumvention of our tax laws which is consistent
with the view of the US Supreme Court stating in one case that "a taxpayer may gain GUATSON V NLRC
advantage of doing business thru a corporation if he pleases, The three companies are owned by one family, such that majority of the officers of the
but the revenue officers in proper cases, may disregard the separate corporate entity where companies are the same. The companies are
it serves but as a shield for tax evasion and treat the located in one building and use the same messengerial service. Moreover, there was no
person who actually may take the benefits of the transactions as the person accordingly showing that private respondent was paid separation pay
taxable." when he was absorbed by Philac upon closure of Merex; nor was there evidence that he
Moreover, as of the time of organization of Lidell Motors, 98% of the capital stock belonged resigned from Philac when he transferred to Guatson
to Frank Lidell. The 20% paid-up subscription with which Travel. Under the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate fiction, when valid ground exists,
the company began its business was paid by him. The subsequent subscriptions to the the legal fiction that a corporation is an entity with a
capital stock were made by him and paid with his own juridical personality separate and distinct from its members or stockholders may be
money. disregarded. (Guatson is Alter Ego of Merex and Philac)
Thus, where a corporation is a dummy and serves no business purpose and is intended
only as a blind, the corporate form may be ignored. Liddell
Motors, Inc. was the medium created by Liddell & Co. to reduce the price and the tax CONCEPT BUILDERS(DO NOT USE THIS TEST;in cases of ALTER EGO)
liability. Since Lidell Motors inc. was created to evade sales ***test in determining the applicability of the piercing
taxes it was considered as an alter ego of Lidell & Co 1. Control and complete domination
2. Used to commit fraud
YUTIVO SONS V CTA 3. Caused injury
- The test is for both FRAUD AND ALTER EGO
Tax avoidance; pierce(based on alter ego)----if you dont respect jurid person; why would
the state respect juridical personality
The fact that SM is a mere department or adjunct of Yutivo is made more patent by the fact 2. EQUITY
that arrastre conveying, and charges paid for the - Cases are usually labor issues
"operation of receiving, loading or unloading" of imported cars and trucks on piers and - Cases that fraud and alter ego are not the issue
wharves, were charged against SM by Yutivo. It plainly Equity cases applying the piercing doctrine are what are termed the dumping ground,
appears that Yutivo had sole authority to allocate its expenses even as against SM. where no fraud or alter ego circumstances can be culled by
Proceeding to another aspect of the relation of the parties, the management fees due from the Court to warrant piercing. The main feature of equity cases is the need to render justice
SM to Yutivo were taken up as expenses of SM and in the situation at hand or to brush aside merely technical
credited to the account of Yutivo. defenses. Often, equity cases of piercing appear in combination with other types of
Briefly stated, Yutivo financed principally, if not wholly, the business of SM and actually piercing, especially the defeat of public convenience cases.
extended all the credit to the latter not only in the form of -
starting capital but also in the form of credits extended for the cars and vehicles allegedly In Telephone Engineering and Service Co., Inc. v. Workmens Compensation Commission,
sold by Yutivo to SM as well as advances or loans for the the veil of corporate fiction was not allowed to
expenses of the latter when the capital had been exhausted.
be availed of, and piercing was allowed when the corporate fiction was made as a scheme of the corporation were kept by Cirilo Paredes in his own name. The corporation itself had
to confuse the legitimate issues, such when the no visible assets, as correctly found by the trial court,
defense of separate juridical personality in interposed for the first time on appeal. except perhaps the toll house, the wire fence around the lot and the signs thereon. It was
- for this reason that the judgment against it could not be
In A.D. Santos v. Vasquez, a suit for workmens compensation was filed by taxi driver fully satisfied.
Vasquez against AD Santos, Inc. Vasquez testified
that Amador Santos was his employer. AS Santos, Inc. contended that Amador is the one CANO V CIR
liable. The Court held that AD Santos, Inc. is
- Filed a case against officers; but the corp was not impleded
liable. Indeed, Amador was at one time, the sole owner and operator of the taxi business
that employed Vasquez, which was later While it is an undisputed rule that a corporation has a personality separate and distinct
transferred to AD Santos, Inc. But such testimony should not be allowed to confuse the from its members or stockholders because of a
facts relating to employer-employee relationship, fiction of the law, here we should not lose sight of the fact that the Emilio Cano Enterprises,
for when the veil of corporate fiction is used to confuse legitimate issues, the same should Inc. is a closed family corporation where the
be pierced. incorporators and directors belong to one single family. Here is an instance where the
corporation and its members can be considered as one. And to
hold such entity liable for the acts of its members is not to ignore the legal fiction but merely
3. DUE PROCESS to give meaning to the principle that such fiction cannot
The established doctrine in Philippine jurisprudence is that a person not impleaded in the be invoked if its purpose is to use it as a shield to further an end subversive of justice.
case cannot be bound by the decision rendered therein, And so it has been held that while a corporation is a legal entity existing separate and apart
since no individual or entity shall be affected by a proceeding to which he is a stranger, to from the persons composing it, that concept cannot be
do otherwise would be a denial of due process. extended to a point beyond its reason and policy, and when invoked in support of an end
Often the piercing doctrine is sought to be applied against the controlling stockholders or subversive of this policy it should be disregarded by the
officers after a judgment debt against the corporation could courts
not be enforced because the corporation is found to be without sufficient assets. It has
been rightly argued in several cases, that to enforce a writ of NAMARCO v ASSTD FINANCE
execution to satisfy a judgment rendered against the corporation on the separate assets of The Court feels perfectly justified in piercing the veil of corporate fiction and in holding
the stockholders or officers would be in violation of due Sycip personally liable, jointly and severally with his co-
process clause in cases where such stockholders or officers were not even summoned as defendant.
parties to the case brought against the corporation. It is settled law in this and other jurisdictions that when the corporation is the mere alter ego
of a person, the corporate fiction may be disregarded;
MCCONELL V CA the same being true when the corporation is controlled, and its affairs are so conducted as
- New officers were charged: due to the fact that they benefited from it to make it merely an instrumentality, agency or conduit of
CA found that there is no question that a wrong has been committed by the so-called Park another
Rite Co., Inc., upon the plaintiffs when it
occupied the lot of the latter without its prior knowledge and consent and without paying the JACINTO V CA
reasonable rentals for the occupation of said lot. There is
also no that the corporation was a mere alter ego or business conduit of the defendants
Cirilo Paredes and Ursula Tolentino, and before them the and we are thus persuaded to agree with the findings of the lower court that the latter
defendants M. McConnel, W. P. Cochrane, and Ricardo Rodriguez. The evidence clearly (Roberto Jacinto) was practically the corporation itself. Indeed,
shows that these persons completely dominated and a painstaking examination of the records show that there is no clear-cut delimitation
controlled the corporation and that the functions of the corporation were solely for their between the personality of Roberto Jacinto as an individual and
benefits. the personality of Inland Industries, Inc. as a corporation. The circumstance aforestated
That the corporation was a mere extension of their personality is shown by the fact that the lead us to conclude that the corporate veil that enshrouds
office of Cirilo Paredes and that of Park Rite Co., Inc. defendant Inland Industries, Inc. could be validly pierced, and a host of cases decided by
were located in the same building, in the same floor and in the same room at 507 Wilson our High Court is supportive of this view.
Building. This is further shown by the fact that the funds
Thus it held that when the veil of corporate fiction is made as a shield to perpetrate fraud In the case at bar, the petitioner, while admittedly the highest ranking local representative of
and/or confuse legitimate issues, the same should be AMAL in the Philippines, is nevertheless not a
pierced. Where a corporation is merely an adjunct, business conduit or alter ego, the fiction stockholder and much less a member of the board of directors or an officer thereof. He is at
of separate and distinct corporate entity should be most only a managerial employee under Art. 212 (m) of
disregarded the Labor Code. Therefore, he must not be held solidarily liable with the AMAL.
HOWEVER, the manner and the means by which he satisfied his
ARCILLA V CA claims against AMAL are evidently characterized by BAD FAITH. For one, Respondent A.
de Guzman took advantage of his position as General
***the liability for back wages rests in the Pres for being in charge of the corp.
Manager and arrogated to himself the right to retain possession and ownership of all
An entity which was not made a party in the main case and which did not seek to intervene properties owned and left by AMAL in the Philippines, even if he
has no personality to seek a review of the knew that Complainants herein have similar valid claims for unpaid wages and other
public respondents amended decision. Defenses and objections other than the failure to employee benefits from the Respondent AMAL.
state a cause of action and lack of jurisdiction not pleaded Another strong indication of bad faith on the part of Respondent A. de Guzman is his filing
either in a motion to dismiss or in the answer are deemed waived. of a separate complaint against AMAL before the NLRC
Furthermore, even if the obligation was incurred in the name of the corporation, the Arbitration Branch about four (4) months after the filing of the instant case without informing
petitioner would still be personally liable therefore because for all this Office about the existence of said case during the
legal intents and purposes, he and the corporation are one and the same. proceedings in the instant case.
The contention that the defendant had ceased to be the president is unavailing to free
himself from his responsibility because in resolving his Motion
for Clarificatorty Judgment, the court had already pierced the veil of corporate fiction and
disregarded the separate personalities 4. ANTI TRUST ISSUES
- A trust was an arrangement by which stockholders in several companies
AC RANSOM V NLRC transferred their shares to a single set of trustees. In exchange, the stockholders
Rosario Company is held liable because the organization of a "run-away corporation," received a certificate entitling them to a specified share of the consolidated
ROSARIO, in 1969 at the time the unfair labor practice case earnings of the jointly managed companies. The trusts came to dominate a
was pending before the CIR (Difference from PABALAN CASE) by the same persons who number of major industries, and were, in effect, monopolies.
were the officers and stockholders of RANSOM, engaged - A monopoly is a situation in which there is a single supplier or seller of a
in the same line of business as RANSOM, producing the same line of products, occupying
good or service for which there are no close substitutes. Economists and others
the same compound, using the same machineries,
buildings, laboratory, bodega and sales and accounts departments used by RANSOM, and have long known that unregulated monopolies tend to damage the economy by (1)
which is still in existence. Both corporations were closed charging higher prices, (2) providing inferior goods and services and (3)
corporations owned and managed by members of the same family. Its organization proved suppressing innovation, as compared with a competitive situation (i.e., the
to be a convenient instrument to avoid payment of existence of numerous, competing suppliers of the good or service).
backwages and the reinstatement of the 22 workers. This is another instance where the - The most infamous of the trusts was the Standard Oil Trust, which was
fiction of separate and distinct corporate entities should be formed in January, 1882. At that time, Standard Oil and its affiliates controlled
disregarded. more than 90 percent of the oil refining capacity and most of the oil marketing
It is very obvious that the second corporation seeks the protective shield of a corporate
facilities in the U.S. Trusts were also established in numerous other industries,
fiction whose veil in the present case could, and should, be
pierced as it was deliberately and maliciously designed to evade its financial obligation to some of the largest of which were sugar, tobacco, railroads, steel and
its employees.... When a notion of legal entity is used to. meatpacking.
defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime, the law will regard - The idea of the trust was conceived by Samuel Dodd, an attorney for
the corporation as an association or persons, or, in the Standard Oil. In the case of this company, a board of trustees was set up and it
case of two corporations, will merge them into one. was given control of all of the Standard Oil properties. Every stockholder received
20 trust certificates for each share of Standard Oil stock. All profits from the
DE GUZMAN V NLRC component companies were sent to the nine trustees, who set the dividends. The

nine trustees also selected the directors and officers of all the component
companies. This allowed Standard Oil to function as a monopoly.
- Trusts used a number of techniques to eliminate competitors, including
(1) buying them out, (2) temporarily undercutting their prices, (3) forcing
customers to sign long-term contracts (4) forcing customers to buy unwanted
products in order to receive the products they wanted and (5) dispatching thugs to
use intimidation and violence when all other means of persuasion failed.


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