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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences March 2015, Volume 3 Special Issue, ISSN 2349-4476


Dakshata Sharma
ECE, Poornima College of Engg., Jaipur , India.

In this paper a fast means of transportation system based on magnetic levitation is presented. The
various advantages of this transport system and creating a clean environment by its exhaust is

Technological improvements over the centuries have yielded cheaper, faster, and better
transportation services. Technological advances have played a role in hundreds of years of successes.
Looking back, waves of transport development pushed older modes aside and supported sweeping
social and economic changes. In each era, a set of technologies, services, or modes occupies the turf,
so to speak. In the more developed nations of the late 20th century, there are well established rail, air,
short sea, ferry, auto, and other services. Perceptions, institutions, and activities tied to these services
are also well established and entrenched.
The challenge of transportation technology is to find efficient and sustainable development paths
that also open options. Increasing efficiency by itself will not create the new environments that
enable innovations. These environment may be as necessary in the future as they have been in the
past to support the evolution of a more workable and equitable future for all sectors of society. So it
led to the development of a fast means of transportation based on magnetic levitation known as
Hydrogen Superhighway[1].
Michigan entrepreneur Justin Eric Sutton brings us into the era of clean hydrogen energy and
solar energy, by producing a remarkable high speed MAGLEV railway which is being sold
throughout the USA for deployment on Elevated Superhighway Rails, it speeds travelers between
metro areas at up to 250+ MPH, in this remarkable vision of the not so distant future! Not only

279 Dakshata Sharma

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences March 2015, Volume 3 Special Issue, ISSN 2349-4476

would it revolutionize energy AND transportation, it is both feasible and deployable TODAY. All
that remains is funding and agreements with the various local and state jurisdictions.
America is one step closer to a clean energy economy no longer dependent upon economically
and environmentally unsound foreign or other fuel sources. It is a collection of vital municipal
utilities bundled into what we call the Conduit Cluster providing a first of its kind full integration of
solar powered hydrogen production and distribution system supporting a high speed magnetic
levitation ( MagLev ) on demand public transit network built along the right of way of the US
Interstate Highway Systems, and any other permissible right of way where such a machine would be
of benefit. The Hydrogen Super Highway, also known as the HyRail, is accessed by Traveller
Stations that are built within the right of way of the Interstate Highway within the land locked real-
estate of the clover leaf interchanges providing maximum ease of access for people who live
anywhere near the Interstate Highway. The HyRail is much more than just a high speed rail system.


There are various types of carriages used for transportation such as for passengers, automobile, and
for goods.
The public transit component would combine high speed magnetically levitated cars running on
parallel magnetic rails, laminated solar cells, and the conduit cluster that would be used to distribute
electricity, water, fuels, etc. It has been projected that each mile of rail would produce about 844,800
watts of electricity per hour at peak time using the solar energy. As for fuel, hydrogen would be used
in fuel cells, internal combustion engines, micro turbines and other energy conversion devices to
generate power.
The entire conduit cluster operations would be managed by TCP/IP technology. The Traveler
Stations would be built to provide easy access to the Interstate Highway, solutions to overcrowding,
urban sprawl, public utility failures, traffic jams, car accidents, etc.
Fully embedded municipal conduit for water, sewer, electricity, fiber optics, liquids, vapours, and
gases like hydrogen, oxygen, natural gas, biodiesel and other types of fuel, all safely enclosed within
the protective steel plate of the central support[2]. The HyRail will be able to deliver fuels of all types

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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences March 2015, Volume 3 Special Issue, ISSN 2349-4476

to all the gas stations along the Interstate Highway saving time and money while increasing
distribution and safety.

Fig 1: Conduit Cluster

Best of all, the system will consume liquid waste and generate pure water from hydrogen.
Under development for nearly 14 years, Unanimously Endorsed by the Michigan Legislature in
2003, formally recognized by the AFL-CIO, the United Steel Workers of America and the Greater
Detroit Building and Construction Trades Council. The Interstate Traveller Hydrogen Super
Highway is ready to serve the growing needs of our nation and of the many nations around the world
where cities have grown faster than their infrastructure[3].

Fig 2: Super highway

The HyRail bridges the gap of time and distance while creating a national, solar powered,
hydrogen production and distribution network[4]. The embedded systems of the hydrogen super
highway also create a national waste water management system and water purification system that
will serve the public for generations to come.

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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences March 2015, Volume 3 Special Issue, ISSN 2349-4476

As the sun rises in the East to open and warm up the Day, so stands the Hydrogen Super Highway
to receive the rays of the sun and put it to good use serving millions of travellers and local
communities where ever the rail may go.

The Interstate traveller Hydrogen Super Highway is a modular maglev rail system that is laminated
with solar-panels which create enough power to operate all the basic systems for transportation,
communications, security, water, etc., facilitated by the large cluster of conduits contained within the
central support beam of the rail. Multiple conduits will also be dedicated to fiber optic cables for
communication and super conducting electrical cables for power distribution.
The unique integration of components creates a self-sustaining solar powered energy production
and distribution system that is used to propel thousands of transport vehicles on the rail, and produce
hydrogen and raw electrical energy to power traditional wheeled vehicles on the road ways, and
supply hydrogen as a fuel to the growing aerospace industry in the coming decades.
As an example, a network of Interstate Traveller Rail in a geographic region that is rich in crude
oil resources can dedicate the largest conduits for the movement of crude oil from the field to the
refinery. In other areas, the larger conduits can move agricultural methane or electrolytic hydrogen
into general distribution.
Finally, the new national network of Traveller Stations will lay the foundation for thousands of
new lease-hold franchise business that will serve the travellers, provide the best public restroom
facilities anywhere in the world and gainfully employ thousands of people from generations to come.


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