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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, October 2013. Copyright 2013 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may not be copied and/or
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Technical vs. Process Commissioning

Basis of Design

The basis of design (BOD) document provides building designers and engi-
neers with an effective tool they can use to clearly presentto the owner,
commissioning agent (CxA), contractors, suppliers, and any other third
partiesthe decision, assumptions, and specifications that are being used to
develop the construction documents for a project.
The BOD transforms the raw data from the owners project requirements
(OPR) document (the what) into a detailed, technical, actionable plan (the
how) that will meet the owners objectiveswhich will also help avoid the
scope creep that can derail the project schedule and lead to budget overruns.
Understanding the Basis of Design vision into practical design criteriaand improving
ASHRAE defines the BOD as a document that records the communication process between all parties during
the major thought processes and assumptions behind the design phase. As noted in the previous article, the
design decisions made to meet the owners project USGBC has made the OPR and BOD documents manda-
requirements (OPR). The design team uses the BOD tory for all LEED-NC certified projects (LEED 2009).
document to show how their assumptions and specifi- Unfortunately, the BOD document is too often forgot-
cations will enable the completed project to satisfy the ten until after the design process. Then something is
requirements listed in the OPR document. The previous thrown togetherwhich ends up of no use to anyone.
article in this series (ASHRAE Journal, August 2013) noted Without a BOD document, the CxA cannot fully under-
that the owner can use a well-crafted OPR document as a stand and act upon the design teams actual intentions.
checklist or scorecard to verify project success.
The BOD document needs to be created early on: after Some Practical Considerations
the schematic design is completed, but before creat- To help ensure easy understandability by the most read-
ing the actual design development documents. Thats ers, write your BOD document in laymans terms (when-
because the BOD must explain the decision processes ever possible). Use lots of charts, tables, detailed lists, and
behind the design, essentially translating the owners graphs. If photos best explain what you want to convey,
include them, along with clear and detailed captions.
*This is the third in a series of articles that explain the technical commissioning process for new Every member of the design team should be a part of
buildings. The series (and the first article) is titled Technical Commissioning: The Commissioning
Process that Works. Some of these articles content is based on ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, The preparing the BOD document and then maintaining it
Commissioning Process (published 2005) and the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) throughout the design process. Its not a job for a junior-
Whole Building Systems Technical Commissioning Procedural Standards Manual (revised April
2013). In addition, some of the information in this article has been taken from an unpublished NEBB level designer or intern. Youll also need to involve the
standard titled NEBB Standard Owners Project Requirements (OPR) Guideline (June 20, 2011). This architectural team, as well as the mechanical, plumb-
article also draws upon an unpublished sample OPR document created by NEBB for the fictional ing, and electrical engineers. And dont forget specialty
ABC Headquarters Office Building (Jan. 2, 2011).

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Vince Briones, P.E., is senior program manager at Atkins in Austin, Texas, and Dave McFarlane is a principal project director at Atkins in Fort Myers, Fla.

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disciplines or consultants such as

Sample HVAC design criteria.
fire protection, security, and audio/
visual providers.
You should factor BOD mainte- Minimum ventilation rates shall be 5 cfm per person and 0.06 cfm/ft2 of building surface;
the ventilation rate for the entire building shall be 3,000 cfm. Building ventilation rate shall
nance into your project schedule. meet the minimum requirements of the latest version of ASHRAE Standard 62.1.
Then update the document at regu- Inside pressure. Ventilation and air conditioning systems shall maintain a positive pressure
of 0.02 in. inside the building (compared to the exterior) to minimize air and dirt infiltration.
lar milestones, such as the 30%, 60%, The volume of fresh air shall be sufficient to maintain positive pressure inside the facility
90%, and 100% stages of submitting (compared to outside).
Infiltration/exfiltration offset. An additional amount of conditioned air shall be included to
construction documents. offset the effects of infiltration and exfiltration. The allowable leakage rate at 50 Pa shall be
Building 0.2 cfm/ft2 of building surface; maximum infiltration wind speed shall be 15 mph.
Ventilation Air filtration. Air-handling units shall include two stages of filtration: The pre-filter shall
A Case in Point have a maximum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8 (per ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007),
Misunderstanding a projects design and the final filter shall have a value of MERV 13. Units shall be sized and selected with
respect to the dirty filter condition. Filters shall be of medium efficiency (30%), as defined
intent is one of todays most common by the latest version of ASHRAE Standard 52.2. There shall also be adequate space for filter
construction-related challenges. And removal and replacement.
Outside air intakes shall be a minimum of 10 ft above the ground and a minimum of 15
one of the greatest benefits of the BOD ft away from any exhaust-air discharge openings or plumbing vents. Intakes shall be sized
document is that its clear presenta- so free-air velocities fall below 500 fpm. Intakes shall be equipped bird screens, and with
weatherproof and sand-removing louvers.
tion of the owners design intent helps
Noise levels. HVAC-generated noise shall not exceed NC 45 in the data center, NC 35 in
protect the owner, the design team, circulation areas, and NC 30 in open offices, private offices, and conference rooms.
the engineers, and the contractors HVAC Noise Duct velocities for systems of 2 in. of pressure and lower shall not exceed 1,200 fpm;
Limitations velocities for systems greater than 2 in. shall not exceed 2,400 fpm.
from confusion, misunderstandings,
Fluid flow and pipe velocities shall be less than 6 fps for pipes less than 4 in. in diameter;
and lost revenue. for pipes larger than 4 in., velocities shall be less than 8 fps.
We once worked on a museum Minimal service interruption. The design shall enable the buildings main HVAC
project for which the primary exhib- equipment to be serviced, maintained, and repaired with minimal interruption to building
its were to be marble sculptures.
Equipment Shutoff valves shall be provided at each coil.
Early in the design phaseand after Servicing and Equipment mounting. All floor-mounted equipment shall rest on a 3-in.-thick (minimum)
much debatethe owners autho- Access concrete housekeeping pad. The design shall employ vibration-isolating elastomeric pads to
reduce transmitted vibration.
rized representative approved a wet- Accessibility. There shall be 3 ft of access space around each piece of mechanical equip-
pipe sprinkler system to save money. ment, as well as enough space to allow coils to be to be removed and replaced.
The discussion and the decisions Smoke
approval were noted in the BOD. Detection Control standards. Smoke detection and emergency automatic controls shall conform to
and Fire the latest National Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA 90A and NFPA 72 standards.
But shortly before the proj- Prevention
ect went out for bid, one of the
museums user groups protested that future exhibits result, the designers were able to charge a fair price for
could require a dry-pipe fire protection system. The the required redesign services.
group also cited the museums own design-standards
documents, which mandated dry-pipe fire protection. Different Needs, Different Documents
The use group further maintained that the fire protec- Sometimes architects and engineers confuse the BOD
tion engineer should have known about the dry-pipe document with the narratives they create during project
mandate, and should have included such a system as pursuit. Design professionals sometimes say, We dont
standard practice. But no one could recall why a wet- need to produce an additional document. Weve already
pipe system had been specified. provided the owner with an RFP-based narrative that
Good news: Because the project had a thorough BOD describes our design plan.
document that clearly identified the wet-pipe system Its essential to understand that the RFP, the early
change during the design, the fire protection engineer design narratives, the OPR, and the BOD are all differ-
was able to clearly show the owner how the wet-pipe ent documents that serve different purposes. Without this
decision was made. The owner then authorized the understanding, the design team can be well into the
return to a dry-pipe system, and agreed that the design design process before the owner realizes the project has
team should not be expected to eat the change. As a taken a turn that deviates from his or her requirements.
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Sample indoor design criteria.
(PSI) (PPM) (FC)

All Spaces (Except 30 in Offices &

Occupied: 75 Occupied: 70
Utility Spaces And 40%/Float +0.01 to Hall 350 Conference Room 0.016 40
Night Setback: 81 Night Setback: 63
Data Center) 30 in Open Cubicles
Utility Spaces (Such
as Electrical & 10 Above Ambient 50% 63 +0.01 to Hall 350 40 0.032 30
72 72
35% (Summer &
Data Center (No Night Winter) (No Night +0.01 to Hall 350 45 0.008 30
Setback) Setback)
[Adapted from NEBBs unpublished sample OPR document (Jan. 2, 2011), p. 14. Vibration values based on Sound and Vibration Design and Analysis; NEBB, 1st Edition (1994).]

And the later in the design phase

Sample lighting and electrical design criteria.
that the owner calls for changes,
the more expansive they become ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA

and the more frustrated the owner Controls. The entire facility shall be on a timed lighting control system with photocells.
Lighting shall also be controlled manually by local switches that have motion-controlled
becomes. occupancy sensors.
Lighting fixtures in offices, cubicles, conference rooms, break rooms, utility rooms, the
Building the Document lunchroom, and the data center shall be recessed, high-efficiency linear fluorescents with
energy-saving, low-mercury lamps. Lobby lighting shall use metal-halide lamps, LED (light-
To ensure the BOD meets all of Interior emitting diode) downlights, and LED accent lights. Restrooms shall have LED downlights.
the owners needs and desires, it Lighting Exit signage and emergency lighting shall be equipped with a 90-minute emergency
battery pack. Exit signs shall use LED illumination.
should address in detail the design Light levels setpoints (in foot-candles) shall be 40 fc; except in the data center and
elements identified in both the RFP mechanical, electrical, and storage rooms, which shall be 30 fc.
Lighting heat gain. The heat gain from lighting fixtures shall be obtained from the lighting
and the OPR. Hopefully, the OPR power density factors defined in the latest version of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, and
captured all of the owner require- shall be based on the actual lighting installed in the building.
ments in the RFP, but its a good idea Lighting elements/power density. All exterior lighting shall employ LED lamps, and shall
to review the OPR against the RFP. be designed to use less than at least 25% of the allowable lighting-power density based upon
the latest version of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1.
Project description. As noted in Exterior Zones of illumination. All site lighting shall have minimal trespass over the property line. All
the previous article, the OPR must Lighting exterior lighting shall comply with LZ3 zone requirements as defined by the latest version of
serve as the source document for Fixtures shall be either pole- or wall-mounted, with angled shade to reduce light pollution.
the BOD. So the first major section Total lumens above 90 degrees from nadir shall be less than 5%.
of the BOD should be a restatement Design codes. The electrical design shall comply with the Minnesota Building Code, all
of the OPRs project descriptionan applicable local codes, and the requirements of the latest version of NFPA 70.
Electrical Building utilization voltage shall be 277/480 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire. The calculated service
overview of the buildings purpose Requirements size shall be 1,250 amperes.
and essential functions.Be sure to Grounding shall be in accordance with the latest version of NFPA 70, article 250. Raceway
systems shall be concealed, except in mechanical and utility areas.
include the data from the key charts
and tables in the OPR that will drive
the design teams efforts, such as the space utilization purposeful intent to preserve the owners requirements
table, the outdoor design criteria table, the indoor in its design efforts.
design considerations table, and the complete, updated Codes, standards, and specifications. Like the OPR,
list of all authorized vendors, suppliers, and contractors. the BOD states that the building must comply with all
Youll also need to include an updated project sched- applicable federal, state, regional, county, city, and local
ule in the BOD, and this section of the document is a codes, standards, and specifications.
good place to display it. By capturing the overall project But unlike the more general statements in the OPR doc-
description and key related information from the OPR ument, the BOD must include specific details for all of the
document, the design team demonstrates not only its applicable codes and specifications that must be satisfied
clear understanding of the projects purposebut its by every project disciplinethat way both the design and
78 A S H R A E J O U R N A L a s h r a e . o r g O CT O B E R 2 0 1 3
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the construction teams can take them TABLE 4 

Sample building envelope design criteria.
all into consideration. The sample ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA
HVAC criteria here are based on stan-
Fenestration percentage. The percentage of glass on the buildings exterior shall be 40%.
dards adopted by Minneapolis. Window specifications. All exterior windows shall be specified to help prevent unwanted solar
While the OPR might generally heat gain in summer, while still harnessing direct solar radiation in winter. Visible light transmit-
Windows tance (VLT) shall be at least 0.75.
state that the building will meet Insulating value. The U-value of all exterior windows shall be at least 0.55.
all applicable ASHRAE standards, The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of all exterior windows shall be 0.40.
the BOD must be more specificso
Interior wall panels shall be 5/8-in.-thick gypsum board over metal framing (16 in. on
the designers know exactly which center).
code to follow in their designs. As a Exterior curtain wall assemblies shall be double-pane insulated and fully climate-appropriate.
Insulating value. The maximum U-value of all exterior walls shall be 0.032.
result, the BOD might state that the
building shall meet or exceed ANSI/ Framing. The roof shall be metal-framed.
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010. Overlayment material shall be -in.-thick protection board.
Roof Moisture barrier shall be either white thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) membrane or Gal-
By specifying the exact codes and valum deck.
standards required, the BOD identi- Insulation shall be entirely above deck with continuous layers of open-cell foam as needed to
fies how the design team will meet the achieve a minimum rating of R-30.

owners requirements. In addition, a

careful delineation of codes and standards not only helps only minimally addressed in the previous article, that
prevent cutting corners, but also helps answer questions doesnt mean it shouldnt be a key element of the BOD.
about why something was designed in a certain manner. As with every aspect of the BOD, defining the envelope
HVAC design. The BOD must explain how the build- criteria must be a team effort. For example, a key enve-
ings HVAC systems will be designed in accordance lope design element is establishing the sealing levels
with the project RFP, the OPR, and all applicable codes, that will achieve the owners desired infiltration rate
standards, and regulationsas well as any other essen- which is data that should come from the architect. Although a
tial design criteria (which should also be described in mechanical engineer or energy modeler can evaluate
the BOD). For example, the sample OPR in the previous the performance of various building materials, they may
article called for total energy consumption of less than not understand the physical or budgetary impacts of (for
70 kBtu/ft2 per year. The BOD must explain how the example) changing a roofs insulation specification from
components will meet this requirement (Table 1). R-20 to R-40 (see Table 4 for sample criteria).
Indoor and outdoor design. The OPR should include Utility baselines. The BOD should include projected
detailed charts that describe the owners expectations monthly utility baselines for electrical, gas, and water
for the buildings interior and exterior environments usage. These baselineswhich you can extract from the
(temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, etc.). The BOD must OPRwill provide a starting point for whatever monitoring
restate those considerations and refine them as needed. tool the owner wants to use to track resource consumption.
For this series were assuming our sample building Additional energy-usage factors. The BOD must also
is being constructed in Minneapolis; so its indoor and address any other systems or equipment that will affect
outdoor design criteria are based on ASHRAE data for the buildings energy use, such as loads for occupants,
Minneapolis (see Table 2, Page 78, for sample criteria). miscellaneous equipment, and any specialty areas such
Lighting and electrical systems. The previous article as kitchens, fitness rooms, and server rooms.
made little mention of owners lighting expectations; but Sustainability goals. A key element of the BOD is a
those specifications must be thoroughly documented in description of the owners sustainability goals. Typically,
the OPR and BOD. Certainly, the building owner wants this includes the owner-mandated LEED rating, as well
to maximize light output for occupant comfort. But the as the version of LEED to be used in the project. The
owner also wants to minimize energy use and mainte- description should include specific details, such as:
nance requirements. So the BOD must give the design The facility is required to achieve LEED-NC Gold rating
team the needed data to translate the owners desires into under LEED Version 3.0.
actionable design (see Table 3, Page 78, for sample criteria). LEED certification is not the sole responsibility of the
Building envelope. While the building envelope was design teamevery party and person involved in the project
80 A S H R A E J O U R N A L a s h r a e . o r g O CT O B E R 2 0 1 3

must actively support the owners efforts toward LEED Commissioning requirements. If the building isnt
certification. LEED certification is definitely a chain that properly commissioned, you probably wont end up with
is only as strong as its weakest link. a truly satisfied owner. So capture and update all of the
Maintenance staff training. The requirements for the commissioning requirements, and build the CxAs build-
owners staff training that are defined in the OPR must ing-specific requirements into the BOD. The commission-
be included in the BOD. Be sure to include details that ing scope of work table and the commissioning phases
show the amount of time that will be spent on training and responsibilities table should be key parts of the BOD.
and the types and methods of training that are planned. To ensure the buildings ongoing optimal performance,
Project delivery, budget, and milestones. Its impor- consider adding to the project plan a comprehensive
tant to describe the project delivery method the owner annual commissioning check-up.
intends. This could be a bid plan and specification,
design-build, gross maximum pricing, or other method. Conclusion
Also include descriptions of the budget, all known Like the OPR, the BOD is an interactive tool that must
required meetings, and project milestonesall of which be revised as the owner and design team make decisions.
should be obtainable from the OPR document. Especially as the project evolves, and budget and time
Additional design concerns. Many other design constraints enter the picture, youll need to adjust the OPR
concerns must be captured in the BOD. Space doesnt and the BOD documents. Remember, the owners require-
permit us to mention them all, but be sure to describe ments drive the basis of design; not the other way around!
any BIM requirements, all specialized software (such as So dont view the BOD as a burden. View it as a key ele-
simulation tools for energy modeling), coordination of ment in an effective communication processthe kind
work between the various engineering disciplines, any of process that will help ensure that the owners voice is
desired measurement and verification programs, and heard accuratelywhich is how the owner will end up
any QC or QA processes the owner wants. with a building that meets expectations.

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