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- Ergoline=Ergot Alkaloid

- Bromocriptine

- It is potent D2 agonist& Partial agonist on D1

- Uses(7.5-30mg orally)

1. Parkinsonism(Monotherapy or add to Sinemet)

2. Decrease prolactin(Treat hyperprolactinemia)

3. Suppress Lactation

4. Acromegaly.

Side effect& contra-indication

1. Dyskinesia &mental disturbance

2. Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, Dyspepsia& Bleeding peptic ulcer.

3. Arrhythmia ,Hypotension& digital vasospasm.

4. Erythromelalgia. is a rare disorder characterized by burning pain,

warmth, and redness of the extremities

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