Understanding Your Salvation - Book One - The Greatest Love & The Greatest Gift 6x9

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Understanding Your Salvation

(Book One)
The Greatest Love & The Greatest Gift

Understanding Your Salvation
Book One
The Greatest Love & The Greatest Gift
Copyright 2017 by Kennedy Mpezeni

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from

the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Edited and printed in the Republic of South Africa

February 2017

ISBN-13: 978-1542885935
ISBN-10: 1542885930

For orders contact Restoration City, Southern Africa.

Tel: +27 72 333 6239 E-mail: kennedy@kennedympezeni.org



The Greatest Love & the Greatest Gift
The Blessings of Grace

The Human Condition
Wrestled from the Tight Clutches of Sin

Defining Salvation
Understanding Gods Work in Christ

Salvation Is the New Life in Christ Jesus
The Joy of Being Born Again

How Am I Saved?
Confidently Receiving the Greatest Gift
Christs Work of Restoration
Discovering & Experiencing Restoration

Living Life Purposefully
Living Life for the Glory of God

The Apostles Creed: What We Believe
A Prayer of Salvation

This manual is designed to ensure that you are firmly

established in the knowledge of your salvation and the
Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed you with Gods gift of

After studying this material you will:

Have a clear understanding of Gods plan of


Have the scriptural foundation necessary to grow in

the knowledge and experience of salvation

Be able to explain salvation with clarity to anyone in

your sphere and lead them to faith in the Lord Jesus

Be empowered to walk in and appropriate the

blessings of Gods magnanimous gift of salvation in
Christ Jesus.

Spiritual growth and maturity

Understanding the responsibility that comes with


This study is written for the benefit of those who have

Recently accepted the Christian faith,

Are considering Christianity
Matured in the Christian faith and seek to renew
their faith and deepen their understanding of the
fundamentals of salvation
Those equipping themselves to teach classes from
this manual

The decision to become a Christian is the best decision

you could make for yourself. This booklet is designed to
help you take the next steps and grow in this new walk of
life. Whether you recently became a Christian or are a
mature believer, the information is designed to satisfy your
appetite for growth in the truth of the knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

In Hebrews 4:16 the Bible says, Let us then approach the

throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find
grace to help us in our time of need. What a beautiful invitation
from God. Why then is it that if God has made such an
invitation many people lack the confidence to approach His
throne of grace? Anyone who does not approach Gods
throne with confidence will never experience the fullness of
what God has secured for them.
Understanding the magnitude, depth and width of what
Gods love and His gift of salvation in Jesus Christ has
done for us will empower you and I to approach His
throne in confidence.

This tool will give you a comprehensive understanding

of the meaning, essence and obligations of salvation. There
is no shame in being a Christian. It is a respectable lifestyle
and Gods design for everyones life. In fact it is clear from
Gods message that we were all created to live a life totally
devoted to Him.

We are all seeking truth. The search for this truth is

acutely revealed by the discomfort we feel deep within. Our
greatest desire is to know the truth about our lives and to
connect and commit to our purpose for being. Jesus said,
I am the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6). There is
no truth outside of Jesus Christ. Knowledge of this Truth
will set you free to live a full life.
We live in a culture that does not give prominence and
priority to the Gospel. The Gospel has been diluted and
polluted in the name of tolerance, non-offensiveness and
inter-faith. The truth is that salvation is only possible
through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other
way. In our world it is common to hear that Jesus Christ is
not the only instrument of Gods salvation. There are many
teachings that are suggesting that there are alternate ways to
co-exist and have fellowship with God, without accepting
the Lord Jesus Christ, as ones Lord and personal Saviour.
This is what the Bible says on the matter, Jesus saith
unto him, No man comes to the Father except through me. John
14:6. It is therefore clear from the Scriptures that salvation
can only be found in Jesus Christ. Do you accept the
authority of Gods Word over your life? Gods Word is the
light of truth that we are to accept and live by.
You can guard and grow your faith by accepting the
authority of Gods Word over your life. Submit yourself to
Gods Word and accept it as the truth that your life is to be
founded upon. Live out its principles on a daily basis. This
generation must guard against false teachings that do not
present Jesus Christ as the only Truth. Salvation is
exclusively in Jesus Christ. And there is nothing that we can
do to perfect it for it is already perfect. We must just learn
to receive it by faith.

The Greatest Love & The Greatest Gift
The Blessings of Grace

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for
his friends.
John 15:13
Have you ever felt lost and unloved? For many of us
this has shown up as a deep feeling of being unwanted and
unworthy? Funny isnt it how the experience of being lost
simultaneously goes with the feeling of being unloved.
Love is what locates us in the world. Love helps us to find
our place in the universe. We all want to be loved. Who
and what we love gives us our sense of belonging and
purpose in this life. Greater still is who we are loved by.
Do you know that God loves you just as you are? God
could have rejected us just as our world has rejected Him.
Instead He chose to love and embrace us just as we are,
with all our faults, dysfunctions and imperfections.
Nowhere in the history of the world have we ever
witnessed a greater love, than the love God has given and
made available to us in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Human actions are normally motivated by a need to

gain acceptance in order that we can have a place of
belonging. Here is the paradox of our time. It is easier to
please God than it is to please our fellow human beings.
Why then do we apply so much effort seeking love and
acceptance from people when God has freely made His
love available? Is Gods love, not enough? After all, it is the
greatest love.

The beauty of Gods love is that we dont have to work

for it. He has already given it to us through the sacrificial
death of His Son on the cross. It is a love that we dont
have to earn, but simply learn to receive. Everything else
that exists in this world we have to labour for and must
earn through toil and hard labour. This is not the case
when it comes to the love of God. The love of God is the
greatest love. No other love can compare to the width and
depth of His love.
Have you accepted that God loves you? Most of us are
too familiar with the experience of rejection and being
unloved. Dont let these negative experiences cause you to
shun the love of God. God is the only One who loves you
despite of what you have done. Isnt this an amazing love?

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Do you notice the emphasis the Scripture has? God did

not just love, He so loved the world that He gave His only
Son. God did not wait for us to make it right with Him. He
loved us so much that despite of who we had become, He
made a way for us to be reconciled back to Him. Isnt it
staggering to think that God did not wait for us to reach
out to Him? Rather from the depth of His love He reached
out to us and gave us the greatest gift that could ever be
In order for us to be reunited with our heavenly Father,
sin had to be put away. Sin is what separated us from God.
God is holy and therefore cant have fellowship with an
individual in the state of sin. So until the sin issue was dealt
with, humanity was separated from God. Despite the reality
and existence of sin, God was unwavering in His love
towards His creation.
Love is an essential part of the nature of God. 1 John
4:8 says that, God is love. He is a loving and
compassionate Father who acted out of His love to make a
way for us to receive forgiveness for our sin. To deal with
the division caused by sin God sent Jesus to die on the
Even if we had tried our efforts would have failed to
get us past the barrier of sin. God had to reach out to us to
save us. The love of God never grows cold or weary.
Unlike people, God never stops loving you. Because He
loves us He, has made available a gift for us to escape the
judgement of sin. The greatest gift is being pardoned from
the guilt of our sin.
The Bible teaches us that While we were yet sinners Christ
died for us Rom 5:8. God gave us His best when we were
in our worst state. When we were consumed by the ugly
and repulsive allure of sin and had no interest in Him, He
sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. Sin could not
outweigh the love of God and the power of the blood of
Jesus. This is something that we were powerless to achieve
for ourselves. We have to accept this gift that Gods love
and mercy has given to us.

Can you think of anyone who does not enjoy the

pleasure of receiving gifts, can you? Probably not, right?
The truth is we all enjoy receiving gifts. Gifts make us feel
good about ourselves and also make us feel loved and
appreciated. In fact, is it not true that we would rather
receive gifts than give them?
The Gospel tells us that there is no greater gift that can
be given to us than the one God has already given in the
Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation if you embraced will reunite
you with your heavenly Father. You will be forgiven of sin
and have your purpose restored.
Many lavish gifts have been given to men and women
over the ages, but none compares to the magnitude of the
gift of salvation offered only in the Lord Jesus Christ. We
are undeserving of such a gift, but God gave it to us
anyway. He gave this gift because He loved us. God wants
you to experience the greatest love and the greatest gift that
He has freely given to us.

Salvation Is The Easiest Gift To Receive

Salvation is the easiest and most precious gift anyone

can ever receive. It has present and eternal benefits and
blessings. Many struggle to take possession of this gift
because it appears too good to be true. It has been
suggested that in order to possess this gift, we have to
perform many laborious acts of religiosity, deny ourselves
in ascetic ways, or dress in a particular way.
Many teachings mislead people into believing that it
is attained by abstaining from certain foods, praying at
select times, speaking in a certain language and reading
specific books. However, none of that has anything to do
with your salvation.
You have been qualified to receive it through the love
of God. Because God loves you, He wants for you to be
saved. Receive Gods gift of salvation and walk in
forgiveness, freedom and a life filled with purpose and

Gods Love Knows No Boundaries

Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be
able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our
Romans 8:39

The love of God is incomparable, immeasurable,

unfathomable and limitless. Gods love is greater than any
sin. There is no sinful state that cannot receive the love of
God. What you have done does not derail the love of God
in your life. God loves you despite your history and what
you or others may think of you. God wants to love you
back to His purposes for you.
Gods love is a universal love. It is not availed to one
particular people, class or race. Gods love is for all people
Support all answers with Scriptural references.

What have you discovered about the love of God?



What have you discovered about the greatest gift?




How does God expect us to respond to the greatest
love and the greatest gift?




The Human Condition
Wrestled from the Tight Clutches of Sin

Sin is our deepest, most pervasive and gravest human

problem. It is a distortion of reality with many far reaching
consequences. Not many like to talk about it, but we all
have to deal and battle with it. Sin enslaves people with
shackles that can only be broken by the power of Jesus.
The Bible uses many words to define sin, the most
common of which are: the Hebrew words (1) hattah which
means missing a mark, standard or goal (2) pesa which is the
breach of a relationship or an act of rebellion (3) awon is
perversion and (4) resa which is godlessness, injustice, and
The most widely used Greek term is (1) harmatia which
is an offense committed against laws, people or God (2)
adikia describes the condition of unrighteousness and
unjust deeds (3) parabasis signifies trespass or transgression
of law and (4) anomia which means lawlessness.

From the above we can see that sin is a contravening

and transgression of Gods law which results in our missing
the mark. This offensive act is one of rebellion against God
and causes us to fall out of fellowship with Him, alienating
us from our Maker, who is Holy. Consequently our true
nature is marred and we live in disequilibrium with
ourselves, others and the created order.
Sin Is Having The Wrong Allegiance
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and
served created things rather than the Creator
Romans 1:25

Exchanging the truth of God for a lie is turning your

back on God and pledging allegiance to a life apart from
Him. Loyalty is a by-product of allegiance as you are loyal
to who you are committed to. Rather than worship God,
sin leads you to wrongly glorify your life in this world over
God. When this happens we erroneously build an identity
and worldview separate from the God who gave us life.
Rather than dutifully advancing the purpose of God on
earth, we aggressively pursue our own agenda. Are you
serving self or are you serving God? With whom does your
allegiance lie?

Sin Is Missing The Mark

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 3:23

God has a set standard for us. Failure to fulfil the

requirements of Gods standard is falling short of the glory.
This becomes a definition of sin. Imagine an archer
targeting a bulls eye ahead of them. If the arrow hits the
bulls eye, it has hit the mark. If it fails, it has missed the
mark. Sin then is us missing the mark of being who we
were created to be in God.
Sin is not only missing the mark it is hitting the wrong
mark by doing the wrong things. If you do not hit the mark
you cannot share in the prize. Sin results in us becoming
less than we were created to be. When we live our lives
outside of Gods purpose for us we sin and fall short of the
glory of God.

Sin Is Rebellion
Jesus continued: There was a man who had two sons. The younger
one said his father, Father, give me my share of the estate.
Luke 15:11-12

Rebellion is a refusal to accept authority and living

under lawlessness. It manifests either as active disobedience
or passive indifference, but it is all sin nonetheless. This is a
complete disregard of Gods law. Sin has caused people to
live a life in conflict with the God who created us. In
todays world many people are comfortable being an
authority onto themselves. This is a distortion of how God
intended for us to live. We were all created to live a life of
total submission to God and to the authority of His Word.
In the above Scripture the younger son asking his
father for his inheritance was the equivalent of saying, I
have no need for you. In essence it is wishing that his father
was dead. The parable reveals the young sons unrestrained
desire to live outside the parameters of his fathers
authority. In other words, the younger sons actions were a
rebellious act against God.
Sin Is Misery
Ruin and misery mark their ways
Romans 3:16

Misery is a state of ill-being due to affliction or

misfortune which is a direct result from sin. Until life is
lived in union with your Creator there will always be a deep
void that exists within people. As long as life is lived apart
from God, you will always be miserable. There will always
be that inexplicable nagging sensation deep within that
causes you to experiment with different things and chase
many philosophies.
Sin produces inner conflict, feelings of anguish, anxiety
and guilt marring the most fundamental aspects of ones
life. Sin is vicious and does not allow for rest. It brings
turmoil into the deepest and most fundamental aspects of
ones life. Sin is misery.

Sin Is Rejecting God

But whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before My
Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33

The most fatal aspect of sin is that it causes people to

reject God. Sins depravity is evidenced in how we deny
God and refuse to accept or acknowledge His authority.
The ugly face of sin is revealed in defiance against our
Father above and says, I do not need God, I am fine all by
myself or now is not the time! This defiance is rooted in human
pride that has elevated the individual above the truth. Many
reject God saying that He does not exist.
Rejecting God is a presumptuous act that says you
know better than He does. Sin causes people to become
irrational and delusional. It is this thinking that causes
people to live their lives as if there was no God who
demands worship from all people.

The Problem of Sin

But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you
are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of Gods wrath, when
his righteous judgement will be revealed.
Romans 2:5

Sin has hardened our hearts towards God. A hard heart

cannot respond to the love of God. It is this hard heart that
keeps us in rejection of the Truth and out of fellowship
with God. It is then impossible for any person to receive
forgiveness of sin and reach their full potential.
The problem of sin is that it creates a distortion of
values and warps our sense of reality. Think about how our
generation espouses corrupted principles. These are
responsible for all the greed, hate, crime and moral
degradation in our world today. Our warped sense of reality
is reflected in how we fail to accept and without hesitation
deny the truth. We reject the truth about who we are and
about the world. Because of sin we no longer do what is
right or believe what is true.
The Four States of Sin

Sin results in the individual being subject to four states

of existence:
(1) Alienation (2) Condemnation (3) Domination (4)

The State of Alienation

But your iniquities have separated you from your God
Isaiah 59:2

The ultimate destiny of every human soul is to be

eternally united with God. We were created to be relational
beings with the greatest and most significant relationship
being the one with our, Maker. It is not possible to define
humanness and ignore the truth that humanness is realised
in relationships, with God, self, others and the created
order. Sin separates us from God and as a result we
experience a breakdown in all other relationships. This
results in the state of alienation.

Your human destiny can never be separated from the

divine plan that you live in relationship with God through
Christ Jesus. Alienation is the state of being separate from
God, a condition that has serious consequences. Apart
from God you cannot know you and are separated from
your true identity. This separation from God results in the
irrationality of the human being. We do things that we were
never created to do. We live lives that are beneath our
calling in God. And we never experience the life that we
were designed to live.

The State of Condemnation

The judgement followed one sin and brought condemnation.
Romans 5:16

Condemnation is terrible state of existence. This is a

legal term that indicates that there have been charges
brought against an individual, and that before God the
individual is guilty of the charges and stands condemned in
Gods court of justice. This is a condition of culpability. It
comes with strong disapproval and deep feelings of guilt.
Theologically this is to say that you are condemned by your
thoughts and actions when presented before God. When a
building is condemned it means that it is unworthy of
occupancy. When a person stands condemned before God
it means that their sin has resulted in guilt which has caused
them to be unworthy for union with God.
There is a price to pay for sin. We have no defence
against the allegations that God brings against us and are
blameworthy as charged before the Perfect Judge. The
sentence is death.

The State of Subjugation

Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
John 8:34

A state of bondage twists your will so that you find

yourself doing that which you know you ought not to be
doing. Your conscience testifies against you when you
behave like that. However some have repeated these
behaviours so often that the voice of the Spirit has been
drowned. All they respond to is the beckoning of sin. This
is the tyranny of sin, where it has mastery over you.
The state of subjugation is one of servitude and
oppression. Outside of Christ your protection is removed
and you are exposed to satanic and demonic influence. You
are also overwhelmed by the lusts and pull of the flesh and
an internal drive to do what is wrong.

The State of Eternal Damnation

For the wages of sin death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus.
Romans 6:23

Sin brings judgement. No one likes to hear this. The

wages of sin is death. In other words, if a person does not
respond to Gods gift of salvation, death will be
punishment for their sinful state. Sin results in spiritual
death. If one is not redeemed from this state of spiritual
death they will forever live in separation from God, in a
place the Bible calls hell whose consequence and
experience begins here on earth.
The devastating consequence of living a life informed
by the wrong thoughts and convictions is the desolation of
destruction. The experience of hell is eternal separation
from God in a place of perpetual pain, suffering and
turmoil that awaits all those who remain outside Christ.

One Truth About Sin

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous
acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind
our sins sweep us away.
Isaiah 64:6

There is one truth about sin that none of us can escape

and that is, sin has affected us all. You could be strung out
on drugs and literally have nowhere to live or your life
could be that of one that society says has it all together. It
doesnt matter, all have been affected and marred by sin.
We have all been seduced by sin and have at some point
succumbed to its ugly illusion to live a life in opposition to
God. A life that has seen us turn against each other, seek to
advance our personal interests at any cost, a life in which
we have worshipped ourselves and not considered God.
Since all have been stained by sin this means that all are
in need of salvation. We all need to turn away from sin and
turn to the Lord. There is no other way of escaping sin.
With only the blood of Jesus God will set you free from the
bonds of sin. The blood of Jesus will work on your spirit
and make you whole from within.

All Sin Must Be Confessed

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
When we confess our sins to God He forgives us
which releases us from the burden of sin. We must confess
our sins before God in order for us to experience the
freedom of His forgiveness. To confess is to acknowledge
wrongdoing and error and to ask God for forgiveness. God
forgives us because of His love for us and the shed blood
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

Explain the different words the Bible uses to define








What are the problems of sin?





What are the four states of sin and what are the
consequences of each state?





Defining Salvation
Understanding Gods Work in Christ

Deeping your understanding of salvation will position

you to fully take advantage of the great gift God has made
available for you. This resource provides a sound biblical
definition of salvation. It is imperative to know what
salvation is in order to receive the fullness of the gift of
salvation that God desires for us all to be recipients of.
In order for us to arrive at such a definition we need to
address the misconceptions surrounding the nature and
essence of salvation.


No One Is Born A Christian

I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is
born again.
John 3:3

A highly held misconception is that one can be a

Christian from birth. There may be advantages in being
born into a Christian family, however it is important that
you understand that being born into a Christian home does
not make you a Christian. Christianity is about having a
personal relationship with God by exercising faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ. You must get to know God for yourself.
Just as being born to a doctor does not make you a doctor,
being born to Christian parents does not make you a
Christian. You have to know Jesus for yourself.

Salvation Is Not Obtained By Attending Church

One day the evil spirit answered them, Jesus I know, and I know
about Paul, but who are you?
Acts 19:15

To ensure our continued growth as believers weekly

church attendance is crucial. Attending a Christ centred
church that accurately teaches the bible is essential for you
to grow as a believer. You must however note that church
attendance does not give you salvation. You can attend
church religiously and still not be saved. The seven sons of
Sceva used the name of the Lord and yet did not know the
Lord. As a result they were brutalised by the evil spirits.
Salvation is an individual relationship with Jesus. That
can only be experienced by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ
as your personal saviour. You must be born again.

Salvation Is Not Church Membership

You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarrelling
among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?
For when one says I follow Paul and another I follow Apollos, are
you not mere men?
1 Corinthians 3:3-4
It is vital for all believers to be members of a vibrant
church, but you must recognise that church membership
and salvation are not synonymous. You can be a member
of a church and yet not be saved. Church membership is a
product of salvation, however membership in a church
does not grant Gods gift of salvation. There is no intrinsic
value pertaining to salvation in holding membership at a
particular church.

Salvation Is Not Acquired By Good Deeds

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and
this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that
no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

God does not expect you to work for your salvation. In

fact salvation cannot be earned through human effort.
There are teachings that peddle the notion that salvation is
acquired by doing good works. The truth is that there are
no works that can qualify us to achieve Gods gift of
salvation. This is not to say that we are not to do good. It
simply means that we understand that our good deeds are
not an instrument by which we obtain Gods love and gift
of salvation.

Salvation Is Not Achieved Through Baptism

Or dont you know that all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus
were baptised into His death? We are now buried with Him through
baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the
dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 6:3-5

One of the most recurring questions in Christianity is

whether or not water baptism is necessary for salvation.
The answer is a simple no. While baptism is an important
Christian ordinance, it is not an action that grants salvation.
Baptism should be a ceremony undertaken after you have
become a believer. It is a public demonstration of the faith
one has accepted in Jesus Christ.
The Bible does make it clear though that baptism is
important and those who have received the Lord Jesus
Christ as their Saviour must be baptised.

Salvation Cant Be Bought

May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy
the gift of God with money.
Acts 8:20

There are many offerings and sacrifices that have been

given in the name of buying salvation. It is ridiculous to
think that the favour of God can be bought. The Bible is
clear, salvation cannot be bought. Many people feel good
after having given an offering at church in the hope that it
would help them get right with God. That is not how it
works. Salvation has never, is not and shall never be up for
sale. The grace of God simply cant be bought by your

Now your attention is drawn to what salvation is. The

word salvation can be traced back to two common biblical
words. The first is the Hebrew word yasha and the
second, the Greek word soteria. These words both literally
mean to be delivered from the molestation of ones
Deliverance occurs in order that you may be preserved
from harm, ruin or loss. Salvation reveals how God sent
Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem a fallen world.
Embodied in these words is a definition of salvation that
can be stated as follows:

The sovereign act of God directed at rescuing a fallen

humanity that genuinely responds to His free gift of grace through faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are seven facets to this definition.

1) Sovereign Act of God
2) God Rescuing Fallen Humanity
3) God Restoring Humanity to Himself
4) Salvation Demands A Response
5) Salvation Is A Gift of Grace
6) Salvation Requires Faith
7) Is Found Exclusively in Jesus Christ
1) Sovereign Act of God
It does not, therefore, depend on mans desire or effort, but on Gods
Romans 9:16

The sovereignty of God means that God acts out of

His own will. He cannot be forced, neither instructed to
take action by anyone or anything outside of His own
intent. Salvation is then an act of God. He has chosen to
save humanity out of His volition. God willingly and
lovingly gave us a gift which made a way for us to be
reunited with Him.
This results in a settled past, a victorious present and
gives anticipation for the future. God did not have to ask
the world for permission to save the world. He offered
salvation to the world because He purposed to redeem the

2) God Rescuing Fallen Humanity

For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought
us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have
redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:13-14

If God had not rescued us we would never have been

able to escape the evil of this present age. The word rescue
means to free from harm or evil. Gods act of salvation
rescues and redeems humanity from past, present and
future harm. The danger that God rescues us from is
spiritual death and life controlled by sin.
In Genesis chapter three, the Bible explains The Fall of
Man. The word fall suggests a descent from a higher
position or status to one which is lower. The fall resulted in
humanitys falling out of relationship with God. Gods act
of salvation rescues us from this miserable state of
existence sin and death.

3.) Salvation Restores the Divide Between God

and Humanity
for the sun stopped shinning. And the curtain of the temple was
torn in two.
Luke 23:45

There exists a great divide between Gods initial intent

for creation and how humanity expresses itself. Biblical
witness testifies to the fact that creation is not what it ought
to be. The fall represents humanities departure from our
essence, Gods intent and purpose for us, and ultimately
from God Himself. Just as fish was created to exist in
water, people were created to live in union with God. This
is a relationship that was severed by the sharp viciousness
of sin.
Salvation removes the heavy weight of guilt that weighs
people down. You are rescued from the burden of guilt and
set free to walk in the knowledge that God has forgiven
you and that He loves you.
3) Gods Call to Salvation Demands a Response
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my
voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he
with me.
Revelation 3:20
Salvation is undeniably a sovereign act of God.
However this sovereign act demands that you make a
response to Gods invitation. God has made the way to
lead you away from destruction but the choice lies with
you. Will you turn to God? You cannot be passive nor sit
on the fence. When it comes to salvation, you must make a
choice for no response is a response. The 21st Century
challenge is one of choice, the choice between God and self
(which is the road of perdition, total destruction).
The response is for God which subsequently calls one
to be against the world, its system and its values. The
response springs from a sober and repentant spirit that is
remorseful and sorrowful for having rebelliously lived life
outside of a relationship with our Father. Will you respond
to Gods invitation of salvation? In Revelation 3:20 the
Bible says, Jesus is knocking at your hearts door and wants
to come into your life and have fellowship with you.

4) Is a Gift of Grace
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8

How is salvation a gift of grace you may ask? Salvation

is a gift of grace because it is given freely. There is nothing
that you do to be a recipient of Gods gift. The world is so
preoccupied with obtaining acceptance and favour. We
have to work hard to fit in. We tire ourselves through the
constant attempts to cover up our flaws and weaknesses in
order that people may like us. God does not operate like
that? This is how God responded to our failures and

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were
yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

God is not waiting for you to become perfect. He wants

you to come and experience His forgiving grace just as you
are. God is the gift giver and God is the gift. Through His
grace, He freely gives the gift of salvation, and sends His
Son Jesus to die on the cross so that He should become an
atoning sacrifice for our sins. The word grace means
unmerited favour. Fancy that, we are given what we are not
deserving of. There is nothing we can to earn Gods
gracious gift of salvation.

5) Salvation Requires Faith

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
We cannot save ourselves. If we could then there would
have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross. The only
way we can be saved is through believing in the truth about
the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our returning Lord
Jesus Christ. Your faith in Jesus is what is required to get
past the condemnation of the past, the conflict of the
present and usher you into your predetermined destiny.
Faith is that steadfast trust in God. If you only choose to
believe God and accept the truth about Jesus Christ, you
can experience Gods love, His grace and forgiveness.

6) Salvation Is Found Exclusively In Jesus

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

Scripture is very clear in this regard. There is no other

route to salvation. Our search for truth should point us and
keep us in the truth which is Jesus Christ. Outside of Jesus
Christ, there is no truth. In John 14:6 Jesus reveals to us the
truth of this statement when He says, I am the way and the
truth and the life. The Scripture is very clear, Jesus is
ultimate truth.
The world suggests alternate ways of achieving the
salvation of the human soul, but Scripture exposes all these
as lies. Salvation is found exclusively in Jesus Christ.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

Discuss four things that salvation is not





Define salvation.





Discuss the seven (7) facets of salvation







Salvation Is The New Life In Christ Jesus
The Joy of Being Born Again

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has

gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Through salvation you are not only converted and

transformed, but you get a fresh start. God erases the past
and gives you a new life. There is no need to carry the guilt
and shame of the past or approach your future with fear
and uncertainty. God no longer counts or holds the
ignorance of your past against you. In Jesus you are totally
free from the failure and condemnation of your sinful past.
Your culpability is erased and you are given a future filled
with promise and hope.
Born again believers is another term used to describe
those who have experienced salvation. Have you ever
stopped and considered the meaning and depth of what
that conveys?
One who is born again has accepted their need for
Gods mercy and forgiveness. A born again believer is a
person who has given their life wholly to Jesus. To be born
again is to make and act on the decision to receive Gods
gift of salvation. A born again believer is born into the
family of God. They change their old values for Kingdom
values and live a life sold out for God.
Repentance and conversion are two important
elements of the born again experience. Repentance is
experienced as an authentic feeling of remorse that causes
you to cry out to God for help. The Holy Spirit is the One
that heightens our awareness of our need for God. This is
conviction. We accept our shortcomings and
wholeheartedly embrace the gift of salvation from God.
Conversion speaks about a change that occurs within
an individual. This change shifts a persons allegiance from
self to God. When one makes the decision to be born again
they have recognised the truth about life, that it cannot be
lived apart from God. Being born again is a spiritual new
birth demonstrated by your responding to Gods invitation
and accepting the fact that as long as you live without Him
you are lost. Life begins afresh in Christ.

The Evidence of The New Life In Christ Jesus

The new life in Christ begins to produce fruit different

from that which you bore in your previous life. This fruit is
that which testifies that you are now a new creation in
Christ. The old has passed away and the new has come.
Our discussion now focuses on four aspects of the new
life in Christ Jesus. These are not the only four aspects of
the new life in Christ Jesus. They are the ones that best fit
the purposes of this study manual.

The four aspects are:

(1) A Spirit-Filled Life (2) Christian Worldview (3) A
New Hope (4) A Changed Heart.

A Spirit-Filled Life
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25

Living the Christian life is only made possible by

through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Christian is
Spirit-Led because God fills us with His Spirit at our
conversion. In fact conversion is only made possible
through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. This conviction
causes us to repent and give our lives to the Lord. It is
through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are
strengthened to walk in faith and mature in the Lord.
It is the Holy Spirit that guides us in our journey of
maturing in Christ. He gives us understanding pertaining to
Gods will for each of our lives. The Holy Spirit gives us
strength to face the battles of faith and challenges of life.
He reminds us that Christians are victorious in Jesus Christ.

A Christian Worldview
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to
test and approve what Gods will is His good, pleasing and perfect
Romans 12:2
A worldview is a way of looking at the world and
informs what we believe about ourselves and about the
world in which we live. People either have a worldly
worldview or a Christian worldview. Through salvation the
believer replaces their old belief system with Gods vision
for life.
A Christian worldview is a viewpoint informed by the
Word of God that does not see life through earthly
definitions. Believers are to submit themselves completely
to the authority of Gods Word making Scripture their
governing authority. Scripture is not just literature, it is the
Truth that frames your perspectives and judgements.

A New Hope
Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His
great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
1 Peter 1:3

No one can live without hope. Without hope life is

bleak. The opposite of hope is despair. This is a state of
futility in which the individual lives without any
anticipation of a more glorious future. Hope transcends the
barriers of the worst of circumstances such as poverty,
sickness or social failure, and directs one towards their
ultimate destiny. True hope is only found in Jesus Christ
who gives us expectation for the future. He is the reason
we have hope.
Jesus conquered sin, death, the grave and Satan himself
and through His resurrection gave us a living hope. It is
this hope that testifies that all forces of evil in opposition to
us have been defeated and that the believer is always
victorious in Christ.

A Changed Heart
I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will
be my people, and I will be their God, for they will turn to me with all
their heart.
Jeremiah 24:7

Your heart is the seat of your emotions, passions and

that which you are drawn towards. It is your heart that
births the affection that you have for certain gratifications,
desires and thought patterns. It is your heart that
determines what and who you commit yourself to. When
you encounter Jesus, He changes your heart.
You no longer experience a sense of pride or gain
satisfaction from your old habits and conduct. Your sense
of fulfilment is derived from a life that glorifies God. A
born again Christian no longer holds onto an old value
system. A changed heart results in a changed purpose. The
focus shifts from self and the world to God and His
purpose. A changed heart beats only for God. Read Acts 9
and see how God changed the heart of Paul. He was
transformed from being a bloodthirsty murderer to a loving
and compassionate man, eager to see many saved. God can
change your heart.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

What does it mean to be a born again believer?





Discuss the evidence of the new life in Christ





How Am I Saved?
Confidently Receiving the Greatest Gift

For it is with your heart you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says,
anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.
Romans 10:10-11

Is this not an amazing portion of Scripture? It clearly

lays out what God requires for us to be assured of our
salvation. Firstly, we are to believe in our heart. This means
to believe with the inner most part of our being. This belief
is evidenced when you entrust your entire wellbeing to
Christ. But what are we to believe? We are to believe that
we are justified. This means that we totally trust the efficacy
of the death and resurrection of Christ with respect to
reconciling us back to God and declaring us righteous
before Him.
To be justified means to be brought into right standing
with God. This has only been made possible by the death
and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Then secondly, we are to confess with our mouths that
we are saved. In other words if you really believe in your
heart, you will testify it with your mouth that Jesus has
saved you. Without reservation your mouth gives voice to
your testimony, which is that you now live for Jesus Christ.
This confession is born from the knowledge of the truth
that Jesus is the sole Saviour of humanity. Because you
have accepted that you cannot be quiet about it.
One who has encountered and come to the knowledge
of Gods grace, cannot but testify of the magnitude of the
salvation to found in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no
shame when it comes to giving testimony to this great
salvation. This is a salvation so great that it rearranges every
area of ones life. The mouth that cannot testify that the
body and life belong to Christ is not of Christ.

Gods Promise: The Assurance of Our Salvation

Look at the intensity of verse number 11, anyone who

trusts Him will not be put to shame We have already
concluded that the Christian accepts the authority of Gods
Word as ultimate Truth. In this portion of the Biblical text
God, is communicating a promise to us. This promise
states that all that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will not
be put to shame. In other words, what the Word of God
has said to us and about us will come to pass. Gods Word
comes to life in the life of all believers.
We all have had someone renege on a promise that
they had made to us. When people do that to us we often
feel disappointed and let down. We then find it difficult to
take not only the word of that individual, but also the
words of others because broken promises hurt. You can
rest assured in the knowledge that God never breaks His
promises for He is truth. Everything He says will come to
Assurance is freedom from doubt in the truth that God
is true to His Word. Will you respond in faith confident
that all who trust in Him will never be put to shame.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

Explain what it means to believe in your heart.


Define justification.


Explain the concept of assurance.

Give an explanation of how an individual is saved
(base your response on Romans 10:10-11).

Christs Work of Restoration
Discovering & Experiencing Restoration

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one
man, how much more will those who receive Gods abundant provision
of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one
man, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17

Restoration is about recovery. The recovery of a life we

had lost. Recovery speaks about reacquiring possessions
that were lost as a result of misfortune. It is not just about
recovery though, it is also about reconciliation.
Reconciliation is the repair of breached relationships.
Through the cleansing of our sins by the blood of Christ
we walk in the blessing of Gods promise of restoration.
Christs work of restoration corrects the damage of sin.
Christs work of restoration is transformative in nature.
It changes you from the inside out. Your thoughts about
what you esteem as important and how to live out your life
are changed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Your spirit is
transformed by the power of the Spirit of God. In the book
of Genesis the Bible teaches us that we were created to be a
reflection of the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27).
We have already learnt that sin corrupted this image and as
a consequence our values became distorted. Christs work
of restoration exists to reshape you into Gods original

Sin damaged us spiritually, emotionally, physically,

psychologically and relationally. It is responsible for
corrupting our understanding of what is right and what is
wrong. Pride has seen generations of men and women turn
their backs on God and elevate and worship themselves. At
its core sin is dysfunctional and it is this dysfunction that is
responsible for all the pain and misery in the world.
Because of sin we are not fully who God created us to
be. When you experience salvation the process of
restoration in your life begins. Restoration is about
repossessing what was lost accompanied with Gods
blessing of giving you more than you initially lost.

The glory of Christs work of restoration in us is that it

begins to heal us holistically. All of a sudden in Christ you
discover the truth about what God says about you and that
there is purpose, meaning and value to your life. Christs
love erases the damage caused by sin and gives you, new
values to live your life by. No longer are you defined by the
world and its institutions but by the truth of the Word of
God which becomes the ultimate authority for truth and
understanding for your life.
Christs Work of Restoration Grants Forgiveness
This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for
the forgiveness of sins.
Matthew 26:28

Everyone has had to wrestle with deep feelings of guilt.

Guilt is triggered by what we have or have not done.
Psychologists tell us that guilt follows us through our lives
and that we are in a constant battle to free ourselves from
its disturbing and debilitating implications in our lives. The
only way that guilt can effectively and permanently be dealt
with is by the blood of Jesus. When God forgives you of
sin, He does not remember your transgression any more
and will never bring them up against you again. The Bible
teaches us that He places our sin in the depth of the sea,
(Micah 7:19). In other words God forgets that you ever
committed that offence. Now that is liberating to know.
Be set free from the bondage of guilt by accepting
Gods forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Restored To Your Position of Authority

After having suffered the debilitating effects of life it is

difficult for many of us to recognise the victor that resides
inside of us. God never intended you to live a defeated life.
His Word declares that in Christ you are more than a
conqueror (Rom 8:37). You were created to reign and have
dominion and not to be dominated, subjugated, limited,
oppressed or defeated. In Christ you realise that God did
not create you in order that you may live a defeated life of
unrealised dreams, wasted and potential, broken
relationships and unrealised visions. Do not accept that, as
that does not reflect Gods desire for your life.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

Define Christs work of salvation





What is the relationship between salvation and





Living Life Purposefully
Living Life for the Glory of God

God Created Us For His Purpose

Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is the Lords purpose
that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21

The highest calling of every human being is to live a life

that glorifies God. There is no calling higher than that.
When one lives their life for a goal outside of this, they
miss the mark and derail their ultimate destiny.
Stop and think about it for a moment. Do you think
that life is just a random and spontaneous series of events?
Or is there an intentional design in the universe? Life is too
intricate and complex to be a mishap. This design could
only be fashioned by the purposes of God.
Before you seek wealth, satisfaction or fulfilment in
your life discover Jesus and let Him change you and lead
you into the abundant life that God has for you.
Purposeful living is a consequence of salvation, for it is
salvation that brings you into relationship with God. When
this happens God restores and redefines your life to meet
His purpose for creating you. Gods purpose is always the
best for He knows better than the most intellectual of
persons. Purposeful living is a life of total devotion to the
Lord Jesus Christ. There is no greater allegiance than the
one has to Jesus Christ. In Him we have our being.
Have you made that first step and given your life to
Jesus? If not there is no better time to do so than now.
Now that you know Jesus, do you have a vision for
your life? Do you know what you ought to live for? God
has placed gifts and passions within you. As you grow in
your walk with God, the Holy Spirit will make you more
aware of Gods purpose for your life. Ask Him and it shall
be revealed unto you.

Scriptural Guidelines for Living Your Life


Your life has a purpose and this purpose is defined and

designed by God. Below are Scriptural guidelines on how
you can purposefully live your life as a child of God.
A Life of Worship
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God this is your
spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12:1

True worship is living a life that glorifies God. Worship

is not just something you do in church when the band is
leading song. Worship occurs in the private and public
spaces of your life. Worship is your whole life for Jesus.
True worship says, Wherever I am, my actions will give glory to
God. This only happens when you give your life
completely to God and trust in Him wholly. Offering your
body as a living sacrifice is to die to self and live to God.
That means that God comes first in your decisions in all
areas of your life. Worship begins when Christians
withhold nothing and give their all to God. This is a life of
total surrender to our King.

A Life of Christian Fellowship And Community

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling
their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every
day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke
bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts
Acts 2:44-46

Christ calls us all to a life of Christian fellowship. The

Christian faith is a life of communion with God and our
brothers and sisters. As believers in Christ we are to come
together in love, faith and encouragement. Christianity is
about a life of togetherness with ones fellow brothers and
sisters. Selfishness and indifference to the plight of others
is not a Christian experience. It is doing life together.
Christians resist the temptation to carve out their own
piece of the earth where they can live life apart from their
brothers and sisters. Christians are to be compassionate
people who reflect Gods love to others in our broken and
hate filled world.
A life of fellowship is a life of compassionate
interaction with other people in the world. It is a life of
sharing and mutual respect for the other. The love of God
becomes the measure by which we love our neighbour. Just
as the good Samaritan of Luke 10:25-37 is moved to assist
a fellow brother befallen by hard times, the Christian is
never indifferent to the plight of another human being. Sin
created division among people, but the blood of Jesus has
reconciled us not only to God, but to each other. The
Christian is to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and
weep with those who are weeping (Romans 12:15).

A Life of Faith
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of
what we do not see
Hebrews 11:1

Gods purposes and all that He has for you in this life
will never be possible without faith. Our relationship with
God is established through faith. Without faith it is
impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). What then is this
faith? Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and
knowing that God is real even if we do not see Him. It is
believing God always. It is believing that what God has said
is the truth that you have accepted to govern your life.
Faith chooses to believe God in the absence of tangible
facts. Trusting Gods Word as true and accepting its
authority is a crucial expression of the Christian faith.
When you make a stand by faith you will not be moved
from the certainty of what you know. Your faith may be
challenged, but it will stand upon Jesus. A life of faith
makes God the centre of ones life and leans upon His
Word, rather than the gross limitations of human

A Life of Service
The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever
exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be
Matthew 23:11-12

It is the servant who is great in the Kingdom of God.

The Christian is a person who is always willing to serve
their brothers and sisters. Christ would have it no other
way. Those who exalt themselves above others shall be
humbled. And those who humble themselves shall be lifted
Christians are to take pride in pursuing acts of service
that make the lives of others more bearable. The Christian
lifestyle is always directed towards making the world a
better place. We are to serve our brothers and sisters in
loving relationships and fair dealings that cross the barriers
of race, economic standing, culture, citizenry, gender and
creed. The child of God is to live their life in sacrificial
service with a particular sensitivity towards the
disenfranchised, the hurting, the weak and the oppressed.

A Life That Glorifies God

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see
your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

Salvation results in a life that glorifies God. All of life is

to give God the glory. He is our chief end and only destiny.
There is no purpose to creation apart for the fact that all of
creation exists to give God the glory. God is glorified when
He is accepted as the centre of your life and when you
acknowledge that He is the only purpose for your being.
What does glorifying God mean? It means living a life
that brings Him honour through speech, behaviour, and
thought life. A life that glorifies God submits all aspects of
ones life to the authority of God. This cannot be achieved
without the individual acknowledging Him as the Sovereign
Creator worthy of all worship. Our desire to please God is
a demonstration of how we glorify God.
Remember to support all answers with Scriptural references.

What does being created for Gods purpose mean?


How are we as Christians supposed to live our lives



Define what it means to live a life that glorifies God.

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His Holy Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended to hell.
The third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From there He will come and judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy *catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

*catholic church refers to the universal body of believers and not the
If you have not established a personal relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ, make that decision now. Maybe
you had been a Christian before and walked away. God is
calling you back to a relationship with Him. Take this
opportunity to give your life to God.

A Prayer of Salvation

I come before you Father and confess that I have sinned

against you.
I acknowledge that you love me and sent your Son Jesus to
die for my sins.
Today my God, I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour and
I receive my salvation by believing in Jesus name.
I believe that He died and resurrected for the forgiveness
of my sin.
Thank you God for your love, grace and gift of salvation.
Thank you God for healing and restoration.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit and teach me your ways.
Help me love myself and to love my brothers and sisters,
In Jesus name

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, you have

just become a born again believer. I invite you to take the
next step in the journey you have just begun. Find a Bible
teaching church that preaches the Gospel of the Lord
Another Restoration City publication to equip and mature
the saints in the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Understanding Your Salvation

Book Two
Basic Bible Doctrines

Go deeper in your understanding of Christs work of

salvation and transform your spiritual life. Not only does
this book give you an understanding of the doctrines of the
Bible but it takes these doctrines and shows you what they
mean for you as a believer and how to apply them in your
Get your copy of Understanding Your Salvation (Book
Two) Basic Bible Doctrines and deepen your
understanding of repentance, conversion, atonement,
redemption, propitiation, faith, grace, regeneration,
adoption, assurance, justification, perseverance and
glorification. Use this tool to take your faith to the next
level and to empower yourself to explain the work of Christ
to the world.

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