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Read this article and later answer these questions with a very short sentence.

What does it mean that Lady Gaga's Super Bowl show was fairly
It means that her show was under control.

How many times did she change costume?

She only change her costume twice.

How much time did it last?

It last 12 minutes.

What was the audience she had?

She has an audience of 110 million.

From how many metres did she dive?

Lady Gaga first appeared 79 metres adove the crowd

Name some of the song titles that she sang in the concert.
This Land Is Your Land
Just Dance (excerpt)
Edge Of Glory (excerpt)
Poker Face
Born This Way
Just Dance
Million Reasons
Bad Romance

Which was the last song she sang?

She finish with the song "Super Bowl 51

How did she prepare her show?

Lady Gaga posed no such problems, taming her worst excesses to deliver a
streamlined, spectacular show.

What was the special permission required for the show?

The drone light show required special permission from the Federal Aviation Authority
- which had established a 34.5-mile-radius "no-drone zone".

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