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Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITS-FET

Applied Mechanics (ME-201) Tutorial.

Engineering Mechanics (ME 201)

1. Determine the area moment of Inertia of circular lamina of diameter D aboout
its centrodial axes x and y. Also determine the mass moment of inertia of
lamina if its total mass is M. Assume density to be constant.
2. Determine the area and mass moment of Inertia of a uniform rod of length L
and mass M about its centroidal axes. Radius of the rod may be assumed to be
3. Determine the moments of inertia Ix and I y of the area shown with respect to
centroidal axes respectively parallel and perpendicular to side AB.

4. Using the parallel-axis theorem, determine the product of inertia of the area
shown with respect to the centroidal axes x and y.

5. Determine by direct integration the moment of inertia of the shaded areas

with respect to the y axis.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITS-FET

Applied Mechanics (ME-201) Tutorial.
Engineering Mechanics (ME 201)
1. Using the method of joints, determine the force in each member of the
truss shown. State whether each member is in tension or compression.

2. Determine the force in each member of the truss shown. State whether
each member is in tension or compression.

Gambrel Roof Truss Howe Roof Truss

Pratt Bridge Truss

Power Transmission Truss
3. For the given loading, determine the zero-force members in the truss

4. For the frame and loading shown, determine the components of all forces
acting on member ABC.

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