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Ingls 5 Ano Pg.

1 de 3
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

English written test

My pen friend is called David Brown. He is twelve and he has got a very happy family. His
birthday is on 30th January. He is Australian. His father, Arthur, is a dentist and his mother,
Maria, is a secretary.
His big sister is called Isabel. She is sixteen. His little brother, Paul, is seven. David has
also got two pets, a cat and a small turtle. They are part of the family.
David is a student at The Manor School.
He is in Class 5F. His English teacher is Miss Green. She is nice.
1 - Read the text about Kate's pen friend, David Brown, and answer the questions:

a) How old is David?


b) When is his birthday?


c) What is his job?


d) Where is he from?

e) Has he got two dogs?


f) Has he got a brother?


g) Who is Miss Green?


h) What is his brother's name?


2 - Now complete the family tree:

_________ mother
Name: __________ Name: __________
Job: dentist Job: _____________

_______ DAVID _______

Name: Name:
_____________ _____________
3 - Ask questions to David:

You: a)

David: My surname is Brown

Ingls 5 Ano Pg. 2 de 3
You: b)

David: Yes, I've got two pets!

You : c)

David: My sister is 16 years old.

4 - Follow the example. Use this/that in the questions, a/an in the answers.

5 - Complete the sentences (my, your, his, her, its)

a) She is Judy. ______ name is Judy. b) You are Mary. ________ name is Mary.

c) I'm Peter. _______ name is Peter. d) He is my uncle. ________ name is


e) I've got a dog. ______ name is Bobby. f) I'm a student. ______ school is in

6 - Complete with the verb "to be" or "to have got"

I _____________ a student. My name _____________ Susan. I _____________ two friends,

John and Tom. They _____________ brothers. Tom _____________ twenty and John
_____________ fifteen. We _____________ a new teacher. She _____________ an English
book. It _____________ red and white.

7 - Write the sentences in the correct order.

a) secretary / mother / a / is / My / . b) How / brother / is / old /

your / ?

___________________________________ ___________________________________

c) Anna / His / called / sister / is / . d) a / cousin / you / got /

Have / ?

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Ingls 5 Ano Pg. 3 de 3
e) got / We / a / teacher / have / . f) blue / is / her / book

___________________________________ ___________________________________

8 - Write four sentences about your family.

My family


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