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Sedimentology (2000) 47, 801824

Vertical and lateral organization of a carbonate

deep-water slope marginal to a submarine fan system,
Miocene, southern Turkey
*Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Meston Building, King's
College, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, UK (E-mail:
ukurova University, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Geology Department, Balcali 01330
Adana, Turkey

Organization is recognized in the forereefdeep water slopesubmarine fan
system of the Burdigalian-Langhian Kaplankaya Formation. A basinwards
transition from a prograding shelfal reef complex, through forereef talus, deep-
water slope and laterally encroaching bypass deep-water clastic system is
described, although the deep-water slope makes up the bulk of the succession.
Considerable thickness variations occur between the reef and deep-water
clastic complexes; these are controlled by sea-oor topography, carbonate
foreslope gradient and degree of mass wasting off the platform and foreslope.
The vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the Kaplankaya deep-water slope
system is described from a number of localities along a 40-km-long and up to
3-km-wide exposed section of the northern margin of the Miocene Adana
Basin, a foreland basin setting resulting from thrust sheet loading from the
north during the Tauride Orogeny. Detailed eld mapping is supplemented
with vertical sedimentary logs, photomosaics, palaeontological and
petrological data to investigate stratal variation, diagnostic architectural
elements, controls on slope progradation, differential timing of basinward
encroachment of the reefal complex and lateral onlap of the deep-water clastic
system onto the slope. Three-dimensional models are presented showing the
vertical and lateral facies associations in different parts of the deep-water slope
system, and provide a basis for architectural prediction of geometry and
relative position in such environments.
Keywords Deep-water slope, resedimented carbonates, turbidites, Turkey.

INTRODUCTION be relatively randomly distributed. In contrast to

ancient examples of carbonate shelf-to-slope
Modern and ancient deep-water carbonate slopes systems, particularly from tectonic settings char-
are characterized by: variable width (5300 km); acterized by rapid subsidence (Gawthorpe, 1986;
steep slopes (particularly off reefs); linear distri- Mullins & Cook, 1986; Schlager & Camber, 1986;
bution of sediment input points; calciturbidite, Stow, 1986; Eberli, 1987), comprehensive facies
pelagite and hemipelagite slides and debrite facies models for other carbonate deep-water slope
associations; and irregular lateral facies distribu- systems are rare (Hess, 1975; Krause & Oldershaw,
tion. Their morphological elements include shelf 1979; McIlreath & James, 1984; Abbots, 1989;
break, gullies, channels, canyons, slide scars, Tucker & Wright, 1990). This is mainly because of
slide and debrite masses and vertical facies trends their poorer preservation potential and greater
(Mutti & Ricci Lucchi, 1972; Mullins & Cook, compactness, and the ease of recognition of
1986; Stow, 1986), which are generally thought to carbonate system shelf breaks compared with
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists 801
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those of siliciclastic systems (Pickering et al.,

Fig. 1. (A) Tectonic map of the Adana Basin (after
1989). In particular, there are very few published Gurbuz, 1993). The Cukurova Basin consists of two
examples of carbonate slopes in deep water that sub-basins, the Adana and Iskenderun Basins, which
are onlapped by signicant deep-water clastic are separated by the Misis Structural High. It is bound
systems that bypassed the contemporaneous car- to the west by the Ecemis Fault Zone, to the north by
bonate margin at points lateral to the deep-water the Taurus Mountains, and to the east by the Amanos
slope. Case studies (particularly from the subsur- Mountains, which are the southerly extension of the
Eastern Anatolian Fault System. (B) General geological
face) of sand sourced from the shelf between
map of the study area (modied after Yetis & Demirkol,
periods of shelf carbonate upbuilding, on the 1986). The Cingoz submarine fans form a trough-
other hand, are more common (Meyer, 1989; shaped axial system that was fed by clastics bypassing
Saller et al., 1989; Luterbacher et al., 1991). the Karaisali Limestone platform carbonates through
Here, a rare example of an exceptionally well- two main shelf-break canyons. Location of study areas
exposed, deep-water slope from the Miocene of Kaplankaya Formation: (1) Carkipare; (2) Musa
merli; (4) Cukurkoy.
Hacili; (3) Molla O
Adana Basin in southern Turkey is documented,
along with a description of its stratigraphic
relationships with a contemporaneous prograding by the Taurus Orogenic belt, to the east by the
shelfal reef carbonate complex and a laterally Misis Structural High and to the west by the
onlapping, basinward, bypass deep-water clastic Ecemis Fault Zone. To the south, it continues
system. The Adana Basin is an exhumed and under the Mediterranean as the Cilicia Basin as far
largely untectonized sedimentary basin where it is as northern Cyprus. Two major sedimentary basin
possible to observe and interpret synsedimen- complexes (Antalya and Cukurova) existed in the
tary carbonate-dominated slope-to-basin environ- Late Cenozoic epoch in southern Turkey (Kelling
ments. The slope system had a minimum lateral et al., 1987). The Cukurova Basin comprises the
extent of 40 km, maximum width of 3 km and Adana and Iskenderun sub-basins (Fig. 1A), which
maximum stratigraphic thickness of 300 m. This are separated by the Misis structural high (Kelling
mixed carbonatesiliciclastic depositional system et al., 1987; Gokcen et al., 1988). The Cukurova
accumulated in a foreland basin, which formed Basin Complex is contained between two major
during thrust loading from the north of the tectonic elements: the East Anatolian fault system
Tauride Orogenic belt. The stratal patterns des- to the south-east (of which the Amanos Moun-
cribed are the product of limited shelf width, an tains is an extension) and the Tauride Orogenic
irregular basin oor topography, an indented Belt to the north-west. These elements marked the
margin, limited accommodation and continued closure of the Neo-Tethys, collision of the Afro-
sporadic tectonic activity (Gurbuz, 1993; U nlu- Arabian and Eurasian continents and the creation
genc, 1993). The basin provides ideal examples of: of the present eastern Mediterranean Sea (Kelling
et al., 1987). Several models have been constructed
1 predictable vertical and lateral distribution of
for the evolution of the Adana Basin (Sengor et al.,
deep-water slope morphological elements in a nlugenc & Demirkol,
1985; Gokcen et al., 1988; U
setting that is commonly thought to be typied
1991). It is not the purpose of this paper to debate
by stratigraphic `randomness';
the tectonic setting. However, as it is generally
2 vertical facies associations indicative of a
accepted that the subsidence that formed the
carbonate deep-water slope and a laterally
Adana Basin commenced in the early Miocene,
encroaching deep-water clastic system lling
and that the inception of the Eastern Anatolian
the same limited accommodation space;
Fault System is thought to be no earlier than early
3 vertical and lateral stratigraphic variations that
Pliocene, the model adopted in this paper is that
could be used as a test for updip closure in
the basin originated as a peripheral foreland basin
analogous deep-water clastic petroleum plays
and then subsequently behaved as a transpres-
fringed by carbonate slopes.
sional basin complex related to the creation of the
Kahramanmaras triple junction to the east (U nlu-
THE ADANA BASIN genc, 1993).

Structural setting Stratigraphy

The Adana Basin is situated in the most north- The Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Adana Basin
eastern part of the Mediterranean on the coast of was originally constructed by Schmidt (1961),
southern Turkey (Fig. 1A). It is bound to the north and subsequently by Yetis (1988) and was
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reviewed by Yetis et al. (1995). The basement of & Demirkol, 1986; Yetis, 1988) in which Yetis
the Tertiary ll of the Adana Basin comprises et al. (1995) recognized a succession passing
folded and weakly metamorphosed Palaeozoic upwards from continental to transgressive and
and Mesozoic sedimentary units. The Palaeozoic then regressive deposits.
is represented by Devonian limestones and clas- The base of the post-orogenic ll of the Adana
tics and Permo-Carboniferous carbonates. The Basin (the `pretransgressive deposits' of Yetis
Mesozoic comprises Upper Triassic to Cretaceous et al., 1995) is represented by OligoceneEarly
platform carbonates and Upper Cretaceous deep- Miocene alluvial fan, uvial and lacustrine suc-
water clastics (Schmidt, 1961; Kelling et al., cessions known as the Karsanti and Gildirli
1987). Tectonic emplacement of an ophiolitic formations (Lagap, 1986; Yetis, 1988; Gurbuz,
melange was initiated during and after the Late 1993). The Karsanti Formation is found in the
Maastrichtian (Schmidt, 1961). Continued devel- relatively isolated Karsanti Basin, which is situ-
opment of a fold-and-thrust system led to loading ated within the Taurides immediately to the north
from the north during the Tauride Orogeny, as a of the Adana Basin (Fig. 1B). Recent dating of
result of collision between the Arabian and parts of the Karsanti Formation indicate an
Anatolian Plates, and creation of the Adana Basin Oligocene age (Fig. 2). The Karsanti Formation
as a foreland basin (Gokc
en et al., 1988; Williams is thus interpreted as representing the ll of an
et al., 1995). The Cenozoic ll comprises Tertiary intermontane basin formed in the Oligocene as a
units on the northern side of the basin and precursor half-graben to the Adana Basin (Yetis
Quaternary units to the south, with strata gener- et al., 1995). The overlying Kaplankaya Forma-
ally dipping gently to the south (Yalcin & Gorur, tion consists mainly of pebbly sandstones, sand-
1984). The Tertiary succession unconformably stones and sandy limestones. This formation
overlies the thrust-emplaced Mesozoic and Pal- represents a variety of subenvironments, ranging
aeozoic units. The succession has recently been from shallow-marine to slope deposits. These
subdivided into 12 lithostratigraphic units (Yetis sediments pass laterally and vertically (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Adana Basin stratigraphic column and sea-level curve (from Gurbuz, 1993).

2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824

A carbonate deep-water slope 805

into the Gildirli redbeds, the reefal Karaisali Karaisali Limestone at present-day altitudes of up
Formation (Gorur, 1979) and the basal part of to 1500 m, with steeply dipping fore-reef clino-
the turbiditic Cingoz Formation (Gurbuz, 1993; forms dipping to the south, giving way to talus
Gurbuz & Kelling, 1993). slopes at their distal ends (Figs 3 and 4). Much of
the Kaplankaya Formation slope sequence has
been eroded because of its higher shale content,
VERTICAL AND LATERAL VARIATIONS and the Cingoz Formation deep-water clastic
IN SLOPE FACIES system is preserved as a 350-m-high plateau of
stacked sandstones and conglomerates. Thus, the
The Kaplankaya Formation is exposed almost present-day basin margin physiography reveals
continuously for at least 50 km on the northern the exact spatial relationships between the clastic
margin of the Adana Basin (Fig. 1B), between the bypass zones, the shelf-break, the reefal carbon-
Cingoz Formation submarine fans to the south, ates, the deep-water slope sediments and submar-
which have a regional dip of 510 towards the ine clastic elements. This provides a possibly
south, and the Karaisali Formation reefal carbon- unique opportunity to study the broader strati-
ates to the north, which internger with the lower graphic and environmental relationships between
parts of the slope succession. The Cingoz Forma- a deep-water slope sequence and the contempora-
tion submarine fans comprise a large, axial, deep- neous along-strike variability of the carbonate and
water clastic system with axial palaeocurrents to deep-water clastic systems.
1 the east and south-east (Satur et al., 2000), and Here, four outcrop areas are described that are
not two distinct submarine fans as interpreted easily accessible, well-exposed and illustrate the
previously (Yetis, 1988; Gurbuz, 1993). This vertical and lateral stratigraphic variations in the
system had two major, axial and many smaller, Kaplankaya Formation slope sediments over a 50-
tributary, feeder conduits bypassing the reefal km-wide transect (Fig. 1B). Locality 1 at Carki-
carbonates of the Karaisali Limestone Formation pare is presented as an example of part of the
2 into deeper water (Satur et al., 2000) directly from slope sequence that shows considerable evidence
alluvial fan and fan-delta clastic systems, which for synsedimentary sliding of thick sections of
were in turn directly rooted in the emergent both the slope and onlapping turbidite sediments;
Tauride orogenic belt. Locality 2 at Musa Hacili is presented as an
The present-day physiography of the area example of the most distal lateral parts of the
reects the Miocene topography, with the eroded turbidite system, where they onlap against a
southern Taurides giving way to a Miocene lower angle slope that faced west as well as
succession that retains much of its ancient south, indicating restriction of basin accommo-
basin-oor topography, with a regional dip to dation progressively towards the east; Locality 3
the south. The Miocene shelf-break is largely at Molla O merli is presented as a classic section
preserved as a series of regional `benches' of of slope sediments 20 and 30 km away from the

Fig. 3. Schematic cross-section showing relationships between Karaisali Limestone, Kaplankaya and Cingoz For-
mations (after Gurbuz, 1993). See Fig. 1B for location of section. Note the interngering of Karaisali and Kaplankaya
Formations. The Cingoz Formation turbidites are laterally contemporaneous with the upper parts of the Karaisali
Limestone in this section.

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Fig. 4. View to east of Karaisali

Limestone clinoforms, dipping to
the south towards co-eval slope
(Kaplankaya) and deep-water fan
(Cingoz) sediments, equivalent to
Fig. 3. The faulted nature of the
basement Cretaceous limestones is
readily apparent. The direction of
view is from the top of the Karaisali
Limestone palaeo-shelf break,
equivalent to that seen in the centre
of the gure. The low level of tec-
tonic deformation of Miocene sedi-
ments at this northern margin of the
basin allows remarkable viewing of
the different parts of the shelf, slope
and deep-water systems from this

main western and eastern clastic bypass zones Formations. Photomosaics, supplemented by line
through the carbonate system, respectively, drawings, vertical sedimentary logs and both
which is characterized by signicant mass wast- palaeontological and petrological study of strata
ing of slope sediments; and Locality 4 at above and below the contact were collected to
Cukurkoy is presented as an example of slope investigate: (i) the amount of synsedimentary
succession characteristics near the most shallow deformation; (ii) the age and timing of the onset
and proximal parts of the slope sequence to the of clastic deposition; and (iii) the effects of local
western clastic bypass feeder system. palaeotopography on the geometry and vertical
and lateral extent of sediment accumulation at
Locality 1: Carkipare this part of the margin.
The area is characterized by signicant synse-
dimentary slumping and sliding of both the
The Carkipare area is situated on the north- Kaplankaya Formation and parts of the onlapping
eastern margin of the `Eastern Fan' (Gurbuz, Cingoz Formation turbidites. A line drawing of a
1993), the furthest eastern extent of coarse sedi- large photomosaic of a northsouth oriented
ment within the Cingoz Formation (Fig. 5). Struc- exposure is shown in Fig. 6. The section shows
tural mapping of the area was undertaken by a rapid thickening of the Kaplankaya Formation
U nlugenc & Demirkol (1988, 1991). In this study, away from the footwall talus of the Karaisali
the area near Carkipare village at the contact was Limestone Formation to the right of the gure.
remapped between the Kaplankaya and Cingoz A close-up of the relationships between onlap-
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A carbonate deep-water slope 807

Fig. 5. Structural map of study area 1 Carkipare-Akoren (from U nlugenc & Demirkol, 1988). The inset shows the
location of the larger, boxed area in this gure (also shown in Fig. 1B). This part of the basin margin has been subject
to later faulting. The detailed study area corresponds to area 1 in the text.

Fig. 6. Mosaic of turbidite lobe-slope onlap and slumped sequences at Carkipare. Note: the `marker bed' indicates the
BurdigalianLanghian boundary in logs AK01 and AK07 (Fig. 8A). The gure shows the rapid thinning to the right of
the entire Kaplankaya (slope) section. The onlap of the Cingoz Formation turbidites (which prograded towards the
direction of view), is shown by the dashed line.

ping Cingoz turbidites, which onlap from the The contact between the slope and the turbid-
south-west, and the Kaplankaya Formation is ites can be mapped for 8 km continuously, from
shown in Fig. 7. The Cingoz turbidites are rela- Kelerbasi village in the north-west to behind
tively undeformed on this scale, but the large- Egner village (Fig. 5). A schematic gure illus-
scale mass wasting of the slope marls and trating these relationships is shown in Fig. 8B.
siltstones of the Kaplankaya, with spectacular The contact between the Kaplankaya Formation
inlled slump scars, is clearly seen. (slope facies) and the Karaisali Limestone For-
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Fig. 7. Close-up of slumped Kaplankaya Formation sediments onlapped by Cingoz Formation turbidites (see Fig. 6
for location) (from Gurbuz, 1993). Unlike other locations along the margin, the Cingoz Formation turbidites are also
slumped near the margin.

mation (reef and talus facies) interdigitates, encountered different thicknesses of Kaplankaya
primarily because much of the slope section is Formation, the red `marker bed', which can be
contemporaneous with the reef facies. The con- mapped continuously in all Kaplankaya sections
tact between the Kaplankaya and the onlapping east of the `Eastern Fan' bypass zone, and the
Cingoz is more abrupt, with turbidites generally onlap contact between Cingoz turbidites and
onlapping an eroded or graded surface. The upper Kaplankaya Formation.
contact is easily seen as the turbidites are yellow
and the slope facies weather grey or purplish in
Log AK01
Representative sedimentary sections are shown Log AK-01 is 38 m thick. The lowest 20 m are
in Fig. 9. These logs show two main features: characterized by interbedded grey marls and
(i) the rapid thickening of the onlapping turbidites olive-grey shales and ne sandstones and silt-
away from the slope; and (ii) the signicant
amount of small-scale synsedimentary deforma-
Fig. 8. (A) Simplied measured sections sampled for
tion within many of the turbidites, indicative of age determinations (from Gurbuz et al., 1998). The
creep or slurrying of the sandstones, causing central section of log AK-07 only is shown, to indicate
slumping and dewatering on an intrabed scale the rapid expansion of the Kaplankaya Formation deep-
and destruction of much of the primary sedimen- water slope away from the basin margin. Palaeonto-
tary structure. logical sampling for foraminifera, shown in Table 1, are
Two long sedimentary logs were taken through indicated on the AK-07 section. (B) Schematic diagram
of Cingoz turbidite onlap onto Kaplankaya slope sedi-
the entire succession: logs AK01 and AK07
ments at Carkipare (area 1) (modied after Gurbuz,
(Figs 6, 8A and B). Figure 8A shows the attenu- 1993). The gure shows the increase in slumping of
ated section within the Kaplankaya Formation. turbidites at the basin margin, the rapid thinning of
Log AK07, taken closest to the Karaisali fore-reef slope sediments, and the interngering of slope with
talus facies, and log AK01, taken 1 km downdip, distal reefal sediments.

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Fig. 9. High-resolution correlation of pre-slump turbidites immediately above the Cingoz Formation/Kaplankaya
Formation contact at Carkipare. Note the extensive slumping and variation in palaeocurrents. See Fig. 6 for locations.
Slumps (marked with prex DF), can be mapped away from the margin for several hundred metres. Measurement of
slump fold vergence from these units did not give any indication of palaeoslope direction.

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A carbonate deep-water slope 811

stones. The ne sandstones and siltstones are local coal and plant fragments, and local current
00504 m thick, graded and have small-scale ripples indicate a northerly provenance; 3654 m
current ripples at their tops. Over this 20-m is characterized by interbedded marls, siltstones
section, the coarser beds get thinner, and the grey and shales with very common low-angle glide
marls become thicker (041 m thick) and more planes, slump scars (which are inlled) and
bioturbated. The section is characterized by low- repeated red marker bed levels (at 41, 48, 49, 50
angle synsedimentary glide planes that are now and 51 m), which imply a repeated stratigraphy
lined with calcite. Displacement across these though this part of the section as a result of
surfaces is of the order of 055 m. The red slumping.
marker bed is found at 20 m (Fig. 8A), and is At 55 m, the Cingoz turbidites onlap onto a
not petrographically distinguishable from the 20 discordance at the top of the Kaplankaya
overlying and underlying siltstones and shales, sequence. These medium-grained sandstone
although it retains a reddish colour. The section beds are structureless, with plumose and other
from 20 m to 40 m is characterized by grey marls, tool marks, a south-westerly provenance and
grey-blue shales and olive-grey ne sandstones interbedded siltstones and ner sandstones.
with rippled tops, bioturbation (vertical burrows) They are orange in colour, have yielded no
and broken-up fossil detritus (shelfal fauna, fossils, contain quartz grains, ophiolite fragments
including corals). Grey shales and orange calcar- and ferromagnesium silicate minerals and are
eous rippled ne sandstones and siltstones be- unrelated to the previous bioclastic limestones,
come more common towards the top of the which have common fossils and no quartz
section, with palaeocurrents to the east (Fig. 9). grains or ferromagnesium silicate minerals. Very
A major discordance of up to 20 at 40 m marks uncommon thin beds of calcarenite are found
the onset of turbidite onlap (Fig. 8B). The turbid- in the Cingoz turbidites with the same charac-
ites are either (i) orange siltstones or ne sand- teristics as those found in the underlying
stones (mainly calciturbidites), both comprising Kaplankaya Formation, indicating occasional
reworked shelfal material, with palaeocurrent contribution of sediment from the north. How-
directions from the north, or (ii) thin light brown ever, the dominant sediment accumulating with-
sandstones and siltstones with a westerly and in the Cingoz had a westerly and south-westerly
south-westerly provenance. The red marker bed provenance, swamping any calciturbidite input
and a change in stratal dip across it corresponds from the north.
to an intra-Kaplankaya discordance dated as the
BurdigalianLanghian boundary (Table 1).
Age-dating within the Kaplankaya
Previous dating of western parts of the Kaplan-
Log AK-07
kaya Formation showed that parts of the forma-
Log AK-07 is 57 m thick (only 20 m is shown in tion were Burdigalian (Nazik & Gurbuz, 1992),
Fig. 8A for clarity). The lowest 10 m encountered although no evaluation of lateral variations in age
the uppermost Karaisali limestone facies. Crys- were undertaken. Sampling through the Kaplan-
talline limestones are found at the base (<2 m kaya Formation was undertaken to determine the
thick) with carbonate pebbles, black pebbles of timing of onlap of the Cingoz turbidites. Plank-
the Oligocene Karsanti Formation (Fig. 2) and tonic foraminifera were found in abundance in
local talus breccia. These are heavily bioturbated, non-indurated shales and were extracted from all
and broken-up shelfal detritus is very common. measured sections at a spacing of 5 m. The
These limestones are underlain and overlain by a BurdigalianLanghian boundary was recognized
variety of carbonate facies, including bioclastic at the red marker level discordance within the
limestones (<05 m thick) with broken fragments Kaplankaya Formation in all areas east of the
of shelfal fauna, including bivalves and corals, Eastern Fan bypass zone (Table 1; Gurbuz et al.,
blue marls with local mudclasts and carbonate 1998). Sampling conrms that the timing of the
pebbles, blue/grey/beige silty marls and local onlap of the Cingoz onto the Kaplankaya Forma-
brown siltstones. The interval 1017 m comprises tion is later than Burdigalian and was marked by
interbedded blue-grey marls and packages the last appearance of Praeorbulina glomerosa
(<15 m thick) of thin-bedded, often amed sand- curva (Blow), and the start of the Langhian is
stones (<01 m thick), which have attened bra- marked by the rst appearance of Orbulina
chiopods and other shell fragments; 1736 m sturalis Bronniman. This was found in both logs
comprises interbedded shales and siltstones with AK-01 and AK-07.
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
Table 1. Range chart of planktonic Foraminifera at Carkipare (Area 1), from log AK07, showing the logs shown in Figs. 6, 8A and B.

Late Burdigalian Langian AGE

B. T. Cronin et al.
Praeorbulina glomerosa curva Orbulina universa Biozones

AF-24 AF-25 AF-26 AF-27 AF-28 AF-29 AF-30 AF-31 AF-32 AF-33 AF-34 AF-35 AF-36 AF-37 Sample numbers/Planktonic Foraminifera

0m 2m 4m 9m 10.75 m 12.7 m 14.5 m 18.4 m 23.5 m 27.3 m 30.85 m 39.2 m 41.1 m 48.1 m Position on log AK-07 (Figure 8A)

Praeorbulina sicana Blow


Praeorbulina glomerosa curva Blow


Praeorbulina transitora Blow

2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824

Globigerinoides trilobus immaturus Le Roy


Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus Reuss


Globigerionoides bisphericus Todd

Globigerionoides trilobus succulifer Brady


Globigerionoides ruber d'Orbigny


Globigerina foliata Bolli

Globigerina venezuelana Hedberg

Globorotalia obesa Bolli

Globigerinanus tokerae Nazik G

Goboquadrina dehiscens Chapman, Parr and Colli

Goboquadrina alispira Cushman and Jarvis

* Orbulina suturalis Bronniman


Orbulina bilobata d'Orbigny

Orbulina universa d'Orbigny


A carbonate deep-water slope 813

the eastern limit of exposure of the Cingoz

Summary locality 1
Formation deep-water clastic system. Further to
The entire section from Karaisali Limestone the east of Musa Hacili, the Cingoz turbidites are
Formation to Cingoz turbidites is exposed at the overlain by the Guvenc Formation (Fig. 2). The
Carkipare locality. Distal Karaisali forereef talus entire section between the Karaisali Limestone
and calcarenites internger with Kaplankaya Formation and the Cingoz Formation is exposed
slope facies. The Kaplankaya Formation thickens at several localities near Musa Hacili. The onlap
downdip dramatically from < 20 m to >60 m over surface between the Cingoz turbidites and the
several hundred metres. This formation is Kaplankaya slope sediments is well exposed
characterized by interbedded marls, shales and (Fig. 10) and can be mapped for several kilo-
calciturbidites with a northerly provenance, metres, as at Locality 1.
extensive mass wasting and inlled slump scars. A logged section through the entire sequence
The onlapping Cingoz turbidites are at least 20 is shown in Fig. 11. The Karaisali facies include
oblique to the Kaplankaya regional dip. The pebbly marly sandstones (<05 m thick) with
contact is marked by an erosive discordance. rock fragments, red matrix-supported conglom-
They have a westerly and south-westerly prov- erates with rounded pebbles of the Karsanti
enance and consist predominantly of quartz Formation and angular blocks of reefal intra-
grains with subordinate ferromagnesian and clasts (0520 m thick), limestones (<07 m
ophiolite grains. Caliciturbidites with a northerly thick) and calcarenites (0105 m thick). There
provenance occasionally interrupt the Cingoz is a gradual vertical, and interngering lateral,
clastics, but their contribution is minor. transition into the beige silty marls and greenish-
grey shales of the overlying Kaplankaya Forma-
tion, which is 70 m thick at this locality. The
Interpretation of succession at Carkipare prominent red marker horizon is found at a
The stratigraphy at Carkipare is interpreted as major discordance in the middle of the Kaplan-
distal forereef talus breccia giving way downslope kaya Formation at 40 m (Figs 10 and 11). Age
to slope accumulation of marls and siltstones. dating, similar to the data shown in Table 1,
Minor calciturbidite beds indicate local turbidity again places this discordance at the Langhian
currents from the shelf to the north. The extensive Burdigalian boundary, which is in agreement
slumping and mass wasting within the upper with the same surface at Carkipare, 6 km to the
Kaplankaya Formation indicates slope instability, south-west. Above this discordance, there is a
which was probably triggered by tectonic over- progressive increase in clay content, and grey
steepening of the margin (as the foreland basin shales are more common than light-grey marls.
subsided differentially) and produced a thick The transition between Kaplankaya shales and
proximal slope apron basinwards of the foreslope Cingoz turbidites is marked here not by direct
clinoforms. The LanghianBurdigalian hiatus is onlap of the turbidites onto an eroded upper
succeeded by an increase in clastic input from the Kaplankaya, but by 23 m of slump and debrite
west and south-west, corresponding to lateral on top of an eroded upper Kaplankaya and onlap
encroachment of the Cingoz deep-water clastic of the turbidites onto the upper surface of the
system. Turbidites in this system onlap onto an debrite. The turbidites are all ne-grained sand-
eroded upper Kaplankaya surface, and continued stones, some with rippled tops (indicating a
instability of the margin led to subsurface lique- south-westerly provenance), and all less than
faction of unlithied sandstone and incorporation 015 m thick. Slurried sandstone facies seen at
of some of the turbidites into low-angle slides or the Carkipare onlap are absent.
creep. This probably represents a combination of
steep, unstable, deep-water slope and loading of Interpretation
the deep-water clastic pile.
The stratigraphy at Musa Hacili is interpreted as
forereef talus breccia giving way distally to
Locality 2: Musa Hacili relatively quiescent slope sedimentation of marls
and, after the LanghianBurdigalian hiatus, a
gradual increase in non-carbonate clay and silt
The Musa Hacili location is 3 km east of the deposition from the south-west, corresponding to
village of Akoren, which is 1 km east of the progressive lateral encroachment of Cingoz deep-
hamlet of Carkipare (Locality 1; Fig. 5). This is at water clastics from that direction. The onlap is
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
814 B. T. Cronin et al.

Fig. 10. Musa Hacili (area 2): the

most easterly exposure of the
KaplankayaCingoz contact, north-
east of Akoren (Fig. 5). Here, turbi-
dites are thinner, ner and not
slumped, indicating a subdued,
lower gradient slope in this area.
The vertical stratigraphy is similar
to other areas, if attenuated, and
lacking in debris ows and slumps.

preceded by minor debrites, which suggests of the lower parts of the Kaplankaya Formation.
progressive loading of the turbidites onto a lower Large blocks of Karaisali Limestone (3050 m in
angle slope prole, and this observation is sup- diameter) are found at many locations. The section
ported by the lack of slumping and sliding within between the Karaisali forereef talus breccias and
the upper parts of the Kaplankaya Formation. the top of these debrites and slumps is 150 m
thick. Most of this section is interpreted as repeated
stratigraphy (a base-of-slope apron slide sheet
Locality 3: Molla O complex, cf. Cronin et al., 1998).
The stratigraphic section under consideration
here extends from the top of the debrites to the
The Molla O merli locality is situated near the base of the onlapping Cingoz turbidites. Figure 12
distal end of the Western Fan system (sensu shows a superb section of the Kaplankaya slope
Gurbuz, 1993), 26 km south-west of Locality 1 facies. A 10-m-thick debrite is overlain by a 50-m
(Fig. 1B). The KaraisaliKaplankayaCingoz succession of interbedded marls, siltstones,
succession is well exposed in a number of river- shales and sandstones. The debrite at the base at
bank cuts and roadside exposures. The Kaplankaya this locality (Fig. 12B) contains reworked shelfal
Formation is known to be signicantly thicker in fauna, blocks of Karaisali Limestone, rafts of
this area, where the Cingoz Formation is thinner, lithied slope marls and clays up to a metre in
and these shales were given the local name Kopekli length, and subordinate amounts of pebbles of
shales. The Molla O merli area was thought to ophiolite and Karsanti Formation. The slope
correspond to the area between the previously marls and clays onlap the surface of the debrite.
interpreted Western and Eastern fans (Gurbuz, The Kaplankaya slope facies above this corres-
1993). Reinvestigation of the Molla O merli to pond to a series of inlled slump scars and slide
Kopekli area, with the building of new forestry sheets. Sandstone lenses up to 2 m thick pinch
roads, has led to the discovery of signicant out rapidly laterally and are most common where
thicknesses of mass-wasting deposits from the low-angle discordances are found within the
north, which has resulted in the local thickening sequence. The sandstones and siltstones are
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
A carbonate deep-water slope 815

Fig. 11. Musa Hacili section (area 2),

northeastern Adana Basin, as indi-
cated on Fig. 10. The red marker
corresponding to the Langhian/
Burdigalian boundary, is present
here. The onlapping turbidites are
very thin-bedded and onlap the
single debris ow in the section.

rippled, with south-directed palaeocurrents (205 Above the section shown in Fig. 12A, the
218) and comprise reworked shelfal material and marls, clays and siltstones that characterize the
mudchips only. lower parts of the Kaplankaya sequence are
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
816 B. T. Cronin et al.

Fig. 12. (A) Sand distribution within the Kaplankaya Formation at Molla O merli (area 3). Note that the sands are
controlled, in geometry and stratigraphy, by slump and slide morphology. Lenticular sand bodies are thought to
represent short-lived gullies on the slope, which acted as conduits for downslope turbidites between slump and slide
events. (B) Debrites at the base of the cliff section in Fig. 12A above. Debrites are up to 15 m thick at this locality, and
found at the base of the exposed Kaplankaya Formation. Debrites are always overlain by slump and slide packages.
Debrites contain a variety of clasts, but dominantly blocks of intrabasinal limestone (from the nearby slope) and slabs
of intrabasinal shale up to 1 m in diameter.

overlain by a 60-m-thick, monotonous succession tions measured at Carkipare and Musa Hacili. The
of marls and clays with local low-angle discor- forereef talus of the Karaisali Formation gives way
dances. These are onlapped by thick (13 m) distally to a series of thick debrites, which
gravelly and pebbly turbidites of the Cingoz probably correspond to tectonically triggered
turbidites, which have a westerly provenance. collapses of a steep forereef and slope to the
north. Synsedimentary faults are known from this
area (U nlugenc, 1993). These are followed by a
series of slide sheets. Slump scars are lled with
merli is interpreted as
The stratigraphy at Molla O several calciturbidites or shelly turbidites
an expanded, downslope equivalent of the sec- sourced from the north. The spectacular exposure
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
A carbonate deep-water slope 817

of this part of the section indicates that the sea- observed from the same locality from which
oor topography generated by slump, slide and Fig. 4 was photographed, from the top of the
creep processes acted as conduits and foci for reefs of the Karaisali Limestone Formation.
subsequent turbidity current pathways. The At Cukurkoy, the KaraisaliKaplankayaCingoz
geometry of these sandstones is discussed below. transition is also well exposed (Fig. 13).
Thin-bedded limestones and talus breccias of
the Karaisali Limestone Formation are exposed at
Locality 4: Cukurkoy the bottom of the cliff section (Fig. 13) and are at
least 25 m thick at this location. These are
interbedded with marls of the Kaplankaya For-
The Cukurkoy location is situated 12 km south- mation. The lower part of the Kaplankaya For-
west of the Molla O merli area, near the head of mation above this comprises a 40-m succession of
the `Western Fan' (Gurbuz, 1993). West of this stacked siltstones, marls, clays and sandstones
location, the turbidite sandstones and conglom- with multiple discordances and low-angle slip
erates of the Western Fan pass updip into fan planes lined with calcite, as observed at Molla
delta sediments and terrestrial redbeds and allu- O merli and Carkipare. Sandstones in the succes-
vial fan sediments of the Gildirli Formation, sion are thin-bedded, medium-grained, shelly
which is now thought to be partially laterally calciturbidites with a northerly and north-easterly
contemporaneous with the Cingoz Formation provenance. A log of the section showing the
3 (Satur et al., 2000), unlike the stratigraphic contact with the overlying Cingoz turbidites is
column shown in Fig. 2. This transition can be shown in Fig. 14. The upper part of the Kaplan-

Fig. 13. Photograph and line-draw-

ing interpretation of the vertical
sequence at Cukurkoy (area 4),
showing debris ow at the contact
between the Kaplankaya and Cingoz
Formations, found on top of an
erosional truncation. Note also the
inlled slump scars and the shelly
turbidites above the debris ow,
which were sourced from the north,
and not the west, like the major
`Western Fan' sediments at the top of
the photograph.

2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824

818 B. T. Cronin et al.

Fig. 14. Cukurkoy (area 4) logged

section through Kaplankaya and
lower Cingoz Formations. The sec-
tion is marked on Fig. 13. Note the
thickness of the debris ow between
the Kaplankaya and Cingoz Forma-
tions, in comparison to that in
Fig. 11.

kaya Formation is truncated and overlain by a

15-m-thick debrite, which contains rafts of lithi-
ed slope shale and local blocks of Karaisali The stratigraphy of the succession documented at
Limestone and pebbles of older sediments (Kar- Cukurkoy is very similar to that of the thicker
santi and ophiolite). This debrite is clearly seen section measured at Molla O merli. Forereef talus
in Fig. 13. The debrite is onlapped by at least two of the Karaisali Limestone Formation gives way
thick shelly turbidites, which have a northerly downdip into a series of slide sheets and inlled
provenance. The turbidites are separated by two slump scars that are equivalent to a more prox-
thin muddy debrites, which contain pebbles. imal updip section than that measured at Molla
These are overlain by 30 m of Kaplankaya marls O merli. The top of the slide sheet section is
and shales, which become increasingly terrigen- marked by a signicant debrite, onto which early
ous upsection, as seen in the other localities. The shelfal turbidites onlap. These are followed by a
Cingoz turbidites that onlap these are thick- relatively quiescent (thick section of hemipelagic
bedded coarse sandstone and pebbly turbidites, sediment) and probably lower angle, deep-water
with a westerly and north-westerly provenance. slope, which becomes increasingly clastic
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
A carbonate deep-water slope 819

towards its top, corresponding to rapid lateral rences of northerly derived calciturbidites or
encroachment of the Cingoz deep-water clastic shelly turbidites. All this information supports
system. the view that the Karaisali Limestone Formation
foreslope becomes gradually more clastic as the
Cingoz turbidites encroach axially from the west
in front of this very laterally extensive (>120 km)
carbonate platform. The foreslope was already
very steep (35, estimated from present-day
Age and compositional variations
dips) and tectonically unstable and, thus, the
Age dating using planktonic foraminifera and accumulation of so much ne-grained terrigenous
petrological investigation of compositional varia- material led to extremely oversteepened clastic
tions within the Kaplankaya Formation have slopes that wasted southwards at frequent
revealed a number of striking features. The intervals.
BurdigalianLanghian boundary occurs in areas
1 and 2 to the east of the study area, where it is
Model for the evolution
marked by a discordance and a red marker
of the Kaplankaya slope
horizon, between 10 and 30 m below the onlap
of the Cingoz turbidites (Gurbuz et al., 1998). The Karaisali Limestone Formation is interpreted
This marker horizon is not found in areas 3 and 4, as a carbonate platform, which was at least 5 km
but the BurdigalianLanghian transition occurs wide and exposed continuously along the north-
below the debrites and slide sheets documented ern margin of the Adana Basin for over 120 km.
in Figs 12 and 13 (Nazik & Gurbuz, 1992). This The platform margin forms a perfect rim corres-
implies that the BurdigalianLanghian boundary ponding to the palaeoshelf break, and this is
was followed by periods of tectonic instability, 50 m in width (e.g. Fig. 4). The foreslope
which led to mass wasting in the west on a large extends southwards for at least 15 km and
scale, forming a thick Kaplankaya base-of-slope comprises a series of basinward-dipping clino-
apron and a stratigraphic discordance to the east forms, which have angles of 3540 to the
with only local mass wasting. bedding of limestones on the platform (Fig. 4).
The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages These have been called clinothems (cf. Goldham-
through the Kaplankaya Formation indicate an mer & Harris, 1989) and are predominantly 2- to
upwards-deepening from the Karaisali Limestone 4-m-thick sheets of breccia, comprising blocks of
talus breccias to the Cingoz onlap, supporting the Karaisali platform limestone in a mud matrix.
relative sea-level curve shown in Fig. 2, although The toe-of-slope (Fig. 4) is lower in angle,
this curve was constructed using facies associa- around 10, and contains slivers of talus breccia,
tion (Gurbuz, 1993), which suggests a rise and which include debrites with extrabasinal clasts of
highstand towards and at the BurdigalianLangh- older lithologies (Karsanti Formation and Creta-
ian boundary. The resolution of these palaeonto- ceous ophiolite). The Kaplankaya slope is inter-
logical investigations did not allow us to chart preted as a base-of-slope carbonate apron, which
differential onlap of the Cingoz turbidites in the onlaps and backsteps over much of the Karaisali
west from that in the east. Limestone platform and apron described above.
Compositional variations through the upper Many of these facies associations thus correspond
parts of the Kaplankaya were investigated in to classic carbonate apron models (Mullins &
areas 1 and 2, as discussed above. The rapid Cook, 1986).
upwards-deepening of the Kaplankaya is also The facies model of Mullins & Cook (1986)
marked by a progressive upwards decrease in shows a vertical transition from basin-oor pela-
marl sedimentation in all sections. Interbedded gic and periplatform oozes with thin turbidites,
marls are succeeded by interbedded marls and through base-of-slope apron, lower slope with
siltstones and, nally, siltstones, before the onlap debrites, turbidites, creep lobes and slide masses
of turbidites from the south-west. This is also to upper slope with gullies, slide scars, megab-
seen in the western areas, although terrigenous reccias, debrites and slumps (Fig. 15A). The
material is generally more common through the evolution of the KaraisaliKaplankaya margin
western sections than those measured in the east. described in this paper shares some of these
The only interruptions of the monotonous slope features, but departs markedly with the introduc-
stratigraphy in the eastern areas, apart from local tion of the Cingoz turbidites from the west, which
synsedimentary tectonic activity, are the occur- encroach laterally upon, and trigger instability in,
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
820 B. T. Cronin et al.

2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824

A carbonate deep-water slope 821

mon to the east at Molla O merli, where the

Fig. 15. (A) Base-of-slope apron model of Mullins and
Cook (1986). (B) Block models of areas 4 and 3. These Kaplankaya Formation increases dramatically;
are the areas most proximal to the main feeder to the 26 km further east, and past the major bypass
Cingoz Formation turbidites. In area 4, the slope is zone that corresponds to the `Eastern Fan' of
characterized by multiple sand- and mud-lled slump previous workers, the slope was also extremely
scars, gullies and occasional debris ows. The Cingoz unstable and frequently triggered to collapse as a
Formation turbidites are preceded by debris ows from result of local tectonism. The onlapping of the
the margin, against which they are seen to onlap.
Cingoz caused slumping of parts of the turbidite
Locally, debris ows are deposited onto the marginal
parts of the turbidite sand bodies. In area 3, there is a sequence, because of loading at the base of an
considerable thickening of the debris ow and slump already very unstable slope. At Musa Hacili, the
sheets, with a thick base-of-slope-apron sequence of turbidites ponded against a progressively lower
stacked sheets of wasted material developing. The angle slope, which also faces west, indicating
wasted units contain many very large blocks, up to connement of the basin in that direction. It is not
30 m in diameter, of intrabasinal reefal material. The known what happens to Cingoz Formation sedi-
slope sediments comprise many sand-lled scours.
ments to the south, as they dip into the subsurface.
(C) Block model of areas 2 and 1. These areas are over
30 km away from the main feeder system. Area 1 is
characterized by slumping of the turbidites away from Controls on the architecture
the margin of the basin, indicating syndepositional
of the Kaplankaya Formation
earthquake activity, or oversteepening/loading of the
slope by the advancing turbidites. Slump scars and There is a paucity of documented examples of
slide sheets are also seen within the slope sequence. carbonate deep-water slopes that are encroached
Area 2 is characterized by distal turbidites onlapping a
laterally by deep-water clastic systems. There are
subdued slope.
many examples of turbidite systems that bypass
deep-water slopes, and the transition from a
the slope and base-of-slope apron. What is par- series of sand-starved, blue-coloured marls to
ticularly remarkable is the lateral stratigraphic yellow-coloured, obliquely onlapping turbidites
repeatability of the slope succession over 50 km is a classic foreland basin signature in the
of almost continuous exposure, indicating that Alpine belt. Examples include the onlapping of
there is stratigraphic order in this type of sedi- Hecho Group Campodarbe Formation turbidites
mentary environment and tectonic setting, con- onto marls and limestones of the Boltana Anti-
trary to previous models (cf. Mutti & Ricci Lucchi, cline in the Eocene of the south-central Pyrenean
1972; Stow, 1986; Pickering et al., 1989). Foreland Basin (Mutti & Ricci Lucchi, 1972;
Although this has already been suggested for Cronin et al., 1998), which was a carbonate-
clastic slope sequences (Lomas, 1999), to our capped structural high that diverted turbidite
knowledge, this is the rst time that it has been pathways during the lling of the latest stages of
described in a carbonate setting. the Ainsa Basin. Further examples are the
All four vertical sections measured from the transition from the Calcaires Nummulitiques
four localities are compared with the carbonate Marnes BleuesAnnot Sandstone in the various
base-of-slope apron models of Mullins & Cook EoceneOligocene basin remnants in the Mari-
(1986) and Stow (1986) in Fig. 15A. Figure 15B time Alps of SE France (Stanley & Bertrand,
shows block models from areas 4 and 3, Cukurkoy 1973; Sinclair, 1993, 1994; Hurst et al., 1999)
and Molla O merli (Fig. 1B). These locations are and the Tortonian type area in northern Italy
situated at the most westerly exposure of the (Clari & Ghibaudo, 1979). Deep-water slopes
Cingoz Formation. The Cingoz Formation incised by canyons that are fed directly from
bypassed the Karaisali carbonate platform as an fan deltas are also common (Cronin & Kidd,
alluvial fanfan deltaturbidite fan and dog- 1998), as are deep-water clastic slopes incised by
legged to the east to prograde axially in front of deep-water channels that are capped by down-
the carbonate foreslope into deeper water. The lapping encroaching carbonate systems once the
deection of the clastic system is interpreted to clastic supply is disconnected (Cronin et al.,
reect sea-oor topography. These western areas 4 2000a,b). Slope marls and shales marginal to
were characterized by highly irregular sea-oor any of these systems are, however, rarely
topography, corresponding to the basin margin documented. The specic geometric and strati-
block-faulting that preceded the late Burdigalian graphic relationships between incoming clastics
relative sea-level rise in this area. Thick debrites and lateral/distal carbonates remain a largely
and slump and slide masses become more com- untouched area of research (Cronin, 1994).
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
822 B. T. Cronin et al.

In contrast, much is known about carbonate increasingly more terrigenous and silty in char-
slopes, in particular those slopes on which clastic acter, corresponding to the lateral encroach-
pulses come from the carbonate platform itself ment of the deep-water clastic Cingoz system
(Saller et al., 1989). Block diagrams of the from west to east. In the west, turbidite onlap is
exceptionally well-exposed Kaplankaya system preceded by local debris ow deposition and, in
(Fig. 15) look in their simple form like the model the east, the onlap is against a low-angle discord-
of Mullins & Cook (1986). However, models ance. All the vertical sections documented here
suggesting that slope sequences have a strati- are remarkably similar, which suggests that
graphic randomness with little vertical predict- much can be deduced from vertical sections
ability are not borne out by our work: through slope sequences in this type of setting.

1 Mass wasting and, in particular, the accumu-

lation of stacked base-of-slope slide sheets is
generally succeeded by inlled slump scars
An organized stratigraphy is recognized in a car-
and offset stacking of sandstone bodies. Shelly
bonate slope succession, unlike the stratigraphic
turbidites exploit the topography produced by
randomness that is recorded in current models of
the slump scars that produced the slide sheets
deep-water slopes. The slope facies association
and slumps, and inll the surfaces of the slide
occurs in three lithostratigraphic units, the Karai-
sheets, which are highly irregular. This asso-
sali Limestone Formation, marls of the Kaplankaya
ciation implies that signicant collapse of a
Formation and turbiditic sandstones of the Cingoz
slope will produce a base-of-slope apron fol-
Formation, which, unlike in previous interpreta-
lowed by deposition of sand, which will either
tions, are interpreted to be largely contemporane-
ll, or further erode and ll, the irregular
ous. The stratigraphy can be demonstrated along a
topography on top of the apron.
50-km section that is slightly oblique to the ancient
2 Slump scars and sliding are found near the
slope margin and includes sections that are prox-
steepest slopes, and this relationship can be
imal and distal to zones of clastic sediment bypass.
compared laterally over 50 km to investigate
The stratigraphy of the slope succession is typied
local slope oversteepening, tectonic activity
by a basal interval of mass wasting, including slide
and sediment bypass. The most signicant
sheets that form a base-of-slope apron. This is
wasting is found at locality 3 (Fig. 15B), where
followed by sand deposition that forms offset
thick packages of debrite overlain by inlled
stacked sand bodies, which inll the irregu-
slump scars are found, and the Kaplankaya
lar, slumped topography. Fine-grained slope
Formation is thickest. Synsedimentary faulting
sediments drape the sandstones and become
is known to have been signicant in this part
increasingly terrigenous in character as the Cingoz
of the study area, and the basement is not seen.
deep-water clastic system encroaches from the
Slumping and sliding of slope sediment is
west. Moving along the slope away from the area of
least common at locality 2 (Fig. 15C), where
shelf bypass where the Cingoz Formation is
the Kaplankaya Formation is thinnest, and
developed, there is a progressive decrease in
synsedimentary faulting is rare. The onlap of
foreslope slumping, sliding and debris ow activ-
turbidites is progressive, and these beds shin-
ity, the periodicity of shelfal shelly and calcitur-
gle out over long distances, which is taken as
bidites derived from the north, the degree of slope
further evidence for a lower slope to the east
instability and evidence for local tectonic activity
and north-east. Moderate slumping and sliding
and the gradient of the deep-water slope.
in area 1 (Fig. 15B) is the result of synsedi-
mentary tectonism and proximity to the toes of
the forereef clinoforms. The continued synse- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dimentary tectonism in this area is attested to
by slumping of the lowest parts of the turbidite The authors would like to acknowledge Atike
succession to the south and by the occurrence Nazik, Huriye Demircan, Professor Gilbert Kelling,
of extensive debrites within the Cingoz For- OBE, and Simon Lomas for useful discussion in the
mation up to 10 km to the south (Fig. 15C). eld. B. T. Cronin, A. Hurst and N. Satur thank the
3 The inlled slump scars are draped with ne- Mesostratigraphy of Deep-water Sandstones Con-
grained slope sediments. In all sections on a 50- sortium (Amerada Hess, BP-Amoco, Conoco, Elf
km transect from Cukurkoy in the west to Musa and Enterprise) for nancial support. Many thanks
Hacili in the east, these slope sediments become to Ian Jarvis, John Underhill and Dorrik Stow for
2000 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 47, 801824
A carbonate deep-water slope 823

thoughtful and considered reviews of the manu- Hess, R. (1975) Turbiditic and non-turbiditic mudstone of
script. Cretaceous ysch sections of the East Alps and other basins.
Sedimentology, 22, 387416.
Hurst, A., Verstralen, I., Cronin, B.T. and Hartley, A.J. (1999)
Sand-rich fairways in deep water clastic reservoirs: genetic
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