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ELSEVIER Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

Temporal significance of sequence boundaries

Octavian Catuneanu a, , Andrew J. Willis b , Andrew D. Miall c
a Department of Geology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa
b RigelEnergy Corporation, 1900, 255 5th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3G6, Canada
c Department of Geology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B1 Canada

Received 15 May 1997; accepted 22 June 1998


This paper analyses the temporal significance of stratigraphic surfaces bounding the marine portions of the depositional
sequence, genetic stratigraphic sequence and transgressiveregressive sequence. These bounding surfaces, known as
the correlative conformity (c.c.), maximum flooding surface (MFS) and conformable transgressive surface (CTS),
respectively, may either be defined on the basis of stratal stacking patterns (which we call type A surfaces), or on the
basis of water-depth changes and relative sea-level changes (which we call type B surfaces). The type A MFS and
CTS are time lines in a depositional-dip section, corresponding to the turnaround points from shoreline transgression to
regression and vice versa. They separate prograding (coarsening-upward) from retrograding (fining-upward) geometries,
with a timing determined by the interplay between the rates of sedimentation and relative sea-level rise in the shoreline
area. The timing of type A MFS and CTS is not affected by the offshore variations in sedimentation and subsidence
rates, but it is only controlled by the shoreline movements and the associated facies shifts. The type A c.c. separates
rapidly prograding and offlapping forced regressive strata from the overlying lower rate prograding and aggrading normal
regressive strata. This surface is diachronous, younger basinward, with the rate of offshore sediment transport. The timing
of the type A c.c. in the shoreline area corresponds to the end of relative sea-level fall, but it develops under relative
sea-level rise conditions offshore. The timing of the type B MFS and CTS depends on the offshore variations in the
sedimentation and subsidence rates. These surfaces, defined on the basis of bathymetric changes, become younger and
older seaward, respectively, tending to merge together offshore. The type B c.c. marks the end of relative sea-level fall
in any point along a depositional-dip section. It is diachronous, older basinward, as its timing depends on the offshore
variations in subsidence rates. The diachroneity of type B surfaces reaches a quarter of the period of the highest frequency
variable, whichever that is among the eustasy, tectonics or sedimentation controls. Types A and B surfaces merge together
in the shoreline area, but they become temporally divergent offshore. Deepening-upward and shallowing-upward facies
should not be confused with transgressive and regressive systems tracts. The latter are strictly controlled by the shoreline
movements, which determine the direction of facies shifts and the stratal stacking patterns. 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: sequences; systems tracts; bounding surfaces; diachroneity

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0037-0738/98/$ see front matter c 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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158 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

1. Introduction (HST) forms during late relative rise, when the sed-
imentation rate exceeds the rate of relative rise in
A controversial topic in modern stratigraphy the shoreline area (normal regression); the falling
is the assessment of the relationship between se- stage systems tract (FSST) forms during relative
quence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy. Are the fall (forced regression); the lowstand systems tract
sequence-bounding surfaces time lines, i.e. gener- (LST) forms during early relative rise, when the sed-
ated at the same time everywhere within the area imentation rate exceeds the rate of relative rise in the
of occurrence? The answer to this question is of shoreline area (normal regression); and the transgres-
paramount importance for stratigraphic correlation, sive systems tract (TST) which forms when the rate
and although this problem has been around for some of relative sea-level rise in the shoreline area exceeds
time (Miall, 1991, 1994), an agreement is yet to be the sedimentation rate. The former three systems
reached. Part of the problem derives from the way tracts (HST, FSST and LST) form together a progra-
concepts are defined and used, often with contradic- dational package known as a regressive systems tract
tory meanings, as we present in this introduction. (RST; Embry and Johannessen, 1992). A RST fol-
The various types of sequences and bounding lowed by a TST form together a genetic stratigraphic
surfaces are illustrated in Fig. 1. The depositional sequence (Fig. 1; Galloway, 1989), bounded by max-
sequence (Jervey, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1988; imum flooding surfaces (MFS). The combination of
Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Haq, 1991; Vail et al., a TST followed by a RST gives the transgressive
1991; Hunt and Tucker, 1992) is defined in relation- regressive (TR) sequence (Fig. 1; Embry and Jo-
ship to the relative sea-level (base-level) curve, and it hannessen, 1992; Embry, 1993, 1995), bounded by
is bounded by the subaerial unconformity (SU) and conformable transgressive surfaces (CTS) in the ma-
its marine correlative conformity (c.c.). The timing rine portion of the basin. The nonmarine correlative
of the SU is generally related to the stage of base- of the CTS is either unidentifiable within the fluvial
level fall (Fig. 1; Posamentier et al., 1988; Hunt and succession overlying the SU, or eroded by the ravine-
Tucker, 1992; Embry, 1995), whereas the c.c. was ment surface. In either case, the SU was conveniently
initially considered to form during early sea-level chosen to represent the TR sequence boundary in
fall (Posamentier et al., 1988) or at the beginning of the nonmarine succession (Embry, 1993, 1995).
the sea-level fall (Posamentier et al., 1992), which We focus our analysis on bounding surfaces de-
was later revised to the end of relative fall (Fig. 1; veloped within marine successions, i.e. the c.c., CTS
Hunt and Tucker, 1992; Helland-Hansen and Mar- and MFS.
tinsen, 1996). The depositional sequence comprises The c.c. may be defined in three ways, which
four systems tracts with distinct stratal stacking pat- allow for different temporal interpretations.
terns (Figs. 1 and 2): the highstand systems tract (1) It is a surface taken by definition as a time

Fig. 1. Types of sequences, bounding surfaces and systems tracts, defined in relationship to the relative sea-level and transgressive
regressive curves. The relative sea-level depends on the combined effect of eustasy and tectonics, whereas the generation of transgressive
and regressive facies depends on the combined effect of relative sea-level changes and sedimentation. The depositional sequence
boundary (i.e., subaerial unconformity and its marine correlative conformity) is generated at the end of relative sea-level (base-level) fall
(Hunt and Tucker, 1992; Helland-Hansen and Martinsen, 1996). The genetic stratigraphic sequence boundary (i.e., maximum flooding
surface) is taken at the top of marine and nonmarine transgressive facies (Galloway, 1989). The TR sequence boundary is taken at the
top of marine regressive facies (i.e., the conformable transgressive surface, Embry, 1995). Within nonmarine facies, the TR sequence
is arbitrarily chosen to coincide with the depositional sequence in spite of the fact that the RST extends above the SU, due to the
difficulty in field recognition of the CTS-correlative. In special circumstances (i.e., short LST stages and strong erosion associated
with the ravinement surface), the most basinward portion of the nonmarine LST may not be preserved and thus the CST could be
mapped in the continuation of the SU. Note that normal regressive facies accumulate in the earliest (LST) and latest (HST) stages
of relative sea-level rise, due to sedimentation outpacing the low rates of relative rise. We take here the LST to be equivalent to the
lowstand prograding-wedge systems tract of Hunt and Tucker (1992). Abbreviations: DS D depositional sequence; GS D genetic
stratigraphic sequence; TR D transgressiveregressive sequence; LST D lowstand systems tract; TST D transgressive systems tract; HST
D highstand systems tract; FSST D falling stage systems tract; RST D regressive systems tract; SU D subaerial unconformity; c.c. D
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 159

correlative conformity; CTS D conformable transgressive surface; CTS-c D CTS-correlative (i.e., the nonmarine correlative of the marine
CTS); MFS D maximum flooding surface; R D ravinement surface; BSFR D basal surface of forced regression; IV D incised valley;
(A) D creation of accommodation space (base-level rise); NR D normal (sediment supply-driven) regression; FR D forced (base-level
fall-driven) regression.
160 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178
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line, which begins at the basinward termination of pends on varying subsidence rates across the basin.
the SU and extends throughout the conformable ma- We investigate in this paper the diachroneity rate of
rine succession (Jervey, 1988; Embry, 1995). The this type of c.c.
timing of this conformable surface was related to The CTS represents the marine TR sequence
various portions of the sea-level or relative sea-level boundary, and only a systems tract boundary in the
curves, finally settling at the end of relative fall view of the depositional sequence model (Fig. 1).
in the shoreline area, i.e. the depositional surface It may be defined either: (1) on the basis of stratal
which existed at the end of the forced regression of stacking patterns, as a conformable surface which
the shoreline (Embry, 1995: The subaerial uncon- separates regressive strata (progradational pattern)
formity is developed and migrates seaward during below from transgressive strata (retrogradational pat-
base-level fall and reaches its maximum extent at the tern) above (Embry, 1993, 1995); or (2) on the
end of the fall : : : , the depositional surface in the basis of bathymetric (water-depth) changes, as a con-
marine realm at this time of change from base-level formable surface recording the start of a deepening
fall to base-level rise is the correlative conformity, episode, i.e. formed when the water-depth reaches
portrayed as a time line in his fig. 1). The time line the shallowest peak (Embry, 1993).
significance of such surface is of course valid along a Although these two definitions are considered
depositional dip section, as varying subsidence rates equivalent, they allow different temporal signifi-
along the depositional strike may offset the transition cances for the CTS. The former relates to the
between base-level fall and base-level rise along the shoreline movements and the associated changes in
shoreline; stacking patterns, which brings the CTS to a time
(2) It is a surface defined on the basis of stratal line in a depositional dip section, independent of
stacking patterns, separating the offlapping forced re- the offshore variations in sedimentation and sub-
gressive lobes from the overlying aggradational LST sidence rates, as there is only one point in time
(Fig. 2; Haq, 1991: a change from rapidly prograd- where the shoreline is at its most basinward position.
ing parasequences to aggradational parasequences). The sediment supplied from the onshore during the
This definition implies a diachronous c.c., younger shoreline regression generates a coarsening upward
basinward, with a diachroneity rate that matches the marine succession related to the basinward facies
rate of offshore sediment transport (Fig. 3). The shift, sharply overlain by much finer transgressive
transport rate of terrigenous sediments along the strata as the coarse terrigenous sediments are trapped
depositional dip within a marine basin varies from within the shoreline systems during transgression
10 1 100 m=s in the case of low gradient marine sys- (Fig. 3). This provides a lithological criterion to pin-
tems, to 101 102 m=s in the case of turbiditic flows point the CTS position in outcrops or subsurface logs
associated with higher gradients (Reading, 1996). (Embry, 1993; fig. 5 in Catuneanu et al., 1997).
For this reason, the c.c. is represented with a higher The second definition implies a diachronous CTS,
diachroneity within the terrigenous progradational as the water-depth changes depend on varying sedi-
wedge relative to the deeper marine basin where it mentation and subsidence rates across the basin. In
tops the submarine fan deposits (Fig. 3). this light, it is recognized that the CTS is younger
(3) It is the surface that marks the end of rel- in areas with higher sedimentation rates, where the
ative sea-level fall within the marine basin (Posa- transition from shallowing to deepening may occur
mentier and Allen, 1993: eustasy and sea-floor later, although this diachroneity is considered mi-
subsidence=uplift determine the timing of sequence nor (Embry, 1995). We investigate in this paper the
bounding surfaces). This definition also implies a diachroneity rate of this type of CTS.
diachronous c.c., as the relative sea-level partly de- The MFS may also be defined in two ways: (1)

Fig. 2. Systems tracts of the depositional sequence, defined on the basis of stratal stacking patterns. The sinusoidal curves illustrate
relative sea-level changes in the shoreline area, which may be different in terms of rates and sign from the coeval relative sea-level
changes occurring farther offshore.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178
Fig. 3. Wheeler diagram illustrating bounding surfaces defined on stratal stacking patterns. Zone A D low-rate diachroneity at the top of the condensed section, which equals
the rate of offshore sediment transport. Zone B D higher-rate diachroneity at the top of the condensed section, which equals the rate of shoreline regression.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 163

on the basis of stratal stacking patterns, marking the We apply end-member boundary conditions to
change from transgressive strata below to regressive surfaces formed as a result of the complex interplay
strata above (Galloway, 1989); or (2) on the basis between eustasy, subsidence and sedimentation (i.e.,
of bathymetric (water-depth) changes, being formed CTS and MFS defined on the basis of water-depth
when the water reaches the deepest peak (Naish and changes), as well as to surfaces formed as a result
Kamp, 1997). of the interaction between eustasy and tectonics (i.e.,
Again, these two approaches define bounding sur- the c.c. formed at the end of relative fall, and its
faces which are not necessarily superimposed. In counterpart, the surface marking the start of relative
the former approach, the MFS is associated with fall). The temporal significance of these surfaces will
the condensed section separating retrograding fa- be compared with the timing of surfaces defined on
cies, below, from prograding facies above. Ideally, it the basis of stratal stacking patterns.
corresponds to the time line coeval to the moment
in time where the shoreline is at its most land-
ward position within a given depositional dip section 2. Controlling factors on relative sea-level
(Fig. 3). In this case, the MFS separates retrograding changes and water-depth changes
from prograding stratal patterns (downlap surface)
irrespective of the variations in sedimentation and The water-depth changes depend on the interplay
subsidence rates along the depositional dip. Even so, between eustasy, tectonics (which combined give
a certain diachroneity exists along the depositional the relative sea-level changes) and sedimentation
strike, as variations in sedimentation and subsidence (Fig. 4). Sediment compaction may also interfere in
rates determine temporally offset transitions from this process by creating additional accommodation
transgression to regression along the shoreline (Gill space (base-level rise effect), but it has exactly the
and Cobban, 1973; Martinsen and Helland-Hansen, same consequences as the tectonic subsidence and
1995). In practice, it is very difficult to pinpoint the therefore we incorporate compaction within tec-
time line surface within the condensed section, and tonics in our quantitative modelling. The causes,
the more readily recognizable base of the overlying magnitudes and rates of change of these variables
terrigenous progradational wedge (limit between the have been described at length by Galloway (1989)
condensed section and the overlying terrigenous pro- and need not be reiterated here. It is sufficient to
grading facies in Fig. 3) may be approximated as note that all three variables can attain comparable
the downlap surface. This MFS is of course di- rates of change and thus have equal potential to in-
achronous, with the rates of offshore sediment trans- fluence the generation of CTS and MFS. A positive
port (zone A in Fig. 3) or shoreline=sedimentary rate of change of the water-depth (i.e., deepening)
lobes progradation (zone B in Fig. 3), which can will result in upward-deepening facies (UDF), and
be emphasized using volcanic ash layers as time a negative rate (i.e., shallowing) in upward-shallow-
markers (Ito and OHara, 1994). ing facies (USF). The boundary between UDF and
The latter definition implies a diachronous MFS overlying USF (and vice versa: MFS and CTS re-
along both depositional dip and strike sections, as spectively) therefore occurs at the point where the
the basin bathymetry depends on varying sedimen- rate of water-depth change is equal to zero. Similarly,
tation and subsidence rates. As noted by Naish and the correlative conformity portion of the depositional
Kamp (1997), the maximum water depth (i.e., their sequence boundary (c.c.), as well as the surface
MFS) often occurs within the lower part of the marking the start of relative fall, form when the rate
HST (normal regressive) progradational wedge. Thus of relative sea-level changes equals zero.
the boundary between prograding and retrograding As sequence-bounding surfaces form only where
geometries (downlap surface) will correspond to a the rate of water-depth or relative sea-level changes
physical surface, recognizable on the basis of stratal is equal to zero, it is implicit that the interacting
stacking patterns, whereas the MFS is unknowable variables must be of the same order of magnitude
lithologically and can only be identified using foram to periodically balance one another and meet this
paleobathymetry. condition. If the magnitude of one of the variables
164 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

Where the rates of change of the variables are

in the same range, one will normally vary with
a higher frequency than the others. The higher-fre-
quency variable will be the driving force behind the
high-frequency changes in the stratigraphic record.
It is commonly assumed that eustasy is the higher-
frequency variable (Posamentier and James, 1993),
but this need not be so. It is quite conceivable that
eustasy could maintain a uniform rate of change over
the duration of several episodes of subsidence and
uplift. In this case tectonic subsidence=uplift would
be the driving force behind sequence formation, as
it the case for instance with the Late Cretaceous
sequences of the western Canada foreland basin
(Catuneanu et al., 1997).
To facilitate simpler graphical presentation of the
results, the rate of water-depth change (W) can be
obtained from the three variables rate of eustatic
change (E), rate of tectonic subsidence (T) and rate
of sedimentation (S), via derived proxy variables in
three ways, two of which make geological sense
(Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic illustration of two ways in which the 2.1. Case 1

rate of water-depth change (W) can be obtained from the three
primary variables eustasy (E), tectonics (T) and sedimentation If we combine the rate of tectonic subsidence (T)
(S) via subsidiary derived variables. Reducing the three primary with the rate of sedimentation (S), we arrive at a
variables to combinations of two proxies facilitates the construc- derivative variable (D) reflecting the rate of move-
tion of simple geometrical models which still retain the effects
ment of the depositional surface. The sum of the rate
of all three, rather than the usual approach of eliminating one
variable. Case 1 combines the rate of tectonic subsidence=uplift of movement of the depositional surface (D) and the
(T) and the rate of sedimentation (S) to define the rate of move- rate of eustatic change (E) gives the rate of change of
ment of the depositional surface (D), which when added to the the water-depth (W), which controls the stratigraphic
rate of eustatic change (E) gives the rate of water-depth change pattern of UDF and USF as described above.
(W). Case 2 combines the rates of eustatic change (E) and tec-
tonic subsidence=uplift (T) to define the rate of relative sea-level
change (R), which when added to the sedimentation rate (S) also 2.2. Case 2
gives the rate of water-depth change (W).
We can also arrive at the rate of change of the
water-depth (W) in a second way. The rates of
is always much larger than the others, then the eustatic change (E) and tectonic subsidence (T) can
effect of the smaller variables will be effectively be combined into a variable reflecting the rate of
suppressed. For example, if the rate of subsidence relative sea-level change (R) (Posamentier et al.,
is always greater than the combination between eu- 1988). By combining this derived variable (R) with
stasy and sedimentation, continuous relative sea- the primary variable rate of sedimentation (S), we
level rise and transgression occur and no sequence- arrive at the rate of water-depth change (W). If
bounding surfaces will form. An example of such the rate of relative sea-level rise exceeds the rate
disparity between subsidence and eustatic rates is of sedimentation (S), then (W) will be positive, a
described from the Banda Arc by Fortuin and de continuous UDF succession will be deposited, and
Smet (1991). no bounding surfaces will form. If the reverse is
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 165

true, i.e. the rate of sedimentation (S) is greater The assumptions of the model are as follows:
than the rate of relative sea-level rise, then (R) will (1) Eustasy varies sinusoidally with an amplitude
be negative and continuous shallowing (normal of 10 m and period of 2 Ma (Fig. 5). For the sake of
regression in the shoreline area) will occur. brevity, we have illustrated only half of the eustatic
cycle, from highstand to lowstand. The rate of eu-
static fall increases from zero at highstand (0 Ma) to
3. Timing of bounding surfaces controlled by a maximum of 15.7 m=Ma at the inflexion point (0.5
water-depth changes Ma), and then decreases to zero at lowstand (1 Ma).
(2) The modelled portion of the basin is 200 km
3.1. Two-dimensional model across, and the tectonic subsidence rate (T) is con-
stant at any particular point, but increases basinward
To illustrate the effect that subsidence and sedi- from 20 m=Ma at the proximal end of the profile
mentation rates have on the temporal formation of to 40 m=Ma at the distal end. This is similar to the
CTS and MFS defined on the basis of bathymetric simple divergent margin models of Pitman (1978),
changes, we have constructed a simple two-dimen- Angevine (1989) and Jordan and Flemings (1991).
sional geometrical basin model applied to an open (3) Rather than assuming an unrealistic constant
marine shelf setting, which we will refer to as Profile sedimentation rate (S) across the basin, we assume
A. We have chosen to model the case where eustasy that (S) decreases from 15 m=Ma at the proximal end
is the highest-frequency variable and subsidence and of the basin profile to 5 m=Ma at the distal end. This
sedimentation are grouped together as the variable reflects the tendency of coarser-grained sediments
(D) (Case 1 in Fig. 4), since it facilitates comparison to be trapped close to the shoreline. A consequence
with the depositional sequence model of Posamen- of this is that since the sedimentation rate at any
tier et al. (1988). The input values used for the point along the basin profile is a function of its
variable rates of change are obtained from the litera- distance from the shoreline, it must therefore vary
ture (Pitman, 1978; Pitman and Golovchenko, 1983; in time as the shoreline progrades and retreats. It is
Angevine, 1989; Galloway, 1989; Jordan and Flem- this feedback loop between water-depth changes and
ings, 1991; Macdonald, 1991; Frostick and Steel, sedimentation that causes progradation and retrogra-
1993). dation (Demarest and Kraft, 1987). Incorporation of

Fig. 5. The eustatic variation considered in the model. Eustasy is assumed to vary sinusoidally with an amplitude of 10 m and period of
2 Ma. Only half the eustatic cycle (180 phase or 1 Ma) from highstand to lowstand is shown. The rate of eustatic change at each 0.125
Ma time increment, given by the differential of the sine curve, is shown on the left.
166 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

Fig. 6. Computation of the rate of facies shift as a function of the rate of water-depth change and gradient of the depositional surface.
This phenomenon links facies progradationretrogradation and water-depth changes.

this induced facies shift into the model would ne- output (Fig. 7) showing which portions of Profile A
cessitate recalculating the sedimentation rate at each are undergoing water-depth shallowing (W negative),
point along the profile at each model time step. and which water-depth deepening (W positive). The
The magnitude of the sedimentation rate shift is a boundary between these two zones marks the point
function of the rate of water-depth change and the at which water-depth is stationary, which as noted
gradient of the depositional surface (Fig. 6). By as- above is the condition for a sequence-bounding sur-
suming an extreme shelf gradient of 1 and using face to form. This will be a CTS where it tops USF,
our highest rate of water shallowing (20.7 m=Ma), and a MFS where it tops UDF.
we calculate that the maximum lateral sedimentation
rate shift is 148 m per 0.125 Ma (one time step). At 3.2. Model results
the scale of the modelled basin profile (200 km) this
is insignificant, so we have ignored it and assumed The model is started at eustatic highstand, where
the sedimentation rate (S) to be constant at any given the rate of eustatic change (E) is zero. The rate of
point through time. water-depth change (W) at this time is thus equal to
Combining the rates of tectonic subsidence (T) the rate of movement of the depositional surface (D)
and sedimentation (S) at each point along the basin and is positive along the entire length of the profile
profile gives the rate of movement of the depositional (Fig. 7). This water-depth deepening results in UDF
surface (D). As we have demonstrated above that the throughout Profile A.
lateral migration of the sedimentation rate (S) is The successive incremental time steps of the
essentially negligible at the scale of the model, the model through a 1 Ma eustatic half-cycle from high-
rate (D) remains constant at any particular point stand to lowstand are shown in Fig. 7. At each time
on the profile through the course of the eustatic step, the distance along the profile at which the rate
half-cycle. The value of (D) does vary spatially, of water-depth change (W) equals zero is indicated;
reflecting the reality of differential subsidence and this is the point at which a sequence-bounding sur-
sediment supply. face is formed, separating areas of coeval deposition
The model was advanced in increments of 0.125 of upward-deepening and upward-shallowing facies.
Ma. For each incremental time step, by adding the The bounding surface generated between time steps
rate of eustatic change (E) to the rate of deposi- 1 and 5 is referred to as a MFS because it separates
tional surface movement (D) at each point along UDF, below, from the overlying USF. The bounding
the profile, we calculate the rate of the water-depth surface generated starting with time step 5 is a CTS
change (W) across the basin. The result is a graphic as it separates USF from the overlying UDF.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 167

As the rate of eustatic fall (E) increases from

time step 1 to 5 (the eustatic inflexion point), a
progressively larger value of net subsidence (D) is
required to balance it and maintain the stationary
water-depth condition under which the MFS forms.
This results in the formation of the MFS moving
basinward through time in the direction of increasing
(D). The MFS is thus younger offshore than it is
towards the basin margin.
Time step 5 (0.5 Ma) is the inflexion point on
the falling limb of the sinusoidal eustatic curve and
represents the maximum rate of eustatic fall. This
is balanced by (D) at a distance of 71.3 km along
the profile (Fig. 7). Basinward of this point, the rate
of subsidence of the depositional surface (D) always
exceeds the maximum rate of eustatic fall (E), and a
MFS is not formed.
During time steps 5 to 9 the rate of eustatic
fall decreases to zero. Continued subsidence (D)
results in a water-depth deepening and UDF. As the
rate of eustatic fall decreases, it is balanced by a
progressively lower value of (D) and the boundary
(in this case the CTS) thus moves toward the basin
margin. The CTS is therefore older offshore than it
is toward the basin margin (Fig. 7).

3.3. Strike variability

To further illustrate the diachroneity of the bound-

ing surfaces we have added two other basin profiles
(B and C) to the model (Fig. 8). These represent
dip-sections across the same basin at 50 and 100
km along strike from Profile A. Profiles B and C
are assigned slightly different values of subsidence
rate (T) and sedimentation rate (S) to reflect the type
of strike-variability found in reality. All three mod-
els were run through the same eustatic half-cycle,

Fig. 7. Timing of sequence-bounding surface formation along

basin Profile A as a function of the interaction between eustasy
(E), subsidence (T) and sedimentation (S). The input values of
(T) and (S) are given at the top together with the resulting range
of values of (D). The value of (E) comes from Fig. 5. The rate
of water-depth change (W) is shown across the basin profile
at nine incremental time steps through a eustatic half-cycle
from highstand to lowstand. A sequence-bounding surface forms
where the rate of water-depth change (W) equals zero, and
migrates laterally with time as different combinations of the
three variables meet this criterion.
168 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 169

The diachroneity (duration) of bounding surface for-

mation along the 200 km of Profile B is 0.5 Ma,
which is approaching the resolution of ammonite
zonation in the Jurassic and Cretaceous.
It is noted that the USF generated during the
model run, outlined by a MFS at the base and a
CTS at the top, does not extend across the entire
basin but it wedges out offshore where the rates
of relative subsidence of the depositional surface
(Fig. 4) completely outpace the rates of eustatic fall
and therefore a continuous deepening of the sea takes
place (Figs. 79). This situation reinforces the fact
that bounding surfaces may only be generated when
the three controlling factors vary in the same range.

4. Timing of bounding surfaces controlled by

relative sea-level changes

4.1. Two-dimensional model

The data input for the numerical model presented

Fig. 9. Isochron maps of the basin containing Profiles A, B
in the preceding section depicts a situation in which
and C showing the timing of bounding surface formation: (1) the subsidence rates are always greater than the rates
the time of formation of the maximum flooding surface (formed of eustatic fall. This is a case of continuous relative
during time steps 0 to 5), and (2) the time of formation of sea-level rise in which sedimentation, together with
the conformable transgressive surface (formed during time steps varying rates of eustatic fall, represent key elements
5 to 9). The duration of bounding surface formation (i.e., its
diachroneity) during the considered half of the eustatic cycle
in the deposition of UDF and USF, and implic-
wavelength is 0.5 Ma, or one quarter of the eustatic cycle period. itly in the formation of CTS and MFS. However,
no surfaces controlled by relative sea-level changes
(i.e., the c.c. and its counterpart surface generated at
which allows the formation of bounding surfaces to the start of relative sea-level fall) may form during
be depicted in a map view. continuous relative sea-level rise (Fig. 1). For these
The graphical incremental time steps for Pro- surfaces to form, a transition from relative rise to
files B and C are shown in Fig. 8. By using the relative fall and vice versa is required, which may
output timedistance data for bounding surface for- only happen when eustasy and tectonics vary within
mation point along each of the three profiles, we at least partially overlapping ranges. To model this
have constructed isochron maps of sequence-bound- situation, we take two additional depositional-dip
ing surface formation through the eustatic half-cycle sections, referred to as Profiles D and E (Figs. 10
(Fig. 9). The isochrons join points where bounding and 11), which are parallel to each other and sepa-
surface formation was synchronous on the three pro- rated by a distance of 100 km measured along the
files and show its diachronous movement. The rate depositional strike. We use the same curve of eustatic
of movement varies with the rate of eustatic change. variation as for Profiles AC (Fig. 5), this time in

Fig. 8. Incremental output of Profiles B and C model runs. These profiles are assigned different rates of subsidence (T) and sedimentation
(S) to Profile A, but the same eustatic curve (E) shown in Fig. 5 was used. The different rates of movement of the depositional surface
(D) in Profiles A, B and C result in along-strike variation in the timing of boundary formation.
170 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

Fig. 10. Diachronous formation of surfaces separating deposits accumulated under relative sea-level fall and rise conditions (left column),
as well as deposits accumulated under water deepening and shallowing conditions (right column). The rates of tectonic subsidence for
Profile D have been selected to partially overlap with the rates of eustatic fall (Fig. 5), to allow both relative sea-level fall and rise to
manifest within the modelled area. E D rate of eustatic change.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 171

Fig. 11. Similar computations as in Fig. 10, only with a different set of rates for tectonic subsidence, to illustrate the possible strike
variability within the sedimentary basin.
172 O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178

interplay with lower rates of subsidence and sedi- It can be noted that we did not use the terms
mentation. The difference between the sets of input TST and RST in Fig. 12, but rather UDF and USF,
data selected for Profiles D and E consists in the although the second sets of definitions for CTS and
subsidence rates, being slightly greater for Profile E. MFS (see Section 1) would make the terms TST
The model run, advancing at incremental time and UDF, as well as RST and USF, to be equiva-
steps of 0.125 Ma, is similar to the one described in lent. According to Embry (1995), the CTS may be
Section 3.3. The interplay between partially overlap- diachronous because transgression may begin later
ping eustatic and subsidence rates allows the mani- in areas of high sediment supply, which is exactly
festation of both relative sea-level fall and rise during the point made in Fig. 12. In this light, the TST
the considered eustatic half-cycle. At each time step, would be equivalent to the UDF, and the RST with
the distance along the profile at which the rate of the USF. On the other hand, transgressive (retrogra-
relative sea-level change (R) equals zero is indicated; dational) and regressive (progradational) stacking
this is the point at which a sequence-bounding sur- patterns are controlled by the shoreline movements
face (c.c. or start of relative fall surface) is formed, (Fig. 3), which does not allow for such equivalence
separating areas of coeval relative fall and rise. As (see also the discussion in Section 1).
the point of stationary relative sea-level migrates in
time within the basin, the c.c. (end of relative fall) 4.2. Three-dimensional model
and its counterpart (onset of relative fall) are found to
be diachronous, with a net diachroneity approaching The model results from Profiles D and E have
0.5 Ma (a quarter of the eustatic cycle; Figs. 10 and been plotted together in bloc diagrams (Figs. 13 and
11, left columns). By adding the effect of sedimenta- 14) to illustrate different aspects of sequence strati-
tion to the relative sea-level changes, the water-depth graphic diachroneity, such as the diachroneity of
changes as well as the timing of the CTS and MFS bounding surfaces along the depositional strike and
could be modelled as well (Figs. 10 and 11, right depositional dip (Fig. 13, lower diagram), and the
columns). The slightly steeper slopes for the CTS simultaneous formation of different systems tracts
and MFS relative to the c.c. and the start of relative during discrete time steps (Fig. 14). The distance
fall surface (Figs. 10 and 11) indicate higher rates of along the depositional strike between Profiles D and
diachroneity for the former, which is explained by E has been selected arbitrarily (100 km in this case),
the additional control of sedimentation. to support a realistic subsidence variability within
Fig. 12 illustrates the case of Profile D during the basin.
one and a half eustatic cycles, with the CTS, MFS, Our results suggest that the bounding surfaces
c.c. and SRFS (start of relative fall surface) curves controlled by water-depth changes (CTS and MFS)
plotted from Fig. 10. The shoreline trends, as well always extend farther basinward than the surfaces
as the various types of systems tracts separated by controlled by relative sea-level changes (c.c. and
these bounding surfaces are also represented. The SRFS), due to the effect of sedimentation. As a re-
basinward increase in subsidence rates, parallelled sult, the LST and HST merge together beyond the
by a decrease in sedimentation rates, imposes a limit wedging out point of the FSST. The FSST includes
in the seaward extent of the USF, assuming that strata accumulated under relative sea-level fall con-
the subsidence rate in the basin centre exceeds the ditions, and bounded by diachronous surfaces (c.c.
maximum rate of eustatic fall. The basinward extent and SRFS) which merge together offshore (Figs. 10
of bounding surfaces controlled by relative sea-level 14). This raises a recurrent sore issue of sequence
changes (c.c. and SRFS) reaches the point where the stratigraphy: where is the place within the sequence
subsidence rates start to exceed the maximum rate of stratigraphic framework of the deep marine gravity
eustatic fall. Similarly, bounding surfaces controlled flow deposits? While the position of the basin floor
by water-depth changes (CTS and MFS) extend up submarine fans relative to the depositional sequence
to the point where the rate of relative subsidence of boundary is a controversial issue (above the c.c.:
the depositional surface (D D T S, Fig. 4) starts to Posamentier et al., 1988; Emery and Myers, 1996;
exceed the maximum rate of eustatic fall. or below the c.c.: Hunt and Tucker, 1992; Helland-
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 173

Fig. 12. Timedistance depositional-dip section based on the model results from Profile D, constructed for one and a half eustatic cycles.
The different rates of shoreline regression illustrate forced (high rate) regressions and normal (low rate) regressions. Abbreviations: DS D
depositional sequence; GS D genetic stratigraphic sequence; TR D transgressiveregressive sequence; LST D lowstand systems tract; FSST
D falling stage systems tract; HST D highstand systems tract; USF D upward shallowing facies; UDF D upward deepening facies; CTS D
conformable transgressive surface; MFS D maximum flooding surface; SRFS D start of relative fall surface; c.c. D correlative conformity.

Hansen and Martinsen, 1996), they are generally 5. Conclusions

regarded as formed during the forced regression of
the shoreline and therefore part of the FSST. How- The timing of bounding surfaces may be assessed
ever, if we define the FSST boundaries on the basis in relationship to the criteria employed to define
of the interplay between eustasy and varying subsi- them. There are two main ways to define strati-
dence rates throughout the basin (Fig. 12), then the graphic surfaces: (1) in relationship to the stratal
gravity flows could be initiated in the shallow marine stacking patterns, which we call type A surfaces,
area subject to relative sea-level fall, but the sediment and (2) in relationship to the water-depth changes
would be transported and deposited beyond the edge and relative sea-level changes, which we call type
of the FSST, within an area characterized by relative B surfaces. The types A and B surfaces are repre-
sea-level rise and accumulation of UDF (Fig. 13). sented in Fig. 15.
Fig. 13. Block-diagrams illustrating strike and dip diachroneity of surfaces modelled in Figs. 10 and 11 (profiles D and E). The lower
diagram shows a possible relationship between the source area for gravity flow deposits (S), which may be placed within a region
affected by relative sea-level fall, and the associated submarine fan (SF) which may be placed in a region characterized by relative
sea-level rise. Abbreviations: DS D depositional sequence; GS D genetic stratigraphic sequence; TR D transgressiveregressive sequence;
LST D lowstand systems tract; FSST D falling stage systems tract; HST D highstand systems tract; USF D upward shallowing facies;
UDF D upward deepening facies; CTS D conformable transgressive surface; MFS D maximum flooding surface; SRFS D start of relative
fall surface; c.c. D correlative conformity.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 175

Fig. 14. Block diagrams illustrating coeval deposition of different systems tracts, as derived from the model results for Profiles D and E
(Figs. 10 and 11). For abbreviations see Fig. 13.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178
Fig. 15. Temporal significance of types A and B surfaces. Type A surfaces depend on the shoreline movements (interplay between the rates of sedimentation and relative
sea-level rise in the shoreline area), relative sea-level changes in the shoreline area, and rates of offshore sediment transport (not represented in this figure, but suggested
in Fig. 3). They do not depend on the offshore variations in sedimentation and subsidence rates. Type B surfaces depend on the offshore variation in sedimentation and=or
subsidence rates. Abbreviations: D D diachroneity rate; E D eustasy, T D tectonics; S D sedimentation; SU D subaerial unconformity; MRS D maximum regressive surface;
MTS D maximum transgressive surface; f.u. D fining-upward; c.u. D coarsening-upward; d.u. D deepening-upward; s.u. D shallowing-upward; HST D highstand systems
tract; FSST D falling stage systems tract; LST D lowstand systems tract; RST D regressive systems tract; TST D transgressive systems tract.
O. Catuneanu et al. / Sedimentary Geology 121 (1998) 157178 177

The timing of type A surfaces depends either on up to a quarter of the period of the highest frequency
the shoreline movements, which determine the direc- variable.
tion of facies shift and the prograding or retrograding Types A and B surfaces merge together in the
geometries, or on the rate of offshore sediment trans- shoreline area (Fig. 15). The differentiation between
port. Type A CTS and MFS are time lines along the two becomes more important offshore, especially
depositional dip sections, marking the turnaround in regards to the gravity flow deposits (Fig. 15).
points from shoreline regression to transgression and For practical reasons, the use of type A surfaces for
vice versa (Figs. 3 and 15). Their timing depends on stratigraphic correlation seems to be a better choice,
the interplay between the rates of sedimentation and both from a chronostratigraphic point of view, and
relative sea-level rise in the shoreline area, and it is from the point of view of the field signatures of
not affected by the offshore variations in the sedi- systems tracts and bounding surfaces.
mentation and subsidence rates. Both type A CTS The terms CTS and MFS are currently used
and MFS are potentially diachronous along the de- with both architectural and bathymetric implications
positional strike, as variations in sedimentation and which, as this paper demonstrates, are not equiv-
subsidence rates determine temporally offset transi- alent. Alternative terminology is suggested for the
tions from regression to transgression and vice versa boundaries between prograding and retrograding ge-
along the shoreline. Type A c.c. (end of forced re- ometries, i.e. maximum regressive surfaces for the
gression of the shoreline) and its counterpart (basal top of prograding facies, and maximum transgres-
surface of forced regression: onset of forced regres- sive surfaces for the top of retrograding facies (Fig.
sion of the shoreline) are diachronous along the 15; Catuneanu, 1996; Helland-Hansen and Martinsen,
depositional dip, with a rate that matches the rate 1996).
of offshore sediment transport (Fig. 3). They are
also not affected by the offshore variations in the
subsidence rates. Type A c.c. and basal surface of Acknowledgements
forced regression are potentially diachronous along
the depositional strike as well, due to variations in Financial support during completion of this work
subsidence rates along the shoreline. All type A sur- was provided by Rhodes University, NSERC Canada,
faces could be theoretically recognized on the basis University of Toronto, AAPG, Petrel Robertson,
of stratal stacking patterns (Figs. 2 and 3); also this Wascana Energy, Petro-Canada, Union Pacific Re-
may often be very difficult at the outcrop scale. sources and GSA. We thank Ashton Embry, Christo-
Type B surfaces relate to bathymetric changes pher Kendall and Nicholas Christie-Blick for com-
(CTS and MFS) or relative sea-level changes (c.c. ments and suggestions on previous versions of the
and SRFS) throughout the basin, and are character- manuscript. We also wish to thank reviewers William
ized by much higher diachroneity rates than the type Helland-Hansen, Tim Naish and John Howell for
A surfaces (Fig. 15). The timing of type B surfaces valuable advice and constructive criticism; this paper
depends on the offshore variations in the sedimenta- was very much improved as a result of their reviews.
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