Study Sheet 5

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Study Sheet #5


1. Anal sacs (glands) – A pair of sacs between the internal and external anal
sphincter on either side at the mucocutaneous junction of the anus in
carnivores. These sacs are subject to hypersecretion, ductal blockage,
impaction and abscess formation which may necessitate surgical
removal. Discomfort associated with diseases may give rise to
“scooting”, rubbing or licking of the anal area in dogs.
2. Antimicrobial soap – Soap (i.e, detergent) containing an antiseptic agent.
3. Antiseptic – Chemicals used to inhibit or prevent the growth of microbes on
living tissue.
4. Detergent – A surfactant compound that possesses a cleaning action.
5. Dip – solution, commonly sodium arsenate, rotenone, synthetic pyrethoids and
organophospates preparations used during bathing of animals to kill
external parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites.
6. Disinfectant – Chemicals used to inhibit or prevent the growth of microbes on
inanimate objects.
7. Isolation – 1. The physiological separation of a part, as by tissue culture or by
interposition of inert material; 2. The segregation of patients with a
communicable disease; 3. The successive propagation of a growth of
microorganisms until a pure culture is obtained; 4. The chemical
extraction of an unknown substance in pure form from a tissue.
8. Sanitize – Reduce the number of microbes to a safe level.
9. Sterilize – eliminate all microbes (inactivate or kill).

(the definitions listed above are from the “Veterinary Assistant Training Manual – Level 1)

1. –imos, -ismus – denotes a condition

a. embol-ism – the plugging of an artery or vein (embolus – wedge)
b. hypnot-ism – a condition of artificially induced sleep (hypnos – sleep)
c. metabol-ism – tissue change (metabloc – change)
d. rheumat-ism – rheumatic fever (rheuma – flux)
2. ister, -ist – signifies an agent or doer of the action indicated by the root
a. antom-ist – one who cuts up
b. anethet-ist – one who takes away sensation
c. orthodont-ist – one who straightens teeth
d. urolog-ist – one who treat urological disorders
3. -itis – inflammation
a. appendic-itis
b. arthr-itis
c. bronch-itis
d. ot-it is
4. –ize, -izein – a verbal suffix indicating treatment by means of a special instrument
or drug
a. anesthet-ize – to take away sensation
b. catheter-ize – to use a catheter
c. hypnot-ize – to put to sleep
5. -ma, -ema, -oma – designates a concrete pathological condition
a. ec-zema – a boiling out, inflammation of the skin
b. exanth-ema – a skin flower, a skin eruption
6. -oma – tumor
a. carcin-oma – a cancerous tumor, a malignant growth
b. granul-one – a tumor of granulation tissue
c. neur-ome - a tumor formed of nerve cells
d. sarc-ome – a fleshy thing, a fleshy tumor
7. oid, -eidos – form, appearance; denotes a resemblance to the subject designated in
the main word
a. sphen-oid – wedge-shaped
b. typh-oid – like typhus fever
c. thyr-oid – the shieldlike gland
d. xiph-oid – sword shaped
8. -sis, -osis – denotes any production or increase; secondarily an invasion and
increase of parasites within the organism.
a. apid-osis – an excessive accumulation of fat
b. rhe-xis – a breaking, a rupture
c. sep-sis – a rotting, putrefaction
d. thubercul-osis – an invasion by the tubercule bacilli

1. Actinobacillus
a. A. actinomycetemocomitans
i. Animals – Opportunistic Infection
ii. Man – Opportunistic Infection
b. A. equuli
i. Equine – Actinobacillosis
c. A. lignieresii
i. Bovine – Actinobacillosis
d. A. pleuropneumoniae
i. Porcine – Pleuropneumonia
2. Aeromonas
a. A. hydrophilia
i. Animals, Man – Opportunistic Infection
3. Alcaligenes
a. Alcaligenes species
i. Animals, Man – Opportunistic Infection
4. Bordetella
a. B. bronchiseptica
i. Canine – Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough)
ii. Porcine – Atrophic Rhinitis
b. B. pertussis
i. Man – Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
5. Brucella
a. B. abortus
i. Bovine –Abortion, Orchitis
b. B. canis
i. Canine - Abortion, Orchitis
c. B. melitensis
i. Ovine - Abortion, Orchitis
d. B. ovis
i. Ovine - Abortion, Orchitis
e. B. suis
i. Porcine - Abortion, Orchitis
6. Burkholderia
a. B. mallei
i. Equine – Glanders
b. B. pseudomallei
i. Animal, Man – Melioidosis
7. Francisella
a. F. tularensis
i. Animal, Man - Tularemia

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