Ranking NL Networth2015

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Tentative Rankingof Non-Life lnsurance Companies

According to Networth
as of December 31, 2015
(Based on Submitted Unaudited Quarterly Sfafisfics/

Name of Company

1 . Pioneer lnsurance & Surety Corporation 12,730,701,711

z wtalayan insurince Compiny fnC. 3,909,617,212
3 . Philippinesl Flrst lnsurance Co , lnc. 2,778,518,848
4 BPUIVIS llgurance Colpolalion 2,067,430,733
_5 Standard !4surance Cgmpany, l.nc 2,018,625,631
6 AIG Phi! lns, Compa4y (Chqrtlq Phits., tnc.) 1,841,228,009
z, Chqrtel PiqgAn (Philippine Chqrter tns Coqp,) 1,390,536,712
8 Cibeleg tnsurance Corporation 1,354,406,949
9 . Stronghold ln,sqlqlce Compaly, lnc 1,298,742,827
10 Alllgdbqnkers Insurqnce Corporation 1,205,822,552
11 . Starr lnternationallnsurance Phils. Branch 1,147,106,085
12 . FPG lnsurince Company, lnc. (Federal Phoenix) 1,052,463,502
13 , MAPFRE lnsular lnsurance Corporation 1,049,851,182
14 . UCPB General Insurance Company, lnc. 979,239,230
15 . Philam Liie & Gen. lnsurance Company (non-tife unit) 955,092,044
16 . lnsurance Company o! North Ame-Jica 951,762,249
17 , PrydqqtialGtee, &Assce., lnc. 890,230,255
18 . Commonwealth lnsurance Compiny 878,708,702
19 PeJla Compania de SeggrLos, !nc, 797,542,326
21 , Pig4e_er lntercontinqnta! !ns Corporation 770,601,269
23 . Asia Ingurancg (Phils.) Coqporatlon 705,730,526
24 OrientalAssuqnce Colporation 695,774,161
25 Alpha lns-urance & Surety Company, lnc. 693,388,2'13
26 Pacific Closs lns-yrance, lnc. (Blue Cross) 685,578,016
27 New lndia Aqsurance Company, Ltd., The 656,300,250
28 , Melqantile lnsurance Compqny, lqc,, The 649,877,576
2e , Pfar[Qel $qtgly $ lns_urange Co, 639,609,383
30 . ,Travellers lnsurance & S_uJety Corporation 620,323,541
31 . MAA GeneralAssurance Phils., lnc. 620,283,099
32 . Philippine BritisfrAssurance Company, lnc. 617,915,738
33 . First Nationwide Aqsurance Corporation, The 579,654,015
34. People's Gen, lnsr.rrancq Co1.p, 559,122,956
!5 Bankels A9qce, (Malayan Zurich) 541,363,707
36 , Liberty lngulqnce Colporation 537,975,917
37 Reliance Sqre_ty & lnsqqnce Company, lnc. 526,965,714
38 -
Western Guaranty Corporation 525,511,012
39 Pelrogen Insuqncg Corporatlon 523,070,O24
40 . QBE Seaboard lnsurance Phils., lnc. 497,742,653
41 . United lnsurance Company, lnc. 493,396,905
42 . Centennial Guarantee Assce. Corp. 470,177,627
43 . Sterling lnsuranCe Co., tnc. 464,739,373
44 . Card Pioneer Microinsurance, !nc, (pioneerAsia) 464,665,611
+S . nf p General lnsurance Corporation 457,194,861
+O . Fortune General lnsurance Corporation 440,O80,371

, Wfl

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Tentative Ranking of Non-Life lnsurance Companies
According to Networth
as of December 31, 2015
(Based on Submitted Unaudited Quafterly Sfafisfics/

Name of Company Networth

47 Paramount Life & Geq Ins. Corp, (non-life unlt) 433,275,525

48 Empire lnsurance Company 421,230,504
49 PGA Sompo tnsuraqce Corporation 411,117,806
50 Manila Surety & Fideflty Company, lnc. 402,137,928
51 SQ! Ph!|s,, Gg2n, !nsurance Company, !nc. 401,429,073
52 Country Bankeqq ]nsura4ce Corporation 390,540,256
53 Asla Unlted tnqulanqe, !nc 371,958,410
54 Premler lnsurance & Syrety Corporation 361,967,542
55 I ntra;Stratq Assu rance Colpolation 360,083,743
56 Northwgst !nsurancq_& Surety Company, lnc. 359,830,633
57 Vlsayan Surety & llsurance Corporatjon 358,862,132
58 I nvestors Assurance Corpora!!on 353,915,761
59 Corporqte Guarantee & lnsurance Co., lnc 339,151,062
60 Republ!c S-urety & lnqura4ce Company, lnc. 329,s01,404
61 IVIllestone Guaranty & lnsurance 325,526,547
62 302,277,422
63 First !4tegrated Bqnding & lngurance Co , [nq, 299,746,244
64 Far Easterl Surety & ln.surance Company, lnc. 298,400,689
65 Mer!d!a1 Assuralcq Coryoration 271,934,107
66 FLT Prime Insgrancq Colporatlgn 213,865,6'11
67 Melropolitan ! n gurance Cqmpany 180,329,334
68 PNB General lnsurers Cgmpany, tnc, 166,249,086
69 CLIMBS Life & General lns. (nonlife unit) 154,576,255
70 Philippine Fire & Marlne lnsurance Corp. 139,044,026

SUB-TOTAL P 62,899,208,291

Pioieisi on al Rei n s u rer

National Reinsurance Corporation of the Phils P 5,413,225,077

SUB.TOTAL p 5,413,225,077

G RAND TOTAL F 68.312.433.368


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