Zambia Diaspora Submission To The Diaspora Desk

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By Musaba Chailunga – ZDC Chair


Contained in this Document is a summary of the submissions and

discussions held in Lusaka on the 23rd of June between Zambia
Diaspora Connect and the Zambia Diaspora Desk at State House. From
its inception ZDC has continued to lead the way in promoting Zambia’s
dialogue with its Diaspora through government and media channels.
Each day the future looks brighter as we continue to challenge
ourselves to initiate projects and create a working platform. We hope
many more Zambians and organizations will answer the call to this
noble cause.
Mr. Patson Musumali, United Kingdom, Mr. Chola Mukanga, United
Kingdom, Mr. Isaac Mulongo, Germany, Mr. Mwata Chisha, United
States of America, Dr. Kaela Mulenga, Canada


A Global Organisation Of Zambians
July 1, 2010

The following describes Zambia Diaspora Connect (ZDC) meeting with Zambia Diaspora Desk at State
House in Lusaka on the 23rd of June 2010. The meeting was one of the continued endeavours by Zambia
Diaspora Connect and its membership to continue to pursue dialogue between the Diaspora and
Government. ZDC continues to follow and spearhead project implementation as prescribed in its
objectives that will lead to the establishment of institutions, create awareness, encourage direct
investments and in the process create jobs. In General, ZDC continues to position itself as key player in
the social, cultural and economic landscape of the nation of Zambia to help foster development.

At this meeting, two key projects were officially reported to the Diaspora Desk.

i) Zambia 2011 election project a Zambian Economist initiative; for details visit

ii) The Teachers Housing project, initiated by Zambia Diaspora Connect and its partners


Mrs. Ngoza Chilonga Munthali

 Chief Analyst Economic and Development Affairs State House
 Diaspora Liaison Officer
Mr. Griffin K. Nyirongo
 Coordinator, Zambia Investment Promotion Project – Triangle of Hope, State House
Mr. Musaba Chailunga
 Chairman, Zambia Diaspora Connect

At 11:30 AM Zambian time, the meeting was brought to order in a very formal yet relaxed environment.
Even though I have communicated with Mrs. Munthali on Diaspora issues, this was our first face to face
meeting. I had also not met Mr. Nyirongo so introductions were made.

The first discussion was on the housing project for the teachers. I introduced the subject by saying that
part of my business in Zambia was to help move forward the initiative started last year after the
education conference. At this conference, the issue of lack of accommodation for teachers was raised
and the impact it has on the performance of teachers clearly articulated.

I went on to say that, the Ministry of education was eager to move forward with the project but would
be nice if Government showed support in one way or another.

Both Mrs. Munthali and Mr. Nyirongo responded by saying that, as much as the project is welcome, the
government of the Republic of Zambia cannot be seen to endorse a product or service at the initial
July 1, 2010

stages. It is important that Zambia Diaspora Connect and its partners market the project to the Ministry,
the teachers, and the unions directly for them to make their own decisions.

The issue of Zamtel was brought up and I appointed out that most Zambians in the Diaspora and indeed
at home were not happy with the way Zamtel privatisation was handled. I presented that in the future
when opportunities like this arise, it will be in the best interest of the government to consider ‘experts’
from the Diaspora who can help Government to arrive at the right decision in a cost effective manner.

The response here was that, Zambians were given the opportunity to take part in both the discussion of
the privatisation and the bidding process. It was said that usually Zambians come up after the fact to
claim that they had a solution to a problem. The talking points of how this has been a successful
privatisation and how it is good for both Zamtel and Zambia was repeated.

Last but not the least, I mentioned that Zambians in the Diaspora that are part of ZDC had submitted
questions, comments and suggestions to the Diaspora Desk and would like to receive feedback and see
action to some if not all of the items listed below. The following list of items was read out and items
discussed one by one. This list is made up of items and ideas suggested by ZDC members and followed
by in some cases with responses from the Diaspora Desk and some comments by myself as ZDC
representative. The list in its raw form has also been presented to the Mrs. Munthali.

Comments where applicable:

ZDCS – Zambia Diaspora Connect Suggestion, DD – Diaspora Desk, ZDC – Zambia Diaspora Connect

Diaspora Submission to the Diaspora Desk


Zambians in the Diaspora would like to know how information exchange between
Zambia/Diaspora Desk and the Zambian Diaspora can be enhanced. We at Zambia Diaspora
Connect believe a website providing information on Zambian pursuits would be an ideal start.
The Diaspora is hoping for a proactive and aggressive flow of information on opportunities as we
would all want it to be-official, statutory and policy influenced. We also need to have access to,
and be able to provide consultative papers. The Diaspora thinks this is important since it has
always been said that it is up to us to make Diaspora engagement work.


The Diaspora Desk continues to be concerned by the lack of cohesion in the Diaspora and feels
we need a more coordinated approach to things. They feel there are so many comments and
views coming from all over the place which makes it difficult for them to find a single group to
work with. They say they need a single organisation or individual to work with on
communication. In the desire to also promote communication with the Diaspora, Mrs. Munthali
July 1, 2010

has created a generic gmail account that will belong to the desk and can be used by anyone even
if she were to leave the office -


ZDC was formed to be a single entry point for Diaspora-Government engagement, but we have
no control on how others choose to work. We can just try to work with the willing and continue to
foster partnerships with others. It may also not be possible to have a single entry window, but a
suggested website could a good start. The formation of an email account dedicated to diaspora
communication is very much welcome.


Using the Diaspora Budget, Zambia Diaspora Connect will be more than happy to help create a
website in relation to the above in order to help with this information exchange, where the
Diaspora Desk can be making regular updates and also receive feedback. The website should
also have a very comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). We believe that you will be
the first to admit that sometimes you receive too many questions of the same. A web based
source of information for this will be ideal and time saving for everyone.


For now an extension to the State House website on Diaspora Affairs is sufficient and for what is
being done there is no need for an increased budget for Diaspora Desk. The idea of a Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) is welcome and the desk will compile one based on questions we receive.
Right now a link has been put on the State House website for the Diaspora Survey to be
conducted. This will help pave the way for a more comprehensive Diaspora Census which ZDC
suggested and we feel cannot be done without first doing a survey. Zambians in the Diaspora
should visit this link for details and completion of the survey.


Not necessarily speaking for everyone, Zambian Diaspora groups do not need money from the
Diaspora desk budget, but a few more things can easily be achieved if there were no budgetary
constraints. We also feel that, connecting Diaspora activities including the survey to the State
House website may raise some issues from some quarters. It is therefore highly recommended
that a separate Zambia Diaspora website be set up. It is items like that where some of the budget
should be allocated.


Zambians in the Diaspora still believe that even though we have initiated Diaspora Government
engagement, and appreciate the initial reaction by government including the setting up of this
July 1, 2010

office and admission of our submission for Dual Citizenship, we feel government has not really
taken the steps required to tap into the professional base that exists. We believe that, in
relation to cost, government can save a lot of money by first trying to find experts from its
Diaspora before seeking it elsewhere. We also believe that, we have Zambians knowledgeable
enough that can even help scout organisations like RP Capital and make sure we negotiate terms
that are favourable to the nation in terms of expertise and cost.


This is a work in progress and as time passes things will get better. Government is committed to
working with the Diaspora. But this also comes down to inability of the Diaspora itself to work
together and allow us a single point of contact.


Led by the Zambian-Economist publication, the Diaspora has started a non-partisan 2011
Election Project. The focus of the project is to see if we can come up with documents on
economic and social matters. We have sent out requests for Zambians to write on Agriculture,
the economy, health, education, housing and many issues that affect Zambians in their day to
day lives. We also want the Zambian politicians to make the 2011 election to be about issues
and not name calling.

As Diaspora Desk, we welcome that initiative and whatever it can be done to increase awareness
and political participation among people is welcome. But this is one area we may not really be
directly be involved. We hope the venture is successful.


We are also looking forward to the day when the “Diaspora Desk” will become the “Diaspora
Office” with a budget of its own. We are confident as Zambians in the Diaspora, we can actually
contribute to that budget and we can work together in making this possible. But the
government hast to lead the way. We also think the office will be more viable and could also
provide more information especially to Zambians in countries with no Embassies and High
Commission Offices.


At the moment we are not looking to increase the budget and staff at Diaspora Desk. Most of
the needs are being met. There is also no need to focus on the budget increase.
July 1, 2010


This is not so much as a focus on the budget. ZDC just believes that the Diaspora Desk will be
able to cater more to the Diaspora if there was more staff in the office. We do not look forward to
asking for money from the budget, but we think a sufficient budget will allow the desk or office to
do more for the diaspora.

On behalf of all Zambians in the Diaspora, Zambia Diaspora Connect would like to thank Mrs.Munthali
for the time and willingness to continue working with us and Mr. Nyirongo for contributing to this
meeting. We know our country faces a lot of challenges but if we work together one by one most of
these challenges will be resolved. We hope to work together on achieving most of the issues that have
been discussed.

At 1:15 PM Zambian Time the meeting was adjourned

For Zambia Diaspora Connect,

Musaba Chailunga

Chairman - Zambia Diaspora Connect


Diaspora Desk, State House Lusaka

Mrs. Ngoza Chilonga Munthali, Mr. Griffin K. Nyirongo

Zambia Diaspora Connect

The Zambian Economist
Zambia Foundation – ZISS

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