Ethics Scenario (Structured Controversy)

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Kevin has been working as a Process Engineer at an oil refinery in Luzon ever since graduating
from University four years before. One Saturday morning at the local mall, Kevin bumps into
Wilbert, a friend from his university days whom he has not seen for three-and-a-half years. After
chatting briefly they arrange to meet for lunch on one of Kevins scheduled days off a week later
in the city near Wilberts office.
Over lunch Kevin and Wilbert talk about the old days at university and about their respective
jobs. Kevin learns that Wilbert has been working for the last two years at the regional
Environmental Management Bureau. Wilberts job is to investigate allegations of water and air
pollution from industrial sites in the southern Luzon area. Wilbert describes his powers under the
law to enter sites looking for violations of site discharge licenses. Kevin then describes his duties
as a Process Engineer within his company. Kevin is aware that his company does not always
obey the letter of the law with regard to discharges and so is careful about what he says to his
friend knowing that a careless comment could be damaging to his employer. During the
conversation Kevin admits his ignorance of the details of the law so Wilbert invites Kevin up to
his office to give him some printed booklets prepared by the bureau.
As Wilbert searches through his files for the booklets in his office, Wilbert and Kevin are
interrupted by the arrival of Marianne, one of Wilberts colleagues. Before she notices Kevin in
the room Marianne begins talking to Wilbert about a surprise inspection visit planned for two
days time to Cholox, a small specialty chemical company. When she notices Kevin, Marianne
stops talking and excuses herself. Wilbert then apologizes for the interruption and explains that
in two days time he will be leading a small team of inspectors on an unannounced visit to
Cholox. Wilbert explains that he has received a tip-off that Cholox have been exceeding their
discharge licenses and that if this is true any evidence they uncover might be used for
As Wilbert tells him this, Kevin listens quietly, his mind racing. Kevin has not told Wilbert that
his girlfriend, April, is a chemical engineer working for Cholox. Only the other night April had
revealed that she had had to authorize the shift supervisor to partially vent the contents of a
reactor vessel to the atmosphere after the reactor has been incorrectly filled. April knew that this
was wrong but it was common practice in the company.
Wilbert has given Kevin information about a secret raid unaware that Kevins girlfriend works at
the site. What should Kevin do with this information?

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