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Assignment 1: Topic selection

Think of a topic or area of interest to you. Develop two titles for your paper from this topic. (5 points)

Note: We will share these topics and titles in our next class on February 2nd, 2017 and discuss on
appropriate ways of developing a title for a research topic. This is the beginning of preparations for your
oral Research Paper presentation in Week 12- this oral presentation will be your final exam; there will
be no written final exam)

Assignment 2: Identifying reasons and conclusions

- Read Fisher (2001), Chapters 1 and part of Chapter 2 (I have uploaded the readings on Moodle)
- Use the information from your readings to complete the two tasks below:

Task: a) For the following passage, reconstruct it by inserting argument indicator words so that an
argument becomes an argument that makes sense (you may need to re-order the sentences).

The traditional British approach to food safety has been one where local health officials only intervene
at the level retaining, for instance inspecting premises where food is prepared or sold. However, a much
broader approach to the question is needed. Many of the dangers to our health resulting from the food
we eat arise from the way it is produced in the first place, that is the modern intensive farming practices
involved, rather than small-scale organic farming. A national food safety agency that fails to address the
question of food production will therefore be unlikely to protect us effectively from damaging our
health through the food we eat. (5 points)

b) Construct your own passage (related to your topic area), inserting argument indicator words so
that your argument is one that makes sense. (5 points)

Assignments 1 and 2 are due Monday January 26, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. If I am not in at the time, slip your
work under my door. Please take note of the course outline with regards to late submission of
assignments (I am hoping there will be no late assignments).

Have your work typed (Times New Roman, Font size 12; work should be double spaced).

Name of college and institute:

Your name:
ID number:
Assignment 1: Topic selection
Topic/area of interest (in three or four sentences):
Proposed title 1:
Proposed title 2:
Assignment 2: Identifying reasons and conclusions
Task a:
Task b:

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