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Rev. Adv. Mater.

Nanomaterials Sci. 30 (2012)
nonlinear 243-253
optical (NLO) applications: a review 243



Sagadevan Suresh and Dakshanamoorthy Arivuoli

Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India
Received: December 07, 2011

Abstract. Nonlinear optics is given increasing attention due to its wide application in the area of
laser technology, optical communication and data storage technology .The growth of activities on
NLO properties of nanomaterials, proposed by the agitation of understanding new science and
potential hope for applications in daily life as optical devices, photonic circuits, and environmental
sensor as well as in medical diagnostics. Intense research has been fueled by the need for
practical optical device that can deal the deficiencies of conventional technologies. The leading
materials could have very high bulk second order NLO values well beyond those available today,
which in turn would enable optical switches and modulators of smaller dimensions than what is
currently available, while at the same time substantially reducing the cost of fabrication of electro-
optic (EO) devices.This paper mainly focus on recent advances in second and third order NLO
properties of nanomaterials and understanding new science behind the extraordinary NLO values
of nanomaterials. It also discusses about the development of nanomaterial based optical

1. INTRODUCTION field with materials to produce modified fields that

are different from the input field in phase, frequency
Nonlinear optics, which studies the interaction of
or amplitude. Second harmonic generation (SHG)
intense light field with matter, is a relatively new
is a nonlinear optical process that results in the
field in physics with lots of fundamental scientific
conversion of an input optical wave into an output
and technological potential applications [1-3]. Non
wave of twice the input frequency. The light
linear optical (NLO) effects are analyzed by
propagated through a crystalline solid, which lacks
considering the response of the dielectric material
a center of symmetry, generates light at second
at the atomic level to the electric fields of an intense
and higher harmonics of the applied frequency. Such
light beam. The propagation of a wave through a
frequency doubling processes are commonly used
material produces changes in the spatial and
to 33 produce green light (532 nm) from, for example,
temporal distribution of electrical charges as the
a Nd: YAG (yttrium-aluminium-garnet) laser
electrons and atoms interact with the
operating at 1064 nm. This important nonlinear
electromagnetic fields of the wave. The main effect
property of noncentrosymmetric crystals is called
of the forces exerted by the field on the charged
second harmonic generation.
particles is displacement of the valence electrons
Following the rapid development of
from their normal orbits. This perturbation creates
nanotechnology in the past few decades, a large
electric dipoles whose macroscopic manifestation
number of nanomaterials have been shown to
is the polarization. Thus nonlinear Optics (NLO) is
possess remarkable NLO properties, which
the study of interaction of intense electromagnetic
motivates the design and fabrication of nano and
Corresponding author: Dakshanamoorthy Arivuoli, e-mail:

k % 4Se
Ta6 c
244 S. Suresh and D. Arivuoli

nano-scale photonic and photoelectronic devices The rapid growth of the field is mainly due to the
[4].The most products of nanotechnology as technological promise of these materials.
examples are carbon-based nanomaterials: from 3D Traditionally, the materials used to measure second-
carbon black or nanoparticles [5,6] to 0D fullerenes order NLO behavior were inorganic crystals, such
N,-Oc 7 RPa Q ]]P] c dQTb 6AG bN .m OP]S as lithium niobate (LiNbO 3 ) and potassium
then to 2D graphenes [13,14] discovered most dihydrogen phosphate (KDP). The optical
recently. In addition to the outstanding mechanical, nonlinearity in these materials is to a large extent
electrical and thermal properties [15-18], the unique caused by the nuclear displacement in an applied
NLO properties of CNTs have generated much electric field, and to a smaller extent by the
research interest from both experimental and movement of the electrons. This limits the bandwidth
cWT a TcX
R P[Pb TR cbN.m OGWTMb R
P]X bPb X [ T of the modulator. Organic materials have a number
but powerful technique to characterize the NLO of advantages over inorganic materials for NLO
properties of materials, including nonlinear applications [39-48]. At the molecular level, they
absorption, scattering or refraction [22]. In this need to be non-centrosymmetric. A large number of
method a laser beam is focused by a convex lens organic -conjugated molecules have been
to create an intensity-spatially-varied optical field. investigated [39-46] in the last twenty years. The
When an optical material is moved around the focal outcome of the results has helped to establish
point along the z-axis, one can readily obtain certain guidelines for molecular design to get good
information on the variation of transmission against second order NLO materials. However, roughly more
incident intensity, and hence the nonlinear than 80% of all -conjugated organic molecules crys-
parameters of interest. The present paper, tallize in centro-symmetric space groups, therefore
summarize and evaluate the achievements in the producing materials with no second order bulk sus-
development of second and third order NLO ceptibility. To overcome this limitation, organic NLO
nanomaterials. material doped or covalently attached in polymers,
have been introduced by Dalton et al. [49]. A few of
2. SURVEY OF NONLINEAR OPTICS these chromophores have served as components
of functioning polymer-based optoelectronic devices;
The development of nonlinear optical (NLO) materi- the physical properties of all these prototype mate-
als has been driven by a multitude of important tech- rials possess one or more critical deficiencies that
nological applications that can be accomplished if render commercialization of these systems imprac-
b dXcPQ[T Pc TaXP[
bPa TPe PX[PQ[TN(m O9dc daTVT] tical [25-31]. The ability to integrate metal
erations of optoelectronic devices for telecommuni- nanoparticles into biological systems has greatest
cations, information storage, optical switching, and impact in biology and biomedicine [50-73]. Devel-
signal processing are predicted to a large degree opment of nanobased biosensors has increased tre-
on the development of materials with exceptional mendously over the past few years as demonstrated
NLO responses. A large number of organic -conju- by the large number of scientific publications in this
gated molecules have been investigated in the last area. The emerging ability to control the patterns of
thirty years for suitability to function as components matter on the nanometer length scale can be ex-
in hypothetical NLO materials [27-32]. Second-har- pected to lead to entirely new types of biological
monic generation (SHG) was first observed in a sensors [74-84]. These new systems will be ca-
single crystal of quartz by Franken et al. [33]. Para- pable of sensing at the single-molecule level in liv-
metric amplification was observed in lithium niobate ing cells, and capable of parallel integration for the
(LiNbO3) by two-wave mixing in temperaturetuned detection of multiple signals, enabling a diversity of
single crystals [34]. Rentzepis and Pao [35] made simultaneous experiments, as well as better
the first observation of SHG in an organic material, crosschecks and controls.
benzpyrene, in 1964. Heilmeir [36] examined hex-
amethylenetetramine single crystal SHG in the same
year [37]. Two other organic materials followed rap-
idly: hippuric acid and benzil [38]. Benzil was the When the electromagnetic field of a laser beam is
first material that proved relatively easy to grow into acting on an atom or a molecule, it induces electric
large single crystals. Over the last two decades the polarization, which gives rise to many of the unusual
study of nonlinear optical process in organic and and interesting properties that are optically nonlinear.
polymer systems has enjoyed rapid and sustained In a dielectric material, the influence of an electric
growth [23-38]. field causes distortion in the spatial distribution
Nanomaterials for nonlinear optical (NLO) applications: a review 245

between the electrons and the nucleus. These dis- It c a n b e fo u n d th a t th e p o la riz a tio n c o n s is ts o f
tortions cause electric dipoles, which in-turn mani- a n u m b e r o f c o m p o n e n ts w ith d iffe re n t fre q u e n c ie s
fest as polarization. At very low fields, the induced v iz .,
polarization is directly proportional to the electric
(2) 2
field. However, at intense electric fields, polariza- P1 1
E 1 cos 2 1
t k 1z , (7 )
tion becomes independent of the field and the sus-
ceptibility becomes field dependent. The induced (2) 2
P2 E 2 cos 2 t k2z , (8 )
polarization is capable of multiplying the fundamen- 2 2

tal frequency to second, third order and even higher

harmonics. The irradiation from the oscillating di- P1 1
P2 2
poles differs in amplitude with respect to the inci- (9)
cos t k1 k2 z ,
dent sinusoidal electric field. As a consequence, 1 2

the distorted reradiated waves contain different fre-

( 2)
quencies from that of the incident wave. When the P1 1
P2 2
E1E 2
electric field associated with the radiation is small, (10)
cos t k1 k2 z ,
the induced polarization is given by 1 2

and a steady term
P 0
E, (1)

where P is the polarization vector, E is the electric

2 2
Pdirect E1 E2 . (11)
field vector, (1) is the linear susceptibility, and 0 is 2
the permittivity of free space. When the optical
The different components of nonlinear polarization
electric field strength is very high and comparable
generate electromagnetic waves having frequencies
to the intra-atomic electric field, the induced
different from those of the incident waves. Fraction
polarization is given by
of the incident energy used to create nonlinear
.E .E
.E .E .E ... , (2) polarization can be reradiated at one or more number
of different frequencies.
where (2), (3) l Pa Tc WT] ][ X]TPabdbR Tc X
QX [
XTb By employing proper phase matching conditions
of the medium. it is possible to generate any one of these
The nonlinear susceptibilities have decreasing components of the polarization wave with high
magnitudes as their order increases at (1): (2): (3) efficiency.
1:10-8: 10-16. The first order susceptibility which is
the linear term, (1), gives rise to refractive index, k1 k2 k3
absorption, dispersion and birefringence of the n1 n2 n3
(Or) 1 2 3
. (12)
medium. The second order, (2), gives rise to Second
Harmonic Generation (SHG), frequency mixing and c c c
parametric generation, while the third order nonlinear Franken et al. (1961) observed the frequency
susceptibility, (3),gives rise to third harmonic doubling for the first time, by irradiating a quartz
generation, stimulated Raman scattering, optical crystal with a ruby laser beam that operated at 694.2
bistability and conjugation. Supposing that we want nm. A very small amount of the light striking the
to study the interaction of two travelling waves crystal was converted into a light with a wavelength
of 347.1 nm. This wavelength lies in the ultraviolet
E1 ( z, t ) E1 cos 1
t k 1z , (3) region of the spectrum and is exactly half the
wavelength and twice the frequency of the incident
E 2 ( z, t ) E 2 cos t k2z . (4) laser light. For efficient energy transfer, the two
waves should remain in phase i.e., n1= n2. Due to
Considering the second order nonlinearity in normal dispersion occurring in the materials in the
polarization alone optical region, the radiation will generally lag behind
(2) 2
the polarization wave. The phase mismatch between
P E , (5) the polarization and electromagnetic wave is given
E12 c o s 2 t k1 z
E2 c o s
1 2
(6 ) k . (13)
k2z 2 E 1E 2 c o s 1
t k 1z c o s 2
t k2z .
246 S. Suresh and D. Arivuoli

For improving the efficiency of the doubled fre- second harmonic generation (SHG) from metals was
quency, the crystal has to be phase matched .The established on the existence of the nonlinear
dispersion in the materials can be offset by using E( E)source term that has a large contribution at
the natural birefringence. There exist two indices of the boundary due to the discontinuity of the lattice
refraction for a given direction of propagation, corre- structure and the presence of the bulk magnetic
sponding to the two allocated orthogonally polar- dipole term E o H/ /t arising from Lorentz force of
ized modes. By an appropriate choice of polariza- electrons. Accordingly the theory of SHG from metal
tion and direction of propagation, it is often possible surface was built up and modified by the
to obtain phase matching or index matching, where phenomenological parameters (a,b)which,
k = 0. To realize the nonlinear effect, a suitable respectively, express the components of current
medium is required. The conversion efficiency, SHG density that are normal and parallel to the surface
defined as the ratio of the emerging second har- as proposed by Rudnick and Stern [85]. However,
monic power P2 to the incident power P is one of the discussion of azimuthally scanned SHG
the most useful measures of the performance of a depending on the interface relation of metal films
nonlinear crystal. It is represented by and the formation of nanoparticles on silicon
substrate is still rarely discussed [86].For metal
2 2 2
d l sin
k l particles with structure of inversion symmetry, the
0 2 P
P2 electric quadruple field within the selvedge region is
2 ,
k l
P 0 3
A (14) the dominant source for the generation of second
harmonic light [87-88]. The excitation of surface
plasmon (SP), which couples the incident field to
where k = k2 -2k , propagate along the surface, is thus a main strategy
k=2 / , for the enhancement of second harmonic generation
= permittivity of free space, (SHG). The efficiency of generating surface plasmon
= permeability of free space, depends on the momentum conservation of the
n = index of refraction, electromagnetic waves, which has a rather narrow
= angular frequency of incident light, bandwidth of wave-vectors. The random orientation
l = length of the crystal, of the scattered light of the innumerable
A = beam area. nanoparticles pursues the phase matching condition.
The factor k represents the amount of phase Recently, a significant growth of the intensity of the
mismatch between the second harmonic wave fronts second harmonic generation (SHG) reflected from
generated at different points in the crystal. If k is metallic island films [89-91] have been reported. The
zero (proper phase matching) then the interference enhancement of the SHG of small metallic particles
term, can be clarified by evaluating, quantum mechanically,
the quadrupole susceptibility with the exploiting of
2 k l quantum sphere model [92]. The current source
2 J(2 ) for the SHG in the S direction is related to the
k l polarization P(2 ) by
2 P (2 )
J (2 ) 2i P (2 ). (16)
reaches a maximum value that in-turn maximizes t
the efficiency of the SHG process. The efficiency of We can write the second harmonic polarization by
second harmonic generation is directly proportional
to the intensity I( )=P /A of the incident 1
fundamental radiation. P(2 ) E



E ,
where = (1/(2i ) ) is the electric quadrupole,
The nanomaterials with particle size or film thick- which can be evaluated quantum mechanically. Only
ness much small than the coherent length, the phase the electrons at states near the Fermi energy can
matching condition is usually neglected and the contribute to quadruple transition. Atedious
surface nonlinearity makes a apparent contribution calculation with isotropic average of the polarization
due to the enhanced surface to volume ratio. Surface
Nanomaterials for nonlinear optical (NLO) applications: a review 247

Fig. 1. Schematic experimental setup for SHG efficiency measurement.

directions implies the values of electric quadrupole including ZnO nanowires [93], GaN nanowires [94],
as given by KNbO3 nanowires [95], noble metallic nanoparticles
[96-98], nanocrystals (e.g., Fe(IO3)3, KTiOPO4,
16 Ae 3 EF5 / 2 k max
1 BiTiO3) [99-102], as well as core/shell CdTe/CdS


4 5 2 dP]c d Sc bPbb P[ [Pb %m ] X ]SXP Tc Ta
2 m k 2k 1 [103]. The intense SHG signals were used for
1 nanoscale imaging and to track nanoparticles in
3 2
24 Ae EF k max
3 5 2 cells, tissues, and organisms [104]. Pantazis et al.
R m k 2k 1 [102] and Hsieh et al. [101] characterized SHG
1 signals from BaTiO3 nanocrystals and developed
3 3/2
16 Ae EF
2 3 5
, bioconjugated nanocrystals as probes for cell and
R m in vivo imaging without photobleaching or blinking.
nk ks sn After an injection of BaTiO3 nanocrystals (~30 nm)
whereis A = P nks the total average
into the zebrafish embryo, bright SHG signals could
value of the angular distribution in the tensor
nk nk be detected in either superficial tissue or deep within
components, and are values of the angular
organs in the zebrafish during development. Unlike
distribution of pnk in the a direction and Qnk in the
fluorescent dyes, the SHG nanoprobes exhibit a
abdirection respectively and P is the permutation
narrow emission profile, resulting in a high signal-
operator of
. The contains three terms
to-noise ratio (SNR) in the tissues with little auto
which are independent, inverse linear dependent,
fluorescence background [102]. Based on the
and inverse quadratic dependent on the particle
intense SHG signals from BaTiO3 nanocrystals, a
radius, respectively. The second and third terms of
harmonic holographic microscope has been
above equation clearly adduces the enhancement
developed for 3D imaging of nanocrystals in cells
of the quadrupole susceptibilityas the particle size
without scanning [105].The schematic of the
R reduces.
experimental setup used for SHG studies is shown
in the Fig. 1.
4.1. Second harmonic
generation (SHG) 4.2. Theory of third harmonic
The Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a special generation (THG)
case of sum frequency generation, in which photons
In nonlinear optics one normally starts with the ex-
( 1) interact with the NLO media and are converted
pansion of the polarization P as a function of the
into new photonswith twice the energy (2 1). As a
applied field E. The third term with the third order
second order NLO process, onlynon-
susceptibility (3) can be written as:
centrosymmetric structures are able to emit SHG
signals. Strong SHG signals have been found in (3)
Pi ( 1
) ... 0 i , j , k ,l
( 1
; 2
; 3
; 4
many types of single inorganic nanostructures,
Ej ( 2
)E k ( 3
)E l ( 4
) ... ,
248 S. Suresh and D. Arivuoli

where a sum over all frequencies x has to be per-

formed and the Einstein convention of summing over
double indices has been used. For most all optical
applications the intensity dependent index of refrac-
tion (IDRI) n2,I is the relevant parameter which can
be written as
(3) 2
n2,I 3 1,1,1,1
( ; ; ; ) / n0 0 c . (20)

With n0 the linear index of refraction and c the speed

of light. The nonlinear susceptibility for THG 1,1,1,1
(- ; ; ;- ) is a good estimate for the parameter for
IDRI. The THG can be described by solving the Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the THG
@Pg fT[[n
bT dPc X]P]SX ]b Ta c
X]VP] ][ X
]TPabda R T process.
term in the resulting wave equation. Similar to SHG
also in the case of THG phase matching between
all generated harmonic waves can influence greatly
the harmonic intensity due to the dispersion of the may simplify this expression by neglecting the
NLO material. The phase match and thus the total imaginary part of 1,1,1,1 (- ; ; ;- ) and other absorp-
harmonic intensity can be varied by changing the tion terms. If one assumes that the main contribu-
propagation length L inside the material. When we tion to the three-photon resonance term also involves
focus only upon the most important parameters, the two-photon resonant terms one gets:
harmonic intensity I3 for a material is given by (3)
( 3 ; ; ; )
2 (22)
( ; ; ; ) a1/ E n ,g 3 E n ,g E n ,g 2 .

2 3 L
n3 n
I ,
(21) If one identifies the position of the first
c excitedstate with the wavelength max of the linear
absorption spectrum one is able to give an estimate
where I is the intensity of the fundamental wave of the enhancement due to this factor. In the
and nx and n3 are the index of the refraction of the wavelength region of 0:5 < /(3 max) < 0.9 the
fundamental and harmonic wave, respectively.In enhancement factor increases with a factor five. For
practice the thickness variation is simply a first assessment of the quality of NLO materials a
accomplished by rotating a solid material (powder, value of the NLO coefficients within an order of
sheet or thin film) or translating a dissolved material magnitude is already sufficient. We therefore
inside a wedge shaped cuvet. The nonlinear approximate the resonance function with a two-step
susceptibility measured by THG is completely function. This function will be considered to be a
originated by electronic effects, as the optical constant if k is outside resonance.If k is within 5%
frequencies are far above the natural frequencies of at resonance we set the enhancement factor to 10.
all other contributions. It gives therefore in general a
lower limit for the nonlinear coefficients as for many
4.3. Third harmonic generation (THG)
other NLO effects like the IDRI also the nuclei and
even complete molecules can have a contribution. The Third harmonic generation (THG) is a third-order
When a single photon, or two or three photons of NLO process that requires three photons ( 1) in order
the fundamental beam arein resonance with excited to generate one photon at the tripled frequency
real states of the nonlinear material (Fig. 2), strong (3 1). Unlike SHG, THG is not restricted to
frequency dependent enhancement of the harmonic noncentrosymmetric structures. The unique optical
intensity is observed that can be absent in, e.g. the properties of nanostructures render them ideal THG
IDRI. In these cases THG seems to give an upper enhancing agents. For example, the surface
bound forthe nonlinear coefficient. [
Pb ]a Tb ]P]RTU a bX [eTa TV m,]
The resonances of 1,1,1,1 (- ; ; ;- ) can be nanoparticle array [106], 30 nm nanoparticles [107])
written as a complicated function of the energy and and gold nanostructures (40 nm nanoparticles [108],
the transition matrix elements of the electronic states gold nanorods with a length of 25 nm and aspect
involved. In the case of three-photon resonance one ratio of 3.727) enhances the THG process.
Nanomaterials for nonlinear optical (NLO) applications: a review 249

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the THG experimental setup.

Semiconducting nanomaterials also exhibit THG 6. NLO PROPERTIES OF A SINGLE

signals. Chang et al. demonstrated backward THG NANOPARTICLE
signals from ZnO thin films, CdSe quantum dots,
and Fe3O4 nanoparticles [109]. Using a fs pulsed The optical nonlinearities of semiconductor
laser at 1290 nm, Jung et al. [110] discovered a nanoparticles are of great interest recently. So far
strong THG signal from Si nanowires as small as 5 their third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties
nmin diameter due to the large (3) from crystalline have been widely studied. However, there are only
FXfWX RWXb m a STa b U PV]X cdSTWX VWTacWP] few studies on second-order NLO properties,
materials such as crystalline CsS, TiO2, and gold because it is believed that the centrosymmetry or
[111]. The intense THG signal has been used for near-centrosymmetry of spherical nanoparticles
label-free imaging of nanostructures in cells and eliminates their first-order hyperpolarizability val-
tissues [112].The schematic of the experimental ues to zero or near zero. And for a long time it re-
setup used for THG studies is shown in the Fig. 3. mains a problem to directly study the second-order
NLO properties of such nanoscale particles by con-
ventional NLO technique such as interfacial second
harmonic generation (SHG) and electric-field-induced
NANOMATERIALS SHG techniques which are constrained by the ori-
The nanoparticles and nanostructured materials have entational, size, and or charge restrictions [115].
attracted great interest in recent years because their Fortunately, the newly developed hyper-Rayleigh
properties such as quantum confinement of electrons scattering (HRS) technique overcomes the above
and holes, surface effects, and geometrical restrictions; hence second-order NLO properties of
confinement of phonons, are markedly different from nanoparticles can be studied. Recently, a few stud-
those of bulk materials [113]. Nanoparticle has a ies were reported about HRS for the colloidal gold
rather large number of atoms, but itssize is and insulator nanoparticle SiO2 [116]. The HRS tech-
comparable with characteristic dimensions nique is used to measure second-order NLO re-
describing the behavior of electrons and holes, thus sponse of a series of semiconductor nanoparticles
creating an intermediate regime between molecules with different surfaces prepared by different meth-
and bulk crystals [113]. A great deal of the recent ods.
interest in the optical responses of metal
nanoparticles,nanoapertures in metal films, and 7. NONLINEAR OPTICAL
metamaterials are focuses on enhancing local PROPERTIES OF
T[SbcT] a dbU PRX[
matter interactions [114]. The Enormous enhance-
ment factors of 103-106 compared to the fundamen- The polymer nanocomposites, consisting of semi-
tal electric field at a flat metal surface has been conducting colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) embedded
predicted [114] and these strong local fields are in polymer matrices, are original materials able to
particularly important for nonlinear optical pro- join the structural flexibility and convenient process-
cesses, such as SHG and THG. ing of the polymers with high carrier mobility,
250 S. Suresh and D. Arivuoli

bandgap tunability, and thermal and mechanical cal and chemical toxins with excellent sensitivity
stability of the inorganic components. Such novel and selectivity [50-74]. The Dendrimers are mono-
materials have been explored in many application disperse hyper-branched molecules comprised of
fields, including linear and nonlinear optical devices, dendrons (tree-shaped units) attached to a central
light-emitting diodes, optical switches, waveguides, core; their well-defined and controllable structures
sensors, and hard transparent coatings as protective have made them of great interest for a vast array of
layers [1 ,m ]. One of the most crucial points applications including drug transportation, light har-
for the fabrication of such a class of nanocomposites vesting and optics [136]. Dendrimers containing
relies on the ability to control the dispersion of the metal centers have been synthesized for applica-
nanoparticles in the host matrix. In fact, nanoscale tions in (among others) catalysis, luminescence,
particles typically possess a strong tendency to sensing, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
aggregate, which might be detrimental for retaining Dendritic materials with enhanced nonlinear optical
their size- dependent properties. In nanocomposites, (NLO) properties have also attracted significant re-
nanofillers must be finely dispersed in polymers so cent attention, because of the interest in modifying
that the heterogeneous nature of the material should the propagation characteristics of intense light
be evident only for sampling on a nanometric scale. beams, of crucial importance to the emerging
photonics industries. While the focus of most stud-
8. NLO PROPERTIES OF QUANTUM ies in the NLO properties of dendrimers has been
DOTS with purely organic dendrimers [137], metal-contain-
ing dendrimers for nonlinear optics is a field of in-
Semiconductor nanostructures are considered as creasing interest.
promising materials for multicolor single excitation
biological labelling and dynamic three-dimensional
nanoscale optical imaging. Large nonlinear optical
coefficients in these materials may lead to photonics In conclusion, in this review, an overview of the
applications, such as ultrafast optoelectronic emergence of second and third order NLO
switches [122-128]. Moreover, nonlinear optical nanomaterials for the development of nanomaterial
processes may provide valuable information for based optical technology. Second order NLO
proper understanding of quantum confinement and materials are used in optical switching (modulation),
surface effects in low-dimensional structures. The frequency conversion (SHG, wave mixing), and
NLO properties of semiconductor nanocrystals have electro-optic applications, especially in EO
been investigated [122-135]. Recently beam modulators. All of these applications rely on the
distortion method, which is popularly called as the manifestation of the molecular hyperpolarizability of
z-scan technique, has been widely employed to the materials. It is requirement for nanomaterials
characterize the NLO properties of semiconductors. for applications in second and third order harmonic
In the method of the z-scan, the transmittance of a generation. Thispaper also summarizes recent
nonlinear medium is measured as a function of the progress on the development of nanomaterials based
sample position in the z-direction. The transmittance NLO assay for chemical processes and sensing
function not only gives immediate information about biomolecules and toxic metals.
the sign of the nonlinearity, but it also allows one to
easily estimate the magnitude of the nonlinearity. REFERENCES
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