TIP Application Manual - Part 1 Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

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Application Manual

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Totally Integrated PowerTM Application Manual

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning
We build the bridge between building
management and power distribution
whith integrated solutions for commercial and industrial buildings

The information provided in this mannal contains merely general descriptions or
totally integrated

characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as de-
scribed or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An
obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in
the terms of contract.

All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or

supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the
rights of the owners.

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Power Transmission and Distribution Siemens Schweiz AG Nominal charge: 24 euro
Gleiwitzer Strae 555 Freyeslebenstrae 1 Building Technologies Group Order no.: E20001-A110-M104-X-7600
90475 NUREMBERG 91058 ERLANGEN International Headquarters Dispo 27612
GERMANY GERMANY Gubelstrasse 22
6301 ZUG
1 Introduction 1/2 6 Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort 6/2
6.1 Planning Tips on instabus KNX EIB 6/2
2 Basic Data and Preliminary Planning 2/2
6.2. Power Management using SIMATIC powercontrol 6/4
2.1 The Planners Tasks 2/2 6.2.1 Functional Description 6/6
2.2 Some Basic Considerations on Power Distribution 2/3
6.2.2 Energy Procurement 6/11
2.3 Standards, Regulations and Guidelines 2/12

7 Electromagnetic Compatibility 7/2

3 Determination and Division of Power Demand 3/2
7.1 Reasons for Electromagnetic Interference 7/2
4 Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, 7.2 Coupling Mechanisms 7/2
Institutional and Industrial Buildings 4/2
7.2.1 Galvanic Coupling 7/3
7.2.2 Capacitive Coupling 7/4
4.1 Basics for Drafting Electrical Power
7.2.3 Inductive Coupling 7/4
Distribution Systems 4/2
7.2.4 Electromagnetic Line Coupling 7/5
4.1.1 Requirements to Electrical Power Systems in Building 4/4
7.2.5 Radiation Coupling 7/5
4.1.2 Network Configurations 4/6
4.1.3 Power Supply Systems 4/8 7.3 EMC-friendly Power Supplies Practical
4.1.4 Routing/Wiring 4/10 Issues and Requirements 7/6
4.1.5 Switching and Protective Devices 4/10 7.3.1 Effects of Conductor Design on EMC 7/6
4.2 Planning Aid for Selecting Power 7.3.2 Power Supply Systems Network Configuration 7/7
System Planning Modules 4/12 7.3.3 Interference Limits 7/9

4.3 Power System Planning Modules 4/14 7.4 EMC in Standards 7/10

4.4 Power Supply with regard to Selectivity Evaluation

Examples 4/28 8 Lighting of Indoor
Workplaces 8/2
5 Sizing the Main Components for 8.1 Lighting Schemes 8/2
Power Distribution 5/2 8.2 Illuminance Levels in the Viewing
5.1 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 5/2 Task Area and its Immediate Surroundings 8/4
5.1.1 Medium-Voltage Switchgear Examples 5/5 8.3 Maintenance Value and Maintenance Factor 8/4
5.1.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear Design 5/8 8.4 Evaluation of the Limitation of Direct Glare 8/6
5.1.3 Pressure Development in Switchgear Rooms 5/11 8.5 Indoor Lighting for Display
Workstations 8/6
5.2 Distribution Transformers 5/12
5.3 Low-Voltage Main Distribution 5/17 9 Energy Passport for Buildings 9/2
5.3.1 Planning Notes for Switchgear up to 3,200 A 5/20
5.3.2 Low-Voltage Main Distribution Example 5/23
5.3.3 Panel Descriptions 5/24
10 Tables and Overviews 10/2
5.4 Busbar Trunking Systems 5/30
Definitions 10/2
5.4.1 General 5/30
Rated Currents and Initial Symmetrical Short-Circuit
5.4.2 Planning Notes 5/30
Currents of Three-Phase Distribution Transformers
5.4.3 System Range 5/35
from 50 to 3,150 kVA 10/6
5.5 Subdistribution Systems 5/36 Utilization Categories in Accordance with DIN
5.6 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS) 5/38 EN 60947-4-1, 3, 5-1 (VDE 0660 Parts 102, 107
and 200) 10/7
5.7 Standby Power Supply 5/41 Fire Loads for Various Applications 10/9
5.8 Reactive Power Compensation 5/44 List of Abbreviations 10/19
5.8.1 Economic Advantages of Reactive Your Siemens Contact Partners 10/20
Power Compensation 5/47 Contact Partners for Special Subjects 10/20
5.8.2 Reactive Power Compensation Definitions 5/49 Imprint 10/21
Totally Integrated Power

chapter 1
1 Integrated Planning Cost Reduction
The planning stage provides the integrated systems and products from ing management systems. The more
greatest potential for optimizing a a single supplier into account and these systems are networked, the
power supply system. At this stage, implements them in cost-effective higher their savings potential is.
the course is set for additional costs solutions. Elaborate interfacing and Reductions in energy-related costs of
and cost increases which may incur harmonization of different systems up to 25% are possible.
during the erection and subsequent and products becomes obsolete. The
use of the building. As compared to outlay for spare parts management Investors and facility managers can
conventional planning, integrated and procurement is reduced. thus provide a cost-effective power
planning continually improves the Communication systems can be used supply system and boost their own
cost-benet ratio. When tackling to connect power supply/distribution efciency. Users benet from high-
complex power distribution tasks, systems and products to other services level electricity supply in both quality
integrated planning takes the syner- such as automated process and pro- and quantity at favorable conditions.
gies of well matched, intelligent, duction systems or automated build-

Communication Operator
Control &
Load Curves Forecasts Maintenance Event/Fault
Management &
Monitoring Messaging

Process/production U
cos o
Hall 1 Air conditioning system
checkup central ON

Distribution 3 Replacing circuit
breaker contacts local ON
Infeed II Replacing meters tripped


Products and Systems

110 kV

Planning and
System Configuration

1/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Integrated solutions for building and use of commercial, institutional power distribution system: openness,
installations and industrial buildings. Totally Inte- integration, efficient engineering
grated Power on the other hand tools, manifold options for communi-
Totally Integrated Power (TIP) is the
facilitates the planning of power cation and, of course, a substantial
platform from Siemens AG which
distribution systems with well- improvement in efficiency.
offers integrated solutions for electri-
matched components and optimized
cal power distribution in commercial, Totally Integrated Power is the ulti-
interfaces, and thus keeps a tight
institutional and industrial buildings mate concept both technically and
reign on the costs. The focus of
ranging from medium-voltage supply economically for putting the require-
Totally Integrated Power lies on all
to power outlets. ments of todays and tomorrows
power distribution components as an
Increasing market demands on the integrated entity. Totally Integrated power distribution networks into
one hand result in ever increasing Power offers everything that can be practice according to given standards
expenses for the planning, erection expected from a future-oriented and regulations.

Selective Reports Power Cost Center

Protection DATE:
Quality Allocation





















instabus EIB

Fig. 1/1: Totally Integrated Power

integrated solutions for
electrical power distribution

1/3 1
1/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

chapter 2
2.1 The Planners Tasks 2.3 Standards, Regulations
2.2 Some Basic Considerations on and Guidelines
Power Distribution
2 Basic Data and Preliminary Planning
2.1 The Planners Phase 1, Establishment of basic data
Tasks  Task denition  Environmental impact assessment
It is up to the planner to win an edge  Review of the project situation  Recommendations for the
over his competitors and gain unique  Site analysis total power demand
selling points by offering modern,  Operations planning  Formulation of decision-making
innovative concepts for the layout of  Preparation of a aids for the selection of other
power supply systems and the selec- room concept experts involved in the planning
tion of suitable equipment. But he is  Preparation of a concept  Summary of results
also responsible for his planning work, on the functional scope
which means that he may be held
liable for damages. The first two
project stages (Table 2/1) are of vital
Phase 2, Preliminary planning (project and planning preparations)
importance in this context. They
determine the basic set-up and guide-  Analysis of the basis utilization and the use of
lines for the further course of the  Coordination of objectives renewable energies) and
project. Wrong assumptions and (boundary conditions, conicting landscape ecology, as well as
imprecise specifications may result objectives) the impact on and sensitivity
either in system oversizing and,  Preparation of a planning concept of the affected ecosystems
consequently, in unnecessary costs, or that also includes possible  Preliminary negotiations with
in undersizing and, consequently, in alternative solutions public authorities and other
equipment overloading and failure.  Integration of services rendered experts involved in the planning
This manual, Preliminary Planning, by other experts involved in the as to whether an ofcial approval
shall assist you in sizing the compo- planning can be obtained
nents for technical installations in  Clarication and explanation of  Cost estimation in compliance
buildings properly even in the initial the fundamental interrelations, with DIN 276 or according to
project stages. Its focus is on the processes and conditions in the statutory provisions for cost
components for electric power distri- context of urban development calculations of residential
bution. and design, functions, dwellings
technology, building physics,  Compilation of all preliminary
economics, energy management planning results
(e.g. regarding efcient power

Table 2/1: Overview of the basic planners tasks in the rst two project stages according to the HOAI
(Regulation of Architects and Engineers Fees) (excerpt)

2/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

2.2 Some Basic Network structure and Electric utilities rooms

sources of supply
Considerations on Besides a proper component rating,
The network structure is determined another essential planning aspect is
Power Distribution dependent on the requirements the specification of the size and
drawn from the buildings use. In line location of the utilities rooms required
with the specifications made by the for electric installations. The dimen-
Power demand
installation company and the intend- sions of these utilities rooms depend
In terms of electric power supply, the ed use of the building, the required on the dimensions of the components
most important task in the stage of power output must be distributed required and the relevant safety
establishing basic data is the estima- between different sources of supply. regulations. Boundary conditions such
tion of the power quantity required If redundancy is a system require- as room ventilation, ceiling loads and
for supply (see Chapter 3). In order to ment, an additional reserve must be access ways for moving items in must
attain a high level of efficiency, the considered in the planning. Besides also be taken into consideration when
components should work with a load the demand to be met by the general drawing up room and building plans.
of 70 to 80% of the maximum power power supply (GPS), the power quan- Over-dimensioned rooms reduce the
output: Undersizing causes malfunc- tity required from a safe and reliable economic efficiency of a building
tions, while oversizing results in source of supply must also be esti- (room utilization). Under-dimensioned
excess costs. mated. This power demand is divided rooms may hinder the implemen-
between the redundant power supply tation of a certain technical solution
(RPS) and the uninterruptible power or at least force the use of expensive
supply (UPS). The redundant power custom solutions for the technology
supply (RPS) is also operated via the applied. This application manual
second system input from the UPS as contains aids for determining the
a standby system when the general room dimensions required for certain
power supply has failed. In addition, components.
the power requirements of safety
equipment (DIN VDE 0100-710, DIN
VDE 0100-718) to be supplied by the
safety power supply system (SPS)
must be considered. The estimates for
the power quantities required and
their allocation to different sources of
supply finally render the ratings for
the individual components.

2/3 2

Review of the project situation

Every project is unique in its own way. For efficient
planning it is important to include as many influencing
factors as possible in a checklist at the project start.

Type of building use

e.g. office, school, hotel, multi-purpose etc.

Operator concept
Is the owner/developer also the user of the real estate?
Goals of the operator regarding tenancy,
variability and period of use?

Level of building installations, equipment and



Cost frame
Scheduled budget
Financing schemes/operator concepts

2/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Building area .............. m2

Building height .............. m

Average floor height .............. m

Number of floors ...............

Car park, access ways

Building use
Uniform use (e.g. offices)
Functional areas
(e.g. shop, garage, office)

Defined locations (for cable routing)

Maximum dimensions/weights for

moving in installation components
(observe transportation routes)

Specifications for emergency diesel unit

(exhaust air, fuel-tank room)

2/5 2
Energy passport
Faade design (let-through values)
Lighting (light design)

Room control functions (lighting, shutters and blinds)

Lighting (light design)

Safety requirements
Power supply
Fire lobbies
Video system
Fire alarm system
Access control
Time recording
Security system

Safety-relevant installation parts

C Depending on the building use
C Elevators
C Safety lighting for workplaces
C Central batteries for safety lighting
for meeting area
C Sprinkler system/booster pumps
C Lifting systems for sewage water draining
C Smoke and heat vents
C Communications centers
C Electroacoustics centers

2/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

C Components of the video monitoring/security system
C Secondary pipe heating for sprinkler pipes
in cold areas
C Life support systems

Planning documents
Drawings, space assignment plans, utilization plans, tables
on energy balance, technology descriptions, requirements
from installation rules for cabling, factory regulations et al.

Building regulations, conditions imposed

by authorities
Depending on the building use, for example:
Installations for gathering of people
(VDE 100, Part 718 (former VDE 0108))
Medical locations
(VDE 100, Part 710 (former VDE 0107))
Hazardous locations

Areas for technical installations

C Can existing rooms be used?
C Requirements made by power utility
(technical supply conditions)
C Room arrangement
(rising ducts, fire lobbies)

2/7 2
Technical requirements from the user
C Reliability of supply
C Quality of supply
C Availability
C Variability of the electricity supply
C Expandability

Design requests
Power management

Control system (visualization of technology,

messages, control/commands)

Level of building installations, equipment and furnishing

(low, high )

Installation bus for lighting, shutters and blinds
Room monitoring
Central building control system

2/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Performance targets/conditions/preliminary decisions

Power supply agreed upon with power distribution

network operators
Medium-/low-voltage supply
Interfacing to existing technology

Time schedule
Date of building completion
Date of completion for planning documents
Time slot for moving in certain parts of the installation,
because otherwise the area would no longer be accessible
(e.g. lifting in the transformer with a crane)

2/9 2

Planning documents for

technical installations in
buildings (electric power
We recommend that all existing technology and available
information required to plan a power distribution system
be checked before you start with the actual planning work.
A complete set of data will help avoid planning errors and
recognize potential for cost savings.
Below you will find a keyword list of all technologies
typically used in a project. The keywords can be used as a
checklist for examining interdependencies and
completeness of your review of the project situation. A
closer examination of interrelations between individual
technologies will often reveal matters that have not yet
been dealt with, for example:

 Joint use of rooms and building areas

 Cable routing

 Crossing lines:
 Sanitary piping
 Ventilation (air conditioning)

 Have fire lobbies been taken into account?

 Have all technologies been integrated into building


2/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Overview of building work contract  Plant radio installation (electric power, location)
sections  Communication system (electric power, location)
Below you will find a summary of the most important work  Antennas (electric power, location)
contract sections with comments (in brackets) treating the
most relevant aspects for power supply:  Data network (electric power, location)

 Medium-voltage switchgear (location, connected load)  Radio installations (electric power, floor plan)

 Safety power supply (requirements, connected loads,  Intercoms, emercency call systems
consuming devices, location) (electric power, location)

 Redundant power supply (requirements, connected  TV wiring (connected loads, locations)

loads, consuming devices, location)  Equipment/machinery (electric power, locations, scope)
 Uninterruptible power supply (requirements, connected  Heating (electric power, location)
loads, consuming devices, location)
 Ventilation (electric power, location)
 Low-voltage switchgear (location, connected load)
 Air conditioning (electric power, location)
 Subdistribution systems (locations, connected loads)
 Grounding/equipotential bonding (neutral-point
connection, central grounding point, number of poles
of switching devices)
 Lightning current and overvoltage protection
(critical devices connected, requirements)
 Installation equipment and wiring accessories/
installation bus (requirements, design)
 Building automation (scope of performance,
linking with power supply)
 Automation technology (connected loads, requirements,
bus system, communication levels, interfaces)
 Drives (connected loads, elevators, pumps, ramp-up
behavior, control, alarms)
 Visualization method (user interface, scope of
technology to be integrated)
 General lighting (connected loads, floor plan)
 Workplace lighting (connected loads, floor plan)
 Safety lighting (connected loads, floor plan)
 Sun shields (control, scope of performance)
 Smoke and heat vents (electric power, location)
 Public-address system (electric power, floor plan)
 Fire alarm system (electric power, location)
 Burglar alarm system (electric power, location)
 Video monitoring system (electric power, floor plan)
 Special radio installation for external communication
(electric power, location)

2/11 2
2.3 Standards, When planning and erecting build-
ings, many standards, regulations and
(e.g. factory regulations) and the
responsible power distribution net-
Regulations and guidelines must be observed work operator. The following list shall
Guidelines and complied with in addition to
the explicit specifications made by
give you an overview of the most
important documents in this context.
the building and plant operator

DIN 57100 VDE 0100 Erection of low-voltage installations with rated voltages up to 1,000 V

DIN VDE 0100-710 Erection of low-voltage installations Requirements for special installations or locations
Part 710: Medical locations

DIN VDE 0100-718 Erection of low-voltage installations Requirements for special installations or locations
Part 718: Installations for gathering of people

DIN VDE 0101 Power installations exceeding 1 kV

DIN EN 60909-0 VDE 0102 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents

DIN VDE 0105-100 Operation of electrical installations Part 100: General requirements

(VDE 0107) Withdrawn, currently DIN VDE 0100-710

(VDE 0108) Withdrawn, currently DIN VDE 0100-718 (transition period until 03/2007)

DIN VDE 0141 Earthing system for special power installations with nominal voltages above 1 kV

DIN VDE 0185-1 Protection against lightning General principles

DIN EN 50272-2 VDE 0510-2 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations Part 2: Stationary batteries

DIN VDE 0800-1 Telecommunications; general concepts; requirements and tests for the safety of
facilities and apparatus

Arb.Sttt. VO Workplace Ordinance

Elt Bau VO Regulations (of the German Lnder) on the construction of utilities rooms for electrical installations

TA-Lrm Instruction for the protection from acoustic exposure

TAB Technical supply conditions set by the local power distribution network operator

The stipulations made by TV, TH, and Dekra

Rules for the prevention of accidents

Ofcial regulations (e. g. state building regulations) and other conditions for building imposed by authorities

Expertise on re safety and expert concepts

Further notes on planning, congurations and layout:

VDI 2078 To calculate the cooling load in air-conditioned rooms

AGI J 12 Construction of rooms for indoor switchgear, Worksheet published by

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau e. V. (AGI) (Working Group on Industrial Building)

Applicable VDE standards can be found in the standards database provided by VDE Publishing House (www.vde-verlag.de).

Table 2/2: The most important standards for the erection of electrical power distribution installations

2/12 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Determination and Division of Power Demand

chapter 3
3 Determination and Division of Power Demand
The basis for planning and sizing
Building use Average Simultaneity Comments
power distribution is knowing the power demand 1) factor 2)
equipment to be connected and the
Bank 40 70 W/m2 0.6
resulting total power demand. Besides
the power demand of large machinery Library 20 40 W/m2 0.6
(motors, pumps etc.), the demand of Ofce 30 50 W/m2 0.6
individual functional areas (offices, Shopping center 30 60 W/m2 0.6
parking, shop ) must be ascertained Hotel 30 60 W/m2 0.6
(see Table 3/1).
Department store 30 60 W/m2 0.6
To determine the technical supply Small hospital
conditions, it is necessary to estimate (4080 beds) 250 400 W/m2 0.6
the future power demand as precisely Hospital (200500 beds) 50 80 W/m2 0.6 ca. 2,000 W per bed
as possible in the preliminary planning
stage. The more precisely this power
(no cooling) 2 20 W/m2 0.6
demand can be estimated, the better
Cold store 500 1,500 W/m2 0.6 Upper values for
the power supply system can be sized
deep-freeze store
as well. This applies as much to the
components in general power supply Apartment complex
(GPS) as to the safety supply compo- (without night storage/
continuous-ow water heater) 10 30 W/m2 0.6
nents (SPS). Specications for the
technical utilities rooms are also de- Museum 60 80 W/m2 0.6
rived from the sizing data for power Parking garage 3 10 W/m2 0.6
supply. Production plant 30 80 W/m2 0.6
Data center 500 2,000 W/m2 1.0
Special requirements
School 10 30 W/m2 0.6
Depending on the given building use, Gym hall 15 30 W/m2 0.6
additional specifications may have to
be taken into account for power (40,00080,000 seats) 70 120 W/seat 0.6
supply engineering, for example the
Old peoples home 15 30 W/m2 0.6
statutory regulations for assembly
rooms or hospitals. Special user Greenhouse
requirements for the power supply of (artical lighting) 250 500 W/m2
server rooms and data centers, for 1) The values specied here are guidelines for demand estimation
example, also necessitate very de- and cannot substitute precise power demand analysis.
2) The simultaneity factor (SF) is a guideline for preliminary planning
tailed planning. In these cases, a
and must be adapted for individual projects.
certain proportion of the connected
load must comply with the require-
Table 3/1: Average power demand for buildings according to their type of use
ments of safe power supply. Depending
on these requirements, redundant
power supply systems (RPS), such as main line. This option depends on the tional areas. The data shown here are
emergency-power diesel generators conditions established by the local meant as guidelines only, and should
and/or uninterruptible power supply power utility involved and must be not be used to substitute precise
systems (UPS) will be included in the clarified with this party. power demand analysis.
planning. A redundant power supply
Tables 3.1 to 3.3 shall assist you in
system may also consist of an additio-
estimating the power demand for
nal medium-voltage supply from an
different types of buildings and func-
independent medium-voltage ring-

3/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Determination and Division of Power Demand

Functional area/ Average Simultaneity Functional area/ Connected Simultaneity

building area power demand 1) factor 2) installations load factor 2)

Hallway/anteroom, lobby 515 W/m2 0.3 Building installations

Staircase 515 W/m2 0.3 Escalator 0.5
General utilities 515 W/m2 0.3 Elevator 0.3
Foyer 1030 W/m2 1.0 Sanitary systems 0.5
Access ways (e. g. tunnel) 1020 W/m2 1.0 Sprinklers 0.1
Recreation room/ Heating 0.8
kitchenette 2050 W/m2 0.3 Air conditioning 0.8
Toilet areas 515 W/m2 1.0 Cooling water system 0.7
Travel center 6080 W/m2 0.8 Refrigeration 0.7
Ofce areas 2040 W/m2 0.8
Bookstore 80120 W/m2 0.8
Flower shop 80120 W/m2 0.8
Bakery/butcher 250350 W/m2 0.8
Groceries 80120 W/m2 0.8
Bistro/ice cream parlour 150250 W/m2 0.8
Caf 180220 W/m2 0.8
Diner/restaurant 180400 W/m2 0.8
Tobacco shop 80120 W/m2 0.8
1) The values specied here are guidelines for demand estimation and
Hairdresser 220280 W/m2 0.8 cannot substitute precise power demand analysis.
Dry-cleaners/laundry 700950 W/m2 0.7 2) The simultaneity factor (SF) is a guideline for preliminary planning
Storage area 515 W/m2 0.3 and must be adapted for individual projects.

Other Average power demand 1)

Electric oor heating,

bedrooms 65100 W/m2

Electric oor heating,

bathroom 130150 W/m2

Night storage heating:

Low-energy house 6070 W/m2

Night storage heating:

house with standard insulation 100110 W/m2

Small aircon unit 60 W/m2

Photovoltaics (max. output of the modules) 100130 W/m2 Average usable sun radiation
in Germany per day: 2.75 kWh/m2

Table 3/2: Average power demand for different functional/building areas

3/3 3
Load SF, equipment SF 1) Comments

Consider network
synchronization system
Special equipment (e. g.
electroacoustics system) 1.0
Safety/emergency lighting 1.0
Alarm systems 1.0
Fire extinguishing and
sprinkler pumps 1.0
Sewage water lifting facilities 1.0
Air conditioning technology
(smoke extraction, compressed
air ventilation) 1.0
Elevators for re brigade 1.0
Building automation 1.0
1) The values specied here are guidelines for demand estimation and cannot substitute precise power
demand analysis. The simultaneity factor (SF) is a guideline for preliminary planning and must be adapted
for individual projects.

Table 3/3: Simultaneity factors SS and RPS

3/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Determination and Division of Power Demand


Checklist for determining the power demand (in kW)


Building: (see Table 3/2)
Functional area 1
Functional area 2
Functional area 3
Functional area 4
Functional area 5
Functional area 6
Functional area 7
Functional area 8

Other loads: (see Table 3/2)

Air conditioning
Sprinkler (incl. secondary
pipe heating in cold area)
Lifting systems for
sewage water draining
Safety lighting
Fire alarm system
Central control room for
I&C and communications
Public-address system
Video monitoring/security system
Other large equipment
(Tomographs (CT, MRT), pumps )

3/5 3
3/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and
Industrial Buildings

chapter 4
4.1 Basics for Drafting Electrical Power 4.3 Power System Planning Modules
Distribution Systems 4.4 Power Supply with regard to
4.2 Planning Aid for Selecting Power Selectivity Evaluation
System Planning Modules Examples
4 Power Distribution Planning in Commercial,
Institutional and Industrial Buildings
 Observe specications for nominal  Ensure safety of persons (only use
4.1 Basics for voltage, busbar currents and factory-assembled, type-tested switch-
Drafting Electrical breaking capacities gear (TTA) with arc fault testing)
 Use no-maintenance/low-  Use standard/modular systems to
Power Distribution maintenance technology ensure system expandability
Systems  Observe specications for room  Standardize built-in components, if
heights according to arcing fault possible, in order to minimize stock
tests keeping of spare parts and to be able
When a power supply system is
 Make provisions for a pressure to replace/swop devices in case of a
planned, there are some essential
compensation in case of a fault, fault (circuit-breakers, releases)
aspects which should be considered
calculations may be necessary  Assess requirements to exibility/
independent of the specific plant availability (xed-mounted, plug-in,
layout. Below you will find an (static/dynamic)
or withdrawable-unit design)
overview of the whole power supply  Observe EMC considerations when
 Consider the capability of the
system across all planning stages. selecting components
switchgear to communicate with a
 Consider expandability options for
visualization system, if applicable
General the switchgear at minimum time (power management, operating
expense (modular systems) states, switching functions)
 Involve the responsible experts/
public authorities/inspection and Distribution transformers  Observe permissible power loss
testing bodies in the concept (see Section 5.2)  Take increased safety requirements
 Pay attention to efciency aspects, for accidental arcing into account
 Use low-loss transformers (use design precautions that avoid
the safety of persons and supply as
(operating costs) grounding points which might
well as the availability/reliability of
 Pay attention to noise emission provide a root for an accidental arc,
the power supply
(can be reduced by using low-loss inner compartmentalization,
 Use proven technology (inspection
transformers) insulated busbars)
and testing protocols, references )
 Take re hazards and environmental  Type-tested incoming/outgoing
 Pay attention to the system inte-
impact into account (oil-immersed/ feeders to busbar system (pay
gration of individual components,
cast-resin transformer) attention to room height)
spare parts management (stock
 Take the service life (partial  Provisions for erecting the
keeping), service and warranties
discharge behavior) into account switchgear (incoming/outgoing
(choose the components for the
 Ensure sufcient ventilation feeders from the top/bottom, ceiling
entire power supply system from
 Rating target: 80% of rated power height, false oor)
one supplier, if possible)  Segmentation of busbar sections
 Determine and document the power  Take a possible future overload
(take short-circuit current into
balance, voltage drop, conditions for capability into account (cross-ow
disconnection from supply, selectivi- ventilation for cast-resin
ty together with the selection of transformers) Low-voltage controlgear,
components switchgear and systems
Low-voltage main distribution
 Check access routes and on site (see Section 5.3)  Choose a manufacturer that provides
conditions for moving (parts of) the an integrated, well coordinated
installation into place (ceiling loads,  Observe degree of protection, range of products (selectivity,
doors, hoisting gear) overheating, power loss, and interfaces, service, maintenance)
 Observe re protection requirements required outgoing air  Use modular systems (e.g. circuit-
(piping) breakers: same accessories for
Medium-voltage switchgear
 Observe specications for busbar different sizes)
(see Section 5.1)
current and current breaking  Use communication-capable devices
 Observe requirements and capacity (e. g. by reducing the main with standardized bus systems
specications of the local power busbar trunking by an output-related interfacing to the protection and
distribution network operator panel arrangement) control system etc.)

4/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

 Circuit-breaker-protected/ Installation equipment and wiring  Do not let motors and drives run idle
fuse-protected technology accessories unnecessarily (use load sensors)
 Provide variable-speed drives for
Busbar trunking system  Choose an integrated, well
coordinated product range (uniform systems with varying loads
(see Section 5.4)
design/mounting heights/grid (power saving)
 Observe current carrying capacity in  Use soft starters to protect the low-
dimensions for communication units
view of mounting position/ambient voltage network from voltage dips
and switchgear/controlgear units)
temperature/degree of protection
 Have interfacing options to the  Take regenerative feedback from
 Select suitable protective device for large drives into account in the event
central building control system been
the busbar system (short-circuit provided/desired? of a short circuit (increased short-
current carrying capacity, circuit load on the network)
overcurrent protection) Central control system/  Take the impact of harmonic content
 Use type-tested products (TTA: power management from variable-speed drives into
busbar, busbar/distribution) account
 Dene requirements to the central
 Maintain a system approach
control system (safe switching, Lighting
throughout (connection of
secure data transfer)
transformer to LVMD, LVMD to  Use automatic lighting controls
 Use standardized bus systems/
subdistribution, busbar trunking (timer/daylight/room-occupation
communications (communication
system ) switches)
with other technologies)
 Consider re loads (busbar/cable)  Use uorescent power-saving lamps
 Limit the number of bus systems to
 Make sure that busbars/cables are with electronic starters/controlgear
an absolute minimum (interfaces are  Use highly efcient reectors
made of no-halogen materials
expensive, linking systems might be  Check light intensity stipulations for
Subdistribution boards problematic) certain functional areas
(see Section 5.5)  Choose a visualization system with
 Use type-tested products (TTA) common interfaces (e.g AS-i, EIB,
 Choose exible and integrated, well PROFIBUS DP)
matched products (ush-mounting,  Prefer systems that use standard
surface-mounting, same accessories) modules (cost minimization)
 Observe permissible power loss  Choose systems from manufacturers
 Check safety class (1,2) providing a good service network
UPS (see Section 5.6)  Avoid systems offering only a narrow
 Type of connection to ground of the range of applications
supply-side network; power quality  Take data volumes and transmission
and input power factor rates into account for your choice of
 System perturbation problem at the a system
UPS input  Overvoltage protection (e. g. use
 Load on safe busbar; scheduled optical waveguides for outdoor
reserve for rated power installations)
 Parallel connection; centrally operated,  Use expandable systems (e. g. to
manual bypass for servicing expand a visualization system by
 Power factor of the connected loads power management)
 Battery: bridging time, service life,
Motors and drives
maintenance, location
 Ventilation, air conditioning, cable  Rate motors to suit
sizing practical needs
 Communication link and shutdown  Use low-loss transformers (consider
functionality operating times)

4/3 4
4.1.1 Requirements to
Electrical Power Systems
Framework parameter
in Buildings analysis:
Power system concept:
The efficiency of a power supply Analysis Building
system rises and falls with good Selection of the network Rooms, type of use
planning. For this reason, power configuration Operation
Type of connection to ground
supply concepts must always be Technical features
assessed in the context of their frame-
work parameters and project goals.
When focusing on power supply in the Network calculation: Equipment lists
field of building infrastructure, the Load flow Temperatures
Short-circuit calculation ...
spectrum of reasonable options can Energy balance
be narrowed down.
When designing a power distribution
system, the focus should be on the Rating: Priorities and
following aspects: Transformers prognoses for
Cables the electrical
Protective/switching devices
 Simplication of operational Provisions for redundant supply
power system etc.
management by transparent, simple
power system structures
 Low power loss costs, e. g. by
Fig. 4/1: Power system planning tasks
medium-voltage-side power
transmission to the load centers
 High supply and operational safety  Low operating cost thanks to uctuations with sufcient voltage
of the installations even in the event equipment that is easy to maintain symmetry and few harmonic
of individual equipment failures  Sufcient transmission capacity of distortions in the voltage
(redundant supply, selectivity of the the equipment under normal  Compliance with IEC/EN/VDE
power system protection, and high operating conditions as well as in specications and project-related
availability) fault conditions to be handled stipulations for special installations
 Easy adaptation to changing load  Good quality of the power supply,
and operational conditions i.e. few voltage changes due to load

4/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Standards debated in regional (i.e. European,

American etc.) committees, it has
To minimize technical risks and/or to
now been agreed upon that drafts
protect persons involved in handling
shall be submitted at the central (IEC)
electric equipment or components,
level and then be adopted as regional
major planning rules have been
or national standards. Only provided
compiled in standards. Standards
that IEC is not interested in dealing
represent the state of the art, they are
with the matter or, if there are any
the basis for evaluation and court
time constraints, a standard shall be
drafted regionally.
Technical standards are desired condi-
The interrelation of the different
tions stipulated by professional associ-
standardization levels is illustrated in
ations which are however made
Table 4/1.
binding by legal standards such as
safety at work regulations. Further-
more, the compliance to technical A complete list of IEC members and
standards is crucial for any approval of links to more detailed information
operation granted by authorities, or can be obtained at
insurance coverage.
www.iec.ch > structure &
While in the past, standards were management > iec members
mainly drafted at a national level and

Overview of standards and standardization bodies

Regional America Europe Australia Asia Africa


... GB: BS

ANSI American National Standards DIN VDE German Industrial Standard,

Institute Association of German Electrical
BS British Standards Engineers

CENELEC European Committee for Electro- IEC International Electrical Engineering

technical Standardization Commission
(Comit Europen de Normalisation JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
Electrotechnique) PAS Pacic Area Standards
CEI COMITATO ELETTROTECNICO SABS South African Bureau of Standards
ITALIANO Italian Electrical
Engineering Committee SA Standards Australia

COBEI Comit Brasileiro de Eletricidade, SCC Standards Council of Canada

Eletrnica, SNZ Standards New Zealand
SAC Standardisation Administration of ET DE LA COMMUNICATION
China Technical Association of Electrical
Engineering & Communications

Table 4/1: Interdependencies of national, regional and international standards for electrical engineering

4/5 4
4.1.2 Network The following characteristics shall be
Congurations selected accordingly:
 Type of meshing
The supply task determines the cong-  Number of feeder points
uration of a power system. Buildings  Type of supply
featuring different power densities can
therefore be distinguished according to Radial networks
the type of their conguration.
Low-voltage-side power distribution
An optimum conguration should shall preferably be designed in a radial
particularly meet the following require- topology.
 Simple structure The clearly hierarchical structuring
 High reliability of supply offers the following advantages: Fig. 4/2: Radial network

 Low losses  Easy monitoring of the power system

 Favorable and exible expansion  Fast fault location
options  Simple power system protection
 Easy operation

Simple radial network Radial network with changeover reserve

a) Partial load reserve b) Full load reserve

- Use transformers without forced-air cooling
- Use transformers with forced-air cooling

T1 T1 T2 T1 T2 T3

LV- LV- n.c. LV- n.o. LV- n.c. LV- n.c. LV- n.c.

n.c. n.o. n.o.

K1 K1 K2
2 2 3

Complete power failure Continued operation of selected Continued operation of all equipment

SN,T1 Ptotal / cos (n-1) 8 SN,i < Ptotal/ cos < n 8 SN,i (n-1) 8 ai 8 SN,i Ptotal / cos

n.c. = normally closed; n.o. = normally open; K1, K2 = cable route with current-limiting fuse; n = number of transformers; i = index for
transformers T1, T2, T3; ai = utilization factor; in the example ai = 0,66 for unvented transformers and ai = 0.9 for vented transformers

Fig. 4/3: Radial topology variants

4/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

As the operation of a meshed system

Type Example
places high demands on plant manage-
ment, the radial system is generally General power Supply of all installations and consumer devices
preferred at the infrastructure level for supply (GPS) available in the building
economical reasons. Ring-type systems
Safety power Supply of life-protecting facilities in cases
are mainly used in highly consumptive
supply (SPS) of danger
industrial processes in combination
 Safety lighting
with high-current busbar trunking
 Elevators for reghters
systems, as these systems have the
 Fire-extinguishing equipment
advantage of reliable and exible
supply for the equipment. They are Uninterruptible power Supply of sensitive consumer devices which must be
also used for public grids at a level supply (UPS) operated without interruption in the event of a
> 1 kV. GPS failure:
 Emergency lighting
Number of feeder points  Servers/computers
 Communications equipment
The availability of the radial power
system can be optimized by means of
Table 4/2: Supply types
its supply conguration.
Fig. 4.3 shows the optimization of a
radial network, assuming a transformer

Type of supply
Electrical energy can be fed into the
power system in different ways, deter- G UPS
mined by its primary function.
For general power supply (GPS):
 Direct connection to the public grid:
normally up to 300 kW at 400 V
 Supply from the medium-voltage system RPS system
system (up to 52 kV) via distribution
transformers up to 2 MVA
GPS equipment SPS equipment UPS equipment
For redundant power supply (RPS),
power sources are selected in depend-
ency of the permissible interruption
time (see Table 5/16 on page 5/41): Fig. 4/4: Supply type

 Generators for safety power supply

 Second independent system supply
A constellation as described in Fig. 4/4
with automatic changeover for
has proven itself for the building
safety-supply equipment
infrastructure level.
 Static uninterruptible power supply
(USP) from a rectier/inverter unit or
storage battery
 Rotating USP consisting of motor
and generator set

4/7 4
4.1.3 Power Supply medium-voltage systems: isolated, From experience, the best cost-bene-
Systems low-resistance, compensated fit ratio for electric systems within the
general power supply is achieved with
Electric power systems are distin- The type of connection to ground must
the TN-S system at the low-voltage
guished as follows: be selected carefully for the MV or LV
 Type of current used: DC; AC ~ 50 Hz system, as it has a major impact on the
 Type and number of live conductors expense required for protective meas- In a TN-S system, the short-circuit
within the system: L1, L2, L3, N, PE ures. It also determines electromag- current generated in the event of a
 Type of connection to ground: netic compatibility regarding the low- fault is not fed back to the voltage
low-voltage systems: IT, TT, TN voltage system. source via a connection to ground but
via a line/cable. The comparatively

L1 L1 L1
L2 L2 L2
L3 L3 L3

1 1

TN-S system TN-C system TN-C-S system

Neutral-conductor and protective- Neutral-conductor and protective- Combination of neutral-conductor and
earth-conductor function is separated earth-conductor function have been protective-earth conductor function. In
throughout the system. combined throughout the system. one part of the system, these functions
have been combined into one conduc-
L1 L1 tor, in another part, they are separate.
L2 L2
L3 L3

PE 1

TT system IT system
In the TT system, one point is directly The IT system does not provide a
grounded, all exposed conductive parts in direct connection between live con-
the electric installation are connected to ductors and grounded parts; exposed
grounding electrodes, which are separated conductive parts in the electric instal-
from the system grounding. The protective lation are grounded. The protective
measures applied in the TT system today measure now applied in the IT system
are: protective grounding and current- is the protective-conductor system.
operated as well as voltage-operated
ground-fault circuit interrupter protection.
First letter = grounding conditions of the supplying source of electricity Further letters = arrangement of the neutral conductor and PE conductor
T = direct grounding of one point S = neutral-conductor and protective-earth conductor function implemented
I= either an insulation of all live parts against ground, or connection of by separate conductors
one point to ground by means of impedance C = neutral-conductor and protective-earth conductor function combined
in one conductor (PEN)
Second letter = grounding conditions of exposed conductive parts
in the electric installation
T = exposed conductive part is directly grounded, independent of a possibly 1 exposed conductive part
existing grounding of another point in the power supply system
2 impedance
N = exposed conductive part is directly connected to the system grounding,
in AC networks this grounded point is usually the star point

Fig. 4/5: TN systems: Power distribution systems (acc. to their connection to ground) in compliance with ICE 60364-3 (DIN VDE 0100-300) Determining the
protective measure and selection of electrical equipment corresponding to the distribution system

4/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

high 1-pole ground-fault current fields depend on the geometrical In case of distributed supply, 4-pole
allows rather simple protective arrangement of the connections. switching/protective devices must be
devices to be used, such as fuses or provided at the feeder points and
As according to IEC 60364-5-54, a
circuit-breakers, tripping in the event changeover equipment (parallel
TN-S system is only permissible in a
of a fault. operation inhibited).
central arrangement of the supply
When TN-S systems are used, residual system, we recommend to always use
currents in the building can be the TN-C-S system as shown in Fig.
avoided because current flows back 4/6.
via a separate N conductor. Magnetic

Section A Section B



1* 2* 1* 2*

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 1* L3
PEN (isolated) PEN (isolated)
Central grounding
4* point dividing 4*

L1 L2 L3 N PE L1 L2 L3 N PE
Branches Branches
Circuit A Main equipotential Circuit B

1* The PEN conductor must be wired 3* There must be no connection between the and 4-pole switching devices may be used.
isolated along the entire route, this also transformer neutral to ground or to the PE If N conductors with reduced cross sections
applies for its wiring in the low-voltage conductor in the transformer chamber. are used (we do not recommend this), a pro-
main distribution (LVMD). tective device with an integrated overload
4* All branch circuits must be designed as TN-S
protection should be used at the N conductor
2* The PE conductor connection between systems, i.e. in case of a distributed N con-
(example: LSIN).
LVMD and transformer chamber must be ductor function with a separately wired N
configured for the max. short-circuit conductor and PE conductor. Both 3-pole
current that might occur (K2S2 Ik2tk).

Fig. 4/6: EMC-friendly power system, centrally installed (short distances)

4/9 4
4.1.4 Routing/Wiring 4.1.5 Switching and Protective tripping

Nowadays, the customer can choose Protective Devices Above all when circuit-breaker pro-
between cables and busbars for power As soon as the initial plans are drafted, tected technology is employed, the
distribution. Some features of these it is useful to determine which technol- selection of the tripping unit is crucial
different options are listed below: ogy shall be used to protect electric for meeting the dened objectives for
equipment. The technology that has protection, because tripping units can
 Cable laying be individually set.
been selected affects the behavior and
+ Lower material costs properties of the power system and
+ When a fault occurs along the line, In power systems for buildings, selec-
hence also inuences certain aspects tive tripping is gaining more and more
only one distribution board of use, such as
including its downstream importance, as this results in a higher
 safety of supply
supply safety and quality. While stand-
subsystem will be affected  mounting expense
ards such as DIN VDE 0100 Part 710 or
High installation expense  maintenance and downtimes
Increased re load Part 718 demand a selective behavior
of the protective equipment for safety
Each cable must be separately Types of protective equipment
power supply or certain areas of indoor
fused in the LVMD
Protective equipment can be divided installations, the proportion of build-
 Busbar distribution
into two categories, which can how- ings where selective tripping is also
+ Rapid installation ever be combined. desired for the general power supply is
+ Flexible in case of changes
 Fuse-protected technology rising.
or expansions
+ Low space requirements + Good current-limiting properties Generally speaking, a combined solu-
+ Reduced re load + High switching capacity up to 120 kA tion using selective and partially selec-
Rigid coupling to the building + Low investment cost tive network sections will be applied in
geometry + Easy installation power systems for buildings when
+ Safe tripping, no auxiliary power
+ halogen-free economic aspects are considered.
These aspects must be weighted in + Easy grading between fuses In this context, the following device
relation to the building use and specic Downtime after fault properties must be taken into account:
area loads when conguring a specic Reduces selective tripping in
connection with circuit-breakers Current limiting:
Fuse ageing A protective device has a current-
Connection layout comprises the Separate protection of personnel limiting effect if it shows a lower let-
following specications for wiring required for switching high through current in the event of a fault
between output and target distribution currents than the prospective short-circuit
board: current at the fault location.
 Circuit-breaker-protected technology
 Overload protection
+ Clear tripping times for overload
Ib Ir Iz und Iz > I2/1.45
and short circuit
 Short-circuit protection S2K2 I2t + Safe switching of operating and
 Protection against electric shock in fault currents
the event of indirect contact + Fast resumption of normal
 Permissible voltage drop operation after fault trip

+ Various tripping methods adapted

to the protective task Current flow when
+ Communication-capable: signaling zero-current
of system states interrupters are used
Coordination of the protection Current flow when
concept requires a calculation of current-limiting circuit-
breakers are used
short circuits
Higher investment costs 4 ms 10 ms t

Fig. 4/7: Current limiting

4/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

When series-connected protective
devices cooperate for graded tripping, Q1
the protective device which is closest
upstream of the fault location must trip
rst. The other upstream devices
remain in operation. The temporal and
spatial effects of a fault will be limited
to a minimum. Q2 Trip Q3

Back-up protection:
The provision is that Q1 is a current-
limiting device. If the fault current is
Fig. 4/8: Selective tripping
higher than the rated breaking capacity
of the downstream device in the event
of a line shorting, it will be protected
by the upstream protective device. Q2
can be selected with Icu < Ikmax, Q2. Trip Q1
This results in partial selectivity.

Q2 Trip Q3

Fig. 4/9: Back-up-conditioned fault tripping

4/11 4
4.2 Planning Aid for Selecting Power System Planning Modules
Different individual decisions made regarding the power supply of buildings can be combined as follows:

Functional areas:
Commercial Offices
building? Meeting rooms
Computing center
yes Catering kitchen and
Radial system Air Conditioning
with partial load Fire protection Logistics

TN-C-S system,
LVMD with
grounding point

Tip: no
Given ground area = A = a x b
Length I 100 m = 2 8 a;
max. no. of floors
i (100 (a + b) / h High-rise
Low building

no no

Separation into several

supply sections per no
Tip: area, i.e. number of floor
distribution boards > 2
Smax = P/cos yes
Smax < 630 kVA; 4%
Smax > 630 kVA; 6% no yes

Central utilities Centralized MV Distributed MV

room, supply- supply, distributed supply to
transformer- transformers to transformers to

changeover with
4-pole devices

Low building, Low building, High-rise building, High-rise building, High-rise building, High-rise building, High-rise building,
type 1 type 2 type 1: centralized, type 2: type 3: type 4: distributed, type 5: distributed,
cables centralized, transformers cables busbar
busbar at remote location

yes yes
a= Building length
b= Building width
h= Height of the individual oors no
Cables? Busbars?
l= Max. circuit length from LVMD to
connected device
i = Number of oors

Fig. 4/10: Overview of power supply concept modules

4/12 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Your notes for selecting power system planning modules

a = ............... A = ............... (Base, ground area)

b = ............... Smax = ...............

h = ...............

l = ...............

i = ...............


4/13 4
4.3 Power System Low building, type 1:
One supply section
Planning Modules
The following modules may be used
for an easy and systematic power
distribution design for typical building
structures. Elevators

These are schematic solution concepts HVAC

which can then be extended to meet FF elevators
specic customer project require-
ments. When the preplanning stage
has been completed, the power system


can easily be congured and calculated
with the aid of the SIMARIS design
4th floor


Up-to-date, detailed descriptions on a
variety of applications can be obtained
3rd floor
on the Internet at



2nd floor


1st floor


1 2 G UPS
From PCO

GPS General power supply

FD Floor distribution boards
PCO Power company or system operator
FF Firefighters
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air conditioning
MVD Medium-voltage distribution
LVMD Low-voltage main distribution
SV Safety power supply
UPS Uninterruptible power supply Fig. 4/11

4/14 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type Low building

Number of oors Up to 4

Ground area/total area 2,500 m2 / 10,000 m2

Segmentation of power 85% utilized area, 15% side area


Power required 1,000 to 2,000 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility, high safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Central transformer supply Supply at the load center, Low costs,
conguration close to load center short LV cables, time savings during
Smax = 1,200 kVA, low losses installation
cos = 0.85
Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault

Transformer module with 2 x 630 kVA Voltage stability, Optimized voltage quality,
ukr = 6%, i.e. Ik 30 kA lighter design economical

Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply

Generator 400 kVA (30%) all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
(the smaller the generator, the during power failure of the public grid
greater the short-circuit
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
current must be in relation to
DIN VDE 0108
the nominal current)
Supply of sensitive and important Uninterruptible supply of
consumers consumers, e.g. during power
UPS: 200 kVA (15%)
failure of the public grid

Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station Minimized space requirements for
supply station independent of climate electric utilities room; no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low re load, Economical

reduced losses indoor installation

Low-voltage SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection from

main distribution grounding point > splitting of PEN electromagnetic interference
in PE and N to the TN-S system (e. g. to prevent lower transmission
rates at communication lines)

Wiring/ Cables Central measurements of current, Cost transparency

main route voltage, power, e.g. for billing,
cost center allocation

TransformerLVMD Busbars Easy installation

4/15 4
Low building, type 2:
Two supply sections





4th floor



3rd floor



2nd floor


1st floor


1 2 G UPS
From PCO

GPS General power supply

FD Floor distribution boards
PCO Power company or system operator
FF Fireghters
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air conditioning
MVD Medium-voltage distribution
LVMD Low-voltage main distribution
SPS Safety power supply
UPS Uninterruptible power supply Fig. 4/12

4/16 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type Low building

Number of oors Up to 4

Ground area/total area 2,500 m2 / 2 x 10,000 m2

Segmentation of power 85% utilized area

required 15% side area

Power required > 2,000 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS))

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Two supply sections per oor Supply at the load center, Low costs, no extra utilities
conguration short LV cables, room necessary, time savings
Smax = 2,400 kVA low losses during installation
cosB = 0,85
Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault

Transformer module with 3 x 800 kVA, Minimization of voltage uctuations; Optimized voltage quality,
ukr = 6%, i.e. Ik 60 kA low static requirements on building cost minimization in the
structures building construction work

Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply

Generator 730 kVA (30%) all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
(the smaller the generator, during power failure of the public grid
the greater the short-circuit
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
current must be in relation to
DIN VDE 0108
the nominal current)
Supply of sensitive and important Uninterruptible power supply,
consumers e.g. during power failure of the
UPS: 400 kVA (15%)
public grid

Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station Minimized space requirements

supply station independent of climate for distribution board room;
no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low re load, Economical

reduced losses indoor installation

Low-voltage main SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection from
distribution grounding point > splitting of electromagnetic interference
PEN in PWE and N to the (e.g. to prevent lower transmission
TN-S system rates at communication lines)

Wiring/ Cables Central measurements of current, Cost transparency

main route voltage, power, e.g. for billing, cost
center allocation

Two outgoing distribution board Shorter cable routes, lower Economical

feeders per oor voltage drop

TransformerLVMD Busbars Easy installation

4/17 4
High-rise building, type 1:
Central power supply, cables

Elevators FF elevators


nth floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-1)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-2)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-3)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-4)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

5th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

4th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

3rd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

GPS General power

supply 2nd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
FD Floor distribution
PCO Power company or FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
1st floor
system operator
FF Fireghters
HVAC Heating Ventilation
Air conditioning LVMD
MVD Medium-voltage
LVMD Low-voltage main G
1 2 UPS
distribution 3~
SPS Safety power supply z
UPS Uninterruptible Basement
power supply
From PCO
Fig. 4/13

4/18 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type High-rise building

Number of oors > 10

Ground area/total area 1,000 m2 / 10,000 m2

Segmentation of power 80% utilized area

required 20% side area

Power required 1,800 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

High safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept nding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Central transformer supply Short LV cables, low power losses, Economical solution,
conguration sections reduction of re load simplied re protection
Smax = 1,500 kVA
2 transformer modules with 3 x 630 kVA, Voltage stability, Optimized voltage quality,
cos = 0.85
Ukr = 6%, i.e. Ik 45 kA lighter design economical
Floors: 8
Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply
Generator 2 x 500 kVA (30%) all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
(the smaller the generator, the during power failure of the public grid
greater the short-circuit current
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
must be compared to the nominal
DIN VDE Part 718
Supply of sensitive or important Uninterruptible power supply
UPS: 2 x 250 kVA (15%) consumers during power failure of the
public grid

Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault


Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Compact design, Minimized space requirements for

supply station independent of climate utilities room; no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Compact design, Economical

reduced losses independent of climate

Low-voltage SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection of telecommunications

main distribution grounding point > splitting of equipment from interference (e.g.
PEN in PE and N to the to prevent lower transmission rates
TN-S system at communication lines)

Wiring/ Cables Central measurements of current, Cost center allocation at

main route voltage, power, e.g. for billing, minimum expense
central recording

Cost savings

4/19 4
High-rise building, type 2:
Central power supply, busbars

Elevators FF elevators


nth floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-1)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-2)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-3)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-4)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

5th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

4th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

3rd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

GPS General power

supply 2nd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
FD Floor distribution
PCO Power company or FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
system operator 1st floor
FF Firefighters
HVAC Heating Ventilation
Air conditioning LVMD
MVD Medium-voltage
LVMD Low-voltage main GPS SPS
1 2 G UPS
distribution 3~
SPS Safety power supply MVD
UPS Uninterruptible
power supply
From PCO Fig. 4/16

4/20 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type High-rise building

Number of oors 10

Ground area/total area 1,000 m2 / 10,000 m2

Segmentation of power 80% utilized area

required 20% side area

Power required 1,800 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

High safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Central transformer supply Simple network conguration, low Only one electric utilities room required,
conguration close to load center power losses easy and low-cost operation of electric system
Smax = 1,500 kVA
Transformer modules with 2 x 800 kVA, Optimized voltage quality Operation that is gentle on the user's
cos = 0.85
Ukr = 6%, i.e. Ik 40 kA equipment, economical equipment
Floors: 8
Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply
Generator 400 kVA (30%) all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
(the smaller the generator, the during power failure of the public grid
greater the short-circuit current
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
must be in relation to the
DIN VDE 0108 Part 718
nominal current)
Supply of sensitive or important Uninterruptible power supply
UPS: 200 kVA (15%) consumers during power failure of the
public grid

Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault


Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station, Minimized space requirements for
supply station independent of climate utilities room; no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low re load, indoor installation Economical

reduced losses without any special

Low-voltage main SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection of telecommunications
distribution grounding point > splitting of PEN equipment from interference
in PE and N to the TN-S system (e.g. lower transmission rates
(4-pole switches in the feeding for communication lines)
lines and at the changeover point)

Wiring/ Busbars to the subdistribution Low re load, exible power Safety, time savings at
main route boards distribution restructuring

Few branches in the distribution, Minimized space requirements for

small distribution for electric utilities room

Small, minimized rising main busbar Less space requirements for supply lines

Easy installation Cost reduction

4/21 4
High-rise building, type 3:
Transformers at remote location

Elevators FF elevators

3 4

nth floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-1)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-2)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-3)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-4)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

5th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

4th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

3rd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

GPS General power

supply 2nd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
FD Floor distribution
PCO Power company or FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
1st floor
system operator
FF Firefighters
HVAC Heating Ventilation
Air conditioning LVMD
MVD Medium-voltage
LVMD Low-voltage main G
1 2 UPS
SPS Safety power supply z
UPS Uninterruptible Basement
power supply
From PCO Fig. 4/14

4/22 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type High-rise building

Number of oors 10 to 20

Ground area/total area 1,000 m2 / 20,000 m2

Segmentation of power 80% utilized area

required 20% side area

Power required 1,500 kW; for 2 MW or higher, a relocation of the transformers should be considered even
if the number of oors is less than 10

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

High safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Splitting into two supply Short LV cables, low power losses, Economical, eased re
conguration sections reduction of re load protection

Smax = 1,800 kVA

2 transformer modules with Voltage stability, Optimized voltage quality,
cos = 0.85
(2 + 1) x 630 kVA lighter design economical

Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply

Redundant supply unit: all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
Generator 800 kVA (30%) during power failure of the public grid
(the smaller the generator, the
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
greater the short-circuit current
DIN VDE 0108 Part 718
must be compared to the
nominal current) Supply of sensitive or important Uninterruptible power supply
consumers during power failure of the
UPS: 400 kVA (15%)
public grid

Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault


Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station, Minimized space requirements for
supply station independent of climate utilities room; no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low re load, Economical

reduced losses indoor installation

Low-voltage main SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection of telecommunications
distribution grounding point > splitting of PEN equipment from interference
in PE and N to the TN-S system (e.g. lower transmission rates
(4-pole switches in the feeding for communication lines)
lines and at the changeover point)

Wiring/ Cables Central measurements of current, Central data processing

main route voltage, power, e.g. for billing,
centrally per oor in LVMD

4/23 4
High-rise building, type
Distributed supply

Elevators FF elevators
4 5 6 3~ UPS

nth floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-1)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-2)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-3)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-4)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

5th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

4th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

3rd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

GPS General power

supply 2nd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
FD Floor distribution
PCO Power company or 1st floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
system operator
FF Firefighters
HVAC Heating Ventilation
Air conditioning LVMD
MVD Medium-voltage
LVMD Low-voltage main 1 2 3 G UPS
distribution 3~
SPS Safety power supply z
UPS Uninterruptible Basement
power supply
From PCO Fig. 4/15

4/24 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type High-rise building

Number of floors > 20

Ground area/total area 1,000 m2 / > 20,000 m2

Segmentation of power 80% utilized area

required 20% side area

Power required 2,000 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

High safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benefit

Network Splitting into two supply Short LV cables, Economical solution,
configuration sections low power losses, simplified fire protection
Smax = 3,600 kVA reduction of fire load
cos = 0.85
2 transformer modules with 3 x 630 kVA, Voltage stability, Optimized voltage quality,
Floors: 25
Ukr = 6%, i. e. Ik 45 kA lighter design economical

Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply

Generator 2 x 500 kVA (30%) all floors in the event of a fault, e. g.
(the smaller the generator, the during power failure of the public grid
greater the short-circuit current
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
must be compared to the nominal
DIN VDE 0108 Part 718
Supply of sensitive or important Uninterruptible power supply
UPS: 2 x 250 kVA (15%)
consumers during power failure of the
public grid

Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault


Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station, Minimized space requirements;

supply station independent of climate no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low fire load, indoor installation Economical
reduced losses without any special precautions

Low-voltage main SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection of telecommunications
distribution grounding point > splitting of PEN equipment from interference
in PE and N to the TN-S system (e. g. lower transmission rates
(4-pole switches in the feeding for communication lines)
lines and at the changeover point)

Wiring/ Cables Central measurements of current, Cost transparency

main route voltage, power, e. g. for billing,
cost center allocation

Cost savings

4/25 4
High-rise building, type 5:
Distributed power supply, busbars

Elevators FF elevators
4 5 6 3~ UPS

nth floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-1)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-2)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-3)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

(n-4)th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

System discon- System discon- System discon-
necting point (b) necting point (b) necting point (b)

5th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

4th floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

GPS General power FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS

3rd floor
FD Floor distribution
2nd floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
PCO Power company or
system operator
FF Firefighters
HVAC Heating Ventilation 1st floor FD-GPS FD-SPS FD-UPS
Air conditioning
MVD Medium-voltage
LVMD Low-voltage main
SPS Safety power supply GPS SPS
UPS Uninterruptible 1 2 3 G
3~ UPS
power supply LVMD MVD
b 4-pole switch for z
connecting the Basement
From PCO Fig. 4/17

4/26 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Building type High-rise building

Number of floors > 20

Base/total area 1,000 m2 / > 20,000 m2

Segmentation of power 80% utilized area

required 20% side area

Power required 2,000 kW

Supply types 100% total power from the public grid

1030% of total power for safety power supply (SPS)
520% of total power for uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Power system protection Selectivity is aimed at

Special requirements Good electromagnetic compatibility

High safety of supply and operation

Proposal for concept finding

Feature Our solution Advantage Your benet

Network Splitting into two supply Short LV cables, Lower cost
conguration sections low power losses,
Smax = 4,000 kV reduction of re load
cos = 0.85
2 transformer modules with 3 x 800 kVA, Voltage stability Optimized voltage quality,
Floors: 21
Ukr = 6%, i.e. Ik 45 kA lighter design economical

Redundant supply unit: Supply of important consumers on Increased safety of supply

Generator 2 x 630 kVA (30%) all oors in the event of a fault, e.g.
(the smaller the generator, the during power failure of the public grid
greater the short-circuit current
Safety power supply Safety power supply acc. to
must be in relation to the nominal
DIN VDE 0108
Supply of sensitive or important Uninterruptible power supply
UPS: 2 x 300 kVA (15%)
consumers during power failure of the
public grid

Radial network Transparent structure Easy operation and fault


Medium-voltage SF6 gas-insulated Small switchgear station, Minimized space requirements for
supply station independent of climate utilities room; no maintenance

Transformer GEAFOL cast-resin with Low re load, Economical

reduced losses indoor installation

Low-voltage main SIVACON with central EMC-friendly power system Protection of telecommunications
distribution grounding point > splitting of PEN equipment from interference
in PE and N to the TN-S system (e.g. lower transmission rates
(4-pole switches in the feeding for communication lines)
lines and at the changeover point)

Wiring/ Busbars to the subdistribution Low re load, exible power Safety, time savings when
main route boards distribution restructuring work is carried out

Few branches in the distribution, Minimized space requirements for

small distribution for electric utilities room

Small, minimized rising main busbar Less space requirements for supply lines

Easy installation Cost reduction

4/27 4
4.4 Power Supply In practice, this configuration with a
switch-disconnector plus HV HRC fuse
With lower transformer outputs,
circuit-breakers are only used if a high
with regard to assembly is used for transformer switching frequency is required, for
Selectivity output < 1,000 kVA. Full selectivity
cannot be attained in this example.
example, or higher nominal voltages
(e.g. 36 kV) are applied.
Evaluation A remedy would be the use of a low-
In this example, it is possible to con-
Examples cost medium-voltage circuit-breaker
with a protective device.
figure a selective installation at the
low-voltage side by using LV HRC
Example 1: For transformer outputs > 1,250 kVA fuses up to 425 A and, if subdistribu-
Supply from one transformer (10 kV) or 2,000 kVA (20 kV), circuit- tions are lined up, by grading the
breakers/circuit-breakers with isolat- fuses with a factor of 1.6.
Fig. 4/18 shows a supply option using
ing function and an appropriate
a transformer with 630 kVA/ukr = 6%. The use of circuit-breakers in subordi-
protective device are used as standard
Protection is ensured by means of HV nate distributions or a combination of
to ensure protection at the medium-
HRC fuses at the medium-voltage side. circuit-breaker and fuse could be
voltage side.
critical when selectivity is required.
Successful protection depends on the
type of circuit-breaker used (air cir-
cuit-breaker (ACB), molded-case
Network 1.1
circuit-breaker (MCCB)) and the
network configuration.
(Switch 200 A)
(Fuse 80 A) In terms of selectivity evaluation it is
N2XS2Y always recommendable to perform a
10 m
VPE 3 x 25 network calculation at an early plan-
= 630 kVA
ning stage.
Assessment of a worst case scenario
in the power system (feeders close to
10 m the transformer, remotest feeders,
device combinations (circuit-
= 1,000 A breaker/fuse ))is often sufficient to
TN - S = 400V LVMD GPS
get a rough idea.
= 224 A = 125 A = 125 A = 125 A = 125 A = 425 A Whats important to know is that a
Size 1 Size 00 Size 00 Size 00 Size 00 Size 3
selectivity evaluation and its results
Busbar Cable / Line Cable / Line Cable / Line Cable / Line are only true for the devices consid-
55 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m
ered in the calculation. When differ-
ent products or device combinations
Ventilation Elevator Cold Heat Capacitor
= 250 kvar
are then used for project implementa-
tion, the calculation must be per-
TN - S = 400V
LVSD equipment formed again, as devices from differ-
= 125 A = 125 A ent manufacturers may deviate from
Size 00 Size 00
the original results in their tripping
Cable / Line Cable / Line characteristics or tolerance bands of
30 m 30 m
the characteristic curve.

Machine 1 Machine 2

Fig. 4/18: Supply from one transformer

4/28 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Power Distribution Planning in Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings

Example 2: A tie breaker also makes sense for

Supply from two transformers limiting short-circuit currents for the
and coupling (tie breaker) busbar system when higher trans-
former outputs are involved (in nor-
The following example for power
mal operation, the tie breaker is open).
supply demonstrates a higher power
This layout is economical (cheaper
demand which is covered by two
devices/systems), provided that it can
transformers with 630 kVA each. The
be ensured that systems are not
busbars at the level of the low-voltage
operated in parallel. In addition,
main distribution are isolated by
network dimensioning in terms of a
means of a tie breaker.
selective grading of devices is enhanced.
The advantage is that if one busbar
system is faulted, parts of the installa-
tion can still be used.

Network 1.1 Network 1.1

Circuit-breaker, type LST Circuit-breaker, type LST

with isolating function with isolating function
(Switch = 630 A) (Switch = 630 A)
Current transformer current Current transformer current
50 / 1 A 50 / 1 A
10 m 10 m
VPE 3 x 25 VPE 3 x 25

= 630 kVA = 630 kVA

Dyn5 Dyn5
=6% =6%
Cable / Line
Busbar Busbar
10 m 10 m

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker

= 1,000 A = 1,000 A = 1,000 A

TN - S = 400V
LVMD SPS TN - S = 400 V

= 224 A = 125 A = 425 A Circuit-breaker = 224 A = 125 A = 425 A

Size 1 Size 00 Size 3 = 1000 A Size 1 Size 00 Size 3

Busbar Cable / Line Cable / Line Cable / Line Busbar Cable / Line Cable / Line
55 m 30 m 5m 20 m 55 m 30 m 5m

Ventilation Capacitor Ventilation Capacitor

= 250 kvar = 250 kvar

TN - S = 400V to network 1 TN - S = 400V

LVSD equipment LVMD SPS LVSD equipment

= 125 A = 125 A = 125 A = 125 A

Size 00 Size 00 Size 00 Size 00

Cable / Line Cable / Line Cable / Line Cable / Line

30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 1 Machine 2

Fig. 4/19: Supply from two transformers and coupling (tie breaker)

4/29 4
Example 3:
Redundant power supply/safety G Generator
power supply with generator
If a redundant power supply system is
desired or stipulated, the networks Cable / Line
20 m
are coupled by cables or busbars (Fig. From network
4/20). For safety reasons, installation LVMD GPS
components must be erected sepa- Circuit-breaker 1.1 Circuit-breaker 1.2
rately, surrounded by suitable fire n = 1000 A n = 1000 A
TN - S = 400V LVMD SPS
barriers. The regional expert (TV,
expert, Association of Property Insur-
Fuse switch Fuse switch
ers etc.) should be involved in the disconnector disconnector
implementation planning at an early
stage. Cable / Line Cable / Line
30 m 30 m
The connection to the public power
supply system (GPS = general power
supply) is made by a circuit-breaker Elevator for
feeder in the redundant power supply Smoke extraction fire fighters
Number of poles 3+n Number of poles 3+n
system (SPS = safety power supply), U n = 400 V U n = 400 V
which provides protective functions
and enables separate operation of
Fig. 4/20: Redundant power supply / safety power supply with generator
installation components.
A corresponding feeder circuit-breaker line-ups of subdistributions should be 3. In case of a fault on the GPS bus-
on the GPS side allows for disconnect- avoided, if possible. bar, the generator takes over power
ing and protecting the cable/busbar supply of the connected equipment
line. Two circuit-breakers are required Note: (transformer circuit-breaker ON or
as a coupling between the GPS and OFF (depending on the fault), tie
SPS networks. A network calculation at the planning
breaker OFF, generator circuit-breaker
start is highly recommended. The
The design of the transformer circuit- ON). In this operating condition, the
following should be verified:
breakers, tie breakers and generator minimum short-circuit current of the
circuit-breakers (3-pole or 4-pole) 1. During normal operation, the generator is critical.
depends on the power system design general power supply system feeds Is the minimum short-circuit current
(distance of GPS/SPS), the grounding the safety supply equipment (trans- sufficient to meet the tripping times
concept and the power system philos- former circuit-breaker ON, tie breaker required in case of a fault (5 seconds
ophy of the inspecting body (TV, ON, generator circuit-breaker OFF).
expert etc.). Siemens recommends for stationary loads (machines), 0.4
the use of 4-pole devices when dis- Is the transformer output sufficient to seconds for non-stationary loads
tances between GPS and SPS are cover the power demand of the GPS (equipment connected to power
greater than 50 m. This way, the and SPS? outlets), alternatives for protection
power systems are decoupled (also according to DIN VDE 100 Part 410
2. When the switchgear is operated as (local equipotential bonding, touch
refer to Chapter 7, Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC)). described in paragraph 1, the maxi- voltage < 50 V) have not been taken
mum short-circuit current applied on into account in this case))?
The configuration of the SPS should the SPS busbar is shaped by the trans-
be kept as simple as possible in view 4. The power system may also have to
of the selectivity requirement. Com- be rated and verified to meet the
plex network systems, combinations Is the breaking capacity of the devices maximum required voltage drop
of circuit-breaker and fuses as well as connected in the SPS sufficient? specification.

4/30 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

chapter 5
5.1 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 5.5 Subdistribution Systems
5.2 Distribution Transformers 5.6 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS)
5.3 Low-Voltage Main Distribution 5.7 Standby Power Supply
5.4 Busbar Trunking Systems 5.8 Reactive Power Compensation
5 Sizing the Main Components for Power
It is essential to specify the main dimension the utilities rooms required decisions must already be made at this
components for power distribution at for electric installations correctly. very stage. Wrong specications can
an early stage in order to estimate the Based on the specic project targets only be corrected at great expense at a
necessary project budget and and the established demand, steadfast later stage.

5.1 Medium-Voltage Switchgear

Depending on the local power supply network operator and the required trans-
former power, there are certain standards for medium-voltage switchgear which
must be observed for the planning/sizing of utility substations. These standards
are described in the Technical Supply Conditions of the respective network

Illustration 5/1: Extendible 8DH10 medium-voltage switchgear in modular design

5/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution


Checklist for medium-voltage switchgear

Project name


Planning engineer

Site/altitude of installation (above sea level)

Room/door dimensions

Type of installation  At the wall

 Stand-alone with rear wall

Rated voltage  12 kV  24 kV  kV

Operating voltage  10 kV  20 kV  kV

Rated operating current of the busbar  630 A  1,250 A  A

Rated short-time current (1 s)  16 kA  20 kA  kA

Internal arc classification  IAC (Internal Arc Classification)

(former PHELA Guideline)

Type of pressure relief

(watch room height)  Pressure relief to the bottom

 Pressure relief to the rear/top

 Pressure relief to the top using pressure absorber unit

Low-voltage cubicle
(as top for protective devices, measuring instruments )  600 mm  900 mm

Extension option for panels or switchgear  Yes  No

No-maintenance system (without sealings)  Yes  No

5/3 5
Further aspects that should be considered when planning/sizing a medium-switchgear station:
System parameters
 Operating voltage
 Rated short-time current
 Neutral point treatment
 Load flow, power to be distributed
 Cable/overhead line network
 Overvoltage protection
 Power quality (instable loads)

System protection
 Integration into the power system protection scheme
of the responsible power supply network operator

Operating area Operational management

 Accessibility of operating area (only for qualified  Operations (handling, transparency )
personnel yes/no)
 Protection of persons
Layout, required space (=> panel width)  Extension option for switchgear

False floors/cable routes  Operator control (monitoring and switching)

Operating/servicing corridor
 Monitoring and control
 Transportation routes
 Interlocking scheme
 Pressure relief for the switchgear room
 Measuring and metering
Ambient conditions
 Integration into power system management and
 Ambient temperature
production process
 Climatic conditions (pollution, salt, moisture,
aggressive gases) Regulations
 Altitude of installation (observe reduction factor for
 Conditions imposed by the local power network operator
more than 1,000 m above sea level)
(Technical Supply Conditions)
Industry-specic application
 Electrical standards (IEC/VDE)
 Switching task
 Guidelines (VDEW/VDN)
 Switching frequency of load
 Availability  Statutory provisions

 Maintenance/repair  Company rules

5/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.1.1 Medium-Voltage
Switchgear Examples 10 kV (12 kV) / 3~50 Hz
20 kA (1 s) / 630 A
Figures 5/1 to 5/3 show examples of
medium-voltage switchgear together
with their dimensions and weights.
Matters such as to which version would
be suitable, and could the energy Q01 Q01 Q01
demand be supplied from the regional 1) 1) 1)
630 A 630 A 200 A 3
network, must be claried with the
responsible power supply network
operator during the planning stage.
Measurement procedures, protective 3

technology, interlocking with the low- A51 A51

voltage switchgear, room layout and

the scope of performance should also
be dealt with.

Component Weight

Circuit-breaker panel approx. 220 kg

Rlng Rlng Transformer protection / power interchange / Consumption metering
Switch-disconnector panel
approx. 200 kg

Metering panel approx. 290 kg

Contactor panel approx. 180 kg


Live load approx. 600 kg/m2

Table 5/1: Panel weights of a medium-

voltage switchgear station


10 350 350 500 850 10 15 775

2050 770








10 350 350 500 850 10


Fig. 5/1: Example of a utilities substation with a max. transformer capacity of 630 kVA (minimum requirement)

5/5 5
10 kV (12 kV) / 3~50 Hz
20 kA (1 s) / 630 A

630 A

Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01

1) 1) 1)
630 A 630 A 630 A 3 200 A 200 A

F1 F1


A51 A51 A51

Rlng Rlng Power Consumption Transformer Transformer

interchange metering


10 350 350 500 850 500 500 10 15 775

3050 790
650 63













10 350 350 500 850 500 500 10


Fig. 5/2: Example of a utilities substation with one or several transformers using switch-disconnector
and fuse assemblies

5/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

10 kV (12 kV) / 3~50 Hz

20 kA (1 s) / 630 A

Q0 Q0 Q0
630 A 630 A 630 A

Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01 Q01

1) 1) 1) 3
630 A 630 A 630 A 630 A 630 A


A51 A51 A51 A51 A51

Rlng Rlng Power Consumption Transformer Transformer

interchange metering


10 350 350 500 850 500 500 10 15 775

3050 790












10 350 350 500 850 500 500 10


Fig. 5/3: Example of a utilities substation with one or several transformers using circuit-breakers

5/7 5
5.1.2 Medium-Voltage 8DH10 switchgear
Switchgear Design Rated voltage Ur kV 7.2 12 15 17.5 24
Rated insulation
level Rated short-time alternating withstand voltage Ud kV 20 28 36 38 50
Gas-insulated switchgear should be
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Up kV 60 75 95 95 125
used for the medium-voltage utilities
Rated frequency fr 50/60 Hz
substation. The advantages of gas- for branch circuits max. 400 A or 630 A
Rated operating
insulated switchgear are: current Ir* for busbars max. 630 A or 1,250 A
 Low space requirements (up to Rated short- for switchgear with tk = 1 s max. kA 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20
time current Ik for switchgear with tk = 3 s (Option) kA 20 20 20 20 20
approx. 70% savings (with 20 kV)
Rated peak withstand current Ip max. kA 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50
compared to air-insulated
Rated short-circuit inrush current Ima max. kA 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50
Ambient without secondary equipment 40 to + 70 C
 Smaller transportation size and temperature T with secondary equipment 5 to + 55 C
consequently easier shipping
 Increased safety of operation due to Table 5/2: Electrical data of gas-insulated 8DH10 switchgear
hermetically sealed primary
switchgear section (adverse impact
such as dirt, small animals, contact,
condensation are excluded due to
the encapsulation)
 No maintenance required for
primary section (no lubrication and
readjustment necessary)
 Better eco balance than air-
insulated switchgear referred to the
entire system life cycle
Operator protection:
 The gas-insulated switchgear is safe
to touch thanks to its grounded
metal enclosure
 HV HRC fuses and cable
terminations are only accessible if
branch circuits are grounded
 Operation is only possible if the
enclosure is fully sealed (and any
doors closed)
 A maintenance-free pressure
absorption system, laid out as
special cooling system reduces
pressure-related and thermal impacts
of an arc fault so that personnel and
building will be safe. Please note that
switchgear dimensions will rise when
a pressure absorption system is
installed (Fig. 5/5).
Fig. 5/4: Combination of single panels with plug-in, silicone-insulated busbar; SF6 gas works are
not required for installation or extension

5/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

The switchgear should be extendible Room layout
with a minimum time expense. A
modular system provides the best Switchgear room Switchgear room

footing (Fig. 5/2). 20 1 2

 Individual panels and panel blocks 2 2
can be lined up as desired no gas 3
works required on site
 Low-voltage compartment is 775 1000

available in two heights, wired to 1070 100


the switchgear panel by means of 5

plug connectors 6

 All panels can be replaced at any 7

time (even panels in the very center
of the switchgear cabinet)
>600 10
Cable 11
Site of installation: basement 12 Cable basement

The switchgear is to be used indoors

Side view Side view
in compliance with IEC 61936 (Power 16
installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.) and
VDE 0101. We distinguish between:

 Switchgear types in locations with 17

no access from the public, outside
closed off electrical operating areas.
Switchgear enclosures can only be
removed with the aid of tools.
 Closed-off electrical operating
areas: This is a room or a place
which is used solely for the purpose 18

of operating electrical systems and

is kept locked. Access authorization

is reserved to qualified electricians

and persons who have received Top view Top view
instruction in electrical matters; Switchgear layout Switchgear layout with rear pressure
non-professionals, however, may with standard panels absorption canal (option)

only enter this area when 1 Pressure-relief opening 9 2nd cable for connection with 15 Depth of pressure absorption
accompanied by qualified 2 Room height
double-T connectors with
extended oor opening for
canal behind switchgear panel
16 Distance from wall
electricians or persons with 3 Depth of standard panel (may be
up to 15 mm wider depending
version with deep cable space
cover 17 Terminating wall
sufficient electrical instruction. on the panel type)
10 Height of cable basement 18 Panel width
4 Operator corridor corresponding to cable bending
19 Width of pressure absorption canal
5 Panel depth of panels with deep 700 mm for panel assemblies
cable 11 Cables approx. 850 mm for metering
panels type ME1
6 Deep cable compartment cover 12 Direction of pressure relief
20 Standard:
7 Standard cable space cover 13 Option: Pressure absorption canal
Low-voltage cubicle for circuit-
8 Foundation 14 Height of pressure absorption breaker panels
canal base beneath the
switchgear panel
Low-voltage cubicle for every
other panel type or
Front cover

Fig. 5/5: Layout planning for switchgear featuring pressure relief to the bottom (left)
and using a pressure absorption canal

5/9 5
Operating and maintenance areas  For mounting and maintenance
work behind enclosed units (full-
 These are corridors, connecting
wall enclosures), a passage width Crane hook
passages, access areas, of 500 mm is sufficient.
transportation and escape routes.
 A minimum height of 2,000 mm
 Corridors and access areas must be below ceilings, coverages or
sufciently dimensioned for work, enclosures, except for cable
operation and transportation of basements, is sufficient.
components.  Exits must be arranged in way that Pallet

 The corridors must have a minimum the escape route length does not
width of 800 mm. exceed 40 m when rated voltages Transportation using crane and pallet

 Corridor width must not be above 52 kV are applied, and 20 m

in case of rated voltages up to 52 kV.
obstructed by equipment protruding
This requirement does not apply to Crane hook Crane hook
into the corridor, such as
walk-in busbar or cable ducts. Rod diameter
permanently installed drives or  If operator corridors do not exceed 40 mm

Eye bolt

switchgear trucks in disconnected a length of 10 m, one exit is

position. sufficient. If the escape route is
 The width of the escape route must longer than 10 m, an (emergency)
be at least 500 mm, even if exit is required at both ends.
removable parts or fully open doors  Fixed-mounted ladders or similar
protrude into the escape route. facilities are permissible as Transportation
using crane
using crane and
 Switchgear panel or cubicle doors emergency exits in escape routes. and rod eye bolts on
should close in escape direction.

using manual
lift truck
Single-row installation at the wall Stand-alone, back to back w/o pallet

Operation and supervision


Rod diameter 40 mm (observe switchgear weight)


Operation and supervision

Transportation by
fork-lift truck,

Two-row installation at the wall object hanging

Operation and supervision from platform

Wall installation
Operation and supervision

Transportation by
fork-lift truck,

object standing on
Operation and supervision platform

Dimensions in millimeter
Medium-voltage panels

Low-voltage panels

Fig. 5/6: Examples for the arrangement of panels and corridors (acc. to AGI Worksheet J 12) Fig. 5/7: Transportation methods

5/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.1.3 Pressure
Development in
Switchgear Rooms
In case of a defect within a gas-insulat-
ed switchgear station, an arcing fault
can occur which strongly heats the
ambient gas, which results in an
extreme pressure rise. The height of
the pressure rise depends on the
room geometry, the existence of
pressure relief openings and arcing
fault energy.
The consequences of such a (rare)
fault can be fatal for operating per-
sonnel as well as for the room. For
this reason, appropriate measures
must have been taken for pressure
relief, such as pressure relief open-
ings, canals, absorbers or coolers Fig. 5/8: Pressure relief to the bottom Fig. 5/9: Pressure relief to the top using a
pressure absorber
(Fig. 5/8 and 5/9). The actual pressure
load capability of the building as well
as its structural characteristics must Pressure diagram 16 kA 1 s without absorber
have been inspected and approved by
the statics engineer. 50.00
Pressure burden [hPa]

Fig. 5/10 gives an overview of station- 40.00

ary pressures occurring and the 30.00

precautions to be taken, as well as A = 0.1 m2
A = 0.2 m2
possible effects of an internal arcing 20.00
A = 0.4 m2
A = 0.5 m2
fault on different rooms. The room 10.00 A = 0.6 m2

geometry on which the calculations

are based is illustrated in the follo- 10 15 20 25 30 35
Building volume (m 3)
wing diagrams.
A = Size of relief opening
In case of highly complex geometries Boundary conditions: Specification for pressure relief opening
or higher short-circuit loads, it is neces- Short-circuit current 16 kA 1 s 1. Max. permissible pressure for reinforced brick wall approx. 30 hPA
Medium-voltage switchgear 2. Building volume 20 m3
sary to perform a detailed pressure without absorber unit
Free building volume 20 m3
3. Intersection of 30 hPa and 20 m gives the size of the
required relief opening: approx.0.15 m2
calculation which also takes dynamic Type of wall: reinforced brick wall 4. Recommended relief opening: 0.2 m2

pressure development into account.

Fig. 5/10: Examples of stationary excessive pressure resulting from internal arcing faults
Should you require further informa-
tion, or if you have any specific ques- of the switchgear itself and any the switchgear room, both room
tions, please contact your Siemens other interiors. volumes may roughly be added. In
consultant.  If pressure is to relieved into the this case, the opening for compensa-
cable basement, the free building tion between the two room volumes
Definitions: volume means the cable basement must equal the pressure relief open-
 The free building volume is the volume. ing to the outside.
room volume in which pressure If there is a pressure compensation
relief takes place minus the volume opening from the cable basement into

5/11 5
Additional transformer ventilation
5.2 Distribution for more power
Vector group

Transformers The output of GEAFOL transformers

DYN5 (standard vector group in
up to 2,500 kVA, in degree of protec-
Selection of the DYN11 (frequently used vector group
tion IP00, can be increased to 140% or
transformer design in Asia as well as in Europe)
150% when cross-flow fans are instal-
Requirements to the site of installa- led. Efficient blowing can, for exam-
tion in accordance with DIN VDE 0101 No-load losses reduced losses
ple, raise the continuous output of a
(water protection, fire safety and 1,000 kVA transformer to 1,400 kVA Following the Guidelines for sustaina-
conservation of functions) suggest the or 1,500 kVA. However, the short- ble construction issued by the German
use of cast-resin dry-type transformers circuit losses are also twice or 2.3 Federal Ministry for Trafc, Construc-
(e.g. GEAFOL). Compared to oil- times the value of the power loss for tion and Residential Development and
immersed transformers using mineral 100% nominal load. Additional venti- with regard to the Energy Passport,
oil or silicone oil or diester oil, dry- lation is a proven means for covering transformers with reduced losses
type transformers place the lowest peak loads as well as compensating a should be preferred.
requirements on their site of installa- transformer failure, when transfor-
tion while fullling the highest require- The economic efficiency of such a
mers are operated in parallel.
ments in terms of personal protection transformer can be verified by means
and fire load. Reference value: The price for effi- of a loss evaluation.
Cast-resin dry-type transformers cient additional ventilation is at about
Reference value: If the cost factor for
should at least meet the requirements 15% of the transformer price. Addi-
one kilowatt hour does not exceed
C2 (Climate Category), E2 (Environ- tional ventilation is not efficient
2,000 EUR per annum, the increased
ment Category) and F1 (Fire Safety below a rated output of 1,000 kVA
Category) as defined in IEC 60076-11. cost for a transformer featuring
from an economic point of view.
reduced losses pay off within 5 years.
How many transformers are Rated short-circuit transformer
required? Noise acoustic power level
Depending on the application, the use Noise emitted by transformers can be
Normally, 6% should be selected as a
of several transformers operated in reduced as follows:
rated short-circuit voltage (uzr, ukr) for
parallel may be useful. GEAFOL trans- a rated power above 630 kVA in order  Use of transformers with reduced
formers require almost no mainte- to keep short-circuit currents as low as no-load losses; this reduces the
nance. For this reason, a back-up possible in the event of a fault. The acoustic power level by approx. 8 dB
transformer for maintenance work switching devices installed at the  Reduction of structure-borne noise
neednt be considered. secondary side of the transformer by using metal-rubber rails and
Caution! Make sure that the two must be designed to withstand such special transformer bearings
transformers to be operated in paral- short-circuit currents. (Note: The transformer noise itself is
lel have the same technical charac- Example: not changed this way!)
teristics (including their rated short-
A 1,000-kVA transformer with a rated
circuit voltages).
short-circuit voltage of 4% supplies the  Decoupling of connected busbars
0.4-kV secondary network with to minimize structure-borne noise
Reference value for rating two trans-
approx. 36 kA in case of a short circuit. (e.g. by using elastic tapes)
formers operated in parallel: Rated
power of each transformer = (power Temperature monitoring
The same type of transformer with a
rated short-circuit voltage of 6% only Transformers are equipped with a
supplies the 0.4-kV secondary net- temperature monitoring system. For a
work with approx. 24 kA in case of a three-phase transformer, this system
short circuit. consists of three series-connected

5/12 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

PTC sensors one per phase and a

trigger unit.
It is useful to provide for an additional
temperature sensor loop for mainte-
nance purposes, which can be wired
Exhaust GEAFOL- Medium voltage
air(nat.) transformer
to the same trigger unit.
Low voltage
Full-wall* exhaust air
cutout Transformer casing

Serves for protection against direct
contact with live parts in electrical
bar operating areas which are freely
1U 1V 1W
With IP23 or higher, it is possible to
reduce the acoustic power level by up

Intake Cable
air basement to 3 dB.

* Also see the section on transformer casing on this page Conditions for installation
room layout
GEAFOL cast-resin transformers can
be installed in the same room as
medium- and low-voltage switchgear
without any extra precautions. For
plants which come within the scope
former of Elt Bau VO, the electric utilities
room must be enclosed by fireproof
walls and doors (walls in fire resis-
Cable tance rating F90A, doors in F30A).

Trans- Messung Transportation, dimensions,

former bergabe weights



Trans- Trans-
former former


Self-closing doors opening Fire resistance rating

outwards, in fire resistance F90A DIN 4102
rating F30A DIN 4102

Fig. 5/12: Transformer truck rollers can be swung

around in two directions.
Fig. 5/11: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers installed in an electric utilities room supplying an ofce tower The roller-to-roller center spacing (E)
(arrangement acc. to DIN VDE 0108) applies to lengthways and sideways
travel accordingly.

5/13 5
Required air volume Power loss at Required air volume
Primary Secondary Impedance Power loss at max. trans- for cooling at Sound Roller-to-

for cooling at
Rated rated rated Impedance No-load loss transformer transformer rating former output transformer rating power roller center
power voltage voltage voltage loss at 120 C rating (approx. values at (150 %) 1) (approx. values at 25 C level l 2) Total Length Width Height spacing
Sr Ur OS Ur US uzr Po Pk 120 Pv (rated) 25 C air temperature) Pv (Max) air temperature) 1) LWA weight (A) (B) (H) (E)
[kVA] [kV] [kV] [%] [W] [W] [W] [m3/min] [W] [m3/min] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
100 12 0.4 4 440 1,900 2,530 8 5,140 16 59 600 1,210 670 840 without rollers
0.4 4 320 1,900 2,410 8 5,020 15 51 720 1,230 675 845 without rollers
0.4 6 360 2,000 2,560 8 5,310 16 59 570 1,200 680 805 without rollers
0.4 6 300 2,000 2,500 8 5,250 16 51 720 1,280 685 890 without rollers
24 0.4 4 600 1,750 2,530 8 4,930 15 59 620 1,220 740 925 without rollers
0.4 4 400 1,750 2,330 7 4,730 15 51 740 1,260 745 945 without rollers
0.4 6 460 2,050 2,720 9 5,530 17 59 610 1,250 750 915 without rollers
0.4 6 330 2,050 2,590 8 5,400 17 51 730 1,280 750 940 without rollers
160 12 0.4 4 610 2,600 3,470 11 7,050 22 62 820 1,270 690 1,025 520
0.4 4 440 2,600 3,300 10 6,880 21 54 960 1,260 685 1,100 520
0.4 6 500 2,700 3,470 11 7,180 22 62 690 1,220 685 990 520
0.4 6 400 2,700 3,370 11 7,080 22 54 850 1,290 695 1,010 520
24 0.4 4 870 2,500 3,620 11 7,060 22 62 790 1,280 745 1,060 520
0.4 4 580 2,500 3,330 10 6,770 21 54 920 1,320 755 1,060 520
0.4 6 650 2,700 3,620 11 7,330 22 62 780 1,320 760 1,040 520

Table 5/3: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 630 up to 2,500 kVA

Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

0.4 6 480 2,700 3,450 11 7,160 22 54 860 1,350 765 1,050 520
250 12 0.4 4 820 3,200 4,340 13 8,740 27 65 1,010 1,330 700 1,055 520
0.4 4 600 3,200 4,120 13 8,520 26 57 1,250 1,340 700 1,190 520
0.4 6 700 3,300 4,330 13 8,870 27 65 960 1,340 705 1,055 520
0.4 6 570 3,300 4,200 13 8,740 27 57 1,130 1,390 715 1,070 520
24 0.4 4 1,100 3,200 4,620 14 9,020 27 65 1,070 1,370 730 1,115 520
0.4 4 800 3,200 4,320 13 8,720 27 57 1,230 1,420 740 1,130 520
0.4 6 880 3,300 4,510 14 9,050 28 65 1,020 1,390 740 1,105 520
0.4 6 650 3,300 4,280 13 8,820 27 57 1,190 1,430 745 1,125 520
36 0.4 6 1,300 4,000 5,700 18 11,200 34 67 1,190 1,450 825 1,365 520
315 12 0.4 4 980 3,800 5,160 16 10,390 32 67 1,120 1,340 820 1,130 670
0.4 4 720 3,800 4,900 15 10,130 31 59 1,400 1,400 820 1,195 670
0.4 6 850 3,900 5,140 16 10,500 32 67 1,130 1,360 820 1,160 670
0.4 6 680 3,900 4,970 15 10,330 31 59 1,260 1,400 820 1,170 670
24 0.4 4 1,250 3,900 5,540 17 10,900 33 67 1,370 1,490 835 1,145 670
0.4 4 930 3,900 5,220 16 10,580 32 59 1,590 1,520 835 1,205 670
0.4 6 1,000 4,100 5,510 17 11,150 34 67 1,350 1,490 835 1,180 670
0.4 6 780 4,100 5,290 16 10,930 33 59 1,450 1,520 840 1,205 670
36 0.4 6 1,450 5,170 7,140 22 14,250 43 69 1,460 1,410 915 1,445 670
400 12 0.4 4 1,150 4,400 5,990 18 12,040 37 68 1,290 1,370 820 1,230 670
0.4 4 880 4,400 5,720 18 11,770 36 60 1,500 1,390 820 1,330 670
0.4 6 1,000 4,900 6,390 20 13,130 40 68 1,230 1,400 820 1,215 670
0.4 6 820 4,900 6,210 19 12,950 39 60 1,390 1,430 820 1,230 670
24 0.4 4 1,450 3,800 5,630 17 10,860 33 68 1,470 1,460 830 1,285 670
0.4 4 1,100 3,800 5,280 16 10,510 32 60 1,710 1,520 835 1,305 670
0.4 6 1,200 4,300 5,930 18 11,840 36 68 1,380 1,490 835 1,260 670
0.4 6 940 4,300 5,670 17 11,580 35 60 1,460 1,500 840 1,260 670
36 0.4 6 1,700 5,500 7,750 24 15,310 46 69 1,590 1,560 925 1,500 670
500 12 0.4 4 1,300 5,900 7,790 24 15,900 48 69 1,490 1,410 820 1,315 670
0.4 4 1,000 5,300 6,830 21 14,120 43 61 1,620 1,420 820 1,340 670
0.4 6 1,200 6,400 8,240 25 17,040 52 69 1,420 1,450 820 1,245 670
0.4 6 960 6,400 8,000 24 16,800 51 61 1,540 1,490 820 1,265 670
24 0.4 4 1,700 4,900 7,090 22 13,830 42 69 1,550 1,460 840 1,365 670
0.4 4 1,300 4,900 6,690 20 13,430 41 61 1,700 1,490 845 1,370 670
0.4 6 1,400 5,100 7,010 21 14,020 42 69 1,500 1,530 855 1,275 670
0.4 6 1,100 5,100 6,710 21 13,720 42 61 1,670 1,560 860 1,290 670
36 0.4 6 1,900 6,000 8,500 26 16,750 51 70 1,810 1,560 925 1,615 670

1) Output rise due to extra ventilation 2) Without extra ventilation

Required air volume Power loss at Required air volume
Primary Secondary Impedance Power loss at max. trans- for cooling at Sound Roller-to-
transformer for cooling at
Rated rated rated Impedance No-load loss transformer rating former output transformer rating power roller center
power voltage voltage voltage loss at 120 C rating (approx. values at (150 %) 1) (approx. values at 25 C level l 2) Total Length Width Height spacing
Sr Ur OS Ur US uzr Po Pk 120 Pv (rated) 25 C air temperature) Pv (Max) air temperature) 1) LWA weight (A) (B) (H) (E)
[kVA] [kV] [kV] [%] [W] [W] [W] [m3/min] [W] [m3/min] [dB] [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
630 12 0.4 4 1,500 7,300 9,530 29 19,570 59 70 1,670 1,410 820 1,485 670
0.4 4 1,150 7,300 9,180 28 19,220 58 62 1,840 1,440 820 1,485 670
0.4 6 1,370 7,500 9,620 29 19,930 60 70 1,710 1,520 830 1,305 670
0.4 6 1,150 7,500 9,400 29 19,710 60 62 1,850 1,560 835 1,330 670
24 0.4 4 1,950 6,900 9,540 29 19,030 57 70 1,790 1,470 840 1,530 670
0.4 4 1,500 6,900 9,090 28 18,580 56 62 1,930 1,520 845 1,565 670
0.4 6 1,650 6,800 9,130 28 18,480 56 70 1,750 1,560 860 1,365 670
0.4 6 1,250 6,800 8,730 27 18,080 55 62 1,900 1,600 865 1,385 670
36 0.4 6 2,200 6,600 9,460 29 18,540 56 71 2,090 1,620 940 1,640 670
800 12 0.4 4 1,800 7,800 10,380 32 21,110 64 72 1,970 1,500 820 1,535 670
0.4 4 1,400 7,800 9,980 30 20,710 63 64 2,210 1,530 825 1,535 670
0.4 6 1,700 8,300 10,830 33 22,240 67 72 2,020 1,590 840 1,395 670
0.4 6 1,300 8,300 10,430 32 21,840 66 64 2,230 1,620 845 1,395 670
24 0.4 4 2,400 8,500 11,750 36 23,440 71 72 2,020 1,550 850 1,595 670
0.4 4 1,900 8,500 11,250 34 22,940 69 64 2,220 1,570 855 1,595 670

Table 5/4: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 630 up to 2,500 kVA

0.4 6 1,900 8,200 10,920 33 22,200 67 72 2,020 1,610 870 1,435 670
0.4 6 1,500 8,200 10,520 32 21,800 66 64 2,220 1,650 875 1,455 670
36 0.4 6 2,650 7,900 11,340 34 22,200 67 72 2,620 1,740 965 1,695 670
1000 12 0.4 4 2,100 10,000 13,100 40 26,850 81 73 2,440 1,550 990 1,730 820
0.4 4 1,600 10,000 12,600 38 26,350 79 65 2,850 1,620 990 1,795 820
0.4 6 2,000 9,500 12,450 38 25,510 77 73 2,370 1,640 990 1,490 820
0.4 6 1,500 9,500 11,950 36 25,010 75 65 2,840 1,710 990 1,565 820
24 0.4 4 2,800 9,500 13,250 40 26,310 79 73 2,420 1,570 990 1,790 820
0.4 4 2,300 8,700 11,870 36 23,830 72 65 2,740 1,680 990 1,665 820
0.4 6 2,300 9,000 12,200 37 24,580 74 73 2,310 1,640 990 1,620 820
0.4 6 1,800 9,000 11,700 36 24,080 73 65 2,510 1,660 990 1,620 820
36 0.4 6 3,100 10,000 14,100 43 27,850 84 73 2,990 1,800 1060 1,795 820
1250 12 0.4 6 2,400 11,000 14,500 44 29,630 89 75 2,780 1,740 990 1,635 820
0.4 6 1,800 11,000 13,900 42 29,030 87 67 3,140 1,770 990 1,675 820
24 0.4 6 2,700 11,200 15,020 45 30,420 92 75 2,740 1,780 990 1,645 820
0.4 6 2,100 11,200 14,420 44 29,820 90 67 3,010 1,810 990 1,645 820
36 0.4 6 3,600 11,500 16,250 49 32,060 97 75 3,580 1,870 1065 1,895 820
1600 12 0.4 6 2,800 14,000 18,200 55 37,450 113 76 3,490 1,830 990 1,735 1,070
0.4 6 2,100 14,000 17,500 53 36,750 111 68 4,130 1,880 990 1,775 1,070
24 0.4 6 3,100 13,500 17,950 54 36,510 110 76 3,440 1,840 995 1,830 1,070
0.4 6 2,400 13,500 17,250 52 35,810 108 68 3,830 1,870 1000 1,880 1,070
36 0.4 6 4,100 13,500 18,950 57 37,510 113 76 4,350 1,970 1090 1,995 1,070
2000 12 0.4 6 3,500 15,700 20,770 63 42,360 127 78 4,150 1,940 1280 1,935 1,070
0.4 6 2,600 15,700 19,870 60 41,460 125 70 4,890 1,970 1280 2,015 1,070
24 0.4 6 4,000 15,400 20,940 63 42,120 127 78 4,170 1,980 1280 1,960 1,070
0.4 6 2,900 15,400 19,840 60 41,020 123 70 4,720 2,010 1280 1,985 1,070
36 0.4 6 5,000 15,000 21,500 65 42,130 127 78 5,090 2,100 1280 2,135 1,070
2500 12 0.4 6 4,300 18,700 24,870 75 50,580 152 81 4,840 2,090 1280 2,070 1,070
0.4 6 3,000 18,700 23,570 71 49,280 148 71 5,940 2,160 1280 2,135 1,070
24 0.4 6 5,000 18,000 24,800 75 49,550 149 81 5,200 2,150 1280 2,165 1,070

0.4 6 3,600 19,000 24,500 74 50,630 152 71 6,020 2,190 1280 2,180 1,070
36 0.4 6 5,800 20,000 27,800 84 55,300 166 81 5,920 2,280 1280 2,215 1,070

1) 2)
Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Output rise due to extra ventilation Without extra ventilation


Checklist for distribution transformer

Besides the regulations, standards and guidelines listed in Section 2.3, the international standard IEC 60076-11 for dry-
type transformers and specifications made by the local power distribution network operator must be observed.

Rated power kVA (from power demand calculation)

Number of transformers (from power demand calculation)
Primary rated voltage kV (specification by utility company)
Secondary rated voltage kV (low-voltage level)
Tapping of primary windings  Yes, .............  No

Nominal frequency 50 Hz
Rated short-circuit voltage  4%

Type Cast-resin dry-type transformers

Vector group  DYN5

Extra ventilation at the transformer  Yes


Make-proof grounding switch  Yes

at the transformer  No

No-load losses and noise  Reduced

 Not reduced

Temperature monitoring  Systems for warning and triggering

 System for triggering

Insulation against structure-borne noise  Yes (transformer bedding)


Transformer casing  Yes

 Degree of protection IP20 indoors
 Degree of protection IP23 indoors
 Degree of protection IP23 outdoors
 Degree of protection IP23 with forced ventilation

Increased service life  Partial discharge less than 5pC at twice the rated voltage

5/16 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

(IEC 61641, VDE 0660 Part 500,

5.3 Low-Voltage distribution system for a production
plant, however, system availability, Addendum 2).
Main Distribution extendibility, control and the visuali-
Low-voltage main distribution systems
zation of status information and
When selecting a low-voltage main should be chosen featuring a total
control functions are important issues
distribution system, the prerequisite supply power up to 3 MVA. Up to this
to keep plant downtimes as short as
for its efficient sizing is to know about rating, the equipment and distribution
possible. The use of circuit-breaker-
its use, availability and future options systems are relatively inexpensive due
protected technology in withdrawable
for extension. The requirements on to the maximum short-circuit currents
unit design is an important basis.
power distribution are extremely to be encountered.
Selectivity is also of great importance
diverse. for reliable power supply. Between For rated currents up to 3,200 A,
these two extremes there is a great power distribution via busbars is
Normally, frequent switching opera-
design variety which is to be optimally usually sufficient if the arrangement
tions neednt be considered in the
matched to customer requirements. of the incoming/outgoing feeder
planning of power distribution for
The prevention of personal injury and panels and coupler panels has been
commercial, institutional and indus-
damage to equipment must, however, selected in a performance-related
trial building projects, and extensions be the first priority in any case. When way. Ambient temperatures, load on
are generally not to be expected. For selecting appropriate switchgear, it individual feeders, and the maximum
these reasons, a performance-opti- must be ensured that is a type-tested power loss per panel have a decisive
mized technology with high compo- switchgear assembly (TTA, in compli- impact on the devices to be integrated
nent density can be used. In these ance with DIN VDE 0660 Part 500, IEC and the number of panels required as
cases, we mainly use circuit-breaker 439-1 and EN 60439-1), with extend- well as their component density
protected equipment in fixed-moun- ed testing of behavior in the event of (number of devices per panel).
ted design. When planning a power an internal arcing fault

5/17 5

Checklist for low-voltage main distribution

Project name


Planning engineer
Site/altitude of installation (above sea level)

Room/door dimensions

Type of installation Single front

Ambient temperature

Degree of protection  IP40  IP ......

System configuration  TN-S  TN-S (EMC-friendly)
PEN/N conductor cross section  50 %  100 %  ...... %

Number of transformers items

Transformer capacity (per transformer) kVA ...... ukr
Rated current of incoming feeder A
Rated frequency Hz
Rated operating voltage V
Rated current of main busbar GPS section A
Rated current of main busbar SPS section A
Rated short-time withstand current Icw
of main busbar kAeff (1 s)

Connected by  Busbars

Busbar/cable entry from  Top


5/18 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Protection against accidental arcing  Safety of persons
 Safety of persons including limitation of arcing fault
effects to one panel
Mounting and design
Supply  Fixed-mounted  Withdrawable unit
Outgoing feeders 630 A  Fixed-mounted  Withdrawable unit
Couplers  Fixed-mounted  Withdrawable unit
Outgoing feeders < 630 A  Fixed-mounted  Plug-in  Withdrawable unit
Outgoing-feeder design < 630 A  Circuit-breaker-  Fuse-protected
Safety proof  TTA-tested standard modules acc. to IEC 60439-1
Maintains degrees of protection in testing and  Yes
disconnected position
Interlocking between incoming-feeder switch and tie
breaker (e.g. mechanical)

5/19 5
5.3.1 Planning Notes for Space requirements
Switchgear up to 3,200 A
Height: 2,000 mm + 200 mm base
Dimensions shall be defined for the Depth: 600 mm
entire switchgear assembly. Siemens
Width: For data required for the addition of panels, please refer to the panel
recommends units of transportation
no larger than:
Type of installation: at the wall or stand-alone
Length: 2,400 mm
Depth: 1,050 mm
The following minimum clearances between switchgear and obstacle
Width: Segment width + 200 mm
must be observed:
Packaging for export: Rear side of switchgear: 75 mm
For ocean shipment, 30 mm must be
Side walls: 100 mm
added to each dimension.
Vertical clearance above switchgear: 400 mm
Power losses (Take possible additional clearance required for incoming/outgoing
The power losses listed in Table 5/8 feeders (branches) of busbar systems into account)
are guiding values for determining the
power loss to be discharged from the
switchgear room, they refer to one Switchgear front:
panel plus main circuit of functional 700 mm for servicing corridors (observe direction of escape route)
units. If applicable, the power losses
of additional auxiliary appliances must
Table 5/5: Space requirements of low-voltage switchgear

Min. corridor width Escape direction Min. free passage

700 or 600 mm 500 mm 1)


600 600
700 700 700 700 1) With switchgear fronts facing each other, the space requirements only account for obstruction
by open doors from one side (i.e. doors that dont close in escape direction)
2) Take door widths into account, i.e. door can be opened at 90 minimum
1) Minimum height of passage under covers or enclosures Full door opening angle = 120

Fig. 5/13: Operating and servicing corridors (acc. to DIN VDE 0100 Part 729) Fig. 5/14: Reduced corridor widths within the range of open doors

5/20 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Environmental conditions for Environment category IR 1 (Indoor 1) several days, e.g. unmanned relay,
switchgear repeater and transformer station,
Indoor area in building with good heat
stable, car repair workshop, produc-
The climate and other external condi- insulation properties or high heat
tion hall for rough treatment, hangar.
tions (natural foreign substances, capacity, heated or air-conditioned,
chemically active pollutas, small normally with temperature monitor-
Environment category IR 3 (Indoor 3)
animals) may affect the switchgear to ing only, e.g. normal residential
a varying extent. The effect depends dwelling, office, shop, relay and Indoor area in building without spe-
on the climate-proof outfit of the switching center, storage room for cial heat insulation and low heat
switchgear room. Necessary addition- sensitive products. capacity, neither heated nor air-
al measures to be applied on the conditioned, also in warm and humid
switchgear itself therefore depend on Environment category IR 2 (Indoor 2) areas, e.g. workshop, telephone
the resulting indoor climates which booth, building entrance, barn, loft,
Indoor area in building with low heat
are classified in three environment unheated storage area, shed, garage,
insulation properties or little heat
categories: service cabinets.
capacity, heated or air-conditioned,
no temperature monitoring. Heating
or air-conditioning may be absent for

Ambient conditions in the switchgear room Measure at the switchgear

Room climate Ambient Condensation Natural foreign Heat- Degree of Degree of Contact treatment
acc. to temperature substances, ing protection protection
IEC 60721-3-3 chemically to the to the Screw Movable
with Relative active pollutas, operating cable points contacts
direct impact humidity small animals room basement
on switchgear

Environment cat. IR1 +5 to +40 C None None IP20/40

[3K3] 5% to 85%
max. 3 C
Environment cat. IR2 25 to +55C Occasionally, None IP20/40
[3K6] 10% to 98% about 1 x
24-h-mean per month Drifting sand, dust IP54
max. 50 C for 2 h
Small animals IP40 IP40
Environment cat. IR3 25 to +55 C Often, None IP20/40
[3K6] 10% to 98% about 1 x
24-h-mean per day Drifting sand, dust IP54
max. 50 C for 2 h
Dripping water IP41
acc. to IEC 60529

Drifting sand, dust IP54

and splash water
acc. to IEC 60529

Small animals IP40 IP40

Table 5/6: Ambient conditions and degrees of protection

5/21 5
Areas with chemical emission
Constantly permissible concentration Measures if higher concentrations are present:

Sulphur dioxide < 2 ppm If higher concentrations are present, pollutant-reducing

(SO2) measures are required, e. g.
Hydrosulphide < 1 ppm
 Air-intake for operating room from a less contaminated point
Hydrogen chloride < 3 ppm  Slightly pressurizing the operating room
(HCl) (e. g. by blowing uncontaminated air into the switchgear)
Ammonia < 15 ppm  Air conditioning of switchgear room (reduce temperature,
(NH3) relative air humidity < 60%, use pollutant filters, if necessary)
Nitrogen dioxide < 2 ppm
(NO2)  Air conditioning of switchgear room (reduce temperature,
(oversizing of switching devices or other components,
Chloride precipitation < 2 mg / dm2
such as busbars and distribution bars )
(salty fog)

Table 5/7: Typical chemical emissions and countermeasures

5/22 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.3.2 Low-Voltage Main Distribution Example

Supply1600A Supply3200A Coupl1600A Coupl3200A

3-pole 3-pole 3-pole 3-pole 3NJ6 (6xNH00, 3XNH1, 2xNH2, 1xNH) 3NJ4 (4xNH1-3) 400 kvar non-choked 250 kvar 7% Insta panel (Alpha 5SY6)

1,800.0 5.1
5.4 6.1.1 6.1.3
1,600.0 5.5
5.6 6.1.2 6.1.4
1,400.0 5.8
1,000.0 5.14 7.1 8.1 9.1
1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.15
800.0 5.16



400 600 600 800 1000 600 800 800 850

Supply1600A Supply3200A Coupl1600A

3-pole 3-pole 3-pole Coupl3200A 3-pole 3NJ6 (6xNH00, 3XNH1, 2xNH2, 1xNH 3NJ4 (4xNH1-3) 400 kvar non-choked 250 kvar 7% Insta panel (Alpha 5SY6)




400 600 600 800 1000 600 800 800 850

75 75
Floor opening, panel depth 600 mm

50 50

B Panel width
D Panel depth = 600 mm
Threaded hole M12

+ Boring 14.5 mm
Free space in the fastening plane for cable and busbar penetration

Note: the whole system is elongated by 1 mm for every partition mounted


Fig. 5/15: SIVACON 8PT typicals; system depth 600 mm, system width 6,450 mm

Panel type Supply Supply Coupler Coupler Plug-in Fixed-mounted Compensation Compensation Insta panel 2)

NH feeders 1) NH feeders 1)

Height 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm 2,000 mm

Width 400 mm 600 mm 600 mm 800 mm 1,000 mm 600 mm 800 mm 800 mm 850 mm

Depth 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm 600 mm
Degree of
protection IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented IP30, vented

Weights 200 kg 400 kg 200 kg 400 kg 300 kg 250 kg 300 kg 300 kg 200 kg

Currents (A) 6301600 A 2,0003,200 A 1,600 A 3,200 A NH 00 NH 00 5 x 100 kvar 5 x 50 kvar 7 % automats
to NH 3 to NH 3 non-choked choked
1) Continuous operating current of outgoing feeders depends on the number 2) In order to determine the correct distribution board size taking wiring, terminals etc. into
and arrangement of devices per panel! For data on account , the modular device widths compiled must be multiplied with the factor 1.7.
combinations/arrangement and max. number, consult the manufacturer.

Switching device 3WL11 3WL12 3WL11 3WL12 3NJ6 3NJ4 4RF 4RF 5SY6

approx. Pv (at 80% load) 180530 W 6901,690 W 530 W 1,690 W 1,500 W 600 W approx. 1 W/kvar approx. 5 W/kvar 500 W

Internal subdivision Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b Form 2b

Number of devices 1 1 1 1 32 x NH 00 8 x NH 00 288 modular

per panel 16 x NH 1 4 x NH 1 widths
8 x NH 2 4 x NH 2
8 x NH 3 4 x NH 3

Table 5/8: Technical data of the panel examples

5/23 5
5.3.3 Panel Descriptions
Circuit-breaker technology for Description:
incoming/outgoing feeders SIVACON  Circuit-breaker (fixed-mounted or
and couplers A withdrawable unit design)
B  Motorized/manual operating
1,800 mechanism with stored energy
C  Current measurements using
1,600 current transformer (3-fold)
 Voltage measurements with
E changeover switch (ensure fusing)
1,200 F
Panel width:
1,000 G For rated breaker current up to 1,600 A:
400 mm
800 For rated breaker current up to 3,200 A:
J 600 mm
600 Cable/busbar connection:
K top or bottom

Fig. 5/16: Circuit-breaker panel

Derating factors Ie/In at an average ambient temperature of 35 C

Function: incoming or Function: Function:

outgoing feeder sectionalizer panel bus coupler panel
breaker unvented vented unvented vented unvented vented
current (A) (e.g. IP54) (e.g. IP40) (e.g. IP54) (e.g. IP40) (e.g. IP54) (e.g. IP40)
630 800 1 1 1 1 1 1

1,000 1 1 1 1 1 1

1,250 0.95 1 1 1 1 1

1,600 0.85 0.93 0.96 1 0.91 1

2,000 0.95 1 0.96 1 0.94 1

2,500 0.81 0.95 0.82 0.94 0.94 1

3,200 0.77 0.86 0.72 0.85 0.87 0.97

These derating factors are rounded values which may be used for rough planning. The
precise rated currents for circuit-breaker panels as well as factors for deviating ambient
tolerances must be inquired.

Table 5/9: Derating factors for circuit-breaker technology

5/24 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Plug-in design for Panel design:

cable and motor feeders 2,200 Height of device mounting space:

A 1,600 mm
1 Width of device mounting space: 600 mm
B 2

Width of cable connection space: 400 mm
C 2
Compartment for auxiliary devices and
1,600 4
instruments 100 mm to 400 mm high
D 2
1,400 4 Cable connection:
E 2
3 top or bottom
1,200 4
F 2
Component mounting rules for
1,000 4
1 vented panels with 3-pole in-line
G 2

H 2

Component mounting in the panel
2 from bottom to top, decreasing in
400 4
component size from size 3 to size 00
K 2
200 Recommended maximum component
density per panel incl. reserve 1,100
mm (approx. 2/3)

Fig. 5/17: In-line switch disconnector panel, Distribute in-line switch-disconnectors

plugged of size 2 and 3 to different panels, if
For example suitable for: Total operating current per panel
 All switch-disconnectors with fuses, max. 2,000 A
single/double interruptions and
Rated currents of component sizes
auxiliary switches
= 0.8 x In of the largest fuse-link
 All feeders with single-phase
current measurement Rated currents of smaller fuse-link
Panel width: 1,000 mm sizes = 0.8 x In of the fuse-link

Component mounting data for vented panels with 3-pole in-line switch-disconnectors

Derating Vertical space

Rated Size factors Ie/In Max. number requirements of
current vented at of components in-line switch-dis-
[A] 35 C per panel connectors (mm)
160 00 0.78 32 50

250 1 0.8 16 100

400 2 0.8 8 200

630 3 0.79 8 200

Table 5/10: Selection table for in-line switch-disconnector design

5/25 5
Fixed-mounted design for cable For example, suitable for:
and motor feeders 2,200  Circuit-breaker-protected cable

feeders up to 630 A
 Fuse-protected cable feeders up
B to 630 A
C  Motor feeders up to 250 kW
1,600 Design options:
 Molded-case circuit-breakers
E  Fuse switch-disconnectors
1,200 F
Panel width: 1,000 mm
Panel design:
1,000 G Height of device mounting space:
H 1,600 mm
Width of device mounting space: 600 mm
600 Width of cable connection space: 400 mm
K Cable connection:
top or bottom

Fig. 5/18: Fixed-mounted panel

Cable feeders, 3-pole

Derating factors
Ie/In Module
Type Rated size vented unvented [mm]

Fuse switch-disconnector NH 00/160 A 0.94 0.72 150

NH 1/250 A 0.98 0.72 250
NH 2/400 A 0.99 0.78 250
NH 3/630 A 0.93 0.78 300
Circuit-breaker 160 A 0.76 0.72 200
250 A 0.77 0.74 200
400 A 0.77 0.74 200
630 A 0.7 0.64 300

Table 5/11: Selection table for xed-mounted design

5/26 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Plug-in design for motor loads, Size of withdrawable unit:

cable feeders, supplies  4 x 1/4M = 1 module
 2 x 1/2M = 1 module 2,200
 1 x 1M = 1 module A

For example suitable for:  1 x 2M = 2 modules up to 2,000

 Circuit-breaker-protected load  1 x 8M = 8 modules B
circuits up to 630 A Height of device mounting space: C
 Fuse-protected load circuits 1,750 mm (10 modules, 175 mm each) 1,600
up to 630 A Width of device mounting space: 600 mm

 Motor feeders w/o overload relay Width of cable connection space: 400 mm
 Withdrawable units w/o
communication link Cable connection: F

top or bottom 1,000 G

Vertical current distribution bar
in panel: 800 H
 Arcing-proof embedding The total current of all branch circuits
 Probe-proof (IP20B) must not exceed the rated current of 600

 Interphase insulation the vertical current distribution bar in K

 Tap openings in modular widths of the panel. L
175 mm Rated current of the vertical current 200
Panel width: 1,000 mm distribution bar: 0

Panel design 980 A (vented 35 C, e.g. IP20)

(1M = 1 module = 175 mm) 770 A (unvented 35 C, e.g. IP20)
Fig. 5/19: Panel in withdrawable-unit design

Reactive power compensation

Closed-loop controlled reactive power 2,200


compensation unit connected to the A

main busbar or separate installation:
 Without choking up to 500 kvar 1,800
per panel C
 With choking up to 250 kvar per 1,600
Panel width: 800 mm
1,200 F
Reactive power compensation
panels, non-choked 1,000 G
 Up to 5 modules with 100 kvar each
 1 controller module with fan 800

Reactive power compensation 600
panels, choked K
 Up to 5 modules with 50 kvar each 400
 Choking rate 5.67%/7% L
 1 controller module with fan 200

Fig. 5/20: Compensation panel

5/27 5
Calculation and determination of required Example:
capacitor power
Reactive work Wb = 19,000 kvarh per month
1. The electricity bill of the power supply company shows
Active work Ww = 16,660 kWh per month
the consumption of active work in kWh and reactive
work in kvarh; the company demands cos of 0.9 Mean power consumption
0.95; in order to cut costs, reactive work shall be Active work = 16,660 kWh
compensated to a value approximating cos = 1. = 92.6 kW
Working hours 180 h
Establishment of tan 1 = Reactive work =kvarh tan 1 = Reactive work =19,000 kWh = 1.14
Active work kWh Active work 16,660 kWh
2. Refer to Table 5/13 for the conversion factor f and Power factor cos 1 = 0.66 (for tan 1 = 1.14)
multiply it with the mean power consumption Pm.
Power factor cos 2 = 0.95 (desired)
With tan 1, cos 1 shows the power factor prior to
compensation, cos 2 shows in factor f the desired Conversion factor f = 0.81 (from tan 1 and cos 2)
power factor for compensation. Compensation power = Mean power x factor f
3. Required compensation power is indicated in kvar. = 92.6 kW x 0,81

Required compensation power: 75 kvar

Selection table for direct connection to main busbar

Reactive power per level Choking Modules Audio-frequency suppression or switch
[kvar] [kvar]
100 4 x 25
125 5 x 25
150 6 x 25
175 7 x 25
200 4 x 50
250 5 x 50
300 6 x 50
400 8 x 50
500 10 x 50
Further module variants on requests

Selection table for back-up fuse and connecting cable for separate installation
Reactive power per panel Choking Back-up fuse (for separate installation) Cable cross section (for separate
[kvar] [A] installation) [mm2]
100 250 120
125 300 150
150 355 2 x 70
175 400 2 x 95
200 500 2 x 120
250 630 2 x 150
300 2 x 355 2 x 185
400 2 x 500 4 x 120
500 2 x 630 4 x 150

Table 5/12: Selection tables for reactive power compensation

5/28 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Actual value (versus) conversion factor f

tan 1 cos 1 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 cos 2
= 0.70 = 0.75 = 0.80 = 0.82 = 0.85 = 0.87 = 0.90 = 0.92 = 0.95 = 0.97 = 1.00

4.90 0.20 3.88 4.02 4.15 4.20 4.28 4,33 4.41 4.47 4.57 4.65 4.90
3.87 0.25 2.85 2.99 3.12 3.17 3.25 3.31 3.39 3.45 3.54 3.62 3.87
3.18 0.30 2.16 2.30 2.43 2.48 2.56 2.61 2.70 2.75 2.85 2.93 3.18
2.68 0.35 1.66 1.79 1.93 1.98 2.06 2.11 2.19 2.25 2.35 2.43 2.68
2.29 0.40 1.27 1.41 1.54 1.59 1.67 1.72 1.81 1.87 1.96 2.04 2.29
2.16 0.42 1.14 1.28 1.41 1.46 1.54 1.59 1.68 1.74 1.83 1.91 2.16
2.04 0.44 1.02 1.16 1.29 1.34 1.42 1.47 1.56 1.62 1.71 1.79 2.04
1.93 0.46 0.91 1.05 1.18 1.23 1.31 1.36 1.45 1.50 1.60 1.68 1.93
1.83 0.48 0.81 0.95 1.08 1.13 1.21 1.26 1.34 1.40 1.50 1.58 1.83
1.73 0.50 0.71 0.85 0.98 1.03 1.11 1.17 1.25 1.31 1.40 1.48 1.73
1.64 0.52 0.62 0.76 0.89 0.94 1.02 1.08 1.16 1.22 1.31 1.39 1.64
1.56 0.54 0.54 0.68 0.81 0.86 0.94 0.99 1.07 1.13 1.23 1.31 1.56
1.48 0.56 0.46 0.60 0.73 0.78 0.86 0.91 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.23 1.48
1.40 0.58 0.38 0.52 0.65 0.71 0.78 0.84 0.92 0.98 1.08 1.15 1.40
1.33 0.60 0.31 0.45 0.58 0.64 0.71 0.77 0.85 0.91 1.00 1.08 1.33
1.27 0.62 0.25 0.38 0.52 0.57 0.65 0.70 0.78 0.84 0.94 1.01 1.27
1.20 0.64 0.18 0.32 0.45 0.50 0.58 0.63 0.72 0.77 0.87 0.95 1.20
1.14 0.66 0.12 0.26 0.39 0.44 0.52 0.57 0.65 0.71 0.81 0.89 1.14
1.08 0.68 0.06 0.20 0.33 0.38 0.46 0.51 0.59 0.65 0.75 0.83 1.08
1.02 0.70 0.14 0.27 0.32 0.40 0.45 0.54 0.59 0.69 0.77 1.02
0.96 0.72 0.08 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.54 0.63 0.71 0.96
0.91 0.74 0.03 0.16 0.21 0.29 0.34 0.42 0.48 0.58 0.66 0.91
0.86 0.76 0.11 0.16 0.24 0.29 0.37 0.43 0.53 0.60 0.86
0.80 0.78 0.05 0.10 0.18 0.24 0.32 0.38 0.47 0.55 0.80
0.75 0.80 0.05 0.13 0.18 0.27 0.32 0.42 0.50 0.75
0.70 0.82 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.27 0.37 0.45 0.70
0.65 0.84 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.32 0.40 0.65
0.59 0.86 0.03 0.11 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.59
0.54 0.88 0.06 0.11 0.21 0.29 0.54
0.48 0.90 0.06 0.16 0.23 0.48
0.43 0.92 0.10 0.18 0.43
0.36 0.94 0.03 0.11 0.36
0.29 0.96 0.01 0.29
0.20 0.98 0.20

Table 5/13: Determination table for required compensation power

5/29 5
 Easy and transparent planning are installed between transformer and
5.4 Busbar  High service life main distribution board, and also
Trunking Systems  High availability connect the subdistribution level.
 Low fire load
Trunking units without tap-off points
 Flexible adaptation to changes
5.4.1 General in the building
are here used for power transmission.
These trunking units are available in
When a planning concept for power Most applications suggest the use of
standard lengths. Besides the stand-
supply is developed, it is not only suitable busbar trunking systems to
ard lengths, the customer can also
imperative to observe standards and meet these requirements. For this
choose a custom length from various
regulations, it is also important to reason, engineering companies in-
length ranges to suit specific con-
discuss and clarify economic and creasingly prefer busbar trunking to
structive requirements.
technical interrelations. The rating cable installation for power transmis-
and selection of electric equipment, sion and distribution. Siemens offers
Power distribution
such as distribution boards and trans- busbar trunking systems ranging from
formers, must be performed in such a 25 A to 6,300 A. Power distribution is the main area of
way that an optimum result for the application for busbar trunking sys-
power system as whole is kept in tems. This means that electricity
5.4.2 Planning Notes cannot just be tapped from a fixed
mind rather than focusing individual
Considering the complexity of modern point which was defined once and for
building projects, transparency and all, as with cable installation. Tapping
All components must be sufficiently flexibility of power distribution are points can be varied and changed as
rated to withstand normal operating indispensable requirements. In indus- desired within the entire power distri-
conditions as well as fault conditions. try, the focus is on continuous energy bution system.
Further important aspects to be supply as an essential prerequisite for In order to tap electricity, you just
considered for the preparation of an multi-shift production. Busbar trunk- have to plug a tap box on the busbar
energy concept are: ing systems meet all these require- at its tapping point. This way, a varia-
 Type, use and shape of the building ments on efficient power distribution ble distribution system is created for
(e.g. high-rise building, low-rise by being easily planned, quickly linear and/or area-wide, decentralized
building, multi-story building) installed and providing a high degree power supply. Tap-off points are
 Load centers and possible power of flexibility, reliability and safety. The provided on either or just one side on
transmission routes and locations main advantages of busbar trunking the straight tap boxes.
for transformers and main systems are
For each busbar trunking system, a
distribution boards  Straightforward network wide range of tap boxes is available
 Building-related connection values configuration for the connection of equipment and
according to specific area loads that  Low space requirements electricity supply.
correspond to the buildings type of  Easy retrofitting in case of on-the-
use spot changes of locations and
 Statutory provisions and conditions connected loads of equipment
imposed by building authorities  High short-circuit strength and low
 Requirements by the power fire load
distribution network operator  Increased planning security

The result will never be a one-way

Power transmission
solution. Several options are to be
assessed in terms of their technical Power from the transformer to the
and economic impacts. The following low-voltage switchgear is transmitted
requirements are in the center of by suitable components in the busbar
attention: trunking system. These components

5/30 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution


Checklist for busbar trunking systems

Project name


Planning engineer

Rated operating voltage

Rated current
(dependent on degree of protection and type of installation)

Ambient temperature

Degree of protection

Network  TN-S  TN-S (EMC-friendly)  TN-C

configuration  TN-C-S  TT  IT

Type-tested low-voltage switchgear and  Yes

controlgear assembly connection to LVMD
Conductor configuration  L1, L2, L3
 PE = casing

Maximum voltage drop (from supply to busbar

to the final load feeder)

Number of fire walls

(wall lead-through bushings)

Proportion of busbars with fire walls (in m)

Fastening/routing of busbar
Busbar layout drawing (incl. lengths and loads)

5/31 5

Fig. 5/21: Busbar layout drawing

5/32 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Busbar trunking Rated Rated Frequency Number of Degree of Ambient Mounting Length Tap-off Tap-off Material Combustive Remarks
systems current operational active protection temperature position points units energy
voltage conductors min./max.
[A] [V AC] [Hz] [C] [m] kWh/m

CD 30 400 50 60 2. 3, 4. 2 x 4 IP54 5 / + 40 Edgewise 2 On one side: Up to 16 A Insulated 0.1 0.48

40 (PE = enclosure) 3 every 0.5 or 1 m Al or Cu
2 x 25 On both sides: conductors,
every 0.5 or 1 m painted sheet-
steel housing

BD01 40 400 50 60 4 IP54 Edgewise, 2 On one side: Up to 63 A Insulated 0.76 Can be combined
63 (PE = enclosure) flat 3 every 0.5 or 1 m Al or Cu with networkable
100 (tap-off busbars, tap-off units for
NSV0_00241 125 points painted lighting control
160 downwards) sheet-steel systems

Table 5/14: Overview of busbar trunking range from 25 to 6,300 A

BD2A 160 400 690 50 60 5 IP52, 5 / + 40 Horizontal 0.5 3.25 Without, Up to 400 A Insulated 0.6 0.67 Can be combined
BD2C 500 1250 IP54 with edgewise, on both sides: Al or Cu (without with networkable
accessories horizontal every 0.25 or busbars, tap-off tap-off units for
IP55 on flat 0.5 m offset painted sheet- points) lighting control
request and vertical steel housing systems, remote
switching and load

LDA1 LDA8 1100 4000 1000 50 60 4 oder 5 IP34, 5 / + 40 Horizontal 0.5 3.2 Without, Up to 1,250 A Insulated, 4.16 8.83 Information about
LDC2 LDC8 2000 5000 IP54 edgewise, on both sides: Al or Cu (without the LD and LX sys-
horizontal every 1 m busbars, tap-off tems: from your
flat on both sides: painted sheet- points) Siemens sales outlet
and vertical every 1 m steel housing
Can be combined
with networkable
tap-off units for
remote switching
and load

LXC01 LXC10 800 4500 690 50 60 3. 4, 5. 6 IP54, 5 / + 40 Horizontal 0.35 3 Without, bis 1,250 A Insulated 1.95 11.07
1000 6300 (PE = enclosure) IP55 with edgewise, on one sides: Al or Cu (without
accessories horizontal every 0.5 m, busbars, tap-off
flat on both sides: painted sheet- points)
and vertical every 0.5 m steel housing

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution


6 4
3 B




Fig. 5/22: Overview of busbar trunking systems

5/34 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.4.3 System Range max. 1,250 A 6 Networked busbar trunking

3 BD2 system
max. 40 A  Networking of functional extensions
 Easy and fast planning
1 CD system to be combined with the above
 Time-saving and economical
described tap boxes
 Reduction of planning costs thanks installation
to easy configuration  Safe and reliable operation
Large-scale lighting control
 Time-saving installation due to  Flexible, modular system providing
Remote control and signaling in
plug-in rapid contacting uncomplicated solutions for every
industrial environments
 Optimal utilization of a busbar spur application
Consumption metering of distrib-
line due to tap-off points on both  Makes power distribution planning
uted load feeders
sides in advance possible, without precise
 Bus systems EIB, AS-i, LON
 Even current load on all conductors knowledge of equipment locations
 Easy and fast planning
in the CD system by allocation of  Ready to use in no time thanks to
 Flexible adjustment to system
the connected tap-off sections to fast and easy installation
extensions and modifications
the different phases, flexible use  High degree of protection IP54 for
 Modular system
thanks to high degree of protection use in harsh industrial
 Retrofitting to existing installations
IP54 in the standard version environments, IP55 on request
 Fast and flexible change of equip-  Innovative construction, making
 Easy contacting of the bus line to
ment locations using the tap-off expansion units to compensate for
insulation-penetrating terminals
elements (even with live systems) tensile stress unnecessary
 For use with the systems BD01,
max. 5,000 A BD2, LD, LX
max. 160 A
2 BD01 system 4 LD system

 Flexible power supply The perfect busbar trunking system

 Variable changes of direction in the for power distribution in industrial
busbar routing possible environments.
 Easy and fast planning  Safe and reliable operation
 Time-saving installation  Easy and rapid mounting
 Reliable mechanical and electrical  Space-saving, compact design, up
connection technique to 5,000 A in one casing
 High stability, low weight  For load feeders up to 1,250 A
 Forced opening and closing  Type-tested connection to
of the tap-off point distribution board and transformer
 Multi-purpose tap boxes
 Small number of basic modules max. 6,300 A
 Storage-friendly system
 High degree of protection IP54 for 5 LX system
tap-off points facing sideways and The ideal busbar trunking system for
to the bottom for extreme environ- power transmission and distribution
mental conditions, otherwise IP50 in buildings.
Detailed information on this system
can be obtained from your Siemens
Sales Office or Siemens Technology

5/35 5
5.5 Subdistribution A lot of subdistribution boards are
installed in confined spaces, recesses
tures, special attention must be paid
to the maximum permissible power
Systems or narrow corridors. This often results loss referred to the distribution board
in a high device packing density. In size, its degree of protection and the
Subdistribution systems are available in
order to prevent device failures or ambient temperature.
ush-mounted or surface-mounted
even fire caused by excess tempera-
design and as oor-mounted cabinets.

Distribution board Cabinet Outer dimensions Inner dimensions Modular Degree of Safety class Max. permissible power loss
for max. current depth HxB HxB widths protection of device Pv for built-in
carrying capacity IP devices at overtemperature
up to: 30 K, ambient temperature
35 C
[A] [mm] [mm] [mm] [pcs.] [W]
630 250 1,950 x 300 1,800 x 250 144 55 2 129
630 250 1,950 x 550 1,800 x 500 288 55 2 182
630 250 1,950 x 800 1,800 x 750 432 55 2 324
630 250 1,950 x 1,050 1,800 x 1,000 576 55 2 410
630 250 1,950 x 1,300 1,800 x 1,250 720 55 2 466
630 210 1,950 x 300 1,800 x 250 144 43 1 110
630 210 1,950 x 550 1,800 x 500 288 43 1 124
630 210 1,950 x 800 1,800 x 750 432 43 1 278
630 210 1,950 x 1,050 1,800 x 1,000 576 43 1 384
630 210 1,950 x 1,300 1,800 x 1,250 720 43 1 440
630 320 1,950 x 300 1,800 x 250 144 55 2 155
630 320 1,950 x 550 1,800 x 500 288 55 2 262
630 320 1,950 x 800 1,800 x 750 432 55 2 384
630 320 1,950 x 1,050 1,800 x 1,000 576 55 2 448
630 320 1,950 x 1,300 1,800 x 1,250 720 55 2 514
630 320 1,950 x 300 1,800 x 250 144 55 1 155
630 320 1,950 x 550 1,800 x 500 288 55 1 262
630 320 1,950 x 800 1,800 x 750 432 55 1 384
630 320 1,950 x 1,050 1,800 x 1,000 576 55 1 448
630 320 1,950 x 1,300 1,800 x 1,250 720 55 1 514
400 210 650 x 300 600 x 250 48 43 1+2 50
400 210 650 x 550 600 x 500 96 43 1+2 78
400 210 650 x 800 600 x 750 144 43 1+2 109
400 210 650 x 1,050 600 x 1,000 192 43 1+2 130
400 210 650 x 1,300 600 x 1,250 240 43 1+2 158
400 210 800 x 300 750 x 250 60 43 1+2 60
400 210 800 x 550 750 x 500 120 43 1+2 90
400 210 800 x 800 750 x 750 180 43 1+2 118
400 210 800 x 1,050 750 x 1,000 240 43 1+2 150
400 210 800 x 1,300 750 x 1,250 300 43 1+2 194
400 210 950 x 300 900 x 250 72 43 1+2 68
400 210 950 x 550 900 x 500 144 43 1+2 102
400 210 950 x 800 900 x 750 216 43 1+2 131
400 210 950 x 1,050 900 x 1,000 288 43 1+2 176
400 210 950 x 1,300 900 x 1,250 360 43 1+2 239
400 210 1,100 x 300 1,050 x 250 84 43 1+2 77
400 210 1,100 x 550 1,050 x 500 168 43 1+2 107

400 210 1,100 x 800 1,050 x 750 252 43 1+2 148

Table 5/15: Maximum power loss at an ambient temperature of 35 C

5/36 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Distribution board Cabinet Outer dimensions Inner dimensions Modular Degree of Safety class Max. permissible power loss
for max. current depth HxB HxB widths protection of device Pv for built-in
carrying capacity IP devices at overtemperature
up to: 30 K, ambient temperature
35 C
[A] [mm] [mm] [mm] [pcs.] [W]

400 210 1,100 x 1,050 1,050 x 1,000 336 43 1+2 208

400 210 1,100 x 1,300 1,050 x 1,250 420 43 1+2 290
400 210 1,250 x 300 1,200 x 250 96 43 1+2 85
400 210 1,250 x 550 1,200 x 500 192 43 1+2 114
400 210 1,250 x 800 1,200 x 750 288 43 1+2 168
400 210 1,250 x 1,050 1,200 x 1,000 384 43 1+2 247
400 210 1,250 x 1,300 1,200 x 1,250 480 43 1+2 338
400 210 1,400 x 300 1,350 x 250 108 43 1+2 94
400 210 1,400 x 550 1,350 x 500 216 43 1+2 122
400 210 1,400 x 800 1,350 x 750 324 43 1+2 194
400 210 1,400 x 1,050 1,350 x 1,000 432 43 1+2 288
400 210 1,400 x 1,300 1,350 x 1,250 540 43 1+2 378
400 210 950 x 300 900 x 250 72 55 1+2 68
400 210 950 x 550 900 x 500 144 55 1+2 102
400 210 950 x 800 900 x 750 216 55 1+2 131
400 210 950 x 1,050 900 x 1,000 288 55 1+2 176
400 210 950 x 1,300 900 x 1,250 360 55 1+2 219
400 210 1,100 x 300 1,050 x 250 84 55 1+2 77
400 210 1,100 x 550 1,050 x 500 168 55 1+2 107
400 210 1,100 x 800 1,050 x 750 252 55 1+2 148
400 210 1,100 x 1,050 1,050 x 1,000 336 55 1+2 208
400 210 1,100 x 1,300 1,050 x 1,250 420 55 1+2 290
400 210 1,250 x 300 1,200 x 250 96 55 1+2 85
400 210 1,250 x 550 1,200 x 500 192 55 1+2 102
400 210 1,250 x 800 1,200 x 750 288 55 1+2 168
400 210 1,250 x 1,050 1,200 x 1,000 384 55 1+2 247
400 210 1,250 x 1,300 1,200 x 1,250 480 55 1+2 338
400 210 1,400 x 300 1,350 x 250 108 55 1+2 96
400 210 1,400 x 550 1,350 x 500 216 55 1+2 132
400 210 1,400 x 800 1,350 x 750 324 55 1+2 194
400 210 1,400 x 1,050 1,350 x 1,000 432 55 1+2 288
400 210 1,400 x 1,300 1,350 x 1,250 540 55 1+2 378
160 140 500 x 300 450 x 250 21 43 2 34
160 140 500 x 550 450 x 500 34 43 2 57
160 140 500 x 800 450 x 750 49 43 2 80
160 140 650 x 300 600 x 250 25 43 2 42
160 140 650 x 550 600 x 500 41 43 2 68
160 140 650 x 800 600 x 750 58 43 2 96
160 140 650 x 1,050 600 x 1,000 75 43 2 124
160 140 800 x 300 750 x 250 30 43 2 49
160 140 800 x 550 750 x 500 47 43 2 78
160 140 800 x 800 750 x 750 66 43 2 109
160 140 800 x 1,050 750 x 1,000 81 43 2 133
160 140 950 x 300 900 x 250 34 43 2 56
160 140 950 x 550 900 x 500 54 43 2 89
160 140 950 x 800 900 x 750 68 43 2 112
160 140 950 x 1,050 900 x 1,000 87 43 2 144
160 140 1,100 x 300 1,050 x 250 39 43 2 64
160 140 1,100 x 550 1,050 x 500 60 43 2 100
160 140 1,100 x 800 1,050 x 750 73 43 2 121
160 140 1,100 x 1,050 1,050 x 1,000 102 43 2 168

5/37 5
 DC link with battery system about 10 or 15 kVA, if demand is
5.6 Uninterruptible  UPS output for load feeding higher, 400 V should be preferred.
Power Supply  Signaling and communication Owing to the rectification of the
 Redundancy and availability alternating input voltage by the UPS,
Systems (UPS) there will be system perturbations on
Relevant guidelines and descriptions This short description must necessar- the input network. Stable supply
of UPS systems as well as further ily neglect mutual interrelations and networks, as they are now typical for
references can be found in the follow- numerous other details not mention- Germany, permit a relatively high
ing standards: ed here. To consider these aspects input current distortion factor (THDI)
and integrate them in the overall (VDEW recommends THDI < 30 %). In
 EN 62040-1: General requirements weaker networks, the impact of high
project is the planners task.
and safety requirements for UPS UPS system perturbations may signifi-
 EN 62040-2: Requirements on cantly affect the environment in the
Design and installation
electromagnetic compatibility input network. This is also true for a
(EMC) 230-V floor-mounted models are only
redundant, standby power supply
 EN 62040-3: For the specification of used for single PC terminals or small
(RPS) which is to take over supply in
performance and testing computer networks in one room, or
the event of a power failure. For this
requirements for single applications up to a power
case, a harmonization of the RPS
demand of about 20 kVA. If the indi-
output to the input conditions at the
Planning notes for vidual server cabinet provides enough
UPS must be ensured, or alternatively
space, a suitable 19-inch version may
UPS systems be installed. Special attention must
a UPS with a special reduction method
for system perturbations e.g. by
Classication of UPS types here be paid to sufficient ventilation,
means of filters, 12-pulse rectifier
The classification of static USP types noise emission and EMC require-
circuits or a transistor-controlled
has been described in the European ments. 19-inch solutions for power
rectifier should be selected.
standard EN 62040-3. A UPS meets demands above 20 kVA dont make
the highest requirements according to sense, as the built-in devices and
DC link with battery system
the VFI-SS-111 classification of this batteries would use up a lot of pre-
standard. This requirement is usually cious cabinet space. In order to buffer switching faults in
met by a permanent double transfor- the input network, a battery is nowa-
For a power demand of 10 kVA and
mation of alternating voltage (single- days used for cost-benefit reasons.
more, as is well in reach for modern
or three-phase) with fusing in a DC Battery rating depends on the follow-
computer and server rooms up to
link. ing:
veritable data centers, central solu-
These UPS types, known as on-line tions are typically configured, featur-  DC link voltage of the UPS
ing a 400-V three-phase connection.  Required bridging time in the event
UPS, are used for an output power
USP and battery installation in an air- of a power failure
above 10 kVA today. The following
conditioned and vented room of its  Desired service life of the battery
explanations refer to this technology.
own is to be preferred. The data blocks
For double-transformer UPS types, a provided by the manufacturer on  Room conditions for ventilation and
description of the four essential power loss and air flow through the battery block checks
system groups (rectifier, battery, UPS as well as the required ambient Owing to electrochemical processes
converter, bypass) and their require- temperature for battery blocks must
and interacting ambient conditions,
ments with regard to installation and be observed for air conditioning.
the battery is subject to ageing, which
availability may present a straightfor-
directly affects the performance of the
ward planning aid. It contains the Supply network input
blocks. Single-block monitoring can
Dependent on the power demand, a reduce service overhead on the one
 Design and installation UPS featuring 230 V input voltage hand and increase the availability of
 Supply network input should be chosen for a demand up to battery power on the other.

5/38 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

UPS output for load supply and parameterization. connected to the load circuits. In the
event of a fault, this UPS then creates
Besides the required active power, the In a central UPS arrangement, the
a high-quality supply voltage utilizing
load-side power rating for a UPS monitoring unit is rather not placed in
the bypass of the first UPS. As there is
system also takes the phase interrela- the installation room, so that interfac-
no load distribution, this UPS stays on
tions between output voltage and ing to a data network, such as Ether-
standby during normal operation.
current into account. By means of net per SNMP, or an industrial net-
The utilization of the primary UPS is
suitable filtering measures to improve work like PROFIBUS must be possible.
higher, and thus losses are lower.
the output voltage quality, UPS output The same applies to emergency signal-
currents may be emitted phase- ing using floating contacts. Suitable
Parallel redundancy
delayed towards voltage waves. Many connections shall be provided for this
of the power supply units nowadays as well. When UPS telemonitoring is Parallel redundancy means that two or
integrated in computers and servers outsourced to the UPS manufacturer more UPS units supply the load circuits
show this power input quality which is or its representative, the UPS can together. This always requires an
communicate with the service center electronic harmonization of the individ-
characterized by a so-called inductive
via a separate telephone line. Active ual UPS units, usually by means of a
power factor (lagging current wave)
messaging in which the UPS imme- parallel-control system. If n UPS units
between 0.6 and 0.9.
diately signals problems and faults are sufcient to supply the load cir-
Modern power supply units are provid- upon occurrence, informing compe- cuits, we speak of (n+1) redundancy,
ed with a power factor compensa- tent authorities, such as the service if the load is shared by n+1 USP units.
tion, so that phase displacement does center, technician and the data center The advantage lies in the fact that in
not occur any more and pure active operator, if necessary, by a sequence case of an unexpected power demand,
power is taken in by the UPS. If loads of measures would be the optimal an (n+1) load consumption can be
requiring large capacitors, e.g. for solution. covered. But a fault in a UPS unit
filtering, are connected to the UPS, would due to the resulting overload
the entire load system may also have Redundancy and availability lead to a switchover to the bypass.
a so-called capacitive load perfor- In addition to the quality of individual In a mirrored arrangement for high-
mance factor (current wave running components, there are three different security applications, the complete
leading voltage wave), which must be types of redundancies which should UPS system is built in parallel ((n+n)
taken into account for UPS sizing. be kept in mind for UPS applications: redundancy). (n+1) redundancy for
The possibilities for selective protec- the individual system can also be
tion upstream and downstream of the Internal redundancy provided here, for example,
UPS and the short-circuit behavior of Internal redundancy is, for example, (n+1)+(n+1) redundancy.
the UPS have an impact on power provided by the electronic bypass. If
distribution in the load network. What there is a fault in the double-transform-
is important for UPS engineering is er path, or in case of overload, the
that the option of a bypass for safe UPS automatically switches to the
triggering of a short-circuit fuse is also bypass path without any interruption.
included in the planning. Individual components, such as the
UPS fans, may also be laid out redun-
Signaling and communication dant.
For a decentralized UPS in an office,
Standby redundancy
an LED display and an acoustic signal
are sufficient to meet the essential Standby redundancy makes up for the
requirements on signaling UPS status, disadvantage of the electronic bypass.
load requirements and alarm. A serial The output of the second UPS is
interface (possibly a USB port) should connected to the separate input of
be provided for PC-based monitoring electronic bypass of the UPS, which is

5/39 5
Checklist on basic specications for the UPS system

Note: This checklist cannot substitute detailed expert planning and it

does not claim to be complete!

Rated power, load-side

Active power required
Apparent power required
Required load performance factor (cos cap./ind.) /
Voltage and frequency required

Input supply
Source network and type of connection to ground
Permissible system perturbations
Voltage and frequency

Installation and environment

 Central installation in separate room
 Decentralized, 19 network or 19 server cabinets
 Decentralized, oor-mounted in the computer or
ofce room
Electromagnetic susceptibility
Climatic conditions (ventilation, room temperature )

Power failure bridging time, shutdown and monitoring

Battery buffering time at 100% load
Battery service life
Battery capacity
DC link voltage

Signaling  Serial  USB port

 Ethernet  Contacts
Shutdown  Single system
 Parallel system
 Multi-step server shutdown
Alarm and messaging system (e.g. via SMS)  Yes
Telemonitoring  Yes

Increased system availability by means of  Standby redundancy
 Parallel redundancy
 Mirrored power supply systems

5/40 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.7 Standby Characteristic Interruption time t

Power Supply non-interruptible: t=0s

In the event of mains failures or very short: t 0.15 s

faults, standby power supply (also short: 0.15 s < t < 0.5 s
redundant power supply, RPS) for
medium: 0.5 s < t < 15 s
buildings may be necessary for two
reasons: long: t 15 s

1. There may be regulations on elec-

Table 5/16: Classication of power sources according to interruption times in compliance
trical equipment imposed by authori- with DIN VDE 0100-300
ties regarding the power supply of life
safety equipment, such as emergency Unit output Unit size Recommended room size
lighting, elevators for firefighters, at 50 Hz Length x Width x Height Length x Width x Height
elevators for the evacuation of peo- Load factor 75% [mm] [m]
ple, fire-fighting systems. 1,074 kVA 4,000 x 1,500 x 2,100 17 x 7 x 4
In these cases, the relevant national 1,446 kVA 4,400 x 1,500 x 2,100 18 x 7 x 4
statutory provisions and/or standards
1,596 kVA 4,400 x 1,500 x 2,100 18 x 7 x 4
must be observed, e.g. DIN VDE 0100
Part 710 Erection of low-voltage 1,920 kVA 4,900 x 1,500 x 2,100 19 x 7 x 4
installations Requirements for
2,112 kVA 4,900 x 1,500 x 2,100 19 x 7 x 4
special installations or locations
Medical locations or DIN VDE 0100 2,640 kVA 6,000 x 1,700 x 2,550 20 x 7 x 4
Part 718 Installations for gathering 2,904 kVA 6,000 x 1,700 x 2,550 20 x 7 x 4
of people.
2. There may also be increased econo- Table 5/17: Sizes of MTU power generation units and recommended room sizes for installation
mic and technical demands from
customers: Power failures/interrup-
tions of supply encountered in indus-
trial processes may cause great
damage on machinery and loss of Deflector hood
Day-supply tank
production (e.g. glass production,
chemical processes, data centers etc.). Exhaust air
1st exhaust muffler
Example: diesel unit
Weather protection Weather protection shutter
For use as normal standby power shutter
supply unit (t 15 s) or as rapid- Exhaust air sound insulation
response emergency power supply
(t 1 s) Flap shutter
(Fig. 5/23, 5/24). Fan
Switchgear cabinet
2nd exhaust muffler
Diesel unit
Starter battery
Intake air Shutter
Intake air sound insulation

Fig. 5/23: Exemplary layout of a power generating unit plus all accessories necessary to complete
a power generation plant

5/41 5
 Room dimensions approx.
10 m x 8 m x 4 m (L x W x H)
 2 x day-supply tank for 1,000 l
 1 x storage tank for 8,000 l
 Consumption per unit at 200 kW
approx. 50 l/h
 Consumption at full load per
unit 120 l/h
 Waste heat approx. 70% of
unit output (2 x 440 kW)

Fig. 5/24: Exemplary layout of two standard power generating units 630 kVA (t 15 s)

5/42 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Checklist for power generating units

Project name


Planning engineer

Unit output (kW)

Power (kW) which must be substituted

immediately after mains failure

Information on loads
(heavy-duty starting or special characteristics)

Power factor (cos phi)

Nominal voltage [V]

Nominal frequency [Hz]

Number of phases

Network configuration  TN-S  TN-S (EMC-friendly)  TN-C


Fuel  Diesel  Gasoline  Natural gas

Required operating time at nominal power without refueling (h)

Type of cooling for combustion engine

 Air cooling  Liquid cooling

Operating mode  Time-limited operation  Emergency power supply

 Peak-load supply  Stand-alone

 Parallel operation with other power generating units

Expected annual operating hours (h)

UPS load 

Type of installation  Stationary  Transportation  Movable


Weather impact  Indoor installation  Outdoor installation, weather-protected

 Outdoor, open air installation

Ambient air temperature

Altitude of installation above sea level

Air pollution by  Sand/Dust  Chemicals


Noise limit
(maximum level in dB)

Exhaust gas emission limits

5/43 5
Fig. 5/25:
Proportion of non- yes
Load structure
linear loads > 20 %

no Active filtering
Draining of Filtering of harmonics
Compensation or draining no up to the 40th order
Compensation harmonics, passive filter circuit with Flicker compensator
of harmonics reactive power of fundamental Balancing
component filters Filtering of harmonics
of the3rd order
Dynamic reactive
yes power compensation
no Resonance with yes Hybrid systems
Resonances higher-level network
must be

Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

AF remote AF remote AF remote AF remote AF remote
control system no no n0 yes
control system in control system in control system in control system in
in the network the network the network the network the network

yes yes yes no

Planning aid for selecting reactive power compensation products

yes Filtering of
harmonic content of
no no no the 3rd order
5.8 Reactive Power Compensation

Audio frequency > 250 Hz > 250 Hz > 350 Hz

yes yes yes no

Active filtering
< 250 Hz Filtering of harmonics
Harmonic voltage no up to the 40th order
yes yes
level Flicker compensator
U 5 < 2% and Balancing
U 7 < 2% Dynamic
no yes

Non-choked capacitor, 7% choked > = 190 Hz 4RF36 Modlcon active,
but with special AF 4RF16 < = 190 Hz 4RF34 wall-mounted devices
suppression, on request or 4RF19 (14%)
Non-choked capacitor Non-choked capacitors 5.67% choked Tuned filter Modlcon active,
or control units with and control units 4RF16 circuit 4RF14, shelved devices
AF suppression 4RB / 4RD / on request
4RY36, 4RY38 4RY18 / 4RY19
for class 1 networks
Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Checklist for reactive power

Which loads must be compensated?

 Ohmic loads, such as incandescent lamps, resistance heaters etc.

 no compensation required
 Inductive linear loads, such as motors, transformers, reactance coils etc.
 non-choked compensation required
 Inductive non-linear loads, such as power converters for variable-speed drives, welding machines, arc furnaces,
rectifiers, electronic valves, thyristors, brightness and temperature controllers, three-phase AC controllers and AC
power controllers, frequency converters, USP systems, discharge lamps with electronic controlgear
 choked compensation required if proportion of above listed loads > 20%

Caution! Choked and non-choked capacitors must not be combined, because intermediate resonances put an additional load on the power system.

2. What is the power demand and ON time of the equipment (load)?

 Constant power demand and long ON times

 single or group-wise fixed compensation
 Variable power demand and ON time
 controlled centralized compensation

3. How must the compensation system be rated (kvar)?

Calculation methods
a) Known: Reactive power price, monthly cost for reactive work, monthly operating hours

Monthly cost for reactive work [EUR]

= Power of the control unit [kvar]
Monthly operating hours [h] x reactive power price [EUR/kvarh]

b) Known: Calculated reactive work in kvarh per month, monthly operating hours

Monthly calculated reactive work [kvar]

= Power of the control unit [kvar]
Monthly operating hours [h]

c) Known: cos operational, active power, desired cos

Active power operational [kW] x factor f = Compensation power [kvar]

Known cos 0.75 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.95
Factor f for compensation
to cos = 0.9 0.40 0.27 0.22 0.16 0.11 0.06
to cos = 1.0 0.86 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.48 0.33

5/45 5
d) Known: Monthly active work acc. to active-work meter, monthly reactive work acc. to reactive-work meter,
monthly operating hours

Monthly reactive work [kvarh] monthly active work [kWh] x 0.5

= Power of the control unit [kvar]
Monthly operating hours [h]

0.5 for compensation to cos = 0.9

4. If a choked compensation system is required, which type of reactor shall be selected?

Filtering of harmonic content (HC) and suppression effect against audio frequencies (AF) is different (see item 6):
p-14% HC of the 5th order is drained up to max. 10%
p-7% HC of the 5th order is drained up to max. 30%
p-5.67% HC of the 5th order is drained up to max. 50%
Filter circuit HC is drained up to 90%

5. Further technical data

Nominal network voltage/frequency V/ . . . Hz

Control voltage/frequency V/ . . . Hz
Degree of protection IP . . .

6. Is audio frequency remote control available in the network of the power utility?

If yes, inquire the audio requency (AF) . . . Hz from the power utility!

System selection is performed under consideration of the AF:

a) Non-choked system
TF < 250 Hz:
No special measures necessary, if capacitor power QC 35% of rated transformer power Sr.
For QC > 0.35 Sr, please clarify with the responsible power supply network operator whether audio frequency
suppression is required.
TF > 250 Hz:
No special measures necessary if QC 10 kvar. For QC > 10 kvar, units with audio fequency suppression must be used.
An alternative in case of fixed compensation > 10 kvar is choking by 7%.

b) Choked system
AF > 350 Hz:
All choking methods (5.67%, 7%, 14%) possible without additional measures
AF > 250 Hz:
Chokin 7% possible
TAF < 250 Hz:
only 14% choking or special line reactor must be used

5/46 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.8.1 Economic Advantages of Reactive Source: Brochure Klimaschutz durch Blindleistungs-

Power Compensation kompensation [Climate Protection with Reactive
Power Compensation], published by Fachverband
Starkstromkondensatoren im Zentralverband Elek-
trotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.,
Berlin, 2001

Cutting reactive energy costs

Electricity bill (yearly data, excerpt)
The model company shall be an industrial enterprise with an Work, day rate 2,000,000 kWh
average power consumption of 500 kW, an average cos of 0.7
and 4,000 annual operating hours. Their power supply contract Reactive work, day rate 2,040,408 kvarh
allows them to draw 50% of active work as reactive work free of Reactive work, free of charge 1,000,000 kvarh
charge. This corresponds to a required cos of 0.9. Without
reactive power compensation, the company would pay 9,575 Reactive work, remaining charge 1,040,408 kvarh
EUR per year to the power utility for reactive work. In order to x 0.009 EUR/kvarh 9,575 EUR
compensate to cos = 0.9, reactive power compensation of 268
Reactive power compensation 268 kvar
kvar is required. Often, the next higher system is selected, a
300-kvar system in this case. A payback period of less than a Reactive power compensation system 300 kvar
year demonstrates the efficiency of reactive power compensation.
Investment incl. installation 7,600 EUR

Payback period 0.8 years

Additional saving of active energy costs for power losses

Loss-to-cost evaluation
Like any other energy consumer, the model company has losses Transformer capacity 800 kVA
in their own network and pays active energy costs for them.
Thanks to reactive power compensation, the apparent power Installed apparent power 714 kVA
present in the company network is reduced and thus the losses Transformer and line losses 10.0 kW
and active energy costs as well. For evaluation, the inherent
losses of reactive power compensation itself must be assessed. Reactive power compensation 268 kvar
Besides saving reactive power costs, the reactive power com- Apparent power, compensated 556 kVA
pensation system in this example also reduces active energy
Transformer and line losses, compensated 6.8 kW
costs by more than 785 EUR per year.
Gross loss reduction 3.2 kW

Loss of reactive power compensation 0.6 kW

Net loss reduction 2.6 kW

Loss reduction for active work 10,232 kWh/a

Active work costs incl. EEG,

KWKG, electricity tax 0.077 EUR/kWh

Losses, cost reduction 785 EUR/a

5/47 5
Cutting investment costs
Investment for network extension
Our model company plans to extend existing loads of 500 kW Installed active power 500 kW
by 200 kW. The installed transformer with a capacity of 800 kVA
was sufficient so far, but it would be overloaded after the Power factor 0.7
extension. Hence, a network extension including transformer, Installed apparent power 714 kVA
switchgear, cabling, distribution would be necessary.
Transformer capacity 800 kVA
In this case, the apparent power can be reduced by reactive
Transformer load 71%
power compensation to such an extent that the existing net-
work configuration is sufficient. A reactive power compensation Active power after extension 700 kW
system is much more cost-effective than a network extension.
Power factor 0.7

Apparent power after extension 1,000 kVA

Transformer capacity 800 kVA

Transformer load 125%

Investment for network extension approx. 40,000 EUR

Reactive power compensation 375 kvar

Active power after extension 700 kW

Apparent power after extension 778 kVA

Transformer load 97%

Reactive power compensation system 400 kvar

Investment incl. installation 10,000 EUR

Investment reduction
compared to network extension 30,000 EUR

Climate protection with reactive power compensation:

Status and potential in Germany
When electricity is generated by using fossile combustibles, the greenhouse gas carbon oxide is produced (CO2). Corre-
sponding to the energy mix, a conversion value between electric energy and carbon dioxide emission can be given.
Germany with its high proportion of power plants relying on fossile combustibles has emitted 0.57 kg CO2 per kWh in
1999, the EU was at 0.40.
In the same year, reactive power compensation reduced power losses by roughly 9 billion kWh in Germany. This is equiva-
lent to about 5 million tons of CO2 emission. The active contribution of reactive power compensation towards climate
protection should be secured and further developed.

5/48 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

5.8.2 Reactive Power Compensation controller. It is calculated from the capacitance C of the
Denitions first shunt and the actual transformation ratio k. MODL C
controllers determine the C/k value automatically.

Inrush current peaks, precharging resistors

Shunt Switching on a single capacitor is usually no problem, as
Shunt is the capacitance switched by one controller the current is limited by the inductances of the upstream
output. transformer and cables. It is much more critical to switch
capacitor banks (parallel connection of one capacitor to
Tuned filter circuits existing capacitors), as the current is now merely limited
by the low inductances of the connecting leads and the
A tuned filter circuit consists of a series-connected capaci- other capacitors.
tor and reactance coil (filter reactor), which are harmo-
nized in such a way that the resonance frequency fR of the With capacitor switching contactors, this problem is solved
produced series resonant circuit is exactly identical with by precharging resistors. These resistors are an integral
one harmonic frequency. part of the capacitor switching contactors. They are
switched on by means of leading auxiliary contacts before
As the impedance of series resonant circuits at the reso- the main contacts close. This results in a 10% attenuation
nance frequency is very low (near 0), the respective har- of the undamped peak current.
monic is drained, i. e. filtered, by the filter circuit.
With reactor-connected capacitors, this inrush current
Tuned lter circuits are capacitive for the fundamental com- attenuation is attained by the inductance of the filter
ponent and act as phase modiers, but they cannot normally reactors being in series with the capacitors.
be switched by means of reactive power controllers.
Discharge elements, discharging time
Active filters
Discharge elements are used for discharging capacitors after
Active filters create one or more than one voltage source their disconnection from supply. This means they must be
with different frequencies and phase angles. As the gener- capable of consuming the energy stored in the capacitor
ated voltage sources are connected into supply through a
combination of reactors, the entire configuration can be We = 1/2 CU2
regarded as a current source. within a couple of seconds and destroy it. Suitable
The currents with their different frequencies, phase angles discharge elements are resistors and reactors. Owing to
and amplitudes are fed into the network with a phase their high AC resistance, discharge reactors produce only a
displacement by 180 in order to compensate the load very low loss at system frequency.
currents. Quick settling times, i. e. correction times, also
EN 60831-1, Section 4 says that each capacitor unit or
allow them to be used as flicker compensators, or for real
battery must be discharged from an original peak voltage
dynamic compensation.
to 75 V or less within three minutes.

Response time Generally speaking, the residual voltage applied at the

capacitor must not exceed 10% of the rated voltage upon
The response time of the controller is the time for which a
reconnection into supply. With automatic reactive power
signal (reactive power demand) must be applied to cause
control units, this discharge must take place within a few
a switching operation in the controller.
seconds, as the controller may set off another switch-on
command after a very short delay due to load changes,
C/k value
and the capacitor, which has just been switched off, may
The C/k value is the response value of a reactive power soon be reconnected into supply.

5/49 5
Therefore, the discharge time of control units must always Power capacitors
be shorter than the response time of the controller.
Power capacitors are mostly three-phase high-perform-
Filtering of harmonic content ance capacitors in compliance with EN 60831-1.
Harmonic currents may cause considerable system pertur-
They are exclusively used for phase displacement. Power
bations in service networks.
capacitors are mainly characterized by:
The use of reactor-connected capacitors reduces the
disturbances caused by such harmonic waves or even  High capacitance stability and long service life
prevents them completely.  Internal safety system
Depending on the rating and combination of filter reactor  High pulse load capability
and capacitor, better or worse filtering of harmonic cur-
These characteristics are essential, in particular for use in
rents is attained.
choked control systems.
A measure for filtering is the choking rate p, the smaller p,
the better the filtering.
Linear loads
Impedance factor a
Linear loads draw a sine-shaped current from the network,
For a customer system, this means the ratio of resonant when a sine-shaped line voltage is applied which may be
frequency impedance to system frequency impedance. In shifted against the voltage in the phase angle.
contrast to the suppression factor, the impedance factor
takes the impact of power ratings for network transformer Linear loads are for example:
and compensation system into account. The ratio of
transformer-to-compensation capacity decisively deter-  Three-phase motors
mines the effect on audio frequency remote control sig-  Capacitors
nals. If the compensation capacity is low in relation to the  Incandescent lamps
transformer capacity, impermissible repercussions on the  Resistance heaters
audio frequency remote control system neednt be expected.

Pulse load capability MODLCON

MODLCON = MODL Power Conditioning.

The pulse load capability of capacitors must be high if they
are used in control units, which means they are switched This includes components and complete systems which
frequently, because the high inrush current also stresses
substantially improve power quality when connected into
contact performance of the capacitor stress cone besides
the switching devices (see precharging resistors). the network. MODLCON significantly contributes to power
quality by means of reactive power compensation and the
Capacitance stability filtering of harmonic contents.
Capacitance stability means: Observance of the electrical
data over the entire life cycle of the capacitor. It is extrem- Motor capacitors
ely important for non-resonating and tuned filter circuits
Motor capacitors (Motkos) are single-phase capacitors in
in particular.
compliance with DIN VDE 0560, Part 8 or EN 60252 respec-
Tuning frequencies can only be maintained permanently
in filter circuits if the fall in capacitance, present in the
capacitor due to ageing, is extremely low. They are generally designed for lower capacitance to be
used as starter capacitors or running capacitors.

5/50 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Sizing the Main Components for Power Distribution

Non-linear loads In contrast with power capacitors, Motkos feature or provide

Non-linear loads draw a non-sinusoidal current from the  no protection system,

network, when a sine-shaped line voltage is applied.  less capacitance stability and a shorter service
 less pulse load capability
Non-linear loads are for example:
Single-phase Motkos can be connected to form three-
 Power-converter-controlled drives phase units, if required.
 Frequency converters
 UPS systems Control progression
 Dimmers, TV sets
The ratio of shunt capacitances is called control progression.
 Elements with saturated magnetic iron cores
Five identical shunts result in a control progression
 Luminaires with discharge lamps
1:1:1:1:1. For a MODL reactive power controller, the control
 Arc furnaces, welding machines
progression can be changed in almost any order by simply
 Semiconductor devices (diodes and thyristors)
modifying the shunt capacitance.

Harmonics Resonance effect

Non-linear loads draw non-linear current from the net- In compensated AC networks, it may happen that induc-
work. This current, which is no longer sinusoidal, can be tive and capacitive reactances compensate each other in
divided into a fundamental component according to their effects. As only a relatively low ohmic resistance
Fourier, having the frequency f1, and overlaying harmon- limits currents, when voltage is applied, this results in
ics with the frequencies high current peaks, which may even cause overcurrent
protection devices to trip.
f = * f1
Resonance frequency
With the resonancy frequency fR, the reactances (reactive
The ordinal is the parameter for harmonics. It represents resistances) XL and XC of a resonant circuit compensate
the ratio of harmonic frequency and system frequency, each other.
N = 5 means harmonic of the 5th order having the
(XL = XC)
frequency f = * f1.
This means that the resistance of the resonant circuit is
With f1 = 50, f5 = 250 Hz. For f1 = 60 Hz applies
near zero in the resonance point, because only the rela-
f5 = 300 Hz. tively small ohmic proportion is effective.
The amplitude of harmonic currents decreases with a
rising ordinal in relation to the fundamental component. Self-healing, internal overpressure disconnector
These currents can be estimated with the help of the Disruptive breakdowns in the capacitor owing to voltage
following formula: peaks are isolated by means of self-healing. The capacitor
continues to be operable during the self-healing process.
I = I1 * 1/ e. g.: I5 = I1 * 1/5
If an extreme frequency of breakdowns is encountered in
For real results, use the following values: exceptional cases, the resulting overpressure activates a
I5 = 0.25 * I1 mechanical internal overpressure disconnector (as rupture
joint) in the capacitor cone wiring, thus disconnecting the
I7 = 0.13 * I1 capacitor from supply.
I9 = 0.09 * I1

5/51 5
Suppression factor af Choking rate

It represents the ratio of the audio frequency impedance The choking rate p[%] indicates the ratio of reactor to
ZfT of a system (e. g. capacitor with AF suppression or capacitor reactance at system frequency.
reactor-connected capacitor) to the capacitors reactance
p indirectly indicates the resonance frequency fR of the
XC at system frequency f1 (e. g. 50 Hz)
series resonant circuit
af = ZfT / XC(f1)
For example: p = 7% fR = 189 Hz
Number of modules P = 5.67 % fR = 210 Hz
The number of capacitor modules is determined by the The relation between p and fR is derived as follows:
control progression. This number is obtained by adding up
fR = f1 * 1/ (p)
the figures of the control progression. For example:
For example:
Control progression 1:1:2:2:3, number of modules = 9.
p = 7%
In order to attain a sufficiently precise controlling and
prevent excess switching, it is useful to choose a module System frequency f1 = 50 Hz
number between 5 and 12. Many modules dont improve
fR = 50 Hz * 1/ 0.07 = 189 Hz
the cos significantly.

Reactor-connected capacitor
Audio frequency remote control system,
(non-resonating filter circuit)
AF suppression
A reactor-connected capacitor consists of a series-connect-
Audio frequency remote control systems feed AF pulses
ed capacitor and reactance coil. This creates a series
into the public grid.
resonant circuit, whose resonance frequency fR is shaped
These pulses are spread across the entire grid and make in such a way by appropriately sizing the coil that the
the AF receivers distributed in the grid perform the desired frequency is below a harmonic frequency of the 5th order
switching operations. (250 Hz). This makes the system consisting of capacitor
Typical areas of use are: and reactance coil inductive for all harmonic frequencies >
250 Hz. Dangerous resonances between capacitor and line
 Control of consumption meters in private households inductances (e. g. transformer) are no longer possible.
and industry Reactor-connected capacitors are switched by means of
 Switching of alarm signals
reactive power controllers.
 Switching of lighting systems

The frequency-controlled resistance of the capacitors can

disturb the emitted audio frequencies. In order not to over-
stress the AF remote control system, capacitors must be
provided with a suppression facility in these areas of applica-

Generally, the capacitors are equipped with a line-side AF

suppression unit.

For AF suppression in networks containing harmonics, there

are special reactor-connected capacitors or AF suppression
circuits which are specially tuned to choked capacitors.

5/52 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort

chapter 6
6.1 Planning Tips 6.2 Power Management
on instabus KNX EIB using SIMATIC powercontrol
6 Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort
expense of increased labor and mate-
6.1 Planning Tips rial cost. For this reason, consultants
Increasing functionality and demands
on comfort, however, quickly make
on instabus and investors increasingly opt for instabus KNX EIB far more economical
KNX EIB building systems technology in the
global KNX EIB standard, which com-
than a conventional technology
(Fig. 6/1). Transparency is improved
In conventional building engineering, plies with EN 50090. as well.
individual installations (lighting,
The use of instabus KNX EIB
heating, alarm system etc.) are plan- Coordinated room management
ned separately and implemented based on instabus KNX EIB
 High degree of flexibility for
using different systems. Increasing
planning and implementation instabus KNX EIB connects distributed
functionality and comfort makes
thanks to modular system design actuators and sensors to the central
conventional building engineering
 Integration of different services control system. The diversity of intelli-
more complex, less transparent and
and OEM products thanks to the gent devices is illustrated in Fig. 6/2.
more expensive. Combining individual
global KNX EIB standard based on
installations is only feasible at a great
EN 50090
technical expense.
 Short installation times due to
In the planning and implementation straightforward wiring and cable
of commercial, institutional and routing
industrial building projects, present  Reduced fire loads due to fewer
and future fault-free, cross-function- power lines
networked and demand-oriented  Easy handling thanks to user-
operation, as well as the careful use of friendly configuring, commissioning
energy are considered important and diagnostic tools
criteria for the economic efficiency of When fewer functions are required,
the real estate investment. conventional technology is the cost-
effective alternative to instabus KNX EIB.
Conventional electric installations
alone can only meet such require-
ments to a limited extent and at the

Maxi- lock at
Cost per Air Bright- mum- alarm & IR Broken
function Door Motion speed Clock ness demand Thermo- alert remote glass
contact detector watchdog timer sensor monitor stat Switch center control detector

Conventional design 1 1

0 0

Design using
instabus KNX EIB

instabus KNX EIB

230 / 400 V / AC Actuators


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of

Luminaire Electric Blinds Fan Luminaire Heater Warning

Fig. 6/1: Cost gradients of conventional and drive light
EIB installations when comfort and
functionality are increased
Fig. 6/2: Actuators and sensors in the instabus KNX EIB system

6/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort


Checklist for open-loop and closed-loop control with

instabus KNX EIB

Project name:
Planning engineer:

Type of building use:

Degree of protection:

Functions:  Lighting control

 Single-room control (heating, ventilation, air conditioning)
 Blinds and sun shield control
 Access control systems
 Time recording systems
 Daylight brightness control
 Safety lighting
 Fire alarm systems
 Burglar alarm systems
 Alarm systems
 Media control
 Scenario control
 Motion/presence signaling
 Power management/control and billing
 Event logging
 Teleservice and communications
 Central controllers (e. g. ON/OFF)
 Special functions:

6/3 6
 You can quickly respond to process information based thereupon will not
6.2 Power changes and operating status be available at the control desk.
Management changes. This keeps the follow-up
costs of anomalous operating states Overview of functions
using SIMATIC as low as possible.
Operation and monitoring:
powercontrol  Fast and detailed information on
 Representation of status
events and faults that occur in the
Power management is an integrated information and measured values
power distribution system(s) of the
solution scheme that enables the  Display of plant diagrams
building/plants allows for fast and
highly efcient optimization of energy  Monitoring and remote control
targeted troubleshooting.
consumption and cost both in terms of  Event logging
 Fault and event messages (e. g.
ecological and economic aspects. It  Load curve diagrams
switching sequences) are logged
responds to changing operational and with a date and time stamp, so that Energy procurement:
external conditions with modular downtimes can be documented and  Electricity purchasing contracts
component variants that can be com- fault processes can be traced and  Gas purchasing contracts
bined in a variety of ways. It records analyzed later using the data Energy import monitoring:
consumption data of various energy recorded.  Load management system
sources, such as electricity, gas, water,  This information can be used for
heat, cold etc., creates status and fault automatic notification of the service Analysis:
messages and displays them in an personnel.  Ad-hoc protocols
operator control and monitoring  Energy measurements can be used  Cyclic reports
system. The data is analyzed and for accounting purposes (internal (daily, weekly, monthly reports)
processed using the following func- cost center allocation, external Communication links:
tions: analysis, management, docu- billing).  PROFIBUS (field bus) from the
mentation, archiving and prognosis. acquisition level to the processing
Power management levels
What can power management do? level
Power management consists of  PROFINET (LAN) from the processing
 Its visualization function provides a level to the control desk/center
 an acquisition level for status and
comprehensive overview of the
current power supply situation, the
 a control level for switching devices
switching states and energy flows,
 a processing level linked to the data
thus minimizing the risk of wrong
acquisition level
switching operations.  visualization and archiving in the
 When an extension to the power control center
supply system is being considered,
decisions can be prepared and The data acquisition level is connect-
efciency improvements quickly ed to the processing level by means of
veried. Leakage and shrinkage that field busses and the processing level
incur high follow-up costs are thus communicates with the visualization
quickly traced in a proactive, cost- system and data archive via LAN
effective manner. (Local Area Network). Status informa-
 Energy data/energy flows are tion and switching commands are
analyzed by means of specific load depicted on the status displays in the
curve diagrams. The visualization of control center, thus enabling remote
interrelations creates transparency. control. Measured value readings are
Savings potential is detected and displayed. If any of the signals and
minimum and maximum values are measurements mentioned above are
assessed. not recorded for cost reasons, any

6/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort


Checklist for quantitative data acquisition of status and measurements

Status information, switching commands

Status information, switching commands
Circuit-breaker-protected switchgear
Number of circuit-breakers
Total number of switching commands
(for all circuit-breakers)

Fuse-protected switchgear
Number of switch-disconnectors
Number of status information items per switch-disconnector
Total number of status information items
(for all switch-disconnectors)

Number of measuring points
Number of current transformers required
Measuring instruments:
Multi-function measuring instruments /
(Total/measured values per device)
Electricity meters /
(Total/measured values per meter)
Motor management systems /
(Total/measured values per device)
Circuit-breakers /
(Total/measured values per breaker)
Measurements for other energy types /
(Number of measured values)
Total number of measured values
(of all measuring instruments)

Plant diagrams:
Number of overview diagrams
Number of diagrams per energy type
Total number of diagrams
(of all energy types)

Energy import monitoring:

Number of monitoring points for electricity
Number of monitoring points for every other energy type
Total number of import monitoring points
(of all energy types)

6/5 6
6.2.1 Functional
Control center
Circuit-breaker-protected L1 L2 L3
Status display Control
U U<
Circuit-breaker-protected switchgear
can be equipped or retrofitted with ON/OFF
3 M 1
the following signals (Fig. 6/3): Tripped
Withdr. unit IN
1 The auxiliary ON/OFF switch signal- 2 ETU ...
izes the breaker status, ON or OFF. Operating
The alarm switch signalizes wheth- 5
ON/OFF (Reset) ON
er the switch has tripped.
The motorized drive acts on the
switching rods and permits remote
control of the switch. Fig. 6/3: Circuit-breaker-protected switchgear

The release operates in parallel to Fuse-protected switchgear Control center

the overcurrent release and acts directly switch-disconnector
upon the switch-off mechanism of the The visualization screen shows the
circuit-breaker. Voltage and undervolt- Fuse-protected switchgear can be switch-disconnector status with the
age releases are to be distinguished as equipped or retrofitted with the aid of the pictograph ON/OFF/
follows: following signals (Fig. 6/4): tripped and additionally by means of
Voltage releases switch when voltage
is applied. The auxiliary ON/OFF switch signal- the color coding for event/fault/
izes the status of the switch-discon- acknowledged/not acknowledged.
The alarm switch signalizes the nector, ON or OFF.
A switch-disconnector cannot be
status of the withdrawable unit. Only The fuse monitor signalizes a operated remotely.
if all withdrawable circuit-breaker triggered/tripped fuse.
units have been properly pushed in
(i. e. contacted), can electric energy
be switched.
Control center
The visualization screen shows the Control center
circuit-breaker status with the aid of L1 L2 L3
the pictograph ON/OFF/tripped/ Status display Control
withdrawable unit pushed in and Monitoring
additionally by means of the color
coding for event/fault/acknowledged/
6 72 Tripped
not acknowledged. The circuit-
breaker can be remotely operated
from the user interface. Operating

Fig. 6/4: Fuse-protected switchgear

6/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort

Measuring instruments (multi-func- L1 L2 L3
tion instruments, electricity meters, Control center
motor management) can produce 1 Voltage Current Phase displacement Power / Work

calculated data (phase displacement, 1 U L1-N L1

cos L1 PS

work, power) in addition to current 1 QS

and voltage readings (Fig. 6/5). U L3-1 U L1-2 N

W Import
1 Current transformers
U L3-N U L2-3 U L2-N L3 L2 cos cos W Supply
L3 L2
convert/transform current measure- 2
ments into standard values (1 A or
5 A), as the currents typically used in
low-voltage distribution (up to 6,300
Fig. 6/5: Measurement procedures
A) cannot be processed directly.
The voltage tap acquires the volt-
ages applied/measured directly.
Control center Measurement Measured value representation
N L1 L2 L3 L1 , L2 , L3 , N
The visualization screen shows meas- Current
Current L1-L2 , L2-L3 , L3-L1
urement data for phase currents/ Voltage
- Current L1-N , L2-N , L3-N
phase voltages/phase displacement/ transformers
power/work and also identies limit- - Rogovsky Power P, Q, S, import, supply
value violations/acknowledged/not coils cos cos L1 , cos L2 , cos L3

acknowledged by means of color

coding. Work 1352749 W, WQ , WS , import, supply

Voltages Voltage characteristics acc. to EN 50160

Measuring instruments
Measuring instruments acquire cur- Voltage
rent and voltage values in the electric - Voltage dip
- Voltage change
power distribution and, according to - Short-time/long-time interruption
their specified scope of performance, - Flicker
they perform the following calcula- - Overvoltages
- Harmonic content
tions: wattages, phase displacement,
work, and voltage characteristics in
line with DIN EN 50160 (voltage
Fig. 6/6: Typical measured values in electric power distributions
characteristics of electricity supplied
by public distribution systems) (Fig.
in 3-wire and 4-wire design for identi- uring screens and their contents, i. e.
Multi-function measuring cal loads or different loads, also measured quantities, can be config-
instruments suitable for single-phase networks. ured by the user as desired.
Built-in device for electric power Parameterization and calibration can The instrument has two parameteriza-
supply systems with direct display of easily be performed by either using ble relay outputs for energy pulses,
measurements, large back-lit high- the front keys on the instrument
limit-value violations or status signals.
resolution graphic display, suitable for panel or the PC-based parameteriza-
connection in three-phase networks, tion software. The number of meas-

6/7 6
 Network frequency grated in the circuit-breaker.
Measured quantities:  Active power per phase and for the
It can be easily parameterized using a
 R.m.s. values of phase currents and entire system
PC-based parameterization software.
voltages  Apparent power per phase
The number of measurement screens
 Network frequency  Reactive power for the entire system
and their contents, i. e. measured quan-
 Active, reactive and apparent power  Power factor for the entire system
tities, can be congured by the user.
per phase and for the entire system  Active energy import, export for the
 Power factor per phase and for the entire system at a high-rate and Measured quantities:
entire system low-rate price  R.m.s. values of phase currents,
 Symmetry factor of currents and  Reactive energy, inductive and phase voltages and PEN conductor
voltages capacitive for the entire system at a current
 Harmonic contents of voltages and high-rate and low-rate price  Ground-fault current
currents up to the 21st order  Apparent energy for the entire  Network frequency
 Total harmonic distortion (THD) system at a high-rate and low-rate  Active, reactive and apparent power
 Active, reactive and apparent work price per phase and for the entire system
per phase and for the entire system If the meters are to be used for  Power factor per phase and for the
accounting energy quantities, meters entire system
Electricity meters
which are suitable for recording  Symmetry factor of currents and
E-meters for single-phase operation consumption accurately are required voltages
 Drum-type register for electricity (meters must be replaced/calibrated at  Harmonic contents of voltages and
consumed (kWh) regular intervals). These meters must currents up to the 29th order
 S0 interface (pulses) be specified separately in the plan-  Total harmonic distortion (THD)
ning.  Active, reactive and apparent work
E-meter for 3/4-wire connection for the entire system and their
 Drum-type register for electricity Motor management system direction
consumed (kWh)
Motor management systems carry out Measurements for other energy
 S0 interface (pulses)
all motor protection and control types
functions, collect operational, diag-
E-meter for 3/4-wire connection, Additionally, other types of energy
nostic and statistic data, and handle
multi-rate meter can be measured using standard
communication between the automa-
 2 drum-type registers for electricity interfaces. The following standard
tion system and the motor feeder.
consumed (kWh) for high-rate and interfaces are customary:
low-rate price They are parameterized using PC-
 Analog values 020 mA
 S0 interface (pulses) per rate type based parameterization software.
 Analog values 420 mA
Measured quantities:  Analog values 10 V
 R.m.s. and maximum values of  Analog values PT100 for
Built-in, modular device for electric
phase currents temperatures
power distribution systems with direct
 R.m.s. values of phase voltages  Pulses for energy quantities
display of measurements, large back-
 Active, apparent power for the  Measured values via bus interfaces
lit graphic display, suitable for con-
entire system
nection in three-phase networks, in
 Power factor for the entire system
3-wire and 4-wire design for identical
 Phase asymmetry
loads or different loads, also suitable
for single-phase networks. Circuit-breakers
Measured quantities: The circuit-breaker has a back-lit graph-
 R.m.s. values of phase currents and ic display for direct value display. This
voltages display is located at the release, inte-

6/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort

Graphic display of measured

values and status information
Synchronous to the power utility
network cycles (0, 15, 30, 45 minutes
in the hour), 15-minute mean values

are created. These mean values are
archived with a date/time stamp. 5,000
These values are graphically repre-
sented in the control center by means 4,000
of load curves.
These load curve diagrams make 3,000
energy flows within the plant/building
transparent. This method of represen- 2,000
tation is the basis for optimizing
energy consumption. After optimiza- 1,000
tion measures have been implement-






Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
ed, they can be verified at any time.
Operating cycles are generated from
status changes of switches/pushbut-
tons, these cycles are archived with a
Fig. 6/7: Load curves for electric power distribution
date/time stamp and can be displayed
in operating cycle lists at the control
center. Load curves Operating cycle list
The operating cycle list documents Load curve diagrams (archived mean The operating cycle list (archived
the switching performance of switch- values of measurements) can refer to mean values of switching operations)
ing and protective devices. Besides one or more than one measurement. can refer to one or more than one
the frequency of switching opera- The time range can be selected as switching operation. The time range
tions, the cause for the switching desired. can be selected as desired.
operation (local switching, remote-
operated switching from the control
desk) or the length of events (from
the moment the switch was triggered
until its reset on site) can be easily
documented using graphs.
CMD switch ON

CMD switch OFF

CMD shunt trip

Switch is ON

Switch is OFF

Withdrawable unit
is pulled out

00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45

Fig. 6/8: Operating cycle list for a circuit-breaker

6/9 6
Graphic display of plant diagrams
Plant diagrams are a user-oriented,
hierarchically structured representa-
tion of information.
Status information and measurements
are routed to the status display at the
control center. This data can be used to
trigger remote switching operations
and visualize measurements for cur-
rent, voltage, power, liquid quantities
and quantities consumed.

Fig. 6/9: Graphic display of plant diagrams

Event log Time stamp Source Message type Status Acknowledgement Message text
13.01.2006 08:23:35.547 U1-1 Warning G Q Warning: upper limit
The data for the event log displayed in 13.01.2006 08:23:35.547 U1-3 Alarm G Q Alarm: lower limit
13.01.2006 08:23:35.547 U1-3 Warning G Q Warning: lower limit
the control center is derived from 13.01.2006 08:22:33.063 U1-3 Alarm K Q Alarm: lower limit
status changes, system events and 13.01.2006 08:22:25.567 U1-1 Warning K Q Warning: upper limit
13.01.2006 08:23:35.547 U1-3 Warning G Q Warning: lower limit
limit-value violations of measure- 13.01.2006 08:19:55.567 U1-1 Warning G Q Warning: lower limit
12.01.2006 19:32:58.543 U1-1 Warning K Q Warning: lower limit
ments. The status of an event is 12.01.2006 19:32:58.057 U1-2 Warning G Q Warning: upper limit
signaled by means of colors and 12.01.2006 19:30:58.057 U1-2 Alarm G Q Alarm: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:58.053 U1-1 Warning G Q Warning: upper limit
flashing. 12.01.2006 19:30:58.053 U1-1 Alarm G Q Alarm: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:58.053 U1-3 Warning G Q Warning: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:58.053 U1-3 Alarm G Q Alarm: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.060 U1-2 Warning K Q Warning: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.060 U1-2 Alarm K Q Alarm: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.057 U1-1 Warning K Q Warning: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.057 U1-1 Alarm K Q Alarm: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.057 U1-3 Warning K Q Warning: upper limit
12.01.2006 19:30:44.057 U1-3 Alarm K Q Alarm: upper limit

Fig. 6/10: Event log

6/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Performance, Monitoring and Comfort

Operator control and monitoring 6.2.2 Energy Procurement order to keep the required control
energy as low as possible, the custom-
Graphics for different types of energy Two types of purchasing contracts are er agrees to notify the supplier in
(electricity, gas, water, waste water, currently typical for the procurement writing of deviations from normal
heat, steam, ) of electricity: consumption with a warning time of
 Actual-value display of energy-
 96-hour power metering for an one week.
relevant information
 Monitoring and remote switching of annual consumption > 10,000 kWh/a It must be possible to draw up supply
protective elements and actuators and a connected load < 30 kW schedules (forecasts) from archived
 Event log  Quarter-hourly power metering > purchased quantities. The same
Structured display of events and 30 kW applies to the forecast for deviations
fault with a date/time stamp and In quarter-hourly power metering from agreed schedule.
demand-oriented acknowledgement contracts, kilowatt-per-hour rates and
 Load curve diagrams demand charges are agreed on and Gas purchasing contracts
Curve diagrams for energy-relevant may be further subdivided (e. g. into Gas purchasing contracts are hour-
measurements as mean values high-rate and low-rate prices). based contracts, including a standing
derived from 15-minute cycles
charge (/a) and a kilowatt-per-hour
synchronized to the power utility
Supply schedule clause in rate (/kWh) for energy quantities
electricity purchasing contracts supplied.
 Operating cycle lists
Graphic display of switching status In the future, the kilowatt-per-hour
 Network quality rate will be replaced by a supply
Recording and documentation of schedule clause: As far as required,
quality criteria for electric power the contract parties agree to draw up
supply in compliance with EN 50160 a supply schedule in due time before
(voltage dips, voltage changes, voltage electricity is supplied. This schedule
interruptions, icker, overvoltages, shall be based upon expected demand
harmonic contents) and shall be updated if necessary. In

Power distribution Monitoring status Operating cycles list

- ON/OFF remote ON
- tripped OFF

Operating switching local ON

ON tripped
- ON/OFF/Reset t

Monitoring measured value Load curves

Q1.0 G
- Actual-value display P [kW]
T7.3 - Limit value display 110 A

Monitoring status Operating cycles list

Q12.4 - ON/OFF
- Fuse tripped local ON

Event log
Date ident. Time ident. Site ident. Plant ident. Device ident. Function ident. Event text
2000.01.14 22:59:03 Hall B Infeed Q1.0 local OFF Infeed switch switched off locally
2000.01.14 23:16:24 Hall B Infeed Q1.0 local ON Infeed switch switched on locally
2000.01.20 01:12:45 Hall B Outgoing circuit T7.3 UG2 Current > 20 A
2000.01.20 01:17:13 Hall B Outgoing circuit T7.3 UG1 Current > 50 A
2000.01.15 20:59:33 Hall F Outgoing circuit Q12.1 local OFF Switch disconnector switched off locally

Fig. 6/11: Operator control and monitoring in an electric power distribution system

6/11 6
Energy import monitoring
Site x Priorities list Consumption control
Load management systems monitor
1 Consumer a ON OFF
the valid purchasing contract and

P 2 Consumer b
switch or control energy import by 3 Consumer c

means of connecting/disconnecting Release
loads/equipment into/from supply.
n Consumer x
With regard to quarter-hourly power Feed-
metering contracts, care must be taken back

that agreed supply schedules can also 0 t 15

be monitored besides peak load moni- ON

toring and that switching operations

can be performed when necessary. Fig. 6/12: Energy import monitoring priority list control

Data analysis
Daily load curve total import
Information collected within the
system is worked into data logs for
simple analysis or cyclic reports for a
more transparent representation. We 6,500
High rate
distinguish between

 ad-hoc protocols used to create Low rate

parameters and load curves, and
 cyclic protocols used to create daily, 5,000
weekly and monthly reports
including measured values, load
curves and parameters relevant for
energy analysis Fig. 6/13: Report analyses

6/12 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Electromagnetic Compatibility

chapter 7
7.1 Reasons for Electromagnetic 7.3 EMC-friendly Power Supplies
Interference Practical Issues and Requirements
7.2 Coupling Mechanisms 7.4 EMC in Standards
7 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic compatibility is
relevant in all fields of electrical Source of Potentially suscepti-
Coupling mechanism
engineering. For this reason, every interference ble equipment
expert should be familiar with this (emitter) (receiver)
subject. Electromagnetic compatibility
means that electrical equipment, Fig. 7/1: Interference model
plant and systems can be operated
simultaneously without unpermissibly
high interference being generated
which might cause malfunction or
Cause of interference Coupling mechanism
even destruction of equipment.

7.1 Reasons for Switching operations

Electromagnetic Electrostatic discharge
Periodic parasitic frequencies
Lightning current arrester
Surge arrester
Interference Strike of lightning Filters
Nuclear blast Equipotential bonding
Electric current flows within an elec- System perturbations
EMC Grounding
tric appliance (emitter) and causes a Corona discharge Screening
magnetic field surrounding it. Addi- Galvanic
tionally, the voltage that drives the Inductive
current causes an electric field. The Capacitive
emitter can also cause electromagne- Interference by waves
tic waves. These magnetic, electric Interference by radiation
and electromagnetic fields can gen-
erate voltages and currents in other
electrical appliances which might Precautions against interference
cause malfunction, damage or even
destruction of these appliances Fig. 7/2: Parameters affecting EMC
(Fig. 7/1). There are three points of
lever-age where you can act upon the
ered and precautions should be taken
system to ensure electromagnetic
to prevent such interference or keep it EMC according to
at a level which does not cause any DIN VDE 0870 is:
 Emitter (e.g. screening, spectral disturbance to the whole system (Fig.
7/2). Subsequent rework to ensure
The capacity of an electrical
 Coupling route (e.g. no PEN system EMC gives rise to considerable appliance to function in a
conductor, filtering, optical extra costs. satisfactory manner in its
waveguides) electromagnetic
 Receiver (e.g. screening, filtering) environment without
When an electrical system is planned,
7.2 Coupling impermissibly disturbing this
any possible generation, propagation
Mechanisms environment which may also
and introduction of electromagnetic There are basically three coupling include other appliances.
interference should already be consid- mechanisms how electromagnetic

7/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

interference may be transmitted:

Source A Device A
 Galvanic coupling A

 Capacitive coupling
 Inductive coupling
Source B Device B
The following is derived:
 Electromagnetic line coupling
 Radiation coupling

7.2.1 Galvanic Coupling

Galvanic coupling is caused by the
connection of two or more circuits
through common impedances. Exam-
ples of such common impedances are ZK
the internal resistance of power
supply units, joint supply and zero Fig. 7/3: Galvanic coupling of two circuits
potential leads, or protective conduc-
tor or grounding systems of facilities.
Fig. 7/3 shows the possible galvanic Zq
coupling in supply and signal circuits.
Circuits A and B are coupled by a
common impedance ZK. Currents IA
and IB flow through the common U St ZS
impedance and cause a voltage drop
UX A/B, which is superimposed on the
signal voltages in the circuits A or B,
and may there result in interference
or destruction.
A further source of electromagnetic
interference as a result of galvanic
coupling is the coupling of several
Point A Point B
circuits by so-called ground loops or
ring ground conductors (Fig. 7/4).
Fig. 7/4: Ground loop between two devices A and B
In order to prevent direct contact with
live parts, the casings of both devices
are connected to the grounding Zq and through the receiver impe-
system. Both devices are connected dance Zs, which causes a voltage
by a signal line whose screening is drop in the source and receiver, which
also grounded. A potential difference in turn is superimposed on the signal
UAB between points A and B may arise voltage. With sine-shaped parameters,
either as a result of ground currents the interference voltage may be
(ground-fault currents, lightning calculated as follows:
currents) or by induction. This poten-
tial difference drives a parasitic cur- ZS
U St = U AB -------------------
rent ISt through the source impedance ZS + ZQ

7/3 7
 PEN conductor in the building
 Suppression devices connected
against PE
 Measuring circuits/screenings Circuit 1 Z1
grounded on both sides
Countermeasures: 1

 Isolating transformers
 Neutralizing transformers
 Optocouplers 2
 Optical waveguides

7.2.2 Capacitive Coupling Z2 Circuit 2

Capacitive (electrical) coupling may

occur between conductors of different
potential (Fig. 7/5). The potential
difference creates an electrical field
Fig. 7/5: Capacitive coupling
between the conductors, which
means that unwanted capacities are
present between the conductors. The
7.2.3 Inductive Coupling Examples:
following current flow will result from
a voltage change: Inductive (magnetic) coupling is  Transformers, motors, electric
dU caused by the interlinking of the welding devices
i = C K ---------1- magnetic flux in two or more circuits  Power lines routed in parallel
(Fig. 7/6). Any change in the magnetic  Unfavorable arrangement of
This creates an undesired voltage in
flux induces interference voltages in conductors in power lines
circuit 2:
the conductor loops of the circuits.  Cabling systems with different phase
The value of the coupling capacity CK This means that even a single circuit and return currents
depends on the geometry and topo- may be affected by transient magnetic  Lines in which currents are
logy of the conductors. fields (lightning discharge, electrosta- frequently switched
dU tic discharge).  Signal lines with high frequencies
u 2 = i Z 2 = C K Z 2 ---------1-
dt As a result of the coupling inductance,  Unconnected coils
any current change in circuit 1 will Countermeasures:
 Coupling of interferences between induce a voltage in circuit 2. This
parallel lines voltage depends on the rate of the  Reduction of the coupling
 Static discharge from operator current change and the coupling inductance M by keeping parallel
 Contactors inductance MK: cable routes as short as possible and
Countermeasures: by maintaining large clearances
U 2 = M K ----- between interfering and unaffected
 Screening of signal lines dt
 Ground-symmetrical design of the  Orthogonal arrangement of
MK depends on the magnetic flux and
signal line conductor loops for the purpose of
the conductivity of the magnetic field.
 Use of optical waveguide systems magnetic decoupling
 Twisted cables
 Screening of the affected system

7/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

U1 Circuit 1 Z1

M1 1

M2 2

Z2 Circuit 2 U2

Fig. 7/6: Inductive coupling

7.2.4 Electromagnetic 7.2.5 Radiation Coupling

Line Coupling Radiation coupling means that circuits
Electromagnetic line coupling occurs are affected by electromagnetic
when electrical and magnetic inter- waves which originate from other
ference is simultaneously present circuits and travel with the speed of
between two or more electrically long light. As long as you are within a close
lines. In electrically long lines, cur- range of the interfering system, the
rents and voltages are not independ- electric field and the magnetic field
ent of each other, but they are firmly are encountered as separate entities
interrelated. A line is considered (inductive and capacitive coupling).
electrically long if the rise time of But as soon as you are within a
transmitted pulses is in the order of remote range, these two fields are
magnitude of the run time through coupled and we speak of radiation
the line. For a calculation of the coupling.
resulting electromagnetic field, a
differential analysis of the electric and
magnetic fields must be performed,
i.e. the fields are superimposed for
differential elements of an infinitely
short length of line.

7/5 7
installation, part of the return current
7.3 EMC-friendly might be distributed through all
7.3.1 Effects of
Conductor Design on EMC
Power Supplies grounding systems and equipotential
Fig. 7/7 demonstrates which problems
Practical Issues and conductors. Current flows back to the
voltage source through the smallest must be expected if the PE and N
Requirements resistors, so that unwanted currents conductors are combined to form a
might even flow through metal pipes PEN conductor. The illustration shows
For several years, increasing malfunc- a device through which the current IL
and screens of data lines. These
tion of and damage to electrical and flows during operation. Normally, this
stray currents may give rise to strong
electronic equipment has been not- current should be taken back to the
electromagnetic fields which cause
iced, for example source through the PEN conductor.
strange failures and malfunction of
 Unaccountable faults in data trans- electronic equipment. They may also This return current, however, causes a
mission networks cause corrosion in water pipes. Since voltage drop in the PEN conductor,
 Desktop and server crashes higher currents may be present in the which acts as an interference voltage
 Printer failure N conductor, as explained above, care on all systems connected to the PEN
 Slowdown of data transmission in must be taken not to reduce the cross conductor, resulting in a parasitic
local networks, even to complete section of the N conductor as com- current ISt through the device screen-
standstill pared to that of the phase conductors, ing and a parasitic current Ibuilding
 Triggering of alarm systems and fire but even to increase it. in the building. The parasitic currents
detectors flowing through the cable screens
 Corrosion in piping and ground interfere with or destroy equipment
conductors which is susceptible to overvoltages.
Moreover, the parasitic currents in the
The reasons for these effects often lie
in an old-style power supply system
where the N conductor and the PE
conductor are combined to form a
single PEN conductor. This wasnt a
problem as long as the number of Distributor

electronic equipment connected into ON

supply was low. N

The phases were loaded nearly sym-
metrically, and consequently the PEN L

conductor was hardly loaded. Owing Token ring


to an increasing number of high- Distributor

power single-phase loads, and loads

with a high proportion of harmonic
contents in the third order (switched
power supply units), the phases are St

loaded extremely asymmetrically, and

the N conductor is sometimes loaded PEN L

with a higher current than the phase

conductors. As the PE conductor is Transformer L = Current in phase conductor L

meant to carry current only in case of N = Neutral conductor current in PEN

G = Stray current in the building
a fault, the PE conductor and the N St = Parasitic currents in screens
conductor must be laid separately in Conductive building structure, U = Voltage drop in PEN conductor
water pipe (external voltage)
new power supply systems (VDE 0100
Part 540 Appendix C.2). If this require-
ment is not observed in an electrical
Fig. 7/7: Current ow for a combined PEN conductor

7/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

 The supplying sources for sections A

PE N L and B may be operated in parallel.
 A connection between ground and
the PE conductor may only be made
N at one point (central grounding
point), as otherwise the PE conduc-
tor and the N conductor would be
St = 0 connected in parallel, resulting in
L Token ring
unfavorable EMC conditions as
Distributor shown in Fig. 7/5.
 All load feeders are designed as a

G =0
TN-S system, i.e. with distributed
N-conductor function and separate
PE and N conductors. 3-pole and
4-pole switching devices may be used.

Network conguration for

distributed supply
Transformer L = Current in phase conductor L
= Neutral conductor current in PEN
Fig. 7/10 depicts the recommended
G = Stray current in the building
St = Parasitic currents in screens system for distributed supply. Distri-
Conductive building structure, U = Voltage drop in PEN conductor buted supply is encountered if the
water pipe (external voltage)
following applies to the distance
Fig 7/8: Current ow for separate PE and N conductors between sections A and B:
As short-circuit currents decrease with
building may result in corrosion and Network conguration for central distance from the main equipotential
give rise to magnetic fields which may power supply bonding conductor, and protective
cause further damage. Separate devices require a certain minimum
The network configuration shown in
design of the N conductor and PE
Fig. 7/9 is recommended for central a1 >> a2
conductor will prevent such stray
supply, with EMC being ensured even
currents. Thus, the PE conductor only
when the supplying sources of sec-
carries current in case of a fault (Fig. value for safe tripping in the event of
tions A and B are operated in parallel.
7/8). a fault, and as selective grading must
We recommend that the PEN conduc-
also be taken into account, a second
tor be marked in light blue and,
main equipotential bonding conduc-
additionally, in green-yellow through-
7.3.2 Power Supply Sys- out its course.
tor is installed for distributed supply
tems Network Congu- of the SPS.
ration The following should be observed for
The following should be observed for
this kind of power supply system:
In order to avoid parasitic currents, the this kind of power supply system:
type of power supply system must be  The PEN conductor must be wired
 The PEN conductor must be wired
carefully selected. The following section separately along its whole course,
separately along its whole course in
explains two typical examples for coup- both in the SPS and in the GPS, as
the GPS.
ling the general power supply (GPS well as in the LVMD.
 There must be no connection be-
network) and the safety power supply  There must be no connection be-
tween the neutral point of the
(SPS network). In the rst case, the SPS is tween the neutral points of trans-
transformer and ground or the PE
installed in the immediate vicinity of the former and generator, and ground
or the PE conductor, respectively. conductor, respectively. Between
GPS (central supply system) and in the the neutral point of the generator
second case, the SPS is installed remote  The feeder switches for supply from
from the GPS (distributed supply system). SPS and GPS must be in 3-pole

7/7 7
Section A Section B

Equipotential Equipotential Main equipotential

bonding bonding bonding
transformer transformer generator
Low-voltage main distribution


L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

g rounding
p oint Main
for sections e quipotential
A and B b onding

Fig. 7/9: Network conguration for central supply

Section A Section B

g rounding

p oint
for section B
Equipotential bonding Main
bonding transformer a1 equipotential
transformer bonding

Low-voltage main distribution


L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

g rounding
p oint Main
for section A e quipotential
b onding

Fig. 7/10: Network conguration for distributed supply

7/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

and ground or the PE conductor,  All load feeders are designed as a conductor clearance and a suitable
respectively, a connection for an TN-S system, i.e. with distributed conductor arrangement. The following
additional equipotential bonding conductor function and separate PE illustration shows the magnetic ux
conductor is installed. and N conductors. 3-pole and 4-pole density curve and the interference limits,
 A parallel operation between sec- switching devices may be used. to demonstrate when a screen will start
tions A and B is impermissible. The By implementing a central grounding ickering. This illustration shows the
transformers may supply sections A point in the power supply systems minimum conductor clearances, in a
and B at the same time. The gener- given conductor arrangement, for which
described above, suitable measuring
ator, however, may only supply screen interference limits are observed.
devices can be used to make sure that
section B. Flux density is minimized in a symmetri-
no further impermissible splitter
cal conductor arrangement of type E, in
bridge between the N conductor and
Note: During changeover from trans- which the clearance between the indivi-
former to generator operation, there the PE conductor was installed. dual conductors should be kept as low as
may occur parallel operation under possible.
unfavorable EMC conditions for a 7.3.3 Interference Limits
short time, for example during back Comparison of conductor arrangements
synchronization. With ux densities above 1 Tesla (14/15 B and C2 shows that even a slightly
 The switches of the changeover inch screens), or 0.5 Tesla (17/21 inch imbalanced load results in a large
connection in the SPS and the gener- screens), a display screen (CRT monitor) increase of magnetic ux density, and
ator supply must be in 4-pole design. starts ickering. In order to observe that the clearance required for observ-
The feeder switches for supply of these limits, the magnetic ux density ing screen interference limits rises in
section A must be in 3-pole design. can be reduced by both increasing consequence.

Conductor arrangements
Magnetic flux density B in T

10 cm
L 1 = 1,000 A e -j0
B L2 L 2 = 1,000 A e -j120
10 cm L = 950 A e -j240
10 cm
L 1= 200 A e -j0
C1 L2 L 2= 200 A e -j120
10 cm L 3= 200 A e -j240
L3 Interference limit for 14/15 inch display screen
L1 Interference limit for 17/21 inch display screen
10 cm
L 1 = 1,000 A e -j0
C2 L2 L 2 = 1,000 A e -j120
10 cm L 3 = 1,000 A e -j240
E L 1 = 1,000 A e -j0

L 2 = 1,000 A e -j120
L 3 = 1,000 A e -j240
L3 3 cm L2
1 5 10 50 100
Distance to source of interference in m

Fig. 7/11: Field strength for different conductor arrangements

7/9 7
The following factors show a favora- and earthing in buildings with infor- Section 444: Protection against elec-
ble impact by reducing magnetic flux mation technology equipment tromagnetic interferences (EMI) in
density: installations of buildings
DIN VDE 0100-443
 Symmetrical conductor arrangement (VDE 0100 Part 443):
 Small clearances between Erection of low-voltage installations
conductors Part 4: Protection for safety; Chapter
 Symmetrical conductor loads 44: Protection against overvoltages;
 Large clearances between conductors Section 443: Protection against over-
and the potentially susceptible voltages of atmospheric origin or due
equipment to switching
DIN VDE 0100-540
7.4 EMC in (VDE 0100 Part 540):
Erection of power installations with
Standards nominal voltages up to 1,000 V;
DIN EN 50174-2
selection and erection of equipment;
(VDE 0800 Part 174-2):
earthing arrangements, protective
Information technology Cabling
conductors, equipotential bonding
installation Part 2: Installation
planning and practices inside buildings
DIN VDE 0100-444
DIN EN 50310
(VDE 0100 Part 444):
(VDE 0800 Part 2-310):
Electrical installations of buildings
Application of equipotential bonding
Part 4: Protection for safety; Chapter
44: Protection against overvoltages;

7/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Lighting of Indoor Workplaces

chapter 8
8.1 Lighting Schemes 8.3 Maintenance Value and Maintenance
8.2 Illuminance Levels in the Viewing Factor
Task Area and its Immediate 8.4 Evaluation of the Limitation of Direct
Surroundings Glare
8.5 Indoor Lighting for Display
8 Lighting of Indoor Workplaces

In March 2003, the German version of ule; by using suitable luminaires,

the European Standard EN 12464-1 lamps and equipment, as well as by Immediate surroundings
Lighting of workplaces, Indoor work- selecting appropriate levels of
places was published, which largely reflectance for the boundary room
replaces the old DIN 5035 Artificial areas and the furniture, the planner
lighting. This European standard can optimize the lighting system
explicitly permits the definition of with regard to the maintenance Area of viewing task
national rules for the lighting of factor and thus the investment and
display workstations, socalled VDU operating costs,
(visual display unit) workplaces.  establish the maintenance values of
Germany responded early and issued the illuminance and other light
the Draft Standard DIN 5035-7 in engineering quality characteristics,
October 2001. This draft contains  calculate the illuminance levels for 0.5 m
recommendations and requirements both areas (viewing task area and
which have not been defined in the immediate surroundings), Fig 8/1: Differentiation between lighting in the
European standard. For Germany, the  evaluate the limitation of direct area intended for the viewing task and its
immediate surroundings
new standards mean a big change. glare according to the new UGR
Many of the common light engineer- procedure (Unified Glare Rating),
ing terms which were used for dec-  take into account the higher critical
ades, such as rated illuminance in the radiation angles and luminance
room, standardized planning or reduc- limits for luminaires at VDU work-
tion factors, have been abolished. places and consider full de-glaring. rements for three lighting schemes:
We must now get used to new defini- 1. Room-related lighting
Today, operators and users are fur-
tions. The new standards contain
nished with more individually planned 2. Workspace-related lighting
significant changes for the lighting of
lighting systems than before.
workplaces. The old DIN 5035 basi- 3. Subarea-related lighting
cally set down provisions for general
lighting, i.e. the entire room was Horizontal illuminance values for
illuminated with the rated illumi-
8.1 Lighting desks generally refer to a height from
nance. What is new is that the Euro- Schemes the floor level of 0.75 m. The standard
pean DIN EN 12464-1 distinguishes takes modern customary desk heights
DIN EN 12464-1 does not make a of 0.72 m plus 30 mm for the height
between the illumination of the area
statement on the size of area intend- of a photometer head into account. In
intended for the viewing task and its
ed for the viewing task. This area the workplace environment, these
immediate surroundings (Fig. 8/1).
must be agreed upon by the lighting parameters refer to the height of
This way, architects and planners are
engineer and the operator or user. If assessed planes of adjacent work-
given a greater freedom of design by
the area for the viewing task is not spaces, i.e. also to 0.75 m.
the standard. The lighting engineer,
known, this area must be assumed to
however, must also meet new and
be where the viewing task may occur. Scheme 1: Room-related lighting
higher demands. He must
The viewing task area is enclosed by
 determine the size and location of the immediate surroundings with a This means an even illumination of
the area intended for the viewing minimum width of 0.5 m. Illuminance the room. This produces almost equal
task and its surroundings (to do and brightness in the wider environ- viewing conditions everywhere (Fig.
this, he requires detailed informa- ment depend on the other workplaces/ 8/2a). The assessment plane corres-
tion from the operator or user of viewing tasks in the room. As DIN EN ponds to the rooms base, a stretch of
the lighting system), 12464-1 does not differentiate be- 0.5 m at its borders is neglected,
 choose a suitable lighting scheme, tween the areas precisely, the Draft however, if an arrangement of work-
 determine the maintenance factor DIN 5035-7 defines the size and loca- places in these areas can definitely be
and draw up a maintenance sched- tion of the work areas and their requi- ruled out.

8/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Lighting of Indoor Workplaces

The room-related lighting scheme while for visitor and meeting spaces, Scheme 3: Subarea-related
provides many advantages when a depth of 0.80 m is sufficient. Due to lighting
the fact that the workspace also
 the same viewing conditions are In this concept, subareas within the
includes the user area, viewing tasks
required in the entire room, workspaces are lit separately
which are carried out in a leaned-back
 the workspace allocations and their (Fig. 8/2b).
seating or standing work position are
spatial extensions are not known
considered as well. Dynamic seating The illuminance of this subarea shall
during planning,
which varies between a forward, be substantially higher than that of
 VDU workplaces are to be variably
medium and leaned-back seating the work area and a soft transition
position as well as occasional standing between the areas must be ensured.
 the same illumination effect is to be
is of great importance for ergonomic This concept can be implemented by
created in the entire room.
working conditions. using workspace lamps in compliance
with DIN 5035-8.
Scheme 2: Workspace-related The workspace-related lighting
lighting scheme provides many advantages The subarea-related lighting scheme
when provides many advantages when
In this concept, the workspaces and
ambient areas are lit separately  the tasks, workplaces and thus the  it is necessary to adapt the illumina-
(Fig. 8/2b). workspaces are known, tion of the workspace to different
 workplaces are intended for differ- activities or viewing tasks,
In office rooms, we distinguish be-
ent tasks which require differenti-  difficult viewing tasks are to be
tween workspaces for VDU work,
ated lighting conditions. performed,
meeting, and reading at cabinet or
 the lighting must be adjustable to
shelf areas. Please note that the Different brightness levels in the
the individual eyesight and other
standard defines the term work- individual workspaces and their
needs of the user,
space in a very broad sense which is ambient areas create light zones
 individual adjustment of the light-
not confined merely to the actual desk which may positively influence the
ing conditions is desired.
or conference table. It also includes atmosphere of the room. When plan-
areas on which working aids neces- ning lighting systems, special empha- The focus on a subarea within the
sary for the due course of the work sis must however be placed on well workspace is enhanced by using an
have been arranged, as well as the balanced luminance conditions in the increased illuminance.
minimum areas the user needs for the room.
The draft standard for VDU work-
functional and proper execution of
places also contains detailed specifica-
his/her task. User areas at the desk
tions of vertical illuminances for
have a minimum depth of 1.00 m,

a) b) c)
Cabinet and shelf areas Cabinet and shelf areas Cabinet and shelf areas
Subarea for
viewing task
600 mm x 600 mm
E = 300 lx 0.5 m E = 300 lx E h, m = 750 lx
0.8 m
0.8 m

0.5 m
E = 500 lx
Ambient area Ambient area
E = 500 lx E = 500 lx E = 500 lx E = 500 lx

Meeting area VDU work Meeting area VDU work

Fig. 8/2: (a) (Room-related, (b) workspace-related and (c) subarea-related lighting scheme

8/3 8
reading file labels and text on book
Illuminance for Illuminance for
spines in filing cabinets and shelves viewing task immediate surroundings
and for cylindrical illuminances for [lx] [lx]
recognizing faces, facial expressions
750 500
and gestures as a prerequisite for good
visual communication. 500 300
300 200
200 = Eviewing task
8.2 Illuminance
Levels in the Table 8/1: Interrelation between illuminance levels

Viewing Task Area  dirt on lamps and luminaires,  0.67 for a dirt-free room with a
and its Immediate  lamp failures, 3-year maintenance cycle,
 dirt on the boundary room areas  0.50 in case of extreme dirt and
Surroundings and surfaces of the interiors grime (also see Table 8.2)
Until recently, it was not permitted to has been accounted for with stand- The German Draft Standard DIN 5035-7
light the area intended for the view- ardized planning factors. For dirt-free also recommends the factor 0.67 for
ing task and its surroundings differ- rooms, such as offices, a planning neatly cleaned offices in order to have
ently. According to the new stand- factor p = 1.25 was assumed. The a basis for comparison when rough
ards, different illuminance levels are lighting systems value when new was estimates are required or data is
permitted in the room for different therefore 25% higher than its rated missing. This value is based on a
view tasks, or for the viewing task value. Nowadays, the illuminance 3-year maintenance cycle and the use
area and its surroundings. The illumi- values defined in the new standards of advanced lamp system technology.
nance for the immediate surroundings (DIN 12464-1 and Draft DIN 5035-7) The recommended maintenance
depends on the illuminance defined are specified as maintenance values, factor 0.67 roughly corresponds to
for the viewing task area. The mainte- i.e. minimum values, meaning that previous planning rules. In the past, a
nance value for the illuminance of the the lighting system must be maintain- new value of 625 lx was planned for a
immediate surroundings may be ed when these values are undershot. rated illuminance of En = 500 lx, for
lower, but it must not drop below In contrary to the previous situation, example. Servicing was due when a
certain levels (Table 8.1). the European standard DIN EN 12464-1 mean illuminance value across all
does not recommend any specific workplaces of 400 lx had been
figures for the maintenance factor. It reached. From these two illuminance
8.3 Maintenance is up to the lighting engineer to values, an approximate maintenance
Value and specify an appropriate maintenance factor of 0.67 can be deduced (Fig. 8/3).
factor which accounts for the ageing
Maintenance Factor of lamps and luminaires, the ambient
The lower curve demonstrates the
progression of mean illuminance
Previously, all of the illuminance conditions and the maintenance
according to the old DIN 5035 (plan-
values defined in DIN 5035 were rated schedule. As planning with system-
ning factor 1.25), the upper curve
values, i.e. spatial and temporal mean specific maintenance factors is a new
shows curve progression according to
values. The lighting system only had issue in Germany, the Committee for
DIN EN 12464-1 or Draft DIN 5035-7
to be serviced when the illuminance Indoor lighting of the Deutsche
(maintenance factor 0.67). At first
had dropped to 80% of the rated Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e. V.
glance, one might get the impression
value. (LiTG) [German Light Engineering
that the number of lights installed in
Society] has explained the concept of
In the planning, a light reduction the room should rise by 20% in accord-
maintenance factors in more detail in
due to ance with the new planning rules. In
an article for the journal LICHT. In
contrast to the earlier approach, we
 decrease in light current in the addition, the following reference
must also consider the fact that it is
lamps caused by ageing, values are recommended for indoor
now permissible to provide less light-

8/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Lighting of Indoor Workplaces

Reference Reference Application

maintenance factor nominal factor
0.8 1.25 Uncontaminated room (e.g. clean room),
system with low annual intervals of use
0.67 1.5 Dirt-free room, 3-year
maintenance cycle
0.57 1.75 Outdoor lighting, 3-year
maintenance cycle
0.5 2.00 Indoor or outdoor lighting system,
extreme dirt

Table 8/2: Reference maintenance factors and reference nominal factors

Commissioning 1st Servicing 2nd Servicing

150 % 750 lx
125 % 625 lx
100 % 500 lx
80 % 400 lx

old new time

Fig. 8/3: Illuminance gradient plotted over operating time and necessary maintenance activities

ing for the immediate surroundings of

the workspace. For this reason, we
may expect that there will be no
significant changes in the number of
lights required to illuminate a room.

8/5 8
8.4 Evaluation of Type of room, UGR limit
viewing task or activity
the Limitation of Measuring desks or test stands, control platforms, control desks
Direct Glare Technical drawing

Filing, copying, ofce trafc zones

Glare means disturbance caused by
excess light intensities (luminance) Writing, type-writing, reading
and/or extreme luminance contrasts Data processing 19
within the field of vision. Glare may CAD workstations
considerably impair sight and be Conference and meeting rooms
responsible for accidents, fatigue and Reception desk 22
discomfort. Until recently, the graphi-
Archives 25
cal method of luminance limit curves
(according to Sllner) were used to Table 8/3: Examples of UGR limits
evaluate direct glare in Germany.
Today, evaluations are performed
using the international UGR method. 8.5 Indoor Lighting planes on the transverse and longitu-
dinal axes of the luminaire). The old
The UGR value is influenced by the
following parameters: for Display standard did contain an informational
note stating that a better representa-
 Room size Workstations tion of the information on screen will
 Luminance of the source of glare Luminaires for indoor lighting of reduce interference of reflections.
(e.g. viewed shining surface of a When the standard was published
display workstations may only emit a
lamp) (1988), however, a higher limit value
limited amount of light above a cer-
 The size of the source of glare as could not be defined, because a
tain critical radiation angle to avoid
seen from the observer classification of screen quality was
reflections on the screen. According
 Position of the source of glare impossible according to the state of
within the field of vision to DIN 5035-7 from 1988, the radiant
the art. In present illumination condi-
 Surrounding luminance intensity of luminaires was limited to
tions for VDU workplaces, the critical
200 cd/m2 as of a critical radiation luminance depends on the reflection
The higher the UGR value, the higher angle of 50 or 60. This applied to the
is the probability of glare. UGR tables characteristics of the display screen.
planes C0/C180 and C90/C270 (main
provided by the manufacturers of
luminaires are used to ascertain
nonconformity. The lighting engineer
Screen class I II III
must ensure that the luminaires acc. to EN ISO 9241-7
planned do not exceed the UGR limits
Screen quality regarding
specified in the standards. This makes high medium low
anti-glare and visibility
it very easy to use the procedure in
practice. Screen polarity positive negative positive negative positive negative
(bright) (dark) (bright) (dark) (bright) (dark)
Luminaires reected on the screen
medium luminance
Luminescent room areas reected 1,000 cd/m2 200 cd/m2
on the screen
medium luminance
maximum luminance 1,000 cd/m2 200 cd/m2
2,000 cd/m 400 cd/m2

Table 8/4: Luminance limits of luminaires and room areas which might be reected on the screen
(acc. to Draft DIN 5035-7)

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Lighting of Indoor Workplaces

ceilings) which might be reflected on

Class Environment
the screen shall be limited to a
I Suitable for general ofce use
medium luminance:
II Suitable for most, but not all ofce environments
 1,000 cd/m2 for Class I and Class II
III Requires special, controlled ambient
 200 cd/m2 for Class III screens
Table 8/5: Screen classes acc. to DIN EN ISO 9241-7
Owing to technical progress and the
screen classification, higher lumi-
While medium and maximum lumi- were introduced: nance levels are now permitted for
nances must be differentiated for good non-reflecting display screens.
 Class I and Class II terminals: e.g.
luminescent surfaces in a room, mean The critical radiation angle has been
screens with surface treatment,
values have been defined for lumi- raised to 65 and luminaires must be
often with positive-image display
naires. For workplaces with screens fully de-glared. DIN EN 12464 and
etc, i.e. modern terminals, as cur-
which are positioned vertically or Draft DIN 5035-7 help to validate the
tilted up to 15, luminance values rently used in most offices, procedure of using luminaires with
apply as specified in Table 8.4 for a  Class III terminals: e.g. screens with luminance limiting to 1000 cd/m2 in
critical radiation angle of 65 or high- negative-image display, low con- indoor VDU workplaces, as practiced
er for all C-planes (allround de-gla- trast, without surface treatment over the past few years, by codifying
ring). For validation, luminaires arran- (e.g. large CAD screens). it in a standard.
ged in C-planes must be examined in Classification according to DIN EN ISO
intervals of 15. Lighting standards for 9241-7 permits the differentiation of
VDU workplaces now refer to work- critical luminances which might be
place ergonomy standardization. ISO, reflected on the screen. Part 6 of DIN
the global federation of national EN ISO 9241, Guidelines for work
standardization bodies, defines ergo- environments, assigns two lumi-
nomic requirements for office work at
nance limits to these screen catego-
screen terminals in DIN EN ISO 9241.
ries. In order to obtain acceptable
In Part 7, Requirements for visual
viewing conditions, the luminance
display units in terms of reflections,
values of luminaires or boundary
three categories of screen terminals
room areas (such as windows, walls,

8/7 8
8/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Energy Passport for Buildings

chapter 9
9 Energy Passport for Buildings
According to the EU Directive on the of energy conservation. For example, Two labels one statement
Energy performance of buildings, he learns which effect an additional
Two different labels have been cre-
every building between Finland and insulation for the outer walls and the
ated to facilitate comparisons of a
Portugal to be sold or leased must installation of solar collectors or solar
buildings energy parameter. They
hold a certificate on its energy perfor- cells will have on the total energy
allow for an assessment of a buildings
mance (energy passport) which must demand and thus on the buildings
quality at first glance.
be submitted to its potential buyer or
In order to ensure that everybody
tenant. The first of the two labels contained in
knows how the evaluation in the
the energy passport classifies the
To implement this directive in Ger- energy passport has been made, the
building on a scale highlighted in
many, the Deutsche Energie-Agentur most important terms are explained.
colors. The best are colored in green,
(dena) has performed a national field Experts can find detailed information
the worst in red. Specific figures on
test to draft a proposal on a uniform, on calculation methods and boundary
the energy demand enable compari-
national energy passport, which was conditions enabling them to compre-
sons with known building standards.
then tested on more than 3,500 hend such calculations.
To this end, reference values are
shown on the color scale.
The energy parameter
The energy passport is a quality mark
The second label classifies buildings in
for the energy performance of build- A buildings energy classification is
one out of nine categories. The best
ings. The basis of the efficiency calcu- made according to the energy param-
can be found in the green sector of
lation is a uniform procedure that eter. This is given in kilowatt hours
class A, the worst in the red sector
complies with the national energy per square meter and year (kWh/m2
down to class I (very poor).
saving regulation (Energieeinsparver- a). In a badly insulated building, this
ordnung, EnEV) and current DIN value could well be above 300. Hous-
Determination of values for the
standards. For owner- es built after 2002 are usually below
energy passport
developers/investors, the energy 100, thus being in the green.
passport is an important instrument The energy demand of a building is
All factors determining the energy
for convincing their customers of a calculated according to a uniform
demand of a building go into the
buildings quality. calculation method. Its basis is the
calculation of the parameter. One of
national energy saving regulation
the most important factors is the
Information contained in the (EnEV) and current DIN standards.
quality of the building shell, i.e. walls
energy passport
and ceilings, windows and the roof. There are two procedures how to
The energy passport demonstrates the record building data: a simplified
Furthermore, an assessment is made
energy quality of a building and record and a detailed one. The simpli-
as to whether heating and hot water
contains data on the quality of the fied record uses fixed allocated param-
preparation utilize the fuel energy in
buildings insulation and heating eters on relevant structures and
an environmentally compatible and
system. installation technology, in particular
efficient manner, and how the energy
those for the heating system used.
The core of the energy passport is an source employed e.g. natural gas,
energy parameter based on the calcu- fuel oil or even electricity has been The field test by dena has shown that
lated energy demand of the building. exploited and transformed before it even a calculation based on a simpli-
This value is used to classify the entered the building. Losses which fied building analysis results in a
building in an evaluation scheme arose during the exploitation, trans- reliable assessment of the buildings
represented in colors. In addition, formation and transportation of the energy quality.
there is detailed data on the causes of energy carrier used are also taken into
A more precise method is a calculation
energy losses as well as the resultant account. Therefore, we speak about
based on a detailed building analysis.
CO2 emission. the primary energy demand of the
This is to be recommended when
building in this context, which also
Furthermore, the energy passport modernization is due and the building
takes a record of environmental
contains tips for the building owner has to be analyzed in detail anyway.
how to optimize the building in terms

9/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens

Energy Passport for Buildings

Fig. 9/1: Energy performance assessment of buildings in the energy passport: value scale (left), classication (right)

How is an energy passport issued? consumption:

Its easy and cost-efcient, with
 Primary energy demand
little red tape
 Classification of the building in an
You can get an energy passport without energy performance class (A to I)
a great deal of red tape! The house  Information such as building type, year
owner commissions an architect, engi- of construction, residential units etc.
neer or qualied tradesman to carry out  Quality of all outer shells of the
a building analysis. The contractor buildings = insulating properties
comes on site, takes the buildings data  System expense coefficient (effi-
and issues an energy passport, which is ciency of heat and hot water prepa-
then handed over to the owner directly ration) for CO2 emissions
or sent to him by mail.  Ultimate energy demand (gas, oil,
The most important parameters  Modernization tips on how to save
energy costs and simultaneously
The energy passport documents all
increase the property value
relevant data influencing energy

9/3 9
9/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Tables and Overviews

chapter 10

Rated values Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)

In accordance with IEC/EN 60439-1, the manufacturers of IEC / EN 60947-1;

low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies state
Parameter for the resistance of clearances inside
rated values. These rated values apply to the specified
switchgear and controlgear to impulse overvoltages. The
operating conditions and characterize the usability of
application of suitable switchgear and controlgear pre-
switchgear and controlgear assemblies. The coordination
vents disconnected system parts from transmitting over-
of the operating equipment or the configuration of the
voltages from the network in which they are applied.
switchgear and controlgear assemblies must be based on
these rated values.
Rated current (In) (of circuit-breakers)

Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) IEC / EN 60947-2;

IEC / EN 60439-1; 4.3 Current which, for circuit-breakers, corresponds to the

rated continuous current and the conventional thermal
As the effective short-circuit current value, the rated short-
time withstand current characterizes the thermal strength
of switchgear and controlgear assembly circuits during a Rated continuous current
short-time load. The rated short-time withstand current is
normally determined for the duration of 1 s; deviating Rated control voltage (Uc)
time values must be stated.
IEC / EN 60947-1; 4.5.1
The rated short-time withstand current is stated for the
Voltage applied to the actuating NO contact of a control
distribution and/or main busbars of switchgear and con-
circuit. It may deviate from the rated control supply volt-
trolgear assemblies.
age if transformers or resistors are connected to the
control circuit.
Rated peak withstand current (Ipk)

IEC / EN 60439-1; 4.4 Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu)

As peak value of the peak current, the rated peak with- IEC / EN 60947-2;
stand current characterizes the dynamic strength of
Maximum short-circuit current which can be interrupted
switchgear and controlgear assembly circuits. The rated
by a circuit-breaker (test O CO). After a short-circuit
peak withstand current is normally stated for the distribu-
release, the circuit-breaker is able to trip with increased
tion and/or main busbars of switchgear and controlgear
tolerances in the case of overload.

Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity (Ics)

Rated conditional short-circuit current (Icc)
IEC / EN 60947-2;
IEC / EN 60439-1; 4.5
The short-circuit current depending on the rated opera-
The rated conditional short-circuit current corresponds to
tional voltage which can be repeatedly interrupted by a
the uninfluenced short-circuit current which switchgear
circuit-breaker (test O CO CO). After the short-circuit
and controlgear assembly circuits that are protected by
breaking, the circuit-breaker is able to continue to carry
short-circuit protective devices may carry without damage
the rated current in the case of increased self-heating or
(for a limited time). The rated conditional short-circuit
current is therefore stated for outgoing and/or incoming
feeders, e. g. with circuit-breakers. Rated continuous current; rated operational voltage

10/2 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens



Rated operating capacity Rated frequency

IEC / EN 60947-1; IEC / EN 60947-1; 4.3.3

Capacity which can be switched by switchgear and con- Frequency for which switchgear and controlgear is dimen-
trolgear with the assigned rated operational voltage in
sioned and to which the other characteristic data refer.
accordance with the utilization category, e. g. power
contactor of utilization category AC-3: Rated operational voltage; rated continuous current
37 kW at 400 V.
Rated insulation voltage (Ui)
Rated operational voltage (Ue)
IEC / EN 60947-1;
IEC / EN 60947-1;
Voltage to which the insulation tests and creepage dis-
Voltage to which the characteristic values of switchgear
tances refer. The maximum rated operational voltage
and controlgear are referred to. The maximum rated
operational voltage must, in no case, exceed the rated must, in no case, exceed the rated insulation voltage.
insulation voltage. Rated operational voltage
Rated insulation voltage
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (Icn)
Rated operational current (Ie)
IEC / EN 60947-1;
IEC / EN 60947-1;
Maximum current which can be switched off by
Current which can be carried by switchgear and control-
switchgear and controlgear with the rated operational
gear in consideration of the rated operational voltage, the
voltage and frequency without causing damage.
operating time, the utilization category and the ambient
temperature. The value is stated as effective value.

Rated operational voltage Rated operational voltage

Rated continuous current (Iu) Rated short-circuit making capacity (Icm)

IEC / EN 60947-1; IEC / EN 60947-1;

Current which can be carried by switchgear and control- Maximum current which can be switched on by switchgear
gear in continuous operation (for weeks, months or years).
and controlgear with the rated operational voltage and

Rated making capacity frequency without causing damage. Deviating from the
other characteristic data, the value is stated as peak value.
IEC / EN 60947-1;
Rated operational voltage
Current which can be switched on by switchgear and
controlgear with the respective rated operational voltage
Rated short-circuit current, conditional
in accordance with the utilization category.

Rated operational voltage IEC / EN 60947-1; 2.5.29

Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)

10/3 10

The terms defined below are used in accordance with VDE Non-drawout assembly
0660, Part 500 and IEC 60439-1. Assembly of operating equipment which is assembled
and wired on a joint supporting structure for permanent
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly installation.
Assembly of one or more switchgear and controlgear units
Operating position
combined with corresponding operating equipment for
control, measuring and signaling tasks and with protective Position of a removable part or withdrawable unit in which
and control devices, etc. The individual devices are com- such part or unit is fully connected for the intended function.
pletely assembled by the manufacturer, including all
Test position
internal electrical and mechanical connections and con-
struction components. Position of a withdrawable unit in which the respective
main circuits are open on the supply side, while the
Type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear requirements placed upon an isolating distance need not
be met, and in which the auxiliary circuits are connected
assembly (TTA)
in a way which assures that the withdrawable unit under-
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly which goes a function test while it remains mechanically con-
complies with the original type or system of the type- nected to the switchgear and controlgear assembly.
tested switchgear and controlgear assembly type-tested in Note: The opening may also be established by operating
accordance with this standard without significant deviations. a suitable device without the withdrawable unit being
mechanically moved.
Functional unit
Disconnected position
Part of a switchgear and controlgear assembly with all
Position of a withdrawable unit in which the isolating
electrical and mechanical components which contribute to
distances in the main and auxiliary circuits are open while
the execution of the same function. it remains mechanically connected to the switchgear and
controlgear assembly.
Removable part Note: The isolating distance may also be established by
Part which may be removed in whole from the switchgear operating a suitable device without the withdrawable unit
being mechanically moved.
and controlgear assembly for replacement, even when the
connected circuit is energized.
Removed position

Withdrawable unit Position of a removable part or withdrawable unit which

Removable part which can be installed in a position in has been removed from the switchgear and controlgear
assembly and is mechanically and electrically disconnected
which an isolating distance is open while it remains
from the assembly.
mechanically connected to the switchgear and controlgear
Note: This isolating distance must lie in the main circuits
Component of a switchgear and controlgear assembly
only or in the main and auxiliary circuits.
which serves the carrying of various components of a
switchgear and controlgear assembly or of an enclosure.

10/4 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens




Part which protects the operating equipment against

external influences and offers protection against direct
contact from every direction with a minimum degree of
protection of IP2X.

Component of a switchgear and controlgear assembly
positioned between two successive vertical limiting levels.

Cubicle panel
Component of a switchgear and controlgear assembly
positioned between two superimposed horizontal limiting
levels inside a cubicle.

Cubicle or cubicle panel which is encased with the
exception of openings required for connection, control
or ventilation.

Transport unit
Part of a switchgear and controlgear assembly or complete
switchgear and controlgear assembly which is not disas-
sembled for transportation.

Rated diversity factor

The rated diversity factor of a switchgear and controlgear
assembly or of a component of a switchgear and control-
gear assembly (e. g. cubicle, cubicle panel) which com-
prises several main circuits is the ratio of the largest sum
of all currents which are to be expected in the respective
main circuits at any given time to the sum of the rated
currents of all main circuits of the switchgear and control-
gear assembly or of the affected part of the switchgear
and controlgear assembly. If the manufacturer states a
rated diversity factor, this value must be taken as a basis
for the temperature-rise test.
Number of Rated diversity
main circuits factor

2 and 3 0.9
4 and 5 0.8
6 up to and including 9 0.7
10 and more 0.6

10/5 10
Rated Currents and Initial Symmetrical Short-Circuit Currents of
Three-Phase Distribution Transformers from 50 to 3,150 kVA

Rated 400/230 V, 50 Hz 525 V, 50 Hz 690/400 V, 50 Hz

voltage UrT
Rated value of 4 % 1) 6 % 2) 4 % 1) 6 % 2) 4 % 1) 6 % 2)
the short-
circuit voltage ukr
Rated Rated Initial symmetrical Rated Initial symmetrical Rated Initial symmetrical
power current Ir short-circuit current Ik 3) current Ir short-circuit current Ik 3) current Ir short-circuit current Ik 3)

[kVA] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A]

50 72 1,933 1,306 55 1,473 995 42 1,116 754

100 144 3,871 2,612 110 2,950 1,990 84 2,235 1,508
160 230 6,209 4,192 176 4,731 3,194 133 3,585 2,420
200 288 7,749 5,239 220 5,904 3,992 167 4,474 3,025
250 360 9,716 6,552 275 7,402 4,992 209 5,609 3,783
315 455 12,247 8,259 346 9,331 6,292 262 7,071 4,768
400 578 15,506 10,492 440 11,814 7,994 335 8,953 6,058
500 722 19,438 13,078 550 14,810 9,964 418 11,223 7,581
630 910 24,503 16,193 693 18,669 12,338 525 14,147 9,349
800 1,154 20,992 880 15,994 670 12,120
1,000 1,444 26,224 1,100 19,980 836 15,140
1,250 1,805 32,791 1,375 24,984 1,046 18,932
1,600 2,310 41,857 1,760 31,891 1,330 24,265
2,000 2,887 52,511 2,200 40,008 1,674 30,317
2,500 3,608 65,547 2,749 49,941 2,090 37,844
3,150 4,550 82,656 3,470 62,976 2,640 47,722

1) ukr = 4%, standardized in accordance with DIN 42503 for SrT = 50 630 kVA
2) u = 6%, standardized in accordance with DIN 42511 for SrT = 100 1,600 kVA
3) I Uninfluenced initial symmetrical transformer short-circuit current without consideration of the network pre-impedance
in consideration of the voltage and correction factor of the transformer impedance
in accordance with DIN EN 60909/DIN VDE 0102 (July 2002)

Approximation formula
Rated transformer current Transformer short-circuit symmetrical current

IN [A] = k x SNT [kVA] I"k = IN/ukr x 100 [A] 400 V: k = 1.45

525 V: k = 1.1
690 V: k = 0.84

10/6 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Utilization Categories in Accordance with DIN EN 60947-4-1, 3, 5-1

(VDE 0660 Parts 102, 107 and 200)

AC current DC current DIN VDE IEC

Utilization Typical Utilization Typical 0660 947
category application case category application case Part Part

AC-1 Non-inductive or slightly DC-1 Non-inductive or slightly 102 4

inductive loads, resistance inductive loads, resistance
furnaces furnaces

AC-12 1) Control of resistive loads DC-12 Control of resistive loads 200 5

and semiconductor loads and semiconductor loads
in input circuits of opto- in input circuits of opto-
couplers couplers

AC-13 Control of resistive loads and DC-13 1) Control of 200 5

semiconductor loads with electromagnets
transformer separation

AC-14 Control of small DC-14 Control of electromagnetic 200 5

electromagnetic loads loads with economy resistors
(max. 72 VA) in the circuit

AC-15 Control of electromagnetic 200 5

loads (larger than 72 VA)

AC-2 Slip ring motors: 102 4

start-up, shutdown

AC-20 Closing and opening with DC-20 Closing and opening with 107 3
no-load no-load

AC-21 Switching of resistive DC-21 Switching of resistive 107 3

loads, including moderate loads, including moderate
overload overload

AC-22 Switching of mixed DC-22 Switching of mixed resistive 107 3

resistive and inductive loads, and inductive loads, including
including moderate moderate overload (e.g.
overload shunt motors)

AC-23 Switching of motor loads DC-23 Switching of highly 107 3

or other highly inductive inductive loads (e.g.
loads series motors)

AC-3 Squirrel-cage motors: DC-3 Shunt motors: start-up, 102 4

start-up, shutdown plug-braking 2), reversing 2),
during run 4) inching 3),
rheostatic braking

AC-4 Squirrel-cage motors: start-up, DC-5 Series motors: 102 4

plug-braking 2), reversing 2), start-up, plug-braking 2),
inching 3) reversing, inching 2),

rheostatic braking

10/7 10
Utilization Categories in Accordance with DIN EN 60947-4-1, 3, 5-1 (VDE 0660 Parts 102, 107 and 200)

AC current DC current DIN VDE IEC

Utilization Typical Utilization Typical 0660 947
category application case category application case Part Part

AC-5a Switching of 102 4

gas-discharge lamps

AC-5b Switching of DC-6 Switching of 102 4

incandescent lamps incandescent lamps

AC-6a Switching of transformers

AC-6b Switching
of capacitor batteries

AC-7a Slightly inductive loads in

household appliances and
similar applications

AC-7b Motor loads for household

1) In DIN EN 60947 (VDE 0660), AC-11 is transferred to AC-15 and DC-11 to DC-13.
2) Plug-braking or motor reversing is a fast braking or reversal of the rotational speed by
AC-8a Switching of hermetically
encapsulated refrigerating exchanging two supply lines during the motors run.
3) Inching refers to a one-time or repeated short-time switch-on of the motor to effect slight
compressor motors with
machine movements.
manual overload release reset 5) 4) The devices may be used for occasional inching or plug-braking over a limited period;
the number of operations must not exceed 5/min and 10/10 min.
AC-8b Switching of hermetically
5) With hermetically encapsulated refrigerating compressor motors, the compressor and the
encapsulated refrigerating
motor are encapsulated in the same enclosure without an external shaft or shaft sealing
compressors with automatic and the motor is operated in the refrigerant.
overload release reset 5)

10/8 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Accumulators 111 222 3
Acetylene lling plant 194 3
Acids, inorganic 22 3
Adhesives 278 944 3
Aircrafts 56 3
Aluminum chips, interim storage 74 2
Aluminum, processing 56 3
Aluminum, production 11 3
Articial leather 278 472 3
Articial leather products 111 222 3
Articial stones 11 3
Asbestos products 22 3
Asphalt (in barrels, blocks), storage 944 3
Automotive accessories, storage 222 3
Automotive spare parts warehouse 94 2
Automotive, assembly 83 3
Automotive, paint shop 139 3
Automotive, repair 94 2
Automotive, repair shops 83 3
Automotive, saddlery 194 3

Bakery products, industrial bakeries 278 3
Bakery products, shipping 74 2
Ball bearings 56 3
Bandaging materials 111 222 3
Barrels, plastic 167 222 3
Barrels, wooden 278 222 3
Bast fabrics 111 3
Bedware 139 278 3
Beer breweries 22 3
Bicycles 56 3
Bitumen processing 222 944 3
Blacksmith shops 22 3
Blast furnaces 11 3
Blinds 222 3
Boats, wooden or plastic 200 3
Bodyworks, metal 56 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Boiler houses 56 3
Books, bookbindery 278 3
Boxes, wooden 278 3
Bricks, drying furnace with metal grills 3 3
Bricks, drying furnace with wooden grills 278 3
Bricks, drying room with metal grills 11 3
Bricks, drying room with wooden grills 111 3
Bricks, pressing shop 56 3
Brickworks 11 3
Brooms 194 3
Brush products 194 222 3
Brushes 194 3
Building material warehouses 74 2
Building materials, storage 222 3
Butter, fabrication 194 1,111 3

Cables 83 3
Cableways 83 3
Cameras 83 167 3
Candles 361 6,222 3
Candy 111 417 3
Candy, packaging 222 3
Car parks 56 3
Carbonic acid 11 3
Cardboards 222 694 3
Carpentries 194 3
Carpets 167 3
Cartons 56 1,167 3
Caskets, wooden 139 3
Celluloid fabrication 222 944 3
Cement 11 3
Ceramic products 56 3
Checkrooms, metal cabinets 22 3
Checkrooms, wooden cabinets 111 3
Chinaware 56 3
Chipboard coating 222 3
Chipboards 83 1,861 3
Chocolate 111 944 3
Chocolate, conching rooms 278 3
Chocolate, packaging 139 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/10 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Clocks and watches 83 3

Clothes 139 167 3
Clothing 139 3
Coals 2,917 3
Cocoa products 222 1,617 3
Coconut bers, pressed 2,333 3
Coffee roasting plants 111 3
Coffee, raw 806 3
Control stations, relay room with cable underoor 31 4
Control stations, relay room without cable underoor 250 4
Cooking fat, cooking oil 278 5,250 3
Cork 222 3
Cork products 139 222 3
Corrugated cardboard cartons 222 3
Cosmetics 83 139 3
Cotton wool 83 306 3
Cotton, storage 361 3
Cutlery 56 3

Detergents 83 3
Detergents, raw materials 139 3
Dispersion paint 222 3
Doors, plastic 194 1,167 3
Doors, wooden 222 500 3
Dried vegetables 278 111 3
Dry batteries 111 167 3
Dye works 139 3

Electric components, assembly 119 2
Electric equipment 139 3
Electric motors 119 2
Electric motors 83 3
Electric shops 119 2
Electric shops 167 3
Electronic devices 139 3
Embroidery 83 361 3
Equipment 111 3
Equipment, repair department 167 3
Equipment, shippers 194 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/11 10
Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Equipment, testing 56 3

Feedstuff 556 917 3
Felts 167 222 3
Fibrous materials 556 3
Fireclay products 56 3
Fireworks 556 3
Fittings 56 3
Flax, hemp, jute (bers) 361 3
Flooring, combustible 139 1,667 3
Flour in sacks 556 2,333 3
Fluorescent tubes 83 3
Foam products 167 3
Foams 833 3
Frozen foodstuffs 222 3
Fuel wood 694 3
Furniture factories 152 2
Furniture, steel 83 3
Furniture, wooden 139 3

Glass 22 3
Glass cutting shops 199 2
Glass products 56 3
Glass products, glass painting 83 3
Glass products, processing 199 2
Gliders 167 3
Goldsmith products 56 3
Greases 278 5,000 3
Grindstones 22 3

Hardboards 83 3
Heating rooms 83 3
Horsehair 167 3
Household appliances 119 2
Household appliances 83 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/12 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Ice cream 22 3
Imprinting and varnishing plants 152 2
Incandescent lamps 11 3
Incandescent mantles 56 3
Inks 56 3
Installation shops 28 3

Jam 222 3
Jewelry products 56 3
Joineries, furniture 167 3
Jute products 111 361 3

Knitwear 83 361 3

Laboratories, chemical 139 3
Laboratories, dentistry 83 3
Laboratories, electrical 56 3
Laces 111 3
Leather 472 3
Leather products 139 167 3
Light metal window construction 92 2
Linen (bers) 361 3
Linoleum 111 3
Locksmith shops 56 3

Machine parts, warehouse 74 2
Machines 56 3
Magazine (workshop) 33 3
Malt 3,722 3
Marble products 11 3
Matches 83 222 3
Mattresses 139 3
Meat products 11 3
Mechanical engineering 92 2

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/13 10
Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Mechanical workshops 92 2
Metal foils 11 3
Metal processing 56 3
Metal products 56 3
Metal products, hardening shops 111 3
Metal products, spray paint shops 83 3
Metal sections, processing 92 2
Minerals 11 3
Mirrors 28 3
Molasses 1,389 3
Motor test benches 86 2
Motor truck parts, shipping 94 2
Motorcycle pre-assembly and nal assembly 86 2
Movie copies 167 3
Musical instruments, wooden 167 3
Mustard 111 3

Ofce machines 83 3
Ofce supplies, storage 361 3
Ofce, commercial 222 3
Ofce, technical 167 3
Oilcloths 194 361 3
Oils (mineral, vegetable, animal) 5,250 3
Omnibus production 86 2

Packing materials 92 2
Paint mixing shops 556 3
Paint shops 22 3
Paint shops, furniture 56 3
Paint with combustible solvents 1,111 3
Painter workshop 139 3
Paper 56 2,778 3
Paper products 222 306 3
Paperboard 83 3
Parquet 556 333 3
Pasta 361 472 3
Pencils 139 3
Perfume products 83 139 3
Pharmaceutical products 56 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/14 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Pharmaceuticals, production and packaging 83 3

Photo lms and plates 278 3
Photo laboratories 83 3
Picture frames 83 3
Pipe fabrics 111 3
Plaster, plaster products 22 3
Plastic pipes 152 2
Plastic processing with thermal transfer press 152 2
Plastic products 167 222 3
Plastic products, injection molding shops 139 3
Plastic products, punching shops 111 3
Plastics 556 1,639 3
Plywood 222 3
Polyester resins, processing 152 2
Potteries, pottery products 56 3
Power plants 56 3
Precious metals 56 3
Precision mechanics shops 56 3
Press shops and drawing shops 189 2
Press shops, foaming of Al sections 189 2
Printed papers, case room 83 222 3
Printing inks 194 3
Printing machines 92 2
Punching shop, metal 28 3
Punching shop, plastic, leather 111 3
Putties 278 361 3

Radio sets 83 56 3
Railway cars, assembly 86 2
Raw glass warehouses 74 2
Record players 83 56 3
Records 167 3
Reed products 111 3
Refrigerators 278 83 3
Repair shops 111 3
Rolled products (excl. sheet and wire) 28 3
Rope products 83 167 3
Round timber 1,750 3
Rubber products 167 1,389 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/15 10
Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Sacks, jute 139 222 3
Sacks, paper 222 3,500 3
Sacks, plastic 167 7,000 3
Saddleries 83 3
Safes 22 3
Saline products 22 3
Sanitary workshops 28 3
Sawing shops 111 3
Sawmills 111 3
Scales 83 3
Scrap material, processing 222 944 3
Screens 83 3
Sewing machines 83 3
Sewing shops 152 2
Sheet products 28 3
Sheet products, delivery 56 3
Sheets and coils, storage 74 2
Shippers, beverages 83 3
Shippers, foodstuffs 278 3
Shippers, furniture 167 3
Shippers, glass products 194 3
Shippers, plastic products 278 3
Shippers, printed papers 472 3
Shippers, sheet products 56 3
Shippers, textiles 167 3
Shippers, varnish 361 3
Shippers, wood products, carton products 167 3
Ships, metal 56 3
Shoe care products 222 583 3
Shoes 139 111 3
Shutters 278 3
Silk textiles 83 3
Skis 111 3
Small equipment production 83 3
Soaps 56 1,167 3
Soda 11 3
Soot (in sacks) 3,500 3
Spinning works 83 3
Spirits 139 222 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/16 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Starch 556 3
Steel 11 3
Stockings 83 278 3
Stonemason shops 11 3
Straw fabrics 111 3
Straw, pressed 222 3
Streetcar vehicles 86 2
Sugar 2,333 3
Sugar products 222 222 3
Synthetic bers 83 361 3
Synthetic resins 944 1,167 3

Tar 944 3
Tar products 222 3
Telephone sets 111 3
Telephone switchboards 22 3
Textile printing shops 194 3
Textiles 306 3
Theater sceneries 306 3
Thermoplastics, processing 152 2
Thin sheets, cutting and packaging 92 2
Tinsmith shops 28 3
Tire tting 86 2
Tires 194 500 3
Tobacco products 56 583 3
Tobacco, raw 472 3
Tools 56 3
Toothpicks 139 3
Toys 139 3
Tractors 83 3
Transformer winding shops 167 3
Transformers 83 3
Turnery 92 2
TV sets 83 3

Upholstery furniture, excl. foams 139 111 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/17 10
Fire Loads for Various Applications

Production/sales/storage Fire load Fire load Literature

[kWh/m2] [kWh/m3]

Varnish 1,389 694 3
Vehicles 83 3
Veneers 222 806 3
Vulcanization plants 278 3

Wafers 83 472 3
Wagons 56 3
Wallpaper, wallpapering products 222 278 3
Washing machines 83 3
Waste incineration plants 56 3
Waterworks 22 3
Wax 944 3
Wax products 1,300 583 3
Weapons 83 3
Wicker products 83 3
Windows, plastic 167 3
Windows, wooden 222 3
Wine cellars 22 3
Wire mill 189 2
Wire, insulated 83 3
Wire, non-insulated 22 3
Wood beams 1,167 3
Wood chips 583 3
Wood products, impregnation shops 833 3
Wood products, spray paint shops 139 3
Wood wool 139 3
Wool 528 3
Workshops (mechanical) 56 3

Yarns 472 3

2) Constructional re protection in industrial buildings; comment on DIN 18230, Berlin 3) Fire risk assessment calculation method; sia Dok 81 7 of 7

10/18 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


List of Abbreviations

A LVMD Low-voltage main distribution

AGI Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau M

(German working group on industrial building)
MRT Magnetic resonance tomograph
AS-i Actuator-sensor interface MVS Medium-voltage supply

CT Computer tomograph PDNO Power distribution network operator
PTC Positive temperature coefficient; PTC resistor
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V.;
RPS Redundant power supply system
Deutsche Industrienorm (German institute
for standardization;German industrial standard) S
SF Simultaneity factor
SHV Smoke and heat vent
EIB European Installation Bus
SPS Safety power supply system
ELA Electroacoustics
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
TA Technische Anleitung
EN European standard (German technical instruction)
EnEV Energiesparverordnung TAB Technische Anschlussbedingungen (des Versorgungs-
(German energy saving ordinance) netzbetreibers) (technical supply conditions of the
German power distribution network operator)
G THD Total harmonic distortion
THDI Total harmonic distortion index
GPS General power supply
TTA Type-tested low-voltage switchgear and
H controlgear assembly
TH Staatliche Technische berwachung Hessen (Govern-
HOA Honorarordnung fr Architekten und Ingenieure mental technical control board of Hesse/Germany)
(German regulation of architects and engineers fees) TV Technischer berwachungsverein
HVAC Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (German technical control board)

UGR Unified glare rating
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
IP International Protection (in acc. with DIN);
also Ingress Protection V
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und
K Informationstechnik (German association for
electrical, electronic and information technologies)
KNX Konnex; building system technology in
acc. with EN 50090 VDEW Verband der Elektrizittswirtschaft e.V.
(German electricity association)
L VDN Verband der Netzbetreiber e.V. beim
VDEW/VDN (German association of electricity
LAN Local area network network operators)

10/19 10
Your Siemens Contact Partners
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E-mail: cahit.atay@siemens.com E-mail: neil.schrimsher@siemens.com

Contact Partners for Special Subjects

Lighting technology Redundant power supply systems 1,000 kVA Uninterruptible power supply systems

SiTECO Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH HEINKEL Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH MASTERGUARD GmbH

Technical Support Axel Kraft PO Box 2620
Georg-Simon-Ohm-Strae 50 E-mail: kraft@heinkel-systeme.de 91014 Erlangen, Germany
83301 Traunreut / Upper Bavaria, Germany ETK Berlin GmbH Fax: +49 91 31/6 30 03 00
Tel.: +49 86 69/3 38 44 Holger Ladenthin www.masterguard.de
Fax: +49 86 69/3 35 40 E-mail: ladenthin@etk-berlin.de Infoline (weekdays 9.00 am 5.00 pm)
E-mail: technicalsupport@siteco.de Tel.: +49 1 80/5 32 37 51
www.siteco.de or www.siteco.com E-mail: info@masterguard.de
R. Liebschner
E-mail: r.liebschner@let-energie.com The article Workplace lighting
Reactive power compensation
Redundant power supply systems 1,000 kVA was kindly provided by:
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kemnitz
Gerd Sonnek MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH SiTECO Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH
Tel.: +49 91 43/6 03-56 Udo Preusche Sales Region East / Berlin Office
Fax: +49 91 43/6 03-12 udo.preusche@mtu-online.de Nonnendammallee 42
E-mail: gerd.sonnek@modl.de
13599 Berlin, Germany
Modl GmbH Tel.: +49 30/35 53 09 15
Sales Management Fax: +49 30/35 53 09 20
Langenaltheimer Strae 59 Mobile: +49 1 72/3 09 06 11
91788 Pappenheim, Germany E-mail: m.kemnitz@

10/20 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens


We would like to thank the companies MASTERGUARD (UPS),

Modl (reactive power compensation), Siteco (lighting

technology) and MTU (redundant power supply systems) for

their technical support in the preparation of this manual.

Totally Integrated Power
Application Manual
Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Automation and Drives
Power Transmission and Distribution
Siemens Building Technologies

Publishing house
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Ngelsbachstrae 33
91052 Erlangen, Germany

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90411 Nuremberg, Germany

THALHOFER, 71101 Schnaich, Germany
ethabind jacket
protected by patent

2006 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Berlin and Munich
All rights reserved. Token fee 24. Euro
All data and circuit examples without engagement
Subject to changes

The omission of any specic reference with regard to trademarks, brand names,
technical solutions, etc., does not imply that they are not protected by patent.

10/21 10
10/22 Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Conversion Factors and Tables

Volume Volume flow rate Pressure

Non-metric Non-metric Non-metric Non-metric Non-metric Non-metric

SI unit
unit SI unit SI unit SI unit SI unit SI unit
unit unit unit unit unit
3 3 1 l/s 0.264
11 in
cm3 16.387 cm
0.061 in 3= 0.034 fl oz gallon/s 3.785 gallons/s
l/s in HG
1 bar 0.034 in
29.53 barHg =
3 3
11 ftdm 28.317
in3 == 0.028 m
3 1 l/h
gallon/min 0.0044
0.227 mgallons/min
3/h = 227 l/h = 105 pa
1 psi 14.504 psi =
0.069 bar
3 = 102 kpa 2088.54 lbf/ft 2=
1l 0.765
0.035mft33 = 1.057 quarts = ft33/s
1m /h 4.405 gallons/min
101.941 m3/h = 1 lbf/ft2 4.788 x 10-4 bar =
14.504 lbf/in2 =
1 fl oz 2.114 pint
29.574 cm3= 0.264 gallons 1 ft3/min 0.589 ft33/min = 0.0098 ft3/s 4.882 x 10 kgf/cm2
1.699 m /h 0.932 tonf/ft2 =
11 quart 0.946
0.629dm 3 = 0.946 l
barrels Non-metric 1 lbf/in2 10=-3 0.070
0.069 xbar
6.457 2
tonf/inkgf/cm 2
unit Non-metric SI unit
SI unit (= 1.02 kgf/cm 2)
1 pint 0.473 dm3 = 0.473 l unit 1 tonf/ft2 1.072 bar = 1.093 kgf/cm 2
Non-metric 1 gallon/s
SI unit 3.785 l/s
1 gallon 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 l 1 l/s 0.264 gallons/s 1 tonf/in2 154.443 bar =
1 gallon/min 0.227 m3/h = 227 l/h Non-metric 2 unit
1 barrel 33
158,987cm = 1.589
dm m3 1 l/h 0.0044 gallons/min 157.488 kgf/cmSI
1 in3 16.387 unit
= 159 l 1 ft3/s 101.941 m3/h
1 ft3 28.317 dm3 = 0.028 m3 1 m3/h 4.405 gallons/min = 1 in HG 0.034Non-metric
1 ft3/min 1.699 m
ft3/min = 0.0098 ft3/s SI unit unit
1 yd3 0.765 m3
Non-metric 1 psi 0.069 bar
SI unit unit
1 fl oz 29.574 cm3 11 lbf/ft
bar 2 29.53 xin10
4.788 Hg = =
-4 bar
= 105 pa 14.504x psi
1 quart in33==0.034
0.061 dm
0.946 0.946 fll oz 4.882
= 102 kpa 2088.54 lbf/ft2 =
1 pint 0.473 in33 =
61.024dm = 0.473 l Force 1 lbf/in2 0.069
14.504bar = 0.070
lbf/in 2 = kgf/cm

= gallon
1 1l 3.785 ft3 3==1.057
0.035 dm 3.785quarts
l = 1 tonf/ft2 1.072
0.932bar 2
= 1.093
tonf/ft = kgf/cm2
Non-metric Non-metric
1 barrel
1 14 pint = 30.264
158,987 dm = 1.589 m
3 SI unit
unit SI unit 1 tonf/in2 6.457 x 10
-3 tonf/in2
bar =
unit 2
1 m3 0.629
= 159 lbarrels (= 1.02
157.488 kgf/cm
1 lbf
N 4.448
0.225 N
lbf = 0.102 kgf
1 kgf
kN 9.807 N
0.100 tonf
1 tonf
Non-metric 9.964 kN
unit SI unit
SI unit Non-metric Energy, work, heat content
1 lbf unit
4.448 N
1Nkgf 0.225
9.807 lbf
N = 0.102 kgf Non-metric
SI unit Non-metric
SI unit
1 unit unit
SI unit Non-metric 1 kN
tonf 0.100
9.964 tonf
unit unit SI unit 6J
1 hp
kWhh 0.746 kWh
1.341 hp h= = 2.655
2.684 kgf
x 10m
1 ft/s 3.281 m/s
0.305 ft/s == 2.237
1,098 miles/h
km/h =
= 2.737 x 510J5 kgf m
3.6 x 10
1 mile/h 0.911 ft/s
0.447 m/s==0.621
1,609 miles/h
km/h ft
J lbf 0.138
3.725 kgf
x 10m -7 hp h =
Torque, moment of force
1 Btu 0.738 kJ
1.055 ft lbf =
= 1055.06 J
SI unit
Non-metric Non-metric -4 Btu
unit SI unit Non-metric 9.478
(= x 10
0.252 kcal)
unit Non-metric
SI unit
SI unit
unit unit (= 2.388 x 10-4 kcal)
1 ft/s
1 m/s 3.281 m/s
0.305 ft/s ==2.237
1,098 miles/h
km/h Non-metric
1 lbf
Nmin 0.113
8.851Nm = 0.012
lbf in kgflbf
= 0.738 m ft 1 kgf
SI unitm 3.653 x 10-6 hp h =
1 mile/h
km/h unit
1 0.447 m/s = 1,609 miles/h
0.911 ft/s = 0.621 km/h 1 lbf ft (= 0.102
1.356 Nmkgf m) kgf m
= 0.138 7.233 ft lbf
1 kWh 1.341 hp h = 2.655 kgf m
Non-metric Non-metric Non-metric
SI unit SI unit unit = 3.6 x 105 J SI unit
unit unit
J 3.725 x 10-7 hp h =
1 lbf 8.851Nm
0.113 lbf in = 0.738
= 0.012 kgflbf
m ft 1 hp h 0.746 kWh = 2.684 x 106 J
0.738 ft lbf =
(= 0.102 kgf m) = 2.737 x 10 5 kgf m
Mass, weight 1 lbf ft 1.356 Nm = 0.138 kgf m 9.478 x 10 -4 Btu

ft lbf 0.138
(= kgfxm10-4 kcal)
SI unit Non-metric
SI unit
kgf m
1 Btu 1.055 kJ
3.653 = 61055.06
x 10- hp h = J
unit unit 7.233
(= ft lbf
0.252 kcal)
1 oz
g 28.35
0.035 g
oz Moment of inertia J

1 lb
kg 0.454 kg==35.27
2.205 lb 453.6oz
g GD2
Numerical value equation: J= = Wr 2
1 sh
t ton 0.907 t =ton
1.102 sh 907=.22,205
kg lb 4
Non-metric Non-metric
SI unit Non-metric SI unit
unit SI unit
Non-metric unit
unit SI unit
unit 1 kg ft22
lbf m 0.04214
23.73 kg2 m2
lb ft
1g 0.035 oz
1 oz 28.35 g Non-metric Non-metric
1 kg 2.205 lb = 35.27 oz SI unit SI unit
1 lb 0.454 kg = 453.6 g unit unit
1t 1.102 sh ton = 2,205 lb 2 ft2 m2
1 sh ton 0.907 t = 907.2 kg 11 lbf
kg mft2 23.73 lb kg
Conversion Factors and Tables

Electrical power Examples of decimal multiples and Linear measure

fractions of metric units
SI unit Non-metric
SI unit
unit unit
1 hp
kW 0.746 kW== 745.70 W =
1.341 hp 1 km = 1,000 m; SI unit Non-metric
m/s 1 m = 100 cm = 1,000 mm
(= 1.014 PS)
1.36 PS) 1 km2 = 1,000,000 m2; .
ft lbf/s 1.356
0.738 W (= 0.138
ft lbf/s kgfkcal/h
= 0.86 in/s) = 1 m2 = 10,000 cm2; .
1 kcal/h 3.412W
1.163 Btu 1 cm2 = 100 mm2
. .
(= 0.102 kgf m/s) 1 m3 = 1,000,000 cm3; .
1 Btu/h 0.293 W
Non-metric 1 cm3 = 1,000 mm3
SI unit . .
SI unit
unit unit 1 t = 1,000 kg; 1 kg = 1,000 g
1 kW
1 hp 0.746 hp
1.341 kW== 745.70 W = 1 kW = 1,000 W unit SI unit
76.040 kgf
101.972 kgfm/s
(= 1.36
(= 1.014PS)
PS) .

ft lbf/s 1.356 W (= 0.138 kgfkcal/h

in/s) = . .
1W 0.738 ft lbf/s = 0.86
1 kcal/h 3.412
1.163 WBtu . .

1 Btu/h (= 0.102
0.293 W kgf m/s) .

Specific steam consumption

Non-metric Square measure

SI unit
1 lb/hp h 0.608 kg/kWh

SI unit Non-metric
unit Non-metric
SI unit unit
1 kg/kWh 1.644 lb/hp h
. ,

Non-metric SI unit Non-metric

unit SI unit
F C 5 (
9 F 32) = C . .
F K 5
9 F + 255.37 = T .

SI unit Non-metric .
C F 5 + 32 =
9 C F .
K F 5
T 459.67 = F
Quantity Symbol Unit
Temperature in F*
Temperature in degrees C* C Btu = British thermal unit
Celsius (centigrade) Btu/h = British thermal unit/hour
Thermodynamic T K lbf = pound force
temperature (Kelvin) tonf = ton force
* The letter t may be used instead of
Conversion Factors and Tables

Conductor cross sections Temperature

in the Metric and US System

Metric cross American Wire Gauge F C

sections acc. (AWG)
to IEC

15 m
Conductor Equivalent AWG or MCM 320 160
cross metric CSA

[mm2] [mm2] 290

13 m
0.653 19 AWG 260
0.832 18

245 120
1.040 17
1.310 16
230 110

11 m
1.650 15
2.080 14 212 100


2.620 13 200
3.310 12 90
4.00 185
4.170 11

5.260 10 170
6.630 9 70

8.370 8
10.00 10.550 7 140 60

13.300 6
16.00 16.770 5 50

21.150 4 110

25.00 40
26.670 3
33.630 2
35.00 30

42.410 1 80
50.00 53.480 1/0 20
67.430 2/0

85.030 3/0 50 10
107.200 4/0

120.00 250 MCM 32 0

150.00 152.000 300 20
185.00 10

202.710 400
240.00 253.350 500
300.00 304.000 600 10
M 1 : 100

354.710 700
M 1 : 20

M 1 : 50

400.00 800 30
405.350 25
500.00 506.710 1000
625.00 40 40
Application Manual
Basic Data and Preliminary Planning

Totally Integrated PowerTM Application Manual

Basic Data and Preliminary Planning
We build the bridge between building
management and power distribution
whith integrated solutions for commercial and industrial buildings

The information provided in this mannal contains merely general descriptions or
totally integrated

characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as de-
scribed or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An
obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in
the terms of contract.

All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or

supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the
rights of the owners.

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Power Transmission and Distribution Siemens Schweiz AG Nominal charge: 24 euro
Gleiwitzer Strae 555 Freyeslebenstrae 1 Building Technologies Group Order no.: E20001-A110-M104-X-7600
90475 NUREMBERG 91058 ERLANGEN International Headquarters Dispo 27612
GERMANY GERMANY Gubelstrasse 22
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