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Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Finance
Module: General Ledger

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Multiple Company Accounting

A.1 What are the various businesses the company is involved in ?

A.2 What is the structure or relationships of these businesses?

A.3 How many sites are these companies located?
A.4 Do you currently do periodic consolidation of these locations in

B Chart of Accounts

B.1 Do all the locations have the same chart of accounts?

B.2 What is the structure of current Chart of Accounts for all location
& companies ?
B.3 What is the Chart of Accounts mapping during the consolidation?

B.4 How often do you perform this consolidation?

B.5 Do you plan to have a new chart of accounts or copy the one you
currently have?
B.6 Are you open to adjusting your chart of accounts to better utilize
Oracle Financials?
B.7 Are your accounts in any order or range pattern?
B.8 What is the account parent or grandparent structure ?
B.9 Do you use statistical accounts in your standard structure ?

C Calendars

C.1 What is the Accounting Period followed by the Company ?

C.2 How many periods are in the Accounting Period?
C.3 Do all the companies have the same calendar?
C.4 Do all the locations have the same calendar?
C.5 When closing at year end do you use a 13th period?
C.6 Do you have a naming convention for the periods?
C.7 What is the policy for opening and Closing a period?

D Multi Currency

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D.2 Are any of the companies involved in Export & Import of goods &
D.1 Do you use multiple currencies in your business?
D.3 How many currencies do you use and what are they?
D.6 What is the primary currency you have?
A.9 Do all the locations have the same functional currency?
D.4 What is your policy on changing currency rates?
D.7 Do you perform consolidation between various businesses that
use different currencies?
D.8 Do you do data entry in multiple currencies?
D.9 Do you do translations monthly into foreign currencies?
D.10 What is the Account do you use for cumulative gain or loss?
D.11 Do you perform re-valuation of assets and liabilities on a regular
basis? When?
D.12 Do you have any special audit requirements for foreign currency
D.13 Do you have to inquiry into original entered currency balances?

E Data Conversion

E.1 How many years of data do you want to convert?

E.2 Do you want to convert summary or detail data? (i.e. balances or
E.3 Do you want historical budget data converted?
E.5 How many budgets will need to be converted? Why?
E.6 Is there a need for a mapping from an old COA to a new COA?

F Journal Entry

F.1 Do you use batches to enter journals?

F.2 Do you reverse journals on a regular basis?
F.3 Do you have standard journals that are entered on regularly
basis? Which ones or what would your recurring journals be?
F.4 Do you use control totals when entering journals?
F.5 How often do you post journals to your General Ledger
F.6 What are the procedures you use to post these journals?
F.7 Who posts the journal batches?
F.8 Who approves the posting? Explain the Approving Limits
F.9 Do you allow for posting out of balances journals into a suspense
F.10 Do you have multiple suspense accounts?
F.11 Do you currently use statistical accounts? What ones?
F.12 What are the different sources of journals?
F.13 What are the different categories of journals that you use?
F.14 Do you have any audit requirements that might be unique?

G Mass Allocation

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G.1 Do you perform mass allocations? What types?
G.2 How many formulas do you use in your allocations?
G.3 Do you use step down mass allocations?
G.4 What are your allocations based on?
G.5 Do you always allocate 100% of the account your allocating?
G.6 Do you create offset accounts or remove monies from the
allocation accounts.
G.7 Do you currently have automated step down allocation

H Encumbrance Accounting

H.1 Do you currently use encumbrance accounting?

H.2 Do you plan to use encumbrance accounting?

I Budgeting/Spreadsheet Interfaces

I.1 Do you plan to use the Oracle budgeting module?

I.2 Will you be using the Oracle 123 add-in?
I.3 How many budgets do you prepare? When are they prepared?

I.4 Do you want budgeting completed when your the General Ledger
is brought up into production?
I.5 What level do you budget at? Cost center, company...?
I.6 What individuals prepare the budgets?
I.7 Do they have security requirements on budgets?
I.8 Do budgets have to be frozen at any time?
I.9 Do you need budgets to be updated all at once? (i.e. increase the
entire budget by 5%)
I.10 What will the different budget organizations be?
I.11 What will the names of the different budgets be?
I.12 Is there any documentation on the budgeting cycle? Do we need
to create any?
I.13 Do we need budget history converted?
I.14 How do you create next years budget?

J Closing Schedule

J.1 Explain your general ledger closing schedule? Annual, Half

yearly, Quarter or Monthly ?
J.2 Who does the closing? Corporate level or Plant Level ?
J.3 What type of authorization does it take to make adjusting entries
in prior periods?
J.4 Do you run initial financial reports and final financial reports?
J.5 Do these reports have different rounding in $? (i.e. the initial
report is in pennies and the final in whole dollars)
J.6 What interactive or batch processes are done during closing?
J.7 How long does it take you to close at year end?

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J.8 Do you close all the businesses at the same time or during
different times?

K Financial Reporting

K.1 What type of financial reports do you run and how often?
K.2 Who runs these reports?
K.3 Do you have a report processing document that details the
frequency and distribution of the reports?
K.4 Do you want to restrict the access to run these reports?
K.5 Do you want to see these reports on-line and in hard copy?
K.6 Do you ever run financial reports mid-period?
K.7 Do the separate business units run their own reports?
K.8 Where are these reports printed out and how are they
K.9 How long are reports kept on-line or are they re-run if needed
K.10 Do some of these reports belong in report sets? Always being
run together?
K.11 What type of printers do you run reports on? Where are they
K.12 Can you provide a copy of each type of report that your financials

L Interfaces

L.1 Does General Ledger would needed to be interfaced with any

third party software or tool ?
L.2 Any interface reports have to be written?

M Security

M.1 Do you have security requirements on who can enter data?

M.2 Who can enter data in different companies/cost centers?
M.3 Run reports for different companies or cost centers?
M.4 Review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain
accounts to be valid with only certain other values.
M.5 Who is the system administrator going to be?
M.6 Who will the backup sys admin be?
M.7 Do you have documentation on your current system security
M.8 Map each GL user to a menu structure, will any new ones need
to be created?
M.9 Will there need to be terminal security?
M.10 Do you run security reports on a regular basis?

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Client Response Revisit Y/N

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Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Finance
Module: Accounts Payable

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Invoices

A.1 How many liability accounts will be defined?

A.2 How are invoices entered?
A.3 What currencies do you enter invoices in?
A.4 How do you store invoices once entered into the computer?
A.5 Are invoices billed to distinct companies, cost centers or other?

A.6 Do you perform 2, 3, or 4 way matching between invoices and

purchase orders?
A.7 Under what circumstances do you put invoices on hold? What
types of holds do you use? What are the procedures to get an
invoice off hold?
A.8 What is your procedure for employee and vendor advances?
A.9 How you record for refunds of prepayments and advances?

B Payments

B.1 How are payments generated?

B.2 What type of payment terms do you use?
B.3 Do you create pay groups?
B.4 What are the mode for payments?
B.5 Do you make payments in foreign currency?
B.6 Do you have company credit cards and how are they handled?

B.7 What types of recurring payments/invoices do you make?

B.8 For these payments, what kind of recurring periods do you

C Check

C.1 How many bank accounts will be defined?

C.2 How many different sites issue checks?
C.3 Do you have multiple check formats?
C.4 Do you pay checks based on due date or discount date?
C.5 Is there a dedicated printer for checks? What type of printers?
C.6 What currencies do you pay checks in?
C.7 What is your policy to cancel checks?
C.8 How do you do check reconciliation?

D Vendors

D.1 How are vendors numbered?

D.2 Do you have vendors listed in your files multiple times?
D.3 How do you handle vendors with multiple addresses?
D.4 Do you have vendors in vendor groups?

D.5 Do you want to keep vendor numbers the same or can they
D.6 Do you enter employees as vendors? If not, how do you pay
employee expenses?
D.7 Do you have shared vendors between companies? How many?

D.8 Do you have some overlaps between your vendors' list and
customers' list?

E Closing Schedule

E.1 When do you start your AP close?

E.2 What is the procedure for closing ?
E.3 Do you use encumbrance accounting? How do you use it?
E.4 Do you use budgetary control?

F Reporting

F.1 What type of monthly reports do you have in your current AP

system? What new reports if any do you want?
F.2 Do you have any unique AP reporting requirements?

G Interfaces

G.1 Are there any interfaces to AP such as payroll?

H Taxation

H.1 Explain the TDS process.

H.2 What are the various tax rates for each Tax Category ?
H.3 Do you print TDS certificates or challans through system or
Manually ?
H.4 How do you make payment for TDS and what is the accounitng
treatment for the same ?
H.5 Does there exist tax specific to state or country ? Please explain
for each location.
H.6 How do you maintain the credit for MODVAT/CENVAT ?
Client Response Revisit Y/N
coomodity, services, strategic
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Finance
Module: Accounts Receivables

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Invoice

A.3 What is the procedure for generation of Invoice and recording

the same into the AR Module ?
A.6 How do you close an accounting period for Invoice Generation?

B Customer

B.1 What type(s) of customers do you have?

B.2 How do you group your customers ? For ex: For credit
limits/credit checks, Statements, Payment rules & Terms.
B.3 What type of payment terms do you provide? (i.e. split term,
discount or others)
B.4 Do you use customer agreements/contracts ? Name the
B.5 How do you track customer contact people?
B.6 Do you track and record relationships between customers e.g.
franchises, subsidiaries etc.?
B.7 Do you create reciprocal customer relationships whenever you
create a relationship between customers for tracking purposes?

B.8 Do you send customers statements?

B.9 Do you have multiple remit tos?
B.10 What credit information is tracked for each customer?
B.11 How do you audit your customer data?
B.12 Do you have Duplicate customer ID or need to merge them ?
B.13 How do you track customers with different or multiple bill-to and
ship-to addresses?
B.14 How do you link the specific products/services that you sell, with
general ledger accounts at Invoice Entry?
B.15 Do you use Debit or Credit Memo & How ?
B.16 What are the units of measure you use when you bill customers
for products and/or services?
B.17 Do you validate the tax rate against a Customers Ship To
address when preparing invoices?
B.18 Do you have different price schedules dependent on customer or
B.19 How are the revenue, receivable, freight and tax accounts
configured for each invoice type?
B.20 Do you ever recognize revenue from a single transaction over
multiple periods?
B.21 When do you create or recognize outstanding receivables?
B.22 Do you have unbilled receivables?
B.23 Is revenue assignment associated with sales people
B.24 Do you have special revenue recognition for long-term
B.25 Do you have a central registry of customers which supports
more than one business?

C Receipts

C.1 Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for

Customer Payment ?
C.2 How do you adjust receivables?
C.3 How do you charge finance charges?
C.4 Do you send dunning letters to customers?
C.5 What is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent
C.6 What metrics are used to monitor collections performance?
C.7 Do you do cash requirements forecasting?
C.8 What sort of buckets do you use for cash requirements
forecasting? (i.e. 30, 60, 90...)
C.9 Do you have a separate aging for collectors?
C.10 How are Customer Account Credit Memos accounted for?
C.11 Do you enter your payments in batches?
C.12 How are batches identified?
C.13 How do your customers generally pay invoices? single check --
single invoice, single check -- multiple invoices, multiple checks
-- multiple invoices
C.14 Do you use more than one bank account and/or cash account?

C.15 Do you have customers who pay other customers invoices?

C.16 How many lockboxes do you use?
C.17 How do you receive and input payments?
C.18 Do you receive deposits and/or prepayments?
C.19 Do you receive non-customer related payments?
C.20 How are non-customer related payments accounted for?
C.21 How do you handle payments without remittance information?

C.22 How do you handle payments from unknown sources?

C.23 What are your policies and procedures about adjusting
C.24 What are your policies and procedures about reversing
C.25 How often do you adjust/reverse payments?
C.26 How many payments do you receive in a month?
C.27 How many checks are returned by the bank in a period?
C.28 What are the reasons for checks being returned by the bank?

C.29 Who applies cash?

C.30 How is cash applied?
C.31 Do you create chargebacks (Debit Items) for customer
C.32 How do you reconcile payments with the bank?
C.33 How often do you reconcile payments with the bank?
C.34 How are bank reconciliation errors handled?
C.35 Do you forecast cash collection for collectors?

D Interfaces

D.1 Does AR would needed to be interfaced with any third party

software or tool ?
D.2 Any interface reports have to be written?
Client Response Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Finance
Module: Fixed Assets

No. Process Analysis Questions Client Response

A General

A.1 What system do you use presently to do your fixed asset

A.2 What systems do you use to track and inventory your fixed
A.3 Does your current system track asset possession by
employee, department, or cost center?
A.4 Do you receive any Government subsidy/grant for any
Asset ?

B Books

B.1 How many different companies in your organization own

fixed assets?
B.2 Explain the accounting structure and reporting methods
used to consolidate your asset cost and depreciation
B.3 What are your capital budgeting requirements?

C Assets

C.1 How many fixed assets does your company own? How are
they numbered?
C.2 How many Block of Assets you have? Please name them?

C.3 Do you need to track fixed assets that are not depreciated?

C.4 Are your fixed assets located in several locations?

C.5 Do you have physical tags on your fixed assets?
C.6 Do you need to track leased assets using Oracle Assets?

C.7 What is your oldest date placed in service for your fixed
C.8 Do you assign fixed assets to employees?

D Depreciations Calculations

D.1 What are your depreciation methods?

D.2 What are your prorate conventions?
D.3 How often do you calculate depreciation for corporate
accounting, tax, and capital budgeting purposes?
D.4 Do you adjust depreciation in your tax books?
D.5 How do you account for prior period additions, retirements
or other transactions in your general ledger?

D.6 Do you depreciate leased items, or leasehold

D.7 Explain how your cost centers or departments are
D.8 Does any department or departments receive the
depreciation expense for assets used by another
department? If so, do these expenses eventually get
redistributed to asset users?

E Transactions

E.1 How many fixed assets do you purchase each accounting

E.2 How often do you transfer large numbers of fixed assets
from one person, cost center, or location to another?

E.3 How often, and for what reasons, do you change fixed
asset depreciation method or life for a single asset?
E.4 How often do you change the useful life, depreciation
method, or prorate convention of all fixed assets in a
E.5 How many retirements do you do per period?
E.6 Do you amortize adjustments made in the prior period over
the remaining useful life of the asset or do you expense the
catch- up depreciation fin the current period?

E.7 How often do you perform physical inventories of your fixed

E.8 Do you cycle count your assets?
F Reporting

F.1 What are your unique reporting requirements? Do you

have any examples?
F.2 What are your unique on-line query requirements? Do you
have any examples?
Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Finance
Module: Cash Management

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Bank Details

A.1 Provide the detail of All bank Accounts & its branches for all the entities.
A.2 How do you maintain your Bank Account in your Accounting System ?
A.3 Categorize the Bank Accounts on the basis of its nature i.e. Current account,
A.4 Do you have any Bank account in Foreign Currency ?

B Payment Method

B.1 What are the various payment method used ? i.e. Cheque, Cash, EFT etc.

B.2 Do you make any payment outside India in foreign Currency ?

B.3 Do you receive any remittance from Out side India in Foreign Currency ?
B.4 How do you treat the gain/loss arising from conversion of foreign currency ?

B.5 How do you print the cheque for payment ? Manually or Through Software.
B.6 Do you use EFT for payment to your Vendor ?
B.7 How do you send the information for EFT to Bank ?
B.8 If information is send through file, then what is the file format required by the
Bank ?
B.9 How do you generate the file in Required Bank File Format ?
B.10 Do you decrypt the EFT information file before sending it to bank ?

C Bank Statement

C.1 How do you receive your Bank Statement ?

C.2 How do you update the Bank Statement in your Financial System ?
C.3 Do you want to use Electronic Interface to upload directly the all the Bank

D Reconciliation

D.1 How do you perform your Bank Reconciliation i.e. Automatic or Manual ?
D.2 Do you identify the Banking transaction between the Intercompany ?
D.3 What is the frequency of Reconciliation in the Company ?
D.4 Do you use Suspense Account for Unreconciled items ?
E Cash Forecasting

E.1 How do you perform the Cash Forecasting ?

E.2 How do you prepare your cash flow statement /
E.3 Do you use the Cash Pool ?
E.4 Does your present Cash Management system integrates with other financial
module also like AR, AP ?
E.5 What kind of security control are required by your end ?
Client Response Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Logistics
Module: PO, Inventory & OM

No. Process Analysis Questions


A.1 What is organizational structure of the Purchase dept ?

A.2 Who are the Approving Authority and what are their limits?
A.3 What is the total number of active suppliers( Approved
A.4 What are Different type of PO ? ( e.g. blanket, standard, OSP)

A.5 Is approved purchase requisition required to create a PO? If

yes, is it applicable to all Items?
A.6 Can PO price be different from requisition price ?
A.7 Can receipt quantity be higher than PO quantity ?
A.8 Can receipt date be later/ earlier than due date ?
A.9 How currency conversion is done i.e. on a pre-defined rate or
actual prevailing rate on the day of entering transaction ?
A.10 How freight is handled? Is it it paid to supplier or transporter ?

A.11 How is a supplier approved and how many approvals are

required to add new suppliers to the supplier base?
A.12 How are the rates negotiated with the vendors?
A.13 what is the process for raising and confirming orders?
A.14 Once the order is placed what is the flow of documents in and
across the department?
A.15 Schedule for Creating Purchase Order? How many PO's raised
per day ?
A.16 How return of material to suppliers are handled?
A.17 Do you maintain day- wise supply schedule from vendor for a
single firm purchase order.
A.18 Do you have inter- unit purchase?
A.19 Report List

B Inventory

B.1 What differrent ways do you categorize your inventory ?

B.2 What data do you maintain related to individual items
B.3 How is stock issue/ movement requisition managed in your
B.4 How frequently you reconcile your physical inventory
B.5 How many items do you have in your item master
B.6 Do you have raw materials/ FG items lot-controlled ?
B.7 If lot controlled, what kind of inventory allocation method do you
use e.g. FIFO/LIFO/ FEFO?
B.8 What different Unit of Measure/Class do you use eg. Kg/ metres/
B.9 Can an items that are BOPs from Customer can have other
vendors also?
B.10 Report List

C Order Management

C.1 what is typical sales cycle in your organization? What are

different type of Sale e.g. FG sale/ scrap sale/ service ?
C.2 What are Interaction points with the other departments?
C.3 Pricing structure in unit? With discounts/ charges / flat pricing/
customer specific
C.4 How you reserve FG stock for customer/Order combination?
C.5 How changes in orders handled?
C.6 Do you track sales person?
C.7 How are requested changes to production communicated?
C.8 Do you have Export Sales?
C.9 How you maintain Bond Register?
C.10 How is a shipment planned and tracked? What are the
documents involved?
C.11 What modes of transportation are used for logistics? How do you
select carriers?
C.12 What is the process involved in transportation of goods from one
location to the other?
C.13 Do you have different excise invoice number for different type of
sale i.e. FG/ Scrap/ Service
C.14 How you handle return of sales
C.15 Do you track no of packs getting dispatch? If so how?
C.16 How freight charges handled?
C.17 Do you have interunit sale ?
C.18 Reports List

D Data Availability
D.1 Supplier Master
D.2 Customer Master
D.3 Inventory - Sub-inventory/ Locators
D.4 Purchase Tax categories / Rates
Client Response Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: SCM
Module: PO, Inventory & OM

No. Process Analysis Questions


A.1 What is organizational structure of the Purchase dept ?

A.2 Who are the Approving Authority and what are their limits?
A.3 What is the total number of active suppliers( Approved
A.4 What are Different type of PO ? ( e.g. blanket, standard, OSP)

A.5 Is approved purchase requisition required to create a PO? If

yes, is it applicable to all Items?
A.6 Can PO price be different from requisition price ?
A.7 Can receipt quantity be higher than PO quantity ?
A.8 Can receipt date be later/ earlier than due date ?
A.9 How currency conversion is done i.e. on a pre-defined rate or
actual prevailing rate on the day of entering transaction ?
A.10 How freight is handled? Is it it paid to supplier or transporter ?

A.11 How is a supplier approved and how many approvals are

required to add new suppliers to the supplier base?
A.12 How are the rates negotiated with the vendors?
A.13 what is the process for raising and confirming orders?
A.14 Once the order is placed what is the flow of documents in and
across the department?
A.15 Schedule for Creating Purchase Order? How many PO's raised
per day ?
A.16 How return of material to suppliers are handled?
A.17 Do you maintain day- wise supply schedule from vendor for a
single firm purchase order.
A.18 Do you have inter- unit purchase?
A.19 Report List

B Inventory

B.1 What differrent ways do you categorize your inventory ?

B.2 What data do you maintain related to individual items
B.3 How is stock issue/ movement requisition managed in your
B.4 How frequently you reconcile your physical inventory
B.5 How many items do you have in your item master
B.6 Do you have raw materials/ FG items lot-controlled ?
B.7 If lot controlled, what kind of inventory allocation method do you
use e.g. FIFO/LIFO/ FEFO?
B.8 What different Unit of Measure/Class do you use eg. Kg/ metres/
B.9 Can an items that are BOPs from Customer can have other
vendors also?
B.10 Report List

C Order Management

C.1 what is typical sales cycle in your organization? What are

different type of Sale e.g. FG sale/ scrap sale/ service ?
C.2 What are Interaction points with the other departments?
C.3 Pricing structure in unit? With discounts/ charges / flat pricing/
customer specific
C.4 How you reserve FG stock for customer/Order combination?
C.5 How changes in orders handled?
C.6 Do you track sales person?
C.7 How are requested changes to production communicated?
C.8 Do you have Export Sales?
C.9 How you maintain Bond Register?
C.10 How is a shipment planned and tracked? What are the
documents involved?
C.11 What modes of transportation are used for logistics? How do you
select carriers?
C.12 What is the process involved in transportation of goods from one
location to the other?
C.13 Do you have different excise invoice number for different type of
sale i.e. FG/ Scrap/ Service
C.14 How you handle return of sales
C.15 Do you track no of packs getting dispatch? If so how?
C.16 How freight charges handled?
C.17 Do you have interunit sale ?
C.18 Reports List

D Data Availability
D.1 Supplier Master
D.2 Customer Master
D.3 Inventory - Sub-inventory/ Locators
D.4 Purchase Tax categories / Rates
Client Response Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: BI

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Business Strategy

A.1 What are the top 2 strategic initiatives that you are currently
focused on?
A.2 What is the return on these initiatives ((in terms of percentage of
Revenue, impact on the bottom line, savings in staff effort, sales,
margin, cost reduction, or expressed as a % of sales?)

A.3 What information is needed to complete these initiatives? Is the

information available today?
A.4 What is the timeline for completing these initiatives?
B Business Challenge

B.1 What are the major challenges faced by your business unit?
B.2 How does information play a part in solving these challenges?

C Business Drivers

C.1 What targets/ goals are you being held accountable for?
C.2 Who sets these targets?
C.3 How are these targets monitored/reported?

D Information

D.1 What information do you use to direct your business decisions?

D.2 What tools or areas provide this information to you?

D.3 What external sources are used?
D.4 Is there additional data, either internal or external, that would be
of help to you?
Client Response Revisit Y/N
Assessment Questionnaire

Function: Planning and Budgeting

No. Process Analysis Questions

A Planning requirements

A.1 What type of planning are we looking for: Operational, project,

capex, workforce, material/resource etc? logistic planning,

A.2 What are the different types of SBUs/Divisions you want to

cover? Please provide entity structure as well.
A.3 What is the existing process or are there different process
variants for different plan/ business which are unique and or
different from each other is a generic process feasible?
A.4 How many different roles are there in planning process? (type of
Users like administrator, data input, reviewer etc)
A.5 Is a top down budgeting process followed? What are the target
setting at the top level and how is it rolled down to the lower level
of planning?
A.6 What are the planning/reporting gaps which your ERP/current
tool does not address?
A.7 What are the factors you consider critical to your decision making
process? Can also be classified into Must have and Nice to
i. What are the different drivers for planning for each type of
plan/division and decision making process?

ii. Are there any relationships between your drivers from a what-if
analysis perspective?
i. Are the relationships defined?

ii. PwC will help client in definition of the relationships.

However, PwC will accept the definitions as provided by client,
the final responsibility will be with the client?

A.8 h. What is the number of iterations in the planning process?

B Forecasting requirements
B.1 What are the burning issues for forecasting which needs to be
addressed? What analysis will the client carry out with the
historical data?
i. What are the different drivers for forecasting? External factors
and internal factors?

ii. Do you want to combine one or more factors for forecasting?


iii. What are different dependent and independent parameters?

B.2 Historical data

i. What are the functional areas of historical data (kind of data)?
Does it cover all areas mentioned above?

ii. How much historical data in what granularity is actually


iii. What type of data is available in what capacity (total volume of

a. How many years of data is required to be exported to
b. How many years of data is available in the system?

(Client should have complete responsibility of data quality and

cleansing. If not, client needs to provide PwC with the data
quality issues which need to be addressed in the ETL or any
other stage)

C Reporting requirements

C.1 How many reports are required in totality, of which how many are
currently being generated and how many new are expected?

C.2 What reports are expected from Hyperion? Are these report
mockups available?
C.3 Reporting /dashboarding needs how many dashboards, how
many push type reports, alerts if any, ad hoc reporting
C.4 What are the different KPIs? Are they available/mapped to the
existing source systems? Approximate number of KPIs.
D Customization in Hyperion
D.1 Any special customozation?
E Others
E.1 a. Requirements Number of users, Geographical locations
E.2 b. Timelines
i. Are there any immediate business requirements?
ii. Critical business needs to be built within timeframes?

F Technical Analysis
F.1 Integration with existing source systems?
F.2 What are the current systems the client is using and what is their
F.3 Does the client want to replace any other tool with the help of this
F.4 What are the limitations/gaps in the existing tool which needs to
be addressed?
G ETL/Data mart
G.1 What are the different source systems?
G.2 What is the periodicity of data transfer from sourcesystems?
G.3 What data /modules needs to be loaded in Hyperion?
G.4 What is the current volume of data that needs to be transformed
to be entered in Hyperion?
Client Response Revisit Y/N

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