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Sunday Worship and the Roman Catholic Factor

Dan 7:24-25 (The Fourth Beast)

After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak
against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws.
Rev 13:5-6 (The Sea Beast)
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two
months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who
live in heaven

IMPORTANT NOTE: This beast kingdom came AFTER the time of the Messiah/Christ and changed Gods
established Commandments/Laws. Any change or, abrogation of them is clearly an unscriptural act. For the
foolish, and those under a deluded belief (2 Thess. 2:5-15) that there are no 10 Commandments today, doesnt
this clearly tell you the Commandments MUST still be obeyed in our time? THINK. Please see Ex. 20:1-20

1. Out of the ruins of the fallen Roman Empire there gradually arose a new order of states whose control
point was the Papal See. (Church & Churches p.42,43)

2. The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate laws and dispense with all things, even the
precepts of Christ. (Decretal De Translat, Episcp. Cap.)

3. Long ages ago when Rome, through the neglect of the western empires, was left to the mercy of the
barbarous hordes, the Romans turned to one for aid and protection and asked him to rule them and
thus command the temporal sovereignty of the Popes. Meekly stepping to the throne of Caesar, the
Vicar of Christ took up the scepter to which the empires and kings of Europe were to bow in reverence
through so many ages since 476 BC (American Catholic Quarterly review April 1911)

In the broadest sense, a vicar (from the Latin vicarius) is a representative, anyone acting "in the person of" or
agent for a superior (compare "vicarius" in the sense of "at second hand").
Vicarius is a Latin word, meaning substitute or deputy. It is the root and origin of the English word "vicar" and
cognate to the Persian word most familiar in the variant vizier.

'Antichrist' is translated from the combination of two ancient Greek words + (anti + Christos). In
Greek, means anointed one and the word Christ derives from it. Christians apply it to Jesus of
Nazareth.[1] "" means not only anti in the sense of against and opposite of, but also in place of".[2]
Therefore, an antichrist opposes Christ by substituting himself for Christ.

4. The Vicar of the incarnate Son of God, anointed high priest, and supreme temporal ruler (the pope) sat
in his tribunal impartially to judge between nation and nation, between people and prince, between
sovereign and subject. (Henry Manning, Cardinal. Power to the Popes)

5. This judicial authority will include the power to forgive sin.

(Catholic Encyclopedia Vol.12, Pope p. 265)

6. Seek where you will, though heaven or earth, and you will find one created being who can forgive the
sinner, who can free him from the chains of hell. That extraordinary being is the priest. The Roman
Catholic Priest (The Catholic Priest p.78)

What the Word of God says: -

1 Tim 2:5 for there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Luke 5:21 "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

Sunday Worship and the Roman Catholic Factor 1

7. Thou are a priest forever says the ordaining Bishop. he is no longer a man, a sinful child of Adam,
but an alter christus another Christ. Forever a priest of the most high with power over the
almighty. The Pope is another Jesus Christ on earth i.e. another god on earth. (Jesuit Priest)

8. God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priests and either pardon or not to pardon
according as they refuse to give absolution The sentence of the priest precedes, and God subscribes to
it. (Dignities and Duties of the Priest Vol.12 p.27)

9. The Pope is so great a dignity and so elevated that he is not a mere man but, as it were, God and Vicar
of God. He is likewise the divine monarch and extreme emperor and king of kings (same title as the king
of Babylon!) so that if it were possible that the angels might err if faith, or might think it contrary to the
faith, they would be judged and excommunicated by the Pope
(Extracts from the Ferraris Ecclesiastical Dictionary Article on the Pope)

10. In 1943, the council of Florence decreed We define that the Roman Pontiff is successor of the
Blessed Peter, Prince of apostles and the true Vicar of Christ
(The most Holy Councils, Lubby & Cossart, Vol. X111 p. 562)

11. Given in Rome from our Palace 10th February 1817, the X1V jurisdiction of the most Holy Pontiff and
father in Christ, and our Lord our God the Pope. (Leo the X11 Rome as it is p. 180)

12. We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty

(The great encyclopedia of Pope Leo X111. Encyclical letter dated June 20th 1894)

13. We define that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff, holds the primacy over the whole
world (The Most Holy Councils Vol.13 col. 1162)

14. The church may, by divine right, confiscate the property of heretics, imprison their persons, and
condemn them to the flames. In our age the right to inflict the severest of penalties, even the death
sentence belongs to the church. There is no graver offence than heresy, therefore it must be routed out
(Wear out the Saints!) (Public Encyclical)

15. The Pope can Modify Divine Law. (Prompta Bibliotheca Papa Art.2)
(This has been done in the Roman Catholic Catechisms. Gods Laws of The Ten Commandments in
Exodus Ch.20 have been changed. The 2nd Commandment has been removed, The 4th Commandment
has been changed, and the 10th Commandment split into two).

16. The Church (Catholic) .. after changing the Day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, from the seventh day
of the week to the first, made the 3rd Commandment refer to a Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the
Lords Day (Catholic Encyclopedia Vol.4 p.153)

(Some say the Sabbath is Jewish; however, it originated at Creation (Gen. Ch 2) and will be observed in
eternity) (Isaiah Ch.66)

17. Sunday . Was so called because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or its worship.
(Websters International Dictionary 19th Edition)

18. Sunday (Dies Solis of the Roman calendar Day of the Sun being dedicated to the sun) the first day of
the week. (Schofferza Encyclopedia)

19. The Roman Decretalia

He (Pope) can pronounce sentences and judgments in contradiction to the rights of nations, to the law
of God and Man . He can free himself from the commands of the apostles, he being their superior,
and from the rules of the Old Testament (Decretal Translat Espiscop. De Cap.)

Sunday Worship and the Roman Catholic Factor 2

20. The pope will stand for reason. He can dispense above the law: and of wrong make right, by correcting
and changing laws (Pope Nicholas, Dist. 96 Quoted in Facts of the Times p55,56)

21. Who brought the day of the sun into the Christian church? Why does the Christian world keep Sunday?
Sunday is OUR MARK of authority.. The church is above the Bible, and this transference of
Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. (Catholic Record, Sept. 1st 1923)

22. She (the Roman Catholic Church) took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday thus the
pagan Sunday, dedicated to balder, became the Christian Sunday sacred to Jesus (Balder is a god in
Norse Mythology associated with light and beauty)
(Catholic Word, March 1894 p.809)

23. Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act, and the act is a MARK of her
ecclesiastical power (Faith of our Fathers Cardinal Gibbons)

24. The Bible says Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day. The Catholic Church says NOT. By
my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.
And lo the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic
Church. (Father Enwright. American Sentinal, June 1893)

25. Pope Pious in 1566 commanded by the council of Trent. It pleased the Church of God that the religious
celebration of the Sabbath day should be transferred to the Lords Day (Sunday)
(Chatechismus Romanus 1867)

26. Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be defended only on Catholic
principles. From beginning to end of scripture there is not a single passage which warrants the transfer
of the weekly public worship to the first day. (Catholic Press, Sydney. August 25th 1900)

27. The Christian Sabbath is therefore to this day, the knowledge and offspring of the catholic church as a
spouse of the Holy Ghost, without a word of remonstrance from the protestant world
(The Catholic Mirror 1893)

28. If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the
Sunday they are following the law of the Catholic Church. (Albert Smith, Chancellor of the
Archdiocese of Baltimore, replying for the Cardinal in a letter dated February 10 th 1920)

29. Not the creator of the universe in Genesis 2:1-3, but the Catholic Church can claim the honor of having
granted man a pause in his work every seven days.
(S.C.Monsta. Stori DELLA Domenia 1969. p.366-367)

30. Protestantism, in disregarding the authority of the Catholic Church, has no good reason for its Sunday
theory and ought to keep the Saturday as the Sabbath.
(John Gilmary. American Quarterly Review January 1880)

31. Reason and common sense demand the acceptance of one or the other of these alternatives. Either
Protestantism and the keeping of the Saturday, or Catholicity and keeping the Sunday. Compromise is
impossible. (The Catholic Mirror. September 23rd 1893)

32. Sunday is founded not on scripture but on tradition, and is distinctly a Catholic institution.
(Catholic Record. September 17th 1893)

33. The New Testament makes no mention that the apostles changed the day of worship, but we know it
from tradition. (The new Revised Baltimore Catechism)

Sunday Worship and the Roman Catholic Factor 3


Pontiff or Pontificate is a title of certain religious leaders, now used principally to refer to leaders such as the
Pope of the Catholic Church and of the Coptic Orthodox Church.[1] Pontiff refers to the person in office; while
Pontificate refers to the period in which the office is held by that singular person. The term derives from the
French word pontife, from the Latin pontifex, a title used for high priests of the Roman Republic. The word
pontifex is commonly held to derive from the Latin root words pons, "bridge" + facere, "to do" or "to make",
with a literal meaning of "bridge-builder".

The Pontifex Maximus (which literally means "Greatest Pontiff") is one of the Papal titles.

The title "Pontifex Maximus" appears on buildings, monuments and coins of a specific pope of Renaissance and
modern times.

Masons The symbols can be traced back to Nimrods time and building the tower of Babel.
Candidates for regular Freemasonry are required to declare a belief in a Supreme Being.[27] However, the
candidate is not asked to expand on, or explain, his or her interpretation of Supreme Being. The discussion of
politics and religion is forbidden within a Masonic Lodge, in part so a Mason will not be placed in the situation
of having to justify his personal interpretation.[28] Thus, reference to the Supreme Being will mean the Christian
Trinity to a Christian Mason, Allah to a Muslim Mason, Para Brahman to a Hindu Mason, etc. And while most
Freemasons would take the view that the term Supreme Being equates to God, others may hold a more complex
or philosophical interpretation of the term.

The Pope (from Latin: "papa" or "father" from Greek , ppas, "papa", Papa in Italian) is the Bishop of
Rome, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church[1] and head of state of Vatican City. The current (265th) pope is
Pope Benedict XVI, who was elected April 19, 2005 in papal conclave.

The office of the pope is called the Papacy; his ecclesiastical jurisdiction is called the "Holy See" (Sancta Sedes
in Latin) or "Apostolic See" (the latter on the basis that both St. Peter and St. Paul were martyred at Rome). In
addition to his spiritual role, the pope is Head of State of the independent sovereign state of the Vatican City, a
city-state entirely enclaved by the city of Rome.

What the Word of God says: -

Matt 23:8-9 But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do
not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Rom. 6:16 Dont you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to
the one you obey.

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep HIS commandments; and HIS commandments are not

Rom. 3:13 For it is NOT those who hear the law who will be declared righteous in Gods sight, but it is those
who OBEY the law who will be declared righteous.

What did our Lord say in Matthew 5:17-20?


Sunday Worship and the Roman Catholic Factor 4

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