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Langkawi Island, one of the most famous tourism places at Malaysia.

From times
to times the government membangunkan the langkawi island infrastructure and
more buildings are being built, to increase the tourism attraction on Lankawi

Tourist from all around the world came here, whether as a vacation, or when they
have business. You can choose, you can come here by plane or by ferries, though
either way is fine and comfortable. Langkawi biggest town, Kuah, are the main
jetty point for ferries.

Langkawi Famous Spot And Legend

The legend of mahsuri

Mahsuri was the prettiest woman on the island. One day, on the absence of her
husband, who was called to join a war, a rumour about the pretty woman,
Mahsuri, spreads on the island. This all happened because Mahsuri befriend a
young man and coincidally a villager saw her and that man. The angered
villagers decided to punish her by killing her. Before she dies, she cursed seven
generations of the people on the island for disbelieves her innocent.

Soon the island was taken over by Siamese kingdom, and the villager burned the
paddy fields. Thus up until now, all the villagers believed that it was Mahsuri
curse when the crops wasnt giving any harvests.

Pulau dayang bunting & the legend of the pair of husband and wife.

This Island is famous for the shape of the island that looked like a pregnant
woman lying, most of the tourism agency will bring tourist to see this and tourist
can also bathe in the Dayang Bunting lake.

Other than that, this island also has a legend, coming from a pair of husband and
wife, living on Langkawi Island. They were married for years already, but never
manage to get a child. It is said that the wife went to Dayang Bunting Lake along
with her husband. The wife take bath there and the husband drink the lake water.

Not long after that day, the wife was pregnant.

Dataran Lang

Dataran lang is famous for the big eagle statue. You can see the statue from far
and even on plane, due to its big size. This is one of the attractions on Langkawi.

Langkawi Cable car

Langkawi cable car is one of the most famous spot, it bring the tourist up to the
top of Gunung Raya. As you ride it, you can see the beautiful beach and ocean
on your left, while at your right; you can see the greenery Gunung Raya.

Langkawi Geopark
Here, the tourist was taken to see the various unique stone cave that was formed
naturally, after that, youll be taken to have a walk to see the beautiful nature
forest. Nature lover would totally love this!

Langkawi Underwater world

Langkawi underwater world is famous for its record; its the biggest aquarium in
Asia, containing several of all kind of fish species.

Langkawi Cheap Bargains

Most suitable for a shopaholic! You can haggle for a lower price! But be careful to
not use all of your moneys!

Chocolates Craziness

All chocolate maniacs may also come here! Nearly all the shop on Langkawi sells
all kinds of chocolates, from chocolates bars to truffles! Nearly all of chocolates
from all around the world are being sold here! You should prepare more money if
you love chocolates very much!

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