Ferraris and His WORK

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to him, to abandon, oppose, and persecute him, even to death, he must

be obeyed, under pain of anathema or damnation. If he forbid whole
nations from worshipping God, they must obey him. So that, accord-
ing to them, the pope is sovereign lord over the whole world; and 8U-
perior, even in temporal or civil matters, to all kings, princes, legisla-
tures, constitutions, and laws.
2. Many canonists and many divines maintain this doctrine. Bel-
larmine says, in reckoning the several opinions entertained by them on
the supremacy, "The first opinion is, that the pope, by divine right,
hath supreme power over the whole world, both in ecclesiastical and
civil affairs. This is the opinion of Augustinus Triumpbus, Alvarua
Pelagius, Panormitanus, Hostiensis, Silvester, and many others." A...
gustine Triumphus, a native of Ancona, who flourished in 1290, wrote
on ecclesiastical power. From the preface of his work, dedicated to
Pope John XXI!., we find an extract in Barrow.] which is as follows:
.. It is an error not to believe that the Roman pontiff is pastor of the
universal church, the successor of Peter, the vicar of Christ, and that
he hath not universal supremacy over temporal and spiritual matters.
Into this error many fall, through ignorance of this power, which is
infinite, because great is the Lord, and great is his power, and of his
greatness there is no end; for every created intellect is found deficient
in his sight. "t
3. Their leading theologian, Thomas Aquinas, says, "In the pope
IS the summit of each power."_H When anyone is denounced ex-
communicate by his decision on account of apostacy, his subjects are
immediately freed from his dominion and their oath of allegiance to
him."~ Aquinas, in his book on the Rule of Princes, as quoted by
Bellarrnine.] says, "St. Thomas affirms that the pope, by divine right,
hath spiritual and temporal power, as supreme king of the world; so
that he can impose taxes on all Christians, and destroy towns and
castlea for the preservation of Christianity.""
4. Ferraris, in his Ecclesiastical Dictionary, which is used as a stand-
ard for Roman Catholic divinity, and whose authorities are deduced
from the acknowledged standards of the Church of Rome, gives the
following outlines of papal power under the word papa, article 2:
.. The pope is of such dignity and highness, that he is not simply man,
.. Prima eententia est, summum pontificem jure divino habere plenissimam poteata-
tera in univereum orbem terrarum, tam in rebus eccleaiasticis quam civilibus. Ita do-
cent Aug. Triumphus, Alvarus Pelagius, Panormitanus, Hostiensie, Silveater, et alii non
pauci.-BtU. tk Ponliff, v. i. Basrma p. 16.
t On Supremacy, p. 16, N. Y., 1834.
t Error est, non credere pontificem Rom. universalis eeelesise pastorem, Petri sue-
ceasorem, et Christi vicarium, supra temporalia et spiritualia univeraalem non habere
primatum; in quem quandoque multi labuntur, dictm potestatis ignol'lllltia; qUill cum
sit infinita, co quod magnlU '!' Dominus. et magna .,irllU eju, e magniludini. tju
nOli ut finis, omnia creatus intellectus in ejus perscrutatione invenitur deficcre.-Aug.
Tri1I . dt: Poteet. Eccles. in prafat., ad P. Joh. XXII. .
~ In papa ease apieem utriusque potestatis.--Quum quis per eententiam denunciatur
propter apoatasiam exccmmunieatus, ipso facto ejus subditi a dominio, et juramento
/idolitati. ejlla liberati sunt.- Th: SWld., quo 12, art, 2, cited by Bellarm, V. 1.
\I De Pontiff., v. 5 .
.. S. Thomas affirmst summum pontificemJ'ure divino habere spiritualem et tempo-
ralem poteeta. ., ut supremum totins mun i regem, adeo ut etiam taleaa omnibua
Chriatiania imponere, et civitates ac castra destruere pro conservatione Cbris-
tianitatia.-Dt Itegim. Prmap. lib. iii, c. 10, 19.
2 .
but, as it were, God, and the vicar of God. Hence the pope is of such
supreme and sovereign dignity that, properly speaking, he is not merely
constituted in dignity, but is rather placed on the very summit of digni-
ties. Hence also the pope is father offathers; and he alone can usc
this name, because he only can be called father offatlu:rs, since he
possesses the primacy over all, is truly greater than all, and the greatest
of all. He is called most holy, because he is presumed to be such. On
account of the excellency of his supreme dignity, he is called bishop of
bishops, ordinary of ordinaries, universal bishop of the church, bishop, or
tliocesan of the wlwle world, divine monarch, supreme emperor and king of
!rings. Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of
heaven, of earth, and (inftm01'U71I) of hell. Nay, the pope's excellence-
and power is not only about heavenly, terrestrial, and infernal things,
but he is also above angels, and is their superior; so that if it were
possible that angels could err from the faith, or entertain sentiments
contrary thereto, they could be judged and excommunicated by the
pope. He is of such great dignity and power, that he occupies one
and the same tribunal with Christ; so that whatsoever the pope does,
seems to proceed from the mouth of God, as is proved from many doc-
tors. The pope is, as it were, God on earth, the only prince of the
faithful of Christ, the greatest king of all kings, possessing the pleni-
tude of power, to whom the government of the earthly and heavenly
kingdom is intrusted, Hence the COMMON DOCTRINE teacheth, that
the pope hath the power of the two swords, viz., the spiritual and tem-
FaJ, which jurisdiction and power Christ himself committed to Peter
and his successors, Matt. xvi: To thee will I give till! keys of the Icing-
dtnn of heaven, &c.-where doctors note that he did not say leey, but
~s, and by this comprehending the temporal and spiritual power:
which opinion is abundantly confirmed by tho authority of the holy
fathers, the'decision of the canon and civil law, and by the apostolic
constitutions; so that those who hold to the contrary. seem to adhere
\0 the opinion of the heretics reprobated by Boniface VIII., in his Ex-
travagant, entitled, Unam Sanctam. Hence infidel princes and kings.
by the decision of the pope, may be deprived, in certain cases, of that
dominion which they have over the faithful, as if they have occupied
the country of the Christians by violence, or endeavour to draw away
their faithful (Catholic) subjects from the faithv'or any such thing, as
Bellanninc, Suarez, Barbara, Gonzalez, Cardinal Petra, &c., very fully
demonstrate. And hence the pope may cede those provinces, which
formerly belonged to Christians, that were subsequently occupied by
infidels, to any Christian princes to be redeemed. And if a king be-
comes heretic, lie can be removed from his kingdom by the pope, to
wbom the right of appointing his successor belongs, if his sons and
nearest relatives are heretics. Nay, in cases in which, on account of the
heresy of the king, the religion of his kingdom, and the faith of others
seem to be in danger, if he can in no other way prevent this loss, the
pope may not only deprive him of his kingdom, but he may also con-
cede it to a Christian prince and his successors, if this prince will fight
for it, and conquer it. Hence it is not wonderful, if to the Roman pon-
tiff, at! the vicar of Him whose is the earth, and its fulnees, the world
and all they who dwell therein, to whom supreme authority and power
are given, not only by the spiritual, but also by the material unaheathed
pret and declare the divine will, and thus consult for all citizens in
necessary cases....
We select the following declarations from Ferraris, on the word
Papa, article ii, from the thirtieth to the thirty-second number: "The
pope is of so great authority and power, that he can also modify, de-
clare, or interpret the divine law."
" The pope can sometimes counteract the divine law, by limiting,
explaining," &c.
"The pope can modify the divine law, since his power is not of
man, but of God, and he supplies the place of God on earth, with am-
ple power of binding and loosing; because God our Lord and Redeemer
is said to do what his vicar does, provided he does nothing contrary to
the faith."
"The pope can interpret, and having cause, can limit the divine
law, as all commonly teach."
Let anyone consult Gratian, and he will find a multitude of such
declarations as those cited above, and of which we present specimens.
" No person ought to have either the will or power to transgress the
precepts of the apostolical see."]
"We who, according to the plenitude of our power, have a right to
dispense above law or right."l
Pope Agatha says, .. Thus all the sanctions of the apostolical see
are to be received, as confirmed by the voice of the divine Peter him-
Among the Ma.rims of Pope Gregory VII. we find the following:
"The pope alone can make new laws.-No book is to be deemed
canonical, but by his authority.-He is to be judged by no man."
Bot this power is exercised by the pope by usurpation; as he has
no ground for it in Scripture or by ancient practice.
2. Originally the church had no other sovereign except the one Lord.
and one Lawgiver.ft
3. Anciently, besides the divine laws, before the first general coun-
cils, the church adopted certain customs for their government, which,
i1I the time of this council, or A. D. 325, were called ant:iertt customs.'
These customs were such as each church enacted in provincial synods;
or which were received from one church to another by imitation and
compliance. These customs in time became roles or laws j not of di-
vine, bot of human right. And hence, according to the usages of dif
ferent churches, these customs varied; and hence a variety of usage in
ecemal order or discipline.
The pope could not impose his customs or laws on any church; for
such laws were not obligatory on any churches, except those who
voluntarily adopted them. And those who did once adopt them, were
at liberty to reject them when they saw fit. If the pope imposed his
Ferrar. in Dispensatio, No. 20.
t Nulli fa. eot vel yelle vel pone tranogredi apostoliClll aedaa pnecepta.-P. GnJ.
IV., dist. xix, c. 5.
f Qui oecundum plenitudinem r.>t~ti.. de j1ml poseumns BUpR jus diIpe_.-
P. In. Ill.; Dead. Greg., hb. Ill, tit. 8, c. 4.
4 Sic omneo apostolice seclis oanctionill accipeodlll BUDt, taDquaDl ipeiu8 divini Peen
voce firmalal I5UDt.-P. AgfllllD, dist. xix, c. 1I. See Burow, p. 314.
ft Eph. iv, 6; James iv, 11.
.. Apxtuq't. ee-;. Nic. t, en. 8'; CcInc. e..t. i, CUt. I.
'16 P A. P ,A , Au-. 'J,
n Cth,molli41i Romano til. 2. tie Ordinat. U. Daria in firmlmento Cedi; Luminar!' majus.
CfJ1lS'UIlI. nfJ1Ji 'PtJnlifidl. / lit przeslec diei; & Luminare minus, ut pr~
71 In Coronatione Papz tertia CoUcela cani- esser no~i, urramque magnum, .ed alterul1l
tur de S. P. N Francisco. Canirur enim prj. majus. Ad firrnamentum igitur C~i, hoc est
rna de Spiritu Sanaa I ut illuminer; Secunda. U nivernlis Ecclesise , fecir DeUI duo magi'll
de B. V. Maria, ut protegar ; Tertia de s~ Luminaria, Idese duu inltiLuit Dignitares ,
p~ N. Francisco I ut sicut reparavir Eccle- quz sunt Ponrificalis aulloritu. & Regalil
.iam, eandern sustenrer , Ita Kazemberger ill patestas. sed ilIa, quz przest diebus , idest
$upplem. Tbeol, Sporer in Pr.ereg.tflvil Om. spiritualibul , major est; quz 'era carnalibus,
7'/ostri Se, n, 10. minor, ue quanta est inter Solem I & Lunam,
Alia ;. Vide verb. CartiirJa/'J 4rt. I. ",r tot. tanta inter Poaeifices, & Regel dilTerentiaco.
ARTICIlLUS H. Papa SanlJill;muJ appellatur i quia talis re- S
re przllllnitur. CliP. 'NfJll 1101 2. tlist. 4D. ibi:
~o ad ea. quz ccncemunt Parsedignirarern, Ie Quis enim Sandus dubirer esse , quem apex
allcloritatem, seu potestatem, & iDfallibi- U.nrz Dignltaris &troUit? In que, si desint
Iitarem. bona aequi.ita per meritum, sufficiunt I qua': &
loci Pr:r:deeessore przstlntur; aut enim cla-
III papa,. tallfle fIt dignitati., & celsieudinls; ue ros ad haec fastigia erigir , a\lt 'lui erlguntur,
nen sit simplex herne , sed quasi Deus, illustrae ". Neque SanClissimi appellari possunr
& Vicarius Dei; C. Itil D,millUf 7. dirt, 19. Imperatores , & !leges; quamvis enim in Le- li.
ibi: II Hunc enim in consortium individuz u- gibus Civilioos videatur aliquando t::::.p..:",ti
nituis assumptam id, quod ipse erae Dorni- ab Imperaeoribus oemenSacriIJhsimi, nunquam
nus. voluit nominari, dicendo, Tu es Petrus, ramen iIIud SanOillimi. ur observar Card. Pe-
&.uper hanc Perram zdificabo Ecclesiam tra f. r, Comment. ad CfJnsti,. I. Divi Leoni!
meam", & ut ibj explicat Glossa: "Id, quod Mitgni n. 9. Et merito solus Papa appellatur '1'
ipse erat , scilicet Petra, voluit eum vocari nomine SanlJillimi. quia solus ipse est Vica-
Perrum ", & concordat lextus in tap. in n.- riusChristi, qui est 'Jns, & origo, atque ple-
1/0 2. dist. 11. Ii!r c. Fundamenta ,jlls 17. til nitudo omnil Sanai raris , cap. Inter corpora-
,/,lifJ". ;11 6. Annet I.d tieris. :a. 7':. ~. part. /ia 2. c. Q.UlPlto J. l3" cap, Licu 5. ti, tranJ-
~ 3. l{fJt. r,c",t. U nde Papa adeo Summz, & Jiltio1le Epiuopi cum similibtls.
Supremae Dignitatil est, ut proprie loquendo Papa prz excellenti. suz supremae D:gni- ~
non sit in Dignitate constitutw, sed potius tatis vacatur EpiscfJpuI EpiICoporum; c. No
in ipso cuImine Dignitarum po.itus, ut ohser- ",4ti. nus 6. caul. 7. '1u. r. cap. LOf/tti,", la.
vat Card. Zlbarell. in C/,msnt. I' in 5.notac. caUl. 24. 'Ill. I. Item ~ppellarur Ordinarius 9
tie renunciat. i3'> cit. ,A,nnotat. 2.. lid Deris. 2.. 1Ortiinariorum. cap. CunlJ", per mUJltittm J 7. c.
n ~. part. J. ltot. 1(et'lllt;or. ,pir 'PrirJdpa/em 11. caul. 9.'1.J. lrem Pi. 10
~ Hine Pdpa idem est ae 'Pat,'I' Filtrum, ur nepus Universalil Eulesi.e, pr9ut definit Pe-
Dour GJos. communiter rccepta in PrfJCl!mio !agiu! II. Constirut. incip. Mnni!dSlo. Item 1 ~
.. Cleme1lt. 'Verb. 'Papa. Et hoc nomine uti po- Epiuopus, fiU Di~usanUI totius Orbi!, cap
test salus Summus Pontifcx, ut maxima ra- .Ad hfJ~or(Jm 4. de ./lu8oritate. i3" UIU PaWi.
tione, teste Card. Petra t I. Comm. lid Con. Gloss. verb. Pri'l1ata in c. Felicu . fi""'.
de ~'&_
stir. I. Divi Leonis 11. S. fuir statulum a Gre- in ,. Item "Divinu! Monarcha, ae 1m-
gorio VB. a"no 1063. 6 Kal'lnti. Maii in S,- peraror Supremus, & R~x Regum", .All"Ot.
"odo Romana., quia vere 50lus ipse dici potest s.ecund.e partis. lid ti'uis. 2. ,Rot4t Rerent7or.
'Pate,. PlItt:ttm, cum Primatum om nu. 7.' Hme P~p. triphei corona coronatur. I J:
aium. omnibu.sqae sit vere major, nmnium- tamqua{" Rex Ca:Ji. & Terrae, & Inferno-
que Mu.irnus; CliP. Solit.e 6. de MaifJrit. i!1' rum; ,A,nnotat. I. ati deris. 1. part. 3. Rot.
tlmJi'Jlt. ibj: If Fecit. duo, magna LlJmi~ recentior. . 45.. num. 6. (.) Immo Romani 14.

(fl) 'Nota. ~m. Thlo!ogi. De triplici Papre corona N~colam Alemanu. de Lateranenribus
lJuiecinis. cap. IJI pat.. 48; t. I. par. 4. Thuaur; .Antiq. Uo Historiar. Itali.e. ita u:rihir;.
"Tiaram.rriplicis coronamenri ex Ponti6cibus primus gestnit ante annos non amplius ducentos Ur"hanuJ. V;, ver.o BDnif~c. VHf NAm Sll~rio~m Ponci6c:um tiaras in.


- ---
P A P A A 'k T. I I. i7
Pontifici. neellentia, & patellas, -nedum ell PIll. ClIp. U1III'" S.,,(il:lm '-Ca,hoIictlrll, """"
circa CC2lefiia, Terrellria, & Infernalia, fed
riam fuper Allgelos; qoor\lm ipfe major eft.
Cit. An1l01.'. 1. ed Ji~eif. 2;' plITt. ~. Rot. R~
jorit. CJo oh,a. m,n Commf/tln .
Congruunt ulrerius 'qUO ad 'Pape (ummalll
auCloritatem, & poteflarem tenus lurH; Cz..
:IS ",1111. '~CrRI. s- ".um. 24. Ir~ ur. ~ forer pof~ farei, nernpe in I. Rtdil,IIItl honor""., Coti. th
libile, quod Angeh errarenr In Fide, vet con- Swm~ Trinitlll" (l>" Fitit Ca,holica, I. 8mt"
tra FIdem fenttrent, per Papam judicari ~ & Zmont, cod. D, 'luMJrirnnii prlfC'liptiont, I
xcommunieari poffenr, cit, Armollll. I. 114 0"",11 4;'J, cod. dt F"irs, 6- Autht"ti,. tit MQ'
4teif, z. Rot. Romlln. ,tetnt. . s num. Z4- ".chis . S; vtro "linfJ"tns, AMllm,ti,. tit Etclt-i
16 Tal)fZ enim ell l>igniratis, & poreflatis, ,;,,,1.
ji"fti,il . I. tOIl.t. 9. cum fimilibus..
Dt faciat unum, & idem Tribunal cum Cbri- Non minus Summam Papz auaoAratem, '2C'
flo, Ut per rextnm in c. !LUi"'to ~. a, t,mu & honellatem extollunt ;Refcripta, &eogmara
IIIti01lt Epi[,opi tenent paffim DoCtores ad1fa- .variorum aliorum Impsratorum , nempe Va-
8i i. cit. A1moI. r, ,,1Im.
68.4 4"iJ. s, p. ~. lentiniani, Othonis, Caroli Magni, Connan-
17 Rot. ntnII. Adeo ot qoidquid facit Papa, aft tini &e. qUE ex eorum Conlliturionibus refert
O~ Dei videatur pl'OCrdere, nr poll plurimol Gratianus in c. In m,,,,.,ill71l ~. Jift. 19' ibi:
1>o80res, ratiocinatur Rota in ForoJtmpronitn. Pn Lrgaroz ApoftolicII'" i.,trrptll"[uhtim;taltm.,
e- Eug"bill", fiu Nu/liJu, Emph.1rt"jis 16. J.- lit potifJimum [UII {"n8a Legllf;onr aignttu, at-
1f;; 16~6. CDr.m Cotei"o . Hin' infWlntlo, w,f. lIffntrt &"- & in Summario expreffe dicirure
11/1 1/1, "l1l04 fit a Pap., .b ort lJ,i vititt., ToIlrr""iJutn tft jup''''''' 'f1l04 a Sa", ii, SIlk im-
J"Ocut"" ,it. AnlHt. I. 114 Jteil. 2. . 5" n, ~ I. poni,." ti,,, i1ltQllm,hiit via",tu" CliP. Val",t;-
pm. s- &14 ,uml. nitmlll ~. J;ft. 6~. ibi: Nor, 'lui guh"namul
18 Deveniendo iBirur ad Pape a.aoritatem; Impniu"" Po"rificihJ.u [1IItt'rt cllpitII noftra 1116-
Papa ell quafi DellS in Terra, uDicus Chlifii m;tti"",,; ~ap. Ti!Ji Domino JOII7ln; PllP'" n.
fidelium Princeps, Regumomnium Rex rna- t.n. iltft. 6~. ibi: S"n8llm Romanam E((/It]i.m
sil1lus, plenirudiaem potefiatis ceetinens , cui 0- T, Rl8o,,,,, ipjiul t1tallllho j CIlP. Conftllntinut
Terreni 6mul , ac CC2lef1is Imperii Guben... 14. aift. 96. ibi : VI lieut BNIIiS Ptt,us in tfll-
cula ab Omnipotentt Dco credita fum, prout ,il Pic",i", Fili; ati {uil conjlir"rus, ;1" Go
dar~ haMtar in up.: ()",,,tl I. Jiift. 22. ibi ~ PonrifiCII tiM SMtttJfom in t",;1 p,inc;/,II/us 0-
R,!ti (fcilicet Ohrillus) .rrrn ..",irw CltrlJigno "ft,",m tm'IplillJ, fJll6m tn,nut Imp~,i"'is noflrrtr
Tn.",,; fi",",/, 6' ClZltftil 1"",,;i Ju,,,crPn,,,;- [nmifatis mf/l'l[utrudo 111lbtrt 'lJiJtt1ll'.
fit; & ;n E1tr''"'''l!.ant. JOflnnis XXII. '''P' Si . Magis, magifCl'te fupremam Papz auaorita 'U
Fr.".", IInic. Nt Stti~ VII'tmr~, aliquia innovt. tern, potellatemqae ntollunt plurimi Saeri
..",. Et in "Ji. ,,1,6r; E."IIV"sant. Bon;{"c;; Canones, & ibi Canonillz communirer ,& .(j.

""'"/1;1 ;",,,~;,,iIJMI lie 71fOllIlmNltil un;u,. et#o"IlJIftnt-;, & Rtm/. crrnimlts. &: SlIgtT;UI J,[erihil:
C.pili ~j", (Innoce,ntios VI.) phr.1g;"!", .ot;'MJ'lentr"" Imptri,,/t ;nfta, galt . ,i"ulo il",eO ctln'Ci.J
7UIt"", Impon"nt. Circa ea, qua: de trIpnclPapz regno, deQue poreOale to Sar.6los Angelos,
quorum ipse fir ,major, AaCtor recenfet, confn/endi funt Thenlogi : QUF-enim ell }urifeonfulrif'
ipfe refer~ ,erudiris Theologis Iufpe8a, & quandoque eriam ridieula habeRtur. Capttt enim,
ac vifibili Erc!.liz Principi, non alii fane"qwam, "ifibites fubdir~, FidelM 'feiHeer homi~ deli.
snari ,yidenr-ur, atque in hoc t.anUlm folvendi, ligandiq lie . pt'refllltem' exerce1', eo kilicrt re-
,:::~ .altfolvendo, vel. per ceufutas ligando dum ViVoUM , ,'~, per indalgentias ~uvando 'lit.

. RIfF01l{ro Allao,;.,. ' .

Mirandum, c}uod Thtologui f10~ fie parvipendat ;urifconfulros; ur quz 'ipli tradiderinr,
eruditis Theologis fufpeCla, & quandoque etiam ridie-ula haberi pronunclet ~ Nonne Cldlici
jurifconfulri fuut .etiam fzpe erudili TheoloRi 1 Talis certe fuir eeleberrimus Palllus Rubel!"
qui in cit. antHltat. ad decif. 2. parr.~. reeentior. Sec. Rom . Rotz innumeros pto fui.
eonclufionibu. Tbeologos, ae in mulris etialll SSt PQtrtl. Et .(j fal:s non fuiffer, facrum iNl1d
fupremum Tribunal nequaquam permitiiTer, quod deciflonibus adnetlerentut' Rubei erudi-
tiffimz annotationcs. Legant itaque .eruditi omne. diaas fapi,nriffimi jurifconfulti Annotatio-
JltS ad decif. a. part. 3, Sac. Rom. Rotll fecentior judiCium ferant.
oX & ; ..... t.. L& ~

p" A ~ P "A , ART. II. l'

Fert/inand Vasquez ~. Sru:e,ui",. pliTt. 2. Jij. test modi6care. cum ejus ,Potesta. non .it ttl:
I /I. 155. Annotat. uc. 2. p.". ] Rotte bomioe: sed e.J: Dee , & in terri, Dei 'Vices
ree,nt;oT. . 45 11.5" fungicur cum ,mplisrima pot estate o'Ves luaS
19 Unde nil mirum, Ii Ponrifiei , um- ligandi. & soltendi: l3" sub n. 7 Sllbjll"l;t".
qua m Vicario ejus , cujus est terra. &: pleDi- quod ipse Deus Dominus. & R.edemptor di.
rudo ejus Orbis rerrarum , & Dniversi, qui citur facere, qiJod fecit e'lls Vicarius; DUtQ-
habitant ineo &c. nOD solum spirituali, sed e. modo Don Contra Fidem ", Covart. li&.
fiam glaclio materiali .,aginato, attriblllta I 'Var;ar.rts61. (III'. 17 n,8 .;(l1I til1l-
sie , iU5&a suadenre causa ,plen"ssimaauaori- dem .",,'s. Summi rp,tesIlI;s d;spUI1I1';'''', '"
ru. arq ue potestu transferencli I mperia , ICe- pOSt Abbu-. & Felinum hanc esse communem
ptra fnogendi. Coronu auferendi , flaa ple- opinioaem testatur Scacc. ;11 t,tlll. d, jUdidil
nirudinis p'"lcesrate. non semel , sed Izpilll /ib.2. ".9 n,]h 'Vers. "Pa,a petese iDter-
Rom. Pooti6ces IlSi sunt toties, quoties opus pretari , & ex ca... Iimitare Jus Divinum " ,
fuir. accingeodo gladiam suum .uper femur ue tradllnt commuDiter omnes; (. ,A""" . d
suurn porentissime , ue sacis superque palsm die. ~ pliTt. ] Illtte rtr,,,I . 4 1I1Im. 14' Et
est , at,u. de hoc amplissimum testimonium quoad hoc, ,ide etiam verb. DiJp,nSalion.1o.
faeiunt tam Tbeolo&i. quam Jutis Ponti6cii, Ec quod papa ip.e .olus po.tit Jus Divinum ]1
IC Czsarei proftlSores, at!tue innumeri incul- declarare , & cenitudinaliter incerpretari,
" ..\-z, ~d~i.H\storici tam prorani. quam Sa- meminit R.ota in G"""dill. Stribllni,fIJ.1 Mai;
cri , tam Gtzd, \:lu.m L"ll.\\ni., \1\ 'l/i.l\ene\t 16)1 c.r.m eliif'. nHm. M"/i,,. .".UStI Jlm-
in ,A1/11#/III. ,," "e". 2. pM/is ] B..lte recmt, pw prtesllmit"r illl,stil. 'Vir s, "Papa quippe esc
. 45 n. 11 l!J" J8f. i!I" II. 57 ubi ~d id re(e- supra emne Jus peslrivum ; imntO declarat ex
rUDC muk exemp/~, & sigtu ntet ele Grego- Epil:heja ipsum JUI Divinum"; cit. Annat d
rio pa(lln. qui a celsirudi,'e Irnperia]] depo-
suit Leonem II. Czu:em ; de Gregorio p~pa
dec. 1 part. ] Il.tte..,.u,.t. 4 n. 2.5. Papa ]~
enim hoc poeese etiam sine Cone. Geoerali;
VIJ. qui deposuit Henricum IV. Impento- curn Cone. Generale nOA S!t sapra papalD,
rem; de Alenodro (Iapa [(I. qai deposuit sed papa sit supra Generale Cooe., ut alMlD-
Federi.cum I. rmpera~orem; de Innocentio pa- de probarum fit 'erb. C'''ci/i~ ".,t. 1 . " .
pa II. qui deposuit Olhoncm Czsarem: de ..,6 .d S6 Vide ibi.
Innoc. papa IV. qui depO'lolit Federieum II. Quanto vero pap.l major. &: excellior est n
Imperatorem, de Clemente pApa VI. qui de. omnibus, unto bumiliorem Ie reputat &: DO-
posuit Luclovicum BaHum. Ec insuper pos- minat. ae se ,ocat S,,.,,.,,, S".",r"", DIi, ut
sent Adduci exempla diversorum Regum ,alio- patet in (. R,I.t.", ]7 ;11 ~'" d, s,lIt. ,,,.
r~rnllue. ,upr~morum priDcip~m qua brevita~ (omm. & GlosslYerb. S"..,ur. ill proem. S,ltt;
tiS g'ntJa Omltrunrllr I cum Slot ho~a. & vi- D'''. F1amin. Paris. ti, r~ S;l'" Bln,j(. /ib
dui poss;nt io caceru Dotlorum ..dduCla in q. 7 fl. UII ubi s!lbiiic. quOd papa de st110
~i/. .A'IlIot. ad d~e. ~ part. 3 l{or. ,.,cl/1fti".. ira se S"fJt/m StT"VI,um Dei appeJlat, ur Ii
. 45 n. 71. Vide ad id Jura supra addLKla appareat' BuUa sine hujusmodi inscriptione.
11. 2.1. Card. Bellarm. t. I ContTIl'/). M'tT.ns- de fallo sit suspetla umquam Contra Itylum.
lal. Imp. 1{,mtlfli per tot. &: dll pot'Jt. Slim- Ideo autem papa se vocat S,''''111'11 SIf''IJOTfIm ]4
mi 'Ponl. in Untp.ra/i!Ju/ Pi' lot. CudiD. Pe- Dji, ne ex tali. taDt~ue Dignitate, &: Ill-
tra m tem. 1 Comme"t. ad Con,t. "/'lie. Greg. ltoriuteio superb~ inc1dd. prz oeuliSlem_
1'1/. Cr t. 2 Comme",. tid COrIU.... i3' 6 In- per habendo il/ud saMre Dominit'um przce-

~". Ill. l!1' all COI'Ist. I HMorii 1/;. J,ll. ...
~ f. 1 CDmm d C.nJt. 1 ,A/~x. IY. tan:z esc auCloritatis & potestati.,
nisen". Marth. 10 Luc. u. Marc. 10
'NU//UI P,imal 7 cla"l. 9 f' ] relsic imi-
plUm ~ " Qui major esc 'estrum, fiac sicuti Mi.

ut passU! quoque Leges Di,irus modlficare, tailS J. Chrisr~m. qui non venit ministrari,
(Lclarare .. vel illterpretari; ,A11110t. ad dlle. ~ sed miAistrare. & cum esset coequalil patri
F~Tt. J /f.otce ~ecent. . 4 If. 1.4 i.1" Jflq. UDl Omnipotenti, & omnia Verba. ideat, per ip-
plure.s adducunrur. referrque Surdus deds. sum feeerit. J~a", I nibilomiaus pro nostra
~f4nrll"'. ]0 nUI1I~ 2.:1 'VlrJ. "Hine dicimul. omniumque redemptione formam Servi ac;C'"
quod plpa porest contn Leeem Divinam a pit, philipp. a ,Au.,. I lid d",. ~ p. J
liquaodo venire Jimiundo, dec/arando &('., ,,,"'t,
B..lte n. 10' Barb. lib. t JII';' ((1,,-
& c1arissime id auerit Petrus de Anchar. in "n;'V. (ap. 2. n. 29 l.'k al~i passin>. "
(('If,. 3B It. 111"s" 1I Pap;& 11.1$ Diy.jIJu.m po. PEimwnPentificem ctl1i " SJT'fIIP"j",'l1" 15

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