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The Plant Journal (2002) 31(2), 211222


A novel method for the construction of genome wide

transcriptome maps
Bart Brugmans*, Asun Fernandez del Carmen, Christian W. B. Bachem, Hans van Os, Herman J. van Eck and
Richard G. F. Visser
Laboratory for Plant Breeding, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research Centre, PO Box 386,
6700 AJ Wageningen, the Netherlands

Received 7 December 2001; revised 21 March 2002; accepted 25 March 2002.

For correspondence (fax +31 317483457; e-mail

Expression proling by cDNA-AFLP is commonly used to display the transcriptome of a specic tissue,
treatment or developmental stage. In this paper, cDNA-AFLP has been used to study transcripts
expressed in segregating populations from Arabidopsis thaliana and potato (Solanum tuberosum). The
genetic differences between the offspring genotypes are thus visualized as polymorphisms in
the transcriptome. We show that polymorphic transcripts can be used as genetic markers and allow the
construction of a linkage map. The resulting map shows that, in contrast to genomic markers,
the transcriptome-derived markers did not cluster in particular areas of the chromosome, and that
cDNA-AFLP markers are targeted specically to transcriptionally active regions. The cDNA-AFLP markers
used in mapping are derived from DNA polymorphisms in transcripts, rather than differences in
expression regulation. The high potential of transcriptome markers as opposed to (anonymous) genomic
markers for applications in genetic analyses, marker-assisted breeding and map-based cloning is

Keywords: cDNA-AFLP, DNA markers, transcriptome map, potato.

Substantial efforts have recently been made to unravel the the most widely used techniques. AFLP is a PCR-based
DNA sequences of entire genomes (Wilson, 1999). ngerprinting technique which efciently identies DNA
Complete sequence data are now available for numerous polymorphisms without prior sequence information (Vos
species, including two small plant genomes, Oryza sativa et al., 1995). AFLP relies on the selective amplication of a
and Arabidopsis thaliana, with several other plant species subset of molecules from a more complex template pool.
well on the way to completion (Arabidopsis Genome There are many reports of AFLP technology being used for
Initiative, 2000). However, a wide range of other important the construction of genetic maps (Becker et al., 1995; van
plant species, particularly those with large genomes, are Eck et al., 1995) or local marker saturation (Simons et al.,
not likely to be comprehensively sequenced in the near 1997). In most cases, maps are constructed for the
future. In such cases, one of the most productive localization of genes responsible for qualitative or quan-
approaches to retrieving important genomic information titative traits, as well as for positional cloning. For such
is the use of genetic mapping techniques to locate genes applications, however, the ideal distribution of markers is
responsible for a particular trait. Linkage maps from many not necessarily regular spacing across the whole genome,
species have been established using various marker but rather a concentration of markers in the coding regions
systems. Besides RFLP and RAPD markers, the amplied of the genome. As AFLP generally produces a distribution
fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) method is one of of markers that is biased towards non-coding centromeric

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212 Bart Brugmans et al.

regions of the chromosome (Vuylsteke et al., 1999), this presence polymorphisms are based on single nucleotide
may be regarded as a disadvantage for quantitative trait polymorphisms rather than on expression differences.
loci (QTL) studies or positional cloning.
The cDNA-AFLP method is a robust method to generate
RNA ngerprints, and has been developed to visualize
gene expression (Bachem et al., 1996). By denition,
Genetic diversity of the transcriptome visualized by
cDNA-AFLP targets only coding regions of the genome
cDNA-AFLP ngerprints
and, like AFLP, it does not require prior sequence infor-
mation. Until now, cDNA-AFLP has been used for visua- The cDNA-AFLP ngerprints generated from potato shoot
lization of differential gene expression and as a tool for the tissue mRNA isolates contained between 35 and 112
isolation of genes (Bachem et al., 1998; Bachem et al., 2000; amplication products with an average of 58 bands per
Bachem et al., 2001; van der Biezen et al., 2000; Dellagi lane (36 primer combinations were tested). The fragment
et al., 2000; Durrant et al., 2000). Transcript-derived frag- sizes were distributed evenly between 50 and 500 bp.
ments (TDF) obtained using cDNA-AFLP have also been Figure 1 shows a section of an autoradiogram image
mapped by converting them into RFLP markers and linking where each lane represents a different genotype of a
them to a genetic map (Suarez et al., 2000). Conversion of potato mapping population including the parents.
cDNA-AFLP fragments into RFLP markers is, however, Variation between the ngerprints was used to study
time-consuming and prone to artefacts. Direct mapping of differences between genotypes at the transcriptome level.
transcripts with the cDNA-AFLP technique without further The majority of the bands were monomorphic and did
conversion steps would overcome these problems and not show marked variation in intensity between descend-
result in a rapid and practical method of direct mapping of ants of a diploid potato mapping population. In contrast,
expressed genes. other TDFs showed large intensity differences that varied
Information on expressed genes is currently being from complete absence or levels just above the back-
collected in EST databases where the map position of ground to a signal strength that exceeded the capacity of
the gene is generally not known. Positional information on the phosphor screens. The observed intensity differences
genes is, however, essential for correlating mapped are likely to represent >100-fold differences in gene
phenotypes with genes at corresponding chromosomal expression. As shown in Figure 1, the polymorphic tran-
positions, allowing a candidate gene approach. An exam- scripts can be grouped into different classes. First, there
ple of a genome-wide candidate gene approach is pre- are absence/presence polymorphisms that show a 1 : 1 or
sented by Chen et al. (2001), where sequences of known 3 : 1 segregation ratio according to the mendelian models
genes were converted into PCR-based markers to map the ab 3 aa, aa 3 ab or ab 3 ab, where allele a represents the
position of the candidate genes. For the success of this absence of a band and allele b represents the amplication
approach, considerable knowledge is required of the of a TDF. These 1 : 1 and 3 : 1 segregating polymorphisms
metabolic pathway and corresponding genes involved in can also be found in genomic AFLP ngerprints, and
the development of the trait. suggest single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) or inser-
In this paper we describe a novel application of cDNA- tion/deletion (indel) events in the coding sequence of one
AFLP to visualize differences in the transcriptome between of the alleles. In addition to these absence/presence
offspring genotypes without prior sequence data. To our polymorphisms, we also observed polymorphisms of
knowledge, this is the rst application of a differential less pronounced intensity within the absence/presence
display method for genetic analysis, as recently antici- polymorphisms. The attributes of the polymorphisms
pated by Jansen and Nap (2001). Transcriptome variation observed are shown in Table 1.
caused by the genetic differences between segregating The total number of polymorphic transcripts that could
offspring genotypes allowed us to use individual tran- be scored per primer combination varied between one and
scripts as genetic markers. To construct transcriptome 19, with an average of nine polymorphisms per lane. No
maps, we used diploid potato and A. thaliana. Diploid signicant correlation was observed between the GC
potato is a non-inbred species where linkage analysis is content of the selective nucleotides and the level of
performed in progeny derived from crossing heterozygous polymorphism. In total, 331 polymorphic transcripts
parents (Ritter et al., 1990), whereas in A. thaliana a could be unambiguously scored in the 90 offspring
recombinant inbred line (RIL) population descending genotypes and their parents. The reproducibility of the
from homozygous parents is available for mapping cDNA-AFLP technique was veried by duplicating nger-
(Lister and Dean, 1993) were used as examples of a simple prints generated from seven genotypes sampled and
segregating population with homozygous parents. processed earlier for a pilot study (data not shown). The
Furthermore, we show that transcript markers do not reliability of the technique was also assessed by compar-
cluster in centromeric regions, and that most absence/ ing segregation data of cDNA-AFLP ngerprints with data

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Genetic analysis and linkage mapping using cDNA-AFLP 213

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
500 bp

400 bp

300 bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

200 bp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

100 bp

Figure 1. A section of a representative phosphor image.

Lane 1, size marker; lane 2, maternal parent; lane 3, male parent. The other lanes represent offspring from these two parents. A, Absence/presence
polymorphism originating from the male parent; B, intensity polymorphism; C, absence/presence markers heterozygous in both parents, a so-called
ab 3 ab marker; D, absence/presence polymorphism originating from the female parent with intensity differences between offspring with the band. On the
left, mobility is indicated as expressed nucleotides based on the size marker.

Table 1. Evaluation of genetic variation in the transcriptomes of potato siblings: description and number of cDNA-AFLP polymorphisms
in 36 TaqI/AseI primer combinations

Type of Absence/ Absence/ Absence/ Intensity

polymorphism presence presence presence variation Monomorphic
Genetic model ab 3 aa aa 3 ab ab 3 ab nd nd
Number 117 112 102 12 1733
Expected Mendelian ratio 1:1 1:1 1:3 1:0

Where allele a represents the absence of a band and allele b represents the presence of a transcript.nd, Not determined.

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214 Bart Brugmans et al.

1 2 3 4 5

0 AseIAC/TaqITT-167
2 AseIAC/TaqITC-219 2 AseIAA/TaqITT-242
5 AseIAA/TaqITG-275 8 AseIAA/TaqITG-310 7 AseIAC/TaqITT-109
8 AseIAC/TaqITT-137 11 AseIAC/TaqITC-137
12 AseIAC/TaqITG-98 13 AseIAA/TaqITC-135

19 AseIAA/TaqITC-411
22 AseIAC/TaqITA-257
24 AseIAA/TaqITT-109

35 AseIAA/TaqITC-227
37 AseIAA/TaqITG-132
42 AseIAA/TaqITC-224

50 AseIAC/TaqITG-318
AseIAA/TaqITT-105 AseIAC/TaqITC-226
55 AseIAA/TaqITG-117 54 AseIAC/TaqITC-224
57 AseIAA/TaqITT-155 56 AseIAA/TaqITG-262
63 AseIAA/TaqITC-138

98 AseIAA/TaqITA-130

Figure 2. The Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome map.

AseI/TaqI markers are cDNA-AFLP markers; RFLP markers from the map of Lister and Dean (1993) have been omitted to reduce the complexity of this
gure. The markers were used as a JOINMAP xed-order le for producing this map.

from anking loci obtained from genomic AFLP. No major This provides further evidence that transcriptome-based
differences in location or distance between markers were markers obtained with cDNA-AFLP ngerprints of siblings
seen by adding cDNA-AFLP markers to the genetic map. are as abundant and reliable as genomic markers.
The potato mapping population used in this study Furthermore, the cDNA-AFLP markers from A. thaliana
descended from a cross between highly heterozygous, were well distributed across all chromosomes of the map
non-inbred diploid parents, which descend from vegeta- (Figure 2).
tively maintained tetraploid cultivars that are known for a
high genetic load. Therefore a RIL mapping population
Col 3 ler of A. thaliana (Lister and Dean, 1993) was also Construction of a transcriptome map of potato
used to study genetic variation in the transcriptome of In order to establish a dense transcriptome map, TDFs with
homozygous siblings. RNA was isolated from Arabidopsis clear segregation patterns were used to generate separate
seedlings 2 weeks after germination. Plant age was the maps of each parental set of gametes with JOINMAP 2.0
only criterion to obtain plant tissue of the same stage of software. In total, 112 polymorphic transcripts descended
development. cDNA-AFLP ngerprints of Arabidopsis from the female parent; 117 from the male parent; and 102
resulted in one to seven clear absence/presence transcripts were heterozygous in both parents ab 3 ab.
polymorphisms per lane. These markers have been This resulted in 214 markers for the female and 219
added to the public marker data set of Col 3 ler (http:// markers for the male chromosome maps, which were, and could be simply mapped. processed together with the data set of genomic AFLP and
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Genetic analysis and linkage mapping using cDNA-AFLP 215

RFLP markers of van Eck et al. (1995). At a logarithm of Sequence analysis

odds (LOD) threshold of 4.0, 14 maternal linkage groups
An arbitrary selection of 20 segregating cDNA-AFLP bands
were identied, and at a LOD threshold of 5.0 we identied
has been isolated from gel, re-amplied and sequenced.
13 paternal linkage groups. The correct number of 12
Subsequently, the sequences were analysed for homology
linkage groups for each parent could be established by
to genes in the sequence databases. For 18 transcripts,
connecting low LOD gaps within a linkage group via the
signicant matches were found. Matches with an E value
allele bridges with the homologous linkage group in the
of less than 1.0 3 105 were considered signicant. The
other parent. The nal map agreed well with that obtained
results are listed in Table 2. A review of the sequence
previously (van Eck et al., 1995). The maps are shown in
similarities shows that there is no functional or metabolic
Figure 3 and, in analogy with terminology such as
relationship between the sequences similarities, suggest-
`isozyme map' or `genome map', we call this a `transcrip-
ing that the cDNA-AFLP transcript mapping method does
tome map'. The markers labelled AseI/TaqI are mRNA
not produce a bias for a particular class of genes or for a
polymorphisms, as visualized with cDNA-AFLP.
particular metabolic pathway.
The map shows that the markers are scattered over all
the chromosomes. In four cases, a pair of markers of equal
mobility mapped to the same locus and differed only in Discussion
one selective nucleotide. Otherwise no obvious clustering
of cDNA-AFLP markers is found. Here we describe a novel implementation of cDNA-AFLP
for the visualization of genetic variation within a mapping
population, and the targeted development of markers for
mapping the transcribed regions of the genome the
Origin of the transcript polymorphisms transcriptome. Jansen and Nap (2001) recently discussed
The origin of absence/presence polymorphisms in tran- the potential uses of genetics combined with genomics.
scripts could be due to either genetic differences in gene They stated that the merger of expression proling and
expression, or sequence polymorphisms in the coding genetic analysis will combine the power of two different
region. To determine which of these options was more worlds in a way that is likely to become instrumental in the
likely, internal primers were designed for four transcripts further unravelling of metabolic, regulatory and develop-
that showed an absence/presence polymorphism, and RT/ mental pathways.
PCR was performed on RNA from the genotypes showing The experimental work described in this paper does not
the cDNA-AFLP band polymorphism. All four primer pairs completely support the opinion of Jansen and Nap. First,
were tested on undigested cDNAs of 10 offspring geno- our results show that the majority of the transcripts show a
types, of which ve showed amplication of the TDF with monomorphic pattern, which indicates a high level of
cDNA-AFLP. The resulting amplication products are uniformity of expression despite high levels of genetic and
shown in Figure 4. All 10 offspring genotypes showed a phenotypic variation between these descendants.
fragment of the expected length indicating that, irrespect- However, phenotypic variation could also arise from
ive of the cDNA-AFLP polymorphism, these genotypes sequence polymorphisms that could not be visualized by
expressed the target gene. a single template. In contrast, hybridization-based gene-
The same primers were also used to amplify genomic expression analysis would completely fail to correlate
DNA of the mapping population. One of the resulting phenotypes with allelic versions of a gene that differ by
amplication products had the expected length, and in one or more SNPs in the coding region. Second, a
three cases intron-spanning primers gave a larger product. surprisingly low level (<1% of TDFs) showed clear quan-
Digestion with several restriction enzymes, including AseI titative variation in expression levels despite the wide
and TaqI, resulted in polymorphisms. The segregation of quantitative variation in the population. In order to detect
the CAPS markers that were obtained from these four more differences in gene expression present in the popu-
cDNA-AFLP loci matched the segregation of the cDNA- lation, sampling of the RNAs would have to be more
AFLP marker and therefore map at the same locus. From restricted in terms of both cell type and developmental
this we conclude that the vast majority of the absence/ range.
presence polymorphisms are due to genomic sequence
polymorphisms, probably SNPs at the sites of the selective
Consistency and reproducibility of the method
nucleotides or restriction sites essential for amplication
of the fragment with cDNA-AFLP. We conclude that the The good reproducibility of this method is demonstrated
map positions of transcript polymorphisms correspond to by the fact that all cDNA-AFLP bands within the nger-
the map positions of the genes from which they were prints could be related to at least one parent, and that all
transcribed. parental bands were inherited by offspring genotypes. The

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216 Bart Brugmans et al.

many monomorphic bands demonstrate that reproduci- etic differences in genes coding for trans-acting factors
bility across genotypes was good, and that the tissue cause the variation in expression level. Intensity poly-
samples indeed represent the same developmental stage morphisms could be mapped via QTL analysis, but the
(cDNA-AFLP ngerprints of other tissues can vary consid- locus obtained may correspond with either the gene
erably; data not shown). The reproducibility obtained in coding for the cDNA-AFLP band, or for the trans-acting
this study is in agreement with results obtained from factor. A more detailed description of such cases has been
cDNA-AFLP ngerprints from the potato tuber life cycle provided by Jansen and Nap (2001). The low number of
(Bachem et al., 1996). Sequencing showed that cDNA-AFLP intensity polymorphisms found in our experiments is likely
bands represent bona de transcripts. Joint analysis with to be due to the fact that whole plants were used for
data from genomic markers did not reveal inconsistencies sample preparation, obscuring the differences in gene
in transcript segregation patterns, or difculties in assign- expression between cell and tissue types.
ment of markers to map position. The successful applica- Map construction and marker distribution cDNA-AFLP
tion of this method on an A. thaliana mapping population markers were easily mapped along with genomic markers
indicates that the construction of transcriptome maps from previous studies (van Eck et al., 1995; Lister and Dean,
should be feasible for a wide range of organisms. 1993). The Arabidopsis cDNA-AFLP markers could be
placed with LOD values >3. For potato, separate maternal
and paternal maps were established. The 110 maternal
Genetic variation in transcript ngerprints
cDNA-AFLP markers could be placed with LOD values >4,
This paper describes genetic variation in the transcriptome and 108 paternal cDNA-AFLP markers could be placed with
between descendants of a mapping population. The most a LOD threshold >5. This indicates that cDNA-AFLP mark-
abundant and obvious polymorphisms between transcript ers have power in genetic analysis equal to any other
ngerprints of potato comprise the 1 : 1 and 3 : 1 segre- molecular marker type currently used.
gating absence/presence polymorphisms. These poly- Most markers have a unique segregation pattern, which
morphisms are predominantly based on SNPs or indels resulted in a uniform distribution of cDNA-AFLP markers
in the transcribed sequence, and have also been observed along the chromosomes of potato. Inspection of the raw
in genomic AFLP analysis (van Eck et al., 1995). Markers data did not show ambiguities (singletons) for the place-
arising from simple DNA polymorphism allow the corres- ment of cDNA-AFLP markers. In the maternal map (C) of
ponding genes to be mapped directly. Evidence that this potato, three marker pairs were found (i) with the same
polymorphism originates from cDNA sequence variation, mobility; (ii) with only one difference in selective nucleo-
and not from expression variation, was obtained with tides; and (iii) at the same map position. These marker
internal primers that could amplify the correct fragment in pairs could be alleles of the same locus, or represent
all offspring, irrespective of the cDNA-AFLP polymorph- repeated sequences at the same locus. A further possibility
ism. The co-localization of the cDNA-AFLP markers and the is that such markers may be generated by mispriming;
derived CAPS markers provides additional conrmation however, it has been shown previously (Bachem et al.,
that this is a locus-specic marker system based on DNA 1998) that mispriming events occur only very rarely in
sequence polymorphisms of transcribed regions of the connection with highly abundant transcripts.
Additional polymorphic patterns, unique to cDNA-AFLP,
Estimate of the number of transcribed genes
are based on intensity differences that can, on occasion,
exhibit a difference of several orders of magnitude. These The number of fragments that are amplied with cDNA-
intensity differences were also observed in combination AFLP allows a rough estimate to be made of the total
with absence/presence segregation. The clear-cut intensity number of genes of potato. In total, 2085 fragments were
differences were rare, less than one per ngerprint, and visualized using 36 primer combinations, which is an
were not analysed here or used as markers for genetic map average of 58 per combination. All 256 + 2/+2 AseI/TaqI
construction. The origin of the observed variation in primer combinations would visualize 14 848 fragments. A
intensity has not been investigated, but it can be recent analysis of restriction site frequencies using GenEst
hypothesized that differences in promoter region or gen- (Qin et al., 2001) shows that in potato the AseI/TaqI enzyme

Figure 3. Maternal (C) and paternal (E) transcriptome maps of diploid potato.
The AseI/TaqI markers are cDNA-AFLP markers. Marker names ending with h are heterozygous in both parents, ab 3 ab, and allow connection to both
parental maps. Markers starting with TG are tomato RFLPs (Bonierbale et al., 1989; Tanksley et al., 1992). Markers starting with GP are potato RFLP markers
(Gebhardt et al., 1991). Markers starting with TPI, MDH, DIA, GOT and APS are isozyme loci (Jacobs et al., 1995). All the other letters and + stand for
different RFLP markers as described by Jacobs et al. (1995). The genomic AFLP markers from the map of Van Eck et al. (1995) are shown with an asterix
only to reduce the complexity of this gure.

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Genetic analysis and linkage mapping using cDNA-AFLP 217

C1 C2
0 *
0 *E32/M48-360H

7 * 6 AseIAA/TaqITA-30 8 E2
8 AseIAT/TaqI AA-134 * 0
TG20B 2
12 * **
14 ***
AseICT/Ta qIAA-149H 7
15 **AseIAT/Ta qIAA-125H 16 AseIAA/TaqICA-309
16 ** *TG31 10
18 TDS168 TG9B
17 **
20 ** * 13
24 **** E1 23
AseIGG/Taq IAA-078
TG01B 14
25 **** * 0 **
27 *** 28 AseIAA/TaqICG-110 *E32/M48-360H 15
30 *AseITT/Ta qIAA-120H 32 **+ * 20
33 + * 22
34 AseIAA/TaqIGT- 340 + 8 35 ++
37 AseIAA/TaqICT-0 03 ****+ 23
* 11 36 * AGA/CAT-194.9H
40 AseIAA/TaqIGA-147 38 *
41 *SSP50 AseIAA/TaqITA-08 1
40 *** AseITG/TaqIAA-265H
43 TDS109 42 ** 27
45 TG24C1 AseIAA/TaqIAG-420
49 + SSP50 20 48 * AseICT/Ta qIAA-152H
51 * TDS109 21 50 + AseITT/TaqIAA-127 29
52 ** 51 ME(SOLANUM) AseITG/TaqIAA-266
53 S(SOLANUM) S(SOLANUM) 26 54 *TG01B AseIAA/TaqIGC-17 3H 31
AseIGT/Ta qIAA-083 56 *AGA/CAT-194. 9H AseIAC/TaqIAG-11 6 33
54 61 *
AseITA/TaqI AA-190H AseICA/TaqIAA-376
55 AseICG/TaqIAA-177 63 * AseIGT/TaqIAA-319H 34
58 ** AseIAA/TaqIGG-20 9 35 AseIAA/TaqIGC-234
61 * + 36
ST19 AseICT/Ta qIAA-289
62 * *AseIAA/TaqIG G-210H 41 65 AseIAA/TaqITC-2 34H
63 ** TPI-1 43 AseICA/TaqIAA-373H AseIAC/TaqIAG-23 7H 37
65 * * 44 AseITT/TaqIAA-152H AseICA/TaqIAA-373H
68 * ** 46 AseICA/TaqIAA-371 + 38
72 * * 47 69 * 42
***AseIAA/TaqITA-28 7H 52 71 TG20B * 43
77 AseITG/Ta qIAA-112 ** 52
80 * + 53
73 AseIAC/TaqIAG-246
AseIAA/TaqICG-170 56 AseIAC/TaqIAG-23H * 55
85 AseIAT/TaqI AA-175 * 57 * 61
AseIAA/TaqITG- 142 76 +
88 78 * *ACA/CAC-266.0H
AseIAA/TaqICG-142 AseICG/TaqIAA-147 61 AseIGC/TaqIAA-20 2 67
90 AseITG/Ta qIAA-247 82 **
83 *ACA/CAC-266.0H AseICT/Ta qIAA-135H
93 AseICT/Taq IAA-324 * 68
94 * 85 AseITG/Ta qIAA-110
96 AseIAA/TaqICA-126 AseIAA/TaqIGC-173 H TDS250 70
97 AseIAA/TaqIGG-20 8 86 AseITG/Ta qIAA-121 AseICC/TaqIAA-565 72
100 AseICC/TaqIAA-258 87 + AseICT/Ta qIAA-269 73
103 AseITG/Ta qIAA-449 89 TDS441 AseICA/TaqIAA-219
AseIAC/TaqIAT-3 62 91 + *TDS441 74
105 + 75
AseIAA/TaqIGG-21 0H 92 AseICA/TaqIAA-154
108 TG53 94 * TDS434 79
109 + 99 *
113 TG259 106 *TG48

C4 E4
E3 0 *
AseIAA/TaqIGC-257 0 8 *AAA/ACG-196.0H SSP27 4
C3 TG130 1 14 AseIAC/TaqIAG-132 TDS436 14
* AseIAA/TaqITC-1 73 TDS374 17
0 AseIAT/TaqI AA-152 ** 8 17 AseICT/Taq IAA-150 20
AseIAA/TaqICC-172 AseICG/TaqIAA-251 H
**** 9 18 TG123 AseICG/TaqIAA-260 21
* 12 24 * AseICA/TaqIAA-107 23
6 * TDS258 13 28 * *AseIAC/TaqICT-27 4 24
9 *E32/M50-480H TI5-9 14 32 * AseIAA/TaqIAA-248 26
AseIAC/TaqIAC-106H 34 * AseICA/TaqIAA-414 27
15 *** E32M50-480H 16 36 + AseIGC/TaqIAA-229 32
AseIAA/TaqITT -099H 37 * AseICG/TaqIAA-205 H
16 *** * 35
*AseIAA/TaqIT C-300H 40 AseITG/Ta qIAA-245
18 *E39/M60-16H * 19 AAA/ACG-196.0H 38
**AAA/ACG-140.7H 41 AseITG/Ta qIAA-186 * 41
21 SSP66 AseIAA/TaqIAT-18 9
AseIAA/TaqIGT- 256H *AAA/ACG-140.7H 23 * 43
27 * 45 **AseICG/Taq IAA-251H + 44
AseIGA/TaqIAA-160 24 46 TDS374 + 46
29 TG08B AseIAA/TaqIAG-269 27 47 * * 48
30 *TG130 AseIAG/TaqIAA-111 29 48 * * 49
31 *E45/M60-26H AseIAA/TaqICA-151H 49 * ** 53
33 TI5-9 E45M59-153H 30 TDSG60 *AseIAC/TaqIAT-224 54
34 Y(SOLANUM) AseIAC/TaqIAG-348 50 TDS436 *
37 * *AseIGG/TaqIAA-265 32 * 58
AseIAC/TaqIAT-2 23 * 61
38 SSP66 E45M60-26H 33 53 *
+ 35 * 62
41 * 54 *E32/M48-165.4H * 65
44 TDS258 * 39 55 ** * 67
46 *TG134 **** 41 56 * **E32/M48-165.4H 68
47 TG42 * 44 59 * ** 69
50 + ** 46 61 * AC11-17 71
+ * 47 62 * AC8-99 72
51 * 48 65 AseIAA/TaqIAC-311 AC8-19
+ * 51 AC8-22 73
54 * 66 AseICG/TaqIAA-269 ** 75
** 55 68 AseIAA/TaqICG-220
58 + * 56 +ADH-2 77
71 AseIAC/TaqIAC-125 AseIGC/TaqIAA-327 H
E45/M59-153H * 57 73 AC11-17
AseIAT/TaqI AA-434 ** 78
62 AseIAC/TaqICT- 309 59 Ac8-99 *
*AseIAA/TaqI CA-151H AseIAA/TaqIAG-260 60 74 Ac8-19 81
65 AseIAA/TaqIAA-175 AseIAA/TaqICA-410 61 75 Ac8-22 * 83
AseIGT/TaqIAA-205 63 77 **** + 87
70 + AseIAC/TaqIAG-341 65 78 * * 88
73 + **E39M60-16H 67 79 *AseIGC/TaqIAA-327H + 90
AseIGA/TaqIAA-286 70 AseIAC/TaqIAC-077 91
75 AseIAC/TaqIAG-29 6 81 * AseIAA/TaqIAA-379 92
AseIAC/TaqIAC-349 72 85 AseITC/Taq IAA-118 AseIAG/TaqIAA-138 93
** 75 89 AC11-13 AseITT/TaqIAC-182 94
* 82 90 TI31 AC11-13 95
93 *+ TI31 96
96 BE TG123 99
97 TG22 TG22 102
98 TI17 BE 103
TDS69 TI17 105
101 AseICG/TaqIAA-122 TDS168 106
103 AseIAA/TaqIAA-376

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218 Bart Brugmans et al.

E5 C6 **** 0
TDS259 0 0 GP79
*** 1
*** 2
C5 5 AseIAC/TaqICT- 263 * 6
0 * * 8 9 AseIAC/TaqICT- 400 *** 7
5 GP21 AseIAC/TaqIAG-41 0 ** 10
6 AseIAA/TaqITG -490 * 10 12 ** 12
AseIGG/Taq IAA-138 * 13
7 AseIAA/TaqITG -492 GP21 15 AseIAC/TaqIAC-179 H
8 + AseIAA/TaqITA-2 42 18 16 TG231 TG118 16
9 AseIAA/TaqIAC-275 AseIAC/TaqICT -260 19 17 ***+ AseIGT/TaqIAA-101 18
15 AseIAC/TaqIAC-27 7 AseIAT/Taq IAA-460 21 18 *
17 * + 23 21 TG118
** 24 * 25
19 *AC4-68 + 27
* 25 27 ADH-1
20 **E32/M61-15H TG44B 28
21 **E32/M48-252.4H * 28
+ 31 ** 30
22 * 35 +
** 32
24 ** * 33 37 AseIAC/TaqIAA-285
25 ** AseIAA/TaqICG-24 1H TG253 36
**E32/M48-252.4H 34 38 AseIAA/TaqITG- 180
27 *E32/M51-21H + 37 * 39
28 * * 38
29 * **E32/M51-21H 41 46 TG253 ** 46
30 ** * 43 + 47
35 *** 49 +
* 44 * 49
37 TDS416 *E32/M61-15H 45 53 TDS183 + 50
39 + SSP88 46 AseIAA/TaqIGG- 232 51
*TDS416 48 56 +
40 *SSP88 AseIAA/TaqIAT-3 11 53
45 * + 51
* 53 61 TG193 AseICA/TaqIAA-122H 54
47 GBSSB AseICA/TaqIAA-140
49 * * 56 *
AseIAA/TaqITA-2 40H 60 65
AseIAA/TaqIAA-212 57
50 *AseIAA/TaqIT T-2 72 AseIAT/Taq IAA-207 61
52 MDH-2 *AseIGA/TaqIAA-330 62
AseIAA/TaqICA-338 64 TG193 63
53 *DIA-1 AseIAA/TaqIAA-510 68 * 66
AseIAA/TaqIAA-367 TG23 69 TDS183 68
57 ** * 74
59 TG69 YM(SOLANUM) 76 C8
60 * AseIAA/TaqIAA-315 78 0 GBSS
61 * CHSST 82 2 AC15-8 E8
4 + GBSS 0

C7 10 +
0 * 14 TDS458 AC15-8 7
16 TDS385
AseICA/TaqIAA-144 TDS458 12
8 * AseIAA/TaqITA-1 63H
13 + AseIAA/TaqIGG- 181 * 17
16 * E7 ** 19
18 * 30 AseIAA/TaqITG -094H
AseICG/Taq IAA-241 **** 22
21 * AC4-62 0
22 * + AseICA/TaqIAA-089 25
24 AseIAA/TaqICA-152 * 4 31 * AseIAC/TaqIAG-1 14 26
AseIAT/Taq IAA-411 AseIAC/TaqIAC-12 1 **** 32
27 * 7 * 33
AseITT/TaqI AA-411 32 AseIAA/TaqIGT -359
AseIGC/TaqI AA-410 + 10 35 AseICA/TaqIAA-164 GOT- 1 35
29 * 36
AseIGT/TaqIAA-410 37 *TG16A
*AseIAA/Taq ITA-38 0H TI107 16 40 * *AseIAA/Taq IAA-105 38
TG143 AseIAA/TaqIAT-3 24 20 41 * * 39
34 ** AseICA/TaqIAA-087 *** 40
35 + 21 43 TDS429
AseIAA/TaqIGG-5 60H 45 ** *E32M48-451.7H 41
36 ** AseITG/TaqIAA-143 22 * 42
38 NBS17 46 * * 43
AseICA/TaqIAA-090 47 **
39 * AseIGG/Ta qIAA-324 23 * 46
41 NBS9 AseIAA/TaqITG- 560H 50 TG45 * 47
47 TG572 52 *** TDS429 48
53 AC4-62 AseIAA/TaqIGC-08 8 24
TG438H 53 * TG45 53
54 * 54 *
56 TI107 AseIAA/TaqICT- 004 30
+ 32 56 AC3-28 AC3-18 60
58 *
59 * AseIAC/TaqIAA-217 33 57 *
60 **** + 35 58 ***E32/M48-451.7H
AseIAA/TaqITA-3 75 36 63 * APS-2 66
62 *
63 ** TG61 39 66 AseIGA/TaqIAA-185
67 GOT- 2 * 45 68 AseIAA/TaqITG -510 CO(SOLANUM) 71
69 ** TG63B 48 70 AseIAC/TaqIAC-08 9
75 * 72 *
76 AseIAA/TaqIGG-2 66 75 *
78 AseIGA/TaqIAA-151 78 *
AseIGC/TaqI AA-351
82 AseIAA/TaqITA-3 69
87 AseIAA/TaqIAT-3 33
AseIAA/TaqIAT-3 40H
88 **
89 *
90 *

98 *
102 *

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Genetic analysis and linkage mapping using cDNA-AFLP 219

E9 E10
AC38-46 0
*TG09 0 TDS448 6
* 8
* 4 * 12
* 6 * 14
TAC93A 8 ++ 17
* 10 + 21
C10 * 23
* 13 0 TDS448 TG43 26
**** 29
+ 18 ** 31
+ 20 6 ST15B *E32/M47-397H 33
C9 AseIAG/TaqIAA-680 H 23 * 35
0 AseIAA/TaqIAG-077 10 ST06 **E32/M54-153H 36
1 TG10 AseIAT/Taq IAA-223 25 ** 39
AseIAT/Taq IAA-222 28 12 + *TDS273 40
AseIAA/TaqIAA-415 33 * 41
AseIAG/TaqIAA-408 16 + *** 43
8 *TG09 AseIAA/TaqITG- 118 35 18 *AC15-7 ** 45
AseIAA/TaqIGG-1 18 36 21 TG63 * 49
***E45/M60-7H 50
*AseIAC/Taq ICT-2 30 38 ** 54
15 ** AseIAC/TaqIAA-200 41
AseIAA/TaqIAT-18 6H * 55
16 TAC93A AseIAA/TaqIAA-345H ****AseIAC/TaqIAG-168H 56
AseIAC/TaqIAA-308 43 31 AseIGT/TaqIAA-220H + 57
21 TG35 AseIAA/TaqITA-1 98H AseIGT/TaqIAA-221 **TG303 58
23 * 32 AseIAA/TaqIGC-13 7H AseIAA/TaqIAA-149 60
AseIAA/TaqIGT- 177H 45 AseIAA/TaqITT -128 AseIAA/TaqITC-3 15 64
24 *****E32/M51-26H AseICT/Ta qIAA-156
36 E32/M54-153H AseIAC/TaqIAC-369 65
AseICG/TaqI AA-326 *E32/M51-7H AseIAC/TaqIAT-1 49H
AseIAA/TaqIAT-3 20 49 67
30 * 40 + AseIAG/TaqIAA-246
AseIAA/TaqITA-1 90 53 AseIGT/TaqIAA-340 69
* 57 AseIAT/TaqI AA-335
35 **AseIGT/TaqIAA-165 *TG35 60 AseIAA/TaqIAT-13 3 72
50 *** AseICG/TaqIAA-460 74
39 **TG06 * 63 ** 76
42 * *** 66 51 TDS273 * 77
43 * * 67 * 79
44 * + 69 57 * AseIAA/TaqITG- 240
**** 70 58 * AseIAA/TaqITG- 246 82
46 * AseIAA/TaqITA-41 6 83
47 * *+ 72 AseICC/TaqIAA-136 87
* 74 65 + * 88
55 AseIAC/TaqIAC-213 * 76 AseIAA/TaqIGC-137 H
58 AseIAA/TaqIAT-1 05 66 +
*TDS369 77 AseIAA/TaqIAT-18 6H
61 *TDS396 68 AseIAA/TaqIGT- 115 AseIGT/TaqIAA-220H 89
* 78
62 AseIAC/TaqIAA-137 **AseIAC/TaqIAA-20 5H 79 AseIAA/TaqIGG-2 14
AseIAC/TaqIAA-138 AseIGT/TaqIAA-219 94
* 80 75 *E32/M47-397H AseIAG/TaqIAA-242H
63 AseIAC/TaqIAA-205H * 83 77 TG303 AseIAG/TaqIAA-245 95
AseICA/TaqIAA-131H ** 84 AseIAA/TaqIGG-2 41 99
66 * *** 85
67 * *E32/M51-26H 86 E12
68 + * 91 C12 AseIAA/TaqICG-37 9 ST14 0
69 AseIAA/TaqITG -160 ** 94 AseIAA/TaqIAC-328H ST20 4
** 95 AseIAA/TaqIGC-38 9H **TDS319 10
* 96 0 AseIAC/TaqIAA-422H TDS103 12
* 97 AseICG/TaqI AA-098H AseIAA/TaqIGG-1 54 13
* 102 AseITG/TaqIAA-259H AseIGA/TaqIAA-431 15
+ 103 AseIAA/TaqIAA-166 16
1 AseIGC/TaqI AA-274 * 17
* 104
* 111 8 TG360 E32/M54-182H
9 * E32/M59-109H
C11 10 AseITG/TaqIAA-281 ***E32/M59-162H 19
13 ST14 **E32/M48-416H
0 AseIAA/TaqITA-0 73 ACA/CAC-276.5H
1 AseITG/TaqIAA-277 E11 18 ST20 AAA/ACG-278.0H
* 0 21 TDS319 ** 20
5 AseICA/TaqIAA-086 23 TDS103 **** 21
26 * **** 22
28 TG68 ** 24
11 * *ACA/CAC-276.5H *E45M60-5H
13 * 30 E32M51-33H 27
33 + *+ 28
17 * + 29
19 * ** 14 35 **
*E32M54-182H * 33
AseIAA/TaqIGA-209 * 15 ** 34
21 * 16 36 E32M48-416H
*AseIAA/Taq ICT-0 02H + 35
26 AseIGG/Ta qIAA-203 ** 18 37 *
* 37
* 22 ** 39
30 AseIAC/TaqIAA-166 39 ****E32M59-162H * 42
31 * *AseIAC/TaqI AC-400 25 E32M51-33H **** 43
32 * P(Solanum) 40 *AAA/ACG-278.0H * 44
+P(SOLANUM) 29 42 * + 48
33 AseICT/Ta qIAA-157
36 TG44 AseIAA/TaqIAT-2 43H 48 AseICG/TaqI AA-301 **** 52
38 *** AseIAA/TaqIAC-178 30 49 * ** 54
51 AseITT/TaqI AA-084 AseIAG/TaqIAA-224 59
42 *+ AseIAG/TaqIAA-216 32 52 **AseIAT/T aqIAA-170H AseIAA/TaqIGC-18 0 61
43 *** AseIAC/TaqIAG-3 38 36 +E32M48-154.2H AseIAA/TaqIGT- 210 62
TG44 38 55 AseICG/TaqI AA-226 AseIAT/Taq IAA-092 63
47 TG30 * 64
AseIAA/TaqIGT- 096H * 66
52 SSP75 60 AseIAC/TaqIAG-15 0 + 69
55 AseIAA/TaqICG-35 0 SSP75 44 62 ****ACA/CAC-247.1H PGDH-2 70
56 AseIAA/TaqICC-168 64 + AseIAT/Taq IAA-380
65 TG491 AseIGA/TaqIAA-150 H 71
57 AseIAA/TaqITC- 158 TG30 49 66 + ** 72
71 TDS163 AseICT/Ta qIAA-236
63 AseIGG/Ta qIAA-120 78 AseICC/TaqIAA-165 AseIAA/TaqIGC-21 9H 74
64 AseIGC/Taq IAA-161 AseIAA/TaqIGT- 096H
66 AseIAT/Taq IAA-271 AseIAA/TaqIAC-378
AseIAT/Taq IAA-170H 78
* 79
**E32/M48-154.2H 81
*ACA/CAC-247.1H 82
TG491 85
* 90
TDS163 91

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220 Bart Brugmans et al.

combination is likely to cut only around 24% of all full- around 36 000, which is similar to previous estimates
length cDNAs and that, on average, these cDNAs produce (Bachem et al., 2000).
1.7 cDNA-AFLP fragments. This gives rise to an estimated This estimate in potato exceeds the estimate of the
number of transcribed genes in the aerial plant tissues of number of genes of A. thaliana (Arabidopsis Genome
Initiative, 2000). Ku et al. (2000) made a calculation about
the total number of genes in tomato, another Solanaceae
species. These calculations are based on the similarity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
between A. thaliana and the sequence a 105 kb bacterial
articial chromosome of tomato. They suggested that the
number of genes could be up to 145 000 genes. Our results
only suggest that there may be more than the 25 000
genes of A. thaliana.

Application of cDNA-AFLP transcript polymorphisms

In this study we have focused on the application of
transcript polymorphisms for marker development and
the construction of a transcriptome map. We have shown
that cDNA-AFLP markers could be converted in CAPS
markers. CAPS markers are more easily applied in marker-
assisted breeding, but CAPS markers derived from cDNA-
Figure 4. RTPCR of transcripts corresponding to four segregating TDFs. AFLP have the advantage that they specically target
The origin of four 1 : 1 segregating absence/presence cDNA-AFLP transcribed genes.
markers is caused by sequence polymorphism affecting the cDNA-AFLP
In future studies we plan to analyse transcripts with
amplication product. PCR amplication of RNA from 10 offspring, using
internal primers, demonstrates the presence of these four transcripts in quantitative variation in expression level in more detail.
the steady-state RNA pool. For example, we wish to understand whether this expres-

Table 2. Accession numbers, E values and annotated function of sequences with the best homology to potato cDNA-AFLP fragment
sequences excised from transcript ngerprints

cDNA-AFLP Accession Accession

fragment number E value number E value Annotated function

AseIAA/TaqIGC-235h AI899537 4.00E-29 Coatamer required for vesicle budding and anterograde
vesicle transport from and to the Golgi
AseIAA/TaqIGC-139c Unknownb
AseIAA/TaqIGC-137h AI775597 3.00E-09 Unknown
AseIAA/TaqIGC-135h AI775597 2.00E-05 Unknown
AseIAA/TaqIGG-540h P36181 8.00E-19 HSP80 homologue (heat-shock protein)
AseIAA/TaqIGG-214e AJ133755 1.00E-09 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (required for mitotic cell
cycle progression)
AseIAA/TaqIGG-169h AJ132397 7.00E-06 Major latex protein
AseIAA/TaqITC-445h AJ222713 4.00E-18 NAP gene homologue (no apical meristem)
AseIAA/TaqITC-344c Unknownb
AseIAA/TaqITC-315e Unknownb
AseIAA/TaqITC-173c T05027 1.00E-05 Reverse transcriptase
AseIAA/TaqITC-158c Unknownb
AseIAC/TaqIAA-418h M59857 6.00E-60 Stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase
AseIAC/TaqIAA-358h P51414 4.00E-14 Ribosomal protein
AseIAC/TaqIAA-217e Unknownb
AseIAC/TaqIAA-205h AJ237988 4.00E-07 Putative ripening-related protein
AseIAC/TaqIAA-200h BF459608 2.00E-18 PG type gene (fruit ripening)
AseIAC/TaqIAA-138c Unknownb

TBLASTx was carried out using the `EST others' database, only in cases where the BLASTx yielded no signicant homologies.
cDNA-AFLP fragments yielding no homologies with any searches.

Blackwell Science Ltd, The Plant Journal, (2002), 31, 211222

Genetic analysis and linkage mapping using cDNA-AFLP 221

sion variation can be used to map the locus of transcrip- Radioactive cDNA-AFLP and gel analysis
tion factors. Furthermore, we intend to correlate pheno- Radioactive labelling of primers was carried out using g33P-dATP,
typic variation with these quantitatively and qualitatively and conditions for PCR were according to Bachem et al. (1998).
segregating transcript markers in a genome-wide exten- Samples were denatured and separated on 4.5% polyacrylamide
sion of the candidate gene approach. Finally, we wish to sequencing-type gels. Gels were transferred onto Whatman 3MM
paper and dried using a slab gel dryer. After 20 h exposure to a
exploit this technique for map-based cloning. BAC landing
phosphor screen, the labelled DNA fragments were visualized by
is currently achieved with genomic markers, but local phosphor imaging using STORM 860 (Amersham Pharmacia
saturation of a map with bulked segregant analysis of Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden). The gels were also exposed to X-ray
cDNA-AFLP markers would increase the efciency of BAC lms and developed after 3 days' exposure.
landing, possibly into `gene landing'.

Data analysis and map construction

Experimental procedures
Data on transcript polymorphisms were collected by visual and
quantitative interpretation of autoradiograms and outputs from
Plant material the phosphor-imager (STORM 860, Amersham) by the image-
interpretation software CROSSCHECKER (Buntjer, 2000; http://
A diploid mapping population of 90 F1 diploid potato genotypes In total,
descending from the non-inbred parents USW5337.3 (clone 36 random primer combinations were used to ngerprint the
C) 3 77.2102.37 (clone E). Clone E was obtained from a cross potato population of 90 individuals and two parents. For
between clone C and VH34211, and therefore this F1 population Arabidopsis, only eight random primer combinations were used
resembles a back-cross. This mapping population has been used to ngerprint the RILs. Marker nomenclature is based on the
in previous genetic studies (Jacobs et al., 1995; Van Eck et al., restriction enzymes used to generate cDNA-AFLP template, the
1995), and has been maintained in vitro for several years. For this selective nucleotides of the primers and the mobility of the band
experiment, shoot cuttings were put on MS medium (Murashige relative to a 10-base ladder (SequaMark, Research Genetics, San
and Skoog, 1962) and harvested after 4 weeks, with all plants as Diego, CA, USA). The additional letter c, e or h included in the
much as possible in the same stage of development. Shoot tissue potato marker name indicates whether the marker locus is
(15 g) was harvested and ground to a ne powder under liquid heterozygous in the maternal or paternal parent, or both.
nitrogen and stored at 80C until RNA isolation. The Arabidopsis Segregating transcripts were assigned to map positions with
RILs and their parents were sown on MS20 medium (Murashige JOINMAP 2.0 (Stam, 1993), along with genomic marker data of the
and Skoog, 1962) and seedling tissue was harvested after potato mapping population (Van Eck et al., 1995) or the
2 weeks. No specic efforts were taken to make sure that the Arabidopsis mapping data (Lister and Dean, 1993). Linkage
lines were in the same state of development. The plants were group nomenclature is in agreement with existing Arabidopsis
harvested and ground under liquid nitrogen and stored at 80C (Lister and Dean, 1993), potato and tomato maps (Bonierbale
until RNA isolation. et al., 1989; Gebhardt et al., 1991). The maps were drawn with the
graphical package MAPCHART (Voorrips, 2000).

mRNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and template

preparation Isolation and analysis of transcript fragments
Total RNA was isolated from the ground plant material. The total Twenty randomly chosen transcripts comprising absence/pres-
RNA concentration was estimated by visualization on a 1% ence polymorphisms, intensity polymorphisms and mono-
agarose gel. The poly(A)+ RNA fraction was extracted from morphic transcripts were sequenced. Fragments were excised
10 mg total RNA using poly(d)[T] 25 V oligonucleotides coupled to from dried gel, put in 200 ml Tris-EDTA pH = 8.0 (TE) and left for
paramagnetic beads (Dynal A.S., Oslo, Norway). First- and 1 h. From this solution, 5 ml was taken for a 35-cycle PCR to re-
second-strand cDNA synthesis was carried out according to amplify the fragment. The resulting DNA was diluted to 30 ng ml1
standard protocols (Sambrook et al., 1989). The volumes for and the nucleotide sequence determined (Eurogentec). The
mRNA isolation and cDNA synthesis were adjusted to facilitate sequences were analysed remotely (NCBI, Bethesda, MD, USA)
handling in microtitre plate format such that 92 samples could be for homology to databanks using the BLAST 2.0 programs
processed simultaneously. The nal volume after cDNA synthesis (Altschul et al., 1997). The GenBank database `nr' was used for
was 50 ml. Then 5 ml of the reaction mix was analysed on a 1% BLASTx analysis and the database `EST others' for TBLASTx.
agarose gel to estimate the concentration, which was equalized to To assess the cause of absence/presence polymorphisms,
10 ng ml1. Of this, 25 ml was subjected to the standard AFLP internal primers were designed on the following transcript
template production (Bachem et al., 1996). Restriction enzymes fragments: AseIAA/TaqIGG-214e; AseIAA/TaqITC-173c; AseIAA/
used for template preparation were AseI and TaqI. Further steps TaqITC-158c and AseIAC/TaqIAA-217e. With these primers a 35-
to provide template for cDNA-AFLP were carried out as described cycle PCR was performed on cDNA templates of ve samples that
previously (Bachem et al., 1996). All amplication reactions were did have the transcript and ve lacking the band on the cDNA-
done on a PE-9600 thermocycler using Taq DNA polymerase (PE AFLP ngerprint. The result of this PCR was separated on a 3%
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). All oligonucleotides used in agarose gel to determine if a fragment of the correct length was
the cDNA-AFLP procedure were obtained from Eurogentec present or absent.
(Seraing, Belgium). All enzymes were from Life Technologies To conrm that the map position of cDNA-AFLP markers
(Gaithersburg, MD, USA) with the exception of AseI and TaqI, matched the map position of a DNA sequence polymorphism,
which were from NE-Biolabs Inc. (New Brunswick, NE, USA). rather than the locus of a transcription factor, cDNA-AFLP markers

Blackwell Science Ltd, The Plant Journal, (2002), 31, 211222

222 Bart Brugmans et al.

were converted to CAPS markers. The same primers were used to Durrant, W., Rowland, O., Piedras, P., Hammond-Kosack, K. and
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(1995) The inheritance and chromosomal localization of AFLP
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genome. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83, 4957.
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