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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Documentation:

Travis Stricklin
SST Independent Study
Tyler George
Module 3 pt 2
Lesson Documentation:
Constitution Day and The Events of 9/11
Lesson #2
45 minutes
D2.Civ.1.3-5. Distinguish the responsibilities and powers of government officials at various
levels and branches of government and in different times and places.
D2.Civ.3.3-5. Examine the origins and purposes of rules, laws, and key U.S. constitutional
D2.His.1.3-5. Create and use a chronological sequence of related events to compare
developments that happened at the same time.
D2.His.2.3-5. Compare life in specific historical time periods to life today
D2.His.3.3-5. Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant
historical changes and continuities.
The learner will distinguish responsibilities of power throughout various branches of
government both then and now.
The learner will look into certain laws and constitutional provisions of their choice,
closely relating to these two days in history
The learners will create a time line in a group of sequential events that took place around
these time periods in history
The learner will compare their lives, laws of the present day, and ways of life from today
with those who lived through these two time periods
The learner will generate a list of questions about those who have shaped historical
changes for our country as an exit ticket and a starting point for tomorrows lesson
Instructional and Assessment Materials:
Branches of Government Sheets
An overview of the constitution
9/11 CNN article
Laptops for student research on the laws/provisions of their choice
Time line papers

Eleanor Wollett, Ph.D., August 2014

Overhead projector
Prompt on the overhead for discussion on the branches of government, the constitution,
and 9/11
Students ready to learn
Anticipatory Set:
Today will be a day of comparing and contrasting as we look at two HUGE days in history. On
each desk should be a copy of the branches of government sheet, an overview of the constitution,
the 9/11 article from CNN, a timeline paper, and a laptop for the students to research their law of
choice. Inform the students that today is going to be busy as we have a ton to do and were going
to have a lot of fun working in groups doing it.

Instructional Input:
At this time you will need to partner with two other people from tables other than the one you
normally sit at. You will be working rigorously with these partners so make sure we are making
smart choices with your selection. Once you are settled with your groups you may begin
discussing the points I have for you on the board, using the resources I have put on your desks as
help for key points and facts of discussion. Make sure we are using our resources and really
digging deep into these questions to fully understand the material! I know when I was your age I
didnt know anything about the constitution AND THAT IS OKAY! If you dont know a ton
about the constitution you may use your technology to look things up and help you as well as the
overview of it that I have provided for you.

Guided Practice of New Learning

Now that the groups have discussed the 5 questions you have prompted them to on the overhead,
ask for volunteers to share what their groups have discussed and compare and contrast answers
from each group. Make sure the students are touching both on the aspect of Constitution Day as
well as the events of 9/11.
After each group has answered and discussed the prompted questions push the conversation
towards the idea of how these two things are directly related. Did the branches of government
stated in the constitution help during the events of 9/11? Why or why not?

Formative Assessment:
Walk around and see how deeply the discussions are going in each group. Make sure to mark
down anything that may stick out or that needs to be addressed at a later time in order to ensure
the best possible learning for students.

Independent Practice:
At this time push the work into their timeline aspect for today and point out that at the left side of
their timeline should be the singing and implementation of the Constitution of the United States,
while at the right side should be the events of 9/11 and maybe a few years after the fact if they

Eleanor Wollett, Ph.D., August 2014

have found any laws that may have changed. Give the students about 30 minutes for this as they
may need to research key points from each event.

For our last thing today have the students get out a blank sheet of paper and compare and
contrast the two events we researched and worked with today. Were there certain individuals
that played key roles in the progression of the Constitution? Were there any particular individuals
that had a say in what happened with the events of 9/11? Write down your thoughts on these
questions as your exit ticket today and I will review them tonight. I will then formulate
discussion points to help us start tomorrows class of on the same foot we ended today. Great
work today!

Supervising Teacher:
Pre-approval Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________


Signature: _______________________________________ Date ____________________

Eleanor Wollett, Ph.D., August 2014

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