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Welcome to the Show!

Huron Valley Schools!

Main Feature - New Teacher Orientation
Day 1 - Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Join Google Classroom
Class code: 6q48b7
Thank you, new study that found that people arent naturally good at math. Its like Ive
always said, math is 50% hard work, and 60% luck.

Thank you, apostrophes, for being pretty cool, even though sometimes you can be a bit

Thank you, pears, for not coming in twos.

Welcome to HVS
Dr. Nancy Coratti
-HVS Interim Superintendent

Mr. Ed Okuniewski
-Deputy Superintendent

Jane Martilla
-Executive Assistant to Deputy
Chris Carlson
Teacher, Lakeland High School
Top 5 things about Chris! - Number 5...
Number 4...
Number 3...
Number 2...
Number 1...
Michelle Barsh
Teacher, Heritage Elementary
Top 5 things about Michelle! - Number 5..
Number 4
Number 3...
Number 2...
Number 1...
Team Building
Chris - Would you rather?
Be able to control the weather OR Be able to talk to animals

Lose one arm OR Lose one leg

Be able to fly OR Be able to turn invisible

Have a very strict teacher but learn a lot OR Have a really nice teacher but not learn much

Find out your parents are secretly spies OR Find our your parents are aliens
Michelle - Would you rather?
Go on a long hike in the woods OR Lay out at the pool

Go to a play OR Go to the movies

Take a one week trip to the foreign country of OR Take a four week trip around your country
your choice

Get up early OR Stay up late

Go forward in time OR Go backward in time

Group Norms
Norms are social expectations that guide behavior.
Norms help us work as a team staying focused on our goals!

Honor time agreements

Be actively engaged
Screen time saved for breaks
Be positive
Respect the opinions of others
Seek clarification when needed
What is the purpose of NTO?
Turn to your partner and talk to them about the

purpose of having a New Teacher Orientation.

What you think:

What you partner thinks:

Why go this route?
* Research indicates that beginning teachers who are mentored are more effective
teachers in their early years. Mentored novice teachers tend to focus on student
learning sooner and leave teaching at a lower rate.
National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future, 1996

* To reduce high teacher turnover rates that impose heavy costs on schools, we
must improve working conditions, insist on effective teacher preparation and provide
support for new teachers.
Linda Darling Hammond
Why go this route?
Whether children find learning a joy or a drudgery often depends on the teachers
repertoire of strategies, and whether a teacher develops those strategies depends on
professional preparation and a solid support system.
Patricia Wasley

Because teacher retention is important to school success.

Because 50% of new teachers leave the profession within 5 years.

3 Days at a Glance
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - Milford High School
Thursday, August 25, 2016 - Oak Valley Middle School
Friday, August 26, 2016 - Lakeland High School

Goal: Overview of people, procedures, policies, systems of support,

and the beginning of your HVS network
Overview of HVS
Department presentations
New Teacher Requirements
Meet the HVS Board of Education
Teaching and Learning
Team Building
Meet your EA
Have some fun along the way!
Learning about HVS!
LETS PLAY! Type in your search engine

YOU: Google:

The Why


author, speaker, consultant writing on leadership and management

What is YOUR why?
The Why - Teaching and Learning
Many Evidence Based Strategies are alive in HVS...

Stephen Coveys 8 Habits

Inquiry Based Learning
Project Based Learning
Hattie Ranking
Marzanos Instructional Strategies
Reading and Writing Workshop
...and more!
Cultures of Thinking
What is Cultures of Thinking?
What is a Culture of Thinking?
A Culture of Thinking is a learning environment where thinking is valued, visible and actively
promoted. Thinking Routines are instructional strategy scaffolds that empower teachers to move
student learning from just knowing the correct answers to thinking about, looking closely at,
understanding and questioning what is being presented. The thinking and questioning language of the
routines encourage students to delve more deeply into their learning and make their thinking visible.
From this, the culture of the classroom begins to change. Soon everyone is asking "What makes you say
that?" and a community of inquiry and thoughtful learning begins to grow. Engaging in this quest to
look at teaching and learning in in new ways becomes the classroom norm rather than something new to

Implementing Visible Thinking strategies is like letting the genie out of the bottle. When teachers see
how much more capable our students are than we have given them credit for in the past, it would be
unthinkable to go back to the "sit and get" structure of teaching and learning.
Thinking Routines-Just one piece of the pie
Cultures of Thinking - High School
If you were to write a
headline for this topic or
issue right now that captured
the most important aspect
that should be remembered,
what would that headline be?

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it
depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rmy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the
addition of an idealized village.

In the aftermath of the 23 December 1888 breakdown that resulted in the self-mutilation of his left ear,Van Gogh voluntarily
admitted himself to the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole lunatic asylum on 8 May 1889. Housed in a former monastery,
Saint-Paul-de-Mausole catered to the wealthy and was less than half full when Van Gogh arrived, allowing him to occupy
not only a second-story bedroom but also a ground-floor room for use as a painting studio.

The Starry Night is the only nocturne in the series of views from his bedroom window. In early June, Vincent wrote to Theo,
"This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise with nothing but the morning star, which
looked very big" Researchers have determined that Venus was indeed visible at dawn in Provence in the spring of 1889
and at that time was near its brightest possible. So the brightest "star" in the painting, just to the viewer's right of the cypress
tree, is actually Venus.
Write a new headline based on the
information and discussion we just

How did it a change?

How is it different?
Cultures of Thinking - Elem. School
What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
-This routine asks students to identify and distill the essence of ideas from
reading, watching or listening in non-verbal ways using a color, symbol, or
image to represent the ideas.

-This routine can be used to enhance comprehension of reading, watching or

listening. It can also be used as a reflection on previous events or learnings.

-The synthesis happens as students select a color, symbol, and image to

represent three important ideas.

-This routine also facilitates the discussion of a text or event as students

share their colors, symbols, and images.
Cultures of Thinking - Elem. School
Color, Symbol, Image
Think of the big ideas and important themes in what you have just read, seen or heard.

Choose and color that you think best represents the essence of that idea.
Create a symbol that you think best represents the essence of that idea.
Sketch an image that you think best captures the essence of that idea.
C,S,I on the new school year
Do or do not. There is no try. -Yoda
HVS Board of Education
Denise Forrest
President, HVEA
HVEA Members
Teri Thompson
Director, Student Support Services
What Stuck With You Today?
World Without Teachers
Please join us!

District Bus Tour

Day 2
Thursday, August 25
Oak Valley Middle

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